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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH Robert Nesbit Sondayed inprovo. National Thrift Campaign What Can We Do Withaot? Mf. Sadie Neeblt of Provo ie spending ten days with her sons. When the Savings Division of the rates:. $2.50 perannum Subscription Three houses for sale ill reason- Treasury Department appointed Dr. able price. Inquire of Sam Cox. J. Stanley Brown of Joliet, Illinois, Published evtiy Saturday. Ml. Fred Kurts and daughter in charge of the thrift campaign in Eveline have returned from a ten the schools, organizations throughdays visit to Clear Creek. out the country began to formulate 1 MOTH Local mi RECORD Vtrsoaal This office will be closed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, as tl-itorLa takuafew days off. d u Lee Plumlee la the daddy of a last week. Samuel McIntyre, Jr. has returned from a trip to the metropolis. new boy, born Deon Harriman has returned from a two weeks visit with her aunts In Salt Lake. Miss Isabelle Harvielle and Mis Natella Lewis returned home on visit Wednesday, after a ia Nephi, Spanish Fork and Provo Naomi Either ia West Untie. Principal Hobson wa3 In camp a few days and expect to soon return and prepare for the opening of school. , Merle Andrus has returned from Salt Lake, where she has been attending the summer school at the Mi State University. Hanr Hagan and family returned evening from Salt Lake, where they have been spending a few days with friends and relatives. Wednesday John D. Brown and James Canon left yesterday for Idaho, where they will dispose of their ranch and other property which they have held for several yean. that L. A. at the Magee, formerly employed Word has been received Mammoth Supply Store, is to be married In September at his home in California where he went about a The Mammoth baseball team will on August go to Nephi for a came and in the meantime Manager a Simpson Is trying to amnge for game on the home grounds with somjk a PAN "TLCAR TRACTOR 0iQueen King of the Highway of the Field Club of national scope has been formed to further the savings habit, and Is ys 634-63- rel Comiia ALSO SPECIAL EXHIBIT OF PAN FORO'NOS PAN MOTOR COMPANY, SAINT CLOUD, MINNESOTA DRY SCHRAIUI JOHNSON DRUG HO. 10 5, literature. Chicago, H. H. BOURNE, Mauagjr There are no membership dues and Everything in no expense to members. Mrs. Roy Dickey, former editor of Drag one of the national magazines, organPhone i yoor wants ized the Do Without Club during the We will give them war as part of her work in connection with the Womans Committee ffispt attention Defense. National of Council Beulah. Utah " We should not lose the spirit Eureka, Fhone No. 3 and 11 either of saving or giving which the Mrs. Quay and Day Simons Cross the At. war has encouraged, says Klrkendalls Ante leave? Dickey. ' "Dr. J. Stanley Brown says lactic Again. our store at regular iuthat everyone who sufficiently deA letter fron Day and Quay Sim- sires can put away some part of Club income. The ona written July 18, states that they every for the preaches systematic Baring have juat returned from another future good of the individual and a trip across the Atlantic on the Sus- considered use of the pennies, dimes quehanna. The boys again landed or dollars we expect to give to at St. Nazalrre and report that they church, Sunday school, home charior other worthy objects. We STEVE BENENATO, Prop . had a cold trip. On their next trip ties, believe the American public needs y furthey expect to get a to learn to think about saving and When in Eureka, call at the In to order see Paris. On think about proper methods of givlough. Union Shoe Shop and see the their arrival at St. Nazalrre the day ing. Best Epoipped Shoe Shop in Tintic. after Germany signed the peace u u uu iimnururi r treaty the streets were strewn with q.'in juiruuui-- juu Shoe making and repairing confetti and the city was still deHarness makingand repaiie. E. BK. been that had corated, showing they All our work guaranteed anti ifnotiuil)' celebrating the event. satisfied your money will be refunded. The Fourth of July found them in 1ST All kinds of leather and matebut nevertheless the ocrial needed in shoe ami casion was celebrated by boxing Stott hailding, 2nd 'Floor repairing for sale contests matches, and Phone 69 Opposite Star T heater, y other sports. News of the UTAH EUREKA fight was also received by EUREKA, UTAH. wireless , nlr i mrv n n tie Lowell Chatwin has chosen as his vocation gardening. He therefore proceeded to Spanish Fork and took up his abode with the gardeners. He returned Tuesday even, ing, having iaken in the joyous celebration, chaperoned by Miss Line - Union Shoe Shop. five-da- L Prohibition Hve Helped the urtft dk bioreMtaf With Kattw&l Prdh fisttstak Two Y . PIERCE DENI mid-ocea- n, l.ar-ne- a:- , year ago. 20, In Chicago, A The New Pan Tractor and the New Pan Car, first exhibiting at Wichita, Ks., will also exhibit as follows. CONE! SEE! LEARN! PAN through furnishing free membership buttons and pledges to those in any part of John Francis received the sad the country who wish to Join and news Friday morning that his eld. save money for some definite purest sister, Mlf. Ella Stafford of pose, and who send stamped adIllinois had passed away. Mrs. dressed envelopes to headquarters, Stafford is about 68 years old and 410 S. Michigan Avenue, leaves a husband and two married for return ter-da- The Forsey brothers received a new truck yesterday to be used as a children. delivery auto. Albert Larson and family returned Tuesday from a trip to Spanish Fork and Salt Lake. Mrs. J. H. Whitlock and children are visiting at the home of Mrs. independent campaigns other channels. The New PANS pie-eati- ng Wlllard-Dempse- outside team. Bryan Wheelock, who has been suffering from Brights disease for some time, died at Mt Pleasant on Thursday. His family and relatives have all gone down to attend the funeral and further particulars are ?T' up and away Wafting and soft, temper the day. Breezes, gentle not obtainable. Niels Nyman fell 70 feet In the Mammoth mine last Sunday while kv'W on employed in removing timbers His nose was level. the a broken and face severely cut, hut was fortunate In not being more would appreciate the same cool comin most fort to be found offices andrShops where G-- E Electric Fans waft gentle breezes throughout the working hours. Discomfort and odors of cooking are banished from the kitchen by the whirling blades of fans. Other rooms, too, are: rendered much more habitable during summers heat by the same means. Less than a cent an hour will pay you for this great comfort-y-i-wil? economical this luxury deny yourself seriously Injured. Milton Kirkwood cam sugar factory at that place , now-a-da- ys ot up from Provo this week, where he has been for over a year, and spent a few days on his visiting friends here. He Is he where vry to Lewiston, Idaho, has aoeepted a . position with the The housewife, busy most of the day about the home, both needs and a these-tireles- 6 O . s Solves the Kitchen Problem tOHEN rarely worry over making the beds and dusting. It is easy enough to hire sweeping and cleaning done. l Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Steel and last family of Mesa, Ariaona, spent We will show you a variety of sizes .to suit every purse with Mr. Steels brother, Earnest E. Pritchett. They are making the trip by auto and went from here to Salt Lake, from where they will return to their southern home. week ';r3S AND Efficient Public Service Those miles of steps! Those long hours of These are what make women feel like shutting HERE enters the Hoosier. THE HOOSIER that is the heart 0! the kitchen, irith every article used in cooking within aim's reach. THE HOOSIER that saves the miles of steps, that lets you sit Wednesday night from an anto trip to the Grand Canyon. They passed down Qtt Klabab ' through the magnificent forest and stopped at Wylie camp. They report a splendid trip and the roads are In good condition. ioe for the Bed tiroes. Please ' bring 88 oenta far refreshments. 365 days a year! we try standing! up the house to board. Utah Power & Light Co. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jones returned The Belief Society will bold but km during August, which quo will be held at the L. D. S. ohurob Tbunday evening at 8 oclock, ii tba form of program and social. Everybody, whether a member or not, U bribed to attend . Be prepared to give a report of your ser. But those three meals a day that must be prepared 0' at your work. THE HOOSIER that helps you do the work in less than half the time. BANISH YOUR old cnpboird.Col!ect the ctkin material and utensils that yon actually use, and arrange them in the scientific Hoosier way. jl. At TER J' ; one day you will understand why a million women say they couldn't keep house wihout a HOOSIER. TAYLOR BROS. Co. |