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Show W. L. WU Douglas 3S&3'5?SHOESS3, $4.00 Gilt W. L. Douglas OF HEAD mins Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. - LUNGS r.BUDKR flFEMAlf STOMACH ORGANS THROA- CARE OF THE BODY How to Acquire and Retain the Priceless Possession of Good Health The Home Climate for the Consump- tive. Change to another, usually a warmer, climate, was once thought to be the only hope for the consumptive patient. At the present time, however, there is a consensus of opinion among he leading authorities that there Is 10 climate which has a specific cura- . VE MENS tive power over consumption. Many, Including Dr. S. A. Knopf of New Vork, an acknowledged expert on the treatment of consumption, hold that cures effected in the home climate in which the patients will have to live and work after their restoration to health, are more lasting and assured than cures obtained in more genial climes. While it is known that erred in the salubrious region of the wost have been able to return and live In the eastern states from whence they came, it is also known that others can never leave the region in which they recovered, for on their return to helr own state their dis- MAKES AND SELLS so shoes than $3. AMY OTHER MAMUFAO I UftER. REWARD to anyone who can 9IU,UUU disprove this atatemont. .so, rtoe ve by their .ea, v. f 11 n ST . and aurertoh ts V?0f,la, wearing qualitleo, achieved the largeot eale of atty $3.50 t.hUi0rM' ,TheT ,re lust rood as $S 0 to 7.00 -t- ho only you Is the price. II I could take you Into my factory at Brockton, Mass., the laryest In the world under one roof making men's fine shoes, and show you the care with which every peir of Dougins shoes Is made, you would realize why W. L Douglas $3.50 shoes are the best hoes produced In the world. If I could show you the difference between the shoes made In my factory and those of other makes, you would understand why Douglas $3.50 shoes ant more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of theater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe on the market y. W.L. Dougtmm Strong Made Shoo a tor Si.thl ease recurs.' Prof. Cornet of Berlin, & writer of international reputation, says: To day we rightly regard no one climate as specific. Tuberculosis occurs In the warmth of the south as well as in the Voider north, ind upon lofty plateaus. Recoveries, too, are seen in every School 4 750, S2.UO. Boya Oroaa Shooa,$2.BO, $2. S1.7S.S1.EO CAUTION .Insist Upon having W.L.Doug Us shoes. lake no substitute. None genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. A shoe dealer in every town where RANTED. W. L. Douglas Shoes are wot sold. Full line of ample sent free for Inspection upon request. Fast Color Eyelets used; they will not wear brassy. Write for Illustrated Catalog of Fall Stvles. W.L. DOUGLAS Brockton. cl. me. Ma. ST, MARKS HOSPITAL SALT LAKE CITY Superintendent O. O. HUNTING, Great Western Iron and Metal Co. INCORPORATED. Paid up tapital v Wholesale and Retail. We pay highest prices for Scrap Iron, topper, Brass, Lead. Rags. Rubber, Bottles, Hides, Pelte, etc. Bell Phone 24$ a Independent IftU. No. 280 to 210 South First West Street, $25 000. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH.MeM.MM It 13 hard to get in the swim out getting soaked. with- ' A round trip rate of $50 to California will be in effect all winter via the new See and popular Salt Lake Route. nearest agent or write for information to J. L. Moore, D. P. A., Salt Lake City. . Tribulations spell triumph. If You Have Foresight You will sit down right now and write us about any Jewelry or Silverware you want for Christmas. You can draw from the largest stock of good Jewelry. Watches, Diamonds and Silverware in the west 3 The old established store Established Ihe followli g reasons are given by the Flinois Stf te Board of Health why an attempt shi uld be made to cure a patient at or niar his own home if it be .a a clmatel not unsuitable for the cure of copsuiiLption, and why he shoud not he ent a long distance from hbrflPf Separation ftofb friends depresses is a the patient Home quickness malady which often basics the physician. . The expenses of the Journey are a serious drain upon his resources," and are often incurred unnecessarily. As has been aptly stated by the Stato Board of Health of Maine, Many patients could be well put on the road to recovery in their own state at a cost which would barely defray their expenses to and from Colorado and Ari. adna. The lack of home comforts in a distant state, and the Inability often to obtain proper accommodations unless at a prohibitive price, naturally handicap the best efforts made to cure the WM k S Seasonable Clothing. More clothing is, of course, neces. sary in winter than in summer, but the difference in the amount of clothing required is less than the difference In temperature. We are all conscious that we suffer more from a temperature of forty in the summer than from a much lower temperature in the winter. This is due to the fact that the system undergoes a change with the season, by which it adapts itself to the new conditions. This change produces what is termed a winter constitution for winter, and a summer constitution for summer. The winter constitution is well adapted to resist cold; while the summer constitution is prepared to resist heat. Consequently, the reverse of the conditions for which the body is prepared is severely felt On this account, we need more clothing In summer than in winter, at the same temperature. The custom of putting off and resuming winter or summer clothes at certain dates Is a pernicious one. ''In cold weather the underclothing should reach to wrists and ankles. The feet should be protected with thick, warm shoes with tops high enough to provide extra protection for the ankles, which are easily chilled, having less tissue than other parts of the legs. In winter several suits of under garments afford more warmth than the same weight or thickness in a single garmept; as the warmth of a garment is due, not so much to its thickness, as to the amount of air which is entangled in the meshes oi between its layers. An extra suit ol almost as much flannel affords warmth as an extra coat or cloak, and is both cheaper and less cumbersome A change from warm to cold weather or the reverse, at any season of the year, should always be met by a corresponding change in clothing. Observance of this rule will amply repay the slight trouble involved, in the sav in; of sickness and consequent expense and lots of time. For Infants and Children. gswp&t i rr t i The Kind You Have Always Bought mm AVcgcfahle PreparaiionFor As- similating the Food andRegula-tm- g the Stomachs andBowcis of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerffth nessandRest.Contains neither Opium, Morphine nor Miner aL Bears the Signature Not Harc otic. JlrnvffOUJlrSMVItPtTam WspJus SctJ- MxSmn iUutUSJO- jinur .Can In bKrfenaeJkffc Ctatu2 .fhftr wnyw nrm X perfect Remedy forfonsli Use po- tion , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverishness and Loss OF SLEEK For Over v Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years NEW VORK. TiFfTI TNI OCNTAUA "S lOHMNVt NM TOM ITT. EXCELLENT HELP TWO BOOKS WORTH READING Keep money et home. Don't eend oeet for Watches, Diamond end Jewelry. Trade with people you know. Noarly everyone knows us, end others ought to. Our Illustrated Catalogue A of Watchos and our Illustrated Work as a Remedy for Nervousness Work alone does not unnerve us. Overwork seldom does .permanent harm th damage is done by worry Catalogue B of Diamonds that arch enemy of peace and hapand Jewelry (Two Book) . piness. will help you. Mailed free upon request. It has been proven over and ove Phone 63 for the coned patient. again, says Dr. H. J. Hall, that honSALT LAKE CITY. time. The expense of living in the states est manual work, even of the com is climates the in great mon, everyday sort, has it having specific pow Even If his disease be cured, the pa- er to drive away worry. The worn tient may not be able to return to live anj who works with her hands at in his own state. hopsework, day after day, may not apIf the patient must work, he can preciate the blessings of her hard PRICE. 25 Too many have ta JiT Tmt the blessing is there, and find no occupation. T0 CURE THE GRIP preceded him. th average of nerves is far lower For the wealthy patient, who can an ong the workers of this type than be surrounded by his relatives and an ong those who plan and think and IS GUARANTEED TO CURE friends wherever be goes, a change of ha e the social burden to bear. If the GRIP, BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND NEURALGIA. climate may be desirable. For the lady whose time is full of social ento e dealer who wont fluru tee I wont ell tlA5 HO EQUAL fog HTAftAtflC It. tell for your MOft XX MACH. IP IT DON'T -tlKK. poor patient, a change of climate fre- gagements, and who is distressed over 1 u h.Jt-'- ' ),11 . IHemer, Jf. U., Uuuitwturer.tpringteM, Mo. quently quickens an unfavorable ter- the servant question, would sometime mination of the disease. go Into the kitchen and cook, would Consumption has been cured ii the get down on her knees and scrub, she past, and is still being cured, in the might thereupon taste the joys of the HALLS CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA REMEDY eastern and central states. It is of- simple life, and she might be sun ten not so much the best climate for FO OALI 0 Y ALL OHUOOIOTO prised to find how soon, under the be NEYER FAILS AMO OANtftAL OTOHOOp. . the disease as the best place for the nlgn Influence of work, the problems consumptive. of life would grow less complicated Niidsn-Judson Gsnerat Sait Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., Agents. An hour of work each day, good hard Twisting the Palate. ' work that clears the brain and leaves A large share of the physical degen- no room for worry, may prove a sav eracy that is increasing on every hand ing of time and of strength for the Novel Headgear for Fish. may be traced directly to unworthy woman of affairs, for it will break the A trout was taken from the Thames, never of to be things designed eating monotony of the intellectual strain near Eng., with Its head eaten, and which no one would ever and make life brighter and easier in tightlyHampton, fixed in an old meat can. think of eating except for the fact every way. that they momentarily give an agree We will give One Dollar for a Postal able sensation to the tongue and palCard giving the first reliable news of Mind Power. ate. No thought or consideration is a chance to sell a horizontal steam The following story of Benvenuto Three qfirfers of the tea given to the possible effect of these Cellini is told in "Success engine of our styles, within our range J. by palate-ticklin- g substances upon the Lincoln Brooks, who declares the ex of sizes. We do not want inquiries at in this country is not very stomach after they have entered It. A thi$ time for vertical, traction or gas perlence to he a triumph of mind once to said I the writer: gentleman over the physical condition: good. eat mustard, pepper, and similar hot When about to cast his famous substances because I like things that statue of Perseus, now in Loggia del The fraction is not too This gentle- Lanzi, at Florence, Cellini was takes give my palate a twist man, with thousands of others like with a sudden fever. In the midst of high. ENGINES AND BOILERS him, quite overlooked the fact that his suffering, one of his workmen Your grocer return yoor money if yon dool those things that "twist the palate rushed into his sick chamber and ex htv. for year, been th. .Hadird for til ire.m like Schilling's Bet. pl.nti. But of materinl ond workmanship. are equally able to twist" the stom- claimed, "0 Benvenuto, your statue it Our bit .utput coibles u. to .ell on .mill proach, the liver, the nerves, the brain spoiled, and there is no hope whatever Umbrellas In Abyssinia. fit.. An Atlu, the but in the world, co.t. no and every organ and tissue with of more thin th. other kind. Nearly everybody in Abyssinia carit! saving WflU today tor our tptclal offor. which they come in contact in their Cellini said that when he heard thlt ries a Robinson Crusoe straw umcan Journey through the body. which not be ATLAS closed. brella, and from a howl ENGINE WORKS hit he gave leaped An unperverted palate is a wise and bed. INDIANAPOLIS Slin, i,.ncU in .11 citiM Dressing hastily, he rushed tc CorliM ever wakeful sentinel, which says his furnace, and found the metal EnfiMfl High Spwed E&ftaM Water Tub Boiten YourVilve Engine Compound oginwf Tubular Bolton promptly to the eater, "Enough, He ordered dry oak wood Automttle Bng in$ Throitliag boin$ Portebl$Bal$it caked. when he has taken a sufficient amount and fired the furnace fiercely, working Atlu Engine In aerrlo 1,000 QO0 H t. of nutrient material to meet the pres- in the AUm Botlr in ecrrice 4,000.000 H. P. i?in that was falling, stirred ent requirements of the body. the channels, and saved his metal. The palate was given man, not as He continues the story thus: "After an instrument of pleasure, hut as a all was over, I turned to a plate oi f guide whereby he might select in salad on a bench there, and ate with N proper quantities food substances of a hearty appetite and drank, together the quality suited to his needs. The with the whole crew. Afterward I re RE debasement of this function to the tired to my bed, healthy and happy ends of pleasure is the beginning of a for it was two hours before morning CHESS prostitution of the body which ends and slept as sweetly as if I had never FOR WOMEN only in abandonment to the grossest felt a touch of illness." fOWE trs troubled with ills peculUr to Ox&'SALE and tends to forms of His overpowering desire of saving BYALLTHE . . premature exhaustion of the vital re- his statue not only drove the idea ol LEST DEALERS sources, early decay of the bodys illness from his mind, but also drove foreneu. TOWER CO. ESTABLISHED 1836 Paxtine is in powder form to be dissolved in pare A J.BOSTON forces and Ignominious death; for no away the physical condition, and left NEW YORK CHICAGO water, and is far more cleansing, healing, eermicidal economical than liquid antiseptics for alT death can be considered honorable him well. TOWER CANADIAN and CO..Lwit$4.TORORTO.aff i TOILET AND WOMENS SPECIAL OSES which is the direct consequence of For .ale at dm zqists, GO cents a boa. ones own acts, or suicide. Said an Worth Remembering. Box and Book of Instruction. Prun Trial eminent French writer, "Man does not d et DOING Remember that Vmc It. Paxtoh Company people BosTon. Kue. COTTON die; he kills himself. are not apt to be sick. Dr. Sunlight is the most successful HOWARD E. BURTON, The Country for Intellect doctor in the universe. Specimen prices: Gold, Sltrer, Lead, 41 ; Gold, BtV This noted sanitarian thinks that The only sure consumptive prevent Yer. ?5c; Gold SOc; Zinc or Copper, 1. Cyanide lest. the country is the proper breeding ive is fresh air, and its cheap. Mailing envelope and full price list ent on appllca tlon. Control and Umpire work elicited. Lead place fo intellect The country lad Villa Colo Keference. Carbonate National Bank It isnt rest you want, but exercise; may be a little slower to learn than not stimulant, but food; not change 4-the city urchin, but he has staying of air, but air. W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. 1B05. power which the latter lacks. The Chew your food dont bolt it Tht abnormal growth of cities is liable to Thlaiithe Mattra yon read a hoot. M&daia five r eatches the early trail different grade. Price from 16.00 to I16.U0 Ask dry up the reservoirs of strength in for the cemetery. furniture dealer for it. If genuine, our Trade IMUIE U IlSf FAIL. the population and leave an Immense, Keep your lungs well filled witt Ioar it oa the tag. Best Cough Syrup. Taste Good. Uad in time. Sold by druggist. proletariat of inferior quality and fresh air, and you wont need to bav Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. without commanders. a prescription filled. e.l lKS CiTV, UTAH 'JrzX i mmtU mn Antl-Grlpl- ) $lT000ToBl!G'vtor Showing His Friendship. At the annual business meeting of a country church in the western part of the state several of the brethren spoke of the annoyance caused at the Sunday services by the habit in which some persons Indulged of spitting upon the floor, especially in the neighborhood of the stove. The pastor suggested that if they had a couple of cuspidors in the church perhaps the annoyance might be lessened. Whereupon a good deacon arose: "I move that Brother A. and Brother B. be appointed as cuspidors for the Philadelphia Ledger. ensuing year. 100 Old In Church Wall. Years , Whisky Concealed somewhere in the old Presbyterian church at Fairton there Is said to be a bottle of whisky at least 100 years old. When the edifice was being built, it is said, the workmen struck for whisky, which in those A days seemed to be a necessity. quart was furnished them, but according to Hosea Husted, then an apprentice, the liquor was so ornery that the men couldnt drink it, but buried it In the walls Robert Wesooat, who relates the Incident, says the bottle ll still there. Philadelphia Record. Really Mans Superior. Many a woman in her secret soul knows that, although she may he different from her husband and Inferior in matters of secondary Importance, yet she is as good a being as he is, and, perhaps, in the nobler traits of character, really his superior. Still all she has to submit to hla domination on the false and hollow supposition of her Inferiority. Occasionally the husband will excell the wife intellectually, but this does not prove her to be an inferior being. On the contrary, says Gen. Booth, "go back to the beginning of her life, and she will not be far behind him, even if she is not fully his equal in this respect. Indian Princesses in London. Three Indian princesses live In an old fashioned red brick house at Hampton Court on the Thames, London. The house, which is called Faraday House, was given them by Queen Victoria, and the girls are Bamba, Catherine and Sophia, the daughters of the late Maharajah Dhuieep Singh. They have been brought up entirely in the English manner and live the life of young English women of rank. Reliable Information TEA Latjlas 1 5is si EMERGENCIES AT HOME And for the Stock on the Farm FOR NOTHING EQUALS -- 4k n& well-tanne- The Great Antiseptid Price, 25c., 50c. and $ .00. 1 Dr. EARL S. SLOAN, 615 Albany St., Boston, Mags. qulck-lunche- f i |