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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY. MORNING, MARCH 20,1928. 1 IS Sheriff Spoils Big Sales Cadpkign SET FREE Equipment hauled to county jail following raid. Lower picture shows still. Deputy Sheriffs G. BY 500-gall- on PROJECT CITED L. Sch wcitzer at right of still, at rear of pressure tank. Deputy C. W. Rosenkrantz behind still. FEDERALGOURT Says ft Conviction of '' u. y i- ; ..... ' As a result of reversal of convictions by the circuit court of appeal, Indictment charging- Charlea Peter, Salt Lak mining promoter, with using the United States malla to defraud, and James Donaldson with violation of the Harrison antlnarcotlc act, were ordered dismissed Monday by Judge Tillman D. Johnson In the United 8U.i district court The dismissal of the Indictments against the two came by motion of Charles M. Morris, United States attorney. The Peter case dates bark to the mining man's Indictment March 12, 19M. when it was charged that the malls had been fraudulently used by him In promoting the Mascot mining claims In Idaho. He was tried and found guilty, but appealed from Judge Johnson's prison sentence. December 6, 1927, the circuit court of appeals sent the cane back for new trial, because the Indictment failed to charge In legal form the counts as outlined to the jury by the trial judge. Donaldson was convicted In 1924 of violating the narcotic act and sentenced to thirteen months In prison by Judge Johnson. The higher court ruled that the conviction should be set aside because of a faulty indictment. Attorney Morris asked that indict-minbe dismissed, because the statute of limitations has run against the charges against both men. Boulder Engineer Dam Bill Amply Pro tects State's Interests. - n - ' i r I consideration In the Boulder dam controversy be protection of Its future Should rights to waters of the Colorado river, Lloyd Garrison, a member of the En gineering Council and Utah Bar as sociation Colorado river committee, lunch told those at the eon Monday at the chamber of commerce. The state"! best protection of Its future ability to use the Colorsdo oo nips ft, Mr. river la the Garrison continued. In outlining the the committee's Utah, findings. bow speaker said, was the only state th nf ratification back the holding fisnta Fe oompact. He declared that best this was folly, as it afforded the protection It was practical for tht state to obtain. The matter of state rights a crltl-rt- e btlt, Mr. fa the" Garrison said, had been brought up simply to befog the Issue. He said that In event of the passsge of the Boulder dam legislation, Utah's river right remained the same and that the bill Itself recognised the state' ownership of water rights. "If Utah wishes to sacrifice the protection afforded by the bill nnd the compact," Mr. Garrison declared, "and risk her future water supply over a fictitious threat to state rights, or to fight Arizona's battle, the people should at least be informed of. the facts."Utah's present ' only six-sta- rK r7 L. T" - i1 Swing-Johnso- n six-sta- 'J.VT" ' , by Officers After Per-feTrial Run. H. Mitchell Geti $650 In Stipulated Judgment Within an hour after a suit of against the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad company had been filed in the United States district court. Judge Tillman I. Johnson, Monday afternoon, granted a stipulated judgment of JSiO to Hyrum Mitchell, who brought Bult. Mitchell's suit was based on an accident that occurred In January when a truck In which he was driving was struck by a Denver & Rio Grande Western train at the crossing at State and Thirteen South streets. He alleged that the company was negligent and asked damRgea for Injuries to his leg and head that resulted from the accident. , ,t District Attorney Says Newspapers Unfair in ' Criticisms. "The comments in the press have been cruel and unjust I am tired of thst kind of criticism. I am through." Such waa the vehement declaration Monday of District Attorney E. A. Rogers, sneaking at the regular weekly luncheon meeting of the Elks club. Questioned, following the meeting, as to his exact meaning, Judge Rogers said: "When I announced that I ant through,' I meant that I will not be a candldateMpr district attorney again, rnnarlantloin work In the office of the district attorney has brought nothing but unfair criticism, and I am tired of Vhis is your Q for Quality Canned Foods ALL THIS MONTH being a target for such comment." In hla address before the F.Iks, the TO ATTEND HEARING. George M. Bacon, state engineer! Held Jerman, principal assistant state engineer, and W. JIkI Fair, assistant attorney general, will go to Ogdea Tueeday to participate in adjudication . of water right on th Ogden river in the case of rbe flam City irrigation company against the Hooper Irrigation company. This oase is a part of the adjudication of th rights on the Weber river system, bnt Is confined of entirely to the Ogden river section the system. The hesrlngs will be held bfnre Judge B. Wight of the Third judicial dimrict, sitting In the plac of Judge James N. Kimball of Ogden. district attorney said: "If one believed what one reads he would be convinced that the courts and the prosecutors are all in a con spiracy in this state to protect the orlmlnal." In offering statistic pertaining to the record of th district attorney's office for the past eight years he said that there have been but three sc- of fourteen or fifteen Sulttals outtried, and that not one defendant In a rape case has been acquitted. "Of course, there are frequent case when a ctine Is dismissed without being brought to trial." he said. "Ulchard W. Young, president of the state bar association, has praised the Baumea lnw, and given out the Impression thst the district court tries criminal caes whenever It can get ammid to them. "I asked him." Mr. Rogers continued "If he knew how quicky cases are tried In the district court and he Immediate and Safa Relief said he did not know, t told him that they were tried within a week Sudden pain in your stomach are1 after they arrived. I do not believe enactment of the Baumes law here sure tigni of excess gastric acid. A would make the proceears of Justice lime got i on this acidity may lead sny speedier." to gastritis or be the eause of stomach troubles. These first sign of pain and indigestion should never be neglected, and quick relief ran be obtained by taking a little STABBING PAINS : IN STOMACH us Itching, Annoying Skin Irritations Diapepsin" after eating or 'Tape' i when pain Tape's felt. Diapepiin"" ,liilC2 et Bert Coon Is formally charged with manufacture and possession of Intoxicating liquor as a result of the confiscation Sunday at Bacchus of the biggust still ever 'unearthed by deputies from the office of Sheriff Clifford Tatten. The body of the distillery Is said to have been more than seven and a half feet In length. Jt was of capacity. Coon is declared to have ssld he paid J2O00 for the full equipment. Deputy Sheriff Smith Sutton, who procured the comwas plaint, declared that everything when in readiness to begin operation the deputies closed in on it. The giant distillery Is said to have been found on a ranch. It had stood one trial run, turning out 4(W gallons of liquor, which was promptly marketed. Coon is said to Jiave admitted he was getting ready for a good regular run of whisky late Sunday when officers spoiled hte Plans. 116.-M- Government Seeks Forfeit Of Fennimore Land Grant That lands In Carbon county originally granted to Ralph 8. Fennimore for a reservoir project be adjudged fnrfeit is asked for in an equity suit filed Monday In the United States district court against fennimore by United States Attorney Charlea M. Morris for the government. The complaint recites that certain lands, located in Carbon county, were Fennimore by the governgranted to1910 with the understanding ment in that within five years definite work In completing an Irrigation project It further states would he shown. period or that within the done and asks been work no has since forfeit and that the grant be declared the title given back to the government. . . INJURY THREAT CHARGED. Telling the wife that you will "soak her on the Jaw" Is extreme cruelty, Lola 'I. West contends, In filing suit for divorce from John F. West. Divorce was filed Monday In the Third district cjurt. The couple were married June 7. 1S22. The fistic threat was passed last November 21, at which time he is declared to have called her five-ye- a fool. How to Sweeten Sour Stomach TO ADDRESS CLUB. George N. Child of Superintendent schools will speak on Lake City Salt -Educational Program, ' Revised Our of the Rotary at the Tuesdav luncheon Utah. Vice Presiclub in the dent Charles F. Barrett will preside. Mob Singing "Some will be A feature by the Whole Gang." CHILD Hel means "that acid is ; Sour stomach fermenting the food, forming gas and rid of causing pa hi. You must get severe thin acid, for it not only causes discomfort, but it also attacks the stomach lining and may lead to ulcers. J'"or a. 'id indigestion and this cov19 out of 20 cases there's nothing er. better than pure, harmless A few tablets or a teaspoonful of the powder will Instantly neutralize the thus relieving the pain at once. is the one remedy which And heals the delicate stomach lining, thus For fully atfniust ulcers. quick, safe relief from add Indigestion, get a large package of tablets or powder ol any (Adv.) drusgist today. WIFE CHARGES DESERTION. by Ethelyn Suit for divorce was filed In Mebater against Carter K. Mobster1 he the Third district court Monday. couple were married January U. ll'lS. Failure to provide and desertion are alleged, WIFE SEEKS DIVORCE. Vliate Gladstone filed suit for di-In vorce front William C. Gladstone the Third district court Monday. She charged failure to provide. The couple were married In February, j021. Next lo the natural laxative from a mw iters ucbl, a miu, uiu-i3ioned preparation is always best for,y .i ir keeping baby's little , digestive tract clean and sweet. vnen your little one doesn't eat, or can t sleep, give him a tew drops of plain. Castona It is purely vegetable, you know. Any doctor will! tell you that it is utterly, , harmless to the youngest H infant. It is sweet to the taste.V nnd sweet in the little stomachA Yet its gentle influence is soon felt all through the tiny system. Noty even castor oil can compete with J li. Castoria and. how much- ' :,... .v S 'a )"i 1 - - to use this better it milder means of regu- lating a baby Never give baby paregoric or similar opiates because,a few drop of . Castoria are just as is done. , soothing, and no harm ' nf iKinirntirs Castoria;!, 1 .. s 1 Ilill Ult "'"6 as often as discoverX' , it can just give j you otJf diarrhea or thoc"v nf colic,. constipation. ,nv e;rn . . . t r " i j times when you don t know just wnat it is mamas causcu an Fletcher's upset.' Only get the genuine Castoria bearing comes the bottle with and every signature. It isn't expensive, its worth Babies" of weight m book, "Care and Feeding mother. gold to every mothcror prospective is 1 jrs . tl..'. r" -- .you . " III iLlillir inatanttr neutralizes the excess stomaeh aciit and soothes, heals and strengthen When applied directed, Zemo the inflamed stomach lining, thug normal, painles digestion, effectively and quickly stops Itching, promoting to prevent future trouand and relieves Skin Irritatiom inch as ble. helping Eexema, Pimples, Rashes, Dandruff For many year million have used Zemo and Chafing. penetratci, and recommended "Pape'g Diapep-sin- " cleanse and soothes th ikui. It i for the and sure relief a clean, dependable healing liquid, of indigestion speedy and allied atomaeh time. to convenient me any 35c, troubles. 1'ollow their example! Get 60 and $1.00. a package of "Pape'a Dia pepsin" from any druggist; no mat ter how severe your pain and stomach trouble hare been, yen will OH AKIN IRRITATIONS get instant and laxe relief. (A dr.) Apply Ilealing Liquid Zemo StiU Nipped 500-GaHo-n ts if - Charles Peter Set Aside on Motion of District Attorney ' jito ra Rogers Declares Desire to Return To Private Life ' y |