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Show - mmt Vr x THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH Mardi Gras Myster H. BEDFORD-JONE- S street, and presently gained the Imposing portals of the Exeter National bank. Entering the building, he sent his card to the private office of the SYNOPSIS. During the height of the New Orleans carnival season president; a moment later he was Jachin Fell, wealthy though someushered In, and tfas closeted with Jowhat mysterious citizen, and Dr. seph Malllard. Ansley, are discussing a series ol The Interior of the Exeter National robberies by an Individual known as the Midnight Masquer, who. Inreflected the stern personality that an as has aviator, variably attired ruled It. The bank was dark, long defied the police. Joseph conservative, guarded with wealthy banker, is giving a much effrontery of Iron grills and bars ball that night, at which the Masquer has threatened to appear and against the evil doer. rob the guests. Fell and Ansley, The window men greeted their cuson their way to the affair, meet a tomers with Infrequent smiles, with girl dressed as Columbine, seemingcaution and reserve so great that it ly known to Fell, but masked, who accompanies them to the ball. was positively chilly. Suspicion Lucie Ledanois, recently the ward seemed In the air. The banks reputaIs of her uncle, Joseph Malllard, tion for guarding the sanctity of the Columbine. At the ball, Bob Maillard, son of the banker, again wealth seemed to rest heavily upon proposes to her and Is refused. He each pair of bowed shoulders. offers to buy some of her property. The business customers of this bank A Franciscan monk Interests her. He turns out to be Prince Cramont. found their affairs handled coldly, efIn his library Joseph Malllard anil ficiently, with an Inhuman precision a group of his friends are held up that was admirable. It was good for and robbed by the Midnight Masbusiness, and they liked it. There quer. Lucie Ledanois, the last of an old family, is in straitened cirwere no mistakes. cumstances. Joseph Malllards hanPeople who were accustomed to unforof funds has been her dling dealing with bankers of cordial smile tunate. Fell is an old friend of her and courteous word, people who liked parents and deeply interested in the girl. Henry Gramont, really to walk into a bank and to be met the Prince de Gramont, is enamored with a personal greeting, did no Fell of Lucie. Lucie talks with come here, nor were they wanted about her affairs and the Masked Gramont's chauffeur, Masquer. here. Chance customers who entered Hammond, sergeant In the A. E. the sacred portals were duly cowed F., lives with him. He was the and put in their proper place. Most original Midnight Masquer, and of them were, that Is. Occasionally Gramont had assumed the role. Where Hammond had been a robsome intrepid soul appeared who ber for financial gain, Gramont, seemed Impervious to the gloomy of course, is not. He arranges to return the loot to those whom chill, who seemed even to resent It. he has robbed. Gramont and HamOne of these persons was now standmond put the jewels and money ing In the lobby and staring around in Individual packages to be rewith a cool Impudence which drew unturned the next day. favorable glances from the clerks. He was a decently dressed fellow, CHAPTER V Continued. obviously no customer of this sacrosanct place, obviously a stranger to Beneath a rakishly In the garage Hammond switched Its interior. - on the lights of the car. By the glow cocked soft hat beamed a countenance d imperthey disposed their burdens In the lug- that bore a look of gage compartment of the tonneau, tinent deviltry. After one look at that which held them neatly. The com- countenance the assistant cashier partment closed and locked, they re- crooked a hasty finger at the floor turned Into the house and dismissed guard, who nodded and walked to the intruder with a polite query. the affair as settled. Can I help you, sir? t, Upon the following morning The intruder turned, favored the who usually breakfasted en pension with his hostess, had barely seat- guard with a cool stare, then broke ed himself at the table when he per- into a laugh and a flood of Creole diaceived the figure of Hammond at the lect. Why, If It Isnt old Lacroix from rear entrance of the dining room. The Carencro ! And look at the brass but- chauffeur beckoned him hastily. 'Come out here, capn! Hammond was breathing heavily, and seemed to he in some agitation. "Want to show you somethin! d Cramont rose and followed out to the garage, much to his amazement. The chauffeur halted beside the car and extended him a key, pointing to the luggage compartment. Here's the key you open her! Whats the matter, man?" The stuffs gone! Cramont seized the key and opened the compartment. It proved empty indeed. He stared up into the face of Hammond, who was watching in dogged silence. I knew youd suspect me," broke out the chauffeur, but Gramont Interrupted him curtly. - Dont be a fool; nothing of the sort. Was the garage locked? Yes, and the compartment, too! I came out to look over that cut tire, and thought Id make sure the stuff was safe We're up against It, thats all. Someone must have Seen watching us last night, eh?" "'The guy that trailed you yesterday, most like, agreed Hammond, dourly. You think they got us, capn? What can we do? Go to the Devil, Then, Snapped Do?" Gramont shrugged his shouChacherre, and Turned Away. to lders and laughed. Nothing except wait and see what happens next! tons dlable! You must own this Dont touch that compartment door. I place, heln? the cats tall grows in want to examine It later. time, I see! You remember me? exclaimed the Ben Chacherre! ' Hammond gazed admiringly after him as he crossed the garden. If you guard, ' losing his dignity for an Ini aint a cool hand. Im a Dutchman!" stant. Why you vaurien, you! "So you turn up your sanctified nose he murmured, and followed his master. at Ben Chacherre, do you? exclaimed that person jauntily. A vaurien, am CHAPTER VI. I? Old peacock ! Lead me to the man who cashes checks, lackey, brass butChacherre. Jit ten oclock that Monday morn- tons that you are! Come, obey me, ing Gramonts car approached Canal or Ill have you thrown .into the street, and halted a block distant. street ! You you wish to cash a check? .Gramont left the car, and turned to But you are not known here Hammond. with speak Bah, Insolent one! Monkey In the Ive made out at least two fingecalabash that you are! Do you not rprints on the luggage compartment, Drive around to know me? he said, quietly. Heaven preserve me!. I will not police headquarters and enter a coma robbery of the answer for your accursed checks. to name In my plaint Go to the devil, then, snapped compartment ; say that the thief got away with some valuable packages I Chacherre, and turned away. His roving eyes had already found had been about to mall. They have a correct window by means of the the .of fingerprints transferring process such as these ; get it done. Perhaps they other persons seeking it, and now he can identify the thief, for it must have stepped into the small queue that had been some clever picklock- - to get into formed. When it came his turn, he the compartment without leaving a slid his check across the marble slab, scratch. It was someone sent by that tucked his thumbs into the armholes devil Jachin Fell, and Ill land him of his vest, and impudently stared into the questioning, coldly repellent eyes If I can Then Fell will land us If hes got of the teller. Well? he exclaimed, as the teller ihe stuff! Do you wish to examined the check. Let him: How tan he prove unless he had brought the po- eat it, that you sniff so hard? The teller gave him a glance. This lice to open up that compartment? Get Is for a thousand dollars with you M)pg Can I not read? said Chacherre, Hammond grinned, saluted, and Am I an with an impudent gesture. drove away. not I Have his 'Cajun? eyes in draraont way Ignorant edged Slowly through the eddying crowds to Canal my bead? If you wish to start an Mall-lar- , Gra-tnon- Ham-mob- 1 any-tnm- g, argument, say that the check is for a hundred dollars. Then, by heaven, I will argue something with you! You are Ben Chacherre, eh? Does anyone here know you? Chacherre exploded in a violent oath. Dolt that you are, do I lave to be known when the check is inWho dorsed under my signature? taught you business, monkey? "True, answered the teller sulkily. Yet the amount Oh, bah! Chacherre snapped his Go and telephone Jachin fingers. Go and tell Fell, you him you do not know his signature-w- ell, who are. you looking at? Am I a telephone, then? You are not hired to look but to act ! Get about It. The enraged and scandalized teller beckoned a confrere. Jachin Fell was telephoned. Presumably his response was reassuring, for Chacherre was presently handed a thousand dollars In small bills, as he requested. He insisted upon counting over the money at the window with Insolent assiduity, flung a final compliment at the teller, and swaggered across the lobby. He was still standing by the entrance when Henry Gramont left the private office of the president and passed him by without a look. Toward noon Gramont arrived afoot at his pension. Behind the garage, in the alley, he discovered Hammond busily at work cleaning and polishing the engine of the car. Hello ! he exclaimed, cheerily. What luck? Hammond Pretty good, capn. glanced up, then paused. A stranger was strolling toward them along the alleyway, a jaunty individual who was gayly whistling and who seemed 'entirely carefree and happy. He appeared to have no Interest whatever in them, and Hammond concluded that he was innocuous. They got them prints fine, capn. Whats more, they think theyve located the fellow that made em. t. Ah, good work! exclaimed Some criminal? , Hammond frowned. The stranger had come to a halt a few feet'distant, flung them a jerky, careless nod, and was beginning to roll a cigarette. He surveyed the car with a knowing and appreciative eye. Hammond' turned his back on the man disdainfully. Yep a sneak thief theyd pinched a couple of years back; didnt know where he was, but the prints seemed to fit him. Theyll come up and look things over sometime today, then go after him and land him. Gramont gave the stranger a glance, but the other was still surveying the car with evident admiration. If he heard their words he gave them no attention. Who was the man, then? asked Gra-mon- Gramont. A guy with a queer name Ben Chacherre." Hammond pronounced It as he deemed correct as the name was spelled. Only they didnt call him that. Here, I wrote It down. He fished in bis pocket and produced a paper. Gramont glanced at It and laughed. He gave the Oh, Chacherre ! name the Creole pronunciation. I .expect theyll Yep, Sasherry. come- - any time now said two bulls would drop In,'" All right.- - Gramont nodded and turned away, with another glance at the stranger. Ill not want the car today nor tonight that I know of. I'm not going to the Proteus ball. So your times your own until tomorrow ; make the most of it! He disappeared, and Hammond returned to his work. Then he straightened up, for the Jaunty stranger was bearing down upon him with evident intent to speak. Some car you get there, brother!" Ben Chacherre, who had overheard most of the foregoing conversation, lighted his cigarette and grinned faSome car, eh? All she miliarly. needs Is some good tires, a new coat of paint, a good steel chassis, and a new engine Say, Huh? snorted Hammond. you bo, who sold you chips in this game? Move along ! Ben grinned anew and rested himself against a near-b- y telephone pole. Free country, aint it? he InOr have you invested quired lazily. your winnings and bought, this here -- alley? Hammond reddened with anger and took a step forward. The next words of Chacherre, however, jerked him 1 sharply into Seen anything of an aviator's hel met around here?" The chauffeur glared al "Huh? his tormentor, yet with a sudden sick Who ynv feeling inside his bosom. v klddin' now? J Nobody. I was asking ft question, thats all. I was (lyin along here last night in my airplane, and I lostfyny helmet overboard. Thought mflybe youd seen it. So long, brother ! l. Pew crooks in the countrj had not heard the name or Izzy Gumberts. (TO BE CONTINUED.) 0 Every time you buy and use cheap and big can baking powder that does not give satisfaction you have - increased file cost of your bakings many times? By Copfright bp DOUBLEDAY, PAGE AND COMPANY BEN CHACHERRE. 0 0 BEE2EMDEEI Tho Economy Ho ttEnc HMQXDSR?(Q foeett tJBnatt PQDVRHDEUR can be made Millions of You may get more quantity for your money housewivesbuy and use Calumet because they know that it is the best leavener at the but quality means pure, sweet and always successful bakings. DEST BY TEST lowest price. The Worlds Greatest Baking Powder WANTED IN LINE WITH BOLSHEVISM FORD OWNERS TO STOP BUYING FAN BELTS, and to know that the AUXILO or Fan Belt Shield is positively guaranteed to keep all oil from engine crank off the fan Parallel Drawn by H. G. Wells Is belt Will stop belt slipping and prevent Pretty Good Explanation of Exengine from overheating, when same is caused by an oily fan belt. Attached by anyone isting Situation. in a moment Sent postpaid on receipt of 75e or with new fan belt, both $1 00. When ordering with belt give model of car. Will H. G. Wells was discussing bolsherefund money any time within one year to E BURNHAM-COTvism. any dissatisfied customer. COMPANY, Manufacturers, Holyoke, Mass. too bad, he said, for, after AGENTS Sell BETTY JM wringer mop. all, the bolsheviks meant well. But 100 for Write profit. they went too far, you see. That's prices, description, territory. W. H. PRESTON & SON. FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. our trouble Either we West Texas Military Academy B.o.T.a San Antonio, Texas Affiliated nuiTca witfc the University of Texas,' West Point, Annapolis and leading Instito tions of the United States. Army officers detailed by War Department. Uniform Separata equipmentlssued by Government. Junior ScbooL Swimming PooL Aihletii Field. Champions of Football and BasebalL Opens SEPT. 5. Write for new illustrated catalogue. J. TOM WILLIAMS, Snpfc Its Hair I nin l hair it ritaltma the roots and stops hair falling out fills bald everywhere. TO rapidly. Try it! At ali good druggists, dont go far enough, or else we go too topotsdirect ' from HESSIGCUJS, far. Like the man in the French resDIPLOMACY TO THE RESCUE taurant. This poor devil looked at the French menu, which was Greek to With Ice Cream Cone In Sight, lt Must Be Conceded That Betty him, and then he touched an item f with his finger. The waiter brought Withdrew Gracefully. him a plate of soup. Well and good. His soup finished, Betty, who is four, had been scolded!) he touched the next item. The waiter by auntie for some misdemeanor, and Shtt brought him a second plate of soup. her feelings were badly hurt With a repressed oath he touched the kept referring to the matter and saythird Item, and a third plate of soup ing to aunty: An right for you. I was set before him. dont care about you any more. In desperation then he touched the Well, all Finally aunty retorted: last item of all. right for you, then. If you dont core The waiter brought him tooth- about me any more I won't need to picks." get you that Ice cream cone I intend- f TURNED JOKE ON MRS. GOULD When Theatrical Manager Proved Himself Gifted With a Keen Sense of Humor. Occasion Mrs. George Gould, said a New York dramatist, was a superb actress before her marriage, and she often entertained Augustin Daly, her old manager, at Georgian court. One day as the Goulds and Daly were sauntering over the Lakewood gardens a little group of strangers drew timidly near. Pardon me, Mrs. Gould, said one of the group, but we have heard so much about your wonderful hothouses will you allow us to visit them? Mrs. Gould nodded towards Daly ed to buy you. A Cheap Guy. mischievously. Wlnnifred That fresh geek who 'Ask him, she said. Pardon me, Mr. Gould, but may just came in here from the poolroom we visit your hothouses? the stran- makes me tired. Gwendolin Whatsa matter? ger repeated. When I waited on him this mornDaly assumed a grand air. 'Yes, jes, of course you may, he ing he handed me a little round green said, 'and pluck just as many apricots thing offa one of the pool cues Well and peaches as you like.' And then when I says, Whats the Speaking of fireworks, David was big idea? he says, Why, girlie, thats a tip. the original giant cracker. Youngstown Telegram. t Betty looked abashed for a moment She did not wish to unbend so far as to accept a bribe, but she disliked to lose that ice cream cone. Then her face brightened with a happy thought. Oh uh April fool she said triumphantly. 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