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Show Clerk Lists Juab County Nephi, Utah Morgan-Broadhea- Kendall-Steel- e Notaries Public - Thuiday, December 3, 1959 Page Five The following is a list of the Notaries Public as commissioned for Juab County as of November 24, according to James P. Christensen, County Clerk: Frank Brough, Patsy P. that on the 11th day of Dec Greenwood, J. Douglas Christiansen, Maida Foote, Reeve ember, 1959, at 12 o'clock noon G. Richardson, Linda L. Whitof that day in front of the Courthouse in Nephi, Utah, I tington, Kenneth Nyman, Udell will in obedience to said order R. Jensen, Pearl Nielson, Elna of sale and Decree of Foreclos- J. Garrett, Alice R. Cotton, ure and sale, sell the above Fred Chapman, Roy W. Handescribed property or so much son, R. Roscoe Garrett, Janet S. Mildred thereof as may be necessary B. Greenhalgh, II. to raise sufficient money to sat- Walker, J. H. Keller, Ralph M. Broad-heaisfy said judgment with inter- Murray, Lawrence K. J. Earl H. Steele, est, costs, and attorney6 fee, to the highest and best bidder Sperry, Ina S . ...James . Morgan, f the United8 StitUl Melba A. Park, James L. PaintLoren DATED at Nephi, Juab er, Fred L. Painter, A. K. Johnson. County, Utah, this 18 day of Garrett, Alexander Blight, Eureka November, 1959. RAYMOND A. JACKSON Francis W. McCabe, Clare LarSheriff of Juab County sen, W. E. Gamble, J. George Jones, Jr. Levan Elbert Gardner, C. Dates of publication: NovembChristensen. er 19, November 26, December Mona E. Alton Ellertson. 3, December 10, 1959, in The LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN AND FOR FOR THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF UTAH. BANK OF ST. GEORGE,Utah Corporation, a Plaintiff d, vs. ERNEST I. WILSON and UTAH JUNE B. WILSON, POULTRY & FARMERS a Utah Coopera- tive Association, Defendants NOTICE OF MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Civil No. 3932 Under and by virtue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure and sale Issued out of the District Court of the State of Utah, in and for the County of Juab on the 6th day of November, 1959, in the above entitled action, wherein the Bank of St George, the above named Plaintiff, obtained a Judgment and Decree of Foreclosure and sale against the Ernest I. Wilson and June B, Wilson, two of the Defendants in the said action, on the 6th day of November, 1959, which Judgment and Decree was on the 16th day of November, 1959, recorded in the Book of I of said Court page 194, I am com manded to sell all that certain property in Juab County, State of Utah, and water rights used ' thereon and Certificate. No 1958 of the Nephi Irrigation Co., for 17 shares, all of which property is bounded and described as follows: PARCEL Is Beginning 96 feet North of the Southeast Comer of Lot four (4), Block Six (6), Plat D of the Nephi Townsite .Survey, thence West 158.5 feet; thence North 118.5 feet to the North line of said Lot 4; thence East 158.5 feet to the North- east comer of said Lot 4; thence South 118.5 feet to the place of beginning. PARCEL 2: Beginnnig at the Northeast comer of the West half of the Southwest quarter of Section 34, Township 12 South, Range 1 east. Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 170 rods 10 links, thence West 80 rods to the quarter section line, thence North 10 rods 10 links, thence West 13 links, thence 26 rods North 160 rods, thence East 106 rods 13 links to the place of beginning. Containing 111 108160 acres, more or less. Includes Parcel of land in Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, and Parcel of Land in Section 3, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian; Times-New- Nephi, Utah. s, This Week's Weather AND GUARDIANNOTICES. Consult ' County Clerk or Respective Signers for Additional Infor- PROBATE SHIP mation. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Also beginning 26 rods 13 links West of the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 10 rods, thence West 27 rods 22M links, thence North 015 West 10 rods, thence East 27 rods 2256 links to the place of beginning, containing acres more or less; only 10.17 inches, according to local weather observation records in the Nephi City office. November precipitation totaled .09 of an inch. The report for the past week Estate of Kate P. Burton, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of Udell R. Jensen, Attorney at Law, 125 North Main Street, Nephi, Utah, on or before the 20th day of 1960. S January, D. A. DaNELL B. WORWOOD executratrix of the estate Kate P. Burton, Deceased. Dates of publication: of Novemb- er 19, 26, December 3 and 10, 1959. FOR SALE Christmas gifts of all kinds Delphic lub ba- zaar at Paxm?ns Saturday YOUR OLD WATCH IS WORTH MORE ON TRADE IN AT NEPHI period. 24-ho- 100 LEFT BOTTLES quart size Magic Household Cleaner Going out at 2 bottles for 15c at Ken's Hardware Army-Nav- y store. SOCIAL ITEMS OF Together with all improvements thereon and all appurtenances thereto belonging including all water and water rights heretofore used on said land and more particularly described under Water Application No. 27967 filed in the office of the Utah State seven-tentEngineer covering hs of a cubic second foot of water; together with all right, tile and interest in and to Certificate of Appropriation No. 19499; together with the pipeline now being used to convey said water herein above described place of use. Certificate of Stock No. 1958 of the Nephi Irrigation Co. for 17 shares. Public Notice is hereby given AJ Reported LEVAN In a double ring on November 28, ceremony Miss Pauline Morgan became the bride of Leon P. Broad-heaThe ceremony was performed by Bishop J. Clair Col-lar- d at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clinn A. Morgan of Levan. The groom is son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Broadhead of Nephi. In connection with the ceremony the wedding dinner was given by the bride's parents, and open house was held in honor of the young couple. The bride wore a floor length nylon dress with elbow length veil. She carried a bouquet of Her matron of yellow roses. honor was Mrs. LawTence Neil-seand the brides maid was Mary Morgan, her sister. Paul Greenhalgh acted as best man for the groom. After a short honeymoon trip to Southern Utah the young couple will make their home In Nephi. d. New-hou- se Camera, camera, NEPHI Miss Anita Gadd, a student at Snow College in Ephraim, Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Gadd during the Thanksgiving holidays. Mr. and Mrs. DeMar Gadd and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Gadd and daughter Anita were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Allred in Fountain Green on Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Evan Frampton spent Thanksgiving in Fillmore with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. visited her parents, THIS POWERFUL BRAND-NE- Faye Frampton. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Ivie spent the Thanksgiving week end in Provo with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Don Ivie and Mr. and Mrs. Burt Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Winter and family of Garland, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irons spent the Thanksgiving holiday at Fountain Green at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Cook and family. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wells of Provo visited with their parents, Mrs. Jack Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Byron Johnson on 1 hanksgiving day. W BURBKA MODEL 805-- B 5 88 Complat with t off cleaning tool ac AT PAXMANS sin - - IIEPHI JEWEL CHICKEN PARTS Breasts or Drumsticks - lb pkg fJQc LARGE I 1 LB BAC0N-1D0- Z WHITE EGGS - - BOTH 75c SALMON - SeaCap Pink Vi size cans - 2 cans 65 c Watch Repairing Engraving Jewelry Diamonds THE TII.IE BOX AT THE 19 TOGGERY North Main Nephi SERVICE 105 WEST CENTER --NE- Transmission Repair Repair n, - Car PHI Work-Ra- diator Tune-u- p PHONE 0& WE DON'T WRITE PRESCRIPTIONS That is the responsibility of your doctor, to write, or convey by telephone to the pharmacist, his desires from his diagnosis of your illness. We do, compound, or fill prescriptions only to his order and with accuracy you can rely on at all times. Bring your Doctors orders, his prescription, to us or have him give us a call for prompt service. ill ALL HOME AND HEALTH NEEDS . smy-bidiu- m Mr. and Mrs. Darus Anderson and family of Kearns, Mr. and Nephi News Briefs Miss Diane Mower spent Thanksgiving day in Delta as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Frandsen and family. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Q. Tidwell on Thanksgiving day were Mr. and Mrs. James Hobbs (Donna) Mrs. Dee Tolley of Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowles and Mr. family, and Mrs. Deri Shepherd and Billy Bowles were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bowles on Thanksgiving day. Thanksgiving visitors at the and children Jimmy and Joan, home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. P. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Lloyd, Cox were Judge and Mrs. F. and Miss Esther Tidwell, all W. Keller of Price, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Crane and three of Salt Lake City. daughters of Salt Lake City, Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Cox FOR SALE Christmas gifts and three daughters and Mr. of all kinds Delphic Club and Mrs. Douglas Cox and at Paxman's Saturday three children of Bountiful. ba-za- ar FOR CHRIS JINGLE TOY TO GIVEN AWAY ON CHRISTMAS BE EVE! ON MAIN OLD FASHIONED COOKIES BY PURITY - 2 lb box 4Qc APPLE JUICE STANDBY 2 cans 55c QUART SIZE SILK TOILET TISSUE 4 rolls 2QC -- - Medium size, ea. 5 c SWIFTS PARK LANE ICE CREAM now! y ROW Mr. and Mrs. George Pax-ma- n and son, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Memmott of Logan, and Richard Paxman of Salt Lake City were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Paxman over the week end. 0 1 AVOCADOES Lay-a-wa- my Weston Light meter, carying case and other accessories. Valuable vacation pictures are on the film in the cameras. Will pay $25.00 and no questions asked of the one returning these or to the one giving information leading to their recovery. A. K, Johnson, phone 577J or 424. Vernell Christensen visited in Richfield during the Thanksgiving holidays wth Mr. and Mrs. Vance Chris-Itnse- n and family and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Christensen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Hall and Among the out of town rel- sen of Roosevelt spent the atives and friends attending Thanksgiving week end with his the wedding reception of Mr. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry C. and Mrs. Richard Parkin were Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Duckworth Mi. and Mt. Sttllman A. of Kaysvile, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. and children visitRohletter and children of Cen- Greenhalgh ed in Dragerton vith her Mr. and Mrs. Boyd brother and terville, sister in law Mr. Erickson of Sandy, Mr. and and Mrs. Lavar Morlcy on Mrs. Glen Cundick and Mis. Fern Wilkey of Salt Lake City. Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. David Ostler family of Burbank, .and Chnstieann Kendall and ornia, John and Karen Ostler, Rovert LaVar Steele were uni students at the Brigham Young ted in marriage in impressive University spent the Thanks rites Saturday, November 28 at giving holidays at the home of the First-Secon- d ward lounge their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Le room. Recently admitted patients ae Following an opening Roy Ostler. Other dinner guests prayer by H. Dellwin Steele, were Mr. and Mrs. George the Juab County hospital inPresident R. Roscoe Garrett of Scott of Bountiful, Mr. and clude the following: Juab Stake performed the wed- Mrs. David Scott of Provo, and Nancy Blackham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel G. ding ceremony. Miss Barbara Garrett. Blackham, and Esther Black-haThe room was decorated with Mr. and Mrs. L. Norton Latcandlebra and bouquets of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. pink chrysthemums and greens imer and children of Marys- Samuel G. Blackham, Tooele. ville, California spent ThanksRicky Mitchell, son of Mr. sprayed with gold. Miss Kendall's dress was of giving week in Nephi visiting and Mrs. Gene Mitchell, Nefloor length net and French with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. phi. Gail Belliston, daughter of imported chantailla lace over A. H. Latimer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Glen Belliston net and taffeta with Sabrina Pan-guitMrs. Faye N. Lynn of of Nephi. neck line and lily point was a week end guest of LeGrande Wilson, Nephi sleeves. Keith Steele performDon J. Shepherd, sogi of Mr. ed best man duties and Mrs. her brother in law and Sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Latimer. and Mrs. Rulon Shepherd, Lewas of matron Chase Jayne van. monor. Bridesmaids were the Marvin Mackey, son of Mr. Misses Claudia Smith, Cathern Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Judd Kendall and Kathy Steele. Con- of Compton, California visited and Mrs. N. W. Mackey, Nenie Kendall was junior brides- in Nephi with his parents, Mr. phi. maid. The bridesmaids and the and Mrs. G. R. Judd, and with Joseph Garrett, Nephi A son was born December 1 matron of honor wore matching his brother in law and sister, sheaths of bright pink velvet- Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Mor- to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Stephen-se- n of Nephi. een with small hats of velveGrandparents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas teen and net. The Junior bride-mai- gan during the Thanksgiving are dress was a princess holidays. Stephensen, and San Park, of Nephi. Great grand father is Mr. and Mrs. Allen E. style of pink corduroy. Their were of pink and entertained the follow- S. A. Lunt of Nephi. bouquets white chrysanthemums and ing guests on Thanksgiving day satin ribbons of bright pink. Mrs. Edison Harkins Jr., Mrs. FOR SALE! Christmas gifts The brides bouquet was of Pete Zasowski, from New Jer- of all kinds Delphic Club basymbidium orchids. sey; Larry Christiansen, home zaar at Paxmans Saturday The bride's mother wore a from the University of Utah, silk of sheath pure green print and Mr. and Mrs. G. Richard FOR SALE in Piano and the grooms mothers dress Parkin. excellent condition Call 231 J was of brocaded satin, also a Mrs. Raymond Christiansen, green print. Their corsages Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins, and were of greenish colored orchids with gold rib- Mrs. Allen E. Belliston entertained at the Belliston home bons. Mrs. Arlo Williams of Brig- with a kitchen shower for their ham City and Mrs. Scott Weth-ere- ll niece, Janice C. Parkin. were at the guest book. Mary E. Brown of San Diego Mrs. Miles Anderson and Miss at the home of her Jolene Anderson were at the is visiting Mrs. J. L. Belliston. sister, table. Misses DeeAnn gift Wright, Connie Cowan, Mary Mrs. Allen E. Belliston, and Diane Bosh, Connie Sparks, Mower arranged the gifts. Car- Mrs. J. Barres Jenkins and olyn Anderson, Susan Tolley daughter Claudia spent Sunday of Nephi; Linda Park of Poc- in Salt Lake City seeing their atello, Idaho; Tamara Bosh of sister in law, Mrs. Edison A. Salt Lake City, all cousins of Harkins Jr., and her sister in the bride, helped Mrs. Dick law, Mrs. Pete Zasowski off on Wetherell, Mrs. Donald Bosh a United Airlines plane for and Mrs. Howard Jones with their home in New Jersey. They the refreshments. Mrs. Maur- have been in Utah the past ice Tolley acted as hostess at month visiting relatives and the tables. Maurice Tolley and friends prior to the wedding of Mrs. Harkins daughter, Jan Howard Jones were ushers. ice Christiansen Parkin. REGISTER THIRD SOUTH ata Robert Hall Pharmacy Bel-list- Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley were hosts to 25 members of their family on Thanksgiving day. Those attending were Mr, and Mrs. Max Norton and family of Preston, Idaho, Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton and family of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowles and family of Spring ville, a special guest, David Vogele of Little Rock, Arkan sas and the host and hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Stanley.. JEWELRY Movie by C.'t Argus, 35 mm ds Also beginning 26 rods 13 links West of the Southeast comer of the Southeast quarter of Section 33, Township 12 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence West 27 rods 2256 links, thence North 015 West 1262 feet, more or less, to fence on North side of irrigation ditch which point is South 015 East 1378 feet, more or less, from the North boundary line of said Southeast quarter, thence Southeasterly following said fence 603 feet, more or less, to a point due North of beginning, thence South 904 feet, more or less, to the place of beginning. acres, Containing more or less; Weddings LARGE TOY ASSORTMENT $23.00 UKWARI) for the return of my K8 ch -- Also beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 4, Township 13 South, Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence South 10 rods 10 links thence West 26 rods 13 links, thence North 10 rods 10 links, thence East 26 rods 13 links to 'the place of beginning. Containing 160 acres more or less; Precipitation for 1959 to date with less than 30 days to go is Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Slade and daughters Linda, Carma, Norma and Marjorie of Eagar, Arizona spent the Thanksgiving Mr. and Mrs. Dean Winn, Mr. holidays with the uncle and and Mrs. George H. Ostler, Mr. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. James II. and Mrs. A. Roy Bowles at- Eagar. tended the State Farm BurMr. and Mrs. Starr Corbett eau convention at the the Thanksgiving week spent Hotel last week. end with his parents, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. RobertW ells, Mrs. Pearson H. , Corbett in Bill Wells and family of Provo Salt Lake City, and they also and Mrs. William Scribner and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Matt children of Heber City visited Daley, parents of Mrs. Starr their mother, Mrs. John Wells Corbett. for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Social Items d; Vi gallon SOFT DRINKS COFFEE SPUDNUTS IGA TABLE RITE LEAN GROUND BEF LBS S1 $ FOR lb IGA TABLE RITE IGA TABLE RITE POT R0AS' THICK SLICE BACQlii 57C MEDIUM HIPPY LONGHORN CHEESE Each Friday Evening 6 to 9 p.m. while you Christmas Shop at ROBERT HALL PHARMACY 1 RUGS Prescriplion Specialist Bob bv Phone 43 Nepht, UteH TOYS AND GIFTS FOR 7Qc SPAM EVERYONE AVOCADOS ONLY EACH 5' CLIP TOP CHECK THE IGA ADS IN SALT LAKE AND PROVO PAPERS FOR MORE SPECIALS AVAILABLE AT lb CARROTS ANJOU 2 lbs PEARS ( JJ 56 EAST CENTER STREET PHONE 57 Cutting, Wrapping Freeiifvj, Curing and Smoking NEPHI Custom |