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Show !M THE Electrocuted in Bath Tub t About PuplNhed every Saturday. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS C. M. Sorenson has moved to camp from Moroni. Elmo Moore and wife are up from Nephi calling on their numerous friends. Mrs. Eirkendall returned last night from a weeks visit . with relatives at Springville. Sanford Markham has erected a new dwelling west of the track below the lumber yard. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dewar went to Provo Wednesday to attend the funeral of .Mrs. Joseph Larson. OConnor & Clarke have moved their stock of clothing and gents furnishings from the upper town to their Eureka store. & You Cant Afford to Miss It. Nobody who can possibly arrange to go can afford to miss the coming National Irrigation celebration in Sacramento, beginning September 2d. It will be the grandest occasion of the kind that has ever taken place in this country. A splendid program of public end private entertainments for visThis itors has been completed. includes many novel features. Home of them are unique and can be enjoyed nowhere but in California. Among these is a series of delightful harvest excursions to the great vineyards and orchards of the Golden State. The vast agricultural industries of the great valley of the State, within which Sacramento is situated, will be seen at their be-t- ; the mining camps in the mountains, the big tree forests and the finest ceuery in the world, among the high Sierras, will be visited. Neve again, perhaps, oan strangers from a distance see so much of California with such advantages of cheap railway fares and Miss Blanche Wimmer returned last night from the valley where she has been attending the 'Black Hawk Reunion. Miss Emily Manwill will celebrate her 16th birthday tonight by entertaining a lew of her intimate friends during the evening. Nick Nicholson, formerly a cook in camp, has been visiting here for a lew days. He returned today yto his position at the Scotia mine. Ned Hickman moved his family iver from Eureka and will occupy v.ae building formerly owned by T. McDonnell. Mr. Hickman will deliver for the Mammoth Supply. John McDonald of the upper town and Miss Clara Gill's of Eureka were married in Nephi last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald will return to Mammoth to morrow and will make their future home here, Albert Hagen has closed his store and Chatwin & Co. have taken uuder conditions so attractive. possession of the building and are moving their stock of general mer,. UNIVERSITY OF UTA ohaudise to thtir new location. Insti net ion begins Monday, Sept. The old Chatwin store will be used 16ih. as a meat market only. Registration of students, September 3th and 14ih. Entrance For the Eagles outing at Lagoon examinatio 11th, s, September on Wedneday, August 28. the 12th and 13th. engineerCollege, Salt Iaike route will sell ticket at norma i and preparatory courses $2 00 for the round trip to Salt ing, are preferred Lake. Special liain leaves Mamhe catalogue which outliues all moth at 7:40 a. in. and return the Coll ge work, the prepaiatory special will lea v.- Lagoon at 11:15 catalogue wnieh describes the p. m. norand two of years prepaiatory The farewell party given last mal preparatory work, or an illusnigi t at the L. D. S. meeting house trated booklet of the Sc' ool of for James Greenhalgh. who leaves Mines, will be sent free on applicain a few days on a mission, was a tion to UNIVERSI I Y OF UTAH. very pleasant and social success and netted $50. A choice program Salt Lake City, Utah . o of song and recitation was rendered and ice cream and cake were Marshal Stillman was over from served. Eureka yesterday after live tramps After strenuous effort the Ogden who h id entered Shrivers clothing Elks expect to brake away from store and purloined some watch their grazing ground to feed on chains. A portiou of the gang had attracted the attention of the clerk pastures new in Eureka tomorrow, in the back of the store while the Tintio Elks are proposing to show Four them a torrid time. Among the others helped themselves. men were 30 of the minutes things that will be shown them is to leave town andgiven the other was the new method of playing ball to held court. district the according to the wooly rules. Game is called for 2 oclock Sunday afterMiss Madge Johnson of Spanish noon. Fork, and the Misses Blanche, Dr, Bailey, Harry Elmer, Roy Martha and Leah Henderson, of of Elmer, Robert Cowan and Hank daughters H. 8. Henderson, Clemons went to Spanish Fork Salt Lake, are the guests of their Mrs. Kirkendall at the Mamyesterday from where they will aunt, moth hotel. drive up Spanish Fork canyon to the head of White river to spend ten days writh the trout. They expect to bring back a wagon load of fish to supply all their friends if the fish will consent to the arrange- '3. ) oclock this morning Arthur Morley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morley, was found dead in a bath tub at Morley s barber shop in Eureka. It appears that about 9:30 last night the lad went to the shop to take an electric bath and after turning on the water he Btood in the tub to connect the electric machine when the current entered his body. It was found that he was severely burned from the ear to the shoulder. He must have fallen hack into the tub where he remained until found in the morning in the water which had been running all night. Deceased was 21 years old. Funeral services will be held Sunday afternoon at 2 oclock from the Elk Favilian in Eureka under the auspices of the Eagles. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of the community. 7 1 - f K To ment. n. J. Easeell9 saloon building, which has been moved to the middle towD, is nearing completion and will be handsomely fiuished with a mohogony wainscot and other appropriate decorations. Mr. Hassell expects to occupy his new quarters next week, after which work on the new opera house will he resumed. The opera house will he completed and opened early in September. On Wednesday night, while driving down from Mammoth, the horse driveu by George Bibbeus started to run and struck the electric light pole which stands in the middle of the road just below the school house. As a result the buggy was broken and Mr. Bibbeus was thrown to the ground with such violence that his head and shoulder were very Beverly bruised hut fortunately no hones were broken. The incorporation of the Bay State Mining Co., has been completed with Con T. Sullivan as president; W. E. Bays, Geo. Udall, secretary and C. E. Berry and Richard Sullivan diree-tors- . Assays made yesterday from surface rock gave 18 ozs. silver, 2 per cent copper and some gold. Arrangements are now being made vice-pres- to start work. '" fOLLEGE SB Norfolk Va. and Eastern Cities Daily low round trip rates with diverse routing and side trips, reaching New York, Boston, Phil- OF UTAH Utahs Csreat industrial School adelphia, Washington and all Eastern Point. PREPARES MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE East and Return Kansas Missouri and other River City Points, $32.00; Chicago, $44.50; St. Louis, $39.50. Dates of sale, Sept. 4th and 5th. Return limit. Oct. To Learning is wealth to the poor, ami honor to the rich, an aid to the young, a support and comfort to the aged, Bacon. 31st, 1907. COURSES OF STUDY AGRICULTURE Agronomy, Horticulture, Anuntil September 30th, 1907. imal Industry, Veterinary Science, Dairyiug, Irrigation, Drainage, Farm, Mechanics, Road Building, Choice of three routes. Mexico City and Return $78.40-Diy- ily etc. DOMESTIC SCIENCE and ARTS-Cook- ing, Plenty of other rates to Eastern Dietetics, Hauitation, Hygiene, Sewing, Household Hummer Resorts. Economics, Home Nursing, etc. For further particulars apply, to MECHANIC ARTS Carpentry, Forging, PatF. Warren, G. A., Atchison, tern Making, Carriage Building, Foundry Work, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 411 Dooly Machine Work, etc. Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. C. NOTICE,. Courses also offered in Training and Library Work. Music, Art, Physical -- This notice will lie published for 5 successive weeks under departmental instructions of iprii 25, 1907, and during Address, The Registrar, Agricultural this period protests or contests against the claim of the state to any of the tracts or Bubdfvisio1 s hereinbefore described on the ground that the same is more valuable for mineral than for agricultural purposes wdi.be received and noted for report to the General Land Office at COLLEGE Washington, n c. failure so to protest or contest wit bin the time specified will lie considered sufficient evidence of the character of said tracts, ai d the selections thereof being otherwise NOTICE. free from objection will be recommended United 8tates Land Office, Salt Lake for approval. 1 . D. R. City, U ah, July 22, 1907. Thomps in, To Whom It May Concern: lluiiitstur Notice is hereby driven that the State of 33 5t Utah has filed in this office lists of lends, selected by the said state, as Indemnity NOTICE. School I. amis, under section 6 of the Act of digress, approved July 16, 1894, as United States Land Office, Salt Lake follows, viz: City, Utah. Aug. 7, 11)07. S W U N K y4 Sec. 28, N W 14 N VV 14 THE To Whom it May Concern: Sec. 27. S E 14 S W y4 Sec. 22. (State41 1, Notice is herebv given that the State of U. I. R.) E y2 s W 14 Sec. 28, 308, Utah lias filed in this office a list of lands U. I. R.) T, 13 S.,R. 4 W., S. (State L. M. selected by the said state under section 6 as so relate of said far they lists, of the Act of Congress approved July 16. toCopies said tracts by descriptive sulnii visions, 1804, us Indemnity School Lands, as have been conspicuously posted in this follows: office for inspection by any person inters half n w qr; sw qrsec. 1 2, be qr x w qr; by the public generally. s half xe qr; n half be qr; ne qr sw qr sec. ested, andthe period of publication of this During 11 s, r3 w, (Staie423, U I. K.) ll.T notice, under departmental instructions A copy of said list so far as it relates to of April 25, 1907. protests or contests said tracts by descriptive subdivisions against the claim of the state to any of lias been conspicuously posted in this the tracts or subdivisions hereinbefore office for inspection by any person inter- described, on the ground thut the same ested and by the public genernllj . is more valuable for mineral than for 'ill's notice will be published for 5 con- agricultural purposes, will be received inunder weeks secutive departmental and noted for report to the General Land structions of Apiil 25, 11)07, and during Otticeat Washington, o. G. Failure so title period protests or contests against to protest or contest, within the time the claim of the state to any of the specified, will be considered sufficient tructs or subdivisions hereinbefore evidence of the character of on the ground that the same iH the tracts, and the selections thereof, more valuable for mineral than for agriotherwise free from objection, will cultural purposes will he received and being be recommended for approval. noted for report to ihe General Land E. D. K IHOMI'HON.' Office at Washington, n. c. Failure ho to Register. protestor contest within the time speci- First publication August 3, 1907, fied will beconsidered sufficient evidence of the character of said tracts, and the selection thereof, being In the District Court of the United otherwise free from objection will be recommended for approval. States for the District of Utah. K, 1). K. Thompson, the matter of Samuel II. Freckleton, In Register. bankrupt. Ko. 1000 ill bankruptcy. Petition for Dis- College LOGAN, UTAH OPENS ON SEPT, 17, 1907. THE non-miiiu- H. J. HASSELL , J POPULAR RESORT OF MAMMOTH My Goods are selected end I carry a complete Stock, luch as Quaker and Harper Whiskies, Milwaukee, Zang and ABC Bee BOTTLED GOODS FOR FAMILY USE non-miner- i non-miner- al SCENIC LINE OF THE WORLD. charge. To the Hi m oral) Patrons: 0 John A. Marshall, Judge of the District Court of the United States of lTt di: for the Sumuel 11. Robinson, in the t ounly of Juab and Htite of Utah, iu said rcp csents that on the 22nd dn y of 8rpi tinker Ls past, he was duly adjudgi d bin Rrupt under toe acts of Congress it luting to bu krnptcyj thut he lms duly surrendered ah bin property and rights of pi op rtv, and bn- - fully complied with a'i the requirements of Kiid acts and of the orders oi the Court toticmng his Dii-trt- if bankruptcy. berefore he prays Mint I o luav be decreed by the Court t have n f ill discharge from all debts pr"V;,bo ugui'i-- t liis estate under said bankrupt u'd-- . except such debts a are excepted bv law from such discharge. Dated this tith day of February, A. D.19D7. V SaMPI'.L 11. FkKCKLVTiiN, P N S If0 B S N 3 TlIKRKoN. District or Utah. S Is now larger that ever and the prices will please you. tin tins l'.ltli day of Augu-t- , A. D. 1007, on muli"g the foregoing petition it in Ordered by th" Court, that a Inuring be lmd upon the same on the J2th day of Se;.t'in-hiA. D. 1907, before said Court, at Salt nt ten oclock Lake City , in said iu the forenoon; and that notion there if bo publi'hi'd in the Mammoth Ri.cord. a newsand that all paper printed in known creditors and other peisoii.- - in intor-o-- t inav appear nt t' e aid tine; and pines and rIhiw cu-e- . il any they have, whv the prayer of the aid p litioiu r should not be granted. And it is further or h red by the Court, that the clerk ball by tnuil ti all creditors copies ot ai l petition and know this order, aildn-e- d to them at their plan's a- - stati d. of oinir.'dili: John A. l. Witne-- s the Court, ninl the seal Judge of the thereof, at Salt Lake City, in said on the Lull day of August, A. 1). . CLARKE OPPOSITE UNCLE SAf.i SALCCJI EUREKA MODEL HOTEL MRS. E. JJ. PLUXLEE, Prop. AMERICAN OR EUROPEAN PLAN. -- .; & Through Pullman and Tourist Sleepers to Denver St. Louis and Chicago For Foldeis, Booklets, etc., address, I. A. BEN l'ON, G. A.P. D. Salt Lake City, Utali. llunkrupt, ORIIER OR NOTICE -- KAYES BSILDIS3, ENGINEERING Irrigation Engineering with University ofUtah. first-clas- 1 T, OCONNOR GENERAL SCIENCE English, Mathematics, History, Economics, Modern Languages, Natural and Physical Sciences, etc. CONSIDER THESE ADVANTAGES Having moved our stock of goods to Eureka, we invite you to call. We appreciate the patronage you have given us in the past and hope to merit a continuance of your Our line of . . . trade. Ir SJ Dusiuess Administration, Accounting, Banking, Transportation, Commercial Law, Stenography, etc, States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Augusta, 1007. A large, trained faculty of experts; twenty buildings with splendid equipment.-- ; farms, orchard.--, To Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given tliat the State of in one of the best towns of the Utah has tiled in this office a list of lands, gardens, livestock, and farm buildings; beautiful and healthful surroundings selected by the said state, under the 12th state; a vigorously moral atmosphere; modern conrsra of study, carefully arranged to enable men and section of the Act of Congress, approved women to sectire the comforts of life, and to make every day a happy one. July 16, 1894, as follows, viz: sw i4 be 14, be V4 hw i4 sec. 22, n i s All the graduates of the College occupy positions; its students have been uniformly sucn w 1,4 sec. 27, T 11 s. It .1 W, embraced in List A chord of Mines. for cessful. The College has good opportunities securing employment for it graduates. A copy of said list so as it relates to 00. The illustrated circular and catalogue will said tracts by descriptive subdivisions Expenses are low. No tuition; entrance fee has been conspicuously posted in this sent free. be will and interest office forinsptetion by any person interyou ested and b.v the public generally. Unltod cir Mammoth MENS COMMERCE -- -- 11 Mar-bal- Pi-tl'i- 1907. Att-- Newly Furnished Short Order Cafe in Connection t: Jkuuui.i) U. I.kti'hi siAtor RATES, St. OO TO S2.00 PER DAY by Mauuahit cwL'RtJ r. Clerk, 1. Conmu., Deputy Cleik. Old Danahoue Store BPdg. - Upper Mammoth |