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Show V ! i 1 GEO. H. w FENNEMOtfi' 1TY AND , ... I. XHJkf tlfLER t ... Ki iJbt as ttf His Identity WortSed This j Physician and Surgeon Irishman. Milford, Uah. There is a rule in one at least of the savings' banks in Massachusetts that Official surgeon of the San Pedro when a passbook is presented with an ! from the depositor for order payment Railway. the. lileutWcatlun of. the .payee is quired for amounts exceeding $100. . One day an Irishman, evidently not ng In this country, appeared at the paying tellers window for a draft of $123, presenting a passbook, and an order from the owner of the book to pay Patrlek Rafferty the amount.. The order was In proper form, but the payee was not known to the teller. Do you know any of the officers HIM here?" he asked of Pat. No, sor, replied Pat. (OkRKS. Well, then, you will have to be Identified to us in some way." LAND ATVdftNB. Whats that?" asked the now confused Irishman. Balt City;' j 4 BulMUog. "Why, explained the teller, you will have to get some one whpm we know and who knows you to come In OOOOUOOi w here and Identify you. You might be anybody, and we want to be sure CYRU8 GATRELL that we are paying Patrick Rafferty. Pat looked dazed and went over to & Counselor. Attorney a seat and for ten or fifteen mlnuteR 419 D. F. Walker Building, looked stupidly at the passbook and order. Salt Lake City. Finally he approached the window IXggffiCXSXiXsXiXj again, with the most dubious look Imaginable on his fare, and said, Say, THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. young feller, If Im not Pat Rafferty, who the divll am I?" We Buy, 8ell and Trade Real Estate. and a of farms Wa have large list Dead or Not, He Was Buried. lty property, vacant and improved, Over twenty years ago S. P. Ives, s heaper than any other firm. Call and legal light of Essex counee us. 63 H West Second South St, ty, and Charles P. Thompson of the alt Lake City. superior court were pitted against each other In an important life insurTHE KEELEY CURE. ance case at Salem, Mr. Ives for the Drunkenness Cured. A positive and permanent cure M company and Mr. Thompson for the drunkenness and the opium diseases. plaintiff. Mr. Thompson was very anxious to put Into the ease certain s There Is no publicity, no sickness. treated as privately as at then affidavits, and Mr. Ives was equally own homes. The Keeley Institute, 834 strenuous In opposition. W. Bo. Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah. After lengthy arguments the Judge decided In Mr. Thompsons favor, and 00:00.00 he proceeded to read, with much em4 ess csnt phasis, depositions relating to surgiInterest paid upon deposits. Tou cal treatment, death, funeral and last us (can bank with by mall. the interment of the Insured. Write for Circular. As Mr. Thompson finished reading UTAH COMMERCIAL & SAVING83 which was from a sexton of the this, BANK. cemetery, giving name, date, number East First South Street, Sal of burial lot, etc., he threw the papers Lake City. upon the table and, addressing the 0AQAQ.0.0.Q.0.0.0:0"o'00'0'O'00'0 judge, said, with a bit of Impediment in speech which sometimes bothered WINDSOR. him: There, your honor. EUROPEAN HOTEL. Bro. Ives dont this man is dead! Salt Lake City. weve him, anyBoston Herald. Located In the heart of the city. way. Rates Reasonable. Light, airy, clean rooms. First-clas- s Why He Hadnt Kissed Her. la every respect Steam heat Electric On Sixth avenue yesterday afterLights. noon a handsomely dressed woman with a profusion of blonde hair was GLADSTONE OTBU walking by the side of her husband. As the couple passed a department Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prop. store the woman's attention was at19 South Main Street Balt Lake Olt tracted by a tailor-madgown, and Heatly furnished Rooms by the Day, Bhe left her husband to examine It , Week or Month. more closely. When she returned she Rates, 60 cents to 1.60 per day. seemed annoyed. "You never look at Special rates by the day, week or anything that Interests me any more," month. she camplained. You dont care how I dress. You .dont care for me any t 0 O n o O OlO O Oi loss VLQ more. Why, you havent even kissed & R. me for a month. Indeed, I am sorry, but It is not my Assayers and Chemlsta. fault, said the man to whom she had 169 8. W. Temple St, Salt Lake?j Just been speaking. City. Turning the woman looked at him, Write for Mailing Sacks. and mumbled out an apology. gasped She had taken the arm of a stranger. New York Press. o;o: fOxyrr ECsXjXStsXsXsXiXsWlSXtXiXlX!) a: rt . UCiY, HH a., w. , ; Lk a well-know- La-die- 22-2- 4 I Co., F. M. BISHOP, A88AYER. Salt Lake City. Opposite Postoffice. Mailing Sacks Furnished. 120 W. 2nd South, err? r ii To be assured of a pleasant trip east, purchase your tickets via the Illinois Central Rail road from Omaha to Chicago. First-clas- s also between service Omaha and Minneapolis and Chicago and St. Louis, as well as all points In the South and Southeast For full information call on or write J. A. FOLEY, No. 75 Commercial Agent West Second South Street. NMMMtMMNN06E J MvSUiNMk4dl; UTPQUEI ENJOYABLE! SALT LAKE HOT SHUNS Sanitarium Baths SR2!5 A Modern Convenience, When Albert Bigelow Paine, the author of The Van Dwellers, was looking about him for a home in suburban New York before he found his nest on Long Island, he was interviewed by a fanner who had a house to sell somewhere up the country. He described the place in sunset and sunrise and green field and yellow grain colors, and Mr. Paine listened. Has the house any of the modern conveniences?' he asked. You bet it has, replied the farmer with enthusiasm. Is that so? Yes, siree; its got the very latest theres a trolley car runs within a half mile of the front door. Good Night! "Good night!" so low ami sweet The homely phrase resounds With far beat Beyond the garden hounds. "Good night! the jasmine sighs, "Good night! the rose replies. as sad and clear "Good night As song of nightingale The two brief words I hear. While west the moon doth sail. "Good night! Alas we part!" "Good night! O dearest heart! "Good night!" The moon does wane-Morpurple grows the sky, And duskier the plain Where sleeping farmsteads lie. "Good night! and dreams of peace Till darkness have surcease!" Ah, long have gone their way Fair Venus and red Mata; Yet for us shine for aye Loves everlasting stars! So, whilst tine taketh bight. and then "Good night "Good night! William Struthers In Boston Transcript Ministered to His Enjoyment. "Tommy, for the land's sake, where have you been for the last two hours? Been havin a good time with an automobile. You dont mean to say youve been taking a ride in one? Naw! Standin off an hollerin' 'get a horse! at a feller that was tryin to make a busted machine go. Chicago Tribune. They Knew the Answer. You never can tell how childrer are going to apply things, said a pub- lic school teacher. The other day I asked the class what a fort was. One boy answered, A place to put men In. Then whats a fortress? said I. A place to pnt women in! exclaimed the class in nelson. tscfP WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY. e n gu i n s die of starvation and are eaten Method of Bringing Up the Young thusthe gulls. by Blrde Well Hluetratee Some of the penjulns weigh as much the Survival pi as .eighty pounds and are about four rPrifflpU o( the Fittest Stone for Neefs. AJPlendl1 ...orange on the neck. The young take patch Members of the recent Scottish exthree years to develop fully and even pedition to the. antarctic gathered then the plumage is distinctly less some interesting Information regard- brilliant than in the older birds. Both ing penguins. In the far south beyond the movements and migration of the the pack Ic they came upon' the rook- penguins are remarkable. When first eries. It was found that the birds had followed the bird prefers to walk, but been hatched in August during the when In danger of being caught it period of the greatest cold and com- drops on to its abdomen and, with the plete darkness. As soon as they are help of the wings, glissades at a pace hatched the young literally live on the too great to be overtaken by a maa feet of the old birds and are thus pro- walking. They seem aware of the tected from the cold. When they are movements of the great ice fields and a little older the chicks are herded In ne them to help their migration to great colonies, their life illustrating in the pack Ice in the north. They take mes which they a very ruthless way the principle of trouble to collect the survival of the fittest. The colo- delight to steal from one anothers nies are left to be shepherded by two piles for nests. or three old birds, while the rest of Many of the ways of the penguins the parents go to seek crustaceans in are suggestive of preserved instincts. the cracks of the Ice. Each parent as Their attitude when sleeping Is modit returns is usually unable to find Its eled on that of birds with fully develown young, since It is mobbed at sight oped wings. But the penguin has to be content with reaching the shelter by the more vigorous birds, and, finally, obliged to disgorge the food to the of the wing with no more than the tip more persistent. All the feebler chicks of his beak. 4 The Sign of Safety, Speed and Com- fort. Trains Daily. 3 3 From UTAH to While in Salt Lake get your teeth KANSAS CITY, ST. JOE, CHICAGO, fixed at GALVESTON, EL PASO. THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL And the Mining Camps of NEW MEXCOMPANY. ICO AND ARIZONA. First-clas- s work, a full guarantee!, and courteous treatment to all. Note Ask us about Cheap Rates this Suma few of our prices. , mer. Fhtll set of teeth, $5.00. C. F. WARREN, Solid gold crown, 22k., $5.00. General Agent. Bridge work for tooth, $4.00 Absolutely painless extraction. The Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fa Rooms 9, 10, 11, 12 Galena Block. Railway Company. Entrance, 69 E. Second South. Salt Lake City, Utah. Extreme Unrest in China Movement on Foot That Threat, ene to Rival the Boxer Uprising Bearded Woman Said to Be Leader of Malcontents. Says a writer In the China Mail: It of is reported that In the eastern the province of Kwangtung there is a considerable movement on foot which. In some respects, resembles the Boxer outbreak of 1900. The leader of this restlessness Is said to be a bearded woman. She has been urging the people to form themselves into a guild or association. She gives out that she is an incarnation of a fairy, who has come down to teach the people the arts of magic. During the spring large numbers of people have (been moved to follow her lead. She gives out that by sorcery and magic she can cast out fox devils In which the Chinese are profound believers can foretell events distinctly and announce what happiness or misery shall befall the lot of others. By the same might magic, moreover, like the leaders of the Boxer Insurrection, she promises immunity to pt all her sincere followers from bullet or rifle and thrust 01 spear, as well as from the effects of water and fire. The people are said to be deeply moved. Wealth is pouring into the coffers of the leaders, so that they have provided themselves with weapons and are now being joined by large numbers of local banditti, of whom, in every place in China, there is more than enough. They have already assumed the offensive and have looted some rice stores and other shops. What their ultimate purpose is does not yet appear, but they are laying in stores of provisions, and have so far terrorized their neighbors that many of the people are fleeof the ing for their lives and seeking safety It is reported in quieter districts. that already they can muster more than 10,000. It Is believed, however, that the Incarnated fairy, who appears In the form of a bearded woman. Is nothing more than a man, who has assumed this guise for the sake of secrecy and effect. Several counties have been infected by the contagion. well-to-d- NEXT TIME YOU GO EAST Be Sure And Use UNION Than Science Ancient Cue. tome That Are Always Scrupulously Observed. Japan's rival to the takes a form somewhat akin in that It to that of ultra-scientifi- c jiu-jits- u is permissible to grasp any portion of an opponents anatomy to effect a fall. The winner of the bout must have caused his rival to touch the ground with some portion of his body even a finger is sufficient or, if he has chosen to adopt another method, he can have pushed, carried or thrown him in such a manner as to have caused him to touch the ground outside the ring. The touch of a toe is sufficient In the latter case. The wrestling Is invariably accompanied by the observance of a number of ancient customs. In the first place the giojl or referee enters the ring, bearing the wooden fan or staff of and followed office, called by the challenger, whom he announces. Swordfish The challenger himself then invites someone to meet him. The man who takes up the gauntlet promptly appears in the ring, and the pair squat opposite each other, with their hands on the ground, waiting the This being gioji's signal to begin. given, the men, if both are ready, jump up Immediately. Should one, however, be taken unawares, he signifies the fact by keeping his hands on the ground and crying out Matu, Matu, which is "Again, or Not ready. Several false starts of this sort are frequently made before the phycholo-gica- l moment comes, and the two men are prepared, even to the exact attuning of their breath. Both next rise together and immediately get to grips, each endeavoring to push the other to the edge of the ring, where every ingenuity is used by the less successful wrestler to turn the tables and to avoid defeat. When one or the other has proved his superiority the fact is announced by the referee, who adopts a curiously voice for the purpose. Sketch. sing-song- OVERLAND LIMITED Through Caro to Chicago. C S. WILLIAMS. COMMERCIAL AGENT i06 West Second Sonth Street Salt Lake City. 4 4 4 4 44 4444444 44444444--44444- 4 4 4 4444 4 4 4 4 Reduced Rates O EASTERN POINTS. Every Day During JULY, AUGUST, SEPTEMBER. Limit October 31. Write for Further Information. CHAS. SLOAT, General Agt, 800 17th St, Denver. E. DRAKE, Dist. Pass. Agt. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt Salt Lake City, Utah. y Made Good Fight With Harpoon in Body It Turned The man on the deck holding the Upon Its Captors, Driving buoy attached to the lily iron rope Weapon Completely Through had scarcely time to cast it overboard, Bottom of the Dory. so sudden was the dive of the surCapt. Charles York of the fishing schooner Eva Mildred had a catch. of seventy-fivlarge swordfish to dispose of yesterday morning, caught on the southeast Georges. Besides his fish he had a part of a swordfish sword to which there was a tale of narrow escape of one of the crew attacked. Edward Estes is the name of the fisherman who is congratulating himself on the bad aim of the swordfish, the last one taken on the trip. It was late Wednesday afternoon when the lookout at the foretopmast sighted the fish floating on the surface of the water. He hailed the deck, and the man at the wheel steered for the fish, the spearsman making ready to strike at him. It proved a very big one. and the spearsman sent the lily Iron into him with all his force. e prised fish. It fell to Edward Estes to take the dory and go after the fish with a rowing mate. Estes caught up the buoy, and planting himself in the stern of the dory, began to pull in the line. As soon as the fish f'lt the first tug on the line he turned in the direction of the dory, and came for it like a flash. Diving within ten feet of it, he came up under it, and drove the hard, bony sword nearly two feet through the bottom, within a few Inches of where Estes stood. The sword caught fast, and the fish nearly overturned the dory in his attempts to get free. Estes cut the intruding sword off at the bottom of the dory and the fish freed itself, and later on was killed. The piece of sword cut off by Estes was kept on board as a trophy. Boston Globe. CHOIOB OP ROUTES. FROM OGDEN OR SALT LARK TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGB OF . Song of the Enchantress Bore Him to Valhalla, and There He Dreams of Battle and I Am but Hie Dream I He whom I loved loved no one Nor woman, child, nor man; His joy was but in battle. To lead his rushing clan. I had the gift of magic Through changing forms I ran! I was his white plume, floating Above the serried van! The plume was but a target. Amid the flying scath; And. then, was I his broadsword. Annealed in flery bath. And through the hated phalanx We cut swath: But when his arch foe 'scaped him. In his wrath! He brake me, Then I became bis corselet. That next bis hrart he wore; Ay. and his useless buckler, Kor he fell wounded sore. was the wild, strange music That went his soul before: And "Hark! he murmured, dying, "There's singing on the moor!" I was that wild, strange music That sought his soul to win! I led him onward, onward. Till died the battle din; Across the moor, the upland By breathless stream and linn, I turned to draw him to me In regions tine and thin! X His eyes were oped, to know me, But bright with wrath their gleam; I had the gift of magic Kate. only, is supreme! I bot-- him to Valhalla, In the red Planet's gleam; And there he dreams of battle And I am but his Dream! EDITH M. THOMAS. CiM Free Re 0lining Chair Caro. Dining Car Service a la oarta oa all through trains. Won, Hlastrated Booklets, address it) L A. BUTTON, 0. A. F. & BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH REMEMBER, IN FIGURINO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT THE Oregon Short Line RAILROAD I & The Route of the 4-- More a Matter of Physical Strength PACIFIC Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul Railway o Wrestling Bouts in Japan The and 4 e H. Officer ab i Qu$e;f |