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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH t. 2 MI Peak at 40ic FKB1WS MUNITION mm MeadTradingColoradolfi I Idaho Wool " Mart Scales SECRETARY WOUNTAIN HOME, Idaho, Idaho's wool Its highest pries Saturday when Bennett Brothers told 15,000 fleeces, approximately 150,000 pound! at 4014 cents pound. The purchase was made by Boy Moore, representing 8. Bllber-maand Sons, Chicago. Moore trip recently returned from In Wyoming, Utah and eastern Idaho, where he bought more than two million pounds of wool st 36 to 38 cents a pound. Dependence of U. S. on : : Other Nations for Cer- !' tain Essentials Hinted. ! ; n ' Davis Willing to Explain I- similar policy. It might shut off a supply of essential materials to the American government. ' lM MSI Ingredients in Closed Session. Several Hsvs to Be Imported. He added that there are several war materials of vital Importance which WASHIN'GTON', March 19 (AP). are pot produced In this country, and to a Question by the resolution s au the prothat policy Apprehension thor. Bepreeentatlve Burton. Rerun pond tn the Burton munitions resolu-tlo- n llcan, unto, replied tnat ne would might prevent the United States name thee articles, either privately or at an executive committee meet fron obtaining essential war materials In time of ameregncy was ex- ing. The- secretary appeared today for pressed today by Secretary of War questioning regarding a statement In afopposition to the resolution made at Davis before the house foreign previous meeting, and a number ol fairs committee. the committee members took issue The resolution would prohibit ex- with the objections raised by the war port from the United States of war department to ine erreci tnat tna measure would have on the American munitions and their "component parts" chemical and munitions Industry. ' sec- Technical Side of Ques- - - tion ' . to belligerent nations, and the Chairman Porter also read a letter If other munition from Secretary Kellogg, who said that producing countries should approve a ban on munition exports would not violate the "obligations of neutral ity." retary argued that I'' r :: MJss Lula Resolution Would Havs Ne Iffect on Neutrality. It la not perceived that the reso lutlon would have any effect on the definition of neutrality," the secre Boye, Cook ing Expert, to Demon-strat- e "Hot Biscuits" and "Muffins" Tomorrow Afternoon. tary wrote. "There is no obligation on a nsutral state to permit or to forbid the exportation of arms, mu nltlons or Implements of war by pri V .7"- r OE ss cnairman. Idaho Man Takes Lease On Nevada Sheep Ranch Special te The Tribune. March 17. ELT, Nev Albln Kirke n rancher of Snake valby. ley, removed with his family to Salt Lake City yesterday. On March 1 Mr. Klrkeby leased his large ranch and cattle to A. Bunderson. also a promt nent Snake valley ranchman, but re. tained hia sheep Interests. He ex pects to spend part of the coming year In White Pine county. IOE301 sea II YOU'LL SURELY BE SURPRISED SEE SHLBT3 LIKE THESE AT DOLLAE AND A HALF TO World Topics i HARDING PURSE PROBE OBJECT IN OIL INQUIRY campaign contribution and resulted ing team met the Utah Aggie team In the charge from the veteran Idaho here today In a debate on senator defending his course that the the question of protection of Ameri oil lease conspiracy really was hatched can investments in foreign territory. at the Republican national convention The Utah Aggie debaters were Leland in last) by a group of men unbeSkancby and Alden LUlywhlte, while known to the party," and later was Roger Ball and Robert Griffin deconsummated In part at the famous bated for the Oregon team. "little green house on K street," a U wards of 100 students heard the rendezvous for some of those identidebate with Dr. W. L. Wanlaaa acting fied with the Harding administration. Many requests have come to Miss Lula Boyea, whose cooking lectures and demonstrations are becoming Increasingly popular with Salt Lake City housewives, to again present some of the subjects which she has already given. Among these are "Hot Biscuits" and "Muffins." Miss Boyes has arranged to present both of these subjects on the same program tomorrow afternoon, from S:J0 to 4 o'clock, in the auditorium of the Utah Power and Light company's Main street store. Featuring the recipes which will be presented are numerous unusually attractive variations to produce something new anddesigned exceptionally good In making biscuits and muffins. Be sure to come. (Adv.) jwA M Tribuns. 3 Argentine Has Riots BUENOS AIRES, March 1 (AP) Violence which has cropped up In re- cent weeks continued to feature preparations for the presidential elections to be held April 1. Shots were exchanged last night among; Irresponsible elements snd three bystanders J were wounded. , Former President Irigoyen, one of the candidates, believing that victory Is already assured, and in order to prevent further disorders, has ordered his followers to suspend the campaign snd to close their political activities. Hopoff Postponed BREMERHAVEN, Germany. March (AP). Miss Mildred Johnson of Philadelphia, who had planned to take off from the steamship Columbus when the liner waa several hundred miles out to sea, arrived aboard the Columbus today, having been forced to postpone the venture. Heavy aeas and opposition to her use of a Junker airplane by Lufthansa were given as the reason for postponing the venture. Miss Johnson plans to fly from Bremen to 1 Gandhi to Visit Europe March 1 (AP). An exchange telegraph dispatch from BomBorah Says Rottenness bay says that Mohandas "Mahatma". Is Without Parallel. Gandhi, leader of the Indian NationBorah declared there was nothing In alists, is planning to visit England. the history of this or any other coun- France, Germany, Switzerland and try to compare In rottenness to the Russia. oil leasing scandal. During the tour Gandhi Intendscon-to Robinson of Indiana brought Gov attend the International Youth ernor Smith s name into the picture ference at Vienna. by attempting to establish whether Sinclair contributed to the Smith camMarconi in paign fund In liltO, subsequently be coming a member of the state racing Italy, March 19 (AP). NAPLES, that and commission, post William Marconi retaining has arrived in Naples after the initial Teapot Dome from London and will shortly go to will consult Premier he where Rome, Nye said he had Information to that concerning Important new effect, but he declared on the floor. Mussolini In the realm of wireless. and later reiterated, that h aaw no discoveries reason for calling the New York govA Tribune want ad will he. your ernor as a wltnesa tomorrow. Results start When Robinson said he believed alarm clock Someone of 368.000 readers will Smith might be able "to throw con early! Csll answer. Wasatch o90 now! siderable light on what's been going on in the last four years," Reed of Missouri came to the defense of the man who is lined up agalnet him as a candidate for the Democratic nomi nation. "The senator doesn t mean to Insinuate that the governor of New York turned any public property of the state of New York over to Sinclair?" Reed inquired. "I don't know." Robinson replied. "Well," the Mlssourian came back "anv man who says he doesn't know and makes such an Insinuation, Is going beyond the rights of the sen ate." LONDON, Italy BREAK STARTS I.OS ANGELES. March 19 (AP). Four separate Investigations Into the cause of the St Francis flood disaster of March 1J In which 27! are known to be dead snd 17? sre still missing, were started today. One wss an Inquiry by the official board appointed by Governor C. C. Young. The other three Investigations were conducted by the district attorney's office of Los Angeles county, the water snd power bureau and officials ef Ventura county. The federal Investigation will begin tomorrow after the arrival here of Dr. Elwood Mead, chief of the United States reclamation service. Eneineers and geologists employed by District Attorney Keyes will make their report at the Inquest to be conducted "by Coroner Nance on Wednes day. One of the things sought by the prosecuting attorney is evidence that there was delay in making repairs after various weaknesses In the water system had been called to the attention of officials. Keyes said manslaughter charges may be filed. sent a telegram to the Mayor Cryer governor In which he said he considon the part of move ered It a good the state to send disinterested experts over the system in order that any faults that may be found may be remedied. A community funeral service was held late today at Santa Paula at a memorial plot purchased by the Los Angeles bureau of light and power. L. Vp.Iasque of Piru, rescued alive from the flood water, died as a result of exposure and shock. CHICAGO. March 1 (AP). The St. Francis dam which recently burst and flooded the San Francisqulto valley in California was constructed by the City of Los Angeles by the employment of day labor and no contractors were engaged or consulted, the Associated General Contractors of America charged in a resolution adopted at its annual meeting today. The resolution was adopted as an answer to an editorial criticism in a recent Issue of the Stockton, Calif., Q SONG AND ANTIC (Continued Q Only by careful planning only by careful buying are yrt able to offer them at the dollar-fift- y price. Basin! value-givin- These shirts the best dollar and a half ones In the United States quality considered, style tailoring considered are the greatest values we have ever offered. con-sidere- d, See them for yourself today note the fine materials the beautiful patterns. We are sure yoa will agree that they are worth much more than y. WbBOothMCo. ETETSOJf HATS South Main. n o H0LIPE007 HOSIERY - hibition headquarters St Washington, today cited too bootleggers convicted In federal aeurt here to appear and par Internal revenue taxea either for operating stills or retailing intoxicating liquor. Under the Internal revenue laws, re cently made operative by congress. Mr. Snodgraas said, the tax for op erating stills is $1000 a year to the state of Texas snd fiuoo a year to the federal government. Retailers of liquor sre required to pay a tax of J.jOO to the federal government in addition to the regular Internal revenue taxea. Mr. Bnodgrass said If attempts to collect the taxes fall, civil suits for collection will be filed In federal court. CsU noon Tribune Wants to solve your problem tor yon- - you'll find . r tnera emcient. , -- ImcIiI re The Tribune. BOISE, Idaho. March II. Organisation of the Idaho Highways and Good Roads Districts association was perfected Monday at the Boise chamber of commerce by twenty-seve- n dis trict commissioners from all over southern Idaho. J. T. Wlndle of Twin. r bus was cnosen permanent cnairman. A committee on recommendations urged ths commissioners to formulate constitution snd which might be sent to sU highway districts of the state for ratification. The committee also rceommended that officers and a board of directors or executive committee be elected. The purpose of the association la for more cooperation of the districts throughout the state. by-la- hlrhv A BARGAIN KNABE AMPICO REPRODUCING . LIKE PLAYER-PIAN- O NEW-L- ESS THAN HALF PRICE UTAH MUSIC CO. No. Eleven East 1st South OUR BETTER CLOTHES ARE TAILORED AT FASHION PARK Evening of March 24th On Saturday r, ? te The Tribune. MALAD. Idaho, March 19. A bill suggested by State Game Warden R. E. Thomas, to give Idaho a perpetual acres of easement on the forty-fou- r the Nez Perce Indian reservation In northern Idaho now used for a state game farm, haa been Introduced In the lower house of congress, the war The bill den announced Saturday. provides that as long as the grounds are used for the propagation of fish and game the rights of the state game department shall not be disturbed. The state, Thomas explained, has gutting In expensive Improvements, an'd'Win'fS to take no chances of losing Its work by a revocation of the present lease agreement. The farm Is near Lapwal. been DISTRICT COURT OPSNS. to The Tribune. IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, March 15. The March term of the district court opened this morning with . naturaliSpecial zation cases taking up the first session. A resolution expressing regret at the death of Phil Averltt, member of the bar, were read In open court and placed in- - the records. Independent. The newspaper was quoted as saying In part: "If faulty or Inferior construction Is to blame, the matter should be made publlo to warn against further tragedies as the price of conscienceless contractors or builders." W. A. Beehtel, president of the association, aald the construction of the dam was another Instance of the Inferior workmanship done by governments or municipalities In the field of engineering and construction. if Just One to Close Out $135 Value More than usual value in a Spring Suit at Fifty Dollars. New shades of gray and tan also blue and oxford from our tailors at Fashion Park. .- T' FIFTY DOLLARS ., Ready-to-Put-O- I jr-:- m S ' sS . A suite that is at once compelling in elegance, durability and value, shadows any other single bedroom value we have offered in many seasons. ' BeIuS-u- l I pnczs j " derful value we're offering today. Id, Eemember, Just one be sire to I 'Terms U V see this won- be early. 501(1 00 Easiest Over- - Full Size Roomy Chifforette, Vanity and Bench If yoa art contemplating new bedroom furniture this spring iTnJLA$j) n See Windows The "TRESJOLIE" !. i t ce fsge Oae.) Nora was usually In the newa Her succession of husbands, her succes sion of theater successes and the children ehe adopted kept her there. Her husbanda numbered five. Her last one, Benjamin L. Fiiedland, whom she married three years ago aboard the liner Leviathan, survives her, with three foster children. Twelve years ago German physicians told her she had cancer and news more dispatches said she had six Chrismonths to live. She took up tian science and gave that the credit for prolonging her li(e. Always she gsve herself unstlnt-Ingl- y to her audience, whether on Broadway, the Palladium in London, or on atands on the road. Otto Greasing waa her first hus band. Her second was Jack Norworth. He played with her in several productions. Tbey were known ae the etsge's happiest couple. It waa a song that brought them together, a song written by Norworth and called "Woes Mother Was a Girl." Norworth wrote nany songs for her after that. Then one day Harry Clarke Joined the rompsny. A divorce followed snd Clarke became her husband within two weeks. Arthur Gardoni was number four. He waa also a theater man. They were divorced snd then she married Friedland. a wealthy garage owner. Vaudeville andlences front coast "to coast will recall her singing of "blue" songs, her witty remarks and humor ous antica Men and women hixh Is the theatri cal world paid tribute to her today. Funeral plane have not been announced, but her Broadway friends will predominate among the mourners. SCHOOLS HCLP MERCHANTS. S perl" I te Toe Trl bun. RlTtLET. Idaho, March Sjrvle shows and spring weather go toaether In Hurley thre days Merchants are announcing spring styles and fash-Io- n shows are being given tn a local picture house. Grareful young women wno have Sad dramatte instruction hi th echoois are stung aa msnnl. HOUSTON, Texas, March II (AP). H. E. Snodgraas, representing pro- BODY FORMS Special ose-nlg- with us is a matter of pride as well a matter of profit that's why we are ever striving for leadership In 258-26- 0 Bill Before Congressmen To Protect Game Rights needed a stirring war song. She sang anil the country had Its tune. - sy Xtfi hard to believs that you caa boy genuine broadcloths or silk stripe woven madras cloths at this low price. one-fift- from fabrications. In the course of his speeen premier Baldwin said that no British secrets had been betrayed snd no disservice Tom Wllllems, to the nation done. Laborite, violently Interrupted the premier, shouting that Mr. Baldwin was setting lortn a series oi tying statements. Williams, refusing to withdraw his remarks, waa ordered by the speaker to leave the bouae, which he did. Revenue Tax Bedroom Suite 4-Pie- WILL BE MISSED THROUGHOUT U. S. u OK This Sample " m I They Must Pay pre. Logan College Meets Oregon in Debate lrV'v ROUSES Bootleggers Told IDAHO ROADS the (lamer amendment. Mr. Garner (CeotUtul fress Fags Oae.) admitted there might be something to tneke further amendments before in that theory: he would not say any reporting the bill. It became apparent additional water to enlarge the Hlo WASHINGTO.V, March 1 March 1 (AP). The LONDON, (AP). that the agreement had contemplated Grande project must be taken from The string of newspapers owned by slipping in tb Garner amendment at tributaries that rise in Mexico. government today refused a new InIra C Copley, former member of eon the last minute. quiry on oath Into the historic "Zln-ovle- ff Swing and Smith grees from Illinois, In Illinois and Oarnar Wants Swing letter" demanded by the Labor of Reminded Record. d, California cams up for discussion Bill Recalled. the motion of Ramsay ' snd party, Both Chairman Smith and Reprewas re such again today In the senate aa Senator After denouncing those who had sentative seeking Inquiry, whether tiwlng questioned him, Garner advised there wss anything Norrls, Republican of Nebraska, re double-crosse- d la the hearings jected a:s to 132. newed his pica for a federal trade the committee to recall the Swing bill to the' effect that the United States The letter In question wss made now on the calsndar, perfect it In wanted the Boulder dam legislation publlo in 19: and is credited with commission Inquiry of their financing committee, and then introduoe It over Mexico. club In connection with the Investigation anew after they decided finally what to beMr.'used as a Leather wood reminded them having aided In causing ths downfall but or Dunne utility power companies. they wanted, but the committee was that they had both made that iden of the Labor government. It con--NeDraskan tailed attention that not disposed to follow his advice. ins statement, and it appeared in tained Communist propaganda and is Under persistent cross questioning tical Copley had said In an advertisement. the record. to have been written by Gregpublished In one of his papers, that a by Mr. Leatberwood, Mr. Uarner adPerplexed by the morning s devel alleged ll.iov.vw pond issue, floated for the mitted some kavwVdge of the plan of opments. Arents re ory S. Zlnorleff, a high Soviet official. purchase of two fcan Diego papers, Vr. Mead to eSchange Rio Grande marked: Representative The debate today wss mainly a had been subscribed to by bunks and water for Colorado river water; he we Investment houses, and he called for had heard of It both in Weshnlgton beenEvidently on. don t know what has- repetition of the old arguments, pro going an Inquiry or this along with the sue nd In Texas. He finally aald. "1 we don t know what the power and con; but an unusual feature, geatlun by Copley that he mlaht soon have heard of these negotiations be trust Is doing which seems to add mystery to mysor may want to do. .'ck M.JtiO.OOtf for purchase of addi tween Dr. Mead and Mexico, but I Dlued ud Mr. owing. tery, was the reading of a curious tional papers. Me recalled charges waa not a party to them." by Premier Baldwin, una tniiis nas neen tnorougmy sigaed document trutt the papers were to be used as purporting to explain how the letter demonstrated. rsjolned Representa reached n "uerense of public utility compa Dealing In Stolen both government and the la there Leatherwood: that tivs "that riles, which are under Investigation Property, Charge. Is no member of this committee on Dally Mail, which published It, and by the federal trade commission. exonersame Mr. said time at I ths won "I Leatherwood, of trust. completely the the charge," power payroll John t allan O Xauirhlin, vice presl that the man making this dear with der if the Boulder dam lobby can ating government officials of any hand dent of the Copley Press. Inc.. in'the Mexico tne Hlo to in to it Grande Is buy press. as much?" imparting trying say .Mr. t ooiey irom the coun absence Ths man concerned in this new mys water with stolen property." try, issued a statement describing the tery named Imthura according to Garner said he thought his amend Second Tims Swing or .Senator declarations as Norrls the harmless was a ment ' bunk. Has prima minister,, waa seen by him thing. Memory Jogged. Late In the day senator Nor could for the first time. He volunUnder It any commission Tin had read In the senate a letter from This was the second time this ses today statement he made, which teered of the the trafflo upper away rights sion Swing has been re'mlnded of his In effectthewas Mr. O'Laughlln. that the Zlnovleff letter states and be fully protected having accepted 135 a day while a Previously, Mr. Norrls der.led that basin tor came' His declared so, "knowledge through an -doing Representative1 member of congress for serving the he or Willis Spauldins of Springfield, an unnamed business rrlena. Arizona, Democrat. 111., whose letter about th Boulder Dam association, and. a on other, Copley Douglas. Imthurn said that, being actuated Kor half an hour ReDresentatlve the papers he had read lust week, had said Ieatherwood previous occasion, Swing had no Purely by patriotic motives snd in to tried from get 'vainly now that regotlatlona are comeback. under way at the attempt of the Soviet for purchase of the Ios Angeles Ex Mr. Garner an admission that Mex It developed during the morning dignant to in the British army Incite sedition for four the hesrd. ico, years having Smith and press. He said Mr. bpauldlng had said boast Of Boulder dam enthusiasts that session that Representatives navy at a time when the British and Swing are not willing to accept government, negotiations had been under way and Mexico concluded more no from water set shsll having he read a telegram from the owners of the Arents amendment, Identical with treaty, was sbout to make a loan toa the texpress, stating that Copley had the Colorado river, If the pending bill the Plttman amendment voted into the Soviet government, he decided to becomes has its op the Johnson bill, giving Arisona and law, recognised sought once to buy stock In the paper. to deny the United Htates Nevada Impart the letter to both the governof the Boulder power ment share uui mat oe uaa nut purcusseu any. portunity a and the electorate through the "On behalf of Copley Press, Inc.," water to enlarge the Wo Grande proj revenues. This opposition evidently is This be did by giving a copy the lotter of O'laughlln said. "I wish ect, and therefore will make no sat- - based on Johnson s expressed confi- of the letter Indirectly to the Dally factory agreement with Dr. Mead dence thst he can defeat the Pitt-ma- n Mall. He declared to state emphatically that there la no that he had never la of this unless rati connection of any kind whatsoever right sxchange on the floor of the received amendment sny money or reward. between the acquisition of newspapers fied by congress In somsthlng like senate. of The this document, which reading by Ira C. Copley, and any Industry fllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfSIIUIII spparently was a surprise to the house, or Interest, save that of the public." no general comment from provoked the Labor benches beyona an outmirst from the Communist member, Sha- purjl Saklatavala, who declared that the document was anotner tissue or by Csble to The Salt Lake ' vate persona. He added that. In view of this, the proposed ban would not violate the obligations of neutrality, nor would be construed as a violation of neu (Centlnuat from Page One.) trality If congress should lift the ban mentlonod. and two avowed candi and permit munition exports 'equal dates for the Democratic nomination ly to au Deiiigerenis. Reed and Walsh of Montana open- air, Davis contended mat enactment of the resolution would endanger the ly participated. No voice was raised In defense of capacity of the American munitions industry to meet war demands and the administration for the Republican that large government arsenals might party's acceptance of the Sinclair have to be erected to provide an ade Quale munitions supply, Row Stirred Up by Representative Morton D. Hull, Re publican, Illinois, questioned the sec Harrison of Mississippi. retary on this point, declaring that he Harrison. Democrat. Mississippi. disliked to believe tnat this was the stirred up ths row by reviewing the only alternative. activities of Will H. Hays In managThe committee will continue tomor ing and financing the Harding camrow, Chairman Porter announcing that paign of 1920. His criticism of Chairhe desired to give all opponents an man Nye of the oil committee for his opportunity to present their objec speech In Baltimore yesterday brought tions. counter attack from the young North Dakotan and before the final word waa said. La Pollute and Blaine of Wisconsin, Borah of Idaho, Glass of Virginia. Johnson of California, Brure of Maryland they and others got tno the fray. on LOGAN, March 19 (AP). The Much of the debate hinged State Agricultural college debat Borah's attempt to refund Sinclair's 1 RiverWater, Utahn Says INOUIRy URGED I'l March. lfl. market reached BI 20, 1928. You Can Always Depend on Axelrad's Quality and Price, Spring Ensemble of Dobbs Hats and Furnishing Goods Are Now Ready for You I |