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Show Te,ii. Ut&u, Sa r.,3 PATENT OFFICE NOTES. List of Unclaimed Letters. Nov. 23 urci, 7 Repairer of Boots anil Shoes. A Miscellaneous Lot of Inventions istered at Washington- FOOTE A SON'S The list of u nciaimed letters remaining CHAS. Dealers ill tielierai Me office ISili is as NEPHI COOPERATIVE Nov. post Reg- in Nephi f ..iOWf . ?:c:r u Lambert W. M. STOUT. WUOLEPAL DEAL 1- -t. P.S Co. IS IN i STITUTION. A new devise suspend- - the st ve PRINTERS J. W. Cml, Supt. S. L. or Taylor "r, handle always within leach hy Mr s. L. Asnman U E W, W. II. lETTEG SUPPLIES in It. in r. O. t Manr.factur of and Ii. Wells, means ot a cord wound on a drum and Papers, plain and Printed Orson A. Whittaker. .iippii,. Tm ines. Cutters, ete. JXO. S PAINTER, John W. Johnston operated by a coiled spring. Dealer General and green (int.ni,. Mr. Arthur Devoir. A new telephone addition conOKI HE AND SAlEsltOOMS: BROTHERS CLOTHING CO, ORD If the above letters are not called for in Dealers iu Clothing and Cent's furuisliinj sists of a ball electrode inside the 30 days, they will be sent to the dead let- OSTLER 23 WEST FIRST SOUTH S3 A OCKEY, office. ter Butchers. transmitter, which completes the H. F. McCuxe, P. M. U. II. HAWKINS, circuit by giving transmitter a par Boarding house and Restaurant. Tha Denver & Rio Grande tial turn to the right or left, thus M. C. OSTLER, J. P1GTQ If Troubled With Rheumatism Read This. maker. Boot and shoe rolling the ball into position. SELLS, RAILROAD. Annapolis, Md., Apr. 16, 1894. I FRANCIS Furniture and undertaking. LOCAL TIME CARD. A Nebraska man has invented a have used Chamberlain, s Pain Bain foria rh umatism and round it to be all that NEBO SALT MANUFACTURING CO. Scenic Line of the World. new stove-pipA. Cazier, Supt. it to be the In effect, April. 5, joint which turns claimed for it. I believerheumatism and various best station! at for Train and depart arrie preparation EXCELSIOR MERCANTILE CO., One on instead of sliding. : deeo seated muscular pains, on the marDealers in General Merehaudise. James daily as follows LEADVILLE, ' Stations. outVbound. ket and cheerfully recommend if to the W. Pax man, supt. fastens the pipe. The Only Liue ASPEN Leave Arr. Arr. Leave oublic. Jno. G. Brcoks. dealer ia boots PEXTOX A CHASE, Kunnin Two S 00 pm .... 2.30 am ... 18 lMEUl.O. tit. Main No. 5.00pm Ogden etc.. 2.10pm. shoes, for A railroad station indicator, Through Fat Blaeksmitliing. Lv 4.9u pm 7.00 pin Trams Daily to COLORADO SPS. 3.30 am 3.10 pm Ar Salt ALSO READ THIS KNOWLES & W'EBB, 7.40 am 0.00 pm Lv Lake) Ar 0.45 am 6.3U pin use on trains, tells time of arriving DENVER. Wheel Wrights. St. Mary County, 9 15 am 0 01 pin am 0.2 0 pm 8 Mechanicsville, Sandy at and leaving each station as the Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlains HYDE A WHITMORE, CTFECT1VE APRIL 20 1C94. General Merehaudise. Pain Balm to a man who had been suffer38 pm 9 25 am Kaivtield train reaches it. 10.45 am Eureka.. 3.20 pm Train N. 2 leaven Salt Lake 8 05 a. m. aring with rheumatism for several years. TIIOK. BELLISTON. rives at P.rehlo lo a m., Colorado Springs It made him a well mao. A. J. Magill. Agt. Mt. Pleasant Marble Works. A new' machine, invented by in. Denver 10. dO a. m., ripple fYeek 9 .50 8 40 am For sale at 50 cents per bottle by A. 7.('0 pm LHii J unt 840am 5.28 pm 7a.:51 a.Sho C II. BIRD test line to ripple lu ek, Colorado's in. 18 5. 7 10 Lurk am Amorii pm pm h.jiiaiu .'9 Druggists. Lunt&Son, from a strip Dentist. jfreat ltoU! eamp, 5. 12 pm Chicago man. cuts tags 8. 50 am 7.17 piu Ploast Grow MMam 4 haes Sr.lt Lal7 10 p. in. arrives N 9.20 am 7 10 pm Provo..., MMam 4.52 piu atTram Pueblo i;27p. m. t'oloraJn xSprms, 6 53 p. of paper, prints them and strings J. A. BOOTH, 9 40 am 7.59 pm ,p;im-d- i Fork 7 am 4.34 pm Dentist. 9 57 am 8 12 pm ... Panoii... 7.29 am 4.21 pm m., lenver 9 .25 p. m. them ready for use. 1ouneetioiis made at Pueblo, Colorado TE1BUNE. no am 9. 15 pm SALT LAkE 3.35 pm Nophi.... ti.4oum T. B. FOOTE, Sorinys and i ener w ith nil lines east. Lv 0 00 am A new devise for helping a man Jun After Year day coaches, ehair rais. and Pullman Reduced to $2.00 per Ar 5.00 am Dealer in General and Green Groeeri sleepers ol all a ms. 'i'ake lhe I), tt It. t i. and am JaMTuincum 3.2. am 12il wind the 1096. triable trip ami enjoy the tiuest liae a eoms. 2 to am . 200 am riding a wheel against sivncn on 9e continent. I.aRf 2.50am will l.oum Tribune Lake iiar Halt 1st On the June s. screen lil'M.AN. S. K. IinorFO, A. consists of a Mil0 25 Lv 9.10pm am Aim to ATTENTION, SHEEP MLN. uce the p rice of the Tralhe mairer, t. 1. T. A. L MtodfAr 8. 1.pm i.Diaiii stand2 00 of the The over, (olo. to the head Denvr, (lo present high per year. bicycle. S. am . .... 7.30 41m M II effort R.K,NKM5 ard w ili be maintained. and (Mi!XO, l. i e Arrive lh av. Piisu Agt. tienoial Agent. ia two Gran do has made the & r 8ito be will lfio B. K. on M'Uih, P mi No. The Denver A new liquid faucet keep r u r L.uii: rixy, I Tam. the front rank. aiurti.iy 1st improved aud enlarged tneii both July 2 North, N. inside Tins. the M'nda iid one Mf.'tciMh burr'd, valves, sheep corr; .s at Tenni wo Itiss, Color- 0 s and Friday s. Trams snub of J tub run daily t v.T.f i krsworking simultaneously by the ado, when. .litre is the liae-- of liMualam Its aluc Recognized ly Physlc'ansDAD outside. ; ni:: on tho ab r, widen run knoh and clear of the grass Two t!roueh trams ilaiJy from Sail turning As n rule sin opposed t proprietary Like tvj all Dointn Last. s. Bull I value a pood one, es-- , free of cot to the Stitt p i.n n. The ei An automatic watering trough, niedicim has also provided sleiping ee.hlly wlr n sueh is t ii o souice ol relict in. A a topical (external) upplie..-tiowhich ,viil be kept never runs over because the valve Horn t1 a have found Chamberlain's Pain e I hive ever used forslitep men who stop gi.,'" is closed as soon as the trough is Palm the t t icuu-d1 c f V have 7c kind. n mu vnur their lor ny nriii a!;;ia sheep, Wecnnl.pi re is water the U as it to many for all ea.dera markets. full, opening rt com mended t onl. 1 H i . .rue-sadiil- Sheep-Mou- s g ttr.-ppln- 111 e com-pletetur- n North-boun- . . A . . ( . . . C SEMl-wEEKL- y L!e-gra- 1 . ( lu.-t-en-ed r Semi-Weekl- i - y tt- 15 Semi-Weekl- t . . o . y Tu-am- i . s t fiDS I y ri 'o: t- i.-- ci.disci-e;;l..'us!- WlUIAM llor.E.M. D., pei son-moved. I. f, Wh. cold by A. Lu u t A tioii. A new tlour sitter consists of a Druggists. wire mesh hall, in which the flour ry ' Her Reccur Advantages is placed, revolved by means of a indevise whole tho being crank, ;d Attractions. closed in a tin case. A new bicycle brake consists of (let ;r ie y N'hi it is sitnatoil aiL tail. ; D lateni 11at11r.il a friction disk attached to the rear v,n't st,111Vos rS reecu;. ot e'lJ4 Its ;u. t2 of f A hub. against which anotner disk is llovt 'multure; i3i il' tie sheep jrieiiltnn industry and (4i ot minerals. To the XoVii, Wtsl ard houtli nno a rieult urai lands e.rt a of pressed by the action of tbc rider is a jANK-s-vi- ,1 p.-.i- i ! i in ; j Abmmant ,is back-pedalin- g. patent lias just been granted on a ship berth, the A self-levelin- g' rods top being lmng on and the bottom steadied by means of a system of springs. A new' Jive escape consists of a net attaelr-- to three iron rods and having two rods, to support one side on the ground, the other being fastened to the side of the house. d FS your ears, be sure and inform cion to either B. F. Kevins, Goner, George ill H A. il.vw! Agent, A. J. (Ir.Einin W Agent. city. 2nd Scniih St. hi , 1 Luk'j 1 Keeciv ITK C , -.- ' y eros of as van no 'ct.iui in I'ta.i. cen ais and alfalfa bless lit labors of tin Inis To the North. thot sands of aeres of ban !.m natmal ineadovi, watered by lare spilii'jrs, li.ve ou a great ennrald e at pet. 'Joe spr ji of art unexcelled b.e t:i Nrmi .a! Mg. w in tin e Ps in. it aim tnat of Ps eoi'tigu-m- s to a ns, is as iei led a can be grown ill this latitude. The wool industry of this local! large d in I tali, and is such as to at'.ention of two wealthy hrn v arcMoiw s for the toiing and tin prtttlucl A oui ie of miles east of the city, and near the mouiM el alt Creek Canon. is a veritable 'on stabzed g psiun. mountain of pno veniet t to tin qnarr , is a complete mill ltn grinding and refining the toproduct winch is the being continuously snipped siatt s 01 toe Pacific Coast, 3UU tons last munth'bein;: the output. Up Sail rtek canyon and north eastrely about nine miles, jmre salt springs gush from the mountain side, and by means of one of the most complete salt manufactories in the United States, the brine is converted into table, dairy and packing1 salt that has but few equals and no superiors iu the world. The brine is 35 per cent, salt and the supply practical y unlimited. In addition to the manufactured product, there are several mines or quarries of rock salt, the extent of which cannot be computed. As a distributing point, Nephi recognizes but one superior in Utah. It is the key to Southern Utah, and with the advantage of two railroads stretching out to the east and south, furnishes, without question, the best point in Utah fo the establishment of manufactories , and wbolesale hou8ea. 1 . . -- Wire KPj.tic, sooth in i i lftvl Ml; 1 and healing cots br'ii-.-- - for burr..., cures piles i..te m,.; ;'.c. Oil pain . A. ..uat i R ,')! '1 C tl 0 - s. ilX 1 a. tiny t.. up i 1 in-- 1 Ayers t the world's Fair. Ayers Sarsaparilla of enjoys theboonexttry Cut None iTE ri . X tiie L.iwng ordinary cluitincuon onl blood purifier a)lovvl an exliuita-th- e Worlds lair, Ubicnao, 'lar.utaoruri ers ot (dher ought 'y every rroaiis to obtain a show nij; l heir g.a is, dII hutlhf-- Mere turned a y undci the no. vu ii mi: apphcnLOii ol the ul3 forijn.h.i.ii tlic cu ol patent mfdcuif, Mii nosiramss Uffcctivo Sunday, November 17th, try 1 he ciieision o ilto Svorios lair aatlun-liein fevorof Ayers ais iparilla was an elite i ns Icliows; A.ters ?jarsaparil-ii- a a is cot patent indiciue. It does nut belong to the lust of nostrums, it is here on Usments. R AIL WAT i table 1 .u t- . A. B. Palmer, Blacksmith, - w i Wiih.n In jui fch h titv t 1 rl ii ! ;! It I. IJt Ill- tl Oil of i or j th 11.1 . I 'l1 ... .1 - ( r t U.n ei?j UU T7 k A. AV. CAINE Corm';; ml I j r-o o Cj .o: l; ? 55 U W4 . . ONE s V. ot. XTLD SEVUUAL FAITHFUL ITLX onfaiblo or women t; traxtd for I nv.il tabiishort house in Utah. Snl.irv 5 weekly an i.rm;uiont . sta.nped Reference. euvelope. Tlie National, Star Bui!dirtr.rhie. -faj cvpi-nces- Em-iose- I A. (Vf" " J OLLa n - SIim t. . v;i F. W. CHAPPELL, r tt luix r. r.:: j,.-fa- fit. . i'n and ir . 1 tt;n'iH'iJ-(it-L- n rmx, Dc clin.-icn- t pi'.-- ,. Urobutb work n. Nephi Cityt Co ill u Maker. Room 11 Kxc. RFk. ttdh. ' Plca.d, quick results, safe to use. Aiiriyk. i.mi Eki r i v, : y I 1:vt t. I::' It it. CfjUaljV l rem-fa'.- v ilcs ttn.l n L for itcl.id for sore nisnL ; ch:.iij(V'l I.mhb, iiilL-r.nd fhrot.ic Roro cyci sale by tlrug;;itu3 at 2o ccnD per box. : t:.;-- V eCiTjU'-RCtU- C:G!aSfga!gWgggWgiuiBfaJaLajaui3g3a A Alanut.ulurorM of Harney and aMlcs ;i!m diabrs iu all kinds of hore luraisIiiTig DcWitts Colic & Cholera Cure. ' VS. tr I 4 KON'I r. ( .' r T t u'j ixi u :Av: di.pj M. . r I J. (.- - : CRIO'l clill-l.'oln- For Po-m- on d ft lii ,M p $1,000 i Tiu Vt '! i bt iitf bona fide prlre Offtr ever mad. esi or South. l. tht represfontative paper of tNe H Kuver's champion; It is the it JcHs In Ihnnpht, fis In news. n tfctl and mMv liit j.r--t the l.ilcsl ajitl fullest miil- btik iihws, It ha sfieclal cl si ib'. ' to the Farm, the . us ; ii r md imi i iiii IhiM. i:iftG.i-fturn to ' i CMMrn; nil the brightest. an! liwsi ci nimeiit of the dally eit to tie tiMind n it, it presents in con fmfn t!ie duris of ell Ue World it t3 h ,i f.jrm parfr wirhout News I clHermlnerl tO haV And 1,.. cu rulatimv ofi .r.i .1 the . r f between the Missisilppl rlv r and then my i t 'ltieiefc.re It fillers to thf per- .! i z in the greatest number of year- i I. si., ncxt !iiitri8 birdie piciubcr ihte t 'LgUtdlcd pi.zcs. ' r n mill NS A T ONCE. to every boot everywhere. fnt 'iyttr. tiv.ttgvl', ;ttL r TJ 'rlers, tb e? - ..OU ttiigj )wd; will' tv oI tistiv-.'jjfc Ccily''s r CM l ! addrers 1rintlns Co., , t)envcr Coto NANA South St. Salt Lube City. . lf 4 t CO. n be Li rtlcuari Tla.i 91 A M OF . . O Denver, Colo., The Ter I T r IN-- ... x- c i '! . The HEW WEEKLY ROGRy MOUNTAIN NEWS, g,:n t i 4 Print Week- CC J TEST DEG! y''. r T'i Prizes Separate I . . PRIZE 9 t (fonif f ap FiUj( d n-j- L. tp agents commission p::ular ALLOWED IN ADDITION. us. s oo .A GIVEN AWAY t if. v S lt riii Load in the raca t 2 'a-t- bec-.u-- T SECURE THIS h-- itlliHil V ( ii.it.lL I lM 1. tlf-C- r Absolutely pure, rcrmeUy anrl envai.abie rel.nl'b' ore the m It or fu 9 c,i One M mule Cough Cure. trou.d . aM.I- in Colds, croup and lung to tukt' ir m pi circa lore it at d it limps t'.em. A. Lunt A ti 7 uf tj ib f i s water-w- orks w ; M It is supplied with a complete system of the water from along whieu tlo pure springs d istant some til ree mile-- , up the e.tt To about the live miles, the I'iU.pin. mountain range i low. rolling and of easy acwith lien pa-hage. cess, and abounding the east a couple of nuns, tin Neim range a bru bt !y rwes, to t lie n i t a e;i-a inibs of the top ol MF Nebo risi s into t.ie te nal biiob , f S6.PIL75 south-war- Ariz.. Campbell, merchant of tialf.inl. writes: "Dr. King's New I.'isco'iiy is .'ll thatis claimed for it; it never tails, and is a sure cure for Consumption, Coughs miu Golds. I cannot say eaonah for Jts merits. Dr. King's Netv Discovery for Consnraptina, It Coughs and Lo ds is not nt expaiimm.. ol a 'eeoliin a for tried been has quarler mill to day stands at fbe bead, bottlefe't Fie -t, leidtas. a'td ,;a Id fl Foruine in Prlzes ! merchant of Chil Mr. E. B. Xei)hi City Hoarding Ilousc he had consump howie, Va. certifies that sought all ticn, was given up tothatdie,money Hot (Li Cold Baiiis, could medical treatment, procure, tried all cough remedies he could hear of, but no relief; spent many nights Tiains leave Mantl for Sterling, Funks Lake Main Street Nejilii. a chair; was induced to try Morrison at 3:00 p. m., Mondays, Wednesitting up inNew and curwas Discovery, and Dr. Kings and Fridays. Returning arrive at sdays three ed by use of two Dottles. For past Mantl at 6:00 p. m. and to been business, has attending years is the Direct connections at Nephi with Unlo Bays Dr. Kings New Discovery as basdona ever it Fadific Railway from and to Salt Lake City, made, remedy grandest so much lor him and also others in his. Ogden, Butte, Provo, Milford and intermediate The attractions of Nephi as a residerce Discovery community. Dr. Kings New pointy, and all pointe East and West. Con-- I town, are unique in their variety. It is situ js guaranteed for Couchs Colds and Stop on signal. diof ou the the almost ated highest portion sumption. It dont fail. Trial oottleu vide The Company reserves the right to varj that turns the flow of waters north into free at all Drug Stores. d into the Sevier rivUtah lake and All kindsof repair work done' rom this Time Table at pleasure er, thence onward to the Sevier lake the dead Nephi. Utah Theodore Bruback, sea of Millord County. Its altitude, gravelly Main Street. soil and perfect drainage insure the best of Pres. & GenJ Manager, STANDS AT THE HEADhealth, in fact, the conditions are such, that Salt Lake City. cases in of diptheria hae occurred but two II. ti. Keiir, hve years among a population of nearly 3, ouy. o ciiizi us arc thrifty and progressive. The Supt. & G. F. & iJ. Agent. Mnnt Ang. J. Bngel, the leading druggistNew Its wide streets and avenues of large shade trees, Dr. King's Bhrevepoil, La., says; beautiful lawns tnl elegant C r. i i cosey cottages, Disemery is the only tiling that lilies niy modern public buildings, make of Nepal a life a is f which real in J. luxury. place lane. seller '(High, and it is the best !. v Published in Utah. ly II. II AAV, KINS 1 r All Homo Ihh'L a W , VJi ia mt'm |