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Show HOW CHINESE WOMEN CALL Elaborate Ceremony Prescribed by Rule oi Fashion and Established Etiquette. The Chinese woman has a calling substitute called a cards de visile. It is really a sort of social information bureau, as it conveys to the recipient the name of the caller, her address and the day on which she is to be found In hei C7.n house beyond question. If I should call on read card Monday, when her Thursday, she would send down word by the maid, who would report to the housekeeper, generally a negro, that she was not at home. You will remember how the missionaries Impressed upon us that truth was the corner stone of Christianity. But 1 digress. Now these calling cards could be mailed or sent by a servant lust as well, for the visiting lady does not go la. She rides up to the house in state, the footman opens the door, receives a card delivers it to the servant, and they proceed to the next house on the list, which the driver Now the curious part of carries. this ceremony is that the party called upon does not know that the lady called in person, and there is consequently no objection to the caller putting herself to the. trouble, but It is. Maga-sinefashion." Metropolitan the ric. When committed, neither rela- element of their strength. The con tionship, friendly feelings, station nor verse is the case in Utah the AmeriRepolitical exigency should be permitted cans are glued together while the are to obscure pass it by. Men who publicans, and Democrats, too, and, wilfully and neliberately commit the rent by factional anddifferences are waiting for dazed, whateeemingly In effect are maiifactors wrong This paper is on file at the American instead of Ig- the next thing to turn np, Mining Congress, Denver, Colorado. ever thei" W'Otive or incentive. norance can ue entertained in such a pitching in vigorously and making esse as that spoken of, tbe parties be- -' i things develop. No one can foreseee TO REPUBLICANS. beginning, let alone the ing men of more than average educa , the actual our State aampaign; but It We are anxious to have every Re- tlon, of and and experience, Intelligence publican in close touch, and working we are thus brought to an Issue as di- will certainly have the one characteif nothing more. m harmony with the Republican na- rect as it is unavoidable guilty or not ristic of uniqueness tional congressional committee In fa- guilty. Thfe nature of the case is such Again Is the difference between the vor of the election of a Republican as to require action tbat will be beehive and Gem states aparent their congress. campaign is on with all sails set and prompt and decisive. The congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore Roosevelts NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES, personality must be a central figure Dine ee CyUader reoorde take as part hls a central and achievements Mew Oom. in the campaign. thought We desire to maintain the work of AND EAST PAYMENTS. TRIAL FREE this campaign with popular subscrip4ili ed tbe COLUMBIA GRAF'' The mw 1IM tions of One Dollar each from Repuball ef tbe latest Imprevetaeots ta tbe talkie embody licans. To each subscriber we will eerid and are tbe standard 4 perfection. send the Republican National ANY OLD MACH1NB TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT Text Book and all documents In eaehenge for tbe latest type, and dont forget that issued by the committee. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE Help us achieve a great victory. JAMES S. SHERMAN, Backed by tbe Largest TPIWdc Machine Company In tbe , Chairman. tfoee With tbe Mach. ns. P. O. Box 2063, New York. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH CO., fiENL. ALT THAT CONTEMPT CASE. Cm. Ut-Bo. Mala BL Beth Phone. out-tcom- Cam-Daig- UU It is charged that during an interview with Judge Howell at Ogden last THE HI8TORIC WORCESTER. January, District Attorney Breeden and U. 8. Marshal Spry sought Improp- QUEEN OF ALL SAUCE erly to influence the Judge regarding a ' See tbe case then pending before him, tbe On the Labels. y . HELPS IN PRACTICAL WAY. cent. There is a city dentist whose wife HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., helps him in a wholly feminine and 78 West 2d So. SL way. The makes all the tiny linen napkins he uses to tuck OUR MOTTO: Into the mouths or collars of his pa hand. all them by tlents, and makes Quick Sales In Real Estate. Not a bit of machine stitching is If you want to buy or sell Real ever seen in his office linen, and there is an odd reason for it She did the Estate, list your property with us for first lot soon after her marriage, quick sales. We have the buyers. when she knew little of sewing, and Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. could not run a machine. By the time she had finished four dozen she had become a fine sewer, and then disdained to use the machine at all. That was some years ago, and now her husband could well afford to hire tke work done, but she still clings to the idea of helping him, and every summer when other women on the hotel piazza bring out their embroidery and fancy work she produces her tiny squares o J linen and hems away. Last summer she made Great Tunnels Projected. Two projects for the construction of railway tunnels of unprecedented magnitude are now under discussion. One of them, which appeals strongly to the imagination if it does not en list much synfpathy among practical men, is M. De Lobels plan for tunnel ing Behring strait to connect Siberia with Alaska. The author of this plan explained it before a large meeting of the Navy and Military club at St Petersburg recently. Behring strait, he said, is about 38 4 miles broad and 167 feet deep, but It has two islands so situated that the tunnel coiild be divided Into three sections of about 124 miles each. The other project is older, and relates to tunneling the English channel between Dover and Calais. French engineers have recently been studying the enterprise anew. The distance is about 234 miles.' The work would be relatively easy, because the tunnel would run through chalk. Youth's Companion. . -- John by Lake, and M. & M. Ask. your Just to think that one little rattlebrained chump of a Czar lets loose all this trouble. DR. JOHNSON,, Specialist In all Rectal Diseases, 2584 South Main street. Salt Russell Sages heirs are already to make his will look like a peek-a-bo- o waist. pre-parin- g Richter ESTATE. A. 14 West First South. Salt Lake City Utah. ESTABLISHED 1893. A. L. Drunkennese Cured. A positive and permanent cure for drunkenness and the opium die eases. There to no publicity, Ladies treated as priThe vately as at their own homes. Keeley Institute, 334 W- - Bo. Tem- pie, Salt Lake City, Utah. SPECIAL NOTICE. If this paragraph to marked with a red cross It indicates that yonr subscription to this paper haa been settled for three months from that date. If marked with a black cross It haa only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we eh all continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THE PUBLISHERS. SXSSX9 Easiest terms., Sqjt Lake City. 261 YOUNG A YOUNG,, Insurance, Real Estate and Loan, 202 Whltlngham Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. TO THE INVESTOR. liver R. Meredith, iTrunk , Salt Lake City, Utah. Vacant lots, modern homes jusiness Investments. Money ta Loan. Nineteen years in Real Estat In Salt Lake City. UTAH Royal Child Had Her Way. An amusing story of the little Grand Duchess Marie is now going the rounds of SL Petersburg. The child who is now six and one-hal- f years old, when walking with her German governess met a white-hairemui hlk, one Ivan Leiken, who coanlained of hunger and asked for alms. Hav ing no money, the child applied to her governes, who, however, declined to give it, and advised the old man to go to the Tsarltsa's labor colony close by. Piqued at the refusal, the grand duchess took off! her hat and gave it to the peasant, who walked away. The governess then, being .afraid to take her, charge home hat less, ran after the muzhik and de manded the hat; he refused to give it np, except in exchange for a ruble, and got the money. d V same being the case of Skeen vs. Councilman Chambers, et al. The charge Is vigorously denied, those who are accused claiming that the visit was by invitation of his honor and therefore a friendly one. and that such mention as was made of the Chambers case was merely incidental. The denial being made, presumptions of guilt are suspende and the onus of proving up to on the accusers. the Naturally, proper person to take the Initiative would be the Judge himself, he being the one directly offended, and the query arises, why did he not proceed instantly, as courts usually do. In such cases? To this the answer is returned that he wanted the matter finally determined by the Supreme court to which the cases were taken on appeal. Then comes the rejoinder that no appeal has been taken at the time the alleged offense took place, and whether hie honor anticipated such action or not it was more than his right, it was his duty to proceed against the offenders Immediately, and there you . salt Lake Real Estate is the sarest, surest and best thing to buy In the BOOST SaJt Lake! whole wide west. It Is cheap, too far cheaper than it should be, considering resources, geographical location, rapidly developing tributary region, climate and the attractions of Salt Lake. Tbe country around about is far ahead of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up, and while it is catching up to when values will double and good money be made. Frank Y. Taylor. Moses W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best Investment In the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. s Salt Lake. It is the part of justice as well as the decree of law that the accused re Win constructively innocent until the contrary affirmatively appears. Having a due regard for the high standing and previously unquestioned veracity of each of the three officials, it is only proper to say turn on the light! They as well as the public have too much at stake to let the mattei rest where it is. If the judge misconceived the purport of what his visitors said to him and only divined its true character eight months later, and not even then till the suggestion came from other sources, it looks very much as if the chances for a defense were better than might be believed at first. IDAHO DEMOCRACY. Tbe difference between Idaho Deare mocracy and Utah Americanism chiefly if not only of name and geoon the graphy. Both are sharp-se- t trail of the hierarchy, and each seems confident that it, has the animal treed. Senator Dubois was not quite the whole thing in his partys convention; his former colleague Heit-flel- d was chairman and said things; Zt Must Be Used. one, Hattanbaugh, nominated for Congress. also spoke; otherwise, the flrsj "Yes, I guess well go to the mounnamed was IT with the kind of I heretains this summer. " are. j in used. I thought you always preferred the Tampering, or attempting to tamper This 1s all water on the wheel of seashore." with the judiciary 1s an offense so in- the Republican party, which Is united So I do, but some foolish acquaint- sidious and in ifs effects and harmonious, while the action of ance of my wifes presented her with as to endanger the whole social fab- - the Democrats has alienated a large m Alpine staff last Christmas." 6t DONG 'fire Si. EGAN, REAL ESTATE. If you want to insure, sell, buy, SALT LAKE CITY build, or borrow, let us know. 49 S. Main St., UTAH. You buy fresh Eggs Hooper-Eldredg- e Why not insist on HEWLETT'S FRESH . ROASTED COFFEES. SALT THATS ALL SALT ROYAL CRYSTAL BRAND Manufactured only by INLAND CRYSTAL SALT CO., N. W. Clayton, Manager, Salt Lake City, Utah. BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you re prices advance. warding localities and make your ours. THE BERRUM PORTLAND CEMENT MARINGElt INVESTMENT CO., STONE CO. 40 East Second south. Manager Seeing Salt Lake City CONCRETE BUILDING ROCK MANCara. UFACTURERS. FOR REAL ESTATE SOLE AGENTS FOR See Peterson Real Estate Invest- Concrete Block Machines. Want to ment Co. Large list bargains for establish a plant In every city, town-anwhich we are exclusive agents. Spevillage In Utah. cial attention to property of estates Block machines from $100 upward. reliable Old and Start a small plant and become agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. , Main St. Salt Lake City, Utah. Correspondence solicited, P. O. Box 1131, Salt Lake City. Ind Phone 3806-7- . v s. MEDICINES BY MAIL. GEO. M. McCONAUGHY, Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Cheap lots any part of city. Real Estate and Loans. loans. Investment, Securities, Trades and C. J. BOWMAN A CO., Business Chances. Ind. Phone 1101. Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk., 41 West Second So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake City, Utah. the bands playing Annie Laurie, or Nice homes on easy payments. something else. After awhile, when we find out where we are at in this Cheap lots any part of city. Farm neck of timber, some little activity loans. may be developed, which may become vociferous enough to wake up some of C. J. BOWMAN, the bosses. As there Is nothing else Room 5, Eagle Blk., to do, we will wait and see. Salt Lake City, Utah. WATER SUPPLY OF BEAVER VALLEY. An investigation of the water supply of Beaver Valley is being made for the United States Geological Survey by Willie T. Lee and J. E. Hoyte. Mr. Lee. who has charge of the work, arrived in Beaver a few weeks ago, DuJ Mr. Hoyte has been in the valley for about seven weeks, measuring the streams and collecting information regarding the wells. The work will include a study of the quality and quantity of the water that is available, of the factors affecting the distribution of the underground supply, and oi the causes of the seepage that has given so much trouble in Beaver City and vicinity. The results of the investigation will be published by the United States Geological Survey as a water This resupply and Irrigation paper. an d will free port will be distributedInformation on contain all available NOTICE. Anyone receiving this paper with this paragraph marked' with a red cross will understand that they are entitled to a subscription to the paper for three months from date, and they can retain this as a receipt. V i j Busi-is- this List of Business Houses, You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. Lots. 155 Main SL, MATT RE THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: Fortunes Made by Vocalists. vocalists the world has ever known Patti stands alone In earning If, in ability. Her marvelous voice, aided by histrionic power of a high order, h&a frequently brought her S,000 a night Next to her stood, and perhaps still stands, Jean De Reszke. When he first visited this country he THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. commanded 11,000 at each performHomes on Installment Plan a Speance, but so great was his success cialty. Farms and homes for sale or trade. that he demanded higher terms and or Maurice Orau was gad to grant them. Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought For Borne time his nightly honorarium Exchanged. Room 8 O'Meara Block. was 11,200, and later on It was raised No. 634 W. Second South Street to still higher figures. During his last season in New York he averaged Salt Iake City. about $2,400 a night, which Included W. J. HALLORAN, a guarantee of $1,800 and a percentage Real Estate and Loans. of the box office receipts. He Is now Established 1887. living on his well gotten gains In his Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, Parisian borne and is teaching singing Salt Lake City, Utah. to pupils at the comfortable rate of $350.00 buys very choice Main St. an hour. $25 er cotton re IT DON'T USE Impored Unless Bough From ql Local or A UTAH DEALER!" Of all Manufactur-- ts EVERYBODY Main St., General , efiHNT Lowest We have all kinds of investments In real estate and we wrRe all kinds of insurance. efflrswwsrsxswsx TRUNKS,. TRUNKS, v 315 A 316 Atlas Block, ", Brattaln, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting Into business? For instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or, In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. HOUSTON REAL ESTATE INV. CO. prices. . THE KEELEY CURE. ' Colonel Bryan Intimates that the President stole his clothes. There is a suspicion that the Colonel wants to retaliate by stealing the Presidents shoes. Boost, Bear Reader, Boost! Help to Build jp a. Greater SALT LAKE City Homes for rent and sale. Lake-City- MEEKS A LYNCH, g II dbzen. Manufactured . Reeves Co., Salt Indorsed by the Assn of Utah. Grocer. EDITORIAL NOTES. SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. Now Is the time to Invest. A rapid Wife of City Dentist Makes All of Tiny advance is certain. Choice building Uses In Husband Napkins lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, His Work. $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month, 7 per money-savin- Wanted: 10 men In each state to travel, post signs, advertise and leave samples of our goods. Salary $75.00 per month. $3.00 per. 5dy for extrusts some of the all accounts, By penses. Royal Supply Co., Dept V ice. are gliding upon extremely thin Atlas Block, Chicago. The case of Gaudaln shows that there is one Chicago man out of jail, PILES REMOVED WITHOUT anyway. KNIFE n m Wanted. District Managers to post signs, advertise and distribute samples. Salary $18.00 weekly, $3.00 per day for expenses. State age and Ideal Shear present employment Co., 39 Randolph St., Chicago. tbe water resources of the valley. As filr. Lee has had considerable experience In work of this character, having written reports on Owens valley, California, Salt River valley, Arizona, and Rio Grande valley. New Mexico, an Interesting and valuable publication may be looked for. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 27. Mail orders promptly filled. Write Rubber goods a spefor information. cialty. Golden Seal Compound cures catarrh. G. S. Kidney Cure and G. S. Rheumatism Cure are guaranteed. $1 per bottle or 50c per box. We pay the postage or express charges. Golden Seal Medicine Co., 112 W. 2d South Street, Salt Lake City. SO CLEAN Is a granulated sweeping compound1 that absorbs all dust on all kinds of floors. Business men, painters and housekeepers that dislike the dUBt that arises from sweeping should give thin home product a trial. It Is guaranteed So Clean Mfg. Co., "261 South West Temple. Ind phone 783. Men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks. WTages paid every night. Graduates earn $15 to $25 per week. Cat. free. Write us. Mohler System of Colleges, 62 E. First South SL, Salt ake City, Utah. SMOKE THE BEST. BLUE POINT PERFECTO CIGAR. Whitaker and Dallas, Makers, 134 W. 3rd South Street, Salt Lake City. MINING BLUE JAY EXTENSION LocaCompany, Ltd., a corporation. tion of principal place of business, Salt Lake City, Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the board of directors held on the 25th day of July, 1906, an assessment of 8 cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation, payable September 1, 1906, to L. H. Dray, treasurer, at 300-- 1 D. F. Walker building. Salt Lake City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the 1st day of September, 1906, will be de1-- linquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unless payment is made before, will he sold on the 25th day of September, 1906, at the hour of 12 oclock M., at 300-- D. F. Walker building. Salt Lake City, Utah, to pay the delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. L. H. GRAY. Secretary. D. F. Walker Building, Office, 300-Salt Lake City, Utah. First publication, July 29; last, Aug. 1 1 19. 1906. WASH IT AWAY. Lead and uremic poisoning cured. Castilla Hot Springs Water does The work. Rheumatism vanishes at For rates apply to C. H. Southworth, Room 222 Manager, Commercial Club building. Salt Lake City. Its-touc- CLIFT HOUSE. Third South and Main Streets, Salt Lake City. Ail New But the Name. This centrally located and well3 known hotel has been thoroughly renovated and refurnished throughouL Under the new management reasonable rates and first class accommodations will prevail. Can be reached by street cars from, all depots MRS. A. L. MASON, Prop. |