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Show THE PIUTE COURANT. Marysyale, Piue County, Utah, Saturday, November 25, 1905. Vol. III. ' No. 18. Jhe Piute Courant. from the hotels stand ready to convey deg. f0 min. webf 1,500 feet to earner Claim tn Book E, 427: Itewe aforesaid li section corner bears N, VS passengers to a hot dinner and clean No .1 of Annie Mine; thenoe north 74 Mine iu Bonk 0," Summit deg, 16 tniu. V. Vt85.5 feet, and from i u'7; H. WHITLOCK, pis? beds. deg. lo min. east 600 feet to comer Mining Claim iu Book E, page 426; corner No I f the Fuanpt-uPublished Every Saturday at No. i I Dealer in J No. 4 of Aunio Mine, Identical with Pearl I'rivoUca in Book F, Ji A section corner bears X, ru page 233, l.wPs-ulMr. Garrett, liroprietor of the Palace corner No. 2 of Genova and with corThe Local Office el Publication HARNESS AND HORSt FUR- Tbo adjoining claim is Use Annie dog. 33 min. W, 964 feet The Ptfifre J4dtel, S NI8HING8. saloon, took train the 16th for Rich- ner No. 1 of Switxerlan I Mine: thence Mine, Survey 5297, ks showa by tfe S.ilu consolidated claim being' l,c field. He anticipates disposing of his north 16 deg. 50 tnin. west 1,290.4 feet official iu the S. V, 4 of sect'on 5, Tn. plat. led SXUryavaie UTAH MARYSVALf t 1 direct that this nctlcs be property and leaving Marjsvale in the to corner No, 3 of Switzerland Mine; published 27 S.. II. 5 V Salt Like ILse ud very near future. thaure north 74 deg. 10 mtn, east 600 In the Piute Courant Meridian, and containing a totil area . , feet to corner No. 3 of Switzerland SUBBCRIrlONS. ;rtha newspaper puULehed near of 25.342 acres, excluding howetfr, l'i The of voice the threshing machine Mine; thence south 15 dog. 60 min. eat said claims for a purled of nine addition to the exclusions between th ' One year, 75 cents. Is no more heard in the land. ' Its east 1,290.4 feet to corner No. 4 of weeks. Six Months, 40 cents. FlANlv D, HOBBS, lodes of this survey, the Senator C. v JOHN HAWES. Three menths, II centa. dust and clatter will greet us no more Switzerland Mine, Identical with cor. Sur. 4415, and Garfield, Sur. 4 4 It. Reg1 star, till birds No. 3 the harvest over ner chatter the corner1 of. L. H. GltAY, Attorney. Geneva and with Utah. Such excluded ure.i containing t;.i A Marysvale, No. 1 of Feaney Mining Claim; thence These rates hold Food until January gralnflelds of 1906. acres. Dealer in t. 1906, but do not apply to back ac. north 74 deg. 10 mtn. east 600 feet to Jl APPLICATION FOf. VTENT, Net area claimed and applied for becounts. The Holland, Surprise and Deer corner No. 3 of Fenuey Mining Claim; M. A, No. 4051. ji QENERAL MERC'HANDI8. 17.206 acres. ing Park properties at Gold Mountain Will j thence south 15 deg. 60 mtn. east 1.500 United States Lund Office, Salt Lake Each of 'odd lodes embraced in mi I Advertising rates on application to be Incorporated in one company and j feet to corner No. 4 of Penney Mia City, Utah, October 27. 1905. consolidated mining claim b'n ef our local er Salt Lake office. capitalized at fj.Oyy.oon. Already the Ing Claim; thence south 74 deg. 16 Notice is hereby given that James record In the office of the County mines show the birth of a stupendous min. west 600 feet to corner No. 1 of M. Morris of Salt Like ut Junction, Pluto count , City, Utah, Salt Commercial mining boom. Feaney Mining Claim, Identical. and Clinton S. Crisp of Utah. Dr. F. J. Lyon, ' Club Bid. and Poetoffiee Box 17. ! with corner No. 4 of Osasva; Agnilar, 'Colorado, have made aupltca-- , The' neatest known locatlou-- i or n Mr. Horne, tluj. thence south 74 dug. II min. west 800 Bon for a United States Patent for the Star ! (PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, niug claims being the aforesaid cun M. P. Mrs. 8. Qaefcer. .'.Loot Editor mine manager, Is enthusiastic over the fee to center No .1 of Geneva, Iden- Safopson, Sampson No. 1. j tltcting claims and Rolling Ilills No. 2, of Beaver county. With its fine tical with corner No. 1 of Annie Mine; No. 3 and Imperial mine lodesSampson "5 oonsoll- - Sur. 4401; Rolling Hills No. 3. Stir, Maryavafe, Utah. paper- Is kspt en foe by THE future AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRESS. properties, neatly all of which are in thence south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 dated mining claim, situate In the Gold '4142, ikild Bird No. 2. Sur. 4453, and Chamber el Commerce Building. Den- good condition, the state of Utah has feet to coi ner No. 3 of Annie Mine, the Mountain Mlniug District, Piute coun- - Gold 1 fild No, 3. Sur, 4465. vj)VXiy.x I direct that this notice be publish I ver, Colo, mIi ere our readers wrlH be every promise of being Indebted to place of beginning, containing a total ty, Utah, consisting of 1113.6 linear Beaver County for a portion of its and net area of 79.767 acres, all of feet of the Sampson lode, 1117.8 linear in the Courant at welcome, to the ute. of. the. leading fame county which is applied for, there being no feet of the Sampson No. 1 lode. 693 of Piute, state of Marysvale, as a mining state, Utah, for the ospers from the yaftious mining secJ. BEDFORD, . conflicts. of J No. 2 feet the lode rlod of aim consecutive weeks, scientific library tions of the Meet, Sampson M. F. Murray, local manager of the The presumed general course or di- and 619.6 linear feet of the Imponrd FRANK D., HOBBS, Register, GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. 5 and mineral exhibit comGold of rection Cabin the as or and veins lodes are Log Development mine lode and surface ground each (.77, O. W. PARKS, Attorney tor pany properties, Marysvale, has been shown upon the official plat. 600 feet wide, being mineral cants. N6TICS. Marysvale, Utah. Said claims are situated In the snrvey No. 5411 and described In the crowding1 In supplies to the scene of v . v First publication, dated Oct 28, 1801, All persona this receiving operations for the winter on the northeart 4 of section 12 and the un- field notes and plat of the official surLast publication, Dec. 23, 19957 with this article marked with a red ground of the latter company. Work surveyed part of section 12, township vey on file In this office with magnetic cross will nder3tunl that their sub- has been resumed in the old I & N. 27 south, range 6 west, and northwest vartutiou ut 16 Ue- - 15 min. cast as tunnel and a camp has been estab- Y and southwest i. section' 7, town- follows, scription haa been paid tor six months lished there. ship 27 south, range 4 west, Sait Lake Commencing at corner No. 1 of the1 Bertelaen Bro., from that date. If marked with a Meridian. The southeast corner seo Sampson No. 2 lode, from which the j 5 I A copy of the articles of the Kim- tlon 12, black croas their subscription will extownship 27 south, range 6 Vi section corner on west boundary of S CLACKSMITH8, berly Mining company, a corporation west, bears as follows from corner No. section 3. township 27 eouth, range 5 r pire In one month. of Elko, Nev.. which was referred to 1 of said claims: Annie Mine and west, Suit Lake Base and Meridian t; Maifyavale, Utah. THE PUBLISHERS, by the Herald a few days ago, was south 2Sf deg. 2 mtn. east 1.2S2.4 bears N. 69 deg. 11 min. W. 428.9 feet; i filed in the office of the serretnrv of feet; Switzerland Mine, south 21 deg tbence S. 89 deg. 24 tnin. E. 1 11)3.5 feet jo:o:o:o:o METAL MARKET. 0$0 state yesterday, accompanied by a fil- 68 min. east 3,764,2 feet; Fennoy Min- to corner No. 2 of the Sampson --WUter fee of $1258. The company is cap- ing Claim, south 3 deg, 1 mtn. east lode, of this survey; thence S. 5 deg. copper, ing Friday, 171 Silver, G4 italized for f 5,000.000, divided into 1,286.8. 03 min. E. 345 feet to corner No 3 of 15 lead, $5.15. & shares of a par value of $5 each. Said elilms are of record In tfie of- - the Sampson lisle; thence S. 82 deg. 12 G4; IF: Silver, , copper, Saturday, A. HAMROUCK, M Jt .4 Pcs of the Recorder of Piute County, min. W. 118 2 feet to corner No. 4iof 15 lead. $5.15. TV. G Higher, superintendent of t Junction, Utah, as follows: Annie the Sampson lode; thence S. ft deg. 14 T. jf. G4 and copper, Surgeon, Silver, Monday. 20: Physician the New Stockton Mining company, Mine, in Book aD, page 163; Geneva, min. E. 752.1 feet to corner No. 5 of 1G lead, $5.20. K Commercial Block, Office, the Sampson lode; tbence N. 89 de;. and In Book r Salt lake City, Utah. copper, after spending a week in Milford to In Book "D," page 161, nnd amended Tuesday, 21 Silver, 64 Min- 24 min. W. 314.7 feet to corner No. the returned 166; mines, 'T6, page Fenney surrounding 1429-K- . 16 , 1412-$5.20. lead, 1 and Phonos vis- ing Claim, tn Book T2," p .go 271; of the Sampson No, lode, of this surcopper, Salt Lake tonight. While here he Wednesday, 22 Silver, G4 N. 8 deg. ft2 min. V. 674.7 160. thence Book Black in vey; Wasatch Switzerland, the "D, ited King, page if 161-8- ; Skylark, v lead. $5,17. of the . SJMXNioSa! ' t. . There are no adjoining claims, aa feet to Intersection with line aisari:- - .. copper, Rock and Southern Copper properties Thursday, 2;t Silver, 64 Imperial Mine lode, of this survey; j He also visited the Old Hickory and shown by the official plat, 161-8- ; lead. $5.17. I direct that this notice be published thence S. 45 deg. 05 mtn. W, 516.6 feet the Harrington Hickory mines while to corner No. 3 of the Imperial Mine f your taste for good clothing leads In the Piute Courant, here. THE MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. the newspaper published near- lode; thence N. 82 deg. 55 min. TV. CO'i you to be critical of Style. Fit nnd J 4 of the Imperial Finish of your garments, you wlM Work has Just been resumed, after est said claims, for a period of nine feet to corner No. Y Aeieyera and Chemists. Mine lode; thence N. 45 deg. 05 min. save yourself no end of trouble b FRANK D. HOBBS, 111 V. Tangle BL, Balt Lekeg The mults of the eleciions several months of Idleness on the weeks. E. 549 feet to corner No, 1 of the Im-- i looking-Intour store and examining , Register. throughout Utah were of general Im- Copper Butte property, Marvsvale. and Ctijr. , perlal Mine lode, which is Identical the class r f worktuauvhlp and maII. GRAY, Attorney. be continued all whiter. Several will 4 with'Corner No. of the Sampson Hi.. terials we turn out. Write for Maillot feeta. portance only In Salt Lake and Og- of the prominent mining men of the 2 lode and from said common corner den the former being so vastly ahead district have been attracted to this the aforesaid V4 section corner boars iOOD BUSINESS SUITS FROM $1 LICATIOJ4 FOR- - PATENT. ami wive taken hold One" N. 38 deg.' 28 min. W. 675.6 f.xd of the next candidate for distinction thousand dollars is to be expended in UP. thence N. 2 deg. 56 min. W. 377 feet to of the ground, as to amount to a practical eclipse. the development M. A. Ho. 4023. corner No. 1 of the Sampson No. 2 2. No. tunnel Shelton the through & lode, and being the place of beginning This was because of the presence of United State riand Office. d J ASSAY ER. of 1996 exterior boundaries of 22, description Lako Salt Utah, Aug. City, ' 149l W. Second Souih, iini W. 2nd South. Salt taka Citr. the new American party as well as The wedding after thirteen years otico Is hereby given that thi of said consolidated claim. From coron 1 ner of b Junction lode tho No. at the took with two Gold old ones, the Sampson place Pfovidence Opposite Fwtolea speculation courtship Mining compnny, SALT LAKE CUI Y. , Mailing Sacha Furnish. the 15th at three oclock p. m., alter lt and Authorized agent running high as to the outcome and which a sumptuous repast was served Johnpresident Meyerhoffer of Sf.lt Lake City theusands of dollars being wagered at the home of the brides parents Utah, has made application for r with carna- United States patent for the Lost Min Tables were decorated on the outcome. The result was fations and ferns. Bride made beauti- ing Claim, Rowe Mine, Annex Mining vorable to the new party throughout ful with heavy white silk nnd filmy Claim, Summit Mining Claim and In delicate blue. Pbarl Fraction lode mining claim, con .CYRUS 0. QATRELL lace. Bridesmaid Saloon Man with the exception of four out of ten Friends wish wadded pair all happi- Bjstiag of 1,500, 1,600, 1,312.3, 1,312.1? We Carry everything required in a of were & which Counselor. ness. carried 200 id linear feet, respectively, councllmen, ttoney byf Bar. ' as shown e lodes and surface ground J JC the Democrats, although the margin, Cigar Men: ,4U D. F. Walker Building, moth- bjr the official plat, being Survey No There aro 73 Brands of Cigars in whose Slute three old, , years American was not large, the average, er often had occasion to reprove her 5198, situated in the Gold Mountain our stock. Salt Lake, City. llfining District, Piut County, Utah We Want Your Business. plurality eing but a little over COtt. for driving the little chicks with a and described in the plat and field on her a rash heat face, had Relger & Llr.dley. . votes In a total of nearly 22,000, the stick, office "The Whisk y Merchants, Much she remarked in her hearing notes of survey on file in this16 deg Democrats being second and the Re- that It looked like chickenpox. Her with magnetic variation at Sait Lake City. efcst, as follows, She In the came home night. father X Of v. ja 1 GEO., W. PARKS, No. of Lost corner publicans a decidedly bad third. at Commencing sat up in her crib and exclaimed: 1 Mining X course the Socialists were nowhere. Claim, and running thence Land Attorney, v Papa, papa! I got chioenpox! 75 deg. 1 min. west COO feet to south an chased the chickens vdth,a 'tick, ja Auerbach Building, The result as. to the Republican cprner No. 2 of said claim; thence I 'em!" Salt Lake City.jj was as much of a surprise as that gen- ats how git ; mirth 15 deg, 59 min. west 1,500 feet j J ts corner No. 3 of said claim, identi- X X Vl'A'iMmmWAJt'M'Atitoil'A'A'sit J. II. Nelson, superintennt of the cal with corner No. 2 of Rowe Mine; erally. Only one year ago they parwho thence nosth 13 deg. 42 mtn. west ried the' election by a plurality as Signal Peak property, Maryevale, We carry the largest stock of Mens $3-3- 0 i.ud $1.00 was among the operators in the city 198.5 feet to corner No. 1 of Annex great' as their total vote this year, this week, says work wiH.be pushed Mining Cimm; thence N. 89 deg 64 tn Shoes and PROSPECTORS and MINERS HOOTS and the talk about how It happened, steadily along all winter in .the tunnel west 1,312.9 feet to corner No. 8 of M. iWJSi, Fn or-e- r Since resuming that property. op in Salt Lake. said claim; thence north 13 deg. 42 , 111 Sonth Mala Straxt Balt Lain while one cf the inevitable features of it ions last July, 100 feet have been thin, west 597.6 feet to corner No. 3 1 ' tte Rooms Bay, .an election aftermath Is so much more added to the tunnels length, giving Neatly furnished by - Send for of said oUirn, Identical with corner Catalog. Week or Month. now a length of about 850 feet. It Is No. 2 of Summit thence Mining Claim; Vflb Rates, CO cents to $1.60 psr day. vigorous and persistent now than ever expected every day now to cut the north 13 deg. 42 min. west 608.7 feet Special Sates by the day, week of before that it promises to continue first ledge, which outcrops on the sur- to corner No. 3 of Summit 'Mining month. face. , Claim; thence north 86 deg. 4 min. for a good while yet. Suffice it to 'O east 1,293.7 feet to oorner No. 4 of 177 Main St., WINDSOR. THE LINE AND THE TIME. said claim, identical with oorner No. say, the reversal was complete and 76 3 of Pearl Fraction; thence north EUROPEAN HOTEL. these who erstwhile were proudly at Salt Lake City. THE MIDIAND ROUTE between , 1 min. east 600 feet to corner No. Salt Lako City. is far the east and Utah the by jpoet deg. the top and a good ways beyond are 4 of Pearl Fraction; thence south 13 attractive route over the mountains deg. 42 min. east 200 feet to comer Located in the heart of the otty. now sadly at the bottom and wonderRatee Reasonable, during any season of the year. The No. 1 of said claim, identical with corFlret-claa- s is exceedingly grand, the ser- ner No. 4 of Rowe Mine; thence south rooms. clean scenery for. are at and what light, airy, ing where they vice superior and equipment used IF 10 deg. 43 min. east 621.9 feet to corla every respect Steam heat, Ktoctrle It Is easy enough to understand that the perfection of modem car . build' light ner No.-- 1 of Rowe Mine; thence south MX fcX the American party drew heavily upom 15 dbg. 50 min. east 878.1 feet to cor- XX Be sure and ask for your ticket via ner No. 1 of said claim. Identical with fcX : THE KEELEY CURB. the Republican ranks for it? materials the Colorado Midland and get the corner No. 4 of Lost Mining Claim; EX MX vv Cured. much heavier than upon the other best. Write General Agent, L. H. thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east 1,500 MX Drunkenness S. Boloz, Prop. i. Lake for further Salt MX City, (Of curs Harding, J JX 1 No. Lost corner of to sad Mining permanent A yrnBIrn great organization; also that the new- particulars and illustrated literature. feet f of beginning, con- K the MX place Claim, draaksaaeas and the opium dltcaMa.- r. . . IU UTAH. f Avnf MARYSVALE, j Them to o publicity, no sickness, ia- ' taining a total and net area of 77.243 MX A, 3 MX- NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR A acres, all of which is applied for, there MX trsnxed as privately as at signed to accomplish local purposes. 34 , PATENT, S! The Keeley Institute. MX no conflicts. being ftmftt no on With these el the way, M. A. No, 4022. TRAVELERS made Comfortabe and Happy at tins The presumed general course or di- MX W. 8 'maple. Salt Lake City. Utah, j K.X United States Land Office, rection of .the. veins or lodes are as MX i the Republican will ' resume their Hostlery. Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. U, 1905, shown upon the official plat. ax k 5 wonted strength, and they may do so Notice is hereby given that the in the MX are sltaated claims Said MX FFirvi'arwi7mwviMwwwwiM'wwwirwwrvtwirwrwFFFwi,rrir t 5 anyway, without vtdence Gold Mining company, by its northeast V4 and northwest V4 section waiting for To oar jFlaa- Selection of . (resident nnd authorized agent, John 11, township-2south, range 6 west, ihmgb. Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City. Utah,, fcmLpartiy ln the uasurveyed portion fiaa made application for a United of said township. The southeast cor MARYSVALE. PIUTE COUNTY AND States patent for the Annie Mine, Ge- ner section 18; - township 27 south, MV Yve have adJeJ the Chase A BakerJ neva, Fenney Mining Claim, and range i west, bears aa follows from KMXX SOUTHERN UTAH ITEMS. Switzerland Mine lode mining claims, eornsr No. 1 of each of said claims: MX piann Plaer, Victor Talking.. In the Gannett consisting, of 1,500, 1,600, 1,500 and Lost Mining Claim, south 83 deg. 19 MX was dance There a Machines, with a choice seNrw fcX feet of the loded, respec- min. east 966.8 feet; Rowe Mine, sooth MX MX opera house on Saturday evening last 1,290.4 linear X as shown by the 41 deg. 21 min. east 2,072.6 teet; An- MX with surface 4 Can of the tively, invited. were jl The general public M MX NO. 5297. 38 official 47 MX x south Survey being deg. nex plat, Mining Claim, )? J x situated in the Gold Mountain Mining min. east 2.797.8 feet; Summit Min MX sr.d Best Bells and RccerdAXX MX A company to be known as the . da MX east 'Piute County. Utah, and Ma.rvsvs.Io, VtaN. Ing Claim, south 41 deg. 50 min. Southern Copper company, has been District, MX scribed In the plat and field notes of Pearl Fraction, south 29 kX jjj of Best incorporated on a group of claims In snrvey cn file in this office, with mag- 2,312.448feet; tke One Gountry Hotels in the State min. east 3,470.6 feet. MX deg. 3 the Beaver Lake mining district. ofas 18 at netic variation are in the claims of record east, degrees Said 1 Muwc loose; 49 So.X XTfce MX Mrs. W. L. Jones, Prop. Jt Jt follows, t: fice of the Recorder of Piute County MX :x i!s, St, Salt lake An once in 2 No. of Lost The trains arrive regularly Commencing at corner at Junction, Utah, as follows: Mx,wtrwrtrrirewrrFFWwwwisnrj(Wi ti twenty-fou- r hours, uS Usual, and hacks nie Mine and running thence north IS Mining Claim and Annex Mining At ! asse - I ! Labe-Offiea-3- I well-know- n a Appti-located- . ,. 4 gSXilS!50Sg! to-wl- t: Qe-nv- I 1-- 7-- - 7-- 7-- Tr 1 3-- 2-- 3 i 0. H. .Officer & Co., I a 3 F. M. BISHOP, Sorenson - Larson, to-wl-t; 1 J J ' (.,. ig tfo ' ja Walk. Over Shoe Store, ; ' ft The Greoid Hotel rS v - 7 PIANOS. j 15he PINES HOTEL .St-Et- cs -- 1! Baesley Music Co. cr- to-wi- il |