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Show SALAD A NEW TRIUMPH IN DIP MAKING DOUBLE CTrEISUTh. LOW COST, FRtIQHT Makes lt ITS USE PERMITTED lit all OFFICIAL DIPPINGS DEARER THAN NO UHE AND CRUDE SULPHUR gals, for Scab, official 1 gal. makes strength or 200 gals, for ticks, lice, etc. 1 gal Can 1.75, 5 gal Can 8 50, W gal. brl. 75.00 120 WILLM. COOPER a Desirable NEPHEWS ORDER OF YOUR MERCHANT OR WRITE Dr. S. D. C1LLETT, General Agent 715 SIXTH AVE., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. When You Come to Salt Lake City Dont fail to call at onr store and look through, whether yon want to buy nr not. Too can learn 170 'MAIN ST. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. vorce - dining-room- Mock Potted Pigeon. he exclaimed, this Is Oklahoma!! Why, do you know? confidentially, I even found a porcelain bathtub In my room. Well, said an Oklahoman, drily, dont you have those in New York? slice of Cut the thinnest possible off the round, and trim into squares of about seven inches. Serve with the following dressing: Soak some white bread In water until soft, squeeze dry and add one egg, a good piece of finely chopped onion, a little chopped parsley and salt and paprika pepper to taste; mix well and spread on sliced meat to make about half the thickness of the body of the pigeon; fold and tie at both ends; put in a stewpan with water enough to nearly cover, and let simmer for an hour and a half; after the first 30 minutes add a tablespoonful of vinegar. well-beate- Abnormally Sensitive. Awfully sensitive about trifles, Isnt he? I should say he Is! Why, that man is so personally sensitive that he can tell If a single one of the 8,500 pores that fill the average inch of human skin Isn't In working or- der." When you start to read "Satan San Hallie Erminle Rives latest novel, published by the Bobbs-MerriCompany, Indianapolis, you should be cure that you are in shape for a protracted reading spree, for the interest Is such that you will in all proba bility find It Impossible to lay aside this fascinating story until you have reached the final page. The charac ters are forcibly drawn, the action ol the plot moves swdftly, and one seems to walk and talk with the characters so vivid is the word picturing of Miss Rives. The physical resemblance ol two men causes no end of misunder standing and misery, and from the mo ment of the automobile accident in which one loses his identity, until tlie time when he is saved from dis grace and possible death by a repent ant and dying man who so closely re eembles him in general appearance one is kept guessing an to the final outcome. Satan Sanderson is well worth the time spent In its perusal. derson, ll the wife of the man who saved her from drowning. There are men who will be mean enough after this to Inquire before they save drowning women whether they are married or not. Francis by "Empire Builders, Lynde, published by the Bobbs-MerriCompany, Indianapolis, ts a story ol railroad building In the west, and should be of special interest to Utah readers, many of the scenes being fa miliar to residents of the "Mormon state. The fight of strong young men seeking fame and fortune at their chosen avocation and among the grand old mountains of the Rocky Mountain range, makes one feel the thrill ol mastery over new and unnamed lands, camp life, and get a whiff of far-of- f long for the wild life of the railroad builder through the wild gorges and passes of this great mountainous conn try. Of course there Is a love-storInterwoven In this tale of the mighty accomplishments of gtltly men, and it looses none of its interest by reason of the scenes in whic' it fa laid. It is a wholesome western story and one which the average westerner may most thoroughly appreciate. ll Victory Over Self. It was with profound wisdom that the Romans called by the sums name courage and virtue. Thcie Is in fact bo virtue properly without and what victory over ourselves; costs us nothing Is worth nothing. . This, steak P. 0. Box 319 Pocatello, Idaho P. 0 Box 544 Salt Lake City. Will Take Precautions. A New York woman has become When Capt. Bascomb had left his old friend, Capt. Somers, and the new school teacher sitting on the south porch, and had disap peered down the road, the young woman spoke of him with some curiosity. T understand from Mrs. Bascomb that her husband was very deaf, 'alshe told me, I'm most stone-deaf- , teacher. "But school the said sure, hq seemed to hear all we said with perfect ease. Capt. Somers leaned toward her and spoke in a low, cautious tone, although there was no eavesdropper to hear him. "Don't let Mis Bascomb know it, he said, hurriedly. "He does seem to- hear pretty well when she aint round, but none of us folks ever let on to her. She's a good woman as ever lived, but a most tremendous bosser and an everlastin talker. An we all think that Gersh Bascomb begun to realize ten years ago that if he didnt want to be harried right off'n the face o the earth, the thing for him to do was to grow deef, gradual, but steady an he's done it, to all maam! intents an purposes, Youths Companion. long. Obtained without delay and with little trouble In Utah and Idaho. Write at once. TCI I In- well-dresse- something. Ldn Reason for Capt. Bascombs termittent Hearing. n Architects and Closets. An architect, says a writer, complains that women have a mania for closets and that when a woman is allowed any liberty in the matter she changes his whole architectural plan in order to make room for them. This, he says, makes him a laughing stock among his fellow architects. This is very interesting, but why do architects make plans if not to make every effort themselves to secure conveniences? A HOUSEHOLD HINTS. house may be architecturally perfect and yet not fit to live in, and it certain Starched muslins, laces and prints ly is .not if there is not closet room will look nicer and Iron easily If enough. dampened with hot water Instead of Cunning Chap. cold. Yes, confessed the blushing girl stiffness to To Impart extreme I thought it starch add to one quart of starch a with the white parasol. should odd Jack that rather same arabic and the keep on of gum teaspoon of baking soda, dissolved in a very asking about our college yell. Finally to get rid of him, I told him It was little water. The contents of the inner vessel of three yells In quick succession. What then? asked her chum. a double boiler will cook much more What then? Why, the goose kissed rapidly if the water in the outer comme In three times before I could reIs the salted proportion partment of half cup of salt to two quarts of monstrate and when I gave a yell for each kiss mamma thought I was giv water. ing the class yell. Currant Pie. The Crack in His Armor. Cover an earthen or granite pla a about with a good thing for a man to be sprinkle pastry, Its plate tablespoonful of flour on the crust, and a little bald, said the girl as they fill the plate very full with currants walked along in the rear of one bewhich have been carefully stemmed neath whose hat showed a small bare It takes the conceit out and washed. Sprinkle a good cupful half moon. of sugar over the currants, 6hake a oY them. Now theres John. He has little salt on, and cover with a rich a bald spot that he has spent about a top crust, which should be well hundred dollars on to no effect. When pressed down about the edge vents he gets too smart all I have to do is to having been cut in the center before glance carelessly toward that vulnerputting on and then well pricked with able spot and he subsides immedi a fork in several places. Rake until ately. the crust Is brown and the juice bolls WHAT'S THE USE? up In the vents. Imperial Cookies. Take cup of butter, one two of eggs, one sugar, cup of milk, two and a half cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of baking powder, half a tablespoonful of lemon extract and half a lablespoonfiil of grated nutmeg. Cream butter and sugar, add milk and flavoring; mix and sift dry ingredients and add to first mixture; chill and mix thoroughly; toss on floured board, roll as thin as cut-teipossible, cut with small, round and hake until brown. one-fourt- To Pour in Coffee When It Acts as Vicious Enemy. table-spoonf- Fasters have gone without food for many days at a time but no one can go w ithout sleep. For a long time I have not been sleeping well, often lying awake for two or three hours during the night but now I sleep sound every night and wake up refreshed and xig orous, says a Calif, woman. "Do jou know why? Ifs because used to drink coffee but 1 finally cut it out and began using Postinn, Twice since then I have drank coffee and Jam Cake. both tinns I passed a sleepless night Three eggs, one cup of sugar, and so I am doubly convinced coffee cup of butter, two cups of caused the trouble and Pustum re flour. Beat yolks of eggs, butter and moved it. sugar all to a cream. Add one cup ot "My brother was in the habit of flour and one cup of jam and spices drinking coffee thiee times a day. He to taste. Four tablespoons of sour was troubled with sour stomach and milk, to which has been added one would often notice him getting sod teaspoon of soda and pour into your from the can to relieve the distiess iii dough. Add the other cup of flour his stomaih; lately hardly a clay and xxhltes of eggs last, lake In lay- passed without a dose of soda for ers and put boiled Icing between. lu f. "Finally lie tri'-c- a cup of Iostuin Puffed Potatoes. and liked it so well he gave up coffee Take two cups erf mashed potatoes, and since then lias been drinking stir into it two tablespoonfuls of melt- Post um In Its place and sajs he has ed butter, leat this into a cream and not once been tumbled with sour stom-uch- . add two well beaten eecs, one euy of cream or milk, salt and pepper to Even after this lady's experience taste. Beat well, pour into diep riisii with coffee her brother did not suspect and brown in a hot oven. for a time that coffee xvas causing his i our, stomach, but easily proved It. Mashed Potatoes and Salmon. Coffee Is not suspected in thousands For a mushed potato Htid left o,-- r of eases just like this but it's easily flake the f.i'i from salt salmon dinner, . proved. A ten day's trial winks and add to potato with j oik of t a Reason." There's Make sniull. flat cake'-- , roll In crirn Read the famous little book, "The and fry in hot fat. H'rxe, gaini-h- f ! Road to Wcllville," In pkgs. with parsb y. s three-fourth- s l Industry Causes Blindness. Most persons employed In the Venetian glass Industry begin to lose their Ight when they are between 40 and 60 years of ace, and often In a short time become blind This blindness Is caused by the excessive heat and glare from the furnaecs. The Male Man Likes to Parade, Allfah uniforms and you abolish war. says Col. Euston True, but judging from the popularity of tho lodges by abolishing war you do not abolish uniforms. d II Buried Fresh Fuel. by Government. In some parts of Switzerland all th The scrap between the married couAmateur Fancier Thought His Ro- - ple had died down to a few listless dead are buried by the government, mutterings, and the canary bird in the without respect to wealth or position. sponsibihty Had Ended. cage was beginning to think about An Indiana man tells of the efforts singing again, when she remarked, as of an author belonging to the lloosier a sort of afterthought: At any rate, everybody In my famschool of historical novelists to put In his leisure time as a "hen farmily thinks I am very intelligent. "Yes, by the side of them you are, The literary perer in that state. son's venture afforded his agricultural he replied with a bitter snort. After this the scrap was renewed neighbors no end of amusement. Dining the first year the amateur jubilantly. farmer discovered that all his little Not His Element. chickens, which were confined in If And I give you money, said the were the at It 'Vj : coops, point languishing of death. The novelist went over his philanthropist, will you promise to "hen literature to locate the cause of go and take a bath? Redface Iaary drew himself up to the trouble, but to no avail.-Finallhe called upon an old chap his full height. A bath? Aud Is it a mermaid you named Rawlins, to whom he put the take me for? he cried bitterly. question: "What do you suppose Is the matYes, Yes. ter with those chickens? I suppose, said Mrs. Tartleigh, said Rawlins. Well, I dunno, when you die you expect to meet all ' What do you feed em? "Feed them! exclaimed the novelist-far- your husbands?" You are very rude, retorted Mrs. mer. Positively cured by "Why, I dont feed them Muchwedde. "When I die I expect to these Little Pills. anything!" Young's Magazine. 'Then, how'd you suppose they go to heaven. They alno relieve Dis tress, irom Dyspepsia, In was to live? Shake Into Your Shoes digestion aud Too Hearty "I presumed, replied the literary Allen's 1oot-llasIt cuie painful, swollen, Eating. A perfect remhad milk hens the old person, that edy for Duzine9, Nausmarting, sweating teet. Makes new shoes sea, Drowsiness, Bad ea-Sold by all Diugtrists and Shoe Stores. Lippincott's enough for them now. Taste in the Mouth, CoatDon't aeiept any substitute. Sample FREE. Magazine. ed Tongue, Pain in the Address A. S. Olmsted, Be Roy, N. Y. Mde, TOKPID LIVER. BABY TORTURED BY ITCHING. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. to is forward go My way straight SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Rash Covered Face and Feet Would and aim at what Is right. Bishop Cry Until Tired Out Speedy Genuine Must Bear Cure by Cuticura. Mrs Winslows Soothing Sjrrap Signature For children teething softens the gurus, reduces In s piu, cures wind cuilo. s bottle. fUmmauou, "My baby was about nine months old when she had rash on her face and Let thy discontents be thy secrets. feet. Her feet seemed to irritate her REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. Franklin. most, especially nights. They would cause her to be broken In her rest, and sometimes she would cry until she was tired out. I had heard of so many cures by the Cuticura Remedies that I thought I give them a trial. The Improvement was noticeable in a few hours, and before I had used one box of the Cuticura Ointment her feet For Infanta and Children. were well and have never troubled her since. I also used it to remove what Is known as cradle cap from her head, and it worked like a charm, as it cleansed and healed the scalp at the Mrs. Hattie Currier, same time. ',on6. Thomaston. Me.. June LEFT IT TO THE OLD HENS. ONLY AT TIMES. FULLY UK WITH THE TIMES. Lemon Sweet. Lemon sweet is an English dessert, Oklahoma City Surprised Narrow-Mindesimple and easily prepared. The InNew Yorker. gredients called for are three ounces and lump sugar, a lemon and a half Oklahoma amazes an easterner. The five eggs. Wash the lemons thoroughwide, asphalted streets, the plate glass sure make to ly, using a stiff brush of department stores, the clean fronts all the black specks and other foreign unhurried the sidewalks, the Rub removed. accretions are the the finish, metropolitan shoppers, lumps of sugar over them to extract air you find in Oklahoma City, for exthe oil, then crush,and put Into a stew seem marvels to find in a terample, pan with the lemon juice sqeezed over 17 years old. But do not them. Beat the yolks of the eggs, add ritory only so. say over to the lemons and sugar and stir A New Yorker who went there on the fire until the mixture just thickbusiness complained that fate was of whites ens. When cool whip the him into a wilderness, and thrusting the eggs to a stiff froth, stir In very associates could not reOklahoma his into from the pan lightly, then turn But him. assure coming down to glass dish. This dessert should be breakfast the first morning, at his the as before made shortly using hotel in Oklahoma City, he stared whites of the eggs will fall If left too around In wonder as he entered the 177 llllnol SI., Chicago I Good Wom- The newest salad is named after the Queen of England, with whom It is said to be a prime favorite. The Alexandra salad is secured in only two or three of the most exclusive hotels in town, but may easily be prepaied at home, and is a most a woman's desirable dish . for luncheon. It is made of lettuce, celery, grapefruit and fresh cherries put together after the following manner: Take a very hard head of lettuce for each person, remove all the outer leaves, then cut out the center of the heart, making a hollow as big around as a piece. Put into this hollow first a layer of celery, .cut In pieces not over an Inch in length and shredded as fine as chrysanthemum petals. On this lightly pile tiny sections of grapefruit pulp until the hollow Is filled. On the top place four fresh cherries, first removing the pits, and over the whole pour a light French salad dressing made of oil, vinegar, salt and pepper properly blended. Set each lettuce heart In one of the green outer leaves, lay on a pretty plate and serve with cream cheese and toasted wafers. Chicago American. CUBES HINGE and LICE ON CATTLE OR H06S AND AFFLICTED BY CUEEN. ans Luncheon. Absolutely free from any crude aubstance. Contains no far oils. Infallible in curative effect. No Injur to sheep or wool. Requires no addition besides water. No sediment. No stirring. Mixes with cold water whether bard, brackish, alkali or salty. MUCH CHEAPER THAN TOBACCO LIQUID DIPS I IKED IfljSIf SIOK HEADACHE y. As-bur- Fac-Simi- (Uiu Tho Kind Yon Have Hs Was Not to mame. mother overheard him swearing like a mule driver, says the Cleveland Leader. He displayed a fluency that overwhelmed her. She took him to task, explaining the wickedness of profanity as well as its vulgarity. She asked him where he, had learned all those dreadful words. Bartholomew announced that Cavert, one of his playmates, had taught him. Caverts mother was straightway informed and Cavert was brought to book. He vigorously denied having instructed Bartholomew, and neither threats nor tears could make his confess. At last he burst I didnt tell Bartholomew any out: cuss words. Why should I know how to cuss any better than he does? Hasn't his father got an automobile, too? The Manchester canal was built at a cost of $75,000,000 to reduce freight rates for a distance of 35 miles, and, while it did not prove a good interest bearing Investment on such a large expenditure, its Indirect and more permanent benefits are said to have warranted It. Germany has 3,000 miles of canal, carefully maintained, besides 7,000 miles of other waterway. France, with an area less than we would consider a large state, has 3,000 miles of canal; and in the northern part, where the canals are most numerous, the railways are more prosperous. England, Germany, France, Holland and Belgium are all contemplating further extension and Improvement of their canal systems. Century Maga- Signature Promotes DigesiionJCIieeiful ness and RcskContains of neither Opium.Morphme nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. JfojxaoMDiSMWmm Sttdm jtlx. Senna JkJittU Sails In Anise Seed flptttnmnf -JtUarknakSfaa M'rnnSrrd Cl onfad Sttqar Use hutajnm tmn Aperfect Remedy for ConsHpa tlon , Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea For Over Worms .Convulsions.Feverish ness andLoss OF Sheep. Facsimile Signature of Thirty Years NEW YORK. 'Guaranteed under the Foodi Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMK CtMTAU MEMBER OF7,-TH- E FAMILY. 'Till! RF. t Mon'm $3 $3.60 ahoea - M fmoro Uim ny other manufacturer. XV. tSON L, Itouzlas shoes Arewnrn byniore people In all walk, of life than any other make, is because of thi-i- r excellent stylo, ami superior wearing qualities. Tho seleetlou of tho leather ami other materials forem-- part l of the Mhe, ami every of the making I. looked after by the most eoiiipletoorzanization of supenntemlent. l skilled shoemakers, alio receive the highest wages panl in the shoe industry, ami whose woiktimnship caanot he excelled, lft could take you into my I tree factories at It rock ton. Mass., and show yon bow carefully XV. L. Douglas shoes are made, yon would then understand why they bold their sbAe. tit better, weir longer and are of gre iter value than sny other make g My n and $6 Gold Bond Shooa cannot bo LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS 7Go1AU Electrotype 5 IN GREAT VARIETY FOR SALE AT THE LOWEST I RICES BY s. . Lydia E. Pinkliams Vegetable Compound For more than 30 years has !acn curing Female Complaints, such ns Bragging Sensations, Weak Back, Failing and Displacements, ln-t- ) .umn at ion and Ulceration, and Organic Diseases, and it dissolves and expels Tumors at an early btage. Mrs. Pinkhams Standing Invitation to Women 4 at any LA U I ION I i he genuine have XX . L. 'oughts name and price OQuatl'od on hoiiom.price. s..onM-lake StthM it lifts Ask your tloulor for W . 1 pIioom. if li cuiinot pupjily you houlI direct to factory Shoe uent every wiior by mail Catalog lree W.UDourla. Brockton, Mat. First, that almost every operati in our hospitals, performed upon xvomen. becomes necessary been use of neglect of,Mieh symptoms as Backache, Irregularities, Displace-mentPain in the Side, Dragging Sensations, Dizziness and Sleeplessness Second, that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vtgetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, hits cured more cases of female ills than any other oue medicine known. It regulates, strengthens and restores xvomens henlth and is Invaluable In aud during tho period of Change preparing xvomen for child-birt' of Life. Third, the great volume of unsolicited and grateful testimonials on file at the PinUItam Laboratory at Lynn, Mass, ninny of which are from time to time being published ly special permission, give absolute evidence of the value of Lydia B. Pinkhaiu s VegetaoicCom pound and Mrs. Pitikhams advice. t CITV. & 3.50 SHOES tSPJcJld S3.00 K..fSHOE9 FOR EVERY AT ALL PRICE8. Who can prova W. L. I1 Co rZ.nnn VA.t jDougiaa doom not maktt A a all AMD CONSIDER Women suffering from any form of female xvenUness are Invited to M rs. Pink ham, Lynn, Muss, for ad vice. Mie is he Mrs. Pink ham who has been advising sick xvomen five of charge for more than twenty Lx dm E. Pink-- J fears, and before that she assisted her mother-in-laRan iti advising. Thus sho Is especially xvell qualiticd to guide sick wo neti buck to calth. Write today, tloutwait until toolute. xvrlte VOMft W. L. DOUGLAS The little fresh air boy was comfortably quartered in a farm house near the salt water for his summers outing. The first day he strolled down the road to the marshes and he stared In astonishment at the groxv-inthere. Then turning around to a native of the place who was accomGosh; I didnt panying him he said; know that sausages grow on sticks. STOP MW COMMNV, EZ A Country Marvel. s Bears the similaiindHicroodandRcguia ting die Stomachs andBowe'Isaf zine. cat-tail- Always Bought ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. AVegetaUi- - Prcparalton forAs Little Bartholomews i won-dels- le 1 sacLKauEEtn- - A.N. KELLOGG h EWSPAPER CO. 7 W Alias Street, PP ATTFRQ JullO llLTlI CHICAGO cf this parer rts- ifwik to Lruy at n a'lvtjrtisihl its columns iho ild it sist upon hsvn bat they ak ior, reiuMrtf ail sucy.-tuteor tmnatio!,. s E. EJMC:i,AScsAtYMEr9?.ND KOWAr.D toht S hit, Lotni.M r i ttonl. ih or i in id r m tit Hint linl Vi lui. 4MU Ir AIMmilMniutl.nil dl tinirol mill mu !! til lti Colo lit iBri'iii o, I or Dona tv Nui .uiuii imMiiiuii .Hm M.l- - . m limwzi oilier mitn li" 'UlFIANCt If.Jr'v,rv.wu STfw?iGII nnW 15 11.1 - it, utu Miner u.r knwft onmfuMflu' pm n HtuJ bUPLRIOtt QUALITY. W Thompson's Eys Water W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 31. P07 |