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Show s Tha Republic Neplii, Utah, Satnrday, Nov. 23 How the Dipper Saved the Farm, i i Father was sick and the mortgage on the farm was coming due, I saw in the Christian Advocate where Miss A. M. Fritz of Station A. St. Louis, Mo., would send a sample combination dipper for Js two cent stamps, and 1 ordered one. I saw the dipper could he used as a fruit jar tiller; a plain dipper; a line strainer; a funnel; a strainer funnel; a sick room warming pan ami a pint measure. These eight different uses makes the dipper such a necessary article that I went to work wiih it and it sells at very near every house. And in four months I paid ofl the mortgage. I think I can clear as much as Jl'mii a month. If von need work you can do well by giving this a trial. Miss A. M. Fritz..Ntatiou A. st. Louis, Mo., will send 3 yu a sample for Is two cent stamps write at once. Wise Words. Instead of praying for effects, let us pray that we ruay be enabled to fulfil causes. Professor Drummond. Only be who puts on the garment of humility linds how worthily iti clothes liis life. Phillips Brouk. The best cure fur sorrow is to sympathize with another in sorrow. The cure for despondency is to lift the burden from some other heart. Anon. John G. X. -a- -;! HIGH GRAPE Marry This Girl Quick. I saw in your paper that a hi 3ear old b(3- made SI.21; the lir-.- t hour he worked selling the Perfection Metal Tip Lamp-wicI ordered a sample and went to work and the first week I cleared 10, the second week I cleared 10. 1 expect to run up to $2.5 a week in the near future, as the Perfection Metal Tip Lainpwick makes such a beautiful white light and does away with smokey ehiinne3-- s and bad odor and saves oil, it is easy to sell. If you wish to try it send 1.5 two cent stamps to Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A. St. Louis, Mo., and she will send you samplo outfit, this is a good wav to make money around home. Miss Tina V. FRENCH r.lERiriO - RAMS. k. Sale Clicap. For APPLY: A soul occupied with great ideas best performs small duties; the views of life penetrate most clearly into the meanest emergencies. James Martineau. st Jos. F. Wright, 1ST Utnli, ojilii - L Guides of The Alps. NEILSON k SPERRY Delinquent Tax Notice. There are 53G authorized guides The only First-Clas- s Barber in the Alps, 104 of them have takShop in Neplii, en a regular course of instruction in their profession and have re- Courtious Treatment Guaranteed ceived diplomas: 33 of them are between 00 and 70 years and 0 are over 70. Main Candid. Ah - Lit. Woplii Dr.C.H. BIBB B elitist. Woman (who has been addressed on the street) 8ir! Tor whom do you take me? Indignant Old Rounder madame. OFF1CEOF TIIEXEPHI IRRIGATION Company, Neplii Ci ty , Utah, There is unpaid ami delinquent 011 accouut of a tax .oted ami determined by the members and land holders of the Neplii Irrigation Company, on the 7t!i day of Apiil 1 GG, the several amounts set opposite the names of die respective members and land holders as to all. of age. for myself, follows: PIVOT TEETH, BRIDGES AND RUBBER PLATES A. Spooialty. 233 Popes 15 have been Frenchmen, have been Greeks, 8 have been XErill OFFICE: One block south and half block east of Store. Syrians, 6 have claimed Germany for their birthplace, 5 have hailed 13 Give you 1. the pick of mens our store for only in 10. Any overcoat for 11. Your choice of any youths suit for 7. G OLD C ItO V"N S, Leo XIII. is the two hundred and fifty-thir- d Pope, Of the total COMIVIENCING DEC. suits Test!) Extracted Without Pain. The POpes. If not we will now tell you that we will for 15 DAYS Your choice of any childrens knee pant suit for 3. Co-o- p Offices: from Spain, 2 were from Africa, 2 from Savoy, which was also the number sent by Sweden, Dalmatia, Holland, Portugal and Crete. England 1ms furnished one Pope onlv. IfT1 Italy heads the list with a total of 10 4, all since 1523 having been selected from among Italian Cardi- 17q nals. Only of the 253 Pont ill's lino you the best of lived over 20 3 ears after their elemeat at the cheapest vation to the Chair of St. IVler." prices, and jjwe tioat Pius IX., t!o l.i Pope, who died all w ith couiti'sy and during tle early part of 1S7S, respect. reigned longer than any of his pro. dece-sorShoulder or Koannd steak and1?'"1,'8',1' his p mtifigul life Yv.enii r o a ling porind of 31 3 oars. Mhttoh, lCc. per pound or 3 Amos Alien. Noplii aucl Manti. Cnn. ! 9.0J 12 s, 40 i m Pvt .i ; r i l L Muu John . : u :i i cf ., , 1 ,i a. i,.s. : Loin and Porterhouse nu' aJIaaa. U cu.-r- Uva i or m . . ! ( v, h ia rh--5. u i rc . Jiunting in h the c mat , i i wii.it is the ;;uu Wood 1 strauga 1 . tind, T the n a r, . j SlCiiL , known m.ui t. a .. ! i rs , ar... i. r .irul !T it 1.. ii'iPr maiunii g a l.iv r tree, draw ' . : ; a, it. t. I A. . . r ... m.i.t ... 0 fcc CO 3 tv Pi J h. V : Tlu Mw. - i" ;ea M ut. a n : i lie in A. , Mi--- -- ta- .v re. I (' an lull 'a .in 'it nia in ,, P. . tun i . g v ii f 4 b i ? .a c" ?. VjU: ? F F: g T : -- k -- "' p . IB w g k A L2 IX U.'vL yir , him takm i "i' : - .),-- Is 11 sup In,,.' la lx, on the itui- s in-- ! g w.a ; '! he .111. g ill :'ie r,, to I . , it i th I : ii w i I 111 th, i), r, a. 111. I ., t ,111s s n a i ,ei i rs her Is 'a, i.i . h i k. iio.in. of saeii tl.iy, ha o ne- ii i ii,c r ; un c s" urn i li i to pay the slid tu, tou,i't!u'i' with llic (o,-.- t . ai t u a samplo nv.HH' cun ;a inlNcrti-iiot -- mnn ami ih-- of tiie sale. b.v seinp u ten in siainps w w ay U make Mia Frit. Piis is J. IL t.ihu i:, So v. Vorv truly, iiunav urniiiui h.orae. i i i m i --- o .Ii.SM-.rn- f Win Mid John thri ut ofkivI (' Ihc mi in, non tv y lui.i r'r.y irt i I rhi- cm, g rh l; . i i JJ S. rm think smtjdc Lil Ilian hr"1: jinVur. .Pretext y nr dIpt?: Writ 4 1 1 you vfhIl'i. dpciriECjtut'iv tte i BARTON & CO. S;itii- - fact ion Gunranteed.J Work called for and. delivered eer.v week Ladie4 nhirt waists a speeialt.v. Oiliee at Isparks Candy Jt Cigar store., -. E- Ha i F,Sparks Jr. Agent- - . b ion 11 The Old Reliable STEAM LAUNDRY Jfk ( , i; lev !; c mi, a t'hi'V lid a- -., ,. !,,. ' e II. ta, I Jn li l'g U-- 3.20 2.10 i.- :o i e. h, i.w e I .1-- w i T ot - C.1M V) . am n a 1 i roc ,o 1 i rt I in tie' st e aa, ie a el x e r ; :0 !.. iu ( iiel.i In 1 he ,!i a 0;ocn a , 0. A . , . i ;w dor 1 (Late U'GHic-- !Dont Forget- - J n-- 2.13 .ore dpt 1 k 7 C d LJiib i - I 1 Chas.nf,Tr , I" i : ; .. Vie. e V 5 - TROY all , J t.T,) ; ami :h C'.vaivdn hole loadta ing adau ,.f wild and iaimw dogs. '1 iv p.,th t. t!u h n, which lnu-b" a d" tamo- uf 3i) foot, is cru bed and it w ihla to mu h t::a amiaws w ' th not into il. a.nd it ha-- haen cidod to d g a o t iio don . Sutuidav Charh-- g.diiv.m was atta. hod by n .stran'-'d an nul mnmdod. and it ia now thought the child is showing signs of hydrophobia. 5 hero the animals eamu from or how long they have been in the don is a mystery. . i . ncy Wan u .i 1 3 straii;ht. ; war a. yesn lai.i n per I o . v.!C ; : pag i tluawah n d. u ing u iaca!..r from clc i: el. , Nuyorih. r , D 1.50 3.0J idr 2ne. p0 tl a . .j 0 i This is the greatest offer ever made. You should all a suit for winter end lav ono away for spring. For when spring- V crass ye u cannot rei them fo r vwico the iv.. If your children are subvet to watch for tlie firt symptom of thecroup dis-e- f hoarseness. If Chamberlains Couch Remedy is given ns soon as the child bt comes hnaise it will prevent the attack. Even after the eroapr cough has appeared th attack can always be prevented by pivinc bis remedy. It is also invaluable for colds iud whooping cough For sale by A.Lunt & son, Druggists. W Clothiers A N'T r tw-- s or Women KK . A L faithbcl jie travel for responsible Salary 780 payable 15 position p m uifiit. itelereuee, j..iu,u.,se sell a (lure sw siampea Th-envelope. g, tticnai, fctarl-ild.j- ie, TV t( lumse in ctati. weekly and - peasi-s- . e- WHOLESALE ,,L I RETAIL Main St. Salt Lake City. ; Chicago. g . NEPHI. UTAH. |