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Show Telephone Wasatch 590. i REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Obituaries THE SALT LVKE TRIBUTE, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 1 FOR SALE. FINANCIAL la Telephone Wasatch RM. 17, 1929 FOR SALE 2 FOR SALE AUTOMOTIVE Automobiles for Sale 23 Miscellaneous for Sale -- Auction Sales 32 22 FnratureWanted UEAD'"ATfTRSFOR USED LOOK! Just started business, need youl (XJLTir&TSNKINS 'uyVn6 to 110 0O0 00 SKW1NO MACHINES. or sella on com Appraia. tree, uei up f lurn : best prices 11 8 w T Waa tv2l 460 BEAUTIFUL BUILD INQ LOTS Please call and tell ua wnat you want. " money - Waa 3M or Hy K34. 33 We hava any maka. any price, any atyla. Musical Instruments Guy W. Gilman em. Ha aelia cash HALL, auctioneer 10 Property for Sale or Trade 115 to 500. . Ouy W. Oilman, on of Mrs. Julie Ornt ol commission Hy 3336 White M Co.. 73 Main Bt.iWas.5254 BUSINESS OPyORTUNTTIES A- -l formrr Salt Laker, died Sun-Bu- y A P AR TENTTest locatTon mOAK ACCTIONEER. GUARANTEED "thalesm. DERRICK rang and" baby buggy. 218 13 apartments, LAND. CALIF. morning at Huntingdon Park, Calif., An Investor or realty promoter can HlOllk'LASS AUCI ION SERVIVK. H. .MH. PKNINSULAR private last 4ih South after 3 p m. according to word received In Bait Lake. buy lueee city lou at acreage prices. Party. TRADE FOR SALT X.LAKE PROP-F- . ADAMS.' Auctioneer, lor a sjccosa n USED PIANOS "miter box ONE on ERTY. Sale with 424 So. East Mower. 15 Business fioodell over M for located Hy. lib Tract is t. (Misc.) acre, fa. ful aaM Hy 48O0 CLEARANCE OF FTSHINO CARS, 4 155 J. 6th E H. 4483-good as nrwJlS 2I0 21st South. In soli and country club Mrt. Sina R. makes OSTERLOH. PJUCED FROM (50 TO 830. goc4 auctioneer, CE district; la platted, has city water. i 1UX of MW trees. FRUIT farm with vanoua klnda in goua cunumuu. At Ridiculously Low Prices. dad t ouscy. ells anything Tel waa. 4234. and every attraction. Paved street, 7664 339 Wllllamsave. of water, etc Salt Hy. Trade for Cpeclal to The Tribune. cheap plenty t DO DO I Coup." good rub1921 At Prove. Utah, on paved For busineaa reasons I doo'l wieh to. highway; &066 Income. Was. Oood Lake Ml-KAK CAMPBELL-OKOHLER property. Was .K3 ft COMPLETE GARAOE EQIUPMENT. Mra. Bina R. Parkinson died ber and O. K. condition.. (133 lor mtg commercially, dorrs, 2Miscellaneous for Sale quota price, but will maka worth-whi- n WICK At SONS OAK .....J........... Jig e! carcinoma Saturday in a local hospital 3206 or write home in Oadeo to trade for equipped LOVELY Tribune terms to right vinrsars. Iruit butters, syrups and Jellies, ". proposition and good 4 34 KHANICH BACH She a at 77 yeare old and came to Murray Waa. Lake. east Sail borne, bench well. in 3 acres. THREE small showcases, one wall display WINTER PIANO MAHOOANY ....... 166 brk. 193 home, OWNER. 36 West 4tn SouUk. flowing OVERLAND, good rubber party. S334-in 114. 8h wag a native ol ML Carmel, . or write. case. Mr Jones. 11 E 1st So Was. 9148-- J. and cnecked over Owner quitting acrt. health. D. Kinnear. 111 160 WINO A ' 100 R. No. 1. Box w. itovo. utan. TWO SMALL HOMES, .. book WORTH of accounts, 0 cheap. SPRINGER. PIANO. GOOD PRACTICE K. A MAKERS CANDY her are Jour children: Surviving or east. east BUY OH! A south for WHAT home, 3157 Dr Merc. Co Whltehore 148 Highland HINZE MAHOGANY Parkinson of Murray, Mra Eulah Markley of of BUNGALOW STORE t30oO; houses rent for -Have disc wheels. FORD 1936 Coupe; eqeuity -- MAHOGANY . . J 156 Bait Liie, Mra. H. W Dougherty of Glen-oil- e. LAUNDRY stove, used very little.. Call Hy. APION Only (4500. Cost Originally SUM. ATTENTION 2 330 month. Phoue Waa. 1976 urea. A MUSTER-WALNgood balloon 196 UT Pine 7201 or 15'.' Arlitiston drive Combination store and TCallt., and Dow Parklnaon of San itnctly mod strictly modern brick 85 . pickup, as Is" I MATCH ALL TRADES. brick house, cornrr lot. lawn, hhado urn. Francisco; one brother, Newton Locksood. home, facini south on paved atreet, within HEAVY EXTRA PLATE GLASS 1 C. ft. Norton. 113 Atlaa block. busi cream nearl No wun s. e. restricted district. seven rash One room, beater, Racing Doing distance. irandrhlldren living walking Large or 346 6 jtd 6 to a feet. Phone Hy. 1934 GARDNER Touring, new S10D0WN beautiful drapes and curtaina. large win- NEW homes tor old homes. Can aolva your ness; stock at invoice, sickness compels new. Sloo. terms to reliable party Mutual W as pircs. 4U6. sop. 4 new uoooytar ures iw Double dows and best grade oak floors. Cieamery company, Lewiston, Idalio. building problem. Call Hy. 40 or W. 1046. sale. Will consider trade. Hy. 2700. FUNERALS 2ND HAND Mairstlc range; good condition, glassed-i- n sleeping porch, plenty of closet And 15 Per Month Delivered. packing plant, with new ice liol-atSedan: new 162J Hill FORD East. So. Hot-a- ir ana or gas 4l).1135 Jacket. heat, piped Funeral services for Annie space. new boner and ge moaern equipplant, eat covers, good rubber wired lor electric range, wmeni oae-men- l. LAROE baby buggy,Al condition. Bgll t n Miller Headlund, wile of John A. Head-lunchildren now ment: also large hog pen that will hold BOY SCOirTS. ATTENTION' Have a Why not start-100 swell motor FINANCIAL and coal and fruit room and garage. Easy ' uuce 440 who died in this city on June 12, 5 So. Lake on lor Hell. Mr one of Sa.t 300 these rdEal good practice hogs. Wmte truck, with pneumatic tires; Inquire will be held this afternoon at the E. O. terms. Located 183 E. and So values. 1216 South Slate. 12 to 15 people. first-claTher an Faiorr. exceptional Cla-r-conpianos? lor has Sausage CAS Jewel: RANGE. capacity new seating 1934 . CHIV. Touring; . a. Wlt-ru- s O Dqnnell mortuary chapel commencing tUMranx, Wis 3U22 645 So State. dition Call 728 So. ith East. 13 OOOD CORNER GROCERY. green patnb overnau a Realtor. Moiiey to Lend at a p. m Friends may see tlie body at Ki04. IISOO BR0S.-R0BER- TS 109 Wtth Hy PIANO. oil Fojntsin. GLEN Alaska kerosene Insurance. refrtterator. recently Loans, any hour until funeral time at the E. O. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES stove, sua plate, dining table and chairs. Open for Inspection PKINTINO plant, modern, established, only O Donnell chapel on Pourth East between Was 2040. new Mm 193 STAR All in excellent condition Lake Large heater South Salt Touring: in COMPANY county, South Temple and First South streets. InPIANO Bl.ffriv plant prlntmt Cutlerr. tValft. Chopper. Mo Will sell cheap. Call Hy. 1364-0KLY $22531 lor sale. Located at Mldvgje, Jai,t growpaint, gnotor cnecked ever terment will be In theamiiy burial plot for the gununer'g driving; : u Mt. Olivet cemetery. BAKERS' MACHINERY and smelting centre Possession Michigan ave. ing steel CAR AS PAYMENT. TERMS. 1353. 150 WAS. 161 SOUTH MAIN. CALL 1 good ear Jordan 3 Publishing July Investigate. WHITE condition. SSlTH Funeral services for Mrs. Mary sewing machine, good Mixirs modern brick, newly decorated; Cafe Supplirs Read : LOARS ANB 405 Richmond aim company. Norria Smith will be held at 13 30 p. m , well arranged; choice location; plenty ol Sales Agcy.. 106 W 2nd So Harriucton 193 STAR Sport Touring, dlag hunbusiona bench and double FURNITURE good garage; trees: doing piano and Wednesday. repair shop, In, the Sugarhouse ward shrubs, flowers HERE IS WHAT YOU ARE WANTING: wheels and good rubber., 140 ness, fcslsbllshed trade Reason for seldred records, like new. must aacniice. Flowers Plants Trees chapel. Bishop Thomas M. Wheeler will cement strips: shades, screens, linoleum re160 00 25 piece solid oak dining set 1250. coal 1600 957 Lowell ave Hy. 31W-officiate. The body may be viewed at main unincumbered' leaviig siate. Apply 416 E. 5th So. . 3 rockers, 55 00 ling, 1921 daveneile. BTAR Bedam for...... stoc good buy choice MUST oar nursery creditors; BUBI-NF31880 GOOD CAR AS FIRST McClelland l lie family residence, ni. Like new. Walnut fin 11 50 PIANO, butiaalow. CASH GROCERY. DOINC) A GOOD breakfast set SI " ' for aomeoc. sarrltue . 300 evergreens. I to Sll values. street, from 11:30 a. m. until time of ser- 4536-WILL SACRIFICE STOCK AND Electric range, a real buy 50 no ish, win sell cheap, got uownington 13 each; 450 choice roaebusheg, 75c to to LEO V. OMAKr. vices. Burial will be In the City cemetery AN Immediate aerrtc Ju3 OFFER. 10 ME MAKE ave, FIXTURES. 00 ranse Gas 1934 dIM Ho. STUDS 1311 Totrrtni. 10c Call State values. BLDO each. 115 si CLIFT W under direction of the Joseph William AS1 500; without red tape la SO WESTTEMPLE We aave you lust hall what you pay Chris n I.INHCHOTEN. musical Instru Ft . Mountain 8tatea Nursery. wheels, I o d rubber, assured you when larior Mortuary company. elsewhere. frame; large lot: 15M W. 9 th SoT ment maker: repairing ana rrouiiaing. in AUTO irpslr and vulcanltlng shop for sale, bumpera. wind lngs and dealing with tba oldest A B KINNERSLEY CO . 75 W Bdwy PirONlKS and snowballs at R D Casta, deFURN waa. ana. at.. Salt Lake city; iiguo.w. further ...... 100 all Conslituiion For and stork. Bldg CARLfOF condition la good equipment " " Auto Loan Company In block east of end of Holladay bus line tails phone Was 7: 10 40 OPERA CHAIRS VIOLIN. Curio Giovani. Strndivarius. hand Salt Lake. Pl.RF.NNIAl s. vegetable, annuals, and pot frame; large lot; 135 E Truman frlSIesire to express our heartfelthanks 1931 FORD Coup, 4 new Urea, i counter hinrli back wu and bar. busineaa era cam. Invest TAILOR bow In lor established uacrllloa to and made, limits loan Our ve.. Bait Lake county; siauv.gu. Plants. 12th W , bet. 7th and Ith South 3 to our friends and relatives, who so lov- Rurkstell axle, cleaa upMust know tailoring (75. hosiery cases. Tribune Hy. 5057-liberal, our rates are 2 soda fountains. , extended their sympathy and kindholstery mily reasonable. FOR SALE radio, guar., cheap. USED car "market and garage, for rent or modern brick; fine location 2G ness during the lUneas and demise of our fixtures. and .. Candy our . cigar Gardening Landscape If waa. requested, 1504 SoBiate wig-lease. Call alter p. m.. Martin, Lincoln at.. Mldvale; 13700.00. 7 pool tables. beloved huband and father. 192 OLDBMOBTLI It was a will call Touring; representative ALI? in CONN beautiful st of 36 W. L. we kinds saxophone, CI.IENTV wishes partner. J1000 necessary. Wetherbee. Rlchards i new top, new paint ...... 1M great comfort to us. Especially do 403 3 ann fertilizer, can Murray isi-a- a. eood condition. lor quick saie. i Was. 4104. thank the bishop of the Twelfth ward, Look" thfm over and call J. A. Alcorn. strument, Salary, opportunity. 1 Cocker studs. Boston Ch TOY CO. studs 4788-owner. Miavaie an-(30, Hy. Walker Bank Bids. . the speakers, singers and all those who ! 1926 FORD Touring! new top, Uik. Obo. 427 13th E. Hy. I 27 lurmshed cars and helped us in any way. Soil and Fertilizer 7S28-,, WP.ILF.R Piano. In excellent condition. Will Investinw Urea, motor com- CAPITAL Unlimited promotions. WAS. 1030. 119 MOTOR AVE. Mrs. C. W. Frost, Mr. and Mrs F. W new of one on account 1.150.000 , leaving for sacrifice for Just overhauled, raised (100 pletely gate today. SANDY 16am soil. 32 50 load: row fTrt., IV CANYON soTi?wrr-?d- s; ToarToTTafload; Sims. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Frost, Mr and e i BY OWNER. corpo- city. Ca l 640 Flm ave. Hy. uag-Pistons, rings and every- company National Mrs. L. J Hill, Mr and Mrs. C C. Frost. dei.Do lawn work. liy. jtaa-vexpert advice Band, fertihrer. Hy. 3763 PIANO for rent. ratlon. Walker Bank Bldg Sacrifice for quick sale. Large thing; a seal buy lor.... Ill (3 a too.. aoocTeondltlon. Mr. and Mrs. G. mover and wrecker A M JENSEN, and Mrs. Fern houae 60c 34 load: COW fertilizer. manure. Will consider home with Income. sheep ' 676 Fast 3rd So.. Hy. 3507. MUST JiELL, DUE TO ILL HEALTH. ' 254-1 Thomas. houses. 7934-Hy buy obi 1921 'in DODGE Sport Touring; sack: soil. 13 00, del. Hy. Abungalow in trade. Apply 444 E. So. confectionery, ice cream, lunches, col fee urns, d good tires; perfect motor 1M Piano Tunintr GUARANTEED Temple. etc.. fully equipped. One ol the best places ROOT beer outlit, caroonators, nountain aotl and 33b FUNERAL DIRECTORS Btensel Ml- - Co . 149 E l 8 steam tables of best Phone block from fertiliser In hotel Oudcn. Bet Wag aiio K0 COSIGNERS BTT ANDRTSoN",'eipert 1921 eereem DODGE Truck, pianollhg Est. many years 1000 OOOD used tires and tubes, cheap GRAVEL. FERTILIZER trade. Fine fixtures AND MOUNTAIN . body. In O. K. condition- repairing, wag aaei at yeara esg. lease and reasonable rent in excel SOIL. WAS 1091 OR DOUOLAS 34. Western Auto Tire Co . 675 So Stale modern firebrick residence CONTRACTS REFINANCED Good E. O. O'DONNTLL as CO.. undertaken and BUY my Come and stood Urea. Atl.d. lent Tribune. Utah b!dgOgden. e461 4&uu commiMiuu. was tor witnout paying any 23 50; emhalmers. 33 Bo 4th East, used wardrobe trunk, FERTILIZED. SLIGHTLY Ford 186 ammonium see 34 it , Instruction Musical sulphate SEE US FOR QUICK. I paid 15000 and am transferred to CalCall at 1058 CAFE, doing good business. BAKER MOTOR COMPANY. UTAHF also leath, Jiag. sultcase, at 16. Regent JOSEPH WILLIAM TAYLOR. LIBERAL LOANS ifornia. Must sacrifice. Small down East 31st so. vY5L.NS and" re'SalrTnT 3rd South and 3id West: . cTgtoTlotin Wag. 3713 TOO WILL FIND THESE CARS AT LEADINO MORTICIAN, US No. Main "cash REMINOTON CROSHELL'S Agenta Cor. and East lath Browning payment TWO-cha- lr barber shop, 47 East Bdway, Fhop. 615 DeMret Bank Bldg. wgg. 3705 COURTEOUS SERVICE registers. Vistor Direct Subtractor adding 29 ave. Call Hy 1460. STL 6'DONNLL. funeral director, 3200 takes it. You must hurry. Coal and Wood machine, acalrs. BUY. BELL. EXCHANGE. Was K88. tnort 871 E 1st So 34a Piano. Jazi, Short Method RENT. REPAIR NATIONAL cash regisVE have one good service station to lease REAL BUY KTfNt)t-N"- o INTERMOUNTAIN wood, rut up. 12 50 pcfloatfde Mortuary Co. Wm. O ters. Burroughs, Dalton adding machinea. at Bountilul. Ulan, also two in can use -- rm. 1445 Stat Erlckson litered. Salt Lake Box Co . Was. 6170. Hy 1( modern S34 E. 48th So . Murray. laESSONS. not or ear. beglmverToTaJ GROSHELLS. 346 State at., Groshell-Lov- a Will take from 1100 to !200 to finance vgneed students. Harry Erlckson. 44 W So. 3164. furnace heat, new electric EIGHT sacks kindling. 11. prompt delivery, Tribune INTERMOUNTAIN self. Addrrss D-Et.41 yeara. Mortuary Co.. Wm. O. brick bungalow, AND MANY OTHERS. buldg.Waa. INC. BUDGET Maln. SYSTEM, Hy 4603-14950; of 11500 furniture. 36. amo-worth and 1445 State. was. range Erlckson. Hy. Wa are apea Will sacrifice for CIGAR wall esse, small fountain, randy and Priced accordingly. room. NlCt". clean lunch now or an noveltleai alao I IMoO down. Dal. at per cent interest. WAS. MIL 13 MOTOR AVt tables and KINDLING. 7 SACKS tl DEL.! COAL, 40c IF LESSONS, Buudays and Evenings. display catpg. conf quick sale. 534 'i Bo. State. cigar B 163 Main. cour Method Davis mall ; ave 1429 Emerson FLORISTS BKAUTIFUL brk. home, Sail SACK. BECK S. HY. 6603. chairs, also stools, meat counter for store Stock 6ALE and FOR fixtures, lot 50x130 ft.: lawn, flowers, trees; full l ake Cabinet t Fig. Co.. 13 Richards at BS BUR! TO BEB O0R CARS rent or lease, best location in town, write FLOWERS. 30 Pipe Machinery 35 Radios for Sale Iron Was. 3210. AND OUR TQII PAYMENT FLAM basement, furnace, garage, linoleum, . Andrew Peterson. P. O. Box 726. phoue ELLISON'S MILLER'8 Reduced S6SO0 to (5500. Mr. Put-toshades. 13 A8Y. I I u Dew old 231-In Let wegvg BRING rags Park City. 200. 000 FT. used pipe, lllllins. vi vea, newly Bo. Temple. NEW Majestic radio.' model 7TTargaiIu to 10 E. Brosdwgy. Wcs. 2606, 409 Judge bldg. 53 rugs 68 W It h So Wag. was. mm. was i.au (.125: cost 3310. ESTB cut. and tailoring bug. for sale or Wu 1310 threaded, all sises. Monaey lion and mod. brick house. BY OWNER SU-rMetal Co . 700 Bo 3rd West Waa. 4763 trade. 116 North Main. SO cents per dozen ROSES! ROSES! small acre and choicest variety large Service 36 Parts Eadio 104 W. Ind North. sell Will In bus. FOUNTAIN other cut flowers. grocery. for flowers. busy Coops 31 fruits, shrubs and USED LUMBER Furniture for Sale $1K) TO Was. 8932-300 chickens. Place must be seen to be slock; good sum. prosrrcts.779 t. 2nd bo 6AiWiererTred"dservicad by experi I fixtures windows, as note 3552 doors, Personal Sash, plumbing security trade. consider May ERNEST LAMBOURNE, 67 So. Main. Was appreciated. OOOD going gent's furn. store fore sale, at enced technicians. No radio problem we COOlOTOOKi brick, adobes, etc. So. 13th E. Douglas 158-1118. Salt Lake's oldest & leading florist. once; wonderlul opportunity lor someone and supplies, cannot correct. Was, 1801. Radio Sales I FINANCE PEOPLE'S KETCHUM DLDRS SUPPLY, F-If once. Address with 1680 Investment. at small dou taken 20 Bur brick house, Big acres, IMPROVED ft Engineering Corp., 1311 Continental harga'n Waa. 6411. 180 W. 4th So. A Tribune. Bank Bldg. aud machine. REC0KDITI0KED CARS ble garage, chicken house, su iruit trees, roughs adding posting THRIFT AND CO, W. 31 Bo. for Nice of small fruit. Temple. snap sprint will or FOR sale trade for ami antenna service by trained men. Plenty REAL ESTATE radio 157 South State. mohair liv. rm. set, lilt up: culinary use. R. D. No. 4, Box 43, Sandy, In ONE electric Hoffman boiler, also one gag back. I business We guerantee results er little money FOR SUnHER TCUPJKG opportunity aaappiest or gasoline generated boiler: bargain. Utah, or Call Earl at Waa. 1400. town. Combination fountain lunch and Waa. 40. 130 Main. bedrm. act, 337.50 up: 5 PC. breakfast rm. O'Loughlln'g. Mitchell Auto Painting Shop, rear 650 8a v 1 set. 111 50 up. Special on ruga, linoleum, grocery. 315 North 2nd West, before noon. Homes for Sale Peerlesa 1930 Sport Roadster. Claeslrtt Slate. A. aesks. lamps. COUNTRY HOME, 37 Wanted Miscellaneous LUNCH room for sale. Well equipped Bee ' roedster In town. Right up to the mm- ERWIN LOAN AND 3 BY OWNER Must be sold at once. Six- Reliable Furn. Co., I.' Broadway. Mr. Larson after 6 p. m. at Moxum hotel SODA fountains, new and reoullt; aieam electric water, Modern pressure ute. Looks new. A bargain et....lttJ0. firebrick, Was. 4288. room. ll-- story red brick, modern, sleepCash palffor used blcycfeeTX'vVCiulurfe tables dc elec earbonatora. investigate - 8MALL potato flake factory. A bargain, heat, apphuand CO. INVESTMENT light and powrr, At oo. ana Moser Low !2 before terms. rest ing porch, amusement room, double A buying. REAL fine living room set, all mohair, prices, tour- LINCOLN Sport your own terms, was. 8431-Monday peach orchard. Lawns and flowers. Barn 714 Continental Bank Bldg. roge, (6500. terms. 925 Wilson ave. H. 3700. and Hartman Co., MIrs., 55 P O. place. 8 L C. Wu. 4959. best make, walnut dining get, proposia line car wun line finisn ana ing. morning. outbuildings. An3185attractive Animals Wanted VERY GOOD BUY FROM OWNER. mohair seats, 5 pieces, green and Ivory 37a E. 39th So. USED BUILDING MATERIAL. ALL KINDS g lit party. 1650 n tion perfect mechanically and business lease: LOANS GOOD Jo for going grocery AUTOMOBILE 5 bedroom get. pieces, dinner aet. Will FELT LUMBER CO., WAS. 4016. strictly modern bungalow, new: If you want a coulectionery, with gas station; located aave you money; just look If you are WILL buy dead or useless horses or cows. nice yard; full basement, fireplace. 163 THIS W THE HOME BUICK 1921 Tudot Sedan, lovely mo- ' CABINET gaa range, late model, good con 370. 1514 So. 8;ate. Phone Will cash. by large tourist camp. home, clean as a wnutie. uarage, priA.-pay Murray y REFINANCING D street. Was. 6260. furniture good cheap. warning hair and nice oondtloa tbroush- - . dition. 325. Hy. 3434-vate yard, rent quick for 337.50. Furn. Co., 75 W. Broadway. house, good furn . suitable for board- out .... A REAL BARGAIN. ..,...,..(671 Phong for our representative to call. A NEWLY FOR eas and roomer, well eatab. business, close PIANO, and walnut dresser. Fine condi Let's Swap BEM'TIPUL 10 - PIECE PININO SET. 38 modern horn- -, hardwood floors. ARE YOU LOOKINO 111. E o. 180 E. 36 17th t600 4th South. PAPERED. PAINTED. tion, cheap. I ILEA.l, ttill 320. built-i- n SPLENDID LINCOLN Open Sport Phaeton. To- - ' CONDITION, tourlntTTft chicken house, features, gr.ragc, cowfo7orf goodTnSrich TRADE SUMMER. BP.ICK HOME COOL IN 315. Acme Pharmacy. 6140 HY. cood barber RUG. '0 adjoinDuco and a location, shop, 955 Edison st. refrlgerstor. windshield. line yard, was. 9r.-w- . lieau Lovely RENT GARAOE. 8outhLawreiicesi, WARM IN WINTER. J 9th East and 13th So. late 1036 model. We believe this the ing grocery store; 870 cash. Hy. 7156 Vlctrola on car 323.50? THEN CALL HY. 6665-TRADE 1.25 Orthopiionle "BUKGAL0W BOY, best Car offered Used the 35 la city end cent new Jewel CLARK powder, black per strength gaa range, g!ant style, 107 Brockoano apts., iss a-- em sw ai modern home; FOR" SALE Midvale. M-N-E-Y- ." BARGAIN 16 Hotels & Rooming Houses at a all 668 bouth 8th wrst. and wmte trim. (24.00. th ave. Spacious 5 rm;.. hdu-d-. floors, ter I. will sell on easy terms. Phone Mldvale coal Oak Charter and ce comb, gaa 3 M0 mos.. CHARTER full F6rTSALf-rilshedbus7proOak used ranges. heater, (leeping porch. Round Oak furn.. Address 65 6th ave., Mldvale. 192 R Big sac335W PACKARD Like new Sedan. (50 00 and up. 39 Sac. for quick sale. By. ment basement. Brunswick consol, cost 1210. will sell with Clothing Wanted rifice. The Osterloh apts., 634 So. Main. Hard to find a aelver throughout. Loans mate to peoplg with steady InUsed breakfast eels of I chairs end 50 records for (40. 335 Williams ave. 4803. Eleven apta. rant for 6350 month. Sue gufuTiV-oalcar at ear price. Sale Lots We an for tisel for V0. come, without delay or red tape. Cur family (10 riTcTfl!) tgble. Best speculation value, LAUNDRY stove and pine, very good condi of lot. 83x215. mod. red brick, WILL sell cheap loans are sinc'lj confidential, and no Used refrigerators, 113 00 end up. tailors, our expenses ere email, thaioddIs 634 So. Main. E Z terms. Owner here. furnace. 40-SOMF?nnNomrH(ENT newly decorated, hot-a- ir tion: ,dison ptionograpn. recoros, ti-PACKARD Let. Model Fordoor Coupe. ' Wanted, Coal ranges, (10 00 and up. requited. Pay It back in easy why we pay too prices Must leave town. front. 400 ft. deep 630 East 3rd So. Bee UNUSUAL BAFOAIN. TABLE, skilg, boys sled, act let, single to suit your convenience. The finest model Packard ever built. HARDFURNITURE BUGARHOU8E Pieces. Mednleks, 68 B. 2nd Bo. W. 10210 Payments Mr. Wimmer. 1st hourc east. Will sell two choice building lota cheap for bed springs. Hy. 3S36-17 Stores & Offices for Sent And thie la tlie best one you've ever SEC US FIRST. WARE CO. WHEN you have old clothes, shoes, trunks, aeen. Hal original urea, paint and , KITCHEN-cabinetcash; or will trade for good mining stock. 15 up; gas 100411t8o. BY OWNER. (6; ' Hy. 4M 65l1lATJ3FTtor-nH- r suitcases to eeu. Ed oreen, waa, ijuj. Write owner. P. O. box 11450 , A perfect car at Btigarhouse. EMPLOYEES LOAN BOCTETT. holatery. 19 up; dressers. (6 50 up. uuaiity Beautiful, newly painted mod. brick ban' Near ranges, F. O. library table. (13 60: living ElG li EST prTcee T. Q', anen'e uaad 1663. City. U- and 105 E. 2nd So Warehouse, rear 237 rA Ua .,,..,- - f Ut Was WTO, si. pch. SU McCornlck Bldg. palofor ralow of 4 rms., cosy glassed-i- n room guite, 555; French bevel plate mir ' So. State. Apply O S. Holmes. 163 So. Wei. 7131 I6S Regent st Two la clothes sedans nice ehepe lota, near 3533 Ion t fail to Investigate. Snap for price. 1435 WILL buy 3 fine5666--large ror. NEW for old; 9x13 lawn mower, exchange 35x17. (39: rug. (13 50: electric tapes Blate street. Jj at leas titan (100 each. Both gplendid DO YOU NEED MONEY? Close in. 539 Hawthorne, on 6tb East, bet. 60. State. Wag. 7 50; 33 and up; 135 box couch. tered (10, fang. porch mahog bench, vanity. cars. 39 FOR rent Store room at 333 Mala street. eth and 6th eo. Clothing Wanted lot on Capitol HIU. grandest view. Be os. Wt will loan you on your salary retries., 7 and up; twin beds, with box baby buggy. (5; hardwood kitchen table. 8ultble for offlcea. Was 772I-- J. mattress. 640. A D. Tobtn Furn. Co.. 33 ' (7; Westlnghouse Electric range, (30. 135 and you repay in amall Installments to suit TKcirsTnTlTReTetlstra NEW EAST. BENCH HOME So. Stale. STORE for rent at Plnecreat, Emigration W. 1st Eo. Was. 1267. . n yon. No security, no red tape loans mad doming; top prices, guns io up LINCOLN . canyon, was. 70D2. Farms and Acreage same day as you apply 8PERE Tent At Awn Co. We buy, sell, rent PRINCESS dresser, maple: brass bed and Unusually veil built and well planned Large Location Ideal. home. 8T01K. 30x100 FEET. 32 RICHARDS ST. 2nd hand tents 270 BV.Tejnwas.ji365 springs, Miller ranee. Universal 3 burner 40 Junk Wanted 120 East 6th South. CASH CREDIT CO. WAS. 4036. FINE LOC FOR RESTAUR T. M'GUIRE electrlo glove, showcase Must sell grounds with playground and gulley all Waa. 3765. strawberries; Holladay. Ripe at once. Address 141 No. 1st West. Phone Formerly H. L Drake. planted. All Improvements paid Owner BARGAIN RANCH bus east. of Casto end line SHEEP Lane, 505 Scott Bldg. Was; 6.M1. 0008. etc KA08. 18 books, BOTTUS. leaving city. Enormous sacrifice for quick add. Store FLIES'. 75c. dog. : bamboo rods. (150 all 6797 tale. Cost 116 .000. 1400 E. 9th so. nr. 143 Waa. A FEW good used refrigerators at very rea new and oldi'root beef tackle priced low. Jenkins. 428 Blate. red brick; 440 ACRES on Beaver creek, near Kamas, COMPLETE home, sonable prices on display in Dinwoodcy's HYRUM buys end sells everything, Olr outflta. carbonators. store fixtures, eollee FULL automatic Westlnghouse electric Utah, 100 acres In alfalfa and timothy, la living. 3 bedrooms, amusement rm used furniture dept. cbeirs. e'nes. etc, wgs, toitn. Smith-Fau- s wa335. of urns. Waa. Co.. stream Drug balance in pasture; large DINWOODEY FURNITURE CO.. range; used only 3 months. (55, cost7.47--1225. gar., sip. p Sacrifice at (4850 n.PAig tip We hue all klnda of lurk. ter runs through place year round. 640 East 1st So , apt. 4 - double Was. West 1st So. St. Owner, Hy. 1700 825 Wilson ave lies I priceg. oait liii wuna io.. ni awi. Good home, good barn with atsnchlons Office 18a Supplies WASHING machines and vacuums, new and UUOHEB electrlo renge, FOR sale to colored people, desirable with oven, for 30 cows, good horse barn and sheep mod. brick bung., mod. except heat; built- Was. 885. used, several makers, latest models, special (15 COMPLETE line of office $50 TO $500 sheds, place will take care of 600 sheep supplies and or terms. Washing Machine cash in features, cement basement, gar.; (2800 4- - hole W. 23 cowa, 1st prices, I 6 KELLT South. MA.'ESTIC CO., pigs, horses, POULTRY-LIVESTOgood the all SEE BILLS. time; equipment. range, good condlllon. CK TO PAY YOUR DOCTOR 1100 down. Exch., 325 8. W. Temple. Waa 6036 Hy. 4073-all necessary farm Wicker baby buggy, (5. One iaa plate, turkeys, chickens and Vrtm DOCTOR OR CALL AT OFFICE. $700 1928 BUICK Standard Sedan Wa mov Is in excellent shape, WRECKINO CO. 261 East 6th 80. PROGRESS ideal Ranch 20 modern new, ROOM, home; A (!.... Business Wanted machinercy. strictly ( Holladay location. On acre beautifully 0. 675 1K28 CHRYSLER Sedan ... FINANCE ASSN. Call us nrst. Hy. ai3. MEDICAL 'oina reaerva. Priced for reasons, bulldlnga. IF YOU have cash we ere offering furnl-tur- e 671 1926 CHRYSLER 60 Sedan on easy terms. Will accept smaller rocked-l- n BUSINESS wanted. Would like to hear lno.i.n. capacity refrigerator for aale, ' landscaped, creek In grove. 41 and In CWckj cost Baby BLDO. at every absolute ZOt CLIFT Poultry department Urea. 1924 DODGE balloon sale. 2vj Coupe, from for with 6.60-R- . businesg good party one. lawn, flowers, shrubs, berries, coop, etc.; move properly in exchange If desired. will trade for to Hy. smgller certain Bedroom, dining 4384. pieces. WAS. 1927 ........ .., 4S IkiIXH Busineaa Coupe Fuller Confidential. view. Service, ABrt5HicTi Independent room and living room furniture. The aplendid mountain BASKETS Bedeit ....... Ferneries, bowl stands. Reas. 4!0 ' ESSEX Wichita. Kan. culinary water supply. Must be seen to KNOWLTON-PACKAR- D 346 Etore. Furniture Bo. INC Mala at., FH-E1927 ....... Artkratt Basket Co.. 127 bo. tn East. Sedan 60 X : be appreciated. For immediate sale, M00. to Ton atlll have Reds, time buy Leghorns. take elevator to third floor. 50 1927 Coach ES.snx DUPLEX BRINGS. SALE 4665 owner. on 8e genuine (23 210 Utah Savings 4c Trust. and other popular breeda to get eaaa 1920 Highland drive. 150 YES.we will take your old furniture as Rocks 'OKD Touring Ac H. stamps witn racn pur 8. 75. our (13 ere ALL tills November. AUTOMOBILE LOANS chlcke elate Wag. 1481. 8ALE 6 ROOM modern colonial bungalow, all FOR first payment and give terms on the bal- accredited and 450 11125 Furn. eoway. w, Touring chase. Economy co.42 Live hupp heavy egg producers. hardwood floors, colored tile bath and ance and give you the advantage of low 750 1927 For periods from HUPP Coupe cnilnboaTd. built-i- n features. 163 D st. B.AUTIFUL mahogany player p'.ano. cost ONE WEEK TO A YEAR. 192 . 576 NASH Special Coach ..... upstairs prices. The Upstairs Furniture delivery guarauued. I.IK-r- .l si).vi. win sen cneup. cree it at wa oo. Store. 346 So. Haiti at., takg elevator to 150 22 . BTAUTIFUL brick, modern bungalow: 150 Refinancing. 1923 OAKLAND Auction Sales sport Touring, 2 Sun. Mftln. bet. LIFE'S third floor. . 600 OLDS Sedan ft lot. 3 bedrooms, living rm.. bath STRONG CfflX HATCHERY 1927 Clark-JewFOUR-burn' QUICK AND CONFIDENTIAL gaa range; left ANTIQUE mahogany chest of drawers with . 13"0 1928. PAIGE I Sedan dining rm.. sewing rm.. breakfast nooi: MTDERRICIT THALES Ogden, Utah 1927 STAR 4 Roadster . 300 All heavily trimmed In solid oak. Lawns. hand oven and bi oiler, (15. 556 So. 13th ell original brumes, walnut tip top table, 3251 Washington Ave UJ. E 1826 On corner of STUDS Big flowers, shrubs, garage. (50 WANTED Live poultry. I will call for thti Hy. 4964. Brougham EQUITY Hish-grad- e large upholstered chair and other acreage, consisting of rich HIGH CLASS AUCTION 1 !'.' CHEVROLET I Landau. (100 discount 551 So. University ave. Biackfoot, Ex Hollywood and 5th East. 1963 Co. 5th East. .nnrl and pay the top price. Murray 10. WAS. 4317. rm. suite; DALTON 75S STATE STREET. lnsm ImDre&nated with shell. dining mahog. . PO.NTIAC 1929 discount Laadau Must be seen to be appreciated. Owned Cf llent drainage. Water available now. Varied ....1150 Idaho. Was AT. 17TI1. 30 A. 10 JUNE MONDAY. ADDING M. MACHINE; gas range. OP PKlCtB'PAID" FOR LIVI POULTRY MONEY TV IA.AN All ears aelllng by widow, leaving city. Hy. 7759 or Was. crops the year around, rroperty aerveu oy 34 SOUTH 8TH EAST. I will sel . POSI 446 So. 3rd .East. 8688-649 BO. 2nd West. CHINA closet, (6; miuion rocker. (6; sanCALL WAS. 8167-REAL ESTATE. ON IMPROVED 3003 for appointment. Terms. ever I300 guaranteed. TIVELY WITHOUT RESERVE, 6 rooms of nAvnrn. mahog end. roll spring, cost B5. Southern Pacific railroad and coast- to coast couch. (2; Ironing board on aland, RANTED Lrvepouili y and rabbite. Wifl itary No commissions. No examination legs. mne of oi very fine furniture, consisting in part Cojlouble brick home, bath each side. motor highway, property wnninnew. No delays. ch.llonler. I KM. terms. (1; like Mattress. (5; Hy. sell for Attractive use 130; Farm (3; call relrigergtor, can amount. and any get; ONE OF VERY BEST UPRIGHT PIANOM thr sunshine eaoltal of rm. for 3 garages. 644 Ely pi. lumbia Graphonola with records, (5. Call 6.08-Nco.. loan m trust Producie Co., 45 W. 7th Bo. Waa. 6471, Tracy No SOLD IN SALT LAKE. COST 1850 IF Co. 733 Harrison ave. u. Svery modern convenience. wag. 151 Main street, trace bungalow, basement, big America. L gas range and water heat TOP priceg paid for lire poultry HylaoO special, 333.50 per SALARY loans. Union Bond A Finance Co., LOOKING. FOR A HARE . INSTRUMENT CLARK-JEWELIVING in-room garage, lawn and flower beds, large lot. pioneering. room, er. Reaa. was. i suites. Vlrtor 67 B st. dining 6558-- J at a 1741 SEE acres WONDERFUL WITH Dearborn TONE Five good terms. QUALITY. acre on easy very - Cood opportunity to start In chickens. 401 Walker Bank Bldg. upright 1phonogrgph. Wal. dreaaer, chif fWKS eld cockerels, tit. 1744 So. U WAS. 2515. 415 SO. flAIN Wag. 6716. mean indeAND TRY THIS ONE. waL console table WARM AIR furnace, almost new, (35. 116 All for 33550. (65 Stratford ave.. close to living; ten. to twenty acres double. 3 sir si. beds fonier. Other A MASSIVE . floor and bridge lamps. Wag. 6481-East Murray Apricot ave pendence. Write, phone or come in. 37th Bo. on 9th East. Oood cond. Must nousenoid necessities. LIVING ROOM SUITE OF finest CHOICE REAL ESTATE LOANS ll vv.t QUICK For par mink. 6824 W Monday. sacrifice 3rd last FRYS. t for (I. 3100 South Hy. BY OWNER. HERE IS A REAL BAROAIN. Bt AND Main J71 So.' construction ARM, QUALITY; LOW RAVES ' 347-Farm, Fur write ticulars Phone Montpeller t. went on Chandler touring with Plke'a Peak motor. brick, best cor., X13 LEAVING town, mahogany bedroom Douglas A BEAUTY. side, an. WEB BOITOM. ABHTON-JENKIN- 8 aet, CO- - 13 SO. MAIN. water. Box lSBMontOTllejrJldaho. TO 6 acres, good soil, first-cla- ss A car that la dying to do a lot of hard work r, rm. walnut fawn, shade, flowers, coops, brick garage. , set, 8.3x10.1 Wilton rugs, shade. fins and throws. rugs cellar, chaira, dining bath, .kitchen, yard, Mill Creek,. Holladay or East Bountiful someone. All good tires, disc wheels, Immediate possession, 55000, terms. Less for gaa range, washing machine, lawn cellent collection of CUT GLASS and HAND SAWED wood." ready to split. (3 OcTToad garage, gtrlctly clean, (I8 60 to steady for Trlbifae. PROPERTY. district. CITY LOANS on Improved new battery, for a price of only 61(6. This . mower, fruit cans. etc. 89 M at. sacks kindling. (1.00. Waa. 4178. 650 So. cash. Was. 8534-PAINTED CHINA. tenant. 538 No. 6th West LOW RATE, amortlaed plan, semiannual etc.. curtaina and drapes, lady's pictures. la not tlie down payment, but entire price. farm near Pro- 2nd East. FOR sale or trade. writing FOR SALE BY OWNER. 35c ONE week old Red chicks. each: extra 170 E. 2nd Bo. 413 32 vo: In allalfa. gram, clover, Furniture Wanted write owner. payments. MILLER A VIELE. desk. SOME VERY RARE OLD BRAMK AUTOMATIC elec. range; flrst-cla- s cond Half acre, brick, large hen house. large pullets. II 50 ea 550 Bo. 2nd E Phone Waa. 88-- 4 Bldg. Prove R. F. D. 1. Box 67. BRASH AND OTHER CANDLESTICKS 300 chickens, choice fruit, lawn and shade, bo Blate at. Hy. & endTschangeTurniture. wTbuy. ruga. also on and 5. 33rd South. PIECES. electric 6 SOUTHERN cent 1447 fAClFIC AND ANTIQUE, dwellings AT apts.; CENTRAL Fish street. percolator 41a .Owner per crrrFOR motor sales BAROAINS-Cigrk-Jepaved gas range, ranges, odds and ends of household goods: 8 pet. on ousiness; an privileges, prompt card tables. ELECTRIC VACUUM 8WF.EP- - Bin20: sen ?.t once LAND GRANTS. FORDS. Yankee Furniture. Was. 1,331 lawn mower, complete metal bed, best prices jraun. must I RAINBOW 1ROUT I svc. E. B. Wicks Co . W. 2040. Beasop b!dg: KR. A- -l COND.; table lamps, vases, rocr.ers Utah. Nevada and California. Grazing or De Luxe springs, and oak dresser: all In WOULD like tn buy a houseful of fumi" FOR SALrBY OWNER. DINING Beautlee. It. tOlt contracts and tabourets nice lands. pedestals. It) light where ladles Easy terms; A highly respectable Place, ,55 4lh ave. Was. 319r,-- J condition. Must trave cash. Leaving town. 5 rms.. farm good 2236 ture LEA. 6701 CHACH. 6EAT SET WITH GENUINE South 7th Envt Hy Hy and gentlemen can borrow money on DiaSouth tn livestock moducers or settlers; lf"ins porch, full basement. 4!8 DODOE aedan, BY OWNER: fine me- ntcnanicai furniture. Xmav tree trim, PET W ASATCil FURNITURE contracts without production or settlement CO pays more foi 42 . monds and jewelry at leva) rates. The children's JOili E. Hy. 14D6-. Birds, Rabbits" anape, gov- - runner ana paiuw OK BOOK OF KNOWLEDGE, FINfcSl' fiPT Pets, Dogs, 156 So. Main atreet. used furniture. 3578o Stale. Was. 6.6 Maps and particular., a. r. Diamond requirement. Shop. S3500 1 tor M00O not need car; will sell very reasonsale, to do quick CUT from Land Co . .00 Boyd Park Bldg.. 162 Soutb LIBERAL loans oo slocks, jewelry. (10 for IN WORLD FOR CHILDREN. COST NEW PRIVATE party pays more for furniture.' A IRISH setter pupa, registered. Sire a prise five-rooeaah. Hy. 1490-lor la. aets. book strictly modern buncalcw. with Main. Waa 3141. ably and crocks, other good (69: . FOR. 1012 Bo. 1st 30c: 325 lor 75c Large loans lesa Piovi-dewinner holding 1 ribbong. piece or houseful Rurs. etc. Was. 1707 sleeping gleseed-l- n porch and garage; copper wine kegs. etc.. skis. elec. heater, , 16.000 ACRES SHEEP GRAZING West. Loan society. 35 E. Bo. Temple. good hardwood floors, inlaid linoleum: WILL pay cash for furniture, one piece or LATE MODEL FULLY AUTOMATIC ELEC1923 Durant ONE 16.03 CASH. touring, just recondi 1 LAND, weiTbroken a houseful. Callous Jhrsl. Was. 3737. M. W. MILLER. Inc.. buyers of contracts, TRIC RANGE IN A- -l COND ; KIT. HEAl - ' condition; terms. Be owner at 1S8 SherBandy Shetland 14pony. tioned: lor oulck gale, (0. ua uaninc Carrlea reserve tight for 4000 heed: REBo. 9th Wegt. man ag and gentle. (100. mortgagee, and personal notea. 304 Judgg AND WATER HEATER, an ear. 2301 Oreen aL FOR WILL BU Y HOUSEFUL FCRNltUR no better In itau; streams. wonderful feed, Was. 1788. FRIGERATOR, Bldg. garden and other tools, HY 6643 CASH. RIGHT AWAY lot. Progress Heights. 40x130 ft., by 1928 DODGE 6 cabriolet, run very littie. Id'al 43 springs: 10 miles loading station wheel-barroLivestock for &&1 all metal; ladders. LAWN SATISFACTION owner. See Mr. Plxton, 409 Judge bloc. lakes, Must raise money quick, never oitrrea lor IF you need money, sea Russell M- - Miller. MOWER and HOSE, REASONABLE CASH PRICE8 for furniture. performs like a pew car. Hy. 192Q-knives and forks. Was. 3606.. 304 Judge Bldg. .. Wag. 175. , 1 lesg than 310.00 to 815.00 an aero. Expenses Holstem YOUNG Co.. bulls. Charlea Furniture rugs end rangea. Quality bed comregistered TAILOR BEWINQ MACHINE. A. Laytoo. Leytoo. Ut. Phone Kayevllle BY OWNER At great sacrifice, a lovely refunded If found misrepresented. O. HuII-nagi- TERM and disappearing mortgages ou lm- 163 East Broadway. 7193 Waa steel A finish covers, USE walnut etc.. table plete, home with income: 0 rooms. 5 garages. Ridgway, Colo. TERMS roved city property. Attractive prlvl-ege- a. bed W H. ADAMS, auctioneer, will pay cash with DE LUXE spg. and matt , bird.vere Low ratea. PBOPFRTY WITH INCOME. (96 to 3100 Income besides 6 nice rooms SUFFOLK ram lambs, regl, tered stork, from I for furniture, any amount Hy. 4800. maple dresser, stools, fruit jars, lot dishes, TRUCKS. SEDANS. CWPES. FLETCHER-LUCA- S -- rm. INVESTMENT CO.. I lor home. 146 1st ave. was. ao.t-house, about Vi acres. lor gither AND MANY OTHER ARTIOLE8 O. utensils. best A. L R. blood R. llnea. McVlcker. ROADSTERo, TOUR8. TRADE your used furniture on new"" Waa. 2354; 36 West 2nd South. TOO NUMEROUS TO SIENT'O". pi'nhouse, garage; double chickens or berries; plenty of water. 3484 . Canada. BY OWNER Victoria. Reliable Furn Co . 120 E Bdwy Waa. 4289 irir -YOURS ALL INVITED. AND DEALERS. t: one block Memory Orove. 317' Can- So. th E. Inquire'443 Hollywood. CITY LOANS 3250,000 UPWARD -- OLD cow and calf. Giv fresh Jersey M. AUCTIONEER. M THALES DERRICK, Spot THALES road. AUCTIONS. FOR HONEST Hotel on Worth V ANT B. AD J. WILL trade yon Cavanaugh. apple orchard, dear, 8 gals, of milk per day. 932 Bo. 1st W. ing to M42 (5uQ0. your cash ft. furniture, (10 DERRICK. AUCTIONEER. Fort Worth, Texas. Bait Lake home. Waa. 6400. cottage, modern, west side, good 44 Livestock Wanted neighborhood; bargain; termg. Was 175 ; a. m. 6-wfLLBUY your I H double 192( OLD8. TOURINO. garage; housp. modern: fPM brick 364 isounwiui a. E. 6th So. Call Hy. 6483-close In. Thlg car is priced to sell without any used All of the overheed of ear in egchanae. BrUTnFTTL bungalow, hardwood trading is eliminated, 4 brandcarnew had - fi.-sftOOO. Sacrifice for 35250 Vunh new Duco paint, hag tires, AUTOMOTIVE euality 1461 to sell. of town. Forced out Moving than exceptional care end la priced at less more Browning ave. . Hy 6826 now cost. At (335 you can't e't . . . n a. . will lame lot, shade, lawn. mod bung give. money than this car for your HOWC TrAAT TeVHC? TOR - garage. Waa. 6277-46 Automobiles for Sale 170 Ind Bo. ; RCTOH- "VfeH CilEV. 28 coach for eulclt aale 1371. 101 WHY tago a ccance arieo gwu are euytng Westminster eve. .used care, when you cen buy ( CKB VJTH MOVJ fully guaranteed car, Including 60 dayr Wevnst,ac-xN-. HNV V5 SUHt VUN- CAVA. MS Is KVN t TO crrr motor bales free gervice, at the lowest possible prices I v. McBnde'g. 7th Bo. end Ms In. . for fords. 1928 NSX CHEVROLET coupe, lust the thing VJr C1VN"X a . - .- -, . - , r-. for your running around. It will glvg 1928 FORD Tudor aedan. la perfect condiyou many years of service. Fully equipped. tion. Good rubber, good paint. Cain, I X. r a tUSTOtAV Tki Wt k v WO WUCVN terms' or trade. Cheap for quick saie. BUT' CjllHy 1930-I Tribune Ads Cost Lesg Per Inquiry." I I A- -i Call Jerkmao lor ttemoustraUou. Phone V 1921 coach. Chevrolet J BY OWNER I . c )k MwwJ l Reach 14,000 Readers for Penny a Line. Was. 3693 equipped. Terms. Was condition, fully 43-R- . 1927 CHEVROLET sedan, fully equipped. Thia' car hae been completely recondi1 HUDSON BROUGHAM. First-clationed, mechanical condition. Sell for (500. iloo cash. (40 month, including in- - 1928 ESSEX sedan, like new: real tereet and Insurance. Pnone Was. 1976. bantam. See this be! ore buying new car. 1.V , Murray 457. terms. Fine cond. Reasonable 1273 per tine LATE '28 riseX eoach. llAIIY Ike per line 1928 Mod- -I A FORD FORDOR SEDAN, in aretr MMItVH . 'O so.eihs.;caii 31 .Vie line ef 4 1)41 per (fnr price exccUent conditio. New car guarantee. r27 DURANT Star sedan, new rub. f l V per line 1 DVVS Iter erire Call Hr. 1920-ber, tuliv eouipjed. leather upholstery, y. o earn ime .in limes emiwui've. I blue with black fenderg, motor l. .a barWANT TO SELL YOUR CARl YOU 56 mo line 55 per contract. (2 earl) 1 months, gain. Call Hy 5195-will get yo mne oitgesi price ana ine 12. rnos. conirsct, (2 40 each line per mo seR now. 8. Schramm. 1(1 money right MUST sell my 1927 Durant Star . 8o. th East. Waa. 4130, dan, new rubber with puncture proof tubes, fully equipped, leather upholstery '37 STAR coupe, motor l, tire new Make PHONE WASATCH . cellthe ".nude Including the 7910-. 1st So. throughout 4C5 Was. . ofler. i A real bargain for gome one who Ogwa Daily Catll It at nltbt. ing roadter, lull price SIM. I Sat. and ian-- LntU 10 at Nigbt wantae good car. Looks cod rung like YELLOWIn Cadillac It. 1516 8o. Stole. Ride . ncwTHy. 1877-1924 condlllon DODGB touring, good . (Continued B Hut Faftjl throughout! 1150, termg. Ph. Br. 1541-8 Hornet for Sale 10 .FOR A'SOKGl Farm for Rent or Lease eulEfirated' land, with AOtEO-oTc- i house; 1 4 sDilea aouth of Sandy. Call S46S So State. toJnd In R. E contract. 13 Money CASToTllera'eqjJUes or onto l ta. u w. u SPECIAL y x- Parkinson AOTOMBILE t REHKAROKG t thanks n J. B. BUIOTAM Mo Loans 2 fers 150 EAST 1ST S0UT1 $100 to $1060 $im c 2i tm r IE ALERS ftjceJEquipment 415 scium J FmAfCt f Blair Hotor Bc LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE A Tough Racket .L, E ftt T. - niiHiiiiiimiiniiiiii Classified Advertising ants ot L - pf y - .a. TP Vjrvr knrt.r RATES iJLeIIp5iLelH.'T '!' 590 IfllllllllllUIUIIIllIIl S r. |