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Show AT ST. LAZARE, PARIS NO GLOOM OR PATHOS AT THIS PRISON POR WOMEN. cell, and more often than not it re fleets a happy, smiling and pretty face They seem to enjoy this change ol costume, and sometimes a newcomei will try a few steps In the wooden shoes when the sister in charge is not looking. In one corridor are the women whore children have been born In thf prison. The mothers look happy anc the children are rolling about healthy and rosy as children anywhere. They do very well here, says thf nun. "They are warm and comfort able and every one spoils them. Next to the corridor of the babies who are born here is that of the old women who will die here, and, very pleased with their life they look a? they sit chatting of former successes , Mny Cheerful Face Seen Among In- mate of Dreary Place Philoiophy of French People There Exemplified. - Pari. Henry Jones once said of the French people that their philosophy of life was 40 years ahead of the times. It Is a philosophy that makes them receive good and bad luck with the same cheerful smile, the same careless shrug of the shoulders. One finds it exemplified in itsmost hopeless environment at St. Lazare, the women's prison of Paris. It Is a great, dreary building, this St. I,azare, but no one seems to feet any sense of its gloom or pathos. Outside in tfie early morning will be standing a group of people waiting to see relatives or friends, a characteristic Parisian group: A young man of the Apache type, hat well pulled down over a low brow, very high collar and skin of that waxen pallor peculiar to the Parisian boulevardier; three smiling, coquettlshly dressed women without hats, a clean little old man who talks to himself and emphasizes the monologue by beating with his stick on the pavement, and a sharp faced little girl whose red stockings hang down over a dilapidated pair of bools much too big for her. It Is this la-- who speaks, addressing all the group: i "I've come to bring my sister some $t. Lazare, the Women Prison In Paris, of her duds. She's been pinched again. It's the fourth time. in the days of their youth and beauty "Oh, well," answers the pale young In a workroom is a nun with twe You man, 'that's all right, little one. women helping her to mend linen will know the road when your turn One is the girl who threw vitriol at e CQy.es, faithless lover not long ago. When the smiling old porter opens she says in speaking of It . "Yes. reto forward comes nun a the gates am sure "I he will lose an eye, though ceive the visitors and to take the I meant to burn his neck. 1 never only to allow or have brought things they do have any luck! them the interviews they ask for. The other girl Is a tall brunette In a large room on the Tight are from the Midi, who has been here fout the clothes of the prisoners. These are all taken away from them when times for theft. She stole first be cried with hunger cause her little they enter the prison, to be kept un- That sent her toboySt. Lazare for two til such time as the owners are enmouths. the out into world to titled go again. After that work was even more dlf When the finery is all discarded the new Inmate puts on a uniform a flcult to get. One doesnt come out of coarse gown with fichu, a neat little St. Lazare with a spotless reputation When asked what she will do when bonnet and wooden shoes. she served her term this time, Bhe of are All their weapons charm taken away from them all but their replies with a bright smile: Oh, Ill have to go to Italy or some natural coquetry, which no power can divest them of. Fichus are tied with place far away from Paris now. Id work If 1 could, really; Id be a faith care, hair is puffed out under the first mure cap, and the thing relatives ful and devoted domestic if some one are asked to bring to St. Lazare Is a would only pay me 60 francs a month Hut no one will, so I'll have to go on looking glass. YeB, every woman there, no matter stealing. One must live, you know." old or ugly, has And the nun sitting by nods sympa how poverty-stricken- , her bit of a mirror hung up in her thetlcally. NEW KING at once, and the OF ANNAM. body of one of these women, who had incurred his special Eight-Year-Ol- d Son Succeeds cious Oriental Father. Fero- Paris. The news recently received , that the king of Annam, Than-Thal- had been forced to abdicate In favor of his Bon caused not the slightest surprise here. Indeed, the only surprising feature of the affair was that the French resident had to reign as long allowed Than-Tha- l as he' did. Than-Tha- l was placed on the throne by the French in' I8S9, In succession . He was then ten to King eight-year-ol- Dong-Khan- The Japanese wrestler now in this country is believed to. be as fat as Is Secretary Taft, now In Japan, says News and Courh r. the Charleston Perhaps that accounts for the fact that the world is Just as well balanced as ever. a3SfcS3SfeS3Sk!Bt3SfeiS3afe i s if Than-Thal'- s Than-Tha- The Mission of Letter. "So you are writing stories? said the friend. Not exactly, answered the cynical litterateur; "I am merely furnishing a certain amount of text to keep the illustration! from running Into one another. Charlton Shop S 8 A Womens s Outfitting Store Exclusively. g The Charlton Shop, in its devotion to style, might be likened to an art gallery wherein every picture was the work of a master artist. Great pictures are always copied, but In a copy there is always something lacking the great artists Individuality which he Imbues Into every stroke of his brush. So do the Charlton styles stand apart by themselves, for they are the original The imitator takes away creations of artists of style. of for in every line of grace their nothing originality, and beauty you recognize the taent of the designer, the spirit in which he labors, and the moments of inspiration which glorify his work. We beg to announce the return of Mrs. Charlton from the fashion centers of this country, bringing with her the latest foreign and domestic models. We invite the women of Salt Lake to come and inspect the latest and most exclusive Dresses, Suits, Evening and Street Coats, Waists, Undergarments and Hosiery. We are also exclusive agents for ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft fis $ j ft t . the-spac- e EXPOSITION NOTE8. Portland, Oregon, Is planning a building at the exposition, and install therein a municipal exhibit Spokane, Tacoma and several of the other of the Pacific Northwest will also do the same. to-ere- Alaska-Yukon-Pacin- c large-citie- The different counties In the state of Washington are planning to makea appropriations for separate building and displays at the Alaeka-- ukon-Pacif- ic , exposition. Since the United States government began to patronize expositions to the present time congress has appropriated $28,752,251 for its representation. Only $485,000 of this money has been spent west of the Rocky Mountains,, at the Lewi3 and Clark exposition Portland, one of the most successful worlds fairs ever held, receiving the benefit of this amount. o Do you want a new store or range? Does your old stove or range need re- The Western Furniture pairing? Company will furnish the goods. Read their ad. John C. Cutler, Jr., INVESTMENT BANKER. Established 1893, BONDS. SUGAR STOCKS. BANK STOCKS, And Otheri High Grade Investments Bongiit S Sold. 36 Main St,. Salt LaKt City, Expert The death of Mr. Ruskins publisher reminds me that among the many Ruskin drawings, engravings and other relics which Mr. Allen possessed was a' proof of a bookplate engraved Corseteurs Is, I believe, unknown to collectors oi and only because Mr. Ruskin after having the plate engraved and a few proof impressions taken, altered his mind and never used it. There is no copy of the plate In the national collection In the print room of the British museum. The engraving was done by W. Roffe, an old engraver in stipple, employed by Mr. Ruskin to Curious Compound Capsules comengrave Ida in the Story of Ida, and other small plates from drawings by bine the virtues of Big G, Pabst O. K., Bantal Pepsin, and sell for $1.25 si Miss Kate Greenaway. box. Mall orders promptly attended to. Doull Drug Co., Distributors, 338 "Dick Turpins Tree. Main St., 8a!t Lake City. The last remaining .portions of a None genuine without the trade famous old elm, which was known tc mark the Curious D. all lovers of Blackheath and the sur rounding country as Dick Turpins A BEAUTIFuL tree, were removed Tradi tion goes that the famous highway COMPLEXION man used to hover about ndar the Now Revealed. gigantic branches of this elm, well oul of view of his prey, whom he used tc so adroitly "hold up with his horse pistols and relieve of whatever loose valuable they might have. The elm What beauty Is more desirable than-awhich had a circumference of over If exquisite complexion and elegant-jewels- . An opportunity for every wofeet, stood close to Hyde Vale, almosl While il man to obtain both, for a limited opposite "Ye Olde House. was being cut up a nail, in perfect time only. The directions and recipe for obcondition, was found embedded iii the a faultless complexion is the taining center of the wood. London Globe secret long guarded by the master minds of the ORIENTALS and CHEEKS. A Discouraged Digger. This we obtained after years of I see they say that when a diamond work a certain size it is worth nc methodand at great expense. It is the passes used by the fairest and most more than a smaller one. beautitul women of Europe. "Hows that? Hundreds of American women who "If its too large it Isnt marketable now use it have expressed their deNobody wants to wear a diamond as light and satisfaction. This secret is easily understood bulky as a glass door knob. Is that so? Then it must be aw- and simple to follow and It will save fully discouraging for a man to dig you the expense of creams, cosmetics bleaches and forever give you a beauup a sparkler as big as a football. tiful complexion and free your skin Cleveland Plain Dealer. from pimples, bad color, blackheads, etc. It alone is werth to you many . times the price we ask you to send Booming Virginia. Here is a Kansas City man applying for the genuine diamond ring of lat-s- t for a permit to carry a revolver on derign. We st you this ring as one smalj the ground that his mother-in-lais about to visit him. Incidents of this rofit abo.o manufacturing cost The what others-chargsort are unheard of hereabouts, Old price is less than one-haThe recipe Is free with evVirginia being universally conceded to ery ring. produce the kindest, sweetest and It is a genuine rose cut diamond mothers-in-lamost ring of sparkling brilliancy absolutein the world. Richmond ly guaranteed, very dainty, shaped ke a Belcher with Tiffany setting of , 14Kt. gold shell, at your local jeweler it would cost considerable more-thaA Mystery Explained. $2.00. Man Is a book, which only the very We mail you this beautiful comfew can read, says a magazine es plexion recipe free when your order sayisL Perhaps this accounts for the is received for ring and $2.00 in monproneness of physicians and surgeons ey order, stamps or bills. Get your to examine the appendix. Man order in before our supply is exhausted. chester Union. This offer is made for a limited time only as a means of advertising Billiard Transformations. and introducing our goods. We shall not be much surprised if, Send today before this opportunity now that billiard tables are round, to forgotten. T. C. MOSELEY. steps are taken to adopt square balls which would formerly have appear- 32 East 23rd 8treet, New York City.- ed contrary to common sense. FREE e. g Times-Dis-patc- . in Attendance. ft Prices: $5, $6, $8, $10, $15. ft The Charlton Shop, 120 S. MAIN STREET Piute Cnurant. A scheme which contemplates the remodeling of the House of Representatives is proposed by Representative Boutell, of Illinois, whereby all the desks from the floor of the House will be removed and chair substituted, arranged In the form of an amphitheater, and whereby the House galleries could be materially enlarged and made to ac-commodate nearly double the number they now seat. An increase of In the rear of the House Is also provided for, so as to afford room for the numerous callers who are now compelled to crowd the narrow corridor outside the main door while waiting to talk to members. Mr. Boutell is in Washington consulting with Architect Woods of the capitol, about his scheme. lf If I Qossard - at Mr. Ruskins .express desire. The fact that the distinguished author and art critic owned a bookplate womens dress. If CHANGE- Bookplate Ruskin Had Made. ft Outfitters For Women. The height of designing has been reached in the original conceptions offered us for this season. From the most elaborate of costumes, to the most practical of tailor-mad- e apparel, you will find we excel fn point of newness. There is not a thing that belongs variety and to a womans completed wardrobe that cannot be founa at The Charlton Shop. Accessories to that attire are a specialty with us and it Is our pride to be able to offer, completely and entirely, all the things that pertain to POLICY. NEEDED ft WHERE THE LATEST NOVELTIES BROUGHT FORTH IN THE WORLD OF FASHION MAY BE SEEN, AND IT IS THE BEST AND MOST CONVENIENT PLACE IN SALT LAKE FOR BUYING FINE APPAREL. Rather an original story comes front the criminal prison at Warsaw, Rus r Af- AND A GOOD 38fcSQ The if Reflection of a Prison Warder Whose Wife Had Taken a Prisoner' Cake. years old. From the first he exhibited a character of a fiendish nature, and it has always been a matter for criticism that those who were responsible for his elevation to the throne Bhould not have taken the trouble to discover the nature of the child they chose, or, at any rate, have learned of the tendencies he so soon developed. The mistake has not been repeated. secThe new ruler, who is ond son. Is only nominally the king, and for a long period the country will really be ruled by the French resident at Hue. How many of the stories of the l atrocities perpetrated by are true nobody knows, but enough is known to make it evident that even the terrible records of Asiatic royal barbarities can show few human monsters equal to him. It is said that he found his favorite pastime in torturing hi subjects with the most extraordinary refinement of cruelty, and that on many occasions the victims were his own wives. Recently, it is stated, he had seven of them executed Very Few Work Underground In rica They Carry Heavy Loads. dis-taqy- e theater. sla. A bookkeeper, named Schneider was awaiting his trial, being charged with fraud. As his health was bad hit family sent him many little delicacies unknown In the prison fare, delicacies which, no doubt, the head wardei shared with him. The other day, among other things a huge Iced cake appeared. Thf warder's children were fond of cake and so was his wife. They therefort determined to keep half of it for them Their surprise was grea selves. when, upon applying a knife to th dainty, it stuck Just below the icinj and refused to go any further. "It must be baked to a cinder," sait Mrs. Warder. But her good man. sus pecting that something worse that careless baking was responsible fo the cakes hardness, cut round tin sides, and was rewarded by finding i revolver and seven cartridges buriej in the paste. When brought up before the author! ties Schneider confessed that he hat intended to shoot his guardians ant escape from prison before his trial "After all," said the warder, pensively when he told his story, "honesty it pot always the best policy. If my wift had not cut into that cake I should have been a dead man by now, for I sleep hard." MINES. LABEL Minh-Mang- A WORK AT anti-cockta- il l, HONESTY AS While waiting for the excitement of football and political activity, the public is finding abundant opportunity to exercise Its enthusiasm on baseball. WOMENS Until recently women were employ ed in England In connection with sur face work in coal mining and brick Taft still looms larger, exclaims Japan has established an works. The women were found tc bureau, just as if anybody an exchange. Lost no weight on his be there. very strong, but they were other eh? immigrate trip, wise unsaUsfactory and were ultl So far, the only Philippine policy mately dispensed with at the collier In one of the current magazines a writer has an article on "How 1 Feel Secretary Taft has promulgated Is the les. The coal mines regulation act ol When Up In the Air. It ought to pronunclamento. Great Britain prohibits women laboi being employed underground. ' In German Southwest Africa an in vestigator found many native women at work about the mines. They were KICK FOR useful in carrying in loads, especially THIS of firewood. The women labor wat THE Gf.RMICl DECO. cheap and as long as they were left feALf lax OZMVfR alone to take as much time as they liked over the work and do It as they wished they were all right. His next experience was higher up the coast. In West Africa. Labor was short and they decided to try women to carry stones. They carried the first two loads and then they struck. Those women quite altered the conditions of carrying stones. They carried them for a certain distance, but three or four relays had to be provided. After that they were tried at carrying sand and things like that. They went on for a short while, but did the work in fits and starts. In another place, also on the west coast, where women had been tried against the black men, it was found that for carrying In firewood they were by far the best and cheapest: There, of course, they were on piece work, although their tickets were marked just the same as if they were on day work. Their task was to carry In a cord of wood a day. They ' used to start about 4:30 a. m. and went on carrying until 7 and from 7:30 till 9 or 10. Then If they wanted to get off early the next day they used to carry an other cord of wood in the afternoon or a part of it. They were a decided success, but of DENVER MUD is used extensively and successtuily in the treatment were very particular in what they Inflamed Breasts, Pleurisy, Erysipelas, called their circle. They did not they Appendicitis, mind how close it was to the boilers, Asthma, ' Sprains, Frost Bites, Eczema, Tumors, but if It were a little over their, Pneumonia, Cancer. Bruises, they wpuld go to th manager Sunburn, Boils, . Felons, and want an increase directly. Bronchitis, Burns, Croup, Some women used to carry about FOR SALE BY, ALL DRUGGISTS. 100 pounds on their heads; on an average .about 85 to 95 pounds of wood. Statistics published in the Mining World from time to time show that there are a number .of women employed In the coal mines of Belgium and Germany, for instance, as pickers and sorters. In Germany women receive 27 to 28 cents per day. enmity, was cooked and served at dinner to his household. Others of his wives were boiled in oil, and various members of the royal household were thrown into the cages of wild beasts, the king looking on with delight. At about the same time, it was re with his own hand, ported. Than-Thashot and killed a prince 70 years old, a member of the Council of the Royal Family and the last surviving son ol . When the French King resident protested, the king replied bj forbidding him to enter the palace. It is said that in the king's seraglic were 1.000 wivds and other women and their seivauts. Once they en tered the royal household they wert never permitted to leave It. Many oi the wives were recruited from thf ranks of the actresses at the roya prove. of special interest to Mr. Fairbanks, since the cocktail episode. SALT LAKE CITY n |