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Show ry Cqi lm A tlAMMOTH CITY, JUAB COUNTY, fJTAH, SATURDAY, VOL. XXIV. NO. 3 8, 1919. MARCH were present and fully 300 peo- THIS TELLS HOY TO ple, to welcome the returned TAX patriots. It was the largest FIGUREJNGOME momentous most t ' and gathering . occasion held in Mammoth since His Captain Writes from France to Royal Reception Given to the Sailors that Up to Every fndtvldual day when nearly two years Squarely ' to Get Busy by March 15 and Soldiers at Opera Mrs. Pearl McDonald ; ago our boys bravely sallied Hun--a- nd they or Suffer Penalty. foitlrtoget the House Last Night. of Mammoth. him. got "Don't wait until th final fin fiata. The following letter has bet n Van moth surpassed herself March 15, for paying your Ineom Tax n tho entertainment received by Mrs. Arthur McDonMystery of the Missing Spring. and making your return. Avoid the returned sailors and last mlnuts rash. Any person can Agald from the captai n of the cc Cordealia. Contributed by of the district at the ars ont hit liability today a waQ as bs in which her brother, Leoc ;soldiers can noat wsek, and if thsrs Is say Opera House last night. There Spring is hei e, 1 be Haws served in France. oa which ks nosda adrlcs ha cat point was pep iu it from start to finThe ground hog eried, now gst in touch with a Bsvsnus man. letter gives the particulars as t ish and the committees who As from hia dismal This word of adrlcs is from William a Whaley, Collector of Internal Revehied. his untimely death. he planned and executed the splennue, Helena, Mont, who is collecting No shadow do-- see around, Your brother Leon Haws was did demonstration are to be conthe Income Tax in Montana, Idaho and 8o should ' on their I Collector Whaley Is giving withseccess.-Utah. stay why killed in a railroad accident near gratulated out charge every aid of his office and The . was hall underground appropriately e Freueuse, France, the night of his enlarged field force to help the decorated the and rewith stars their and their payments 19i8. We had been get July Spring is hers, turns In by March 15th. , . in France but two days and stripeB which made a beautiful The signs all say. But the Income Tax men will, net were on our way to a training jJackgronnd to the picture that Winter sure has gone pull your door-beor your to the Collectors announce- according area when, whilj oa a siding, the swas presented when at 10 away. It is squarely up to every Indirear end of our train was l uu joclock the curtain was lifted But Mrs. Ground Hog stayed ment. vidual to figure out his own case and into by a freight. Our company frevealing our heroes grouped to get busy If he comes within the below, was in the rear cars and twet. ty (upon the stage with the bov As contrary women will scope of the new Revenue law. Did You Earn This Muchf scouts at the back and two were killed and fifty-seveyou know. unmarried person who reEvery over a severely injured that we sent young 'adits holding flag Income is ceived averaging fl0.25 a week here, Spi ing 1918 and every married couple them to the hospital. At that iho center, where stood a sailor during But on the guund, who Jointly received Income averaging time I was a lieutenant in the one! so dier cl.isp.irg hands. A h3i.vy cover of snow is $38.50 a week should secure at once Whi'e tar I tbe thus grouped company and left by, the comfrom the nearest Deputy Collector or found. was sung Earner Spangled to the nearest bank a blank Form 1040 A. clear the manding officer lied The signs have evidently That form contains the Information he the Scouts salute Boy gavea wrejkage, evacuate the wounded jpdP. The g' ound'jcg was caught will need to enable him to figure his N. Anderson then delivered and bury the dead. The French correct net Income and any tax that he the storm, of welcome address the government owes mas'erly to were kind us and very people And died. The law requires that every unmarWelcome a solo, by sjp'lowsd the their men efforts through ried person who had a net Income of were buried in separate graves jHorae rendered by Mrs. L. C $1,000 or over and every married person whose net Income was $2,000 or NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. in a beautiful valley, with full horsey. over (Including the Income of husband !. Oscar in usual his Andrus, military honors. A baDd was or wife and the earnings of minor there from a neighboring Bel- pleasing vein then delivered a children, If any) must make a return of the Interior. on or before March 15th. And this reDepartment a followed oiation, by stirring gian hospital. All tha stores quirement does not hinge on whether closed and people came from tenor solo by Kingsley Thatcher the person owes a tax. United States Land Office, at Ring Out Bells of miles around to pay tribue. The ntitled Taxable Income. Salt Lake City, Utah, An Individual must Include under 'pace. flowers were the most wonderMarch 4,1919 gross income all gains, profits and inful I have ever se?n. The sym: Sergeant Dean Mikesell was Serial No.0231 62. come derived from salaries, wages or vivid NOTICE is hereby, given that compensation for personal service of patby and hospitality of. the IjH.led upon and gave a 'his experience, in Ar crfc'Jdly-?3- , form French waIT"tLUchnrg? Kacn 1Pt8, ( eor,e I Felt, wbeever kind and In whatever t or from rt, .atiejs? paid professions, and the of discovery Ibapab, Utah, made application business, sales or dealings In property grave will be taken care of by a gonne forest, to select Rection 6,. Township ii of all kinds, Interest rent dividends French family as if it were their of the lost Battalion. b'outh, Range J8 B est, bait Lake or profits derived from any source The was closed rram a by pro own. Base and A;er dian,in lieu of and whatever. Very few Items of Income solo God be with Our Boys in I sympathize with you in your exchange for lection 28, Town- are exempt. To nkht, whereever may They ii ,vouth, Range ig West, Deductions include ordinary and necship loss of a brother. He was a be rendered immoiial by the bait Lake base and Weridian, essary business expenses, Interest paid willing, obedient and loyal solunder the Act of April 2i, I934 or accrued on indebtedness, taxes of all kinds except Federal Income and dier with exemplary habits and great John McCormick, and snng (33 8tat. Ferial No. 023182. excess 2ll). solprofits taxes and assessment his death left a vacancy in our upou this occasion by our The purpose of this notice is to local benefits, losses actually susSildier of boy, Rudolph Lang allow all persons claiming the land tained, debts ascertained to be worth ranks that has never been filled ver city. under themining or other laws, less and depreciation on buildings, ma I made a careful search of his The Ladies Orchestra desiring to show it to be mineral cliinery, fixtures, etc., used in businvss.. cfNephi clothes and the vicinity of the then is allowed for contook tho stage and to tie in character or adversely occupied, A further deduction tributions to corporations operated for wreck but I was unable to find strains of t.heir file to an to opportunity objection music the happy charitable, scientific or edusuch application with the local religious, any personal belongings. . or for the prevention throng danced tie Lours away. officers of the land district in cational purposes If there is anything else that At 12 oclock a bounteous lunch- which the land is situated and to of cruelty to children or15animalscentto an of amount not exceeding per you wish to know please do not eon was served, with hot coffee establish their interest therein or the taxpayers net Income as computed hesitate to write me. without the benefit of the contribution the mineral character thereof. and cocoa. j Such or objections - About 5o s ddiers and sailors protests deduction. With sincere sympathy, The taxpayer Is not allowed to deshould be filed within thirty (3O) duct personal, living or family exdays from the date of the first pense,any amount spent for Improving any publication cf this notice in the property or any expense of restoring United Mates Land Office, Salt property or making good Its exhausLake City, Utah. tion for which an allowance Is claimed DETAILS OF DEATH MAMMOTH HONORS OF LEON HAWES RETURNED HEROES i Income tax retains eoweotly oifree. eouted at ex- - V. A. Taylor spent Thursday in Balt Lake City. Insure your home and household The Primary is planning a St. Patricks dance to be given Friday , goods in the' old reliable Hartford Insurance Co. See Mark Me Much 14. Chrystal, Enreka. Mm. B. Fowler of Goshen 3s the 8. Train Master Wright and Bead-mastguest of her daughter, Mm. J Canavan of the Rio Grande Baldwin this week. Wednesday ia the district There will be a anioa meeting spent after affairs of the road. held in Eureka at the b. D. S. looking Eldon Jenkins returned Tuesday p, m- meeting house Sundsjr at Mare Island, where he has from been Thirty snew shovelers have in the marine corps, been serving railemyloyed by the Eureka Hill received an honorable disroad oompany to keep the high having charge. line openV Mrs. Henry Naylor, Sr.-- , returnMrs. Lewis Petereon went to Silt Lake Sunday for a visit of in- ed to her borne in Paysou Thursin definite length with her mother, day, after a few weeks visit her with S.lver son, Henry Naylor Mm. Fianklin. and his family. John Dean and family moved Income tax returns are to be in on Tuesday to their ranch at Rignext Saturday. Dont overlook by, Idaho, where they expect to by making a report. If you have not remain for the summer.' received a blank, a copy may be The T. 8, K. club met Thursday secured at this office. wih Miss Aldia Elsinore to plan y Our reporter wishes to for another of their delightful pleasant entertainment parties and to compose a club song. given by Mrs. Luke Hickman on Mm. Thomas Walters, formery her new Columbia phonograph, t.f Silver came up from her hrne which was a Christmas gift to her. in Provo Thursday evening to visit Clyde Gout ley who went into her daughter, Mi'S. James Turloup-- i the service in August, has been 3 for a few days. confined for over two months in a Tera .Dickersor, his wife and hospital on the western coast on baby came up Monday evening for account of au abscess on the breast. a ten days visit with Mrs. Dicker-t-on-s He baa recently been released and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thom- hopes soon to get his discharge as Bale, and his sister. Mrs. O. M. from the service, r hosted. Oscar Wilkins returned Tuesday Mrs W.,T.,. Lemmon, returned from S tlake-jaoctbe.r.vJjdley Saturday from Lyndall 'where she towns where he spent a week or so has been nursing Mr. Lemmon, He says spring baa sprung down who is now out of danger and ex- there and he expected to go to farpects to return as soon as he is able ming whan he get to Silver and to travel. was much surprised to find so snow much and cold. Mrs. M. E Conroy has traded her rooming house fcr a home in A number of Silvers patriotic Ran Bernardino,- California, to citizens attended the reeption Mrs. Reynolds of the same place, i iven to the returned . soldiers and who is coining in a few days to sailors at tho opera house in Mamtake charge of the boarding house moth last night and assisted in in Silver. oreeting the heroes of Uncle Sam . and sleighs were requisi-- t Miss Helen Baldwu entertained Jitneys ioned for the occasion and a royal Tuesday night- at a. slumbe: party er acknowl-(dgeiaver- ' 1 d - time was had. being the members of The Junior High School students the T. 8. K. club. They made of until cards and the the district had a jolly sleighing played candy wierd hour of midnight, when sup- party Wednesday, celebrating in Basketball the served. was their victory per seties and wound up with a dancThe S. 8. 8. club met Monday ing, party at the Amusement hall afternoon. with Mrs. Marion Bates in Silver, where they enjoyed and spent a very pleasant after- themselves until 12:80, when the noon quilting for the hostess who Misses Sullivan and served a dainty luncheon. On Doran decided it waa time to Thursday afternoon they were elnmber and mnoh to the regret of delightfully entertained by Mrs. the youngsters, they were whisked regular homeward. Clyde Waters at their meeting. tie guests class-advisors- - , pee-pl- 23-24- ,; , ll oc-cur- h coat-tail- s, f it , ac-'tit'- ef GOOLD B. BLAKELY, " Register. Date of first publication; March 8, 1919- - . H, A. Stone, who entered the Accident at the Dragon. service from Silver last May, relumed to camp Tuesday and expects to stay for a lew weeks. He ' About 11 oclock Friday mornwas detailed to the work of cutting a premature explosion .imbeis for aereoplanes in Oregon. ing at the Dragon Iron mire He nays that in a squadron of 151 in the injury of a coup-1resulting .men but one case of influenza of men. It appears tin. t a appeared. He was released 'fiom cf black powder had her n service about two months ago, charge into a hot hole when it exsince Which time he has been with put ploded. James Simkin of Silver his wito in Salt Lake. was thrown some distance and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hughes ie-- t received a portion of the cliaige timed Tuesday night from 8pau-ia- in the face, while Andrew JohnFork, where they attended the son of Mammoth was thrown Hughes reunion in the Maccabee about 20 feet. His shoulder was half at that place. Nearly 300 injured and his head badly cut relatives were present and iho par. He was taken to his home and t y was held on the 87th birthday as internal injuries were feared, of the oldest member cf the family he was sent to the Provo hospitGrandma Hughes, who was present al this morning. to enjoy the festivities. Last year the attendance was 500, bat owing to many haviug gone to war and - When your home burns, you get the epidemio, the attendance was your Hartford cheek promptly. See Mark MoChrystal, Eureka. diminished. - , , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. I.an l Office at Salt Lake City, Utah Fcbuary s, 1919. Notice is hereby given that SliiiUyi) Evars, cf anaconda, M rut an a, who, on .'uly.ci, 1912, :i fuie Homestead Entry. Serial io. 01C227, -- "i, ec 7, for LL-U- Sec. j, 5; &EJ Sec. 0; iSjrvKj-- NEjNWj, cud NJNSVj, Section 8, .jiMi-hill South, R j e 3 West, Si'.lt J.eke Meiidian, has filed notice ar of iutenUoa to make Pocf, to establish claim to the and above described, before tip Kegister and Receiver, U. S. Land Office, at salt Lake city, Utah, on the 22nd day of March, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Louis Oakley, oi Brovo, Utah. Reed Oakley, ofSilver city, Utah. Arch Lambscn, of Sprineville, U AmmiOakiey,of Springville,Utah -- p I five-ye- GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register. First publication Feb. 8, 1918. Mod-fi- n Who of uome Mpur to" 'lii i, Vituit rnt roii, W y may urmu on w mu ft. JgH WEDPEKI UKN . CO.. VW. , uor. m. wiHhuiRfon, li. i I .1 ,hHr ft m i r, 1 u $ f (vu buuUrotl v H ukmfi vaulwl. Idea , under depreciation. Figuring the Tax, Before figuring the normal tax the dividends are deducted as credits from net Income, together with the personal exemption. A a in previous years, dividends ef domestic corporations are exempt from normal tax whan received by the stockholder. The normal tax rates for citlsus and residents are as follows: On the first $4,000 of net Income In excess of the credits the rate Is 0 per cent; on any further taxable Income the rate. Is 12 per cent. The surtax rates apply to net Income of each Individual In excess of $5,000. The personal exemption and the dividends are not deductible before computing surtax. In the case of returns by husband and wife, the net intome of each Is considered separately In computing any surtax that may bo due. Form 1040 should be used for nmk'ng returns of net Income exceeding $5,000, and the Instructions on that form will show how to figure the surtax. Business House Returns, Employers and others who paid wages, salaries, rents, interest or similar determinable gains In an amount of $1,000 or over during 1913 to any person must file an Information return with the Government. Blanks may be secured from the Collector. Every partnership must tie a return showing its income and deductions and ' the name and address of each partner, with his share of the profits or losses during tho past year. Personal service corporations will file similar Information for 1918. Inoome Tax Reprrfs exertiM the MamraUh Record office. at |