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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH . i VeeMy Health Talks What I the Cause of Backache? : BY DOCfXOB ' . STOMACH UPSET? Ae .ee s I Relieved of Catarrh Dae to La Grippe, Thanks to - AT ONCE END8 DYSPEPSIA, ACIDITY, QAS, r " INDIGESTION. CORNELL .YOnr n.'vals hit back ! Your stomach Backache is 'perhaps the most com Is sour; acid, gassy and you feel bloat mon aHment from which women suf- CS after eating or you have heavy fer. Rarely do you Und anybody, free lumps of indigestion pain or headache, from it. ''Sometimes the cause Is ob- but never mind. Here Is tustaht relief. scure, bat Dr. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., .? - eause'Tsvefy often a form of catarrh Members of Lower House- - Engage In Charged That House Measures Are Given Scant Consideration. Senate Lhgthy .Debate Over the 'Proper N Width of Tires of Vehicles .in Approves, Measure Postponing . Court in Times of Epidemic. State of Utah. t a high'meJicat authorfty.says t the that settles n flie delicate membranes of the feminine organs. When 'these organs are Inflamed, the first Symp- tom ts backache, accompanied by bearing down, sensations, weakness,. .unhealthy discharges, irregularity, painful periods, irritation, headache and n condition. Any a general woman in this condition is to be pit-leThe but pity does not cure. trouble calls for Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription, which Is a separate and distinct medicine for women. , It is made of roots and herbs put up without alcohol or opiate of any kind, for Dr. Pierce uses nothing else in. his preFavorite Prescription is a natscription. ural remedy for. women, for the vegetable growths of which it is made seem to have been intended by Nature for that very Thousands of girls and women, purpose. voung and old, have taken it, and thousands nave written grateful letters to Dr. Pifcrce In taking saying it made them well. Favorite Prescription, it is reassuring to know that it goes straight to the cause of the trouble. - There is but one way to overcome pjckness, and that is W overcome the cause. That is precisely what Favorite Prescription is intended to do. Send 10c for trial pkg. of Tablets. Dont stay upset Eat a tablet Of Papes Diapepsin and Immediately the I Indigestion, gases, acidity and all stom- ach distress ends. ; Papes Diapepsin tablets are-thsurest, quickest stomach relievers In the world. They cost very little at drug stores. Adv. , e ' Patience on a Strike Confound it !; grumbled old Biley Rezzidew of Petunia. Im sick and tired of being everlasting hectored and hinted at by Hi Price. Looks lilte he nuts In hls.tlnie hunfing for chances Address Invalids Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y. to Interrupt his feller citizens In the Constipated women, as well, as men, are exercise of their indelible rights of life, advised by Dr.' Pierce to take his Pleasant libburty and the pursuit of happiness. Pellets. They are-ju- st splendid for cos- Dadburn him, some of these days Ill tiveness. buy a grocery store myself, just sos I can have a place to play checkers without being eternally snubbed and stumbled over ! Few cows Sle brct many are ruined by each neglect. Give DR. DAVID ROBERTS' I I ifI Cow Cleaner before and after freshening. It will positively prevent and over- JL comerthls trouble. At our dealers or Postpaid $1.00. Consult Da. DAVID ROBERTS about all animal ailments. Information free. Send for price list of medicines and get a FREE copy of'The Cattle Specialist with fnll Information on Abortion is Cows. DR. DAVID ROBERTS VETERINARY CO, 100 Grand Ave.. Waukesha Wis. 1 f VrV S One Treatment with Cuticura Clears Dandruff All drnffgista : Soap 28, Ointment 28 A 60, Talcum Sample each nee or "Oatleua, Dept. E, Boston." 9 cg, g.fl Bag xoi . SENATOR KNIGHT INTRODUCES 'MEMORIAL REQUESTING FED-- ' ERAL AID IN UTAH. nee is asked . Salt Lake by the legislature of Utah from the federal government for the construction of a railroad into the Uintah basin. In the senate on March 4,' Senator J. "Will Knight introduced a joint memorial, in which an appeal to congress is made. There was a prolonged debate in the house on March 4 over Representative Jacobs bill providing that on and after January 1, 1924, none but wide-tire- d vehicles be allowed to travel over the highways of the state. It was declared that narrow tires cut up the road by advocates of the wider, wiiile those who used the narrow maintained that they could not get along without them on the highways, particularly wheh in traversing canyon roads of the state. The narrow-tire- d wheels were said to be the only kind 'of vehicle farmers could use to take a canyon road, particularly when it was. wet. Representative Seegmiller endeavored to amend tlie hill by substituting the date when the law should become effective by fixing the time at January, 1920, and his amendment prevailed, the speaker casting his vote in favor 'of the amendment, which broke the tie. The bill as amended was then passed. Governor Bamberger in a letter sent to the senate on March 4, asks support for the request of'Nephi L. Morris of the employment bureau of Utah for an appropriation of .$5,000 to continue the work. It is suggested that the bureau should be kept jn operation ists . y : f RHEUMATISM IS PAIN ONLY, RUB IT AWAY v - Instant relief from pain, soreness, stiff-nes- s following a rubbing with St Jacobs Liniment. dosing rheumatism. Its pain only ; not one case in fifty Rub requires - Internal treatment. soothing, penetrating St Jacobs Liniment right on the tender spot, and by the time you say Jack Robinson out comes the rheumatic pain and distress. St. Jacobs Liniment conquers pain I It Is a harmless rheumatism liniment which never disappoints and doesnt burn the sldn. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness from aching joints, muscles and bones; stops sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia and reduces swelling. Limber up ! Get a small trial bottle honest St, Jacobs Liniof. ment from any drug store, and In a moment youll be free from pains, aches and stiffness. Dont suffer I Rufc rheumatism away. Adv. Stop , until July. , LEGISLATIVE NOTES. , D .i , are Flavored Your Nose Knows ... i Tuxedo stand or fall on your judg-m- nf Your Nose Knows, To-da- members. - It was' pointed out Representative far, this session on March 3 by D. D. McKay that so has acted the-hous- senate bills which upon twenty-seve- n had been passed ; two had been laid upon the table, four were in the hands of committee's, one had been killed and one, senate bill No. 42, was lost. On the other hand the house, according to Representative Miles, had sent fifty-fiv- e (Measures to the senate, twenty-twof yvliich are still In the hands of committees, thirty have been read a first time and three are on the o calendar. j The Utah state senate on March 3 gave Its reading calendar the once over with the result that hll but two bills were taken off and one more was added the 'water rights bill. Tlie bills passed were the Heppler bill, regarding postponement of district court terms ill times of epidemic ; the jiullcary committee measure, which would give the ' larger cities of tlie state city courts, instead of justices of the peace and municipal courts; and tlie Dern bill, which proposes to raise the salaries of the state land board. . AT THE CAPITOL. The Sanford bill for the. support of poor by relatives, whcli was aimed at , r , i One new 'hill was Introduced In tlie senate on March 1 under suspension of tlie rules. That was senate bill No. H.l, by Stevens, making an upproprla-tloiiof $25,000 from the general fund to protect, Fillmore from flood waters of lUmlk creek. For a brief time on February 27 and forthe first time In Utah history a wnitmu presided over the state senate. Senator Elizabeth Iluyward was called to the chain by President J. W. Funk while he took tin) floor In debate over an amendment to the workmens compensation bill. lengthy and general debate."-Fo- r the second time in the history of the Utah legislature, a woman presided over tlie house on March 3, The Horn an was Mrs. Grace Stratton Airey, representative from Salt Lake, and it was the second time she has presided. Among the measures passed at tlie Migcli 3 session was the joint resolution indorsing the' league of nations, and so reporting to President Wilson ' and ex President Taft. two With but dissenting votes, the house on March 3 voted by the passage of house bill No. 130, by Representative F. W. Quinn, to make October 12, Columbus day, a legal holiday in Utah. i f By a unanimous vote the house of representatives on March 3 acceded to the wishes of the senate in eliminating what legal authorities had pronounced a dangerous feature of tlie Currie peonage bill, which passed the ; house two weeks previous. ' Under the terms of the Ballard bill passed by the house, if one property owner refuses to share in tlie expense of building a division fence lie cannot collect for damages that may be clone by. reason of livestock entering his property from that of his neighbor. bills were introduced in the isebdA March jl by unanimous con, t. Om) by KopiTsi'iitiUive GiVenV'ooii of $75,00(1 ;s for an appropriation tlibW'onstruction of an- - assembly nt '(lie University of Utah, Tire . 1 eiv''Vi.v Representative ' for' T- - I'.- - Me appropriation 'of 00 for tlie opening of shops for iiMJruct fob. of adult blind, as , pool'd Jor in section 429 ofjlic compiled y, 'nSks ITies nn , what to do. answered the man who alYes, ways speaks in a - discouraged tone; but they probably- wouldnt do it RECIPE FOR GRAY HAIR. Plenty to through a neglect or gets you. Then take once at - Limited Mind. Wife Oh. doctor, Benjamin seems to be wandering In his mind. Doctor (who knows Benjamin) Dont trouble a'iout that he cant go far. , FLOWER Standard cold remedy for 20 yeara in table breaks up a cold form- - safe, sure, no opiates in 24 hours relieves grip in 3 days. Money box has Red top The back if it fails. genuine with Mr. Hills picture. At All Drug Stores. been used for all ailments that caused by a disordered stomach Inactive liver, such as sick head- lias are and , Pickwick.. Medical GREENS AUGUST on sour stomach, ache, constipation, nervous indigestion, fermentation of : : food, palpitation of the heart caused by gases in the stomach. August Flower is a gentle laxative, regulates digestion PRAISES THE NEW both in stomach and intestines, cleans and sweetens the stomach and alimentary canal, stimulates the liver to seSTOMAGH RELIEF crete the bile and impurities from the ' blood. Sold in all civilized countries. 'I r , . Give It a trial. Adv. Hon. C. P. Grandfields Testimonial BED ; Endorsing EATONIC Is Evidence of Its Real Worth Correspondence. What are you doing? .Writing to iny son at college. But thats a check youre writing.' Well? Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants d children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletchers Castoria Many a mans failure in small things is due to his being troubled with great ambitions. f I ' Cure pimples, headache, bad breath by taking May Apple, Aloe, Jalap rolled into a tiny sukot Doctor called Pierces Pleasant Pellets. Adv. plU He who owns the soil owns up to the Out of Pain and Misery, to Comfort! il , .f? it W. N. U., Salt Lake City No. sky. in i Not often does a Poats) Service Official put himself on record in this way. And that no less a persona than Hon. C. P. Grandfleld, the first Assistant Postmaster under Taft, Is tbs one whotet!flos to the value of EATONIC and Its beneficial results, places EATONIC above the ordinary stomach cures and Indicates that here, at last, Is some thing that will relieve all forms of stomach miser- yindigestion, flatulence, heart burn, sour, acid or gassy stomach. The letter devoid of all unnecessary words, is printed low. It hits the nail squarely on the head Every sufferer from stomach misery should dff what he tells them. Washington. D. O. .. I "Too much praise cannot be given EATONIC. Its beneficial results ; art unqualified. e i Very truly yours, C. P. OHANDFIKLD. Herefc the secret: EATONIC takes up tha excess acidity, drives the cns out of the body and the Bloat Goes With It I It Is guaranteed to bring relief or you get your money back! Costs only a cent or two a day to use Get a box today from your druggist. ' , 10-19- 19. ; , . i , 'si ih V A enUtyt'' morning session of the jfai.Jbrniir.v . , I suppose you think you could tell the peace delegates at Taris exactly To half pnt of water add 1 oz Bay Rum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and U oz. of glycerine. Any druggist can put this up or you can mix it at home at very litCatarrhal DeCness Cannot Be Cured tle cost. Full directions for making and by local applications as they cannot reach use come in each box of Barbo Compound. the diseased portion of the ear. There is It will gradually darken streaked, faded only one way to cure Catarrhal Deafness, gray hair, and make it soft and glossy. It and that Is by a constitutional remedy. will not color the scalp, is not sticky or HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE acts Surfaces greasy, and does not rub off. Adv, through the Blood on the Mucous Is of the System. Catarrhal Deafness caused by an Inflamed condition qf the Suited to His Trade. mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inflamed you have a a strapping fellow that man What rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and He ought to be. He la when It Is entirely closed, Deafness Is the yonder Is! result. Unless the Inflammation can be re- a harness maker. x duced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are of exercise, fresh air, caused by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfaces. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any regular hours is all the'' pre- : case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot avoid FALL'S CATARRH be cured scription you need by MEDICINE. unless Influenza AH Druggists 75c. Circulars free. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio. cold otherwise, 2$ furfJjejtvjtiHiiig on bouse (bill No. provwbifr for. u .state dii act or1 of lse Cold Neglect. Gathering the Crop.'. One gardener quarreled with his wife over the first fruit of the family garden. He clnimed the growth was one of his succotash.' She insisted it was one of her sweet pickles.' While they quarreled their charming niece dug it up. Must Oh, dear, she complained. I do It all? Why dont you get busy and take out a weed when you see It? , v&accos ' A. my sickness I hoarseness and slime in the head and throat, and mu told I had Catarrh. I tocfk some medicine but without much benefit. Every winter for four years. LaGrippe (last winter three times). The Catarrh grew worse. I could not lie down or sleep at night. Was always troubled with slime,, pain In my back and a terrible headache every morning, when I woke up, and had no blood. I got a Peruna calendar in Danish, my native language, and X read It through, every testimony, and then I bought a bottle of Pernna. y I can testify that Peruna has been a great benefit to me. It has truthfully given me blood and strength. I can lie down and without being troubled. I have no pain, headache, or. noise Insleep m; head. I have gained in weight three pounds, which I think Is good for my age. I will be sixty-nin- e years old next summer. I have used Peruna since I started in February, and I use it yet. I feel cheerful and happy, thanks to Peruna. It will always be in my borne and I recommend it to those who need it. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE LIQUID OH TABLET FORM legislative investigation of the defunct Merchants bank at Salt Lake is the heirs who refuse to contribute under way. This fact wits brought out anything to the support of old folks, when the committee on corporations in but are on band after the funeral to claim what little property the old folks the house submitted a report. ' 4 may have left, 'went down to defeat March senate of record state The was one of varied activity. A total of in the senate by a tie vote after a old-tim- WEEKS Mrs. Laura Berberick, 69 years old, of 1205 Willow Ave. Hoboken, N. J., writes: ,, Four y$ars ago I had a severe attaofc of was troubled with ter Salt Lake City. The senate and house are engaged in the old fight that comes up at every session of the legislature. Members, of the house declare they ! have become tired of passing upon senate bills and having its own measures held up in the upper body and therefore there is a loud and prolonged wall upon the part of ' , seven measures were sent to tlie house ; two others were passed on se.PARKER8 cond reading five hills were killed by Hair balsam withdrawal by the author, and one was A toilet preparation of merit Helps to eradicate dandruff. laid on the table, so that it is as good For Rntprinf Color and as dead!' In addition there 'was conto Gray or Fadod Hair. Beauty 80c. and tl.OOatPmggieta. siderable amount of routine. Tlie absentee'voters' hill was passed TABLETS by the senate on March 4, as was the LA GRIPPE COLDS AND ire ted yvo eaa afford to insist and aee bill ' for free tfxt books in high t you gat gBDfM hke package shown . an awful lot of argument can schools. And Bojdbbeat,droggiaU 25q come out of a little mouth. Itepresenlative Reunion's bill, which provides for a' classification of automobiles, is in the hands of a conference' fvnnmittee. The house declined to concur in tlie amendments added to ' the bill. In" connection with .a report from the committee named by .the governor to make recommendation as to a suitable memento for Utah men who served in '(lie world war, a bill was introduced in the senate on March 1 by Senators' Hayward andj McKinney pro.The Encyclopaedia Britannica viding for an appropriation of ,$25,990 for, a state celebration and giving pf says about- - the manufacture of. certificates of jionor to ulj Utahns on the smoking tobacco, entitled, to receive them. Continent and in America certain A, partial list, of biennial appointments was subniit.ted to, the senate 'sauces are employed . . . the of the legislature on March 1 by Govuse of the 'sauces is to improve ernor Bamberger. Tlie list was read td tlie senqte and then, In accordance the flavour and burning qualities with, tlie rules, was referred to a of the leaves. . , special committee of five for consideration nnd report deYour smoke-enjoyme- nt Senator Southwicks bill prohibiting pends as mueh upon the Quality tlie sale or having in possession of aity, cigarettes or makings was and kind of flavoring used as from the committee oil health upon the Quality and aging of .and labor March 1, with unfavorable . . the tobacco. , A minority report . recommendation. recommended that it pass If amended to1 Tuxedotohaccousesthepurest, prohibit the sale or use of tobacco in1 any form. The hill was placed on most wholesome and delicious of hecond reading calendar the all flavorings chocolate I That Vhe hill relating to pure advertising was reported out of senate couipiittee flavoring, added to the finest of with recommendation tlmt it pass, and blended and carefully aged it was sent to the second reading calhurley, tobacco, produces Tuxedo endar for consideration whop reached. That 90 per cent of the, ,1 lipcyc.y, the perfect tobacco prohibition bill is heartily indorsed J'.v inv Your Nose Knows. llu; druggists of the slntq,,,Is the. formation which has beep gi ven jo the author ami members of tlie legislature by .officers of the Utii Ilinyimoeullcal guaranteed to smSF' , association. p', BACK OR YOUR MONEY , The; house bill oreaijug1,i,opi'esc'jil!,-in 29 Daggett county, live district. No, Try This Test: Rub a little Tuxedo wus passed on final reading by the to hand of in the your palm briskly Semite.. bring out its full aroma. Then smell An amendment to the motor vehicle it deeprits delicious, pure fragrance that would have burred threshing bill will conyince you. Try this test with from Iho state roads failed uiiuhines any other tobacco and we will let of passage in the senate. ' il ( MEMBERS OF LOWER HOUSE ARE PEEVED AT ACTION OF SENATE ' IN DELAYING BILLS. pe. City.-.-Ass- d, Dont Run Your Neglecting a Pni,c By Retained Afterbirth . - run-dow- ' PERUNA PAPES DIAPEPSIN was-devote- passed jnsi iiefore' tlie, house reeeSsod for tlipwiTimri Ifour. It soeurod' u bare eonstitifffirnTaU'iim,fiiTljv 'the vote.1 liav-'21.1111 favor of Its puA-- " itig beto-V '? sage. ' By a WTSf ten 1 rtf pight file senate of tlm Uiii!(g,lsl!ijuif,sti,uek the (V, elusive a tii lb irtsprance feat tire fiimn tlie'OISjjK workmen's epnipetisutjoi! bill on February 20, nat, llKeoii(TuSiim'of three days of delmtq on this Issue, The bill ns nmihided by this notion pennltsnf eoiiUnuation of eompetitlve eompoiisution insiininee purtielpated In by tlie state fund, tlie private insur- nnee companies and self carriers. ..... day or night's suffering is often saved those having Bayer Tablets of Aspirin handy Safe to take!' Such quick relief! So why suffer? 1 ,, , ' ,4.) , ' Joint Pain Teeth Pain. Stiff Neck Rarache Fever Pain! t . . , f Fainf Proved safe by millions! American owned! Adults Take one or two Bayer Tablets of Aspirin with water. If necessary, repeat dose three times a day, after meals. Senator. Chez's hill, regulating the bee Industry so ns to prevent the ship- incut of diseased bees from one county into, another and prohibit their shipment' Into tlie state front outside places, was passed on final reading, under suspension of the rules. II. n:1 No. 12, by Morris, prohibiting railroads nnd other carriers of freight and express from making' owners risk" contracts for the shipment of goods, and placing responsibility for safety of shipments upon tbo carriers In all eases, was passed on second reading by u vole of sixteen senators. Rheumatism Gout , Lumbago Backache'' Colds Influenzal Colds Sciatica ' Neuritis Grippe For Headache Neuralgia Toothache ' 11 TheMBayer Cross"on ' ' Genuine Tablets cent Bayer packages also larger Bayer packages. Buy Bayer packages only Get original package. SO Aiplrtn li die trad mark of Bayer Manufacture of MonoaceticacMciter ' of SaUcyllcadd |