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Show Mittea BWk jrcrfc. with. -- wm rninlug joCO i -- theEaity on, Z.J&; MT, 1 r sjpnt - , V. UrranrB.to 'll P. ;; "J 55 Lt& Brmier flwtjjwi cv tha valley thia sinning. 'I" fjpr. lelMKi Angus - " " t visitor to Suit LOtAiia -- fbal-fliaylea- d TarJou.iaaiet James 'Mt. Pleasant In W.-J5- l Public Needs and Public Obligations teacher wai, The aew ' hard time disciplining hei having The principal mourned wit! pupils. because her,. Its youre so young If they only thought you were oldei they would behave much better. . If they only did, longed the young teacher. And a few minutes later when she was writing some sentences for analysis on the board a sudden inspiration came to her. She wrote it in her last sentence : For twenty-tw- o years I have taught these prinprice for 'About' feet east of the Bullock. The,, residence recently occupied-by- 1 - . -- . vy.' . Bison' is now being moved to he'prcfporty where it will be rebuilt, "he-- shaft,, which ia in charge of J. jL, "Rnhltir. wllibe sunk to a depth Of '16 .Teach. the tunnel level and the .funnel-wilthen ?be pushed both ;ways, While r the werk is going on, kept for to ore. adieatlon high-scho- ol ability of a public utility to serv the public depends upon the attitude of the community toward the utility. For sale at treasonable ciples. seaab, residence aDd furnituie. f Ap a Triumphantly she faced her nesday. A ply for particulers to Mw., Mamie u t J ' ' half hour later. They copied R. R. Wilklnse?, retornei Wed- Goodman, Silver city. the sentences for the next days lesnesday from a peek's vacation In son, "and it must be admitted they .7 . OitWi -- The initial appearance of a needed utility in a community is always cordially welcomed. It is recognized not only as filling a decided want, but also as an evidence of the growth and development and prosperity of the community So long as appreciation of the utility finds expression in the publics wi':ngness to grant to the enterprise revenues adequate to meet its honest requirements under efficient management, so long will the utility be able to serve the 4 pu-pil- -- .- -: sa -- ;f f Salt Lake. . - . WIGKE SAYS 'v; -, Utah fruits are now on the nstwfr ket at Ben Beyers at the lowest " cash prices. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Elsinore and. i last Sun Mr. and Mrs. Lindsey spent day at PaysodJ- - A s 'WHERE ViE PRINTIN' SHiNE, OVfLV-1- OUT ' ON TUAEi N O'COURSE there's some class v' oor printin'! children barf returned from' a weeks visit ' at Spanish Fork. . Mrs. Peter Brems i and 7 ' root N I NIUSNT VEROVt TvV ROSS SMD T RRINC, RACK TN MO WEN , eacui au. oavsioaw. v gtatcKCN'casH hurry to eat. 'Since that day r Wlltrfna In Provo canyo,ucl has returnsd Iron a two weeks' etthJg at Vlvlaa Park h spring chickens for, that Sunday dtmter e received every Saturday night at-- ; Ben - Boyers, Leave year orders, early. - - alls - partyof . ' Votsug la&eS in cover- " pewt yesterday deredi S3S& Mrs. Oeorge Brazee, who has been attending her daughter, Mrs. W. E. t Delinquent Notice. Melntire, who has been ill for the South Iron o'osaom Mining Compast ten days, returned to her home pany. Principal place o busiin Heber yesterday. ness, Tintie Luol er Co office, Robinson (Mammoth P.0 ),Utah. Jhe B. Y. University is putting On NOTJCE There are delinquent a three days Chatauqua at the L. upon the follnv. ii g described stock D. S. Church in Eureka this week, ou account of assessment No 9, of rent per share, levied Excellent closing Sunday evening. on tbe 12th day of June, I9I9, free programs are being given. the several amounts set opposite names of the respective stock the Former manager Melntire of the holders, as follows: Heffernan-Thompso- n branch store Cert.No. NAMB. Amt Share. 600 $ .60 at Silver, has leased the building and 46 A. J. Jost 232 Thos. Leonard .. 600 .60 will engage in business for himself. 346 Mrs. C. T. Johnson 600 .60 He is now in Salt Lake arranging 383 W. H. Child .. 459 Phil Speckart . for a stock of goods and will open 485 Albert Steele . 539 Vet Whiting . . as soon as his stock arrives. 722 John Evans ... 723 John Evans . . Agent McShane has a an: lie that 737 Ernest Boyns . 741 Elmer E. Ridley lingers. Its all on account of the 769 L. G. Fisher . . recent showers. While the price of 770 Badger Bros. . 820 W. M. Havenor potatoes have dropped ten per tent, 832 D. N. Hughes . the rains will increase his four acre 833 Wells L. Brimhall 1000 834 Wells L. Brimhall 1000 crop of dry land potatoes on his farm 835 Wells L. Brimhall 1000 Wells L. Brimnall 1000 at Tin tic Junction at least 20 per 836 1000 844 J. R. Sehree cent. 8511. M. Gouchet . . . 1000 one-ten- 857 San- ders, fireman; James Muir, conductor; G. Calloway, brakeman. All are from Salt Lake excepting Mr. Calloway, who is a resident of Silver City . Mutual understanding of each others needs, and mutual willingness ' to supply such needs will insure adequate and efficient service to the pubjic-anCompany. fijrancal security: Ifr expiaijied 00- B. W. Dixon .... 1000 The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company -- PROBLEMS. Lawrence Alfred, who is in grade 6B, was struggling manfully with his home work. Tart of this was a formidable array of figures which had appeared on the blackboard under the menacing caption, MiscelAt length h laneous Problems. was compelled to give up. Father, he said, I just got to ask you to help me with these mt licious problems. HOBBLED. D. B. reports haling overheard this bit of comer sation on the street Dearie, do 011 think it would he fun if you had both your limbs inside one trouser leg and you were trying to walk? not. .Certainly And in tccordanec with law and Well, please wait for me. I cant an order of the Board of Nhectors made on the 2th day of June, keep up with you with this skirt I9I9, so many shares of each par- on. cel of such stock as may be necessary will be sold on Monday, the 25th dy of August, I9I9, at I2 oclock noon at the office of tbe company, at Tintic Lumber Co Kirkendall Auto Stage offioe, Robinson (Mammoth P. O.), Utah, to pay the delinquent assessChauffeur C. J. KIRKENDALL, ment thereon together with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. Phone 138 R-- Mammoth T. L. Schofield, Secretary. Phone 3 Eureka Office at Tintic Lumber Co. office Robinson, (Mammoth P. O.) Juab County, Utah, REGULAR SCHEDULE Firtt publication, July 26, 19I9 Leave Mammoth Leave Eureka 1 the time, but advertise . both sides, please. Is that chap spoofing me? inquired the perplexed Englishwoman of Mrs. Dalton Richardson. He wants his eggs fried on both sides It isnt done. MALICIOUS 7 .IJg. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Application, for Patent. Serial No. 024555. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, July 15, 1919. Notice is hereby given that South Standard Mining Company, a corporation under the laws of Utah, by E. J. Raddatz, its agent and attor- whose post office address is 422 Judge Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for United States Patent for 'the Big Spring Lode mining claim, in Tintic Mining District, Utah County, Utah, being survey Number 6462, and described in the United States Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, writh magnetic variation at 17 deg 10 min east, as follows: Beginning at corner number 1 of the claim, from which point the common section corner between sections 10 27, 28, 34 and 33, Township South, Range 2 West, Salt Lake B. & M., bears North 1 deg 37 min East, 302.6 feet distant; thence north 40 deg 29 min West, 1498 feet to corner number 2; thence south 49 deg 31 min west, 600 feet to corner number 3; thence south 40 deg 29 min east, 1498 feet to corner number 4; thence North 49 deg 31 min east, 600 feet to the place of beginning, ney-in-fa- situated section ter of Range Area the southeast quarter in of 28, and the northeast quarsection 33, Township and aforesaid. claimed, 20.634 acres. The nearest known locations be- ing Gold Bonds number 20 and 21, unpatented, and Silver Rock, unpatented. I direct that this notice be published in the Mammoth Record, Mammoth, Juab County, Utah, the nearest the newspaper published claim, once a week for a period of nine (9) consecutive weeks. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. W. I. SYNDER, Claimants A tty. (First pub. July 19, 1919.) Wanted-- An Idea tbov nmy ir UIr.U)U'K.N It., JOHNUiktoh, U (' p h tr PtOtHCtjOll W f 3 EESL regu- larly with us and youll reach all of the people all of the time. v to-th- & d other side. Stunned bj the idea of eggs having other sides she hesitated. The boy politely requested Fried on 2 Arrangements are being pushed for starting work on the new shaft to be sunk on the llae of the (tunnel. industry. - th and daughter arrived in Silver City yesterday and are the guests of Mrs. E. F. Birch. Mr. Roosa, who recently completed his war duties at Washington, D. C., 1 has accepted a position as traveling TRADE MORALThe quality what you have to sell is known representative for the Department of the Interior In the Bureau of Mines, to some people all of the time and Mrs. Roosa Is temporarily living and all of the people some of in Salt Lake. Mrs. P. F. Roosa The Telephone Company is subject to the" same economic laws and principles as those governing other industries. The permanency and adequacy of telephone service depend upon the same factors as are involved in the security and permanency of every other established V Tbpywentouch.tbA nUue Joyed a Jolly &i.f. Frank Ladd, engineer; George The utility's obligation is to serve; the publics obligation is to creata Such conditions as will make it possible for the utility' to serve. this - at the Bruges The new switch engine for handling the Increased shipments from che Tlntlc District is being put on today. The crew will be as follows: for the institution. being England all eggs have been fried on one side only, or were until American sailors began to infest England and Y. M. C. A. huts began to serve eggs home style to the gobs. One of the English ladies who acted as volunteer waiters in Y. M. C. A. Eagle hut, London, was waiting on an American sailor who iVo fried eggs over, demanded ' ,, please.! ver what? Heber, 'r--Fres- But there must be mutual understanding and mutual confidence. Neither a public nor a private enterprise can build permanent success upon revenues derived from a public that has no faith in nor respect About A. D. 950 the first egg .ever fried in England was fried :one hide only, the chef being in 9 add:ng to bis residence. - Oscar public satisfactorily. ' 8. Lunnsn Is pros peeing, as evidenced by ths new addition be is v . IT I8NT DONE." - EL A much impressed by the last one one hoy more than the others, so much so that he lingered in the room after the others had gone. But when the teacher returned from the hall a few minutes later he, too, was gone, and there on the board, under her impressive sentence, was written: Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings. Were fltVt out TH VtUfT. N Wt, sow n fOOav ixr Ttae jobwork-haaorta os OflAWtREO ON ftws YhnH WAVf TER NO TAT DOSS TutCt's , uiA'Ini tf V w A mucUoM Who vir Of ttOMIff tlll fhlnjrtouvU'i q on v 4I (i i 'f uumf vmi tl n V fi. U.f IX 1 Notice 0 Application For Patent. newspaper published - nearest sai claim. 1 No. 024491. GOULD B. BLAKELY, Regist- r. United States Land Office, Salt Lake last June pub. 28th, (First pub. City, Utah, June 25, 1919. Aug. 23, 1919.) Notice is hereby given that Leo Gray & Jennings, Attorneys, Donnelly ar.d Ella Deprezin, of EureSalt Lake City, Utah. ka, Utah, have made application to the United States for a patent for the Leo Claim lode mining claim, con- sisting of 1461.2 linear feet in length of the lode, and surface ground in width, as shown by the official plat, being Survey No. 6475, situated in the Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, and described on the plat and in the field notes of survey on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. East as follows, Ads. as to-w- it: Commencing at Corner No. 1 of the Leo Claim; Reputation : Props l!' Thenc8 N. 73 deg. 23 min. E. 195.2 ft. to Corner No. 2 of Leo Claim; Thence S. 9 deg. 45 min. 30 sec. E. 1421.2 ft. to Corner No. 3 of Leo Claim; Thence S. 73 deg. 23 min. W. 405.0 ft. to Corner No. 4 of Leo Claim; Thence N. 1 deg. 34 min. W. 1461.2 ft. to Corner No. 1 of Leo Claim, the place of beginning of the exterior boundaries of the claim, and containing a total area of 9.721 acres aud a net area of 6.471 acres, the area of the conflicts with Lot No. 346 Pluto lode and Lot No. 311 Golden Ray lode, the only claims in conflict with this claim, having been deducted from said total area. Said clrims are located in the N W14 of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., S. L. B. & M. The N. W. Corner of Section 24, T. 10 S., R. 3 W., bears from Corner 1 of said claim N. 85 deg. 18 Nomin. W. 1844.0 ft. The presumed lode line of saia claim is as shown by the official - Let us build you an inch ad. in this paper; a column ad., a page ad., or any old size ad. Let it tell In forceful terms: What youve got to sell What its north Why its best at that price Such an advertisement in this paper will bring buyers who hardly knew you existed before you r advertised. Pl&t Said claim is of record in the office of the County Recorder of Juab 80 County at Nephl, Utah, in Book of locations, rage 23. locations are West Adjoiuing SurCable, Survey No. 3283, Cable, Lot vey No. 4303, Pluto and Hades, No. 346, Golden Ray and Goodenough No. 2, Lot No. 311. I diicct that this notice be published for a period of nine woeks in the Mammoth Record, a newspaper published at Mammoth, Utah, the lioprrlf bu lyuj, by W, N. C J !OT- - h ...... 3F T'lf fP" ! CUTLERY EVEKY BLA.DE |