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Show 12 North Carolina Offers White House Logan- Department! Office, Phone 116; Beildenc No, Main. I DEMOCRATS FIX MEETING DATE No. E, T; No. v, e; rto. lu, . No. 1. llendm. 9; No. 7. sr; No. 2. ; io. jl, Si No. No. 8. ; j.evtls-to- n 4; 3, 2; No. Mountain Home, 1; Mu Mlr.ilna;, 1: Newton, 4; North IEhn, !; rant dine, 3; J'eters-bor- o No, I, 1: No. 2, I; Pro v 1I : 1. 6; No. 2. 5; River Heights, t: lilversltle. 2: HmlthfleM No. 1. 7; No. J, 6; Trenton, 2; Wells-vil- l, 12. All district or precinct primaries for in election oi delegates to me rounty convention should, not lie held luler man inursauy, jtiarcn Z'J. 4. 1; 4; llilville. 4; - Acting County Chairman Logan and Cache Stake in Cache Calls Conven'A' Men Fete Tuesday March 19. Approximately tion of 183 Delegate,. 200LfiijAN, "M" men and church officnUa of March 19. Democrats .ef fax-hcounty will ti"ld their convention at the courthouse Saturday, March II. at I p. m.. according to The convention will . Chamhcrs. K. elect a county chairman to tillof the K. vacant left by the dertth place J. Marshall and to select thirty-si- x LOGAN. rieleaates to attend the atate convention at Salt Lake April 9. Delegates to the county convention wih he elected on the basia of one votes twenty-fiv- e ..delegate to avery cast for Oeorite H. Dern at the gena to!" or eral .lection held In Iowa: delegate: Avon, 1; Benson, 1; !lee. S: Cornish. I; Cove,2. 12 nnd riarkston, 4; Hyrum No. No. Lo.mii 0: detonate; Hyde t'irk. 1: atrial 1 1 1, ' 7; No. t; , No. 1, 7; No. 4, g; is the best time "rj to Book for Even on one of our 15 great Atlantic liners, you can alwayi bat fet accommodations .... '. not the room you want, at tha rata you wish to pay! For our beat locations are booked early ... like choice seats tor a popular (howl If you plan to ail this year, take time to cure your cabin, today. Only email deposit is necessary. Stop in, or phone and we'll bring you ship plant and schedules without obligation. t 'World's Sfatam Pacific; ' Carry Owmrfl CWm-Ce- ""7m, i i - t t fIB...... . ; W i ( s - Ml ?. ie : U "', iHwAlt - "Ml saw '7 -- ... : i J S ' ... at Private Funeral Services . Set for Captain Keyting V ..... V "t, -- t . J faf'i frfC II 11 I0UIG th. World Over Drug Co. In Rapt Wonder United States, "acted up' again toDens clouds of amok war observed pouring from th crater of the peak early today. Subsequent action of tha peak during; th day was obstructed by a hasa. Reports that a Dart of tha cona col lapsed were being Investigated by ni4i?.rAf GLEE wns.esL'i J Brr poefiwyigw'V'1..1 v .yffr- - poverty Nozol costs only a fewcenti avoid stuffed nasal passage stop that head cold-- get n in Stops Cough . VZ. - fttMUteS ' lmmmmm it tr.il ttlUllxf M C .. t Stelk was on th. Chlea. criminal court bench he waa Insan. and In- capable of choosln between rlsht arid I of wrong." Chief Jusllc Harry the municipal courts testified()lnn ffll Th. tetlmbny waa given at th.today. " of former th. who Is Judge, charged The Salt Lake theater was filled last evening a!mot to overflowing with an audience gathered to wluiess tha premier allowing of the much heralded picture, "The King of Kings" Krom tha first scene to the final curtain tha audlcnca watched In reverent al ienee and with rapt attention tha enfolding of the plot. Tha curtain of history was rolled back to the daya THE BIO STORE Ettablfhtd Hit of Ualllea, th quaint st reels of Judea, the brilliant banquet scene of Mary of Then cam th wondroua Magdalene. miracles, sight restored to the Utile blind girl, and her is shown for the first time tha Mauler, wonderfully portrayed by H. B. Warner. "1 am the Resurrection and the Life." Tha scene of th first Eat,r in the cemetery garden, w hen morning In th glory of that Kaster dnwn came Mary Magdalene, and tha other Mar, here with their rison Lord and a wealth of the Eaater liliej and the white doves, this la one of the unforgettable scenes of "Th King of Kings." The raising of Lazarus from th tomb, the beautiful inter'uda with th little children amnnr the olive trees in Judea, all form exquisite group pictures. Th cast for the play ia excellent, particularly the portrayal of Peter by Krnest Torrenie. Judas Isacrlot by Joseph Schlldkraut and th high priest of Israel, Calphas, by Rudolph Schlldkraut. An enlarged orchestra with appropriate moslo added greatly to the picture that is on of th real treats of th seaaon. It will lie shown every evening: and afternoon for th week. H"""- s ' v M ; g ) fl E - IJROADVAY & StVTE Things You Want to Do, But Can't day. Breaks Head Colds Schramm-Johnao- (AF).-Du- ring aft two yuan former J tide John 'L. REDDING. Cat, March 1 (CS). Mt. Laanen, only activ volcajw in the Nozol Quickly prompt relief 99 of colds start and lodgeinthe nose and head Nozol, America 'sNose and Cold Remedy. Prescribed by PhysiciaiHj Recommended by I Mt. Lassen Starts New Eruption r .LPS KING BOUND OVER. A few drops of Nozol marcn l HU AHO, th dra-mat- lo TESTING BEGINS. One state and IXX5A.V, March IS started four federal veterinarians testing cattle for tuberculosis In Cache county this morning. The testing, which was conducted In Paradise, Avon and Hyrum today, will require about aix weeks In order to cover the entlr county. Emmett L. King, charged with failure to provide for four minor children sine February 1, 1!'28, waived hearing liefora JudKa N. 11. Tanner in the city court Monday and was bound over to the Third district court. On Bench, Claim ( - Quarter's Work Ends Friday at U. A. C. 1iilA.V, March 19. The winter quarter t, !!. J.'th.Ar4;.MUuf4A-- l and lego will end Krlday uftern-jnstudents will be required to register for spring quarter tt work Saturday, according to W. H. Hell, registrar, (biases will be held as usual Monday morning. Inasmuch as the approaching quarter la shorter than the fall or winter quarters, and in order to complete the various courses as outlined, the work will be more Intensive. wllh defrauding clients and counter felting p ubhc seals. Judge Insane While UERBACHC,(DJ ? .i e, Pacific Express Travtucrs oJ left of picture. 7 ian Craatatt iTravrel 'i--tn lxfran and Cache stake are expected to attend the first annual "M" men's banquet Tuesday evening- at 8 o'clock In the Logan Sixth ward amusement hall, according to L. H. Petersen and Oscar 8. Dunn, director of "M" men activities In lie two stakes. Charles Rr Mnbry, farmer governor of L'tah and general board repreHenta-tlvwill be one of the principal speakers. Special music numbers have been arranged. Following the banquet the annual election of "M" men officers will he held, lileaner girls, under the direction of mutual officers anil the recreation committee of the Sixth ward. luv.- boon .aelectud to preuare tha banquet. and your head and nose clean at once. GEO. P. CARBREY, General Agent Coldgerrai are killed 412 Locust Street, Canadian Pacific, danger of worse St. Louis, Mo., or any local Steamship colds and perhaps Agent. grippe and flu I-- honc is shown above. At the right is a trout stream, on Taolc.Rock mountain, near the estate. Jhlow is a view of Ashcville from the crest of Jlcau Catcher, mountain. Mr. Henry is shown in the inset at the lower summer home of ?. Henry atop Beau Catcher Philip mountain, above Asltcville, N, C, is a likely choice of President Cool id ye for his sum mer vacation- site. It is in beautiful and ruyyed country, fairly close to Washington. A view of the Zealand id, Fbona, 902. Film of Christ Holds Audience LOGAN. March 19 Twenty-fiv- - 'IV stu- e 4 ' ., i Free Samples Coma In and get a free sample of Dr. See the Dr. SchoU Toot Comfort Expert a Seholl's from Chicago, who is with us this week. for corns. They Immediaterelieve Pedo-grap-h of Let him make your print rebecause ly they stockinged feet it takes hut a second cause-fric- tion move th and pres. and then show you how, with the proper sure of shoes. Dr. SchoU Appliance or Bemedy, yon can have comfortable feet at once and feet that will STAY comfortable. There Is no charge for his services and you are under no obligation whatever. Zlno-pad- Penniless Woman Gives Grave to Babe; Loses Job Main Floor Auerbach's Foot Comfort Department Established - 1064 RCUmCY STATE AUERBACH'S t ! .. Foot Comfort Demonstration lAUERBACH CO a '4 ia"-- V Why let painful feat depriT yon of pleasures which mean to much to jrour happiness and health? No matter what your foot trouble whether it be corns, calluses, bunions, fallen arches, rheomaUc-lik- e pains in the legs, tender heels, weak ankles, etc. you can secure relief. There is no need of your suffering another day. NEW TORK. March 19. Penniless and on the verge of eviction. Mrs. Hridget Sullivan, 60 years old, former JanTlress of a lower west side tenement, today gave up her only possession because a baby girl, Mary Fallon, needed it. The treasured possession was a grave In Calvary cemetery. To buy It for herself. Mrs. Sullivan saved jj THE BIG STORE for years. The baby's parents, her neighbors, didn't have enough money for a funeral. An undertaker donated the casket and Mrs. Suilivan donated her grave to save little Mary from the potter's field. Later in the day Mrs. Sullivan was told by H. Horowiti, owner of the building, that she would have to vacate her dingy rooms and make way for a more active and able Janitress. .pf- dents of the Vtah Agricultural college have been aeleoted to compose the glee club and will appear in several concerts In tb near future. After Private funeral services for Captain William M. Keyting, night chief of police, will be held Tuesday, March 20, at the Keyting residence, 254 West Urst North street. Captain Keyting passed away at his home early Mon day morning, following a brief illness. Members of the police department ran view the body at the residence Tuesday until 1 p. m. Th family has requested that no flowers be sent, and the floral police shield, from the Salt Lake Policemen's Mutual Aid association, which Is sent to the funeral of every policeman, will b taken to the grave at the Mt. Olivet cemetery, where interment will be made. Masonic services will be held at the cemetery. Your Feet Won't Let You GROCYTERYA QUALITY ': ft Honeymoon Plane Ends Flight in Crash We reserve th right to limit quantity FREE DELIVERY OF GROCERIES on $3.00 Order in City Zone and on $5.00 Orders in Suburban Zones. KASTONV Mass., March 19 fAP). The airplane honeymoon flf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lothrop Ames, Jr., ended on the Ames estate here today when the plane in which they had flown from Arizona crashed in making a landing. Mrs. Ames was under a physician's care tonight, but It was announced that her injuries were not serious. Her husband was nnhurt. M exican Bridge Burners Captured and 'Executed "They Shall Not Pass." considered one of the best volumea of our rar-tlpoetry, was written by a patrlotlo young American Harry J. Stuzlen. Today this poet In New York, facing eviction from his home, without funds for food and no work. Is bitter against landlords, economic poetry. Here is the systems and editors who won't buy peace-tim- e hungry poet, with his wife and baby "Joy." Ie .11 Simply dorit cjet along together you one of those unfortunates who with paina in your muscles and A EEsuffer commonly called rheumatism, makjoints, ing you miserable, less efficient, interfering with your working hours, ruining your 7 6leep?. You may have tried many thing3 relief. JVhy not try S.S.S.? with-C- ut is extracted from the fresh roots . A.jter suyenng r..... . 'several.TttlbLr years, six bottles of SJS. completely relieved me of rheumatism. It also cleared up a skin eruption and gave me a good appe- I think SSS. is a wonderful medicine" It. L. Busic, Southern Railway, tite. KnoxvUle, Tenn. holding tryouts for about five months. Professor Walter Welti, head of vocal mnstc at the Logan college, announced the following selections: Klrst tenors Vosco Call. Frank Tag- gert, Sheldon Winn. Calvin Wixoni, Amos Bingham, Uordon Wood and Harold Hollely; second tenors Stewart Starr, Golden Bingham, Kills Doty, Guyman, Herman McCune and Franklin Richards; first bassos Deios Thomson, Everett Thorpe, George Kankhead. Carlos Hancey, Alfred Hunter and Aimer JeDDSon: second bassos Courtland Wlllard Starr, Thornier. Klwood Barker, Clark Gardner. Dallas Klchlns and George Ward. The following students compos the rlee club orchestra, of which Dean H.tird is director: Calvin Wixom, Paul -- of medicinal plants and herbs and gives to Nature what she needs in-- building you up so that your system, throws off the cause. For more than 100 years S.S.S. has been giving relief in thousands of cases, as testified to in unsolicited letters of gratitude All drug stores sell S.S.S. in two sizes. Get the larger size. It is more economical. " was xery nervous, liad hardly any appetite,, and suffered with rheumatism. I tried many medicines, but SJSJS. is the one that did me the FURNITURE MISSING. Mack Bell alias Mike Pallato. Is charged with concealing $133.65 worth sold of furniture by Standard Furniture company to him under a title retaining contract. The complaint was IsHued Monday by the county attorney. Bell is said to be still owing $118. 25, and the articles cannot be found, LEADS GUILTY. George Mantyla, charged with transportation and possession of liquor in your bakings use man." - , William Osborne, - 2i06 Sloan Street, Flint, Michigan. Builds Sturdy Health January 23, 152. pleaded guilty before Judge N. H. Tanner In the city court Monday and will be sentenced Saturday. The cam against his partners, ,OUo Jockey and Jimmy Wilkes, was dlsmied alb-- r "How was the attendance at your "Well, on the openinr night nobody came, but next day at the matinee tha attendance fell off a biL" Cincinnati V 25 ' Cynic. xuxct tor 2S Sams Psico for over 35 ycers Million of pounds oeed by oar goversussent BEEN POSSESSION CHARGED. C. Raymond la charged with possesion of eleven quarts of beer at 213 Wentworth avenue. In a complaint Monday by the county attorney. V" A RISINO "What will constantly clings trt ' LAO. of a child who his oiother"a ' He rosy he.Nope a trapeze artist. Euen Humor. Madrid a i a ; of the first order art mirod h!prs through th medium of Want Ada. Household Tnbuna' that Daniel Rivas and Aurelio Perez, leaders of an outlaw band which burned a railroad bridge recently near Torreon, have been captured and shot. They were found hiding at a ranch near a town called General Cepeda, in the state of coanuiia. To Cure a 3 jx Ono Ml Day Cold in Crystal White Soap, Milk, Sego tall 5 9c cans.. bars. . Lit ifj M.UV, bars. X 31 Bromo Quinine lev i No. 2'2 No. 2'j apple etc rro 20c Syrup. . Weicg 1000-She- Toilet f'porr'..25c j Pas-- P o at u m .'! - Ce- 1 Hus-ler'- a n-- JTHTO PjiJkTp I'iB ....10c SV. - ' Wbllt Shredded ...22c Old uteh Cleanser, - Flour 0 oat( Sp.elal 14c i Whit Star na Fun, Patent Tu- nr. lize cans, 6UV. 2 for $1.95 Small packages aLf.x;.....i9c s.y 1 The First and Original Cold and Grip Tablet Proven Safe for more than a Quarter of a Century as an effective remedy for COLDS, GRIP, INFLUENZA and as a Preventive, Price 30c. The bos bear this signature Lux Toilet d 1 Blus High Lib-by- 's Fancy S I I o Pine- - I3 bag Laxapve OQa 4 VV. Buoy Soap, 15c ..S-'i- NOBODY NO TIME. new musical Comedy?" -- most good. I am now well, and feel ' like o new Larsen, Clark Ganlner. Dean Baird, Harold Miller, Franklin nichards, Anne Pearson, Lu Dean Rogers, Niel Murdock. Ellis Doty, Conrad Seh&ub and Clarence Bigler. The orchestra will accompany the glee ctutr.: Tuesday evening the college musicians will glva a concert in Hyrum. Dates for the annual tour which will be made throughout southern Idaho have been arranged as follows: March 2.1, Downey; March 24, Teton; March 26, Midway; March 21. Sugar City; March 28, Elverslde Gardens; March 29, Parker; March 30, Ricks college at Rexburg; March 31, Montpeller; April 1, Soda Springs; April 2, St. Anthony; April 3, Idaho Fall. A final concert abo will be given In Logan following the Idaho trip. Professor Welti said. MF.XICO CITY, March 19 AP). Special dispatches from Saltllo say Soap, L.25C Purity Ftg JQf Nuggets, special.. 1 lb. Red Cof fee. Hill's l, Can flavors, 50c S all for 25c AUERBACH'S MEAT DEPT. Corned Beef; Sugar Cured, lb. 19c Pork Neck Bones, 5 lbs. ...... .25c 35c Pork Steak, lean, 2 lbs .25c Bacon, by the piece, lb. |