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Show PAGE FROM A BABYS DIARY. No. love," she Bald, I do not ay That I will irive you all the apace In closet, bureau, trunk I may POSIAL CARD WISDOM Ask for myself a little space. But you shall have your very own. The thing that you have languished for; Tes, you. because I love you. love, Shall have the lowest bureau drawer. Contributed fotbebtid While writing this on the twelfth He thanked her. What else could he do? Foe well he knew her fond Intent To prove her love was wondrous true, Of sacrifice and yearning blent. he said, full well I know Oh, love. The wondrous love, affection sweet. That prompts you now to promise me A bureau drawer as mine, complete. 'Twas almost ten sweet years ago. And ever since when he has gone Unto that drawer he's found, you know, Satina and laces, silks and fawn. And women's gloves, and And things no man would eer disclose; But still he minds It not at all, For he Is married and he knows. Sunset Magazine. floor of an office building, I am able buildto see beyond a fourteen-story bric-a-bra- c. (Copyright, 1905, by Dally Story Tub. Co.) I And la "That all, believe, said Battle-se- worthless as an Investment. as he roae and buttoned his coat Faxons was no better. The only difacross his breast. "I saw the Eng- ference was that old Faxon believed lishman In New York, and he will be Implicitly In hls mine, while Battleon here next week. Have the report sea did not. So In selling, at whata, very specific, this and that vein outcropping at the surface, so much ore to the ton, and so many tons excavated with but a minimum of expense. He has unlimited money to squander, and is wild to throw It Into mine holes; but he likes details. Give it to him In the way of veins and promising Indications and computations. And, oh, yes, while about It you might take a peep In Faxons mine adjoining. Make a few golden notes about that also. After purchasing from me, the Englishman may as well buy out Faxon. The two mines could be operated as one. We will Impress tbat on him after we have wild. Old Faxon cant afTord to hire a mine expert himself and I shall be glad to help him a little. Make the reports all right. The Englishman has heard of you and will accept the report without question. You understand? Yes, Clint Bayland understood, and he understood the significance of a small roll which Battlesea's hand dropped carelessly upon his desk as he turned and went out. It was a first And Installment for his reputation. Clara Faxon, the most beautiful girl In twenty miles round, was the daughter of the old man whom Battlesea would be glad to help. He walked Irritably to the window of the office and looked out, not daring to trust his eyes with a second glance at the small roll on hls desk. He did need the money, sorely, more than he would care to have any one know. And it was only an Indication of what would come. With Battlesea, who owned more mine and town property than any ten men in the country, as hls friend, bis prosperity would be assured. But somehow, the thought of the prosperity did not give him the pleasure that it ought. Oddly enough hls Inlnd went over the snow-clapeaks to the mother he had left In the East, and from her to Clara Faxon. What would they think? A smart runabout swung up to the office door, and a handsome young fellow of about his own age raised a beckoning finger. The other occupant of the runabout was Clara Faxon. Clint left the window and went to the door. "Hello, Bayland," the man called affably; "be busy "In the morning, yes. But I can spare you part of the afternoon, Mr. Deele, If that will do." Nicely. I want you to take a run through my mine and make a report I of its general characteristics. havent opened It much yet, but the indications I think point to a good thing. However, theres a rumor of a big syndlchtes buyer approaching and any of us will sell It we can get our price. Say two sharp, and I will he there to go through with you. Very well. You may look for me. As the runabout whirled away, Clara Faxons eyes flashed him a kindly glance over her shoulder. Of ever price, one would be honest and the other a swindler. From Faxons mine, Clint went straight to Deeles, a quarter of a mile away, expecting the same result. But when he left it, late In the afternoon. there was a strange look on hls face. He had examined many mines, some of them very rich, but none had been like Deeles. If he made a conscientious report this would be the ing the top of a regular white tower, it is small but tall and an office building, but more than tbat, as a banker near It tells me that since It was built many dark offices around It have been lighted up by its reflection. And pow here Is your chance to reflect some of your light. If I could hold up a postal card for ten million people to read, what could you write on the card useful to them? There may have been weeks when over 20 millions of people read some thought sent out by the Accuracy Press Bureau, of which the Postal Card Wisdom is a department. Address me at 622 North East avenue, Oak Park, Mindis. 1 thank you in advance. Sample Sentences. A common purpose Is necessary for It is better people to be congenial. for some homes to discover that purpose than to get a new parlor rug, but M. R. S. both may be possible. There was a time when Oberlin people left apples for sale In the street and buyers left their money on a box. In many places newspapers are sold A. I. that way If you can help it, wear no kind or style of clothing which inconveniences-thbody or depresses the mind; but If you cannot help it, keep your mind S. O. E. above your clothing. is a necessary element of love. Kindness is a visible form of love. A minister says that he to-da- PRIDE BEFORE A FALL. ' d That Jumper Did Certainly Set Off a Pretty Figure. A young girl came sauntering down the street the other day whose figure was divine. Every curve was perfect. And the young lady was quite conscious that the symmetry was a thing to be admirjed. She wore one of those You did nobly, and I mine sold, at a fabulous price, and Deele. from being merely a prosperous man, would become an immensely rich one. Moreover, it would make Battlesea his bitter enemy, and practically would mean hls ruin at this place. And ruin, of course, meant losing whatever chance he had of winning Clara Faxon. The wrinkles were deep In his forehead when he entered the office and dropped down at bis desk, hls head upon hls arms. He wanted to think, to reason the thing out in a sensible, practical manner, but could not. Hls mother kept slipping in between him and hi3 thoughts, and with her came Clara Faxon. He knew what hls mothers searching eyes meant, and he fancied there was something in the girls straight gaze thet looked out upon life in much the same way. But Bhe was on the other side of the black gulf, and he must step acrosq to reach her. Once there, by her side, with those eyes as Inspiration, he felt there could be no heights too great, no plains too broad, for them to compass together. It was a long, bitter fight, lasting through the night and into the gray dawn of the next day; but in the end hls mother won, and with haggard face he made the small roll into a secure package and returned it to Battlesea by his office boy, stating it was something that had been left In his office by mistake. Then from his notes he made out the reports for the three mines. One afternoon, a week later, while writing to the management of a mining company in another state In regard to a position, he heard someone enter, but, thinking it the office boy, did not turn. Then: I I beg your pardon, Mr. Bayland. Can I speak with you a moment? He whirled in his chair, to find Clara Faxon standing before him, her face a little pale, but her eyes gWw-In- g. Oh, Mr. Bayland," she cried Impetuously, before he could speak: Papa, and Mr. Battlesea are so angry with you. I thought you must have done something dreadful from the way they have been talking; but this morning I learned Just how it was, and hurried here thinking you might feel bad at their being angry. You It was a first Installment for his repu- did nobly, and I everybody ought to She tation. be proud of you. I I late he had thought her manner a Stopped suddenly, confusedly, for he shade more friendly. Perhaps even had caught both her hands and was Battlesea and Mr. Deele But, pshaw! gazing into her eyes In a way that Her and he turned abruptly and went back could not be misunderstood. into the office. At the desk he stood breath quickened a little, then the for fully a minute, gazing down at the eyes met his squarely, and the hands roll, the fine wrinkles again coming were not withdrawn. between his brows. Then with an The Pace That Kills. Impatient movement he swept the roll I wrote him a neat letter asking into his desk and turned the key. Some chance visitor might come in for the position." Did he answer?" and notice it lying there. Yes. Said that a man who takes of The next day his examination Battleseas mine turned out as he time to dot his is is too slow for feared the property was absolutely hlir -- sweaters (instead of a coat) which button down the front. It was apparent1)- quite new. An. old colored man was leaning against the sunny side of a wall, warming his rheumatic joints in old Sols friendly rays. As the girl in the sweater approached he raised hls tatiered cap from his gray wool. he said Mornln, Miss Evelina, very graciously, bowing low. Good morning, Henry, replied the girl, acknowledging the salutation. Yoh lookin mighty fine an dandy this mornin, Miss Evelina. "Thank you, Henry. "Thets a mighty exquislt jumper yoh has on, Miss Evelina. I has noticed It two or free times lately yoh certainly am a pixter In thet jumper. It am a good., warm jumper, aint It, Miss Evelina? replied "Yes, quite warm, Henry, the young girl only it isnt a jumper, its a sweater, she Corrected with a touch of pride. Yes, yes, yoh certainly am a pixter in thet jumper, the old man went on, gazing at the sweater with appreciative eyes and quite Ignoring the corYoh. makes, scenery when rection. yoh walks down the street. Miss Evelina. My ole woman an me was jes sayin' the other evenin thet there wasnt a prettier girl in this yere town Such a stylish than Miss Evelina. walk! Such a lovely er hair! Such magnifcent teef! Such " O, Henry, I shall have to be going, said the girl, laughing and blushing. You are getting to be an awful fla- tterer" Why er Miss Evelina, befo yoh Id like ter say thet if yoh doan want thet jumper, why, my ole woman Is jest yoh Agger." Lippincotts. go Woman Doctors Good Work. Women are rapidly forging ahead In conservative old India. Dr. Kugler, an American, who was the first woman physician to practice in the Madras presidency, was recently decorated with the Kalsar-i-Hinmedal, says the Pittsburg Dispatch. Lord Ampthlll, In presenting the decoration, recalled how Dr. Kugler, in the face of much opposition, collected a lakh o rupees (between $25,000 and $30,000), to build a hospital at Guntur for women and children, where more than 7,000 patients are now treated. Mrs.. Benson, long active in the National Indian association, was also decorated. About the same time three Parsees matriculated at the Grant Medical college in India. One of these. Miss Gulbal M. Doctor, after a brilliant college career, in which she has won many prizes, has captured the Empress silver medal, three gold medals and a scholarship. d Hadnt Heard of That One. In the automobile The detective stopped at a little repair shop by the roadside. Have you seen anything, he asked of a short, chunky fellow with a gray suit, in a light touring car, with no number on it? Yes, sir," said the man behind the He stopped here leather apron. about two hours ago to get a bolt tightened up. Did he give you any idea of where he was going? "No, sir; he didnt seem to know himself. He was kind o tangled up about the roads, and wasnt certain which direction he wanted to take. In a quandary, was he? Er no; it didnt look like one. It was one of these dinky little runabouts. Chicago Tribune. he Just a rw Thing th Prld of th Family Ha to Endure-T- Retaliation I to Cry. Which 1 Done on Evry Only Provocation. M P&fiT CofecOor? surprised this: himself by asking himself Do you really love God pas sionately and seek to associate with F. C. S. Him? Some people should select some one line of work and then think of nothing else during working time. While other people succeed only by diversity of interests and an Independence of time and location. One man said to another: You do not want to localize PAUL POINT. yourself. Do not try to get a living during the week doing something for money which you should do only on Sundays GLEN RICE and for nothing. If you knew that you would be better you might whistle today. Why not whistle, anyway, as it may help on a better S. S. S. year from now you may save the life of your best friend through an A ability to act rapidly and accurately, and that ability, skill, memory, forethought and quick wit may be due to whatand your doing ever you do In a better manner than in nurse's Explored portion of coal scuttle, but disliked fierce expression you would have done if you had not cried. so found she me, when eye read this paragraph. ORVICE SISSON. 8:00 Awakened by mummy look- by shrill screams of ladies, but later If you lose your umbrella or watch ing down at me as if she expected me found they were meant to be laudaor pocket knife, in place of worrying, to do something clever. So I cried. tory. Didnt see why I should be called-oto entertain mummys visitors, so make It wake you up to know more Mummy satisfied. Taken upstairs again. cried. more knew than their value, than you 8:30 Breakfasted. Mummy, with 4:15 Just fallen asleep when taken before the error. Then if you find the me on d liberality, insisted More visitors., downstairs are much ahead inside that again. lost, you eating too much. Cried again. Per- Cried at of proceedings. and outside of your head. absurdity not but being sonally detest crying, watch tickALBION GIRARD. able to speak, can only protest against Was appeased by hearing Watch lent by gentleman visiing. manner. in this indignities tor. SHRINE LOVED BY SAILORS. 9:15 Daddy departed for work, 4:16 Watch broken. Recommenced has me after kissing savagely. Daddy Taken upstairs once more. crying. Mariner I Make Gifts to Church of stiff bristly mustache. Naturally, Taken 4:30 downstairs again. More Notre Dame de Bonsecours. cried. visitors. Heard remark to effect that LawSt. on bank of the the High 9:35 Bathed. Water first too warm, I closely resembled daddy. Cried. rence at Montreal stands a quaint too cold. Cried. Wish I could then 4:25 Upset cup of tea in lady vislittle old church that dates back to call mummys attention to the fact that itors lap. She said it didn't matter. 1657. It is known as Notre Dame de the human hand is not an infallible Fear she does not tell truth. Bad exBonsecours, From the land side it is thermometer. Glad to be put to bed ample for child. Would like to reprivery unpretentious, but on the river Got a chance to get warm. again. mand her, but cant. side far aloft stands a great golden 11:00 Awakened for an airing. 5:00 All visitors gone. Greatly reimage of Our Lady of Good Succor, cried so more again. Head aches and feel tired. lieved. Wanted sleep, boator a and there is scarce a pilot tears 5:05 Lying down again. Thankful man on the river who passes it with- Fear that before long supply of for respite. out crossing himself. One who steps will not be sufficient for demand. I am 12:00 Airing unsatisfactory. 6:30 Return of daddy from work, into Its dimly lighted interior will be confidenaccompanied by friend called Jones. struck by the rows of miniature ships left in draft while nurse has tial conversation with cousin in red Am taken downstairs once more. swung from the overhead arches, each coat. Jones, though obviously alarmed, is bearing always a burning taper. One 12:30 Returned home, crying. Mum- forced to handle me. Discovered that who cares to make inquiry will hear my, laboring under mistaken notion, beard of Jones does not come off a quaint story. Zere, zere! Dats all ri, when pulled. In the beginning the church was a remarked, oo little 7:00 Heard daddy tell story of how sings! Did oo have a pitty place where all good Catholics might a matter of fact I was I pulled cats tail. Bored, having heard As zen? pain, go to say their prayers, make confesto a sin- same story 65 times previously. Yarn sion and give their alms. There were anxious to draw her attention sharp-pointeinto strikes me as singularly bald and silly, pin sticking gularly always river men and ships men N. B. Wish they would but Jones laughs. Fear Jones is not a person. my Then visitors. the back pious amopg in the days of the struggles of the not address me in strange dialects. It straightforward man. have a detrimental effect on my 7:30 Daddy danced me on his knee. Pope to retain his temporal power, a may education. Hate 'subsequent dancing on knees. Jones yawns. of French Canadian Zouaves company 1:00 Dined. Mummy has peculiar Sympathize with Jones. Wish I could went from Montreal to offer their services to the Church. In midseas Ideas concerning digestibility of food point out to parents silliness of which they are guilty. Alas, can only cry. their ship was overtaken by a great for babies. Cried. 2:00 Put to bed. Investigated with Do this heartily. storm and only by the merest good 8:30 Mummy and daddy still rechance did they reach Italy In safety. lips head of wooden doll. Found taste be to but fascinating. bizarre, garding me with pride. Sudden deparOn their return to Canada they had 3:00 Awakened to have new dress ture of Jones, remembering engagemade a small ship of silver, which was given as a thanks offering to this put on. Prefer old one. Dont see ment of supreme importance. 9 Bed at last. Nearly asleep when church on the river bank, and hung sense of dress with blue ribbons mummy came in to look at me and in the sanctuary, where a light burns which get Into mouth. Cried. 3:30 Explored portion of coal scut- disturbed me. Nearly asleep again perpetually in remembrance of the tle. Discovered that coal is not clean- when daddy stole into room on tiptoe, succor of the Virgin in time of need. on again. Disliked to look at me. Cried. Old dress ly. put Since then various pilots and others 10 Sound asleep when daddy and who sail on the river have presented fierce expression in nurses eye, so similar ships from time to time, until cried. Told by nurse I was an artful mummy came in together to look at me. Disgusted, and resolve to cease now a double row swings above the little monkey. Flattered. 4:00 Taken downstairs to see visi- being a baby at earliest possible opheads. And the church worshipers has come to be known by the name tors. Hugged uncomfortably. Alarmed portunity. English Hom Chat. that every sailor on the river loves. WHY HIS ARDOR WANED. DIDNT NEED THE MONEY. Ancient Indian Observatory. At Jeypore, the pleasant, healthy Touch of Real Life Drove all the Elderly Man Declined to Prevaricate Romance Away. for Fifty Cents. capital of one of the most independent On Friday evening two lovers were The Hon. David Barker, poet and States of Rajputana, India, is the famous Jautra, or observatory, the largest seated on camp stools, placed in as lawyer of Penobscot county, Me., used of the five built by the celebrated quiet and romantic a corner as the to relate the following on himself: steamThere was an old man where he royal astronomer, Jey Sing, the found- after deck of a Coney Island boat As affords. the boat commenced practice who never would passed er of Jeypore, who succeeded the RaFort Hamilton, an opening in the pay bills until forced to by law. One jas of Amber in 1693. Chosen by Muhammad Shah to re- trees disclosed a pretty, snug little day Mr. Barker received a bill against form the calendar, his astronomical house, partly covered with vines, and the old man for collection, with orders to sue at once, but instead of suing at in the young man said: formulated observations were Wouldnt it be fine to have a little once he sent a kindly letter, asking tables which corrected those of De la Hire. He built five observatories at cottage like that, with all the front the delinquent to call and settle and. Delhi, Benares, Muttra, Ujjain and covered with ivy and honeysuckle and save costs. The only result was the roses? old man took great pains to talk about Jeypore. Oh, wouldnt it! exclaimed the and ridicule the young lawyer at the It is not under cover, but an open corner grocery and postofflee. court yard, full of curious and fan- girl joyfully. And when a fellow comes home Finally (suit was brought and judgtastic instruments Invented and detired from business to have a nice ment rendered, with costs. One of signed by him. They have been allowed to go out of repair, and many of little wife to meet him at the door the cost items was fifty cents for the letter. To this the old man objected them are now quite useless, it being with a strenuously. Finally tne lawyer said: impossible even to guess what purAnd then the winter nights, the fire If you will take back what you said In the served pose they wonderfully accurate calculations and observations burning brightly In the cozy parlor, about me at the store and postoffice, of their Inventor, but the dial, gno- and you I mean a wife at the piano and say you was mistaken and you guess that young lawyer is a pretty mons, quadrants, etc., still remain of singing in the gloaming. I would be just too sweet good fellow after all, I will throw out great interest to astronomers. Scien- for think it anything. that item. tific American. And then To this the old man replied: I am But Just there a careworn woman an old man; over 80 years old. Ive Not Mere Curiosity. The world has a store of pleasures with bawling twins in her arms totter- done a great many mean things in my in waiting for the unaccustomed trav- ed by them and he changed the sub- day, but I am too near eternity to tell such a gosh darned lie as that for fifty eler. Sometimes, indeed, they may be ject. New York Press. cents. mostly in anticipation, as was the Shocking Confession. case with Amos Riggs, of Plumtown. Benedict is a New Haven man who Why the Horse Acted So. How dye do? said Mr. Riggs corI wonder whats the matter with . man who has been eight times the father of a dially to the was his seatmate in the car on the bouncing bounder. In the outskirts of that horse, said a man to his wife town while he was In the act of unhitching occasion of Mr. Riggs first trip to the university city is a little street and Now what might your name among the hills named Prospect, and the animal at Thirty-fourtBoston. four of the children were Girard avenue yesterday. The horse be? Do you live in Nashuy or be- last year sent there for the summer. was rearing and plunging and disyond? One day Benediot and his wife playing signs of terror whenever his I should like to know what busidinner a new acquaint- master came near him. A passerby ness it Is of yours where I live or entertained at B. The professor is a came to his aid, and while quieting said hls companion ance, Prof. who I am? bachelor, and, like many scholarly the animal explained to the owner. I crossly. rather 111 at ease In society. noticed, said he, that you just came Well, now. It aint any particlar men, fine little family of child- out of the Zoo, over there. A a What o slight business mine, strictly speaking,' he began with an ad- scent of the wild animals has clung said Mr. Riggs mildly, but Its jest ren you have, four at the to your clothing, and, although your like this: Ive got a cousin up in miring glance horse has probably never seen anyCanady that Ive never seen, and I've Benedict thing wilder than a cow, his instinct replied Yes, indeed, always thought I might come upon we have four more In tells him that where that scent 13 and proudly, some time jest by askin folks him there is danger. It will wear off soon, Youths Com Prospect." their name and so on. and you will have no more trouble. The professor blushed hls astonish-menpanion. Lippincotts. Philadelphia Record. to-da- y short-sighte- d s. stern-visage- d h s. L |