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Show HON. W. H. KELB41GH OF WEST VIRGINIA PRAISES PE-RU-N- A. GIVES BARRY HONOR HOW CHINESE WOMEN REAL Elaborate Ceremony Prescribed by . Rules of Fashion and Established Etiquette. FATHER OF THE NAVY, SAYS DRISCOLL. CALL The Chinese woman has a calling called a carde de visite. substitute Though Facts Seem to Bear Out This It Is a sort ot social informareally Assertion, John Paul Jones Will tion bureau, as it conveys to the reAlways Be American cipient the name of the caller, her she-iNaval Hero. address and the day on to be found in her own house beIf anyone had to answer the ques- yond question. If I should call .on tion right off the bat, who was Monday, when her read eard father of the , American navy, no "Thursday, she would send down doubt the reply would be John Paul word by the maid, who would report Jones. No other man who ever com- to the housekeeper,- - generally a nemanded a ship in the navy has been gro, that she was not at home. You accorded such honors as has been paid will remember how' the missionaries to this daring Scotchman who cast impressed upon us ' that "truth was his lot with the American colonies and the corner stone of Christianity. But fought the English with so much gal- I digress. lantry. These honors are such as Now these cailing cards" could be should be paid to the greatest Ameri- mailed or sent by a servant just as can sailor, and no doubt many of our well, for the visiting does not people believe that John Paul Jones go in.- She rides up to the house in is the greatest of our sailors. . Repre- state, the footmau opens the door, resentative Driscoll, of New York, rises ceives a card delivers it to the servto dispute this assumption. He says ant, and they proceed to the next that the honor of being the father of house on the list, which the driver the American navy is due Commodore carries. Now the curious part of After many years the United this ceremony is that the party called Barry. States has determined to honor this of- upon does not know that the i lady ficer and has provided that a monu- called in person,, and there is consement shall be erected to him. Dris- quently no objection to the caller putcoll in a congressional address has eu- ting herself to the. trouble, but it is logized Barry and placed him on a the fashion." Metropolitan Magapinnacle above that of Jones. Dris- zine. coll has this to say to prove that r Barry is entitled to the first place in IN HELPS PRACTICAL WAY. our naval annals. "At the breaking out of the war ot the revolution he was master of the Wife of City Dentist Makes All of Tiny Black Prince, the finest merchant ship Napkins Husband Uses in in America. She was purchased by His Work. A.. the first congress, armored for war, There Is a city dentist whose wife and made the first battleship qf the first fleet, under the first commodore, helps him in a wholly feminine and way. The makes all the and named the Alfred, after the father of the English navy. He won the firs tiny linen napkins he uses to tuck into the moutiis or collars of his panaval victory of the war- in the continental service, and returned the firs tients, and makes them all by hand. ' prize captured from the enemy in com- Not a bit of machine . stitching is mand of the Lexington, which war ever seen in his office linen, and there named after the first battle of the rev- Is an odd reason for it She did the olution, and was the first ship that first lot soon after her marriage, bore the continental flag to victory on when she knew little of sewing, and the ocean. During the last three years could not run a machine. By. the of the revolution he was the first Off- time she had,flnished four dozen she icer of the navy. He fought the last had become a jfine sewer, and then battle of the war in command of the disdained to use the machine at all. Alliance, the last and best ship of the That was some years ago, and now continental navy. He was appointed her husband could well afford to hire In J794, and continued first In com- the work done, but she still clings to the idea of helping him, and every mand until he died, in 1803. He points out that John Paul Jones summer when other women on the after his victory over the Serapis hotel piazza bring out their emnever returned to this country, but re- broidery and fancy work, she promained in Europe and received high duces her tiuy squares of linen and honors from France and Russia, while hems away. Last summer she made Barry remained In the service from 12 dozen. the beginning to the end. Of course, the record of Barry is splendid and Great Tunnels Projected. he is entitled to all the honors that Two projects for the construction can be paid him, but there js some- of railway tunnels of unprecedented thing in the record of John Paul.Jones magnitude are now under discussion. that appeals to every person with One of them, which appeals strongly blood in his velhs. He was a man that to the imagination if it does not endid things,! and no matter what oth- list much sympathy among practical ers may have done the brilliancy of men, is M. De Lobels plan for tunnelhis exploits, were such as to excite the ing Beliring strait to connect Siberia admiration of the American people with Alaska. The author of this plan for all time. explained it before a large meeting of ' s -- jo every; as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature, and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxmive remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of ife quality and excellence Is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, because they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and presented in an agreeable syrup in which .the wholesome Californian blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore it Is not a secret remedy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in bottles of one size ' only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty cent size, or' having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. la.-i- ' non. W. H. Kelbaulh. A Cold at Any Time of the Year. Especially in Hot Weather , is Very Deis pressing to the System. an Unequaled Tonic For Such Cases. Read What People Say About It. Pe-ru-- Hon. W. H. Kelbaugh, er W. Va. Legislature, 204 9th street, N. E Washington, D. C., writes: . You can use my name and word at all times tor Peruna as a medi- -' cine and tonic unequaled. I have tried It tor a stubborn cold and badly run down system. I tried all sorts of other medicines and paid several expensive doctor bills. Peruna cured me, strengthened me more than ever, and saved me money." Mrs. Clara Litterst, Seafield, Ind., Last fall 1 took a severe cold. I ays: took Peruna, began to improve and kept on so until I was able to do my work." Foremost of French Veterans. The French government has Just pensioned off Francois Geromlnl, the guardian of the Bastile column. Geromlnl was a character. He left Corsica 60 years ago to serve In the grenadiers of the Imperial guard. He fought In the campaigns of Algiers and of Rome, and also in 1870 with Bourbaki. He was made a prisoner and taken to Darmstadt and at the falljoIthfi.. empire became concierge VMMie Bastile. . , ' Shows Value of Liquid Fuel. The steamship Goldmouth, belonging to the Shell line, has just arrived at Rotterdam, after steaming from Singapore by the route round the 1 Cape of Good Hope, a distance of miles. In 52 days, without once stopping the engines or checking the generation of steam In the main boilers. This performance Is believed to be the largest nonstop run ever made ' by marine machinery. The vessel was burning liquid fuel, and with so great an economy that enough surplus is left to take the vessel 20 days steaming on her return passage east 11,-79- English the World Language. The new world language, Esperanto, seems to have already won more advoNo cates than the oider Volapak. manufactured v language, however, teems to have much chance In competition with English, which long ago displaced French as the most useful and widely spoken language and which Is gaining faster than ever In all parts f the world. Quite recently the German government, has ordered that all ' railway officials and employes must learn to speak English. In Antwerp also the authorities are urging all classes to study English and are providing special facilities in the public echools; the city has become "almost In Japan an English-speakinport all school children are now obliged to learn our language. A few years hence tourists from this country will be able to get along there as easily as on a trip at home. With Great Britain, India, Australia, Canada, the United States and large sections of Africa using English, what hope la there for any other language? . money-savin- r I self-medicati- g - . t Source of His Inspiration. The eminent lecturer. Dr. L. Carter, and not wholly unconscious jf the fact, was addressing the Somerville' Y. M. C. A. My dear young people, he began, let-mrefer briefly to the humble auspices under which my start in life was made. Without a dollar in my pocket, and with no worldly possessions of consequence, my Indomitable nature and an inborn determination to utilize to the fullest advantage my abilities constituted my entire assets. But, even with this modest beginning, what do you suppose was the thing I first sought that which, at the very outset of my career, I strove most earnestly to attain? For one second did an silence , hover over the audience, as the speaker paused to allow the significance of these impressive words to permeate the youthful understanding. Then, in a spontaneous outburst of juvenile enthusiasm, came the anBosswer, as of one voicd, Milk! ton Herald. . telf-mad- awe-stricke- n Some Cures for Insomnia. There are several common sense ways pf obtaining sleep, says the Worlds Work. One of them is the application of cold wet cloths to the back pf the head and neck. This treatment will not be followed by a reaction if it is continued for a number of minutes, and it often works surprisingly well. Another way of solving the problem is to soak the feet in a hot bath until the veins become dilated with blood; or the whole body up to the hips may be given a hot soak. With some people, a two or three minute hip bath is the most effective remedy. Others find help 'in a few slow exercises, which do not jar or excite the system but simply bring some fatigue to the big muscles of the trunk and limbs. Friction of the skin, especially of the lower part of the body, Is another means. g NO TROUBLE To Change from Coffee to Postum. Postum has done a world of good for me, writes an Ills. man. Tve had indigestion nearly all my life but never dreamed coffee was the cause of my trouble until last Spring I got so bad I was In misery all the time. "A coffee drinker for SO years, it , irritated my stomach and nerves, yet I was just crazy for it After drinking A Cinch. It with my meals, I would leave the Do you think I could get your chum table, go out and lose my meal and to marry me? the coffee too.. Then Id be as hungiy She detests you, but you can get as ever. her if you work it right A friend advised me to quit coffee Tell me how. and use Postum said it cured him. "Pretend to he dead in love with Since taking his advice I retain my me and I will pretend I am crazy food and get all the good out of it and about you. dont have those awful hungry spells. "I changed from coffee to Postum A Rapid Operator. without any trouble whatever, felt Emma (who is a stenographer) Is better from the first day I drank it Marne very quick as a stenographer? I am well now and give the credit to a Lizzie (also stenographer) Postum. Name given by Postum Quick! Shes a bird. Why, she got Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the litin lesan two her last boss to tle book. "The Road te Wallville . In weeks. Judge propose idtgs. "Theres a reason. ,- I MEANING OF MOLES. On the right side' of the upper lip mole promises great good fortune to both sexes. A mole on the neck, in man or wom- EVERYTHING a TOR an, promises a long and happy life, wealth and fame. A science, of or. pseudo-sciencmoles has existed among the Pennsylvania Dutch for many years. A man with a mole in the middle of his forehead has a cruel mind; a worn-wi- th such a mole is foolish, idle and euvlous. A man with a mole on the left side of the upper lip rarely marries, and such a mole in the case of a woman denotes suffering. A mole on the right side a mans the Navy and Military club at St. forehead denotes wonderful luck; on Petersburg recently. Behring strait, the right side of a womans forehead, he said, is about 38 miles broad and gilts from the dead. 167 feet deep, but it has two Islands On the left side of a mans forehead so situated that the tunnel could be a mole denotes a long term in prison; divided into three sections of about on the left side of a womans forehead, 12 miles each. The other project is two husbands, and a life of exile. According to this science, no one Is older, and relates to tunneling the English channel between Dover and without a mole or two, and these are some of the prognostications that Calais. French engineers have recentmay draw from their ly been studying the enterprise anew. The distance is about 23 miles. The brown ornaments. work would be relatively easy, beClose 8econd to American Tramp. cause the tunnel would run through The American, tramp must look out chalk. Youths Companion. for his laurels In the matter of stealing rides. A Roumanian recently sucFortunes Made by Vocalists. ceeded in himself on the pipes Of all vocalists the world has ever underneath lodging of the Orient a dining-ca- r known Patti stands alone in earning express at Costanza, 'on the Black ability. Her marvelous voice, aided sea, these pipes affording a sort of by histrionic power of a high order, shelf about 20 inches wide. He left has frequently brought her $5,000 a his bed in Paris 53 hours later. It night. Next to her stood, and per- is remarked that at the end of the haps still stands, Jean De Reszke. journey he was very dusty, hqngry Whenhe first visited this country he and thirsty; and possessed a capital commanded $1,000 at each performamounting to five cents. ance, but so great was his 'success that he demanded higher terms and Sargents Pictures Rare. Maurice Grau was glad to grant them. Only three pictures by John 9. For some time his nightly honorarium f argent have been offered at auction was $1,200, and later on it was raised in recent years. A head of a girl to still higher figures. During his last wearing a red shawl brought $750 at season in New York he averaged Christies. A portrait of Ellen Terabout $2,400 a night, which Included ry, which fetched $6,600 and was sold a guarantee of $1,800 and a percentage subsequently for $15,000, and a of the box office receipts. He Is now portrait of a lady sold in 1903 gains in his for $685. living on his Parisian home and Is teaching singing In the course of conversation one to pupils at the comfortable rate of must change the solid gold of ones $25 an hour. thoughts into countless pieces of such small coin that one invariably apRoyal Child Had Her Way. pears poor. Carmen Sylva. An amusing story of the lMtle Grand Duchess Marie Is now going the rounds of St. Petersburg. The child who is now six and one-hal- f yeari old, when .walking with her German muz governess met a white-haire- d hik, one Ivan Leiken, who coirplainec of hunger and asked for alms. Hav ing no money, the child applied to her governes, who, however, declined to give it, and advised the old man to go to the Tsaritsas labor colony close by. Piqued at the refusal, the grand duchess took off her hat and gave it to the peasant, who walked away. The governess then, being afraid to take her charge home hat less, ran after the muzhik and de manded the hat; he refused to give it up, except in exchange for a ruble, and got the money. ' e, mole-weare- rs half-lengt- well-gotte- h n EVERYi SPORT IN EVERY SEASON RELIABLE THE OLD thn onitio ntato qoods houb u.mm. Must Be Used. "Yes, I guess well go to the tains this summer. THE DAISY FLT KILLER atTonlscomfort to every sleeping-rooand places where tiles are tioable-tomClean, neat, wlllnotiollor la- fcome 4n dining-roo- moun- I thought you always preferred the seashore. So I do, but some fcwlish acquaintance of my wifes presented her with an Alpine staff last Christmas. in re anythin. them once, Try yon will never be without them. If not kept by dealers. sent prepaid for 20C. Harold tmwn. Uttrlalt At.tttreokiyafJLKe in iARQtttT tpovnritta BROWNING BROS. Co., Ogden, Utah Food Products enable you to make hurry meals. good meals out of Libby' Food Product are ready to icrve when you get them, yet arc cookad as carefully and as well a you could do it in your own kitchen. Ox Tongue, Dried Beef, Boned Chicken, Deviled Ham, Veal Loaf thaae arp hut a few of the many kind your dealer keep. Try for luncheon or supper tomorrow, ome sliced Chicken Loaf. Boollrt, "How lo Maka Cod Thine Is Eat, AFTER ITS FIRST BATH (rae if you writ Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago. WITH Are You Just As Well As You Wish to Be ? Every subscriber to Good Health U privileged to submit questions oa health topics to the editors The most intet eating of these questions ere answered in the Question Ho, a monthly department of the magaziue. Others are answered by letter without cost. , This is but one of many interesting features of. Good Heaith, the oMtst health journal in the world A big, handsomely illustrated monthly magazine. A quarter and this ad. with your name in the apace below will bring you this handsome health magazine for the next three months. Sample copy ten cents. GOOD HEALTH PUBLISHING CO. BATTLE CREEK. MICH Kama. GS0(DG07 It . tJaidiet) AGENTS. Onr famous all heaHng salve, one package and direction bow to make it sent for SI. OO men and women work for make salve, puih it fo bur money, lilt. JourM'ves, A 60N- - mi F, Washington. I). C. SCRIP B-- Z Approved Forest Reserve and Railroad Scrip for surveyed, unsurveyed, timbered or prairie land: approved United States Military Bounty Land Warrants; Recertified Soldiers Additional Scrip; all kinds of Land Scrip bought and sold. H. M. HAMILTON, The Portland, Portland, Oregon. INVENTORS proceed right. Learn the truth about your Invention before applying for patent It may save you money and disappointment. Write forpai tteui&rs. THU fAlkNT bElRUA CO., WASUIKUTOM, D. fie Thompson medicinal, emollient, sana- tive, and antiseptic properties derived from Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, united with the purest of cleansing ingredients and most refreshing of flower odors. For preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, as well as for all the purposes of the toilet and bath, Cuticura Soap is priceless. Absolutely pure and may be used from the hour of birth. Bold throughout the world. Cuticura Soap, 20c OlnU KeeoWrat. Ac. (lo form of Chocolate Coated mnt,0Oe., FUla, 20c. per vial of 60), mav be had of all druggist. Potter Drug k. Chm. Corn., Sole Props., Boston. Mat. UT Mailed Free, MAli About the fekia, Scalp, and Hair mBCELLANBOVB. LAND Physicians, Pharmacists, and Nurses endorse Cut i cur a Soap because of its delicate, Eye Water HOWARD E. BURT0H,a1shv4.8t.ho Specimen prices: Gold. Silver, Lead. II j Gold, 8tb Avoid. Wo; Zinc or Copper.Fl. Cyanide teat MailliiKeiiTeioiK-san- a tail pricelist .entonapplio. Umpire worlt solicited. Load Lmi Uimroland Colo. Kelerence. Carbonate NiUonal 5S 60 Bus. Winter Wheat Per Acre Thati the of Red Croea yield Salter, Hybrid Win te. Wheat, fiend 2c in stamps for free sample of ama alio catalogue of Winter Wheata, Hye, Barley, Clover M Oraaooa. etc. for foAlblantio Bulb, Tree, Timothy, kALZCH EE1 col, Bex W. N. il.UCreue.Wll Q, Salt Lake City, No. 32, 1906, |