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Show assisted in the solution of those problems which often mean success or failure to his enterprise, and the posOfficial Call. sible investor may gain such informaTo the President of the United States, tion as will protect him against all the Chief Executives of Foreign but the MADE FOR EITHER THE WALL OR necessary risks of the mining Nations, Governors of States and business. THE TABLE. Territories, Boards of Trade, Boards THIRD By bringing about an inof County Commissioners, Mayors telligent revision and unification of of Cities and Towns, Chambers of the mining laws through which pracExthe Place Take of the Commerce, Mining Bureaus and They tical mining operations may not be Miners' changes, Flower Baekete and Organizations, hindered by unnecessary restrictions, Scientific Societies and Permanent and that every facility for opAre Graceful and Members of the American Mining erations may be created andmining that proCharming. Congress: tection against fraudulent mining and Gen'lemefi To the end that the promotion operations may be provided The most graceful and charming American Mining Congress, as a work- for the investor, to the end that flower holders have now been placed ing forre, may he directed Into the greater mineral production may be upon the markets to take the place channels of greatest service and that brought about by that stimulation to of the fascinating baskets which have It may be kept In touch with the mining investments which will come been so popular that the searchers needs and gain the active assistance through proper assurances of fair after novelty are eager for something of those interested In the development dealing. new which may distinguish the floral of the mining Industry, you are reFOURTH- - By uniting- in one great decoration of their rooms and tables quested to appoint delegates to the organization those forces which have from that to be seen In the houses of tenth annual session of the American produced the mineral wealth of the Mining Congress, which Is hereby country, for mutual discussion, investheir acquaintances. Porcelain cornucopias suspended In called to meet at Joplin. Missouri, No- tigation and action. DEPARTMENT OF MINING. a network of dried grass, rafla or vember 11, 12, 13, 14. 15 and 16, 1907. Representation: The president may The well recognized need of the cord are the newest sort of wall pock- nnnoint ten delegates at large. The mining industry for more assistance ets. The shape of these hanging vases chief executive of foreign nations from the government,, and the necesis not exactly that of a rconueopla may appoint ten delegates. Gover- sity that more governeither, because they slope more grad nors of states and territories may mental aid shall be to prevent given aeh appoint ten delegates. Mayors a scarcity, of those metals which are ually toward the bottom and are more rounded than a cornucopia. Per- of cities and towns, two delegates the basis of manufacturing and withach; boards of county commissioners, out which our Industrial progress must haps the shape Is more nearly that of one of those common seashore shells, two delegates each. Boards of trade, decline, Justify a united effort at this Chambers of time for the creation of a Department round and largp at the top and slop- two delegates earh. commerce, two delegates each. Min- of Mining as a separate executive ing gracefully toward the bottom. ing bureaus and exchanges, two dele- branch of our national government. The ware used for these hanging gates each. Mining organizations, two The pnblic discussion of this quesvases Is a bright glaze and they are delegates each. Scientific societies, tion through the preBs has been met almost all In rather crude colors, vivid two delegates each. with an almost unanimous approval orange, equally vivid green, dark but We respectfully urge the early of the demands of the mining industry brilliant red and bright blue. The of delegates on the basis for this recognition, and the time netwoik of brown or tun and a grass above provided and that the name and seems ripe for a final effort which In which they are hung soften the postofflce address of each delegate sp will result in the creation of a decolors of the vases. A loop of the appointed be forwarded to the secre- partment, whose head shall be in rafla or cord Is used for suspending tary at Denver, Colorado, at the earli- close touch with the president, with them from a wall hook, gas arm or est date possible in order that such congress, and with the mining indusinformation may be furnished as will try, to which the United States is some similar suitable projection. These hanging vases are suspended enable each delegate to consider in more indebted than to any other for advance over the table where there Is a chan- to the endthe subjects to be discussed, its commercial spremacy and financial that his action thereon may independence. delier, and they are most decoratlve-lbe more Intelligent and effective. MINING LEGISLATION. used In this way. They are sJbo Verv respectfully, At the ninth annual session of this TTJF. AMERICAN MINING CON- congress two laws were hung from the doorways and in the approved and windows, especially when there (3 a GRESS, by J. H. Richards, Pres- recommended to the various state window of some size. ident. legislatures for enactment; the first, Attest: A delicately beautiful vase for for the protection of mining Investors, the Jas. F. Callbreath, Jr., was enacted by a number of states, table, In which for informal oeca Secretary. and it is anticipated that legislation slons flowers may be effectively arranged. is a slender silver upright, ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS. of similar character 'will be approved in all the states. The second, for the A meeting of the members of from which branch out the most gracethe districts, ful and beautiful morning glory cups, American Mining Congress Is hereby creation of mine drainage met the opposition of those whom it two on one side and three on the called to meet at Joplin. Missouri, on was designed to force into bearing, in other. The cups, In the shape of mornWednesday, November 13, 1907, at 8 proportion to benefits received, their oclock m.. the for p. election of three shares of the expense of drainage of ing glories, are of white glass with delicate opalescent tints, which flttlng- - directors to hold office for three years, districts where a drainage system and for transaction of such other benefit all property within the pale, yet radiant business the ly as mav properly be brought woyld ' tintsrepresent their boundaries. of pink and blue which flush the before Bald meeting. At the coming session reports of petals of a white morning glory. The By order of the board of directors. the following committees will be resilver upright, which is mounted on J. H. RICHARDS, President. ceived and considered: an unobtrusive silver vase, Is made JAS. F. CALLBREATII. Jr., General revision of mining laws. to represent a slender shrub stem, and Laws for the prevention of mine acSecretary. Denver. Colorado. around this is a silver morning glory cidents. Side-linvine, which twines Itself with all the location law, abolishing Note The Amertean Mining Con extralateral or apex rights. grace of nature. Law for the protection of mining The bells, or cups, are of course to gress la an Incorporated body and be filled with flowers, and the silver only members of the organization can investors. vote upon such matters as reare reMembers and delegates upright may be Joined with a delicate legally late to the permanent business affairs quested to formulate such changes In td vine make a most charming of the rongresa, the control of green which existing laws as seem desirable, and Is lodged in a board of directors con to communicate with the secretary at centerpiece. Sweet peas, morning glories, lilies elating of nine members,1 three of an early day, in order that such sugof the valley, with asparagus vine, whom are elected annually to hold gestions may be put in form to receive tiny moss roses and smilax, garden office for three years. preper consideration. The board of directors will be largePROGRAM. pinks ragged ribbons, the delicate An effort will be made to present a narcissus and Innumerable other ly guided by the resolutions adopted swell and graceful flowers, whose by the congress, which Is composed program suggestive of such practical and duly accredited delestems are not stiff, are charming In of members and will maintain, a working gates, these vases. force continually engaged in carrying For table vases also there are lotus out the directions of the congress as bowls, which are useful for another expressed In resolutions adopted at sort of blossom. These bowls are Its regular sessions. The distinction between the rights dull green in color, and are made of a heavy dull finish, with grayish sugges-lion- of members and delegates has caused in all the tones of green. They more or less discussion at previous are decorated with slightly raised annual sessions, and it has been thought best to make this statement lotus blossoms, leaves and stems, all of the situation in order to avoid any in the color of the bowl and formed misunderstanding. Delegates wiU not into a conventional pattern. exercise such powers as under the The bowls are quite large and very law can be exercised by members . low, being almost entirely open at only, as such acts would be illegal the tog. A wire stand having convo- and would Jeopardize the powers of lutions of wires to hold the separate the congress as a corporation. Delegates will exercise all the powflowers is placed in the center of tho bowl. Such a vase is suitable for ers of delegates to such bodies as the an arrangement of roses, chrysanthe- Irrigation Congress and the Commercial Congress, and mums, Queen Marguerites or carna- in addition, their suggestions will be tions. put into effect as far as may be posThere are also rather eccentric new sible, by the permanent organization, vases, suitable for a child's room, but the expense of which is maintained by hardly attractive for an ordinary the members, who have equal rights These are in the shape with the delegates in the deliberations apartment or frogs, fish and kittens, in whose of the congress. A,1'??; open mouths the flowers are placed. OBJECTS OF THE AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS. These vases are all in very vivid B colors, and are rather grotesque than The purpose of this organization Is attractive, although they are no doubt to advance the mining and metalluri; very much liked by children. They gical industries In all their various if. 3 United States: the within would be very suitable prize gifts for branches a more about a children's party, and either boys or to assist in bringing between the govgirls would probably be delighted with perfect ernment of the United States and the them. development of mining and metal-lurgq- : to encourage education in c" -Our Handkerchief's Utility. practical and scientific mining and the 4X; ,V.' From a lady's fancy hemstitched dissemination of scientific Informahandkerchief one can make two turn tion bearing upon the development of mining over ooilars, one pair cuffs, and have the metallic and the center left for another fancy resourcesa of the United States: to more tendency handkerchief. Cut a strip across op- promote in the evolution of agriculture, minsides for the turn overs, and the ing. manufacturing, posite transportation two pieces of border which are left and commerce; and for the particular can be made into cuffs by hemstitch- purpose of bringing the mining men ing the ends to correspond with the of the United States into closer relarest of the hem. Finish these with tion with one another and of promotPersian lamb bands. You will also ing a friendly feeling for one another U- have a perfect square left in the cen- through social intercourse and the ter, which, after putting in a narrow discussion of mutual interests. bem and finishing with lace, makes THESE PURPOSES ARE TO BE ACCOMPLISHED BY a pretty handkerchief. FIRST The creation of a DepartMrs. F. V. Reinold ment of Mining, through which increased assistance and Individual Perfumes. of the national government may be Utah Savings & Trust Com The woman who uses a scent at all secured. New 7 Story Fire-Pro- of should aim to have it individual as SECOND By the creation and well as elusive. Always choose the maintenance of at complete exhibit of Building. same perfume or sachet powder. The commeivial specimens of ores, a com best effect is gained by keeping plete mining library, a bureau of insachets of orris root among one's formation through which all possible clothes. If the real Florentine orris is information may be obtained about every mineral section of the' country, bought It keeps its strength indefi- and a mechanical department in which a nitely. If, however, perfume is pre- practical illustrations may be given ferred, buy the very best you can af- of treatment methods, and a laboraford, and then be downright stingy in tory in which experiments may be n the use of it Remember, a mere made on refractory ores and chemical of violets or heliotrope is analyses made of ores which are fascinating; to reek of them thought to contain rare minerals, to the end that the mining man may be U decidedly vulgar. FLOWER HOLDERS AMERICAN MINING CONGRESS. - - y discussion as will lead to a betterment of conditions surrounding the mining industry, an Improvement in the service, a decrease in the cost of ore treatment, and an increase in mineral production. Papers on practical subjects will be presented by men acknowledged to be authorities in their various lines. Sufficient time will be allowed for a full discussion of any proposed change in present conditions, in which all in attendance will have an opportunity to feii im. i r&s&g&jaafeia Begis-Itere- d m Growing Rapidly. UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE. well-lighte- j I Why 1 See Dont other dont sell Watches DRINKING AT MEALS. heCarter Jewelry Co. I jewelers as CHEAP as in their window a jewel Hampden Watch jewel Hampden Watch Thin model and guarantee case. to me. Im going to buy cue right away. I see 17 15 20-ye- $14.75 12.7b This looks good Carter Jewelry Co., SALT 324 MAIN ST LAKE M We do a General Banking, Savings Bank S Trust Business. We act as Executor, Administrator. Guardian, Receiver, Etc. We Furnish Surety Bonds for Con-Other Purposes. tracts WeMaKe Abstracts $ Insure Titles. We are the LEADING TRUST COMPANY of UTAH. Call $ See Our SPLENDID NEW l We Want Your Business. Send for Booklet Banking by Mail. S Trust Water Should Be Taken Only After Eating, Says an Authority. Most physicians today will tell you never to take any liquid, and least of all water, during meals. There are, however, two sides to the question. Those with a tendency to gout or other diseases arising from excess of uric acid should avoid liquids until two hours, at least after eating. For those without such a tendency there is no harm in drinking a moder- ate amount at the end of the meal. There is, therefore, sound reason back of the custom of keeping the coffee for the last course. Even when this prandial drinking is permissible, one should avoid excess. A little cold water in the mouth is often just as refreshing as if gallons of the liquid had ' been consumed. The great American fault or one of them is the consumption of enormous quantities of ice water, which is really a deadly beverage and not fit for civilized man to drink I emphasize civilized, for no savage would do anything, 30 stupid as to chill and paralyze the muscles of his stomach in the belief that he is cooling his skin. The rules, then, are: A little water if you are healthy and your stomach is normal, not too cold, and taken at the end of thg meaL And thus will you' avoid the countless ills to which most drinkers during meals are heir. Umbrella Cover as Hair Protector. the proud possessor of a braid of hair which reached well below her knees, every hair-eveand the whole one satiny length of golden brown, gave this secret of the beauty of her crowning glory. It certainly is an original scheme, to say A woman who was the least. She took the cover of her silk. umbrella (a use for them at last), and each night after the dust of the day had been removed by a vigorous brushing, this cover was drawn snugly over the braid and securely tied. Thus the ends were kept unbroken and the hair untangled, no matter how restless she was. By the way, in severe illness, when the hair must go for days often, unbrushed, if it is possible to braid it in two plaits and saturate thoroughly with alcohol before even attempting to comb the least bit. the work will be accomplished In half the time. BANKING ROOM. Utah Savings mys-triousl- y There is one form of sociable which 606-60- panys sus-plsio- Community. Mr. T. W. Bockstie, whose name is is warranted to be a success, since familiar to our readers, will soon move every one is Interested in It from the colonial social." to No. 68 South West Temple, Sail start; this is the On or About November 1 5th from Our Present Location to No. 235 Main Street, Salt LaKe City. , Be Made a Success in Eveiy l, s fpits it Can SOCIALS A FAD. f hot-hous- e 7 COLONIAL lake City, where he will open up the The committee should canvass thorTwentieth Century Tailoring Shop. oughly, letting no house escape, for in Look for later announcements. every one something is tucked away which speaks of earlier days. The participate. The creation by congress of a Decommittee on decorations may hang f partment of Mining as a separate exthe walls of the parlors with crossed ecutive branch of our national govL. H. GRAY, old mubkets and flags, and porswords, ernment will receive special considertraits of Washington and other coloation, and a campaign inaugurated f Land Attorney, nial heroes. Around the rooms may which it is hoped will culminate in be tables and chairs of old mahogany, the early appointment of a secretary Attend to all business before of mining, who with the confidence spinning wheels, andirons, and curious United States Land Office, of the president, with the ear of conkettles. Arranged around the wall U. S. Surveyor-Generagress, and with the support and conmay be long, narrow tables draped State Land Board, fidence of the mining fraternity will with cheese cloth in blue and yellow, State Engineer. Improve the service, increase the probearing old silver, brass candlesticks, duction, and add dignity to the most Salt Lake City, Utah. snuffers, decanters, slippers, emimportant industry of the world. broidery, fans and jewelry, with samENTERTAINMENT. plers, warming pans, old mirrors and Monday, November 11th, and Saturfamily portraits above. Each article should be labeled with the owner's day, November 16th, will be devoted to excursions about the district and name, the date of the manufacture, or other features of entertainment, of use of the article, and any historical which special announcement will be event in connection with it made later. The remaining days of It is a good plan to have everything Promptly obtained or no fee. Write for onr the session will be devoted to busiLETTER before CONFIDENTIAL to the parlors early in the brought for is ness and no matters of entertainment We it worth money. patent: applying obtain PATENTS THAT PAY. day and returned at the close of the will be permitted to Interfere with the lielp inventors to success. sociable to prevent possible loss. It jnil I Send model, photo or sketch, and we send practical work of the congress. StMMEOIATE FREE REPORT ON is one of the interesting things about 20 years practice. In the Eighteenth Ohio district the sociable to see the quality of come to Patent or Write Lawyers. where the American Federation picked Ins at 7th St.. WASHINGTON. 0. C. relics even the smallest town has hidJohn T. Welty to defeat Representa den away. tive Kennedy, the most desperate tacFor entertainment some one may tics were utilized to win success. Ii some of the revolutionary ballads, Is a very strong labor district. sing Mr or tell a curious event in family hisKennedy had been elected in 1904 bj tory, or read from old records. Or there may be recitations of such things as Paul Reveres Ride of Dorothy Q. or some description of life in colonial days. Of course the whole affairs is more delightful if the hostess at least can come in quaint old silk or cotton gowns, with tall combs and huge fans, and powdered hair. As to refreshments, there should be poundcake and mulled certainly Now is the lime to enter and secure a Business- Training in the Best cider, and perhaps doughnuts, or little Business School in the West. spicy cookies. A great deal of fun can be had if old recipe books are New quarters, most central location, experienced faculty, commodious, hunted up and some of the things courses.IND'lVIDUAL INSTRUCTION. vooins, tried which are suggested there. Business Shorthand, English and Penmanship Courses. This sociable suggests one on much Write for terms, etc., mention this paper. the same lines, where a real New England supper is served at six, ail Address r sitting down at long tables to eat the UTAH BUSINESS COLLEGE, same dishes which were served long 21 West First South Street. Afterwards the same entertainago. Jennings Block, Salt Lake City. ment may be provided as at the colonial sociable, with or without the pretty old dresses. - e Trans-Mississip- 10,000 majority. This time his majority was cut down to about 2.000, But he was elected and it is probably the last time the Democrats and labor organizations will unite in that nearly Company, No. 235 MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. The Bank that Pays 4 per cent. Culinary Conceits. When interrupted while frying in. deep fat drop a dry crust of bread into the fat to prevent its burning. When frying croquettes be sure to plunge the basket In hot fat before the croquettes are placed in it. This will prevent them adhering to the wire when lifted out. When roasting meat, to make the gravy nice and brown take a tablespoonful of sugar and melt It In a pan till it smokes, then add boiling water stir well and mix with the gravy. Cracker and bread crumbs used la covering the tops of scallops, etc., should be well greased In melted butter. This makes a better covering than the dry crumbs dotted with bur ter and uses less of the latter |