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Show kf Cold Tor United States, and which local SOCIAL ITEMS OF Mrs. Wilkey Hostess to Mrs. Garbett Named people found themselves unable Iowa, residents, their Jefferson, to cope w th, prompted Con-gieninds apparently on Thanks glv-n- g to pass the Wat'ished Day, cheerfully Joined In Club's Nominee for Club; Discussion on Protection and flood prevention up a cargo spilled when kicking from one Continued page act of 1954. The act, known as December Page Six 3, 1959 i trailer truck crashed. The truck Utah Thusday, Nephi, had been abandoned because it public law 566, is the answer Mother of Year Honor vas loaded with turkeys. Indians Is Feature to 0 a good share of the nation s was virtually impossible Mr. and Mrs. Byron JohnIts going to snow sooner keep floods from covering the flood and watershed problems. son had as their guests on A limited number The Fine Aits club met ji or later Mrs. G. E. Wilkey was host rocks with and debris, a park It provides lor her brother in community, Thanksgiving all wool v 19 at the bout tf of Marine Overcoats and filling the ditch used to project type approach to soil lew and sister, Mr. and Mrs. ess recently to the member: N ember A L. Garbett. Mrs. iV: A. first come, first served of Ladies the League Literary the park. and water resource develop- Earl Gibson of Twin Falls, Idairrigate at Kens Hardware He explained to the group ment, use and conservation ho, and her mother, Mrs. Mar- Miss Ireta Carter, president, Matheson. ice president f lai-be- tt $2.89 each & Army-Nev- y store, Nephi presided at the meeting. Melo- club conducted and Mrs. that this was only a part of Small watershed undertakings ion King of Manti. introduced the guest dy time was led by Miss Rheta the damage that the local farm- are the peoples own projects. 36 ft. x 60 Mrs. A. A. Boston. FOR RENT ers, city, county and irrigation Thanksgiving guests of Mr. Sperry and club collect was speaker, When a ilood and watershed of modern in im front Mrs. on Boston the ft Mrs. Lunt space spoke Eugene given by Mrs. and Sam Hayes were their company have suffered from problem exists, as it does at windows of the to trade The large the for building portance fore'gn evening program floods coming out of Miller and Nephi and Levan, local people son Tom who is attending the United States economy and located at 105 West Center can get together and set up Utah State University at Lo- was in charge of Mrs. II. Bigelow canyons. Mrs stressed the fact that we are St. Phone 32 for information. The long string of similar their own watershed projects. gan- and two of his room mat- Giace who introduced not an independent country, but as Mathews James the Marguest also floods their that daughter Under the act, these organiza- es; rough and costly Saucers are dependent upon our imODDS & ENDS speaker. have occurred throughout the tion can receive techmcial and ion and her friend. Mrs. Mathews gave a very in ports and exports for the while they last, 6 for 28c at financial assistance from the Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. teresting and educational talk nealth of our economy. Kens Hardware A Army-Nav- y U. S. Department of Agriculand baby daughter ot Salt on Felt store. American Our Indians Former Nephi Man ture in planning and carrying Lake Mrs. A. L. Garbett was City spent Thanksgiving She stated at one time there out works of improvement for r.ow and the remaind.!- - of the were 856,000 in the United nominated by the Fine Arts CHRISTMAS TREES day (1) flood prevention; (2) ag- week with Mrs. Felts Club for the position of available John V. GaiTett. a Killed at Murray, States. and beautiful paients, Rugs ricultural water management, Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Pax-ma195 West 3rd North or Fred saddle blanket showing the Mother of the Year. including irrigation and drain463 Fast 3rd South were shown do, Wilkey, weaving they Three guests: Mrs. Melvin water age; (3) Relatives are Advised management, She also showed the different Stanley, Mrs. A. A. Boston and municiincluding Thanksgiving day guests of solored corn the Indians grow MENS PARKA COATS Mrs. Blaine Walker, and the or industrial water Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Shaw- red to $20.00 values on colors $15.00 the Word was received in Nephi palThe act can be used supply. many growing following members enjoyed the or by lo- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Shaw same 7.95 at choice also She stated stalk. on your that grey relatives Tuesday, by cal people to tackle flood evening: Mrs. Gilbert and children of Murray, Mr, & Army-Nav- y that their most precious pos- Mrs. Frank Brough, Mrs. Bailey, Jack Stout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. at Kens Hardware a few reand water manageand Mrs. Lloyd C. Newman session Store. Only was the turquoise gem Cox, Mrs. V. hi. Foote. Mrs Alva Stout (Annie Cowan) had ment problems only when these and Von Newman and family and showed a number of pieces been killed in Murray Tuesday problems cannot feasibly be ot Salt Lake L. L. Kiszak, Mrs. F. A. maining hurry! City. Mrs. Matheson, Mrs. of turquoise Funeral services handled under current Federal afternoon. jewelry. Olpin, Lynn FOR SALS - Childs desk talk Mrs. Clarence Warner and will be conducted in Salt Lake conservation the Thanksgiving dinner guests Mathews completed her programs. colored and chair in good condition beautiful hostess. Mrs. A. L. Garbett. City Friday noon. Thus Congress paved the way ol Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Jarrett by showing Arnold Worwood, phone 305R for a joint attack on complex were Mr. and Mrs. William slides of Indian families, Ship Mexico and New many Rock, R. Mr. and Jarrett and family, conservation problems, such as ALT. WOOL ARMY SHIRTS Mrs. Elmo Jarrett and two other interesting places. HIGH EXECUTIONER Convicted of responsibility for the Nautilus Literary Club are presented by the Miller-Ligelosmall size only, ideal for Ruth the evening, During Mr. of Lake and Salt boys City, which the watershed slaying of 376,000 Poles and Jews during World War II, at teen Brown. agers to about 15 years Navajo Bernell girl staying and Mrs. exOpenshaw Gauleiter Koch finds his time running out The Polish supreme Hears of Civil Defense local people could not be out at 99c each at Kens Close under home Mathews the the Blaine Mr. Mrs. and pected to solve without special family, coiut rejected his appeal against a sentence of hanging. store LDS Indian student program, Hardware & Army-Nav- y and of Mr. Martell Santaquin, help. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson in Nephi. club with a vocal In our case, the city and Mrs. Dee Jarrett and family, favored thewas Recent Meet county were continually repair- Mr. and Mrs. Thayne Jarrett solo. She Needs accompanied by and children left for their home at Reno, Nevada Monday afLola Mathews. RobMrs and Mr. and family, ing damage to roads, streets ter spending a few days at the were refreshments Dainty The 'Nautilus Literary Club and sidewalks. Homes and ert Jarrett, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mrs. J. B. PATSY INGRAM met recently at the home of larcnland in the path of the Jarrett and two boys and Kent served by Joy Wilkey, to the home of Mr. and following members and guests: Goates, visiting with his mothLinda Hoods were damaged by water, Jarrett. Mrs. Doris Anderson. BEAUTICIAN Mrs. Howard Brown, Mrs Stel- er, Mrs. Olive Anderson. Whittington read the club col- silt and debris. The Nephi associated with EVANS Miss a and Foote friend, Miss Boswell. Carter. la Ireta Judy matters business and lect Company ditches were BEAUTY SALON The filled almost every year wPh Bill Mark of Dugway, visit- Mrs. II. L. Grace, Mrs. Earl Cecil and Glen Gowers rematters were discussed. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins. Mrs. Eugne Lui.t, turned to Provo and Sait Lake Phone 141 for appointment ed her parents, candid Year" of the On Mother silt and gravel.' years when Foote, and accompan- Mrs. Coe McPherson, Miss Pearl after spending the ate was chosen. the floods or spring runoff was Chester ied them to Ephraim to spend Nielson, Mrs. Max Orme, Mrs. City Monday week end with their parents, Mrs. Vonda Hansen was in especially high the highway and and Mr. with L. Mrs Thanksgiving Fred Ray- Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Gowers Painter, charge pf the topic of the eve- railroad also were damaged. We Mrs. Dick Bailey. W. L. LAFFERTY mond Pay, Mrs. Isabel Sidwell, and other relatives. SHOP AT KENS AND SAVE ning and she introduced Will- realized that our troubles orRheta Miss Mont Mrs. Sperry, us about iam Stowell, who told iginated in the mountains to CHIROPRACTOR Sperry, Mrs. Rex Tolley ;spec-ia- l Mrs. Eva Hoyt spent ThanksSome of the the east, where grazing by catdefense. civil Letter of the Law Palmer Method KenMrs. Evelyn guests. TOYS giving day in Provo and Orem things he discussed with us tle, deer and elk was wearing Large truck Load Just Arrived Juvenile Judge John J. Gross! dall and Mrs. James Mathews She at were dinner have to too in holes the already enjoyed turkey large PAINT in case of an things prepared HOUSEWARES 9 to 6 Daily Closed Tues. HARDWARE if Jersey City, N.J., threw the and the hostess, Mrs. G. E. the Utah Valley hospital, along emergency. Have thin vegetative blanket that look at a teen-agconvicted of 9 to 9 Mon., Wed., Frl. GIFT ITEMS sev-enSPORTING GOODS d Wilkey. with her son and daughter in at least enough supplies for covered the watershed. But we iriving a motorcycle without a Sendee PH. 14 Mrs. if Mr. Ballard and and about know to how didnt law, possible. days ays, Hoyt ARMY AND NAVY GOODS go ; icense. He ordered that the and son David. The dimer was It is also suggested that each solving our problems. PAYSON, UTAH routh pay a $25 fine and write Club Group served to all hospital employWe cussed and discussed our 2,500-wo1 Mile South on III way 91 family have on hand games on the mean-n- g ees and their families. SPONGE FOAM 90c yard ALL COLORS for recreation and have a met- problems, but not much was i of motor essay laws. vehicle al first aid kit. He told the done, except to hope that no Seat of the Trouble Enjoy Review group that these kits can be floods came out of the can 60c EACH TOTE BASKETS Mr. and Mrs. Chester Foote For GIFTS to treasure for? No disrespect was intended by obtained through the County. yons. But that was like playvisited with Mr. and Mrs. ChesBIRTHDAY? He also suggested that each ing Russian Roulette we knew' our witnesses before a judge in 3 fo r25c ter L. Foote and Miss Judy WEDDINGS BEAUTIFUL FOAM SPONGES home have a battery powered we were going to get it, but Birkenhead, England, when they Home of Mrs. Jones ANY OCCASION ifs or Foote in Dugway on Sunday (or transistor) radio to keep didn't know when. Then on ailed to rise at the proper time, and Monday. They also visit26c per bottle GLUE L. was hostess Mrs. P. Jones JEWELRY He NEPHI trousers outside. become stuck in touch wit hthe had August 1, 1955 it happened. rheir ed with Mr. and Mrs. Max told us of a school that will About noon on that hot Aug- o the newly varnished benches. to the Lit - a - L.ue Club on 1.99 Telephone 341 Knight in Springville on their Lined Denim Jackets 19. Boys be held in the near future at ust day the sky poured an inch Thursday, November return trip home. H. F. Mrs. presBeckstead, Williams. a over of water and Camp quarter Mens Tanker Jackets only 5.95 December 7th has bern set the step, blue shale slopes on Beaver's Favorite Gift ident of the club, presided at Dethe meeting. Mrs. A. K Johnis a Savings Bond aside this year for Civil the face of the mountain. Need' 25c per double roll WALLPAPER fense Day. w'ater ran off and in a short ' " 1 son read litany, and Mrs Wm. Mr. Stowell also told ot a less to say, the most of this Bailey was welcomed as a special guest. HOUSE PAINTS 2.95 galon trail test held last year at time water was pouring out of The book Dr. Zhivago by the school and how in 4 Mi min-ute- h practically every drainage on Boris Pasternak, was reviewed HUNDREDS OF OTHER BARGAINS One of If everyone was safe and the mountain front. sound in the basement. the biggest floods in the histby Mrs. Will L. Hoyt. Because of a recent report in tnis paper, Those present for the meet- ory of the county came out of we have what you want, well order it ing were Carolyn Ockey, Vonda Miller and Bigelow canyons. this reporter will forego any lengthy comments concerning in for you QUICK Youll be glad tomorrow Hansen, Linda Whittington, An estimated $10,500 damage this Nobel prize winning book. Marilyn Park, Phyllis Ingrain, was done to streets, sidewalks, that you stopped in today All club members present Betty Lou Ostler; a special highways, railroads, homes and enjoyed the report and thankFarmers in guest, Nancy Beck, and the business houses. ed Mrs. Hoyt for her excellent the flooded area lost 7,772 alhostess, Doris Anderson. MENS AND LADIES WRIST WATCHES most grown turkeys when they presentation. All excessed a desire to read the book for in drowned flood. the Every17 jewel, fully guaranteed For Xmas Sale Mr. and Mrs. Evan Black- one know it was themselves. Fourteen members time we past from Baby to Great Grandpa ett were hosts to a family did something about this While They Last $29.95 (60.00 value) of the club were in attendance Only Thanksgiving dinner. A delicious turkey dinner was served Children's Rockers -Mrs. to Mrs. Birdie Jones, Here for Leave it to Beaver to tell Large Group Flossie Carter, Mr. and Mrs. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LOUIS V. COOPER, you: theres no Christmas gift like Earl Howard, Mr, and Mrs. Childrens Table and Chair Sets Harold Jones, Mont, LouAnn deceased. Creditors will present a U.S. Savings Bond. In private Birthday Obserance claims unwith vouchers to the and Scott Jones; Marlow, Jeanhis own Bonds, Mrs. Olive Anderson celeette and Morris Blackett, and dersigned at the office of Jam- life, the name on Children's Lamps the host and hostess, Mr. and es P. McCune, attorney at law, bought through his TV earnings, is brated her 90th birthday an53 North Main Street, Nephi, Jerry Mathers. He says, You can niversary on Sunday, NovembMrs. Evan Blackett., Utah on or tefoie the 5th day get a fancy gift envelope at your er 29 with her family at Rays Rocking Horses of February, 1950. bank to doll up the Bond you give Cafe for a dinner and a short ARMY-NAV- Y CHRISTMAS CARDS FOR JOHN V. COOPER, admingiven by her family. or for kids, why not the U.S. program SALE at my home. Let me re- istrator of the estate of Louis Open house was held at the Sturdy Tricycles, Bicycles folders? They home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Savings Stamp gift new your Readers Digest and V. Cooper, deceased. 10 with come or for other $2.50 friends at stamps Goates. magazine subscriptions 48 North Main Street Many Nephi Nephi, Utah 20 for $5 a good start on a Bond, called, and many from out of special Xmas rates. Lawrence Dates of publication: DecemM. Broadhead, phone 179. ber 3, 10, 17 and 24, 1959. town called, who were: 111 say! Mrs. Myrum Lund. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Neilsen of Fountain and up Countour Chairs Green; Mrs. Harriet Brown, Tran-quilla Mrs. Gean Mangum, Mrs. Thomas, all c.f Springand up Rockers Mr. and Mrs. Frank ville; Mrs. and Utley of Tooele; Mr and UP Wm. D. Higbee, Springville; Lamps Miss Mrs. Serena Osiler, Charlotte Knapp, Mrs. Dorthea and UP Pictures -Olsen, Mrs. Rena Nelsop, Mrs. and Mr. Minnie Blackham, Mrs. N. P. Sorenson, Mr. and Hassocks Mrs. Amos Draper, Mrs. Katy RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS Monson, Mrs. Margaret Jacobsen, Mrs. Minerva Nelson, Mr. OF PEOPLE YOU and Mrs. Mert Draper. Mr. and -Mrs. Mozart Larsen, Mrs. Myrtle Anderson, all of Moroni; and up Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Draper of Issue by issue, your local newspaper unfolds the Mrs. Lenander Spring City; history of Olsen and son Bryant of Mt. n your community in stories describing important or interestPleasant; Mr. and Mrs. Salt Lake Hellestrom, ing events as they happen to your friends, your family, and City; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Another members of your community. A source of interest and derson, Reno, Nevada: Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Neilsen and son pride when they appear in the news, these stories bring perMrs. AnRonnie of Tooele. sonal accomplishments and events to the attention of the derson also received many cards and a letter from Attorney entire community. Saved in family scrapbooks, they become Jacob Coleman of Provo, fortreasured possessions to enjoy through the years. As time mer resident of Nephi. She received phone calls from Oakgoes on, we gain more and more pleasure in reading the land, California, Phoenix. Ariznews of the families of our community as events take their ona; Los Angeles and Idaho Here's More Aliouf . . Flood Control ss NEPHI f tx n. pie-venti- w Social Items ex-N- azi at ONLY 3 WEEKS TILL CHRISTMAS er 8-- Lit-A-Lu- X-K- ay re rd at dont FOR ALL THE FAMILY KM HARDWARE AND STORE STUFFED TOYS - DOLLS - 49.Q5 19.97 - - 5.90 - 1.98 Your Hometown Newspaper Ia d n&feyuj Boot .. g.9Sandup MANY SMALL GIFT ITEMS- - KNOW 79 c An-tho- APPLIANCES FOR YOUR ZENITH TV SETS HOME RADIOS - RECORD PLAYERS MANY OTHER GIFTS TO SELECT FROM Fails. place in the history of our town. Delphic Club Bazaar ENJOY YOUR HOMETOWN THE STORY OF YOUR COMMUNITY! r m Utah. PRESS ASSOCIATION J 14 WIIT IIOIORAT I AIT tAM CITT.I1AB Delphic Club members have for completed preparations their annual bazaar and gifts of all kinds are now ready for Saturday. The gifts are to be displayed at Paxmans Appliance store and will go on sale at 10 ajn. Saturday morning. All members December 5th. have donated such useful gifts as aprons, hankies, canil,-s- , The proceeds cakes, cookies. of this bazaar are to go to a worthwhile community project. Come in and look around . . you're sure to get many new ideas to fill your Christmas Gift list! |