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Show KOREANS GIRLS JUMPER L TO ACCEPT JAP TREATY FROM THE Sarah Lorlmer has been commie tioned postmistress at Corlnne. The old folks of Nephl held their annual celebration on the 15th. Beet raisers of Utah and Idaho will receive approximately 12,000,000 for this year's beet crop. Adolph Schansenbach, a prominent merchant of Ogden, died last week ' Trom an attack of pneumonia. In Grass Vallfey, Dan Hanson, living las 1,000 turkeys on his farm which he is feeding up for the Thanksgiving market. burOswald Ferris, the school the reform to sent recently glar from Salt Lake, has escaped from that Institution. The Annie Laurie electric plant at Bevler station was compelled to close down last week because of a short" age of coal. Judge Murphy of Ogden last week to ninety days sentenced a wlfe-beatto allow a refused labor and hard at cash fine to be entered. Latest reports from Great Salt Lake are to the effect that the body of water Is still shrinking. The level Is now 1.3 feet below the zero mark. ot Clyde Moore, of Ogden, convicted two his brutally beating with a razor strop, has been sentenced to ninety-nin- e days In jail. Over 3,000 was paid to the beet growers of Springville and Mapleton last week. The beet crop has been very light there this season. The Oregon Short Line Is to extend its Cache Valley branch around the south end of the valley so as to on the place Wellsville and Hyrum line. L. L Pool was badly beaten by Roy Vance In Park City last week as the a result, of a quarrel, Vance using near came killing wagon spoke, and year-old-so- n Pool. Three men entered George Bess aloon In Salt Lake City, compelled the proprietor, and occupants to elevate their hands, and relieved all of Iheir cash. Residents of Fort Duchesne and! Myton are now receiving mall six days out of the week instead of two as heretofore. The new system was established within the past week. George Cox, ot Lehl, was engaged, with other men, In loading a cable reel weighing two tons, when the reel fell and rolled over him. Cox Is badly bruised, but will recover. The Independent Telephone company have begun the stringing of their cable on the poles on Park avenue. Park City, and expect that by the first ot December they will be In toll connection with Salt Lake. Last week the Amalgamated Sugal company, having factories at Ogden, Logan and La Grande, Ore., drew and employees checks for 3265,000. Of this sum aggregating $107,000 was paid out in Ogden alone which The Los Angeles Limited, the Salt Lake Route expected to put Into service between Chicago and Los Angeles via Salt Lake about December 1, will not make Its Initial run be fore December 15, owing to lack ol equipment. Tito little son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nelson, of Logan, died last week While under peculiar circumstances. the ten previous days supper easting little fellow swallowed a plum stone which lodged In the throat, finally causing death. The explosion of a gas generating tank at Hyde Park fatally Injured 16 Charles Roach, son of Seldy year-olRoach of Logan. Mr. Roach and hit brother, Myers Roach, were also Injured, although their wounds are ol a minor nature. Deep appreciation of the work of the Salt Lake Commercial club In Inaugurating the movement for "See Americs First," designed primarily to divert European travel to the west. Is ex pressed by practically every commer clal organization of the west Tim ONeil was assaulted and robbed by thugs while driving home from Ogden to Uintah. After the old man, who is 72 years of age, was knocked out of his wagon, his team ran away and lodged In a fence at Riverdale. ONeil was badly injured. William Roy Kaighn, who killed in the roa man, Haynes, traveling tunda of the Knutsford hotel, Salt Lake City, on November 26, 1902, and was sentenced to flu years Imprison ment, has been pardoned. The past two years he has been out on parole beet-growe- d Power company The of Nevada is preparing for the expenditure of $750,000 on the construction of reservoirs and power plants in Big and Little Cottonwood canyons, to supply power to the mines and smelters and increased water supply ot Salt Lake City. Munroe Wilson ot Park City Is suf ferlng with a badly crushed hand as a result ot a wagon wheel passing over It The vmtne msn was endeavoring to block the wheel of the wagon when the team backed, catching his hand between the wheel of the wagon and the ground. Inter-Mountai- . n Fill PAST LEHR Macedonian Finances Affair Becomes Serious, as There Is a Probability of an Uprising of the Musaelmana Agalnat Christian Population. Their Live. Lawrence, Mass. All but one of the girls attending the parochial school of St. Anne's parish, whose lives were endangered by fire In the building Wednesday, escaped without of them Injury, although twenty-fiv- e were caught In nets as they were window by dropped from a third-stora teacher. Rena Drouln)12 years old, was taken to a hospital suffering from the effects of fright and inhaling smoke, but It is thought that she will recover. All the pupils except those on the third floor, who escaped by means ot the net, marched out of the building In good order when the alarm was given. The fire was caused by an overheated furnace. Sister Mary, one of the teachers, and her twenty-fiv- e pupils, who were on the third floor, could not get down the stairs on account of tbe dense smoke. The teacher led the children to the window beneath which the firemen stretched a net. Under the sisters direction the girls climbed out over the sill and were assisted to drop and were caught safely in the apparatus held by the firemen. 400 y TIE TO The Premier Tried to Escape From the Palace, But Wae Prevented by Armed Japanese. Were Cut Off From Stairway by Fire and Forced to Leap for Sultan Rejects Demands for International Control of IRE COMPELED Report of Postmaster General Shows a Shortage of Fifteen Million. London. The Tokk correspqndent of the Daily" Telegraph says that the naval plans of Japan include the formation of a special squadron to cruise In the southern seas as far as Singapore. The same correspondent says: Vast Sums Must be Paid Each Year by the Government to Cover the Losees in the Department Over Which Cortelyou Presides. BOTTOIJ Over One Hundred Lives Are Lost Off the North Coast of France - The ytssel Ran Into a Snowstorm and, While the Passengers and "The details of the negotiations at Part of the Crew Were Asleep, Seoul show that the Koreans had ne Founded on the Rocks. alternative but to accept the treaty drawn by Japan. The premier tried Washington, D. C. Postmaster Gen- to escape from the palace, but was eral Cortelyou recently completed prevented by Japanese gendarmea and forwarded to the secretary of the He still persisted In his refusal to sign the protocol, whereupon' the emtreasury the estimates for thej postof-fledismissed him. Several other peror department for the fiscal yeai ministers resigned, but the emperor .ending June 30, 1907. They show a refused to accept their resignations. reduction of expenses wherever It la General Hasegaw, now commander ol believed It will not impair the ser- the Japanese troops in Korea, will - be the Japanese governor general. el vice, but provision for development Korea. of postal facilities to meet) the grow8HAW CONSENTS TO STAY. ing needs of all. sections of the coun- London. The Southwestern mtt ways cross channel steamer Hilda was .wrecked oft SL Malo,' on coast of France, and It Is believed that 100 or more of her passen- - ' gers and crew were drowned. Thw Hilda' left Southampton Friday night , for St. Malo with considerably more than 100 souls on board. Her pas-sage was greatly' delayed by a fog in the channel, and when nearing SL Malo she ran Into a severe snowstorm, try. The estimates for the postal service Bdsretary of the Treasury Will Not apparently missed her eourse and Resign for Somey.donths. at large the field servife aggregate loundered on the rocks off Jardln Shaw will lighthouse, Washington. three , miles from SL $193,000,000, an increase over last years" appropriation of alhont $27,000,1 remain as secret iff f the treasury In Malo. cabinet until the 000. This increase The companys steamer Ada, outrepresents the President ftoov;A normal growth of the service based conclusion oT'the approaching session ward from St. .Malo, rescued At of of congress Land pernaps tor several the upon what the postal authorities passengers and one of the crow. coaler-vativand BE WILL 8HOT. AMERICANS and The crew numbered twenty-simonth.ul.jfjr, gard as the most. careful US Willi! understood, in a tenta there were about a hundred passenestimates. Eacjh succeijalng Murdered Two Men In Chihuahua for year sees a large increase In tb busi- tl''la5-ha- t Secretary Shaw gers, all Frenchmen, the majority ben Sure from insurance Money. the cabinet about ing onion dealers from St. Brieuc and ness of the department Therinclpai El Paso, Tex. ,n Chihuahua on Items In the Increase $re thi rural de the 1st o? February next, or sooner, neighborhood. with a View to greater freedom in proWednesday, Judge Rios sentenced C. .livery service, railway In Thw majority of the, crew and were asleep at the time. Two Richardson, C. S. Harle and Wil- compensation to postmasf6van their moting his- candidacy for the Republiwere can nomination in boats 1908, lowered, one of which conbe to presidential liam Mason, three Americans, clerks and compensaHSffof letter caralthough the secretary himself never tained .five men, who arrived at SL shot. The three men were accused riers. . i has announced hl3 intention to be a Bervasu. The second boat was picked of murdering two men in Chihuahua For the maintenance of rural deliv- candidate. At a conference between op empty at Sl Cast, where thlrteet tor life. Insurance money, Richardson ery service and Its proper extension the president and secretary on Mon- bodies were washed ashore. The top consented of the Hildas funnel, and her mast Shaw day, Secretary being, an Insurance agent; Mason, his over $29,000,000 will be required. This to continue as secretary of the treas- are visible at low tide, according to , the assistant agent, Is an Increase of $3,600,000 over the for the current year, ury until the close of the approach- the telegram from SL Servan. and Harle being the examining physi- appropriation The Hilda was built at Glasgow la which in turn Is over $5,000,000 more ing session of congress, and perhaps 1882 and yqglstened 848 tons. She was cian. They murdered a man named than that of last year, so that the some time afterwards. a screw steamer of Iron construction, . Devers, whom they decoyed from El present estimate is $1,400,000 less MANY LEFT STRANDED. sad was 235 feet in length. over man named of increase the than the another present Paso, and the preceding year. Mitchell, who Is said to be a PERISHED IN FLAMES. The deficit for the fiscal year end- Prince Louis Sails Away, Leaving pf Mason. Richardson Is from was a had bad June he N. Y.t $14,572,584. where 30, 1905, ing Rochester, Many of His Sailors' Behind. Thlrty-nin- h Uvea Lost In ' Lodging This amount, the difference berecord as a lawyer, and where ho York. About two hundred New revhas tween case the and the expenditures married .Masons plater. Tbe House Fire In Glasgow. been In the Mexican courts three enues of the department, It Is of- sailors 'from the British squadron Glasgow. the most terrible fire years,' the arrests having taken place ficially announced, may be said to commanded by Prince Louis of Bat. In El Paso, and the men having bebn represent the actual cost of the pos- tenberg were missing from their ships that has occurred In Great Britain for extradited from here. Harle was for- tal service to the people. If recent many years broke out here Sunday In calculations are as accurate as they when the squadron made ready to sal a ' merly an El Paso physician. cheap lodging house for men In Wat-have been frequently In the past they Monday. Several of those who had ofi In loss the son and resulted street, afford good reason for believing that overstayed their leave were turned RAILROAD RATE MAKING. lives and Injury the deficit for the year ending June away when they tried to board their thirty-minwill be considerably less. It 30, 1906, of others. Bill Patched many a , of up withwas Being As in Possibility the morning.-- ' ,lt ts an Interesting fact that the total shipsThe dead were mostly workmen in few hours of the fleets sailing in for Discussion at Next Session. revenue for the fiscal year 1905 made belated their time when the they prime of life. "They presented a the total expenditures for the Washington, D. C. Railroadman the officers treated them horrible sight, their blackened faces appearance, 1904 fiscal $500,000." by the nearly year making was again considered by as deserters, refusing to let them step bearing evidence of terrible 'struggles aboard. The officers said they were to escape. senate committee on interstate comBODY FOUND BY HUNTERS. willing to lose these men on the prinmen were sleeping In the atmerce on Wednesday, but In an inthat they are worthless and their ticMany floor above the burning fourth formal way, as no measure has jet Wiley L. Brown, a Salt Lake Attorney) ciple loss is a good riddance. Many of ths floor, and these had narrow escapes. been presented to the committee upon Perishes From Exposure. rejected sailors wept upon being re- The flames burst through the floor, to their and It was Impossible tor the men to CASHIER CAUGHT WITH GOODS which it can base Its action. Views Salt Lake City. The body of Wiley fused permission to return ship. were expressed by several members U descend. The windows were secureBrown, prominent In Utah politics Took Gold Dust From Pouches and which Indicated a ly fastened, and the men had to sharp division as at the time statehood was granted. InCLARK LETS CONTRACT. break them so that they could climb Puts Black Sand in Its Place. ( far as the .situation has developed. strumental In the organizing of the to neighboring roofs. through Wash. George Edward There Is the further Indication that Seattle, In the state, and an Road to Bullfrog. to Bo Finished By party Republican Adams, for seven years cashier of the a majority of the committee will faWent Over the Boundary Line. April 1. attorney who achieved considerable United States assay office In this city, vor a measure giving the Interstate In Salt Lake City. Senator Clark, Portland, Ore. A peculiar legal en'' commerce commission more power, prominence at the bar, was found by and one of the young men which means In some form control hunters Tuesday morning on Pine an Interview here on Monday, said: tanglement Is likely, it' Is said, to rein Seattle, is under arrest, accused by over rates. It seems to he quite well We have let the contract for grad- sult from a raid made Saturday night five miles up City Creek cansecret service officials of the theft ol understood that three Republicans anu ridge, the line from Las Vegas to Bull- by Portland police on the Milwaukee Brown had Mr. three For ing years yon. $35,000 In gold dust, to which he had enough Democrats favor such legislawanfrog to Deal Bros. & Mendenhall of Country club, a gambling resort operFrequently he access in his official capacity. Of this tion to insure a rate making bill, being been demented. Springville, and. they are preparing to ated In the city of Milwaukee, ClackaIn for The sum $12,000 was taken off Adams by reported. hills the dered about days. begin active work at once.' Grading mas county, a town lying on the WilSecret Service Agent Conneil, who has unan save .for was corpse stripped on the extension will be under way by been at work on the case for several KILLED AT WEDDING- dershirt and lay not far from a trail December IsL and we expect to have lamette river a couple of miles south weeks. Mr. Connell claims that Adwas limits of Portland. Acleading over the ridge. The flesh the road completed and in running of theclty ams has made a practically complete eviCelewhich made character of the city to it the and drawn Assassin Breaks pinched, Up cording order within six months. The terriconfession of guilt, stating that he had Bingham dent that he had died from exposure. tory In southwestern Nevada is open- of Portland, which Is in Multnomah bration of Ceremony, Wedding abstracted more than $30,000 from mifranked- by the state legislaing up splendidly, and with the ship- county, ners pokes since June last, and subBingham, Utah. An assassins bulthe Moffat Says Road Will be Built ture, police power of Portland to new afford will the line facilities ping stituted black sand to represent the let, which every circumstance Indiextends a distance suppress gambling will of there amount development Salt Lake City. A special to the the deficiency In weight the boundaries miles outside of four cates was meant for other than Its we be increased, and expect of Herald from Denver, says: It Is an naturally the cjty. . see to a Mike on opened mining Inflicted fatal great region victim. injuries BURGLARS LOOT BANK. solutely certain that the Moffat road up." Francevlc about 9 oclock Tuesday will PROGRAMME IN KOREA. be constructed to Salt Lake City Got Away' With $15,000 After Hours TO DEATH. BURNED . night, and In the space of a second as acrapidly as men and money can of Hard Work. scene. In Further' Details of the Convention Changed a gay wedding it. This was the statement complish ' With Japan. Los Angeles, Cal. Robbers broke which Miss Michal Francevlc had beof Cripple Shreveport, made for David H. Moffat to O. H La-in Flames. Perished , Into the local Japanese bank at 111 come the bride of Matz Sabin, into ftorea. The new convention Seoul) Hewlett and John J. Crltchlow on La. Fire and Korea, in East Fifth street Wednesday night wild disorder. The bride, flying to the Monday "agreed Shrevepdrt, Japan upon by ol Tuesday by his nephew, Fred, and took cash amounting to $15,000. aid of her father, had a narrow es- Denver. met morning destroyed the city hall, city, addition to establishing the status of two Lakers The Salt being struck by one of the Mr. The robbers gained access to the cape from representative In conneo market, two store buildings adjoining Japanese residents and the transfer bullets which pierced the walls of the tlon Moffats with their work for the Merchant which is a branch of the Nichl house. The man who fired the shot Is bank, It on the wesL slightly damaged the of the management of foreign relaassociation of Balt Pel Clnko, by opening the door of a as arrests have & Manufacturers' caused the death of one tions to Japah, provided that. there Eleven unknown. yet him already heart city prison, bicycle shop In the adjoining building, been made, none of the sus- Lake, and foundmovement. although the injury of three fire- hall be no interference with existing and David H person cutting a hole through the brick wall pects hold out strong promise of be- and soul in the treaties and also for the retransfer men. Loss, $75,000. Walter Wood, in his New Moffat Into the bank and thus reaching the York, nephew being It Is believed was his authorized spokesman, and h of the administration of external relap rear of the safe. They then cut a hole ing the man Iswanted. cripple, wno was permitted tlons, when the Korean government is ot an old was result the the tragedy th that in . asserting through the back of the safe with feud. to sleep in a room over the markeL positive capable, of so doing. line will he rushed into Utah. chisels, the work probably keeping perished in the flames. them busy for several hours. La Follette Calls Special Session Russia Makes Threats Against the Four Men Blown to Atoms at South Noted Mormon Dead. Turks. Politicians Wls. general Detective Crazed by Failure to Solve Madison, River, N. J. Phoenix, Arlz. News comes from Sofia correspondent , The London. ly agree that Governor LaFollettea ulMurder Mystery. South River, N. J. Four men were Mesa City, that Benjamin F. Johnson, that the disregard timate purpose relative to the United blown to Times of the says 1 am 1 Del. Wilmington, called, pieces Tuesday afternoon by a noted Mormon patriarch, died SatRusam going to where Mrs. Todd has States senatorship is not clarified by an explosion at the laboratory of the urday night at the age of 87 years and by the Turkish government of the the of session a his call for protests against special repeated International Smokeless Powder A 3 months. Johnson was formerly pri- sias gone." This note was left by Walter of her Turkey They hold Chemical company at Parlin. L. Hoover, a railroad detective, who legislature December 4. by strengthening They vate secretary to Prophet Joseph in the Bosphorus and the despairing of solving the mystery ol that the main purpose of the call ta to were: John Pierce, Frank Spratford Smith, and served fourteen terms in the death of Mrs. Margaret Todd, com remedy a law relative to rebuilding sea Bl&ok literally has resulted In mitted suicide by asphyxiation here the capitol. This work would be at a John Applegate) J. W. Redpath, super the Utah legislature before coming to Russia for the immediate demand His Arizona by many years ago. posteriWhat Thursday. Hoover had worked on the standstill If the law Is not perfected lntendent of the laboratory. It is numbers. the arrears of the Russo of stated, ty approximate payment Todd case ever since the wealthy wo- The governor will at least not go to caused the explosion will never b 800. For years his birthday has been war Indemnity, threatening mans body was found near Phlladel the senate for the opening of con- known, as only the four men were In the occasion of an annual festival Turkish occupaIn thb event of phia. gress. the building at the time. among the Mormons In this section. tion of a joint on the Turkish coasL ' for Fighting. High Prices for Lead. Red Flags in London. Unknown Steamer Goes Down Ofl r Russian Prisoners Mutinous. St. Louis. Lead ore sold at' the Coast of Nova Scotia. Annapolis, Md. Midshipman Minot London. There was another "povA telegram from Nagasaki Tokto. highest price In twenty-fivyears in Meriwether, jr., of Lafayette, La., Halifax. N. S. The violent storm erty parade" In the streets of London of the Russian prisoners says ot naval class of member the third the Missouri when sales were made on which swept the coast of Nova Scotia Monday afternoon. Some five to six for Vladivostok on board bound war of on was on trial here -at 100 put academy, $5.50 per Thursday the latter part of last week apparently thousand unemployed men and pounds. The and Boronejl, Vladimir vessels the advance in lead ore Is attributed to Wednesday before a naval has claimed another victim. A sprinkling of women marched along have shown The ofol mutlfly. signs on of Include that charges that several causes, chief of which is the embankment steamer is thought to have the Thame to Hyde vessels two applied to restriction In production In Missouri manslaughter, in having caused the gone to the bottom on Thursday aft- Park, where they listened to speeches ficers of the to dispatch Another cause is said to be the fact death of Midshipman James NR. ernoon off Beaver harbor, on the east and adopted resolutions condemning asto their officers and that the leading governments of the Branch, Jr., of New York, a member coast of the province, police miles cure for lack of employ- troops a as charity world are buying lead for military pun of the class above One hundred, constables him, as a result of off Halifax. Her Identity has not been ment and demanding the summoning sistance. poses, and Immense quantities are be- a prearranged fist fight which took established, and so far as can be as- of to Initiate works of na-- t have boarded the Boronejl and four parliament ing used for coverings for electric un place on the evening of Sunday, No- certained not one of her crew sur- tional utility. Red flags were seeh Japanese torpedo ' boats have vived. derground cables everywhere. vember 5. last f and banners demanding work. two Russian ships; Sultan, Constantinople. The lrade an approving Issued Thursday, the decision of the ministers to reject demands of the powers for international control of the finances of Macedonia. Whether the decision Is absolute or conditional has not been definitely ascertained. Vice Admiral Husnl Pasha at once started on a special steamer for the Dardanelles, presumably with lnstruo tlons for the commander of the torts In regarding the commanders conduct of Inter the event of the appearance national fleets. Similar Instructions have been sent to the governors of the Turkish Islands in the archipelago. Answer Unsatisfactory. Paris. Turkeys note In reply to the ultimatum of the powers contain a warning that the action of the powers in resorting to a naval demonstratior may precipitate an International up rising of Mussulmans against the Christian population of Turkey. This is considered to be a threat, as It Is known that no demonstration of Mus sulmans against Christians can occui unless It has the silent acquiescence of the Turkish authorities. The answer of the porte as a whole II Is entirely unsatisfactory, since does not respond to the demand toi the extension of the authorities of the financial agents of the powers tor two years and is evasive upon the ques tlon of 'the general control by the powers of the financial affairs of Mace donia. All the ministers except the minister of war favored yielding to the ultimatum, but palace lnfluencei led the sultan to overrule the favor able attitude of the porte. These In as the out fluences are regarded growth of Germany abstaining from taking an active part In the naval demonstrations. The Turkish reply gives a serloui turn to the negotiations. International Fleet Sent For. Vienna. Baron Von Calice, the Austrlan-Hungarlaat ambassador teleon Thursday Constantinople, graphed Admiral Ritter Von Jedlne for a portion of the International fleet to sail Immediately, proceeding elthei to Mytllece (an island of the Greclar archipelago, belonging to Turkey, in Asia) or for Beslka bay, near the en trance of the Dardanelles. the-nort- e 4 Sew-etar- f e x f pae-enge- - , " brother-in-law- - half-broth- - the-sever- n S- . best-know- n s - L r Half-Witte- half-witte- . d d -- tortl-fioatlo- ns - non-payme- Court-Martiale- d e that-BO- court-marti- two-maste- fifty-fiv- e -- - -- 1 J |