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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH " It Happens About WILSON fiND TAFT J This Time of Year LEAGUE PLAN FACES PLEAD FOB LEAGUE t PACT ARE LEADERS CHALLENGED AT NEW YORK MEETING. PREPROLONGED FILIBUSTER VENTS ACTION ON IMPORTANT, BILLS BEFORE CONGRESS.' IpEACE BY. cHArNOEsiKh $ijfSpmn;iojN SOUGHT- BY. THp lAGUEF - Nations oppQNENif - ' or c jc President; Says He Will Tell it to World That the American People . Fail to Get Action on Regular Appropriation Bills, Army, Navy and Merchant Marine Budgets and, $75,000,000 Railroad Fund. j - COMMISSIONS Paris. Tlie council of the great powers on March 1 began consideration of financial and economic problems as affecting both the treaty of peace and permanent conditions after the war. This7 subject is taken up after weeks given to hearings on territorial questions. The subject was presented in two specific reports. One was from" the financial commission of which Louis Klitz, French minister of finance, is chairman, and Albert Straus and Norman Davis are the American members. The other report was from the economic commission of which Albert Clemen tel of France is chairman and Bernard M. Baruch, Vance McCormick and Dr. A. A. Davis are the American members. The financial commissions report was brief, giving the main headings of the vast financial reorganization, that is required.' It does not embrace: reparations and Indemnities for the; war, as those subjects are being gon-- i sldered separately. Most of .the heai ings were presented without recoiin mendations which are left to the council and the plenary conference. .. One of the main headings concerns war debts and debts, made before the war in enemy countries, and whether they are to be paid or repudiated and, if paid, i the manner and priority,, of payments. Another heading deals with - ' . . leave-taking- out-goin- g f : state property In territory taken over, such as state mines and state railways. Thus far, the proposal to redistrib, ute tlie war burden has not been considered favorably by the British, American or Japanese members. The British do not wish to add to their .burdens by taking part of the continental burdens, while Japan believes ..she should hold aloof from European indebtedness. ' OVERSEAS TALK BY WIRELESS. Planned to Have Telephone Service Between New York and London. ' London. Experiments . In "a'' new type of wireless telephony are so far advanced that it is hoped within a few weeks it will be possible to speak between" London and New York, while of a 'regular commercial service by wireless' telephone between London and New York 'early next year is expected by the Marconi companyt ' . ' . Suffrage Halted Before Senate. Washington. Favorable reports on the compromise resolution of tliei sub mission of a federal franchise states amendinnt,-t'-tiiwere ordered Saturday by' both 'the senate and house wonihn suffrage but when Chairman Jones sought to present the senate commit tees report, Senator Wadsworth '' of , Republican, ol)jeCtbd'an'd tlie report remained with1- tlie T J " -- Scandinavia To Join League.- Tlie. Swedish attitude Stockholm toward- the league of nations is lilte small boy who has td-ithat at tlie second table hes goiiVg to eat, hut his feelings are hurt. Sweden hind Other Scandinavian countries Villjoin dlie .league all right but they feel that itlieyi should have been asked to help form the leagues program and should have been included in all the initial discussions. " y .i Billion Dollars in Taxes. Washington. Lntest treasury estimates place at $1,000,000,000 the maximum of tax payments to bo made March 15 ns the first Installment of taxes due tills year,, and officials believe the amount may lie smaller. assistant general 6ctor of military relief, American d Cross, Is chairman of a committee ilch Is visiting the 43 general hos-al- s where wounded soldiers and sail-- j are treated, with a view to the service wherever possible. Sol. C. H. Connor, g Battle Deaths Total 7,354,000 Washington. Battle deaths during eienn, Mont. W. F. Dunn, editor-writof the Butte Bulletin and the wnr among all participants no far were givember of the Montana legislature, as available statistics show, ns 7,254,000. This remanded to jail after he had been en by General March in action cneed In the distrlcf court to pay represents only men killed wounds. of died or of $5000. ie as- Com- pound, advised mo Washington. Names of thirty-seveto try it before subRepublican-ujembensof the: ndw sen' to an operamitting ate, a number sufficient to block ratition. It relieved mo the were in a read fication of from my trouble treaty, senate Monday by Senator Lodge of ao I can do my house work without any Massachusetts, who said they had ap- difficulty. I advise any woman who w give proved a resolution setting forth that afflictedELwith female troubles to ComPinkhams Vegetable Lydia the constitution of the league of nado will and aa'much for a trial it tions in the form now proposed to the Sund Mrs. Marie Boyd, 1421 6tb peace conference should not be acceptN. Canton, Ohio. E., St, : ed by the. United States.- ' Sometimes there are serious condiThe list was inserted in the record tions where a hospital operation is the by the Republican leaders after Dem- only alternative, but on the other hand ocrat Leader Martin and Senator so many women have been cured by thia famous root and herb remedy, Lydia EL Swanson of - Virginia had raised simPinkhams Vegetable Compound, after ultaneous objection to consideration doctors have said that an operation was of the resolution, which he had introevery woman who wants necessary with to avoid an operation should give it a duced after long conferencesfair trial before submitting to such a minority members and communicated ordeal. by telegraph and telephone with RfeZ trying If complications exist, write to Lydia publican senators and senators-plec- t XL Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Masa., .. who are not in Washington! for advice. The result of many years While opposing tlie constitution as experience ia at your service. now' drafted, the resolution ;set forth Occasional Lapses. that it was the desire .of the senate Mrs. Longwood Cab you always bethat the nations of the world should unite to promote peace and general lieve what your husband tells you? Mrs. Justwed Not alwaysbut somedisarmament. It also said it was the sense of the times. When he says he isnt worthy senate that the negotiations on the of me. part of the United States should immediately be directed to. ,the utmost expedition of the urgent business of CREAM FOR CATARRH negotiating peace terms with GerOPENS UP NOSTRILS many, and that then the league proposal should be taken up for careful Telia How to Get Quick Relief and serious consideration. Its 8plendid!. from Head-ColdGOVERNORS MEET AT CAPITOL In one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your Optimism Prevails at Nation-wid- e head will clear and you can breathe Gathering of Executives. Washington. Governors of states freely; No more hawking, snuffling, and mayors of municipalities meeting blowing, headache, dryness. No strugMarch.3 in the White House to discuss gling for breath at night, your cold or alleviation of unemployment heard latarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Elys Cream President .Wilson in a brief address Balm from your druggist now. Apply emphasize the principle that governments should, serve in the interests of a little ' of this fragrant, antiseptic, the common people. In this spirit he healing cream In your nostrils. It penetrates through every passage of urged that the federal, state and local or governments work together, steadying the head, soothes the Inflamed and easing and facilitating the whole swollen mucous1 tnetnbrane and relief labor processes of the United States. comes lnstahtly. Its jnst fine. Dont stay stuffed-u- p After listening to addresses by a cold with catarrh Relief Secretaries Wilson, Baker and Daniels, comes so quickly. Adv. the governors undertook to report In - ... - ' turn on unemployment within their in Luck.1 respective states. A majority declared Hello, Jones, can - yon Sponger that there were not enough men out of lend me a fiver? J ones Thank work in their communities to justify heaven Im In luck today.. no; adall serious apprehension, although vocated immediate action by state, The secret of true wisdom Is to county and city governments to pro- know your Ignorance. mote road building and1 other public f works, thus furnishing a buffer employment during the period when soldiers are being discharged Colds and grip leave thousands with and war industries are converting. weak kidneys and aching backs. The kidneys have to do most of the work of fighting off any , germ disease. They OF OREGON DIES. GOVERNOR weaken slow up, and you feel dull, irritable, or nervous nave headaches, dizziness, backache, sore iointa and irExecutive Was Active on Public Busithe kidregular kidney action. Then ness on Day of Death. neys need prompt help. Use Doane ..James Withyrombe, Kidney Pills. Thousands praise Doane .Salem, Ore. for quick, satisfactory results. governor of Oregon, died at his home here Monday, March 3. IIe had been A Uiah Case ill for many months, but had continW. W. Robinson, First East, near ued to transact official business until North Bt., First a week ago. He was 65 years old. ; American Fork, I Utah, says: While it had been rettliied by his know Doans Kide ney Pills physicians and tnembers of his family just what Is claimfor several months past that tlie goved for them. For months last winernors condition was grave, tlie end ter I was suffering came unexpectedly. Although confinwith .steady ache and pains across ed to his home, Governor Withycombe The my kidneys. hhd spent a portion of Monday examslightest bills caused or which passany vetoing ining and signing strain on my back ed by the legislature which Closed A drugsent those pains through It. recommended Doans Kidney Pills, last week.1. He did not seem particgist DoanB so I tried completely them. ularly weak until ' night, when he cured me ot the attack. Get Doans at Any Store, 60c n Bos collapsed (middled pt 8:45. n Men q de-re- ' Editor Remanded to Jail. er . i . reser-yoir-o- Feel Lame and Achy! as - , Czechs fileported Close to Famine i London. Reuters is informed by the CzecImlSiovait le'g'atianhere! thatilac1 cording to the Journal Ceske Sloyq, Czecho-Slova- k Pragqe ,.aud the. entire. republic ardon the verge of 'famine. , . ' to-b- f A. ' . MITCHELL PALMER move - Y,r - Will Test Legality of Rates.; Railroad commisrortland", o7e. sioners of Oregon, Washington . and Idaho, in .conference here Monday, decided that the public service commission Of tlie state of Washington should, bring suit at once against the federal railroad administration to test the legality of the administrations control over purely intrastate freight rates. DOANS V.TiY CO., BUFFALO, N.Y. FOSTER-MILBUR- DONT FEAR THE FLU cant get you, if you use DR. HILLERS ESSENTIAL OIL T A? JETS. It They quickly relieve coughs, colds, all throat and lung troubles, reduce fever, prevent attack if taken in time and are free from drugs or opiates. A real which should be used jn every home. First Break in Seattle Strike. 2 tubes, $1.00. Full packSeattle, Wash. First break in Se- Trial package ofDO. 10 tubes $5 age, Complete directional came strike Monday attles shipyard on receipt of price. . when 250 sheet metal workers' and Postpaid 200 apprentices, who hnve been oh FREDERICK HILLER, M.'D. strike, returned to work in shops that Suite 423 Consolidated Realty Bldg. are working on shipyard contracts. Lot Angeles, California V life-sav- er A. Mitchell Palmer, who has bert chosen by President Wilson to succeed Attorney General Gregory, Charles E. Van Loan Dead. Philadelphia. After un lllnbss cov-- J ering a period of three weeks, Charley E. Vqn Loan, writer of sporting stories died here Sunday. i Spartacans Plan Revolts. The National Spartacus Ilerlin. the Greater Berlin comand longue munist organizations hnve Issued an appeal for Immediate general strike and the overDirow of tlm nntlonnl sembly and the present republic. Lydia E. Pir.khamre C- of-th- 'v'ss Rescued From Mine, nilder, Colo. Fire in the Centcn-minof the Big Four Coal com-- r at Louisville, Colo., near here, surface buildings of the mine, men who were Inside when the lire n were rescued. U , s ; . coin-mittc- House Favors Irish Claims. Ry n vote of 216 to Washington March 4 adopted the on house tlie ,jt resolution expressing the hnpe that the pence conference would favorably consider the claims of Ireland to the right of .! cov .d get well. My mother, who had been, helped by s. - New-York- , . Washington. A chronological statement of bandit outrages in tlie Tampico oil fields, compiled from, official sources, has been submitted to the state department. The statement deals with the period from August 15, 1917, to the present and records the killing of twelve men, including eight American citizens; the wounding or otherwise seriously injuring of thirty-on- e people including nine women, some of them Americans ; the theft of ' more than $180,000 in cash, American gold; property destroyed valued at more than $50,000, and the theft of much live stock. In all, 115 raids, attacks, holdups and battles are listed in the record, which includes the depredations perpetrated upon the properties and employes of fourteen different oil com- : ' ' panies. Officials said that with few exceptions these depredations occurred in territory occupied and controlled, by the loyal Mexican forces sent to the oil fields In an effort to dislodge the ba'ndit Pelaez and that irf many cases the regular Mexican soldiers' were- involved. By a local law, foreigners are not allowed to carry arms, so that little resistance could' be made when the bandits attacked!"' " The paymasters of the various companies, it was said here, are compelled to notify Mexican officials at Tampico of the time when they propose to go to the outlying districts to pay employes and the amount of money they will take. In several instances, said, the bandits were hot satisfied with the amount of money offered them when they held up the paymasters and their escorts and demanded the exact sum previously declared by the company to the Tampico officials. This has led to charges of collusion being formally filed with the Mexican government. G wmmmmm r BANDITS SCORE MANY OUTRAGES IN THE RICH TAMPICO ; i OIL FIELDS. E , , , WORLD-WID- Concerns War Debts and Debts Made Repeated Raids Result in Death of Before thejWar in Enemy Countries, Many American Citizens! the Serious and Whether They Are to be Injury of Scores and a Terrible Loss in Property. Paid or Repudiated. 1 Referring to the argument against a league Hint participation by tlie Untied States would tie in opposition to tlie principles laid down by George Washington, .Mr. Tuft deiured lie believed Washington, If lie lived today, would be one of the most earnest and pressing for Die covenant ON PROBLEMS HEARD IN THE, COUNCIL OF POWERS at it - n - two-third- . &r t . : , 5ft suffering, and two doctors decided that I wquld have to. go- - through ar operation before I Vegetable cl I h as. I. raftered from m 'Canton, Ohio. female tronbld which caused me much j, f . ; ... at ft- js .Republican Members of Senate Approve Resolution Which Means Measure May Not; be Approved in j Present Form. Thirty-seve- New York. President Wilson told Washington. A bitter controversy tlie American people ' in an address between President Wilson and the senhere Tuesday niglijon the eve of his ate over the league of nations and a return to Paris-- , hat .he, was going filibuster by a few Republican senaback to the peace conference"; to battle tors seeking to force an immediate exwith renewed vigor four ccreation of a tra session, marked Die passing at , league of natipus. noon on March 4 of the Sixty-fourt- h r, Tlie first". thing I amgafng to tell or great war congress. the people on the other side of the Called in April,. 1017,! to throw Amerwater is that ah' overwhelming major- icas weight into the conflict overseas, ity of tlie lArtverican people is in favor the congress held three momentous of tlie league-4- f nations, said the and historic sessions. Partisanship president.' s is lay dormant during the war, but it Spe.'iking v, after former. President broke forth in the last session to culTaft lute? expounded the main features minate in a final filibuster which sucof the pr(bVfKed' 'covenant of nations, cessfully blocked passage of half of Mr. WHson-tolthe' vast .audience, the fourteen regular appropriation which 'filled' the 'Metropolitan Opera bills, including the $750,000,000 railhouse1, his; opinion of opponents of the road administration revolving fund, league tdaff iif'Afnerica. b4 ? and the huge army, navy and merchant Asserting that the league of nations marine budgets. is infant its if 'hotice to all outlaw Although unsuccessful in their efnallohW that the great peoples of the to record the senate in favor1 of forts world ,vpll no longer tolerate interna- amendment of the constitution of the tional crYmoS, the president Said that league of nations as now drawn, the KurOpe'is a' bit sick at heart at this senators left in the record because seen it is that Republican very' 'fudinent,1 a resolution approved by , thirty-nin- e statesmen have had' no vision, and that of them opposing acceptance of the the Sn1y vision lots been the vision of ; charter in its present form. the people. . and other Leader Lodge Republican 'And I am amazed not alarmed, but was notice to the nmazecl-tli- at there should be in some spokesmen said this and the peace conference quarters'' such a comprehensive ignor- president s that the necessary majority con-t ance of the state of the world,' senate new in ratification of for the i n ued M r, Wi so n. Those gentlemen obthe mind of men the present plan could not be do hot know-whleaders Democratic tained. privately is just now. Everybody else does. belief that amendments I do not know where they have expressed would be made soon after the presibeen closeted; I do know by what indent reached Paris. but been have fluences they blinded; I do know, that they' have been eep ' President Wilson spent an hour at Later a rated from the general currents of the capitol before adjournment. he formally announced that, despite : the .thought of mankind. ' And I . want to utter this solemn the death in the filibuster of the railroad and other bills he would adhere warning, not in tlie .way of a threat ; the forces of the world do not threat- to his refusal to call the new congress en they operate.- Tlie. great tides before- his return from France, and of the world do not give notice .that criticised a group of men for their As a result of the filibusthey are. going, to rise aud run; they obstruction. ter, which held the senate in continrise in their majesty and overwhelmx hours, the ing , might, and, those who .stand in uous session for twenty-sithe way are overwhelmed. ,;Now the president had little' to do at the capheart of the, world, is awake, and tlie itol except sign the $1,000,000,000 wheat guarantee bill and exchange heart, of ..the world must be satisfied. s members with and Americas soldiers, lie said, went overseas feeling they, were sacredly friends. Because of the presidents decision bound to tlie realization of these ideas on the extra session, members who which their, president had enunciated trains felt assured When the United States went intov tlie. crowded that congress would not- again aswar. ... : V- There is another tiling, the presi-- , semble much before June 1. dent said, which critics of the league, WILSON SAILS FOR FRANCE. had not observed. They not only have not observed the temper of the world, but they President Goes Back to Take Up Work Where He Left Off have tot even observed the temper of those splendid boys in khaki that they New York. President Wilson went sent across the seas, he asserted. aboard the U. S. S. George WashingOf George Washington's warning of ton at 12:05 oclock Wednesday mornentangling alliances, President Wilson ing, March 5, with Mrs. Wilson and Tlie said that the IJiing that be, longed, "other members of his party. for was just what we are now about steamship sailed fob France at 8 :15 1 to supply an arrangement which will a. m. ' of the alliances all the A disentangle company of marines stood guard ' ' world. at the army pier where the George The president said criticism of the Washington is docked and their bugler league, do not inake any impression sounded attention as the automobile the sentiment of carrying Mr. Wilson and his wife drove on .ine" . because tbe.country js proof against such nar- HP, Only secret service men and derowness and such selfishness as tliaf tectives were allowed on the pier, In closing, the president said Ameiv icu could look forward with confidence COL C. H. CONNOR , to the future, for he liad heard cheering' 'nows since lie came to this side of the water about the progress that Is being made in Paris towards tlio discussion and clarification of a great many different matters and lie beto be lieved settlements will made .rather rapidly, from this time , on nt those conferences. Declaring that while abroad he had heard cries for the league of nations from the lips of people .who, had go he particular nation of how It was to Indone, the president said It was' conceivable that we should disappoint them; and we shall not.Tlie president smiled broadly when Mr. Taft ' referred to tlie resolution introduced in the senate liy Senator Lodge, proposing rejection of the league of nations constitution ns now drawn.' If the president insists, ns I hope that tlm lie will, said Mr. Taft, league be incorporated in the peart; treaty,, anil brings it back, then tlie responsibility for postponing peace D ' - .i ' with the body, that refuses to ratify ,C - OPERA! ON r -- 3 Are in Favor of the League J i ofj Nations f;i AVOIDED All BEFEAI III SENATE ,1, CRltlfiS IIOW MRS,. BOYD Memorial Planned for Aviators. New York. Plans for U memorial to be erected in the cemetery at Tout, France, where Major Lufbery, Hobey Baker, Blair Thaw and otlieri famous American airmen are burled, have been adopted by the Aero Club of America. ( Finds Lost Daughter at Deaths Door. search for Denver. A nation-wid- e months for his daughter was enddd here when William Luliy county, Illinois, found her suffering from the effects of poison, Woman Shoots at Sleuth Burns. New York. Two shots wefe fired nt William J. Burns, detective agency head, by a woman as Burns' was entering the waiting room of the'Grnud Central station. Neither shot took effect. Garvan is Alien Property Guardian. Washington. Francis 1 Garvan of New York City, was appointed by President Wilson ns alien property custodian to succeed A. Mitchell. Palm-er- , who became attorney general on Jin rch 4. Both Beef and Milk oae breed that In both beef U tbe Shorthorn. Shorthorn steer repeatedly broke the records at tbe markets In 1918, making the high-arecord n the open market of (20.60 perowL And Shorthorn oowe have milk records of over 17,000 lbs. per. year. A a ihirmA mi, having m tctii, qutlih and cutaf fcmewmiMt THE ... I excels aad milk et Irritating Coujjho Promptly treat fcoofhi, cold, homrxneaa broncnl'U and Mmilar laflamed and irritated oondition o( the throat with a teeted remedy |