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Show TIVTE Vol ill Piute County, Utah, Saturday, September 2.51905 Junction, - No 7 -- -- - The Piute Courant. How dusty the roads! I SUBSCRIPTION: -- j the Seymour W. Tulloch, president of anjf net area of 79.757 acres, all of cal with corner No. 2 of Rowe Mine; poor horses must Suffer as ' from the Sevier Consolidated Mining whjch is applied for, there being no thence north 13 deg. 42 min. west arrived from Washington, D. C., conflicts 498.5 feet to- - corner No. 1 of Annex heavy breathing they Inhale the grit! The presumed general course or di- Mining Claim: thence 89 deg. 51 min. Humane drivers will give them an ex- accompanied by Dr. Welch of Wash tra drink now and then' during, the ington, a heavy stockholder in the rection of the veins or lodes are as west 1,312.9 feet to corner No. 2 of said claim; Mhence north 13 deg. 42 day. Spongihg ine, face and eyes, company and desired to visit the shown upon the official plat. nose and mouth would refresh them. property while on his way to the Said claims are situated in the mlu, west 597.6 feet to corner No. 3 coast on a pleasure trip. northeast of section 12 and the un- of said claflm, Identical with corner Try it. J surveyed part of section 12, township No. 2 of Summit Mining Claim; thence The inhibition' qpini duck and quail A number of business men of New 27 koutb,- range 5 west, and northwest north 13 deg. 42 min. west 508.7 feet 'and southwest shooting will be removed on October York, consisting of H. C. Wood of section 7, town- to corner No. 3 of Summit Mining 1, nthe case of the latter, however, Morrlsville, Charles S. Hutchinson of ship 27 south, range 4 west. Salt Lake Claim; thence north 86 deg. 4 min. for but twelve days. Our sporting Syracuse, L. W. Burroughs of Morrls- Meridian. The southeast corner sec- east 1,293.7 feet to corner No. 4 of seasons Are, as some' look at it, alto- ville, Joseph F. Thompson of Oneida tion 12, township 27 south, range 5 said claim, identical with corner No. F. too L. and gether brief, but if the victims of Vanslyka of Utica, spent a west, bears as follows from corner No. 3 of Pearl Fraction; thence north 75 the sporting were consulted, it is couple of days on Gold Mountain in- 1 of said claims: Annie Mine and Ge- deg. 1 min. east 600 Ret to corner No. hardly likely they would concur in specting the properties of the Log neva, south 29 deg. 2 into. east 1,282.4 4 of Pearl Fraction; thbtwv south 13 this view. It wouldnt matter if the Cabin and Gold Development compan- feet; Switzerland Mine, 'south 21 deg. deg. 42 min. east 200 feet to corner length of time were doubled ;the ed- ies, in which they all are interested 55 Jnin. eait 2,764.2 feet; Fenney Min- No. 1 of said claim, Identical with corand devil would derive very heavily. After Inspecting these ins' Claim, south 2 deg. 1 min, east ner No. 4 of Rowe Mine; thence south itor, printer no benefit from it; they have to work two properties they went to Kimberly U85.8. 10 deg. 43 min. east 621.9 feet to corno matter what is going on outside. and visited the Annie Laurie mine. itld claims are of record in the of- ner No. 5 of Rowe theuce south o fice of the Recorder of Piute County, 15 deg. 50 min. eastMine; 878.1 feet to corThe ravages of the yellow fever at WAYNE STAKE CONFERENCE. function, Utah, as follows: Annie ner No. 1 of said claim. Identical with have abated somewhat, but the gulf Mine, inook D, page 163; Geneva, corner No. 4 of l,ost Mining Claim; are means rid of regions the One of the most successful by qo in Book D, page 161, and amended thence south 15 deg. 50 nitn. east 1,500 pest. It broke out all at once and ly conferences was held at quarterin Book 15, page 156; Fenney feet to corner No. 1 of Lost Mining on Loa not having been so prevalent in late in Book 12, and Monday, Aug. 13 and 14. 271; Claim, the place of beginning, conpage Sunday ygars it was doubtless thought there President Willis E. Robinson presid- Switzerland, in Book D, page 160. taining a total and net area of 77.243 Aould not Tie much of it and being ed. Of the authorities, Prest. There are no adjoining claims, as acres, all of which Is applied for, there thus taken unawares the people suf- Francis M. general of the quorum of shown by the official plat. Lyman, being no conflicts. fered more severely no doubt than the 1 direct that this notice be and Joseph W. McMur-riThe presumed general course or dipublished Apostles, would have .been the case had heroic of the First Seven Presidents of in the IPiute Courant, at Junction, rection of the veins or lodes are as measure been adopted at the begin- Seventies, were present, also Sister Utah, the newspaper published near- shown upon the official plat. ning. The purse has seldom got as far Lula G. Richards of the Said claims are situated in the' general board est said claims, for a period of nine as Mason and Dixon line and has giv- of FRANK D. HOBBS, northeast and northwest Primary associations. There was weeks. section en the western regions complete exi quite a large attendance of the Saints 12, township 27 south, range 5 west, Register. in and a good attendance of the High 1 emption from its visitations. H. GRAY, Attorney. and partly In the portion Utah we have evils enough to con- Council, and all the First Publication August 26, 1905;. of said township. unsurveyed bishops from the The southeast cortend with and are quite willing to ltfst Publication October 21, 1905. wards of the stake were presner section eight 27 12, township south, with them, without taking on ent, who reported their wards. The range 5 west,, bears as follows from any new ones. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Relief society was represented by the corner No. 1 of each of said claims; Lost Mining Claim, south 83 deg. 18 Grundy; The steadfast and humane attitude stake president, Bathsheba M. A. No. 4023. the auxiliary organizations by their ( min. east 966.8 feet; Rowe Mine, south of President Roosevelt the during United State Land Office, 41 deg. 21 min. eust 2,072.6 feet; Anpeace negotiations, and at the same presidents. 8alt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 22, 1905. nex Mining Claim, south 47 deg. 38 A Primary conferepce was held on time his perfect success in keeping Notice is hereby given that the min. east 2,797.6 feet; Summit Aug. 14, at 10 a, m.. Sister aloof from interference with the plen- Monday, Providence Gold Mining company, by Lula G. Richards, presiding. Stake Claim, south 41 deg. 50 ntln. east ipotentiaries 6r, showing the slightest President Sarah A. Lazenby reported Its president and Authorized agent, 3,312.4 feet; Pearl Fraction, south 29 partiality stamp him as not only one the Primary associations of the stake. John Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City, Fraction, south 29 deg. 48 min. east 70 of the greatest of the worlds statesElders Lyman and McMurrin occu- Utah, has made application for a deg. 48 ntln. east 3,470.6 feet. men but as a Christian gentleman in the time in their usual way or United States patent for the Lost MinSaid claims are of record in the ofthe front rank. Few there be who do pied and instruction. Pres- ing Claim, Rowe Mine, Annex Mining fice of the Recorder of Piute County encouragement not appreciate his sterling character- ident urged the people to ob- Claim, Summit Mining Claim and at Junction, Utah, as follows: Lost istics and general capacity; he is ad- tain Lyman pure water in their homes. He Pearl Fraction lode mining claim, con- Mlnlqg Claim and Annex Mining mired by those who opposed him and urged the officers of the auxiliary as- sisting of 1,500, 1,500, 1,312.3, 1,312.13 Claim In Book E, page 427; Rowe is not opposed by those who have all sociations to have their fully and 200 linear feet, respectively, of Mine In Book 'D. page 127; Summit along admired him. There Is but one prepared for conference. reports the lodes and surface ground as shown Mining Claim if) Book J5, page 426; President Roosevelt in all the world James P. Knight of the High Coun- by the official plat, being Survey No. I Pearl Fraction Ip Book F, page 253. and he is ours. Truly, the foremost cil was relieved on account of being 5298, situated in the Gold Mountain) The adjoining claim js the Abide nation of the earth has much to be from the stake so much, and Mining District, Piute County, Utah, ; Mine, Survey 5297, as shown by the thankful for, and having the foremost away Janies A. Taylor was sustained to and described In the plat and field official plat. man is not the least of its causes foi fill notes of survey on file in this office,! 1 direct that this notice be the vacancy. profound gratitude. Elder McMurrin referred to one of with magnetic variation at 16 deg. In the Piute Courant at published Junction, Utah, the newspaper published nearThe next holiday is Labor day, which the pleasing features of their visit, east, as follows, of 1 the the children No. of Lost at corner of the meeting est said claims for a period of nine Commencing occurs next Monday. We are plentiSunday school on the outside of town, Mining Claim, and running thence weeks. FRANK D. HOBBS, fully blest with holidays in this state, who We had Thank Thee, O soqth 75 deg, 1 min. west 600 feet to sung the number, including Sundays, being Register. cortier No. 2 of said claim; thence L. H. GRAY, Attorney. about sixty and either the governor God, for a Prophet. JOHN Clerk. 60 west Stake feet min. 13 north LAZENBY, 1,500 deg. First publication August 28, 1905. or mayor of any city can proclaim an to corner No. 3 of said claim, identi Last publication October 21, 1905. , extra one whenever there is thought . $1 --- -- How pom-pan.- Published at Junction, Piute County, Utah, by GRAY & JAKEMAN. i One year, $1.50; six months, three months, 73c. KANT. 00; - -- 1 Advertising rates on application our local or Salt Lake office. to Salt Lake Office 257 Commercial Club Bid. and Postoffice Box 17. IT IS PEACE. With a suddenness for which neith- er the world nor anyone in it not even excepting the plenipotentiaries themselves was prepared, the Ports mouth meeting came to a close ou Tuesday last with an agreement for peace. In reaching this astonishing result in such an astonishing manner it was of course necessary for one all Us contentions as to the disputed ,side or the other to yield absolutely points, and the fact that Japan finally did so does but add to the wonderment of the situation. Up to the last minute the Japanese envoys showed indemnity in one form or another, ap-- a disposition to stick and hang for parently not caring in the least that the failure of the deliberations meant war to a finish, and those of the earths people who did not know it before know now that Japan is abundantly able and quite willing to fight as long and as hard as may be necessary; furthermore, the bulldog tenacity of the little brown fellows has been abundantly seen and heard ana felt. This being the status of things, the announcement of peace came as a thunderbolt from a clear sky, and it Is no wonder that many who read or were Informed of the news would not at first believe it; it seemed selfIn receding, however, contradictory. Japan has lost nothing of prestige but stained Instead. She had already, by stern conquest, carried every point for which she originally contended and could well afford to rise to the greatness which only comes of magnanimity. The outcome makes President Roosevelt the most conspicuous figure in modern diplomacy. All honor to him! silver' drooping. On Wednesday silver dropped to 60 from the quotation of 62 only thp day previous. So great a fall in so short a time Is only a matter of a moments wonder, and it ,l t)ot at all attributable f th. favfiite refuge of eastern -A overproduction.' war is going on between two gold matter what two nor where the cdnttst Is located, means an advance In the price of every commodity which we produce and they or either of them use; so it was with the white metal. Although Japan Is on the gold basis, she nevertheless uses great quantities of silver; in fact, it is the only money known to the masses, and the same in a more restricted sense applies to Russia. Naturally, the breaking out of war which at the outset promised to be quite as long as it has been, between those nations, gave an upward impetus to the silver market anl kept it up while the contest lasted ; naturally also, with the conclusion of peace, the reaction sets tjtt'and.R fall occurs immediately. The ffiU in thKcase, we take it, is purely sympathetic and spasmodic, in- - no sense reflecting actual conditions, and if this'j'ioves to be correct, there is no reason why the decline should be more pronounced; rather may we look for complete' recovery so soon as the flurry. The point from v hich silver receded was low enough .without reference to outside influences; indeed, we would all look with the utmdst complacency upon a much higher figure than has been recorded since demonetization. ' n dis-pen- e Min-in- . 1 to he occasion for it. Matt Gisbom says this is potbing to what they have in Mexico, where they have 365 holi- the day-In y:nr houev.""'Soine pF pie seem to have the idea that Lanor day is a national holiday, but this is a mistake, its observance being made action compulsory by congressional only in the District of Columbia. There are no national holidays, each state having such as it chooses, though the Fourth of July, being observed in the fullest manner by all of them amounts to that in fact. The total eclipse of the sun which occurred on the 30th ult was preceded a few days by one of the moon. The latter was partly visible to Utah, but the former was wholly invisible throughout the Pacific coast. The obscuration began near Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, the path of totality proceeding thence eastward with the velocity of a cannon ball through New Brunswick, south of Newfoundland, across the Atlantic to Spain, thence to Arabia, where the curtain fell on the grand exhibition. The period of totality at any point near the middle of the shadows path the longest in many years, lasting exactly four minutes and scientific expeditions with the most improved apparatus were dispatched to points on both sides the Atlantic such occasions being those which no civilized nation or astronomer ever overprominent looks. Havent the Russians Witte enough to know that the loser must pay the , score? If Norway cant get anybody in Europe to hold down the throne, there are two or three around here willing to try the job. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 5700. Label Officii tTSal tLak e City, Utah, July House-Buildin- Maxim. g True design is not constructed deco ration, but decorated construct-- - Local & News Items METAL MARKET. DR. E. C. FAIRWEATHER, 5 and 6 Walker Bank (jiRooms ' Ing, Salt Lake City. SWIth Dr, Hector Griswold for past- three years. Ysxsxsx.casxxzxs'ixix 15; 62; 62; 60; A bond has been given on the Standard and Beecher Hill properties, in the Marysvele district, to a eastern syndicate. well-know- n Jt Dr. P. A. H. Franklin and M. E. Murray spent several days of this week at the Log Cabin and Gold Deon velopment company properties Gold Mountain. J J The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Aldebaran, in Cottonwood canyon, for the purpose of electing officers was held at Marysvale Tuesday. The old board was reelected with the exception of John Dougherty of Liberty, Missouri, wfio died recently. r th1 19, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the District Court in and for Wayne County, Utah, at Loa, Utah, on August 29, 1905, viz: George A. Smith, H. E. 13546 for the S. E. secS. E. tion 11, township 29 south, range 3 east. Salt Lake meridian. He names the following witnesses to' prove his continuous residence noon and cultivation of said land, viz: David J. Combs, Willard Snow, Benjamin J. Baker, Ezra N. Bulled, all of Thui'ber, Utah. FRANK D. HOfiBS, Register. First publication July 29, 1905; last publication Aug. 26, 1905. t University of Utah. The Head of the Public School tem of the State." Sys- The University of Utah Includes the School of Arts and Sciences, the State School of Mines and the State Normal School. OF ARTS AND SCIENCES. The School of Arts and Sciences offers courses in: 1 General Science, Arts. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL. The Normal School offers: 1 A 'Ftfur-yea-r Normal 'Course. 2 Advabced Normal Courses. 3 Course fn Kindergarten 'Training. THE SCHOOL OF MiNES. The School Of Mines offers courses in: 1 Mining Engineering. 2 Electrical Engineering. 3 Civil Engineering. 4 Mechanical Engineering. 5 Chemical Engineering. PREPARATORY' SCHOOL. A Preparatory School is maintained which gives for tho preparation course In General Science, Liberal Arts, Engineering, Law, Medicine and Business. Graduates from the eight grades of the public schools are admitted to the Normal Bcliool;vtmt a year of High School work is necessary for admis sion to the Preparatory School. New buildings, excellent facilities, spleiidid equipment. No tuition1 is charged, hut an annual reglstiatlon fee of ten dollars is required. Registration, September Instruction 15th and ifctn. begins SCHOOL September 18th. Catalogue and Illustrated booklet sent free upon request to UNIVERSITY OF UTAH, $at$ Lake City. 'AGRICULTURAL COLlilEGE OF UTAH .o:o:o:q:o:o:o:o:o:o:o:o Utahs Scientific, Technical tion of Higher Learning. Instltu- - Provides Liberal, Practical Education. (( Thorough and o:o;o:o:o:o;o:o:o NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. M. A. No. 4022. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 22, 1905. Notice is hereby given that the Providence Gold Mining company, by its president and authorized agent, John Meyerhoffer of Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Annie Mine, Geneva, Fenney Mining Claim, and Switzerland Mine lode mining claims, consisting of 1,500, 1,500, 1,500 and 1,290.4 linear feet of the lodes, respectively, with surface as shown by the official plat, being Survey No. 5297, situated in the Gold Mountain Mining District, Piute County, Utah, and described in the plat and field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees east, as follows, Commencing at corner No. 2 of Annie Mine and running thence north 15 deg. 50 min. west 1,300 feet to corner No. 3 of Annie Mine; thence north 74 deg. 10 min. east 600 feet to corner No. 4 of, Annie Mine, Identical with corner No. 2 of Geneva and with cor-ne- No. 1 of Switzerland Mine; thence north 15 deg. 50 min. west 1,290.4 feet to corner No. 2 of Switzerland Mine; thence north 74 deg. 10 min. east 600 feet to corner No. 3 of Switzerland Mine; thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east 1,290.4 feet to corner No. 4 of Switzerland Mine, identical with corner No. 3 of Geneva and with corner No. 2 of Fenney Mining Claim; thence north 74 deg. 10 min. east COO feet to corner No. 3 of Fenney Mining Claim; thence south 15 deg. 50 min. east l,50o feet to corner No. 4 of Fenney Mining Claim; thence south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 1 of Fenney Mining Claim, identical with corner No. 4 of Geneva; thence south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 1 of Fenney Mining Claim, identical with corner No. 4 of Geneva: thence south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 feet to corner No .1 of Geneva, identical with corner No. 1 of Annie Mine: thence south 74 deg. 10 min. west 600 feet to corner No. 2 of Annie Mine, the place of beginning, containing a total GROUP OF COLLEGE BUILDINGS. THE COLLEGE COMPRISES: The School of Agriculture. The School of Domestic Science and Arts. The School of Commerce. ' C The Agricultural The School of Engineering and Me- chanic Arts. The 8choot of General Science. The School of Experiment Station. Twenty buildings, ceptional facilities Mucic, ' 'j - v- - provided with the best modern equ'pnvnt, afford for thorough and efficient werk. t - ex- - strong Faculty, representing the best Institutions of America and Ear- . ope, are in charge of the work of Instruction and experimentation. No tuition is charged. SEPTEMBER 19TH. COLLEGE OPENS Registration fee, $5.00. ' Write for illustrated Cutalogue. CATTLE AND SHEEP BARNS. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Z Z few-f- to-wi- t: Friday, 25. Silver, 61 c; copper, lead, $3.50. Saturday, 26. Silver, 62; lead, $3.50; copper, 15. Monday, 28. Silver, lead, $3.50; copper, 15 Tuesday, 29. Silver, copper, 15 lead, $3.50. Wednesday, 30. Silver, 60; copper, 15 lead $3.50. , Thursday,-- 31. Silver, copper, 15 lead, $3.50. PIUTE COUNTY HAPPENINGS. Build-J- ; . Department of the Interior, s A EDITORIAL BRIEFS. ! to-wi-t: THE COUNTRY TOWN. The stranger who for the first time visits the little towns of Utah is impressed with the prevailing order and quiet. Broad streets and roads lined on both sides by trees or hedges, watered by purling streams from mountain sides, neat, cosy, little homes surrounded by shade trees and covered with running vines, apple and well-kep- t peach tree fruited deep, lawns, gardens and fields skillfully tilled, birds in the trees and fowls by the coop, the head of the house in health and happiness, the good wife in joy and gladness, and children merry, happy and guileless, all make a fiicture worthy of the artist, and pleasing in. the eight of the Grert Father who first communed with his children in a garden, and was worshiped in groves, amid trees and flowers long befere the architectraves of teirpies were laid by man. This orderly, peaceful, happy, contented rural life has been the foundation of greatness in every age and nation. Its decay has ever marked a transformation in social, political, and industrial life. The city may be the place for power and wealth, but the country is the place for happiness and health. g 0 LOGAN, UTAH. ;i |