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Show Telephone Wasatch 590. 16 AUTOMOTIVE AUT0M9TI7B ; Automobile! for Sale 16 from Last Psre fContinoed RA'XKAR WE PREFER AND SELL flORE, RATHER THAN HOLD OUR CARS IN STOCK. CUT JS BUICK Master Six Sedan, new tires, perfect mechanical condition, new Dueo; can hardly be told from new. A wonder.. ful buy , 60 rich 140 12& ,. 65 100 side-e- ar 35 175 40 150 100 195 125 90 100 75 ... ,,,.. FORD Tudor DODOS Tour: 12 HUPMOBILE Tour. 1924 FORD Tour 1924 8TUDEBAKER Lt I Sedan PACKARD Sport Phaeton, classy sport Job, finished In black Duco, trimmed In red; many extras. Including side wings, spotlight, bumpers, etc. If you want a flashy looking . open cor, this 300 SEE WHAT LESS THAN $500 WILL BUY DODGE Sedan DODGE Coupe HUDSON Coach ESSEX Coach ES8EX Coach ' PACKARD 45 495 125 250 495 495 450 late nash bp. i coach WILLYS-KNIGH- T Sedan 8TUDEBAKEB Brom. 1834 FORD Fordor ........... 45 2ii ruirn more. 445 So. OLDSMOBILE Coupe $55 LATE HUPP Cp., rumble geat.... 750 MODEL HUPP 6 Sedan 774 BUICK Master I Sedan 625 , ESSEX Sedan 52.-LATE HUPP ( Cp., rumble aeat. . 50 Hudson Brom. 793 Main St. '60-B- ay THAT' PLEASE YOU . CAMS 1926 Guarantee-Selecte- OLDSMOBILE 1937 Ford Tourlni. Sedan. I Sport Tourlni. Olda D OLDSMOBILE COUPE REMEMBER "Si Hudson Coach. Pontine Coach. are dis- 1926 1927 1924 1926 1923 1937 1976 1926 1927 Northwest 119 " J' Driv- OUR GUARANTEE WRITTEN. cor. Sth Wo IS DEED CARS ' 60-DA- K. THAT GUARANTEE Y 1928 1928 1928 1927 1977 1927 192 1924 1924, 1835 O. CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET CHEVROLET 10 CARS FROM Sedan Coach Coupe Sedan Coach Coupe .... .... .... .... Landau.... Sedan .... Coupe .... Sedan ... 140.00 TRADE-IN- S im SO. STATE WAS. 1219 375 Coupe. 70 Bedan Touring DODGE De Luxe sedan Std. Coupe NASH ORAHAM-PAIO- 1926 1923 1926 1924 E 650 475 50 u NASH Advanced Sedan Sedan NASH Spl. NASH Advanced Touring STEARNS-KNIGH- car. only CADILLAC SEDAN, 525 775 625 125 6j0 225 700 695 49.i 1928 1926 6TH SOUTH AND MAIN season. themtrii, a real Coupe, a rare : 975 32 550 375 650 $500 500 400 450 300 75 SHARMAN 51 AUTOMOBILE -- WHAT $43 TO $135 WILL BUY ALL LN ALL WITH AN O K. THAT COUNTS. CAR LOT 1925 WAS. 1020 Coupe Coupe Coupe Coupe NASH ' . .. Touring Touring Touring Panel .... Panel One-to- n truck. Rucksteel. body Ford .' express Pickup Iwi r., , )sg 80 stake so its 125 Coach MODEL A PHAETON U2t TOURINO: a dandy running, peppy car. This week special ...1425 MODEL T FORDS. COUPE; kept In fine condition.. .1250 245 TUDOR; fine looking paint 235 COUPE; ail gone over , COUPE; a good motor 190 COUPE; excellent motor, etc..... 145 SO TOURING: give lou service..... .... . 41 70-- A WILLY8-KNIOH- T 70 Coupe.. Sedan.. Sedan ... RENO FINANCE CORPORATION, 670 Olflce Newbousg hotel. parlor "N. STUDE LIGHT 8IX TOURING, new rubber, pood motor, top and upholstery. A good fishing car. Call Hy. 5195-- 1924 Trucks, Tractors 47 CHEVROLET ton truck witn panel body, used very little, first-clacondition. Mr. Jones. 17 East 1st South. LATE 1956 Ford ton truck, with dump body. 1001 Slate st. 47a Open Sundays and Evenlnes EaU 9th South. Was. 2911. 48 Autos for Hire Automobiles . tj Temple. mod., newly decorated. Se &asi em do. was. 8263 J "modern house, 323 6th ave. this Was modern, beautiful surroundings. In mod. brk., built-i- n features, 1iew. 433 Sego. Hy. M83-LARGE rms.. modern; gas range, water heater, newly cleaned, nice yard: 115 1615 Warnock ave.. So. 7th East. RMS., mod. plumbing, fireplace, lawn, nice location. 122.60 mo. lna. 447 8a 3 i 9th E. cottage, partly modern, 3 double iBsrs, oi nerpont; sis. Was. 9004. 150 NEW. strictly mod., absolutely comhome; garage: nice surround-ings- ; plete close In. Was. 3650 or Was. 4369. NEW strictly mod., duplex: haTdwood lloors. tile bath with shower. Fngidaire. Krage, 145. 1861 So. 15th "P'- 228 Brunswick place, south Wanted WE PAY HIGHEST 8POT CASH PRICE8 FOR LATE MODEL CARS No waiting or red tape. Cor. 7th So., Main. SPOT CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL CARS. 457 8QUTH MAIN WAS. 7455. WE pay cash for your old cars. Felt Auto Parts Co.. 643 So. State. Waa 1822. SPOT CASH PAID FOR LATE MODEL CARS, -- 457 SOUTH MAIN. Waa 7455. mi 'JdPPeannead40 "AnAilrln664 E 7th 80. NOALL APTS. c!t' ""on breeie and porches. Adults. 161 Vp to the minute. 4th ave. Was. 9045-- 4 457. Looks and rung like Hy 7061-- MO TMsXyJK.6 DON'T CsVRE TO SMOKE N)OW. BUT VOU'RE A PRlEMO OF WALT 07 VOU SEMT ME WHNj V J&UR CARS COMTACTED I o HIGH. j CALLED TO SEE IF VOU WALLETS. IF VOULL I WOULDN'T CUT IT, PERSUADE HIM TO HAVE A CIGAR SEMD SKEEZV TO PARIS TO SCHOOL i'LL FORGET THE A BICL. rooms 2 50. modern house, screen porch, cement basement, gas: newly papered and paint- -- ."L i!6 JI53o. Jrd East. Hy. 1605. 616 ; plastered glassed sip. and kitchen porch: gas: all In fine porch condition. 146 W. Sth North. M. modern, sleeping porch, garage,, 30. phoneWaslTWy.leo to be had BEST ' all right I'LL SMOKE AFTER DinJkER . OF IT couR.se CAM'T I I'LL. talk' mv HEAD I OFF-I'L- VOU SEE r DODGE coach: a dandy AND OTHER . "r; pr'e w Beautlfut Phone Was. GODBE APTS. apt. and sleeping porch. E. So. Temple. WHEN YOU MOVE save time, expense and breakage; hire a reliable moving man. listed In classification No. 11L Moving 7076. 164 home. GL sip, pch service. Splendid 2nd West and 2nd Eo. Smal lapta.. nicely furnished, very rea- aonable rent. Was. 6272. Was. 1000. mod. apt. and garage. 13: h East bet. E. high and U. Hy. 5372. EL A c. sty. DENIZAY 3 and 4 rm. furn. or unfurn. arts.' Ideal location, attractive and new. 254 So-- 3rd east. Was. 7334-$30 FRONT apt . 1 rms.. nicely furn . gas range. lawn, shade, gar. 2256 7th Ea:t. IN EVERY DETAIL! Harmonious Interior decorating. Wilton rugs, davenport bed. lie. rm . brk. nook, kit , bath- - closets: J40; fine view; on car line, UNIVERSITY apts., 212 So. 13 E. Hy. 5SG. ELEGANTLY furn. front apt. New and 121 F st. Adults. 630 nicely furn., gas and coal rangcg'adultg. 250 So. 2nd Esst. EXCLUSIVE LOCATION. ULTRA MODERN front 1st floor apt, overstuffed furniture, ciln. set, mahog. bedrm. set, Fngidaire, apt., furn same, ISO. CLIFTON. 283 E. S. Tem. Was. 7813-CLAREMONT. 446 E. Ird 8o. Completely Jfurn.l-- j rms.. day, wecg. mo. Hy. 1371 8T. FRANCIS. 269 E. Bdwy. front 630: also sm front,' apt., 635; J25: conrjurnlncludes lights. W. 5364-WARREN APT8 , 505 2nd E. Hy. 41o9. mod.: O..B living eulte; mo. ATTENTION TOURISTS Large outside apts., modern equlpmenf. close in. lisht. r as end linen furnished, fre y or wee It. 4021 e 4 RMS, from, private bath, close in. 3o". Was. 9137-203 E.5th South. SANTA ANA. with sleeping porch. 339 E-- 2nd ""SiFda sa South. e72 OAK WOOD ArTST577"6tTT apts and .f urn544Lr.,'a,i.r!ri1ilr?LSL E. 1st 8outh-- peFwefic for beautiful furn. apt., Including Frlgldalre. lights, cooking, linen; everything 15 and 8torage. complete. FOUR-roo- BE A WOMOE THiMG FOR THE BOV. fT W'LL COST WALLET AJOTHlMG-HWILL BE E L DO WHAT CAKJ. THE FUNlOAM EKlTALS OF A MARVELOUS WALT, wouldn't Give Skeezj UP FOR I EDUCATION. 1 FltdOMS and kitchen, ricuw u, um in rear. nicely furnished. Apply janitor, avcr; idt. THE NEW ROBERTA. LI&TEN VOO SPoke about &raAiprrY-- f WAMTiNG TO SEMD SKEEZIX ABROAD TO SCHOOL. IVE BEEN THINKING rr OVER r CArsfT see whv and IT ISWT A FINE IOEA, r IT WILL RETURnIED im two VEARS WITH A BACKGROUND AND PROMISE BUT r" III VfYZ X AMVTHlNG! VUffJ;! BUT THINK WHAT VOU GET FOR NOTHING - A EUROPEAJnI BACKGROUND FOR AMD AN AMERICAN FOREGROUWO- A SWELL COMBINATION. DOMT TURN THE OFFER DOWN. THIMK OF ALL THE ADVArJTeVGE6? WHERE DID VOU X GET VOUR INTEREST Y INI SKEE2I ALL OF .... juuiii iempie. apt., new. high-clas- a newly decorated. Frigidaire. Teir.ple.Was. furnlshlnf. So. Wet 62 4036 CLEAN, nicely furn. 4 rms . sleepinVTwfch; 2 larae rms., kitchenette, garage; walk- 12 "eai loc"on- - J5I Center st. "US. HOMEOkE apt! Nice grounds Lighu Phone; 2 adults: J25: gar.615Flrst ave. BEAUTIFUL apt., large living rm . newUver- man bedrm. !ir".'.? fK'OTelJ E.VJ!1'. bth,rra- - breakfast nook, kitchen, Frigidaire. eleo. range. Popular location. 653 Armlsta apta., E. 1st So Was 98S2-WENDELL APTS; 304 West F, r.t Nnrit. Sew, modern. Rent reasonable. APT., by day, week or month. ga lln?c; '". ' linenjnciuded. 38 3rd East" "vln,t room' aleeping porch; WfCJLIurn,itM'd, CHEVR0LET5 1925 Was. 2nd West. No. Tem k1. 7 Ml COUPE: in excellent condition..., 450 COUPE, good paint, motor, etc... 345 See it. . 617. cheerful, mod.rig. screen pch.. clean, 9625-- 616 W 1928 for apt. So. 4th E. 444 iprr atr. modern Garage. Was 7722-1,,1. . v.i.i.""'.- NEW CORONA. 335 SO 2ND EAST. Choice corner apt.. 3 rms. and breakfast nook, tiled bath. Frlgldalre, only 40; middle ant.. 637 50. See custodian or view. STAATS " to lease. conj 'l rms'; available In the new bldg. at 320 East 1st South. Gaddis Jnvv Co. 370 BoMaln. Wag .30. A NEW, beaurlfuily decorated spacious am on Capitol Hill. Wonderful. mod apt., gas range, linoleANICE n"'- .noo5 " ? um, close In. 56 Canyon rd 42Wc5t5thSo I RMS. gl. sip. bathtlino.. ground 57 Furnished Aparhnents beautifulporch, 135. yard: 649 , . and bath; one TWOroomsTTtlTchenette cat si. ny. issj-m- . garage; room, kitchenette and sleeping porch. ,tn Et- Exclusive PT,fc2LJR !5 7603. ave. Was. Third TWO rooms, modern, clean, nicely furmo. 632 Park jjt. HyJ7686. nished.H7 per COOL '; or rms...Frigidalre. furn. unfurn room living : combination u"nc- - Gleason apti.. 164 E. apt large aih and bedroom, bullet kitchen and hardbathroom; new walnut furniture; 2Vi bins, 'Jm' I,ont ,pl Ironra"nTslce7. wood lloors; electric range; only from Hotel Utah. 633.60. 140 2nd ave. ZSLrJL?SJUL.- 60-- J, W. 3964-km. modern apt . good location nice neatly furn. apt.; garage; ear lin;; 335 West 4th Ro """" close to cark.Hy3954-W- . VILLA ANfcfcFX TWO "furnished rms . mod. except heat; 120. Good locatlon.329 East 3rd South. Beautiful and different. ure. Ideal location. Latest "modern UNU8U ALLY attractive 4 rms ; cool sip. features. Cross ventilation, rear entrance? porch; front porch.688-- 1265 1-- 3rd South. Portia apt. Hy. Sound proof Mantel living bathroom" Beautiful charmingly decorated. For refined ten-"lNOALL APTS. Reservations July 1. Hy. 625 , with buffet kitchen and bed gleove; beat and healthiest location; overmodern apt., walking distance, 181 4th ave, looks city; semibasement. Was. 9045-427Jrdj:ast. Was 8228-; FILLMORE-UINTA2nd We"sT"7nd Jn3 MECHAM APT . 28 E. 2nd No -- Furn. or South Attractive amall apts.. very rea- Cool In summer. Fngidaire. Ideal unfurn. -vu.uiv icut was. oi a. .waa. soon location tpl- - tM Maryland Apis. 139 NEWLY furnished downtown front apt., 2 8o Tem. Was. 5433 rms.. kitchenette. Was. 5919. THE KESLER APTS- .-l and mod." 4 RMS . glassed porch; light, clean, front P' 264NorOi State. Was 9081 apt.: low rent. See it. 460E 3rd 8outh. FAIRMONT. 50 Eaat Fifth 8oufrttA7-tractiv- e M CULLOUOH" Apt., 125 8o. 6th East 3 all modern eonveapt., rms. Fngidaire. Was. 8217-""" riisiuaire. waa. 2 03b. was. 3000 mod., nicely furn.; gar ; 636 50. 175 FRENCH apts.. 50 E. 6th 8o . mnrf 2ndgve. Was. 8450-- J. Was. 38:6-1st fL front. Real borne. Front porch mod.: private bath; gas range; 6 unman. WBS. 628. 734 East lnd South BERNICE. 1st So. and 8th East, attr. MARTIN APTS . 49 So. Main Living rrh., rear 6426-porches. or Hy. jront. apt. 4 and kitchenetf; bathrooms, dressing PRINCETON. 9!h East and 1st SouthAi: completely furh.:J30 to 135. Was. 40I2-tractive all modern features. APARTMENT8. FURNISHED ,ortJM, Waa Hj looo" modern apartment, modVery nice priced: every convenienve. Inquire EXCLUSIVE-B- UT NOT EXPENSIVE. Five erately 435 East South Temple. outside 1 rms.. spacious bdrms., tile kitch159 aoutn etn nicely lurnisneo. en bath, beautifully decorated. 165, lease. East. Helghu district NEW GADDIS INV CO.. 870 So. Main. Wal 730. i,.rf rS04 227 13thEast. ..WASATCH. Hy 3324. 2 MODERN furnished aptsT. 620 and up. 663 No. 2nd Wesu 1 rms- Driscoll apts. 33 North 1st West. bath, closet! ATHENA APTS. Excellent modern furn. LA PALOMA APTS.. 308 No. STate-1- 35 mo" jspt. rents low. 58 No. 2nd West. eooU ,!ocr AVONDALE, 214 So. irorit wSFtuZSK ,pu th E epts.. 2nd lloor, furn. or unfurn A real Sales Talk No. I , cotug'e. clean and comloriable. location. 332 West North Temole. Good modern home, good location, beau tlful grounds, garage. 78 E st. Was. 5877 NEW strictly mod. duplex: hardwood NEW CUMMINGS APTS. floors, tile bath with shower. Fngidaire, elec. range and gar , 45. 1861 So. 15th 141) up. J. 1 and apts . Frlgldalrg. E. Lovelv aurrntinritnH Hy. 4883. yearlyates. 419 E. 2nd 8a Was. 9543 650 duplex, sip. pch . hdw firs . loveSANTA CLaSaT 352 So. sth EastTTiidT ly surroundings; will clean to suit tenant. GaragV" Clen' nice1' furnished, 132.50. J3arage. 925 E. So. Temple. Was. 6765. $20 bath, ranges, lino., porches: CUMBERLAND HOTEL, apts", mod., new. dec . $3 50 to 17.50 wk.. Inc. j:o cleanjlawnl6 Elst NoGar. extra. WO linen, lights, gaa, yd for cars. 107 E. newly clnd. 869 Washington st. nmo. wijf. ing. .J? pp. jst WeSt mod, apt., sun room; adults; all cut-d- e full bsmt,: new Heatrola: beautiful wlndowsfurn nicely. 67 P st. aiuunas. iiii. e. 4tn 80. Hy. 2244-116 ROOMS, bath, two sleeplnarporches, heat, 1SS Heather gtreet. modern. flight. Phone; JW2tqo st. Adults. Choice sum. spts." clot. MODERN: GOOD CONDITION; will HOLLYWOOD 3 rms. com. Frig. 234 E. 1 8 make reasonable improvements to suit tenant Rent reasonable. 465 First ave. 4OOM apt., furn. or unfurn., newly Inq. 457 In rear. Phone Was. 8223-cleaned and papered: rent reasonable; 4 ROOMS, V'"-- in. r, 113. uji-nr- . modern, upstairs. 20: garage THE DONE ,di r.asi sill souin. tjy. Z245-mohair and mahogany 122 50 mod'. "brick: lawn. shadei funv Best value In best part of town gar War 6903. 80. 128leve bet. West. P'easajUctV4th 620 CLEAN modern brick. 15 wf KITCHENETTE apts.. rnoi You will -- a. the location, arrangement and m,K.. ,ni. wc.i oei,. no ani Btn ho Price. See caretaker, 40 Community hour. close In. 367 East 4th 80. y.a. vt can waa. luuii. was. 44-W- . DOWNSTAIRS front apt , with EIpHT-ROObrick modern house, garage 122; adults. 624 So W Trmole IK Inoulrt 856 E. 1st South Hy 6669-iDTfl" THIS 1 rooms, dis. bed; reduced to 130 mo. DOK1S rRUST CO.. 143U Main. Hy. 309U. Mod.. 6th E . steel range, dia beds, 115 00 modern, close In, canyon breeze. 146 2nd ave very nice nr. E.. mod, 4th 6th 80, NEW CUMMINGS APTS. 618 00 Mod.. 8th So , die bed. 113 SO, SeV- 132 50 tin 2. 1. nl crmismaiinoi5es. so ov to Sla.00. evioi.i 115 modern home. 149 SO. 7th East yearly rates. 419 E. 2nd So. W 9543' orr mi piace ny. 02,9-LUND APT. 135 flo TTH KiST . . 469 N mca., garage. 512 Kutinrs. uou uin .. . A FILLINGAME HOMEBUILDER, Inoulre 35 80. 7th only 135 00. Hy 7899 Tiln East. Apt. 1 or 16. Hv 6566-- J or R. .DUPLEX . . porch 1975 So r and coal heater; lino In kit. Gar. THE BRADFIELD. 11th East 1073 Norm pi. II E . Beautiful liont So. Hy. 1744-Vapt.. Frigidaire. 638 50 VERY fine, almo.t'rifw home on east bench, Hy. 5081 J. 236 E So. VAS8AR apt.. 150 East 1st Eo.. "' mcbridf; ., -- ROOM house. ATTRACTIVE BARGAINS IN REPOSSESSIONS Waa houi"barager670 I1 MrBRIDES. CHEVROLET, new; good fires. I rooms. baths, new mo. Suitable for 3rd 60. See Rivera, 2i5-- 130 E. COVEY INVESTMENT CO. 80". modern apartment, glassed in apt- - glassed-i- n sleep-i- n sleeping porch, moderate rent. 114 Bo BEAUTIFUL ,un ""Kb. Mo children. 618 7th East. ,Eorn' a ruiHir. '. KUSTER apts.. apts., modern in STICKNEY. 553 E. 4th So. Furn. and Inevery respect. Including Frlgldalre 4 rms , clean, cozy, reas. HyJjOj-M- . 51 Auto Parts, Tops, Tires quire 121 East 6lh South, or phone Waa . garage. chicken brick, si. pch 3699-TWO rooms, kitchenette and sleeping porcS; coop. . in... iin-i,- iiO viaas ave. W"EhaVe'use?MrtToTalTTal? bath: one room, kitchenette, sleeping MADS EN APT. 505 EAST 2ND 80UTH. elec. ranse. water heater, etc and trucks. You can always set them here. NEW porch Was. 7603. 820 3rd ave. & or 6 rooms: front and rear porches: 1018 ave 2812-FELT AUTO WRECKING CO . 645 State Hy. jxilson ideal family apt.; thoroughly redecorated. HOMELIKE apt., front and bet It TWO mod. MANSUY AUTO" PARTS CO cottagesT" nicely papered reasonable rent; free Ice. Inquire Apt. No. gorch. partly furnished. 618. 654 S 1st w and painted, gas range, pantry, In Moflat 7 Was. 6622 or Hy. 6506-f- t, ?000 used tires and tunes, all sires: ct.. E. 251 4th So. wheel work, auto parts. TRENTON APTS. beautifully furnished E SHUBPJCK APARTMENTS 6M So Stale Was. 1U131 STRICTLY modern 4 and 1st Bo Frlgldalre: 145 mo . 641.25 6 mos Ideal convenient apartments for bulne houses, newly oaperec: best In cilv for MADSONIA court (California oungalow i. 52 Auto Painting and Repairs 365 E. 4th 8o 651 East 1st Bo pi'c?, .Walkjngdistgnc Individual apt. Homes. refrigeration end ranges, hsrdvood floors FORD SEDAN 4 rooms and breakfast nook. 645; beautiRMS . mod . cement bsmt . cleaned; Auto palming and In good shape, sell for 1150. $25 cash. HALL & HARRISON. close in. 74Sq 2nd E. Was. 1599-ful lawns and surroundings: steam heat Under new m.m,wr 'IMsf S15 month. Including Interest. Phone Was repairing Will paint rour car any color. 'gfc r Janitor. Apt B Phone Wag 6671-112.50 and up 1976. Also expert automobile 122 50 mod . lawn, shade, garageT ; sip. 427 Pleasant courth. 4th So , bet. W. repairing Work guaranteed Hv 4644 8254 NICE, clean, light rooms; heat, hot porchi coolquietarageL132 int. ave! CHEAP for cash, '27 Essex coach, by owner. water, gaa. linoleum, garage, bath. 184 LA PALOMA APTS . 206 123 E 8th So NO. STATE. ave. Was. 2224. 6477. Was. 4th 53 and Motorcycles Bicycles Many opportunities are found by MU 1150 FORD roadster. 1927 model, good conMODERN APT . VERY FRANCIS. 63 So. 8th East front COOL. FIRST FLOOR. OARAGE. dition. 6 good tires, motor l. Down GOOD moTowciriiTdecar" cneap744Park-wa- y the wise ones who read and use TribWAS. .corner apt.. 145.00. Inquire apt. No. 2. ave. une Want Ads. payment, easy terms, Hy. 4010. 6566-Hy. 3 RMfl.. beauttful furn.. alD. nor . hrri- wood flrg., player piano; 630. 76 B st. Hv RS2A SO AND MAIN 1926 DE LUXE Dodge sedan, dendy condition This la a snap for 1396. Terms. Murrsy WILLYS-KNIGH- T CHRYSLER Coupe WHIPPET Cab. Coupe RENT A NEW CAR. DRIVE IT YOUR8ELF CO. 15 West 4th South. Salt Lake Was 1606 2538 Wash. Ave.. Oeden Phone 3500.. AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER" GASOLINE ALLEY PR-ETT- THE FORD CENTER 510 135 MOTOR CO. VICTORIA CtTPE RUN FEW MILES CAN T TELL FROM NEW CAR. FOUR 8PEEDS FORWARD. 61185 MR. CORPUS, ALL joking ASIDE, THAT BILL FOR Was. 1050. 150 125 go 50 175 90 135 TAYLOR-RICHAR- LATE 1926 BUICK MASTER 6. Haa had the very best of Sedan. care. Will sacrtltce. Can arrange some ' terms. Call owner. Hy. 1729-1927 FORD coupe, l condition, 5 good tires. Bargain at S225. Also several other . Waa. good buys. 59 Postofflce place. 19C8 78-- 6707. WE HAVE OTHERS PROM J25 UP. SEDAN. Tliere Is no comparison between a nev, cheap car and this beautilul De Lux? Sedan. Just a yer old last month. Used. only in city, as owner has business car Car cannot be told from new; new ci guarantee. Bargain price If you are. in terested, no E.2nd soutn. TTH WILLYS-KNIGH- T Sedan TO 6TH SOUTH BETWEEN MAIN AND WEST TEMPLE COMPANY, ),..: 150 $18 VE THE FORD CENTER 1925 1924 1923 1923 1927 1924 1926 1926 1924 1926 1(37 CHEV. Ton Truck with cattle body 425 ADVANCED WILLYS-KNIGH- T 775 695 2O0 .v.n 285 500 450 185 395 485 765 850 700 585 Soo Our used cars priced low to keep them 1927 MASTER SIX BUICK last. Although our stock is always we can get you what you want in sedan: perfect mechanically, four new Ures. car at your price. Just let us know. upholstering and llnlab like new. over the exceptional buys below; 1927 STUDEBAKER 1927 Forttor. Rajo head COMMANDER Vic131 1924 Fordor. Rajo head toria coupe; will sell for balance due on eon 140 1926 Coupe, Frontenac head tract plus handling charges. 260 1926 Coupe, new paint, new tires 250 1926 Coupe, new paint, new seat covers 235 1926 OAKLAND COUPE: perfect mechan 1925 Coupe Ically, practically new rubber, new paint 200 Car very clean in every respect. 175 192.VCoupe GOOD CONDITION SOUTH STATE. OVERLAND 6 Coach FORD Sedan , WHIPPET Coach OLDS Coach WHIPPET Coach CHEV. Landau Sedan WHIPPET Coupe Sedan WHIPPET 6 Coach 66 W.-- moving small, a used Look FORD Coupe 3 65 FORD Touring with gear shift.. 110 FORD 1 curing 135 FORD Touring with Ruckstell ax 4(1 FORD Ton Truck 125 1923 1925 1926 1923 1921 1926 1928 1828 1928 200 80UTH STATE STREET. WAS. Open Evenings and Sundays. . OVERLAND 6 Do Luxe Sedan. ..3425 DODGE Truck 325 1927 out what our competitors charge. 454 So. Mala (35 So. SUte. Waa. 364. Sundays Was. 187-JSunday Was. 385-- Tem garaje448w . .v nic juwest prices 01 Come in and make your .iu-ni- 1928 1924 1925 1928 1922 1926 1927 1926 1926 1928 1928 1927 TIME PAYMPNT eontractg handled by ourselves at big saving to you. We per cent Interest per annum charge on our deferred payment plan. Find TWO' LOTS vacant Juu. L W8. Hy 5526-OR 4 rooms, mod., gas range, lawn, shade. 6th So. atr. mod., clean; garage; 439 11 E.. J35. will lease. Hy. 3674-- J. 1 WAS. 6596 ESSEX 250 RMS b ...5-pa- nod. "brick ArmUtaaKSSlJstW Listed in classification 4 .,..4-pas- cottages. These apartments have large tront porches porches and giassed-- with sleeping a beautiful and ere furnished -. refrigerator with the Frisidaire part attached without any additional cost to the tenant. In excellent These apartments are all condition and you must see tbem to ap JUSl fKI. Uiir i'lr' i' preciate Temp Was. Mil rntshed apartments OUR large list of bsmt. is available to you. apt , private entrance front and rear, nice Mdt .. mod. a 6 rms. very in strictly modern. 125 per month, garage in We oiler every respect. A- -l condition, at 415 1st If wanted. Hr. 6669-Vs' . moderately priced, with every convenience. 68 So. 6th East. 3PENCER-STEWAR- T 4 rms . moderately priced, well arrawged. West. Ooj "i'r, 1 roomj. beautifully deco- 60 4 N.rms1st. Ideal rated.. family apartment, very reaFngidalre. electric range. -- gh.,we 634 East 6th South. sonable rental. South Eastjrd very soon, in the buiia-in- g ATTRACTIVE apt in new ultra mod l,itn.K available lor which has established reputation bldg.- - Fngidaire, elec ranse. 3 spa49 South 4th East. lis Slocahty. particular cious run., brk. nook, kitchen, bath: har1 rms very moderately priced, modern, monious interior decorating. H2 0 155 Soutli enidnce. Inquire with every JM' built-i- n luu MOVE save time, expense auo breakage; hire a reliable moving man. So. 1IL Moving and Siorage. brick. No ti.-- :are, in and 110 00 waa 305. n,uuiicK wsrenouse 113.50-31- 6 3 and strictly modern nouses, newly papered and new linoleum, walking distance. painted, Inquire 261 W. N DEALERS. AVE. AT 2ND EAST. WAS. 300. a. bargain COACH, late model, very desirable . . ... OAKLAND LANDAU Sedan, priced to sell quick WILLYS-KNIGH- T Touring: a real car for that vacation trip.. CLEVELAND Touring, splendid condition . . CADILLAC Sport Phaeton; an Ideal car for touring, one need not be ashamed o(: car good enough for anyone only 175 Sedan HUDSON Brougham HUPP Touring HUPP Sedan JEWETT Coach CHEV. T J5 Hy WHEN DO MOTOR ...5-pas- Landau Sedan furnlsrd. Blaing ave. FIRST-CLAS- paint, paper; families, 664 East 2nd So. EXTRA VACATION SPECIALS s - 0 Sedan. "619". . .1175 NASH Adv. Coupe NASH Standard Coupe NASH Lt. 6 Sedan ; 1926 NASH Adv. Sedan Bedan NASH 1927 OAKLAND Landau Sedan 926 PONTIAC Coach 1926 PONTIAC Coupe, tike new 1936 FORD SEDAN, LA8ALLE Sedan LASALLE Sedan Oakland ) J .... OAKLAND Sport Coupe ESSEX Coach 'aa End FOR reui or sale. ....S-pas- PACKARD Sedan. BUICK Brougham HUPMOBILE Sedan. iZiXH. l.tl. Inauire ... r - ". modern bouse with a disappear-In- g bed; close In. Apply 221 Stanley place. 2nd East, between 4th and lih su. flVE roomi, bath, range and small stove". ru ei. tuvers. S East 253-2nd So. st. COTTAGE, close In, Iuqulr7128 w. norm iempie. BAROAIN tth E. Wras. 2156, Was. 1723-D. P. Felt 115 MO. Freshly decorated. modem 245 8. 11th West st. No garage. 17 mo. frame, .near town. 434 Hazel st.. between 5th and 6th East. UiahLoan Bldg. Aw.. 505 ClKt bldg 1161 ROOMS, every one newly paperei thorouchlv modern, absolutely new ....5-pas....t-pas- ....7-pae- -,. bathlMinjpcchojl280BSo. and many other late model closed cars to choose from. UTAH'S OLDEST AUTOMLBILE DEALERS. 1905. INCORPORATED Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan Sedan 2T1 .. HM mod. bungalow, COMPANY CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC CADILLAC 1921 CADILLAC CHEV. 1926 . S75 350 325 300 New model A 1S2 "Always Better Servtet Open Sundays and Eyeninct. 1930 1928 1927 1926 an Waa, 4677. & WAS. 4 and apta. HILLCREST APTS. Delmar and Wayne avenues. jH 9862- -J strictly clean, mod ean. heat, glass sip. ATTRACTIVE modern apC-clfeatures, full cement bae-nien- t. Sou th Waa 5010-adulta622EastJst shady yard, large hwd THE EMMA. 1119 First ave 4 rms.7"sip. floors, garage, etc.; 130 So.porches, (th E. Call 935 E. 2nd 8a Hy. 6646-Ky, c 11. ny. OOUU lli-12apt., upstairs, with sip porch, newly SHARMAN AUTOMOBILE FORD FORD CHEV. FORD US 495 5S0 475 400 STH SO. AND STATE 1977 1S2 192 1S2 1924 M23 AT COST ARE AS REPRESENTED. TO 1175.00. a, im YAS. Arapahoe. house. at 175 East 2nd 8outh. Buy a Truck and Make Money. MAIN Tn porch, We have the ear for you at the price you can afford to pay. Easy terms arranged. , CHRYSLER CHRYSLER 1026 1925 1923 927 1929 1926 1926 1927 1925 AND , MANY MORE DON T FORGET OUR CARS ...1595 .... AiS SOUTH 757 tie lMOHmT"7" BARGAINS IN TRUCKS ' 8139. 40 Tour., wire wheel ..I REPOSSESSED. 23 .. 50 1928 CHEVROLET coach, by owner; good Coupe, fine shape 23 eond. runs Will accept terms from right party. .. 60 Tour., 1928 good ESSEX Coach. 23 t. .. , Road. 65 .. Hy. 3792-1927 Ruxstcll.... MAKMON 8 8edan. 23 ESSEX.- .. 45 TOURIST owing garage bill will sell 1928 1925 touring OLDS. Coupe. 24 DODGE touring .7. 125 1927 OLDS. Coupe. com. $500. Nash Motor for special coupe 25 CHRYSLER 70 Phaeton .. 150 1925 OLDS Sedan. perfect, run 12.500 miles, new rubber; no '36 FORD Coupe, new Duco .. 3M) 1928 WII Sedan. dealrrs. 618 60. Main. bet. .. 26 FORD apt;8 screen .. 225 1924 DODGE Truck SEDA'n 1926 DE LUXE CHANDLER 26 FORD Tudor, excellent .. 210 These cars will be sold for smounts on Is one of the highest priced sedans This '24 HUP Coupe, 265 ..' loans asain.tt them plus charges Wonderfully uphol'35 CHRYSLER Coach, good . . 295 Chandler ever built. THE AUTOMOBILE FINANCE CO. 27 ESSEX SpeedabouL exceptionally well styled as com.. S45 stered and classy 145 East 1st South. Was 6659 26 nonoB sedan pared 10 present new models. It Is fullv REAR . . 425 all has tires and equipped, 26 CHEVROLET Coach good exceptional .. 41S new CITY MOTOR SALES 3S7o. cost 26 HOICK 8t. Coupe job. .. 525 ly at'ractive paint 170 E. 2nd So. fX)R FORDS. HUDSON Brougham, beauty .. .. 525 today's prire lSTS OKAHAM-PAIO- 2J STATE WITH AN COUNTS. Inc. Strdtor-Smiff- i, mod E2Viar'5C ASK ABOUT OUR WONDERFUL SATISFACTOH 7t64- COME IN AND LOOK OVER SOME REAL ARR CBEVRCLET CO. SO.-AN- D DON'T WAIT-CO- ME IN and pick out the one you want for your summer use. OUR CARS GIVE South and 8UU. - SO. STATE SUNDAYS IEMMI 8TH M& 110. Hy. 5695. R. MODERN brlcar house, partly 1923 1922, East. f to 1925 DODGE Touring Cars from I50"up. Also many other makes. Visit our Open-ai- r Market for Bargains. 155 E. 2nd South and (53 So. State St. good run- Hupp Touring FORD mi. "" 5695-- BO. 140 ning used cars from 140 to 1125, .including coupes, sedans and tourings; alM trucks. 125 345 785 1920 1927 SOUTH. MAIM. WAS. 1600. MOTOR CAR CO. OPEN ...... lt WE ARE OFFERINO 145 Touring AND CAMPERS FISHERMEN 75 50 , 145 Covey-Balla- rd 620 Chrysler Salesroom So. Bute. 176 Motor Ave. Was. 6151. Was. 3346. ASK FOR FRED. 238 7 Apartments 3B3tt-- nd s hving roomg. bath, etc 8:1A,H' lST tJ 3rd East. Rivers. 355-80. NICE 6 rooms, close In, newly decorated Oo"-"So. State, or We are selling a great many cars. ACT NOW while the bargains last. We are making a clean-u- p drive. This la your opportunity. along with our complete line of hlsh-grad- e Chevrolet! and O. K. d used cars tHi USED CAR LOT AT 1ST SOUTH AND STATE 192) VTA ALL CARS UNDER COVER ' Fred's Aet0 Exchange' 8 port Touring. CHRYSLER CARS IN VARIOUS MODELS. WHICH CANNOT BE EXCELLED IN THE SALT LAKE MARKET. Serving the Motoring Public Sine U1L TAYLOR 75 625 28a house, Hy. Come In and buy one of our tourings, from 650 up. You will gel many more miles for your money than you actually pay lor. LtTXS from. Coupe. 16 Hudson Coach. 37 W en very little. Almost new balloon tires. Spare mounted In left fenFour-wheder. brakes. Upf and paint original and in 1195 down. We perfect condition. will trade your car In. 50 more selected cart to choose 'it t 1927 COACH. Haa all new balloon tires.' Beautiful mohair upholstery, smooth running, lots of power. Original paint is very good. Fully equipped with bumpers front and rear, and handy trunk. This Is honestly an at 1495, exceptionally good buy full price. Terms to suit you. 15 Bulck Coach. '26 Buick Sedan. CadlUae Sedan. '25 CheTrolet Touring. M Podft B Sedan. Dodge B Coupe. 15 Essex Coach. 27 Essex Coupe. Hupp 1922 1924 I 650 BUICK MASTER COACH. The balloon Urea are almost new. Although this car has the original Dueo. It Is In perfect conetuion. Is excellent, arrl reMechanically member, yon take no chance with us. It Is guaranteed 60 day. 1205 down, balance conveniently arranged. , ' COME LOOK THESE OVER 26 675 MS OLDSMOBILE Sedan 585 OLDSMOBILE Sedan 495 OLDSMOBILE Coach 60 OVERLAND Touring 225 STUDE Lt. 6 Sedan STUDE. Dictator Victoria.. 785 575 STUDE Dictator Sedan STUDE Dictator Sedan 7)5 165 8TUDE Spcl. 6 Touring 4SS STUDE Bpol. 6 Coach 275 STUDE Spel. 6 Sedan STUDE. Commander Sedan.. 945 8TUDE Com. Regal Sedan. ..1150 STUDE Prea. State Sedan .. 1 650 1100 UNITED Truck Bug 1925 ON OUR Olds NASH 1927 1926 1927 1926 .....1150 ......134 426 3rdon0ih JUNE 15TH BRING HAPPY DAYS. Studehaker Distributors. EAST FIRST SOUTH. tributors for thla car and it has been given every attention by expert, factory trained mechanics to Insure many thousands of miles of satisfactory performance. The paint lob waa finished only yesterday. Bee It today. 1150 will handle down payment. ""PRICES 'r Unfurnished Apartment). B'UClONaHAM 56 pl3Hstqarae; hcococauoneTJIrfajfeW n'" and' '"h; h.v1M';rfl0,il", ave.. bet. J7tb FOR THE WHOLE BUMMER BEGINS OUR USED CHEVR0LETS 1545 675 Was. 3405. STAR COACH. 1921 . AUBURN Sedan BUICK Coach 192) BUICK Sedan 192) BUICK Sedan 1927 Bl'ICK Ma.ver Coupe 1927 CHEVROLET Sedan 1923 CHEV Tour 1925 CHRYSLER Brougham 1926 CHKYBLER Touring 1926 DOIXJE Sedan 1923 DDRANT Tour. 1921 FORD Coupe 1934 FORD Coupe 1923 HUPMOBILE Touring 1924 JEWETT Sedan 1923 JEWETT Sedan 192) NASH Light 6 Sedan 131 Used Cars YL01EB AND TRADES. 1935 1926 EIGHT J)0. USED) Unfurnished Houses trust " KORVELrMOTOR-CO- 155 EAST 1ST SO. TA USUAL TERMS 750 TOD'S Car market WAS. USED CARS "WHERE BETTtn CARS COST LESS " CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. MlfcUscd . tile bath and drsin. large amusement room, furnace; located on southeast ,3J4"H' """'J. modern, thoroughly bench. I6u. Call Was. 2 or Hv. 4632. 4549-clegedgajael71sreetWas. 125 mod. except heat; hwd. firs, Ap-modern. I1J. modernTTiy J- Ideal location. M So. between J'-.- ie.sa IM nr modern house, newly cleaned," nice a .00 street. irL9VEf:Y ,rm mod- duplex, newly pa.j pered and cleaned, rs, garage. 56 Unfurnished , , He.'" A FEW SAMPLES OF CUR BETTER CARS 100 54 ;1JM6IE5:CaaWa 63-DA- ON ANY MAKE CERTIFIED Sedan. We are making a special of thla . one. It is In remarkable condition throughout. The kind of a a ear any family would be proud to own. Big, roomy body with all the class you can find In any new Packard. Originally cost 5550ft. New ear guarantee. Our price now uooo 1495 eshkx coach 1977 1926 1927 1926 19T7 1926 1927 Unfurniahed Houses h,.. n.., FOR THE SUMMER OUTLNQ. Y CARRY A . GUARANTEE WITH AN 0. K. THAT COUNTS. 5 DAYS' EXCHANGE FREE Coach. 1927; a car that will give much better service than a cheap new car; motor overhauled; newly finished, new tires, new 550 car'appearanca PACKARD Sedan. latest ' model Six. in auch condition It cannot be termed a "Used Car." Tires, finish, upholstery, mechanical condition positively same as new. Your chance to bur a Packard lust as good si new at a substantial saving.... 11150 1M) , . 1SS STAR Coupe FORD Roadster mi 1924 JEWETT Tour. ,. 12J ESSEX Tour 1923 HUPP Sedan 192 1925 1925 FOR RENT FOR RENT EASTBENCH. NEAR UNIVERSITY AND RMS on 2nd ave , 125 CATHEDRAL SCHOOL. Call Was. 1976. brick bungalow; oak THREE-ROOhouse, clean, porch, shade flnnr: e ill I m.ni.l fluiet place. 521 So. 7th East. resr. 310. jdry equipment, lurnace. e;c. new -- rm org. colonial, hwd. firs. ,ir- FR1TSCH loan & CO , Wss. jS567 301 E. 2n dSouih ? s. 6543 y . 3809 " ngmodern brick house, hardwood floors, "Rsi J""1 Bet 1st and T0I1KCAT In. r o, DEFECTIVE PARTS. OLDSMOBILE dandy light 135 195 65 123 Strcator-Smitf- 33 DAYS' FREE SERVICE tioned This u the smart aptype. The motor pearing and chassis have been rebuilt, entire car reftnished and cannot be distinguished from new. A remarkable value at 11900 ..1175 WIL1T8-IWIOH- 1621 in 54 A GOOD, DEPENDABLE PURCHASED FROM 33 DAYS REPLACEMENT PACKARD Club Sedan, very latest model Six. thoroughly recondi- SEE WHAT YOU CAN GET FOR $200 AND LESS. COVERING . BUICK Country Club Coupe, 1937. driven only few thousand miles, original finish and tires like new. Mechanical condition guaran11 000 teed, upholstery perfect EXTRA BUSINESS OUR GOOD BECAUSE PRICES ARE RIGHT AND CUR STOCK IS COMPLETE. 1954 1917 1925 1934 192 FOR RENT Antomobiles for Sale 46 for Sals CHEVROLEIS A Pristoa Warrssfy Our used PACKARD CARS an fairly priced.' because each one was boosht on a sound business bails. In buying used cars we par every dollar that the cars sr. worth and no more. We are not tempted to offset overaltow-ance- s by Inflating prices on used cars. We price our new cara right, buy bur used cars right and treat our used customers right. "We are lust aa jealous of our used car reputation as we are of our new car standing. "Ask the Man Who Owns One" applies equally to new and used Packard cara. ' NOW 1924 1923 46 ' Antomobiles Automobiles for Sal 46 AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE Telephone Wasatch 590. 17, 1929. t TO nd Automobiles for Sale 46 sun Tour HUPMOBILE Tour J rood FORD LI. Deliveries. IRJ CHEVROLET Tour .. 1922. FORD But. extra 1925 rORD Coup 1921 BUICK Tour 1924 FORD Coupe 1934 CHEV T.. new balloons 1923 DODGE Tour. 122 HUDSON Speednter AUTOMOTIVE I WE DO KOT HOLD CUR PRICES HIGSrALL fiER AM) STAGED GRAND WASH-GU- T SALE AFTER THE SELLING SEASON. 1M THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE mcntn. k'ttrfom. Frisib.-iire-; mTEfAWrAPWT7"lJrrTtempTe: electric Fmidsire. o erst.ulfed furniture. range. Was. 3964-CAITHNESS APTT2NbVVErB"8I,'.. J and mooern , furn or unlurn : lust like a home, apis enjoying every Waa 963. Was. '6ldair 6107 jmencei 375 BARGAINS. STEWART BAKER MOTOR COMPANY apts NEW Mahdeen Authorised Ford Corner. Sid Eaas. sod trd South. OH CoTTtfM, t U !TitfitrtWam TrikH ; kw 1 1 t9&, . 1st ave. and C St.. 47 So. 3rd E. Xi!dajreBy TRENTON APT I Fngidaire NleTurni weeg or mo . Bo. Frigidaire: leautlfuUyTurir64rEisi 145 mo 841.25 6 mns iCooUnued n Mut Fa.) |