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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH HUSBAND KITTY SAVES WIFE From Suffering by Getting Her Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. PARALYZES STREET TRAFFIC , Holds Up Speeding caused backache cars slid to a sudden stop. The quickand headaches. A ly applied brakes on a Mars route friend called m y street car, Federal street and Ohio attention to one of avenue, North side, warned its pasyour newspaper sengers of a catastrophe narrowly advertisements and c . averted. .. my immediately Pedestrians noting the usually busy husband bought three bottles of corner devoid of moving traffic for the Lydia E. Pinkhams - V egetable Compound for me. After taking two bottles I felt fine ' THEBLUES Caused by Acid-Stoma- ch d frocks than had been expected. . Happily most of the troubles are over and the best houses have promised Interesting and important changes. However, we are left to guess what the changes are to be, though a few of the models give some important clews and the assurance that whatever the changes may. be one may be certain that they will be interesting. toiThe elegance of th.e pre-wlettes is repeatedly mentioned and there is every indication that eventually the more elaborate manner of dressing will return. Lace, which has long since been discarded, is considered one of the most important mate' rials for afternoon wear. Many and conflicting were the comments on its use at the races, but in spite of adverse opinion it was noted that as the days passed by and the makers had an opportunity of showing new models the lace dresses increased in numbers. e An frock was contemptuto as a lace curtain, An organdie embroidered summer referred ously skirt with a flesh georgette blouse but nevertheless the dress was re, with Val lace. The hat is maline peated later by other women. with a robins' egg blue raffia crown The widely diverging views in rea fine summer outfit. gard to the use of lace are to be expected, for there Is no more difficult black lace frock by her is typical ol the prevailing mode in more ways than one. It carries the harem hem, the almost sleeveless bodice and the nipped-iwaistline with the fullness bulging: both below and above. To all intents- and purposes the dress is of lace, with the pattern in the sweeping curves common to Chantilly. Be low the waist there is a full peplurn and the satin is draped as a scarf over the shoulders, forming the onlj sleeves there are and falling straight to the hem at the front, leaving an open space showing the lace, nbout eight inches wide, In the center. Drapery and Plaiting. Several striped dresses in tilfeta have been noted that show the same of drapery over the arrangement shoArier and one a bit on that order is marvelously constructed of fine Variation Is, found In the plaiting. way the plaiting Is looped up at th sides is a modified pannier effect Across the front of the upper part the plaits are held in closely, like a girdle, and at each side allowed to fall loosely In a large loop. Drecoll shows a Chartreuse colored frock with the skirt draped In Chantilly and the girdle forming wing-lik- e loops at the side, giving the desired width. On the whole new models are rather scarce, suggesting that the best known makers are not averse to holding back as many of their creations as they may for later in the season. Whether by accident or , following n Amerthe lead of Paris, a ican designer .turned out lately a charming afternoon dress of organdie and black net, bearing out the assertion that silks are no longer absolutely necessary .in the construction of the reception and dinner frock. The entire gown was of French blue organdie draped with the net in tunic fashion and edged with black lace. If either this' frock or the lace frocks noted at the races are any indication, the chemise dress Is on the wane, for each one is marked by a decided waistline and both show sashes tied in huge bows at the back. All the late models by Beer point to This creation is a combination of rich cream lace and gold and the fact that the flaring tunic over 9 chiffon. Hat is of tighter foundation , will continue in black, glazed Milan, with great yel favor. low organdie rose. Rtdingotes Are Coming Back. f Cloth dresses in redingote style conmaterial to handle, and If used the frock is sure to be either a decided tinue to appear and are quite the accepted thing when wool dresses are success or a miserable failure. Paris is surely correct when follow- worn. From this the indications are that the redingote will be among the ing its usual rule of never doing things measures. It selects the autumn models when they make their by half-wa- y widest laces possible and drapes them appearance on this side. : Redingotes over something dark to give the pnt-:er- n were introduced two or three seasons the best advantage. Other mod- ago. At the time they did not make els illustrate the use of black and any deep Impression; but are now., white Chantilly, used In the same rather surer of success, as any sui-- : gestion of being extreme will be out dress with a most refreshing effect. Callot, Cheruit and Pierre I.ulloz of the question, and they are undoubtare all making use of quantities of edly smart. As the longer jacket Is rather sure lace In the summer models, which they of In for midsenson the show being the proper thing this full, one always benefit of tbeir resident Paris clien- may have the same trouble as formertele. French women have always been ly In trying to tell a dress from a cent partial to lace for afternoon wear and or the reverse. All authorities agree so far on the know how to wear it to the best advantage. Where the American woman wider hip line and the accentuated Is prone to place with It a hat that fullness about the hips, and this Is carries the same tame note as the to be found In the coats and suit jacklace, the French woman will wear ets, as well as In the frocks, where It something that will provide a contrast has been seen principally so far. and tone up the entire costume. The Jenny Is very active In turning out contrasting note will be found usually suits, as It appears that the dolman In the hat or the material combined and even the cape are slightly less In with the luce. As black and white Is demand and It Is anticipated that the at present the most popular combina- suit will take the place to n certain tion In Paris the hat is frequently of extent. black tulle, either with crosse or para' ' " Among New Fall Shades. dise. Among the new fall shudos, Indian Two of the smartest dresses of lace at Monte Carlo were In black, as were red, Iompelan red and Cordovnn the hnts which were worn with them. brown (a warm yellow brown tone), In both of these dresses the lace fig- - are most prominent all-lac- A Kitten Was Slowly Picking Its Way ... Acro88.il', , moment cast startled eyes about, seeking the near victim. Then they laughed, and it was the kind of laugh one delights to hear. There was a softened note, a tender touching note to It. For the moment stomach miseries sets your stomach to rights those people all types and classes makes it strong, cool, sweet and comfortable. Helps you get back your strength, vigor, were represented forgot the heat of vttallty, enthusiasm and good cheer. So many thousands upon thousands of sufferers the city, forgot their business, their have used EATONIC with such marvelously everyday cares and were essentially helpful results that we are sure you will human. feel the same way if you will just give it a trial. Get & big 50 cent box of EATONIC And the reason a foolish, trifling, the good tasting tablets that you eat like a bit of candy- - from your druggist today. He insignificant reason It was, too. Only will return your money if results are1 not a kitten, a tiny, tawny creature measoven more than you expect. uring not more than eight inches from nosetip to tail, was slowly, and quite leisurely picking its way diagonally from one side of the street to the ( TOR YOPR ACHSTOMACifl other. So small it was that it must leap, rather than step over each car rail. So small that it could not essay the curbing of its own effort when It reached there. A richly gowned woman gave it aid. All druggists; Soap 26, Ointment 26 A 60, Talcum 26. In another moment woman, kitty, cars 6 ample each free of Omtfeura, Dspt E, Beaten.' and people had moved on. ATONIC zrjjmywmr Use Cuticura Soap To Clear You? Skin 'U .U rr rr rr rr IT rr NEW Lbndon' Cabby's Gallantry. A cabman was driving a" very 'stout Id lady one day, and had some dif- ficulty in 'getting herein and out of "the vehicle. Im afraid Im a bother to you, said she, tis he was helping her Out. Not a bit, answered cubby, meaning to be gallant. I likes a fare what steadies the cab. London. Tit Bits. ONE UNDERTAKER ON Woman in Mourning and Weeping Softly Nicks Funeral Direc- tor for $26. Have Around. ' . Handy Man-t"Hindu:, how ,is It you have given up going to church? asked Iastor Brown. "Well, sntj," replied .Hast us,, it.;, I likes to take tin active ells way. part, an I ljsefl fq pass. do. collection basket, hut (leys - give dp Job to profit.-- , nh Green, who- just returned font Ovah Thal-ah- . . In recognition of his heroic service, I suppose. No, sub; I reckon he got da t job In o his having lost one 0 his hands." Cartoons Magazine, v ; n h In lifes great structure dont pull the props till the concretes dry. 11 . u1 Rests, Refreshes, Soothes, Beals Keep your Eyes Strong and Healthy.1 If 1 hey Tire, Smart, Itch, or Burn, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, use Murine often. Safe for Infant or Adult At all Druggists. Write for Free Eye Book. Marine Eye Remedy Company; Chicago, U. S. A. n well-know- San Francisco, Cal, Weeping softly and wearing deep mourning, an attractive woman 'operated .successfully a new confidence game, making a firm of undertakers her victims, and after paying for a $150 funeral for a dead WHY DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND relative, with a worthless check for $176, disappeared with $26 change. SWAMP-ROOT A warrant for the arrest of the woman, who gave the name of Mrs. B. M. For many, years .druggists have watched Davis, was issued on .complaint of W. with much interest the remarkable record J. Thorpe, manager of the undertaking maintained by Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root- , firm.. the great kidney, liver and bladder mediMrs." Davis entered the establishcine.1' ment held a lace handkerchief to her ' It is a phyaiciana prescription.' eyes, which were red with weeping. Swamp-Roo- t is a strengthening medi Her clothing was correct. She finally cine. It helps the kidneys, liver and bladder do the work nature intended they controlled her feelings with, seeming difficulty and addressing Thorpe, said should do. Swamp-Roo- t hat stood the teat of years,. that her husbands brothers daughIt is sold by all druggists on its merit ter, whom she described as being fifand it should help you. No other kidney teen years old, had died and she n.edioine has so many friends. wished to arrange for the funeral. Be sure to get Swamp-Roo- t and start Shepicked out a casket and left Intreatment at once. i i.. i i n as to call for the body. Then However, if you wish first to test this, structions she the check for $176. produced send Dr. ten cents to great preparation The hank was communicated with Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. '"When writing be aura and and the hoax was uncovered. mention ,...',..10 n , mom- ar gs JfWTt failed the dressmakers at the last there were fewer new ured in the skirt principally and the waist was of taffeta with a touch of lace. Tunics are as prominent as ever in the scheme of the lace dress, but the lace reaches almost to the bottom of the foundation skirt. The dark silk dresses considered sufficiently elaborate for any afternoon affair if embroidered or. otherwise embellished seem to be passing outsat least for the summertime. " j Jenny uses Chantilly lace In a large way, that is to say, in quantities and in big spaces A black satirf-;an- ent,;-so-that and my troubles caused by that weakness are a thing of the past. All women who suffer as 1 did should try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound. Mrs. Jas. Rohrberg. 620 Knapp St. N. S.f Pittsburgh, Pa. Women who suffer from any form of weakness, as indicated by displacements, inflammation, ulceration, irregularities, backache, headaches, nervousness or the blues, should accept Mrs. Rohr-bersuggestion and give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound thorough trial. For over forty years it has been correcting such ailments. If you hive mysterious . complications write for advice to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. Milliofta of people who worry, are despondent, have spells of mental depression, feel blue and are often believe that tnese conditions are melancholy, due to outside Influences over which they have little or no control. Nearly always, however, they can be traced to an internal source Nor is It to be wondered at. beginning with such well defined symptoms ai Indigestion, belching, heartburn, bloat, etc., will f not checked, in time affect to some degree or other all the vital organs. The nervous system becomes deranged. suffers. The blood is impoverished.Digestion Health and strength are undermined. The victim of although he may not know the cause of his ailments, feels his hope, courage, ambition and energy slipping. And truly life is dark not worth much to the man or woman who has Get rid of it! Dont let hold you back, wreck your health, make your days miserable, make you a victim of the blues and gloomy thoughts! There Is a marvelous modern remedy called EATONIC that brings, oh! such quick relief from your Cave Man Chanrined When Wife Still Lived. , , ; , . . Cleveland.1 what Well, you think of (hat? Such was the comment do Majoras, cave man," when he learned from the police that his wife was not dead. Majoras appeared at Central police station and. calmly Informed the desk sergeant 'that he lind killed his wife. Police hushed to the Majoras home and found the wife all tied In a bundle. When they had removed the ropes she told the police that her hushund tied her up and threw her out of the house.' Askqd for Old Room. GENUINE 0N Couldnl Work ASPIRIN S. W. Bishop Was Laid Up By Kidney Trouble. Now Owes -Good Health and Monte Deauville, Carlo are principal points of interest on the fashion program. Paris, which Is to say all of fashionable Paris, has betaken itself to the smart resorts in France, so it is necessary to follow closely, asserts a prominent New York fashion, writer, If one is to keep in totfeh with the latest developments In dress. . Always on the alert, Paris traveled to the races, but many of the best people were absent and the midinettes ns For many months Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh. A woman screamed. not able to do my work owing to a weakness which Simultaneously three speeding motor- t "BAYER CROSS Favor in Paris Motors and Street Cars While It Crosses Street. I was reco-nltlo- Lace Frocks in , Salem, ... Ore. Theodore Llndfors, Who escaped from the Insane asylum two years ago, voluntarily returned td applied for his oH room. . all-ov- d to Doans. I "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin to be genuine must be marked with the safety Bayer Cross. Always buy an unbroken Bayer package which contains proper directions to safely relieve Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Colds and pain. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents at drug stores larger packages also. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacetic-acideste- r of Salicylicacid. Adv. Unfortunate, Wasnt It? It was the same old story. He had got the wrong number on the telephone. Only this time he received a shock. Im sorry I gave you the wrong line, said a sweet voice over the wire. It doesnt matter a bit, he replied, not to be outdone in courtesy. Im sure the number you gave me was much better than the one I asked for; but it just happened that I wasnt able to use it. To Have a Clear Sweet Skin. Touch pimples, redness, roughness or itching, if any, with Cuticura Ointment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance' on skin. Everywhere 25c each. Adv. owe my present good health, large-l.V- j to Doan's Kidney Pills, says S, YV. Bishop, 5162. Kensington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. I wasn't able to work. Sharp pains would catch me when I stooped or tried to lift anything, and at night the kidney secretions passed frequently and were scanty and painful. Specks seemed to be before mv eyes and I would get dizzy. There was a puffiness under my eyes. I could see myself failing from day to day ir and I finally was laid up from June until Keptein- . . her. I got Doan's Kid-- , Pills and used them. I received relief with, the first box and became stronger every day. I could sleep well at night and the kidney secretions were now of natural color. The dizziness and other troubles disappeared and I picked up in weight. After I had used four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills I looked and felt like my old self. The cure seemed a miracle and I firmly believe that my life was saved by this remedy. ' Sworn to before me. . JOHN IF. BRUNS, Notary Public , Get Doan's at Any Store, 60c a Pos DOANS ... . Age-IIeral- Important to Mothers N. Y. SELDOM SEE a big knee like this, but your hors may Lave a bunch or bruise on his ar.kle, hock, stifle, knee or throat. . Jollying Her Along. I wish a set of John Shakespeares . books. Yes, ma'am, said the glib clerk. Heres a set of ahem John Shakespeares works for, only $40. Is it a complete set?. Yes, indeed. It includes a life of ahem John Shakespeare and some letters he addressed to a prominent gasoline merchant of Stratford. Birmingham p.IIV CO.. BUFFALO. FOSTER-MILBUR- WARIUt&Us.fttbfn will clean it off without laying up the horse. No blister, no hair only a few gone. Concentrated drops required ,&t an application. $2.50 per ' bottle delivered. Describe four case for special instruction. and Book 8 R free. ABSORBINE, JR., tbe antiseptic liniment for mankind, reduces Painful Swellings. Enlarged Glands. Wens. Bruises. Varicose Veins; allay Pain ind inflammation. Price $1.25 a bottle at druggists or delivered. Liberal trial bottle postpaid for 10c. W F. YOUNG, P. D. F.. 3i0 Temple St.. Springfield, Matt, A CHARMING GIFT , ARMISTICE PERFUME Tbis perfume extract will recall to you tbe rich costly odor of a hundred French flowers 60 lasting so true. WB UUARANTISJi to send you 4 bottles. H ounce each, and one apecial bottle with glase stopper and gold plated trip tthis alone is worth one dollar) altogether live bottles of different, enchant ing perfumes for ONE DOLL AH, poetpald, money order or currency. Send $100 TODAY. Examine carefully every bottle of ARMISTICE SPECIALTIES CASTORIA, that famous old remedy St. New York, N. T for infants and children, and see that it 131 Went 39th Bend 11.00 for above, includDEALERS, AGENTS terms and samples, exclusive territory, ing agency Bears the , wonderful proposition. Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria . Every Woman Wants Way of the Schoolboy. Teacher Now, Willie, suppose you were to hand a playmate your apple to take a portion of it, wouldnt you tell him to take the larger piece? Willie No. , You wouldnt! Why? Cos it wouldnt be necessary. HOW RHEUMATISM BEGINS The excruciating agonies of rheumatism are usually the result of failure of the kidneys to expel poisons from the system. If the irritation of these uric acid crystals is allowed to continue, incurable bladder or kidney disease may result. Attend to it at once. Dont resort to temporary relief. The sick kidneys must be restored to health by the use of some sterling remedy which will prevent a return of the disease. Get some GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules immediately. iL-- FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops pelvic catarrh, ulceration end inflammation. Recommended by Lydia E. Pinkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Ha. extraordinary dcamio. and gennicidal power. Sample Free. 50c. all druggists, or postpaid by fpsO. The Paxton Toflet Company. Boston, Mw. J B DAISY FLY KILLER ATTRACTSANTWHEH AND kILUJ " ALL FLIES. Neat cie&n, ornamental, eon venient, cheap. Lost ail season. Made oi metal, cant spill oi tip over; will not soi or injure anything; Guaranteed effective Sold by dealers, eg 6 by EXPRESS... a n-m prepaid, $1.25. iMMiswunT HAKOUJ tiOMEitS, rn Uo Kalb Ave., Brooklyn. N. 1 W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. They havd! brought back the joys of life to counties thousands of sufferers from rheu-- 1 mtism, lame back, lumbago, sciatica, gall stones, gravel and other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied organs. ..1 They will attack the poisons at once, blear out the kidneys and urinary tract and the soothing healing oils and herbs will restore the inflamed tissues and organs to normal health. All others are imitations. Ask for GOLD MEDAL and be sure the name GOLD MEDAL is on the box. Three Sizes, at all good druggists. Adv. - He who pursues pleasure., should make sure that he is on the right trail. Twos company and three is grist for the divorce mill. ' Consoling I CS i & 19. Thought. dont see. how these motion ' pict- ure actorsv can, put, up with the treatment they receive from that director.' Why not? Wlieq tjiey. spoi a sqpne lie talks to them as if they were no better thna the dirt beneath his feet." Oh, Huit ii i ght hurt the feelings of an ordinary person, but when a movie director raves, the actors can always umintaji; ,tlieir composure by thinking., of the salaries they get. Birmingham a; f kt Age-IIeral- About Due. Many offices are now issuing que- , tionnaij-esknqw.. My wife .will lie getting u a form next. Such tender bits of fine meat such careful season ing! Onetaste of Libbys Vienna Sausage, served piping hot, will tell you it was prepared by master chefs! Ask your grocer for a package today. Contents will serve two. Libby, M?NeiIl , Libby, Chicago , , , , t it; |