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Show TheRednblic, Kephi, Utah, Saturday, Nov. 28 How th Dipper Saved the Farm- - CT3 ALL READY FOR TOR on Pather was sick and the "iuoitgage saw in the the farm was coming due, I Miss A. M. Christian Advocate where Fritz of Station A. St. Louis, Mo., would send a sample combination dipper for is two cent stamps, and I ordered one. I saw the dipper could be used as a fruit filler; a plain dipper; a fine strainer; jar a funnel; a strainer funnel; a sick rcioin a pint measure. These warming pan and the dipper eight different uses makes such a necessary article that 1 went to work with it and it sells at very near lpaiu every house. And in four Iinoiuhs off the mortgage. I think can clear as Our Fall stock is now Complete in all depart ments. Consisting of much as fiioo a month. If you need work trial. you can do well by giving A.this a Louis Miss A. M. Fritz, Station Mo , will send you a samplo for! h two, cent stamps write at once. 0 -t. j- 05-3- John 8 G. N. MSS Marry This Girl Quick. old I saw in your paper that a 13he year worked boy made ? 1 .J' the first hour dip Lamp- selling the Perfection Metaland went to a ordered wick. I sample work and the first week I cleared 10, the second week I cleared 1 15. I expect to run up to 1 i!5 a week in the near future, as the Perfection Metal Tip Lainpwiek makes such a beautiful white light and does away with smokey chimneys and to sell. bad odor and saves oil, it is easy two cent If you wish to try it send 13 Station A. A. M. Fritz, stamps to Miss and she will send you St. Louis, Mo., way to make sample outfit, this is a good money around home. Miss Tina W. Low Prices. LARGE LINE OF WARM LINED SHOES JUST IN In all the Latest ake IDo-crn- s OaaC Yarno, manltots, Undor-weapots, Mattings, an 3 r, Hats, Oas two-cen- lo Mer Chur.lng Done in Also a nice clinics Selection in Dross Goods and Shot Silks just in. JUST THE GOODS YOU UJAHT. Goods you cannot see through, lust what you want Good, rich, Styles? Flnnnols Lindsays and. Toasol of all tlio Prints, very latest patterns, It Yourself! I Peoples wind mills which I saw recommended in your paper recently, it only cost me 9.40 andbutis ita well is deep, splendid mill; my and very little pumps it all right all with like it, ami as I wind; the neighbors am a kind of a carpenter, lliac agreed to put up nine mills already, on which I can make a nice profit, and there are mills many otheis for whom I can put upfarmer this fall. I don't see why every should not have a wind mill, when they can make it themselves for less than 10; anyone can get diagrams and complete directions for making the wind mill by t stamps to pay postsending IS age, etc., to Francis Casey, St. Louis, Mo. and there can be dozens of them pnt up in any locality by anyone that has the A Farmer. energy to do so. Good Wind Mill-Msaw one of the A A-- I0W, One Minute. I have tried the Lightning Churn, you and it recently described in you paper, we axe offer in g( which is certainly a wonder. I can churn in Man other lines too numerous to mention, butter is the and 'less than one minute, more Prices never equalled in the West. elegant, and you get considerable butter than when you use a common t churn. I took the agency for the churn We extend a Oordix 1 Invitation to all to Call and Examine here and every butter maker that sees it sold three dozen and buys one. theI have so doing. they give 100 best of satisfaction. asI know Goods; and we are Satisfied You Can Save Money by in this can aell I township, they churn so quickly, make so much more so are and butter thaircommon churns can cheap. Some one in every townshipsellmake two or three hundred dollars ing these churns. Ky addressing J. F, get cirCasey & Co., St. Louis, you can culars and full information, so you can make bigmoney right at home. I1 have have made so the past two weeks and never sold anything in my life before. A Farm eh. Wife Equal to a Gold r.'.ine. of your readers give me a, some Will for making a cold st :ih? good reeipt self-liam selling ttiiu ll it iron1- - ami i;oui a little at evoi.v house and have lo some starch every phi'-- and w :ii:t know how to make a good i old starch. Mv o ,n in did t and i bring an 1 sell would him htoisgii help jkmroo' and I am d ung s,ih A cent's v, ort'i o: :n I wiUm.it the iron lo" ", hours, so you have a p , df etly c on heat. You can i, on in hlies orchil g the time and no ('..:!er clothes, ns v.tb i he md tan. ana sc.l can g"i tin most l,enil,lui gloss. iion mus at ii" ,ilv iu ry m s , as t m wants mi", i si i ud have lot a ii t iion nun ;..ii 1.. ail !. n m" '' o worked, ily sol h w d e l think anyone In oi dor j, ooi !, cm to UkO iois o! unci' y yv, kero sell - IV A !' . ;ng in m. J. will s. i im or in the biofis, M id mo. i. voi w ill addiess a tlu-A 61a s Foote and 8ons; I e u-- cj pretty and reasonably cheap. Many people with faces all awry through experiences ex the past will say; Oh! we can not get as what we want at .the 0 ('., things are too high. To such, we dr'. lit 'siti.j.. wish to say that we will not' undersold, with this exception, j when people sail one article bslow;, fit' ' cost for the purpose of ascopnon dyyyy y1, while they rob you on something else to get even. This wo denounce as illegimate and disnon-est- . We have a good stock of good goods and are satisfied with to that small profit he-ba- i nd oi-t- soil-healin- g t-f- UTAh Hlii I CITY N .f ! : o-G- y ; rn-- i . Earry Eclicc. 1 ; . 1 , i i I I.um-tn--- -. i ! A. ( j.ot m ' LIT fi II InVilt Some riadmg to Prevent Crimp. will prove il-)- 5 " O it ft - r i m W - J -- .1 ,1, ,1 cf I I r s , ; II- - !i t w!mI Cl ll- iM'i i m t'.i inter-slin- to guard . ' - H !l I mkier ' oil l".t i n. o t o" J', ' L' ' von' h ml .1 J : ll,! ' vc 't l"'' r can tihtale some tf twine ta a HY1, !! Attain Protect yolir llumi they & Writ JOHM WKUDBKBbKH Oie Hi 8Me D. C., for nrs.VintWashtwrow. of t .io kBdro4 luvtBttoas Wrte. yj..; tie I yV.r, t,,.1. t 7 kildi.S. I - ! I r rr r ,m -- ,! III,) J1 f ) i o - i.,lu f t q ) ) I n ulio, iuu, ) J ( ) ( d y ' ) ( - on Mih' n iuiim N be not c):il;i o. u il'ioi t Oi inn i com ie list i i" t ,'l In' scl tn tli lo .e infll-'-- oV.-ci. t',i k I' lioccl. at t 'i1' 'M'l'l'i ('ll) et Dec MU ll ,y Cl li" III ll 'ey of Nov Ul ,1 at N, n ' jA, - It. Hi .i. ("ily roucl Id si" r. piii.l 1 r - i, ; J ( UR ( J7i CiJ I I ) r- : ( ') A ; i . I ! t i (J Estrr.v Notice. T ,t .! ( n i,t t rl -- i O iii F V(' tin- - il"s- - follovdns ' ' 1 M v. alu.Ml on i. it k' i ai-- tiii-r- iu . ftliont v.iutu - S in 011 J'MU - ill nl t - oil Sl"l lUYiiftaW be .'Hl'l t ro Ibe dan of fbis it iii t :i d. u i bo ri.M to 1 h hi liot bnbb-- lit lilt j tK o I'lecK p. in. t . pli rit v e- -t i.3 iMi'iu, al Is. .i1 . bi o' Nt' 'h ". tb'iy 4f ov.IMb, D,ti- ll ul Noioti (ll., i.iis :o ibitiml Kt eper J.t.Mi sli. 1vKM Tf ! imi li.n.- is n v iliPL.'l L rit lMflUiil). A. S- - r JOURNAL I i diifl v J 1 C Intliinapolis, Ind., U. S, A. many at- the, addresses of tractive young men and women that ADd read are wealohy and live in luxry, who . sire acorrespondent.. , . . ; Little Early Risers. DeWitts Tha famoui little Pills. r de. . Im iu pa L ' w ' 75. Cj WANTIjn. . Ssler.iiflo American Agency for trf HilJkS Letters PublishingCo. I 'IS AO ; c;-- n V i U Tt- -J ; Devoted to letter writing and correspondence, especially adapted to those who are downhearted, lonesome and lonely. In it you .will fine pleasure and happine-s- . Through it you may find peace at heart. Send 10 cents for a three months trial subscription to freel-give- n Wfc j I',.., III i , in suit- - Gil young mothers, against the disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning the cause, first is the object of symptoms aid treatment this item, ihe orgin of croup is a common cold. Children who are subject to it take cold very easily and croup is almostis sure to follow. The first symptom hoarsdess; this is soon followed by a peculiar rough cough, which iseasily recognized and will never be forgotten by oneis who has beared it. The time to act If when the child first becomes hoarse. is Chamberlains Cough Remedy all tendency to croup will soon dishas appear. Even after thecroupvthecough developed it will prevent this attacks remedy There is no danger in giving for it contains nothing injurious. For & Sons. sale by A. Lunt inf fY l, I , tx.t , y,:-- l!ow ni mu ., ' lo1 ll'Uld.lI.i l'lc1 nil c s, 1 ' - . V TRADE marks patents, COPYRICHTS, etc. Design For Information ani five Hamltook nto to MUNN A LO., aei Broadway, New York OlUost bureau for seoumi? patents in America. before Every patent taken out by us is brought ttie public by a notice given free of charge in tbd JititatKic circulation of any scientific papcMn th world, fcpldiidully illustrated. No intclligenft man hhould 3.00 without H. Weekly, & C0. Var; $i,so six months. Address,ewMUNN York City .. 361 Broadway, Larp-ei- j |