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Show SOCIAL ITF15S GF Your Selective W)t LEVAN Nephi, Utah Mr. and Mrs. Eail Francom and family of Springville visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. H Ray Francom. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mower and sons of Salt Lake City This is another in the series spent Satui day and Sunday at of articles dealing with the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Selective Service System. James P. Christensen. The draft law provides special procedures for persons who Sunday guests of Mr. and claim to be conscientiously opMi H. Ray Francom were Mr and Mrs. Carl Francom posed byto religious training and combatant duty, or belief, and family of Lehi. to all duty. If a registrant establishes Miss Marlene Anderson and Mrs. Edith Kahoilua and daugh- conscientious objection to comter of Piovo spent Thanksgiv- batant duty only, and is othering and the week end with Mr. wise available and acceptable, he is classified in Class and Mrs. O. M. Anderson. and may be inducted for Miss Renon Christensen visduty. ited on Thanksgiving day and If a registrant establishes ' i the week end at the home ol conscientious objection to all A? Mr. and Mrs. her parents, :t t duty, he wall be classified in Christian Christensen. I f K, V. and then is liable Class 0 , Mr. and Mis. George Pax-ma- n to perform civilian work in the v- and son ol Logan spent national health, safety, or intwo years in lieu of 4 terest 4 r ' . t Kf ' f Thanksgiving day and the week service lor m the Armed Forces ,. 7 end home of and Mr. the at 1 ? s' . Mrs. Niels Anderson. Special procedure to evaluate L Lit 7claims of conscientious objectil if; I 4. & 5f XMiSix jStThanksgiving day guests of ion and for assignment to civMr. and Mrs. H. Ray Fran- ilian work are provided, and ANNUAL TURKEY SHOW OFFICERS Studying the program of 12th Annual Utah Turkey Show com were Mr. and Mrs. Glen are too complex and detailed to are how officer. They are, left to right, John S. Morgan, Layton, president Utah Turkey Federation Francom and family of Kays-vill- be discussed here. and chairman, Utah Turkey Marketing Board; C I. Draper, Logan, executive secretary, UTF; Hal Mr. and Mrs. Leon MadKeller, Manti, show chairman, and O'Niel Larsen, Ephraim, show manager. The turkey show sen and family of Orem, Mr. Local boards have a special will be held December II and 12 at Hotel Utah Motor Lodge. Walt Schwedler president, and Mrs. Blaine Norton of Pro- responsibility with respect to National Turkey Federation, will be featured speaker. vo and David Vogel of Cedar members of the Standby ReCity. serve, whether these reservists on active duty or have Mrs. Maude Francom of Salt not. served Lake City spent Saturday and The Director of Selective SerSunday at the home of Mr. and vice is required by law to mainMrs. H. Ray Francom. tain up to date information in Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stephen-se- n the hands of the Armed Servicand family visited on es as to whether each Standby be recalled to Thursday and Friday m Loa Reservist may with Mrs. Stephensens par- active duty or should be left in ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford civilian life because of occupation or dependency. ' Tanner. Standby Reservists are subMr. and Mrs. J. E. Hanson to active duty in the event ject had as their guests for Thanks- of war or national emergency giving and the week end, Mr. declared by Congress, but only and Mrs. Harry Olesen and after their availability has been family of Ogden. determined by Selective Service. To make that determinMr. and Mrs. Willis Shepherd ation, local boards must oband family of Magna visited on tain information from Standby The boards must Sunday at the home of Mr. and Reservists. Walt Schwedler, Portland, Ore., Mrs. John D. Shepherd. keep 'this determination cur- president. National Turkey FedSunday guests of Mr. and eration, will be a featured Mrs Warner Taylor were Mr. Utah the at Turkey speaker A Utah State University sophomore and a high school senior are the top Show, Dec. 11 and 12 at Hoel and Mrs. Russell Bailey of Mor-Uta- h of 1959 in Barbara Sorensen, d achievement". d Motor Lodge in Salt Lake oni. of Mendon, will receive the Ford Motor Company trip award to the 38th Utah. City, Club Congress in Chicago, Nov. National Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jensen 3, and a certificate of honor. Ronald Drake, 18, of Salt Lake City, also will receive a and daughter of Rosa Linda, Service nt b'7 f! P:H' r a vr, ,i V ?; J v' 4 h bii si - t f 4 -- - - s if i,f e, Utah Pair Ranks rent. dentists and alspecialists are liable for Physicians, lied induction under the same conditions as are other registrants. But special provisions apply to them. A registrant who receives a professional degree in these fields is required to report that fact to his local board as inn formation affecting his Thusday, December 3, 1959 For CiirSsf&M ALL BOXED XMAS CARDS 4 class-lticatio- Virtually every med- ical or dental student is defer-le- d to complete his studies This extends liability to age 35. The law provides authority for the Secretary of Defense to requisition men from Selective Service to be selected by their qualifications as physicians or dentists Authority also is provided for ordering to active duty without their consent, physicians and dentists who are members of the Reserve. These provisions provide the machinery through which the Armed Forces obtain adequate numbers of physicians and dentists. Young physicians and dentists are influenced to apply for commissions and to serve two years on active duty in a commissioned status. So long as sufficient numbers seek commissions, it is not necessary for the Department of Defense to request physicians and dentists through Selective Service If applications for commissions decline, then a requisition for physicians and dentists probably would prompt those selected for induction to seek commissions and enter service as commissioned officers on orders to active duty from the Reserves. In cooperation with the Department of Defense the Selective Service System defers young physicians in the Defense Departments residency training program to provide the specialization required in the Armed Forces. A SELECTION OF ELECTRIC CLOCKS PRICE y SCHICK POWER SHAVER ELETRIC SHAVER - 21.97 roi, Twenty-year-ol- 4-- be eligible for Ford's 12 national $400 scholarships and girl" award of silverware, presented by the President of the United States. The announcement comes from the Stete Extension office. California are visiting at the during his eight years as a member. He has won numerous trophies and medals including awards for demonstrations, showmanship, and judging. In 1957 he won a steer in the calf scramble and found himself with a beef project. His efforts paid off by winning a county first in fitting and showmanship. This year another steer won a grand championship at the local and a purple ribbon at the county fair. Five times president of his Jordan Valley Senior and Westerner Clubs, Drake serves as leader of his own and the Lucky Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs Clem Wankier were Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Mel-lo- r and Mr. and Mrs. Max Ml-land family of Fayette, and LeGrande Wilson of Nephi. certificate. the "top Both will home of Mrs. boy-to- p A for eight years, Miss Sorensen has to her credit some 37 projects and a number of top awards including the Cache county medal for girls home economics. Last year she and a friend presented a bread demonstration, Breads of Many Lands which placed first in the state contest, and won savings bonds for both girls from Standard award donor. Brands, Miss Sorensen Is a former officer of her local club and a Junior leader. Young Drake, a Bingham High School senior, has specialized in poultry and gardening projects Farm-o-Ram- or Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Wankier and Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Dalby spent the week end m Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Christensen and Olive Taylor spent Thanksgiving day in Provo at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sorensen. 4-- Clovers Chloe Ander- son. a club. ; The HUNGRY door of a Chicago currency exchange locked shut after a clerk pressed a button. Trapped inside with Tobbery note and Weil-our- g, pistol was Mrs. Bernice above, 33. She explained to arresting police, Ive got four kids and theyre hungry. THEYRE Mr. and Mrs Clark S. Wood visited on Wednesday and on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Wood in Sterling, Ida. Miss Vinnie Christensen and Angus Christensen had as their guests on Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Lela Childs and Miss Mary Lou Bird of Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard spent Thanksgiving and the week end with their son in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Main ingredient of a secret Morris A. Hodson of Provo, and also visited with Mr. and Mrs. recipe is the ability to keep youi mouth shut about its makings LeRoy Hodson of Springville. They all attended conference on at the Stake house in Sunday An a fellow who is remembers when a chap needed Provo. mistletoe to steal a kiss Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Woodrow Beard were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Bowers and daughter Sara of Salt Lake City; Mrs. Joan Fyfe, mother of Mrs. Bowers, of Wallasey, England; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bradfield and family of Logan, Joe Brad-fiel- d of Clearfield, Mr. and Mrs. Morris A. Hodson of Springville and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Fellow we know bought all his Hodson of Provo. Bouncing Baby Chnstmas lights on the Anthony Scarrott, 22 months plan. Id, tumbled out of his car-iain Bath, England, walked Have you ever noticed how much noise Christmas tree nee- hrough a door into a coal chute, dles make as they drop to the ell 11 feet into the cellar, got floor on New Years "morning? ip and tottered through another ioor into the Avon River. He Ideal boss Is one who can put vas pulled out by a neighbor his foot down without stepping vith only minor bruises for the rouble. on someone elses. Jack Martin, 17, of Oakwood, Ohio, sits LONG DROP despondent on a curbing after his car dropped from the street above onto busy Rt. 25 in Dayton. He had fallen out of the car when he reached to close a door. He was not injured old-tim- er Give your Friends or Family a ALL-YE- AR Pleasant GIFT delivered of 52 issues of The Times-New- s to their home anywhere in the nation GHLY 4.03 PER YEAR Gift Card Sent with First Issue - - WE LL SEND YOU A STATEMENT Oil FEBRUARY truly shirt qr long-sleeve- And clothes dry electrically for only about 5c a load! drip-dryall- of OTHER STYLES FROM 2.90 V lovely Gifts for fhe Favored Ones! task good right now? 3 E MAUDES A. 196 f You give much more, when you give an electric dryer. An electric dryer costs leas to no complicated shutmaintain off valves to get out of order . . fewer operating parts. Electric heat is pure and safe as of with no fume-fadin- g light clothes. no-iro- n MILK - - Phone French-cuf- A classic example of the poise and wO d shirt gives you. elegance the In 65 Dacron polyester35 fine cotton Beautiful with the collar thats superbly or to buttoned, open pearls. White, pastels. Sizes 30 to 38. D C fabric advertised in Reader's Digest! Its the 1st Wouldn't a glass 96 South Main Street DC n Shipn Shore Refresh With Milk! PHGIIE YOUR ORDER III TODAY ge no-iro- 3-1- ASSOCIATION Of UTAH . 5 Hortli Main Sfreef Page Three Nephi, Utah itWU im ; e j0;r : ? |