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Show taken up with her, I must have been thinking, underneath, of the warning she had brought; for, perhaps half s of au hour after she or left, I was suddenly wliiiled out of a by my revet le at the window into a my thrust like pistol thought face. "What if they' should include And just as a mau beRoebuck! gins to defend himself from a sudden danger before he clearly sees what the danger is, so 1 began to act before I even questioned whether my suspicion was plausible or absurd. went into the hall, rang the bell, coat over r..v slipped a on a hat. and dress put evening When Sanders appeared, I said: "I'm going out for a few minutes perhaps an hour if any one should A moment later I was in a ask. hansom and on the way to Roebucks The door of Roebucks house was t opened for me by a maid a would have been a sinful luxmight be the hireury, a ling of plotters against his life. I may add that she looked the cheap and her manners were of the free and fresh sort that indicates a feeling that as high, or higher, wages, and less to do could be got elsewhere. I dont think you can see Mr. Roebuck, she said. Take my card to him, I ordered, and I'll wait in the parlor. Parlors in use, she retorted with a sarcastic grin, which I was soon to & three-quarter- firAK !: :. fcv&t V i 1 light-weig- 7 DAVID (H2AHAM PHILLIPS, (C&r&SffT J90S hCAs BCSBS-IZZBSZ- CHAPTER XXII. Continued. "You scoundrel! she hissed, her whole body shaking and her appearance of the pious evening of youth swallowed up tn a black cyclone of hate. You gutter-plant! God will punish you for the shame you have brought upon us! I opened the door and bowed, without a word, without even the desire to return insult for Insult had not Anita evicfentry again and finally rejected them and chosen me? As they passed into the private hall I rang for Sanders to come and let them out. When I turned back into Anita was seated, the drawing-room- , I waited until w'us reading a book. I saw she was not going to speak. Then I said: "What time will you But my face must have dinner? have been expressing some of the Joy and gratitude that filled me. She has 1 was chosen! saying to myself over and over. "Whenever you usually have it, she replied, without looking up. "At seven oclock, then. You had better tell Sanders. I rang for him and went into my She had resisted little smoking-room- . her parents final appeal to her to return to them. She had cast In her lot with me. "The rest can be left to time, said I to myself. And, reviewing all that had happened, 1 let a wild hope send tenacious roots deep into me. How often ignorance is a blessing; how often knowledge would make the step falter and the heart quail! Z e TTlFCaSTtie AWcvrt&vy3 you her exact words as far as I can." Well, said I, and why didnt you go?" She pressed her lips firmly together. Finally, with a straight look into my eyes, she replied: "I shall not dis cuss that. You probably misunderstand, but that is your own affair." You believed what she said about me, of course, said I. I neither believed nor disbelieved," as she she answered indifferently, rose to go. It does not interest me. "Come here, said I. I waited until she reluctantly Joined me at the window. I pointed to the steeple of the church across the way. You could as easily throw down that steeple by pushing against It with your bare hands, I said to her,-athey, whoever they are, could put me down. They might take away my money. But if they did, they would only be giving me a lesson that would teach me how more easily to get it back. I am not a bundle of stoc certificates or a bag of money. I am here, and I tapped my forehead. She forced a faint, scornful smile. She did not wish me to see her belief of what I said. 1 You may think that is vanity, went on. But will learn, sooner or man-servan- man-serva- understand. coat So I stood by the she went and hat rack while in at the hall door of the back himself Soon Roebuck parlor. came out, his glasses on his nose, a family Bible under his arm. "Glad to see you, Matthew, said he with saintly kindliness, giving We are just me a friendly hand. about to offer up our evening prayer. Come right in." I followed him into the back parlor. Both it and the front parlor were ; in a sort of circle extending lighted-- s XXIII. ATTENDS FAMILY PRAYERS. During dinner I bore the whole burden of conversation though burden I did not find it Like most closemouthed men, I am extremely talkative. Silence sets people to wondering and prying; he hides his secrets best who hides them at the bottom of a river of words. If my spirits are high, I often talk aloud to myself when there is no one convenient And how could my spirits be anything but high, with her sitting there opposite me, mine, mine for better or for worse, through good and evil report my wife! She was only formally responsive, reluctant and brief in answers, volThe servants unteering nothing. waiting on us ho doubt laid her manner to bhyness; I understood it, or thought I did but I was not troubled. It is as natural for me to hope as to breathe; and with my knowledge of character, how could I take seriously the moods and impulses of one whom X regarded as a child like girl, trained to false pride and false ideals? "She has chosen to stay with me, said I to myself. Actions count, not words or manner. A few days or weeks, and she will be herself, and And I went gaily on with mine. my efforts to interest her, to make her smile and forget the role she had commanded herself to play. Nor was I wholly unsuccessful. Again and again I thought I saw a gleam of interest in her eyes or the beginnings of a smile about. that sweet mouth of hers. I was careful not to overdo my part. As soon as we finished dessert 1 You loathe cigar smoke, so Ill said: hide myself in my den. Sanders will 1 had mybring you the cigarettes. self telephoned for a supply of her kind early in the day. She made a polite protest for the but I was benefit of firm, and left her free to think things over alone in the drawing-rooI railed it. your sitting-room- , had not finished a small cigar when there raine a timid knock at my door. 1 threw away the cigar and opened. Im "I thought it was you, said I. familiar with the knocks of ail the others. And this was new like a summer wind tapping wilh a flower for admission at a closed window. And I laughed with a little raillery, and folio smiled, colored, tried to seem 01(1 and hostile a;u!n. Shall I go wilh you to mir I went on. g-room? Tcrhaps the cigar smoko here "No, no, she interrupted; "I don't really mind cigars and the windows are wide open. Besides. I came for only a moment just to say As she cast about for words to carry her on, 1 dow up a chair for her. She looked at It uncertainly, seated herself. "When mamma was her1 this afternoon," she went on, she was urging mo to to do what she wished. And after she had used several arguments, she said something 1 Ive been thinking It over, and it seemed I ought In fairness to tell BLACKLOCK 1 sittin- you. waited. In ft few days more he 'She said: that meant you 'he will be ruined. He imagines the whist is over tor him, when in fact they'vo only begun. I repeated. Who aro They! they? Tho Langdons? I think so, she replied with sn ffort "She did not say Iv told I manded. It has always been, ana a; ways shall be, my method to fight It, the open. This, not trom pnnctple. men Koine but from expediency. fight best in he brush; I dont. So 1 always b!rja b.'.Ule by shelling the How Richard Was Saved woods. No." he said, amazing me by his instant frankness. "The announce- ment has been postponed. Why did he not lie to me? Why did he not put me off the scent, as he might eas'Ty have done, with some shrewd evasion? I suspected I owed it to my luck in catching him at family prayers. "When will the reorganization be announced?" I asked. "1 can not say, he answered. "Some difficulties chiefly labor difficulties have arisen. Cntil they are settled, nothing can be done. Come to me and well talk about it. That is all I wished to know, said I, wilh a friendly, easy smile. "Good night. It was his turn to be astonished and he showed it, where 1 had given not a sign. What was the report you heard?" he asked, to detain me. "That you and Mowbray Langdon had conspired to ruin me," said I, laughing. He echoed my laugh rather hollowly. "It was hardly necessary for you to come to mo about such a a statement." Hardly, I answered dryly. Hardly, indeed! .For I was seeing now all that I had been hiding from myself since I became iufatuated with Anita and made marrying her my only real business in life. We faced each other, each measuring the other. And as his glance quailed before mine, I turned away to conceal my exultation. In a comparison of resources this man who had plotted to crush me was to me as giant to midget. But I had the joy of realizing that man to man, I was the stronger. By Nellie Cravey Gilmore (Copyright, by Joseph B. Bowles ) herself Miss Rasdale contemplated Looks that way now. Interposed severely in the mirror that had Henderson, as they moved off toward danced coaxlngly opposite for the past the ear. He regarded her quizzically two hours. An embryo pucker flick- for an instant. "The wedding will doubtless proceed, anvway, he sugered for a moment between two blackish-brown brows that all but met above-- gested banteringl z. Irish-blu"But but you?' eyes pair of wide-set- , "Unfortunately, I am unable to atjust now a trifle shadowed. From time to time she cast impa- tend. 1 had expected doing so up to tient glances up and down the car, a couido of days ago; but business starting expectantly every time a door exigencies, you know Miss Rasdale looked at him with opened and closed. The porter came What the through at last, flourishing a premoniwide, questioning eyes. and Miss Rasdale bridegroom!" she exclaimed, as they tory whisk-broom- , assailed him eagerly. stepped aboard the car. "Dear me, How much farther is it to Johns- what are we coming to? town? she asked, and are you perOh, the bridegrooms all right, I fectly sure can make safe connec- guess as bridegrooms go," he antion with that through train to Cincin- swered. with an amused smile. nati? I mustnt, by any means, get I really dont understand. there later than noon. But Hencleison laughed heartily. Well bo In Johnstown now in ten you would if you knew old Dick as minutes. Miss. The train you will take well as I do. Is scheduled to reach Cincinnati about "Old Dick? But isnt that your name eight in the morning. Richard Henderson? Thank you. Yes, you may dust To my everlasting sorrow. I must me. Miss Rasdale rose with a palpa- confess it. We are, as It happens, ble sigh of relief, and submitted grate- brother's children, and we both at one fully to the deft strokes of the broom, time hailed from Pittsburg. You see. slipping a piece of money quietly into It was pretty tough on me when I had the porters hand. to fall heir to all the bills and duns, When she stepped out on the platwhile Dick came in for most of the he smiled in a form, a fine mist of snow had set In, good things. Still that whipped her face like thousands way that made his gray eyes look very of tiny lashes. She pulled down her pleasant Indeed I shall have to adthickest veil, and turning a huge mit that both of us enjoyed some pretstorm-colla- r close up about her neck, ty narrow escapes, to be exact. hurried Into the waiting room. Miss Rasdale watched the flying The usual crowd of motley-faced- , buildings with an odd light in her lunch-eatinfagged-ou- t travelers was Irish-blueyes. Her face had relaxed there, and the air was thick and suf- - Its tense expression, and a curious XXIV, little smile the first for many a day MY WIFE MUST! flickered about her lips. Somehow, As I drove away, I was proud of mylooked remarkably changed in things I self. had listened to my death senthe past five minutes. But then, the tence with a face so smiling that he mist had cleared as though by magic, must almost have believed me unand a perfect flood of sunshine threw conscious; and also, it had not even Its prodigal splendor of gold over the entered my head, as I listened, to earth. beg for mercy. Not that there would Soon the car slid to a standstill at have been the least use in begging; their stopping place, and In silence as well try to pray a statue into life, they stepped down on the pavement; as try to soften that set will and purdown a steep hill with a quaint, whitepose. Still, many a man would have washed fence running past she should weakened and I had not weakened. never forget those details to her dyBut when I was once more in my ing day through several stuffy rooms, apartment in our apartment perand out onto a thronged platform haps I did show that there was a just In time to see the swaying end of weak streak through me. I fought the last coach disappear below a disagainst the impulse to see her once tant Incline! more that night; brt I fought In Miss Rasdale turned nonplussed vain. I knocked at the door of her eyes up to her companion. "There sitting-rooa timid knock, for me. you don't think theres another I could No answer. I knocked again, more get in time? she questioned faintly. loudly then a third time, still more Not In time for the wedding no. The door and she loudly. opened Heavens what In the world shall stood there, like one of the angels I do? I wonder when the train back that guarded the gates of Eden after will leave here? the fall. Only, Instead of a flaming I could easily find that out for sword, hers was of Ice. She was in you. But really, dont you think it Mr. Henderson! She Exclaimed. a dressing-gowor tea gown, white would be better for you to wait over and clinging and full of intoxicating hints and glimpses of all the beauties focatlng from a mammoth heating a day? You knew my sister Anna at of her figure. Her face softened as stove In the center of the room. Miss school. She's married and living here she continued to Iook at me, and 1 Rasdale found a seat in a deserted now. She'd be delighted to have you corner and endured it for exactly five stop with her, I know. Come home entered. she consulted with us, and lets wateh the old year No please dont turn on any more minutes. Afterwards found and that two full die together? Surely that would be a her watch, I as she moved toward said, lights, must before she could better way than traveling all night on hours elapse the electric buttons. I just came In to to see If I could do anything for get her train. She started up impa- a disagreeable train. Miss Rasdale hesitated. The prosIn fact, I had coqie, longing tiently, and out Into the fine white you. for her to do something for me, to drizzle, to walk away the time, and pect was certainly alluring, but enI don't Intend to take 'no' for an show in look or tone or act some incidentally, some of the surplus on was nerves her that up ergy piling answer. Well just get into this carsympathy for me in my loneliness with every passing second. riage thats driving up now. and trouble. Somehow, the whole journey and She allowed herself to be led, withHer No, thank you," she said. voice seemed that of a stranger who everything connected with It was In- out resistance, and helped to a seat In wished to remain a stranger. And tolerable to her had been so from the the carriage, and without resistance she was evidently waiting for me to beginning. And had It not been for or regret to be whirled away over the go. You will see wliat a mood I was the faithful promise she had made to smooth gravel. In when I say I felt as I had not since act as mald-o- f honor at the wedding of Once, wnen she thought he was I, a very small boy Indeed, ran away her best friend, Mazle Howard given looking the other way, she stole a surfrom home; I came back through the when they two were at school to- reptitious glance Into Henderson's chilly night to take one last glimpse gether, and renewed at each recurrent face, but the quick look he flashed of the family that would soon be visit between them she never would back revealed something In the grav-blaeeyes she could not mistake, and realizing how foolishly and wickedly have consented to the Immolation. Out In the biting air, she quickened broke down the pretense between them unappreciative they had been of such a treasure a3 I; and when I saw them her footsteps and walked rapidly for all at once. "Viola, he said, laying his hand for sitting about the big fire In the lamp- several squares, till she could feel the blood pulse warm and free in her a moment over hers, "after months of light, heartlessly comfortable and unSomething like othllaration miseiy and silence and doubt almost concerned, it was all I could do to body. keep back the tears of strong self-pit- y came to her then, and with the tonic despair Fate, it seems, has mercifulof it racing through her sins. she ly thrust you aeioss my path. It isn't and I never saw them again. Ive seen Roebuck," said I to Anita, hastened on and on, totally unmindful a (lav of miracles, and surely this because I must say something, if 7 of the passage of time. must mean something. I want you to was to stay on. When Miss Rasdale came to herself, tell me, here and now, the reason for he abrupt "Roebuck?" she inquired. Her she was standing at the end of a your sudden coldness tone reminded me that his nutae con street, in front of a small pavilion cessation of your letters the return looking out over the lake. She looked of mine, unopened veyed nothing to her. Ho and I are In an enterprise toMiss Rasdale broke into a little unagain at her wateh, noting with paling I explained. Tie Is the one face that only 15 minutes remained in certain laugh tlmt bore a swift sug-g- i gether, which to got hack to the depot and stioti of tears in its transcienoe. man who could seriously cripple me. rateh her train! A sudden panic seized it's too ridiculous, she jerked oip, Oh, she said, and her indifference, forced though I thought It, wounded. her; what should she do? She turned ((during furiously, "hut lint when said I, your mother was to look about her for some means of Maie wrote me that she was to marry Well, conveyance car, cab, anything when a Mr. Richard Hon right. llemleisoa laughed outright. "Again She turned full toward me, and even her eyes fell on the strangely familiar t of a very under dog!" He bent toward her the young figure I saw dimness in the her quick sym man coming diieetly toward her, and suddenly then so close that his waim patliy an impulsive flash Instantly bieath lifted the fine hair fiom per entirely unconscious of her identity, gone. But It had been there! "Mr. Henderson!" she exclaimed, as temples. "Viola," lie began pleadingI came in here, I went on, to ray lie was on tho point of brushing past ly, "after what has happened, we that Anita, It doesnt in tho least her. really oughtn't to take a second risk. matter. No one In this world, no ono "You! lie lifted hi3 hat in swift There is but one thing to do, isn't and nothing, could hurt me except Well, this is certainly no tlieio, dear? We can he man led in through you. So long as I have you, recognition. end of surprises," bo smiled, extendtime to see this unlucky old year the rest all of them they together hand. a cordial ing pass out of exist enee, and go hack cant touch me. Miss Rasdale had been staring at home on our wedding trip. Dick might, We were both Bilent for several minhim incredulously for the half of a b some untoward i bailee, s iccee i.i utes. Then she said, and her voice It seems we are both in getting annihilated in a iai!roa minute. wus like the smooth surface of the somewhat of a dilemma," she managed wreck, whereupon I bhould certain' v river where the boiling rapids run lo falter out presently. he called upon to husband his wil-oBut you havent ino and deep: "How so?" never shall have. Ive told you that, tho wedding, of comae! But Miss Rasdale had been staling out I warned you long ago. No doubt you I "Why, simply must catch that train. Isnt of the carriage window at f lie rows of will pretend, and people will say, that w there a car or something She hilling trees and cottng h I left you because you lost your a car all right; tho smiled swiftly us she turned uni met "Oh, theres yea; money. But it wont ho so. red one over there will take you the impassioned g'uece fivd upon I was beside her instantly, was lookto the depot, but Im very her. A wave of quick color tua Tom straight Into her What do you face, ing euh afraid" lie shook his head mu k to brow. I asked, and I did not mean? speall dHcourngtngly. "I think, pm hups, I would better gently, Miss Rasdale gave him a helpless tiy to save von," she sail softly, I (To be Continued. And we will begin the New Year on fiance. "Oh, dear!" she cried. "Dont I shall a bluer basis, at least, j tijr to tell me that 1 e k I WAITED. later, the difference between boasting into both rooms were all the RoeThis and simple statement of fact You bucks and the four servants. will learn that I do not boast. What Is my friend, Matthew Blacklock, I said is no more a boast than for a said he, and the Roebucks In the cirman with legs to say, I can walk.' cle gravely bowed. lie drew up a Because you have known only leg- chair for me, and we seated ourselves less men, you exaggerate the diff- Amid a solemn hush, he read a chapiculty of walking. Its as easy for me ter from the big Bible spread out up to make money as It Is for some peo- on his lean lap. My glance wandeied from face to face of the Roebucks, ple to spend it." It is hardly necessary for me to say as plainly dressed as were their serI was not insinuating anything vants. I was able to look freely, mine against her people. But she was just being the only eyes not bent upon then supersensitive on the subject, lie tioor. So absorbed was I in the study of She though I did not suspect It. You will not have any the Influence of his terrible master-characte- r flushed hotly. upon those closest to it, cause to sneer at my people on that Let account lrereafter," she said. "I set- that 1 started when he said: I followed the us pray example tled that of the others and knelt. The audible I was not sneering at them," I T wasnt even thinking of prayer was ..derod up by his oldest a widow. them. And you must know that it's daughter, Mrs. Wheeler, a favor to me for anybody to ask iihj Roebuck punctuated each paragraph in her series of petitions with a to do anything that will please you amen. When she prayed Anita!" for the whom Thou has led stranger of a She made Impatience. gesture I see Id better tell you why I did seemingly by chance Into our little not go with them today. I Insisted circle, lie whispered the amen more that they give back all they have fervently and repeated it The prayer taken from you. And when they re- ended and. us on our feet, the servants withdrew; then, awkwardly, all fused, I refused to go." That Is, I don't care why you refused, or the family except Roebuck. I am they closed the doors between the two imagined you refused," said I. content with the fact that you are rooms and left him and me alone In the front pat lor. pure," I shrl not detain you long, Mr. But you misunderstand It," she an-s- ' A report reached Roebuck, said I. fered coldly. mo this eveulng that sent mo to you I dont understand it, I dont mis-I ac-- at once. iderstand It, was my reply. If possible, Matthew, said he, and pt It. Slit turned away from the window, he could not hide his uneasiness, put Ifted out of the room you, who off business until to morrow. My mind is not in the love or at least have loved, can Imtoo, I trust agine how It made me fed to see Her ftamo for that kind of thoughts now. Is the Coal organization to b anmoving about in those rooms ,of mine. 1 de While the surface of tny mind was nounced tins first of July? I pfo-teste- loudly-whis- u c I 1 I |