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Show W. A, HodUes. E, F, Hodg.,. W.A.Hodges W Sons St EDITORIALS Hodgn, Assayers & Chemists St., Salt Lake City 135 W. 2 S. UNION ASSAY OFFICE. and Assayera. Chemist J. V. Badlei Hanauer. 162 West Temple. 0. Box 1446. Salt Laka City, Utah Analytical Work a Specialty. AdfliHs all communlcatlona relating to Legal advertising and legal rnatteis and al advertising contracts, etc., outside of Utah, to JAS. T. JAKEM AN. .Managing Box 17, Salt Lake City Editor Utah ,M. S. J, MATHEZ A CO., SETTLES, Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory. 168 South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. W. G. KING, MANAGER. lAaaay, Aseayerc anC Chemist.. S. W.fi 229 Office and Laboratory, Temple Street, SALT LAKE CITY. (irlvIriYiyiv.Y. , .y.r.ti ) GOMPERS' POLITICAL AMBITION There are signs that Mr. Samuel Gompers and Mr. Frank Morrison, the former president of the American Federation of Labor, aud the latter secretary of the same aggregation of labor organizations, are planning a grand coup In the presidential campaign ot 1908. A NICHOLS. CRISMON SAMUEL ii'yyyXXTYTy) Salt Lake City, Utah, October 3rd, 1907. The business of the late John Assayer, will be continued by his wife, at hla request, under the name of John McVleker Assay Office at 46 Richards St. Mr. Arthur Selby, for three years at the Union office, will art as manager, which will be a guarantee that nil work done at the office will he satisfactory. Mrs. McV'lcker and Mr. Selby ask that all old customers continue their patronage and solicit new work from their friends. r. Fifteen assays or analyses for 3. Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Silica, Calcium and Manganese. Write for particulars. CHEMITHE HENRY HANSON CAL RESEARCH CO.,. Analytical and Consulting Chemists, 54 Railroad Building, Denver, Colo., U. 8. A. Many moves on the chess board ot labor politics, many statements uttered by labor leaders, and many dark hints and threats made In and out ol the secret sessions of lodges and communities, indicate that Mr. Gompers and Mr. Morrison will next year endeavor to make a cherished dream a reality by striving to swing the entire trades union vote of the United States against the Republican party and the principle of protection. This would be only one step In advance of that taken by Mr. Gompers and Mr, Morrison In 1906. Then they endeavored to defeat almost the entire Republican membership of the house of representatives. They tried to align organized labor on the side of William R. Ho.'st at the meeting- - ot the New York federation of Labor, held at' Binghamton In September, when efforts were made to have that body endorse Mr. Hearst for the Democratic nomination. Later they threw their Influence for Mr. IlearBt and against Governor Hughes. How both these schemes failed to work is a matter of political history, but If Mr. Gompers and Mr. MorrlBon had succeeded in their efforts, Mr. Hearst would have been elected governor of New York, and would now, perhaps, be having a clear field for the Democratic nomina tlon for president. But It is with the efforts of these The giving support to either party. Democratic party will no doubt promise to support a bill legalizing the boycott The Republican party, which regards the rights of property as something also to be considered, is not likely to do the same. The Democrat-l- s party will promise to support a measure to provide that no Injunction shall be issued against a labor organI ization until there has been a hearing you before a jury. It has gone even farther than that In times past. The Republican party will not make any such pledge in its platform, in all probability, and on that the issue will be jdined, as it in fact is joined now. The labor unions ill want legislation in establishing the eight-hou- r day to go farther than the present laws, and ' indeed the Democratic party is to as as far the pledged going just unions want. There is sure to be some restrictions in the utterances of the Republican platform, although Senator has recently, Beveridge against his convictions, or at least in spite of his misgivings, declared in favor of the day of eight hours. 1 I J. E. Crow, Formerly of Has opened up at 113 W, South Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Where he will be pleased to See Old Friends 21 Customers. Aft kinds of Harness Work Done on Shortest Notice and Lowest Prices. Horse Goods Cali and See Me. the Great Blood IsarDO a A Nerve Tonic. Purely Vegetable Compound. Tested by Years of Experience. Positive Cure for Constipation, Kidney and Stomach Troubles. A Sure Relief for Rheumatism. Testimonials furnished on request. Carho Medical Company, 56 W. Child, Cole Co.,; 100 Atlas Black, Salt Lake City, Utah. I Fowler & Smiths, Womans y MILLINERY The A FuU Line of young the sky. J. J. Brummitt "Didnt you have any idea at all that I that Is say honestly, Sal-lie- , 2374 Washington Ave., havent you been , you know expecting right along that Id. say what I just said? Didn't was head ovei heels I never thought any such thing, said the pretty girl, dabbling her fingers in the lake a idea! Im not in the habit of supposing that every man who looks at me is in love with me! There isnt any You're the reason anyhow First. why you should or should think you are! Manila Is ready to elect Taft to any old office he may want. SAVE THIS ANYWAY. Put it In Some Safe Place, for It May Come in Handy Some Day. Here Is a simple home-madmix ture as given by an eminent authority e Ogden, Utah. Bargains in Real Estate. Good Investments! k WewfflS&S? The very latest in Sewing Machine Furniture. No. 35 AU.TOMATIC LIFT - WHITE. lf , Send for, WHITE SEWING MACHINE catalogu well-know- n Company, - - Utah. Salt Lake City. Piles Removed J WITHOUT KNIFE. o 0 Doctor Johnson, Specialist for Rectal Diseases $ 261 S. Main Street, Salt Lake City. $ Sounds Big, but its True Paints, Etc. LocRsley Hall. Mrs. E. ft w 1iriIMLLlV Hunnecutt. at 0.0 0 0 Privileges. Best local train service in New Direct Route to Utah. NEVADAS GOLD J. H. Burtner, District Pass. Agent, Salt Lake City. town in Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming, you MUST have the "BELL. Otherwise you CANT! 8 8 & Pure Gold Rings -- 18 k- - hm -- 18 k INSIDE. Telephones have this 0VTS1DE. Were drifting on a sandbar, said UUMUU miUMtttRKIWKltR FIELDS Beatty, Rhyolite, Goldfield and Tonopah. W to stay while you make up your S mind. pursued the young man. "I dont see why I am obliged to You make up my mind, she said. cant make up your mind quickly over something that is entirely new and unexpected to you, you know. I had pever thought of such a thing! I should think you would, persisted the young man. Havent I made deadly enemies of every other man up here by keeping you away from 3 i 5 Stop Those Hea'Lx Are Here. aches. Those Times a Year I . ' PLACE YOUR EYES IN OUR HANDS. the pretty girl. "Thatll be a nice comfortable place Low one way Colonist tickets on sale daily until October 31st, with Ask the agent, or address want to talk with every 8 , er If you c business Stop-ov- Orders Promptly Executed References, any BanK in Utah. Miss Mary Morgan, CURTIS HANGER CO. In all STOCKS. One That Will Last for TWENTY" man young YEAR Is at one end of as rowboat of NephI rested on Will be Pleased to Have Her Friends oars. Call at the Why, of course its a surprise, Co-o- p. repeated the girl 139 W. First South Street, Salt Lake-CitFull and Complete Line of in the ridiculouswhite ly frilly who sunbonnet, sat In the other at Reasonable Prices . I f end. am 29 E. First South Street, Salt Lake Blankets, 21 Gloves, always-- , not a mind readCity. er! in Stock. on kidney diseases, who makes the be statement in a New York daily newspaper that it will relieve almost any "Say, declared the young loan case of Kidney trouble if taken before this is no summer-resor- t earnestly, the stage of Bright's disease. He the real thing. I don romance; its states that such symptoms as lame back, pain In the side, frequent desire think I know I am in love with to urinate, especially at night; pain- you. And now you are pained and ful and discolored urination, are read- amazed and all the rest of it, and can't Here is the recipe; make up your mind. Why ily overcome. If you have such a poor Idea of me try it: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-haas that, interrupted the girl in the ounce; Compound Kargon, one ounce; white sunbonnet, I dont see why you Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three should care about me. To think that ounces. Take a teaspoonful after all this time you thought I was paeach meal and at bedtime. for you to give me a tiently waiting A town in druggist here is authority t hat these ingredients chance to say yes! I suppose you are all harmless and easily mixed at thought I was so hopelessly in love home by shaking well In a bottle. This with you that Id never get over it, mixture has a peculiar healing an .litvnd youd break my heart if you didnt soothing effect dpon the 'eritire Kid askTue! It seems to me that It was ney and Urinary structure, and often conceited as well as unkind of you! overcomes the worst forms of Rheu"I never thought spy such thing! matism in just a little while. This cried the young man.' I mixture is said to remove all blood disorders and cure the Rheumatism love1Then if you didnt think I was in with you there is no reason for eight-houby forcing the Kidneys to filter and i strain from the blood and system all you to be surprised that I am sursaid the pretty girl, triuric acid and foul, decomposed waste prised, matter, which cause these afflictions. umphantly. "Its one or the other, Try it if you arent well. Save the dont you see? upon as a ot prescription. The young man looked gloomy. I know one thing, though, he said, I know you cant care two darkly. straws about me or you would say yes right away. If you are In love with anybody, you know it! Did the others say yes promptly? Inquired the pretty girl, maliciously, but with a hint of interest in her voice. Wall-Pap- er, Youre the first, said the young man. The first and only. They all say that, murmured the pretty girl pessimistically. Painting, Graining, Paper-HanginThe young man looked gloomier. Calcimining, Tinting, Sign Painting. I suppose a proposal doesnt mean Orders by mail receive prompt at- much to you, he said. Theyre as tention. common as breakfast food. Yet, if you were used to them you would surely 217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City. have seen this one coming from me. Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287. Oh, I dont know, said the girl in the sunbonnet, with a reminiscent smile that Instantly presented before the young mans vision a long line of I Just thought we rejected suitors. were good friends. I didnt know " You thought nothing of the sort, said the young man. "You knew I was merely existing on the Bight of you OWNED BY 15 hours out of the 24. Didnt you, now? Oh, I supposed you liked me a litmen F0R tle bit, admitted the pretty girl, or else you would have gone around with 1 OCLOCK. some of the other girls. But 432 South Main Street, Salt Lake City. How did you suppose, went on the young man, VI could help falling In love with you? You are too modest You dont realize what a fascinat- Brokerage NEVADA HARNESS, insisted surprised, eight-hou- r California AGENTS WANTED. UTAH and are to 1st South Street, a'General Commission' dont see why you should Good Hand- -, lifted exeyes asperated ing Salt Lake City. We do If the NeW York Herald succeeds In The Best Place to Get a its attempt to sell the Philippines, it Sewed will at once achieve an international reputation as a highly successful but KNAPT0N, CROW BROTHERS, indus-tr- y. HARNESS! man It will be interesting to examine the net results of the last excursion made by the American Federation of Labor into national politics. Having failed to force congress to enact the legislation which is recounted above, and having failed to carry the wild scheme of forcing the day in digging the Panama camtl, the Federation officials proceeded to interrogate members of congress on their attitude at the next session of congress on the various measures which it was deor manding. All of the Democrats, that they practically all, answered would gladly support any bill that a labor union advocated. Some of the Republican members replied that they would do the same thing. Some of them said they would not. Some did not answer at all. great labor masters in national politics that the general Interest of the country is more' concerned. That they are planning an effort to muster labor ns an adjunct of the Democratic machine next year Is a very deep ImMr. Gompers has pression here.threatened It many times. He is infatuated with the success his fellow countrymen of England have had In TRANCE MEDIUM. running trades union candidates for READING DAILY the house of commons, until have TEST MEETINGS Sunday and Thurs at times swung the balance they of power between the two great parties of Engdays at 8 Oclock. Admission 10 Cents. land, by the sheer number of labor 267 S. W. Temple St., votes. It was the burden of all the remarks of labor representatives at the hearings arranged In behalf of the Sc. C. Clements. W. C. Clements. bills introduced In the last congress 1056 4th St 830 Palm Ave. providing for the publicity of all camCLEMENTS BROTHERS. At that time la1 paign contributions. bor leaders said that they must take Utah JoSalt Lake City sides as an organization, and throw Phone Bell 1289 nz. g their solid vote to the party that PAINTERS, PAPER HANGER8 would do as they wanted. AND DECORATORS. Among matters on which they want Muresco Tinting, Calcamlnlng, legislation are the boycott, the r Wall Paper Cleaning. (lay and the injunction, They desire legislation that will legalize the boycott, and an endorsement of that will be one of the things which they will insist Mrs. H. Fontijn, Still, Mr. Jacob Rlis is not stopped extremely dangerous captaih of from pointing out that even to beat Mr. Roosevelt playing tennis, it was necessary to go out of the country for the man. Dizzy 8pell X 5 That Eya Strain. : Co. AIoxander-Dibbl-e SS041-- Formerly Alexander Optical Co. Atlaa Block, 8alt Lake City. Both Phonea 4444. them? BBANCH OFFICES I You couldn't have kept me away 234 Main St., PROVO. LOGAN. from them If I hadnt let you, un- Salt Lake City UTAH OGDEN. PARK CITY the boasted pretty girl. guardedly DR. ZIMMERMAN, Manager The young mans face lost its' gloom Tooth Extracted Pa.ltlT.ly Wlttnl fila Fra. With othar Wark You cant as if by magic. keep up DENTAL CO. the bluff! he cried. Come now you know you had your mind made up weeks ago and you might as well tell me. Look at me, Sallle! Well, anyhow, fenced the pretty girl as the boat drifted beneath some you sheltering willow branches, neednt have been so sure to start with! Chicago Dally News. Set Teeth (best red rubber Gold Crowns, Brid. k Work, best G.U t'Ulincs All Other FliUnjs H.oe to 15.00 tt.60 to 15.00 4l 00 up S3.5C ...... 50c, 750 YEARS' GUARANTEE. FEES Ixamlnatloa and Advice. Open till ( p. m. Sundays 10 to k 13 BRING THIS AD. WITH YOU AT EITHER OFFICE. -- sFfClAl-TY |