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Show A ' s'' ' THE RICH COUNTY NEWS. RANDOLPH. UTAH r IIOVJ WOMEN AVOID HEIM SEES I BETTER ROADS SURGICAL OPERATIONS FUNDS FOR BUILDING ROADS Grateful Son Says His Father Looks Like Different Man Since Taking Tanlac. Sum of $622,000,000 Available for Highway and Bridge Construction , Others Hay Mot Be and Maintenance. , (Prepared by the U. S. Department of Agriculture.) Approximately $622,000,000 Is now known to be available for road and bridge construction and maintenance during the year 1921, according to Information sent to the bureau of public roads. United States Department of Agriculture, by the several state highShould pending way departments. legislation be passed by congress and additional appropriations be made for federal aid, this sum would be Increased by the amount of the federal Every Woman Should Give Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound a Trial First Chicago, III. "I was in bedwith a female trouble and inflammation and had four doctors but none of them did me any'good. They all said I would have to have an operation. A druggists wife told me to take Lydia E. Compound and I took 22 bottles, never missing a dose and at the end of that time I was perfectly well. I have never had occasion to take it again as I have been so well. I have a six room flat and do all my work. My two sisters are taking the Compound upon my recommendation and you may publish my letter. It is the gospel truth and I will write to any one who wants Mrs. E. a personal letter. H. Haydock, 6824 St Lawrence Ave., Chicago, 111. . 1 . . to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Massachusetts. ; This book contains valuable information. ; Surplus finery smothers refinement. i ' s X s . - Hard Surface Road Buil and State Funds. Federal and federal sources for road and bridge expenditure are: Alabama, ; Arizona, $8,000,000 ; Arkansas, $12,000,000; California, $26,000,-000- ; Colorado, $7,000,000; Connecticut, $8,000,000; Delaware, $3,500,000; Florida, $7,725,000; Georgia, $10,000,000; Idaho, $4,500,000; Illinois, $20,000,000; Indiana, $9,500,000; Iowa, $37,000,-00; Kansas, $20,000,000 ; Kentucky, $8,000,000 ; $6,000,000 ; Louisiana, Maine, $7,500,000; Maryland, $4,S00,-000- ; Massachusetts, $8,000,000; Michigan, $20,000,000; Minnesota, $20,000,-000- ; $11,000,000; M's-- , Mississippi, souri, $15,000,000; Montana, $8,500-00Nebraska, $6,000,000; Nevada, $3,500,000; New Hampshire, $2,500.-000- ; New Jersey, $16,000,000 ; New Mexico, $4,000,000; New York, 0; Cuticura for Pimply Faces. SAVE SHOES AND STOCKINGS They will last twice as long if you Shake To remove pimples and blackheads into Tour Shoes ALLANS FOOT EASE, the powder for the feM. It takes the fric-- , smear them with Cuticura Ointment. tion (from the shoe and gives Quick relief to Wash off in five minutes with CutiComp, Bunions, Callouses, sore, aching, swolcura Soap and hot water. Once clear len, tender feet. Shake Allen's FootEase Into your shoes and enjoy the bliss of feet keep your skin clear by using them for Without an ache. ' - .. Recalled Fond Memories. The director, who has a reputation for being rather harsh and overbear-- v lng Id big methods, was giving ills leading man a tongue lashing that fairly turned the atmosphere blue. Through if all, however, the victim leaned gracefully against the wall and amlled happily. i What the' deuce are you grinning Do about? barked the director. you like to.be cursed? Why, yes, I rather enjoy it, chuckled the actor. ; It recalls "the good old days, you know, when 1 played Uncle Tom and was beaten to death every night by Simon Legree. Film Fun. Paternalism. You seem very much afraid of paternalism in affairs of government? I am, replied Farmer Corntossel. Ive tried paternal authority on Josh, and if It doesnt work any better iu a government than it does on a farm, Ill say it aint safe to fool with. . '. J , daily toilet purposes. Dont fail to clude Cuticura Talcum. HER LOVE DREAM SHATTERED Naughty Georges Late Hours Responsible for the Ache in Heart of Young Wife. N . IlSTMT POSTDM And It Will Like T6u v ' V . , - coffee-lik- e flavor. Instant Postum is made Postum Cereal Company, Inc Cattle Creek, Michigan. OF GOOD ROADS ft con-tiar- y. ' black-hearte- black-hearte- d thus-and-s- three-quarter- yaw-w-w-- TOO LATE COLD MEDAL . an . v , Shave, Bathe and Shampoo with Soap. ' Cuticura , , Drac-gist- INSTAHT MM The much maligned dirt road finds a champion in a Denver tire manufacturer, who auserts that exhaustlvs tests show that the unpaved country road causes the least tire wear. Bui the road must be in good condition, with no ruts to wear against the side When properly walls of the - tire. dragged, the unpaved country road is found to generate less heat in the tire : than any other type of road. . most be to found were roads Slag destructive to tires, the sharp points soon pitting the tread with my holes. With the test cars wheels a fraction of an inch out ef alignment, the tires looked as if their tread had been sandpapered after only a few hours traveL Asphalt pavement was found to develop much heat, but little external wear.- - Macadam roads in good condition were found to be better than slag. to Transportation Nothing System and Future of Automotive Power. So Vital mm0 A Unpaved Country Roads Cause Least Wear on Tires, While Slag Is Most Destructive. DEMAND FOR GOOD HIGHWAYS instantly in the cup. O DIRT HIGHWAYS ARE EASIEST To both city man and farmer the good road means release from bondage bondage to electric, steam car and i discomforts bondage schedules to distance bondage to time. Counties and states where good roads have become a steady part of a progressive program of legislation have seen values shoot up in most surprising fashion, and this again has brought home the fact that good roads pay for themselves. combines wholesome Qua- "There's a Reason for Postum, At all grocers ' ' Rail-roa- erate of their health. This pure cereal drink Made by 0; Means Release to Farmer and City d Man From Bondage of Discomforts. Postum much more consid- with rich Ohio, $35,000,00; Oklahoma, $8,000,-000- ; Oregon,,. $10,000,000; Pennsylvania, $30,000,000; Rhode island, $1,- -, " 700,000; South Carolina,, $6,000,001 ; South Dakota, $7,000,000; Tennessee, $10,275,000; Texas, '$60,000,000; Utah, $6,000,000; Vermont, $2,000,000; Virginia, $10,000,000; Washington, West Virginia, $S, 000,000; Wisconsin, $19,500,000; Wyoming, ADVANTAGES People who say, T like coffee , but it doesn't like me? will find Instant lity North Carolina; $6,500,-000- ; North $7,000,000; Dakota, , The mother of the young husband went to the bridal nest, and found her in tears. daughter-in-laMy child, she gasped, what is the matter? Has anything happened to George? No, sobbed the young wife; but Hes taken my heart is to stopping out late at night! What, already! said his mother, in consternation. It doesnt seem How late does he stop out, possible. dear very late? Well, said the bride, you know he usually leaves his office at half-pas- t. five. Tile , night before, last he didnt get home till half-pas- t six, and last night, she sobbed bitterly, last night it was a quarter to seven ! What ' shall I do? You Will Like " in- . ' 0 Lydia E. Pinkhams Private Text-Boo- k upon Ailments Peculiar to Women will be sent to you free upon request. Write Don't pick a quarrel before Its ripe. I dont guess there ever was a case as stubborn as his, and if there ever was a confirmed dyspeptic, he was one of them, and I guess he would have been one yet If it hadnt been for this Tanlac. The first we heard of this medi- Scene In Settled Portion of Guatemala. cine was when my father saw an advertisement in the papers from parties were' of equal density we would have he knew in Tennessee, who were (Prepared by the National Geographic Society, Washington, D. C.V a population of 700,000,000 In the con- friends of his and he knew what they t The creation of a "United States of tinental United States; and, although said about it was the truth, bo he got and troubles beCentral America, half of the country is moun- it right away and began taking it nearly, tween Panama and Costa Rica which the people are normally able Well, sir, it acted just like magie tainous, almost led to war, have drawn atten- to get their living out of what they everybody notices the change in fation to the countries south of the and still have a comfortable ther. Why, he is just like a different Caribbean sea recently more strongly produce balance of trade in their favor. man and sits down to the table and than at any time since the completion . The Salvadorean eats like a farmhand. Only yesterday people are differof the Panama canal. Nowhere else ent from those of any other Central he ate pork and turnips for his dinner in the world has Nature been more American state. They have a middle and ate so much we were actually ' bountiful in her blessings of natural class. There are thousands of little afraid he was going to overdo the resources than in the Caribbean refarms not much larger than a good-size- d thing, but he laughed and said nothing e treasure-housgion. Everything that her city block, and yet it is here that hurt him now and that he was hungry holds has been bestowed with the real prosperity of Salvador is and expected to eat and make up for lavish, and also with Impartial, hand. created. In no other way could a mil- lost time. Someone has observed that if you lion and a quarter souls find subNow, when a medicine will do tickle the ground with a hoe it smlie3 sistence on 8,000 square miles of ter- things like that I think people ought back with a yam and certain it is that half of it mountains. to know about It, and I want to say in any one of these countries the ritory, nearly right now that I would not give one Nicaragua and Revolutions. ground of natural resources may be bottle of Tanlac for, all the other tickled with the hoe of foreign capital Nicaragua is in much the condition of medicines and health resorts In the and it smiles back with yams of Honduras. There have been revoluput together. wealth. tions there since the memory of the country Tanlac is sold by leading druggists These countries are nearly all fa- inhabitants runne'th not to the Advertisement. vored alike in natural .wealth, but Here one sees a thousand op- everywhere. there is a vast difference in the de- portunities for the development of velopment of that wealth a differ- great wealth. Virgin forests of all the HAMPS TIME SURE TO COME ence that may be attributed almost precious woods in the category extendwholly to the character of the governing for miles on end ; coffee lands Gap Johnson Has It Mapped Out, and ments in the respective countries. where millions of pounds of splendid It Will Be a Sore Day for In some of these lands the milk and coffee might be grown; sugar lands the Bluffer. honey of plenty flows in a bountiful which might yield hundreds of thouare in wretched sands of sacks of sugar; and stream. 'Others yet all Hamp Slaughter has an, interesting poverty, where the masses never have stand idle. .Why? . sort of fad, related Gap Johnson of to of enough keep the gaunt wolf Ask, the American coffee growers of About . once in so hunger from gnawing at their vitals the Matagalpa district ; ask the Rumpus Ridge. often he gets a few drams of bone-dr- y in and' and and year cotton growers of Campo Santo. The year night day licber and a. high fever, and shows up out. In traveling through these coun- revolutions come along and leave their In the middle of the big road out yur. tries, one is impressed with, the fact coffee to spoil ungathered and their that prosperity abides with good rule cotton to go to waste unpicked. Ask He flings his hat down in the dust and on it, and that hes a man ! and poverty dwells with misrule. the financier from New Orleans who stomps and such asyells and can eater, whip that, Differences in Development. 20 spent years of hardships there try- a certain d Starting out with the easily demon- ing to gather together a competence, living not more than strated fact that there Is very little and who finally found his business a mile from yur. When I go out to rein wrecked in the of and hands the difference between these countries inquire which special their natural resources, it is interest- ceivers. o he means be says Zach Given good governments, then,' no ing to look around and notice what-s of a mile up the Flatt, on In afford countries the would use vast difference there is the that map road. So there aint much to do but is being made of this natural wealth. greater opportunities for profitable In- to excuse him. Then he goes frica-.seeiOne need not go out of the confines vestments than those of Central Amen-Ica- . off to Zachs place and repeats With such governments as some the of Central America to see this. It performance. When Zach. wants would require six Salvadors to make of them have had heretofore all their to know who he is referring to he says one Honduras, and yet Salvador has natural wealth cannot offset the disme. After that he rambles around its of those and of Honduras and the twice advantages governments, population that hes got ns both bluffed. Costa an investment at 4 per cent in the norating a larger foreign commerce. One of these days hes going to Rica is less than half as big as United States has often been preferred ketch me and Zach together, and find Nicaragua, and yet its foreign com- to one yielding 100 per cent in some out his I mistake. merce is greater than that countrys. of these countries. Kansas Star. City When we come to Costa Rica, things And yet, when Salvador and Costa Rica are compared with Porto Rico, are beginning to be different, and they In turn seem to be slow In their Costa Rica does not like to be reckPorto Rico is so small oned in the same class with Nicaragua, development. that seven islands like it would be re- Honduras and Guatemala. Until required to cover an area equal to that cently she has had scarcely a revolution vof Costa Rica, yet it has a foreign in a generation. Panama which is geographically a trade more than fifteen times as great as that of the Banana Empire. Porto part of Central America, though It has Death only a matter of short time. Rico is less than half as large as not been politically so since independSalvador, yet ft has a foreign trade ence was gained from Spain, Is blest Dont wait until pains and aches with some very fine farming and fruit-land- s become incurable diseases. Avoid over thirteen times as great. in the region next to Costa Little Porto Rico is so small that it painful consequences by taking ouid be buried in a single Central Rica; but nearly all of the Panamans American lake; It would take 57 is- have gone down to the canal zone relands of its size to equal Central gion for the time being. Some of the In area and yet Porto most beautiful tierra templada lands America Rico enjoys about three times as in America are to be found in the much foreign trade as all Central Chiquiri country, and when the people America together from Tehuantepec of the United States get acquainted to Colombia. The reason? Because with the possibilities there, some of The worlds standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and nric add troublee the compared to these Central American them are going to settle in that reNational Remedy of Holland since 1696. republics Porto Rico has an ideal gov- gion and make it a splendid example Three sizes, all druggists. ernment. The trade of the island has of the possibilities of tropical AmerLook far the name Gold Medal oa every bos increased sevenfold since Uncle Sam ica. and accept no imitatios took possession there. The number of ' It Is not Improbable that one of the children enrolled in the schools has results of the completion of the Panaincreased sixfold. , The wages of the ma canal will be the realization by laboring class has multiplied three- the people of the United States that its safety depends in no small degree fold even before the war. one upon the good conduct of the governHonduras Is a Laggard. ments of Central America. That will Honduras in some ways lags behind mean a demand for a. new order of its neighbors. And yet it is rich In Caticurm Soap to the f avoritsforsafety ratogfthavfof things In these countries, which in natural resources almost beyond im- turn will mean safe investments for agination. American capital. With vast deposits of minerals of Then will dawn an era of developof thousands untold with all kinds,, ment in 'Central America comparable acres of the finest tropical fruit and to that which has taken place in Porto vegetable lands In the world and with Rico and in Cuba. and of areas vast magnificent grazing coffee lands, Honduras is at our very louses. ete., stops all palm ensures comfort Around the World for a Nickel. the doors. It is 700 miles nearer to Chi' feet, makes walking eav. 16a. by nail or at On HiMOxftBloftt Wwki.frtohogmlt.I. of wall a the not from FranIs far to San shop that than city cago cisco; it is closer to Washington than Fifth avenue, New York, there is hang- 18 MONEY AND INDEPENDENCE YOUB Denver is ; it Is farther from New Or- ing in a frame a large envelope which WISH? Would you invest $10 in Syndicate chance to make thousands. Particleans to Chicago than it is from Puer- has been forwarded from one point to offering ulars FREE. H. C. Blegen.Lewlstown, Mont. Orthe around world. New another reached It to and to Barrios Livingston Be Coleman leans. With a stable government, as far south as 'New Zealand and Wttiott Lawyer.WuhiDglon Honduras must become a kingdom of porth as far as - Russia, where it PATENTS Patent D. C. Advice and book free some years before . the dis- Bates reasonable. Highest references. Beatservleee plenty instead of a principality of touched turbed conditions of war prevailed. . poverty. 126 MAMMOTH JACKS Across the border is prosperous lit- The original inscription was hardly I have a bargain for jon, come qnlck, at the from end of the discernible as different is W. L. DeCLOW8 JACK FAJUI It journey tle Salvador. Cedar Kaplda, Iowa stamp carried It all Honduras as night is from day. It and a' five-cehas a population so dense that if ours the way. V. N. U., Sa:t Lake City, No. , Apple Tree Point Farm, Burlington, Vt. In hospitals are many women who are there for surgical operations, and there k nothing a woman dreads more than the thought of an operation, and the long weary months of recovery and restoration to strength if it is successful. It is very true that female troubles may through neglect reach a stage where an operation is the only resource, but most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones ; they are not caused. by serious displacements, tumors or growths, although the symptom may appear the same. When disturbing ailments first appear take Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound to relieve the present distress and prevent more serious troubles. In fact, many letters have been received from women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound after operations have - to worse. ' w been advised by attending physicians. well--kno- appropriation. The approximate amounts available to each of the states from local, state,. A Vermont woman adds her testimony to ' the long line of those fortunate women who have been restored to health by Lydia fi. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound, after it had been decided an operation was necessary : I suffered with female trouble, and had a number of Burlington, Vt doctors who said that I would never be any better until I had an operation. was so bad I could hardly walk across the floor and could not do a thing. induced me to try Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound My and it certainly has helped me wonderfully. I keep house and do my work and have a small child. I have recommended Vegetable Compound to a number of my friends and you may publish my testimonial. " Mrs. H. K. Sharon, sister-in-la- . has suffered from My father chronic stomach trouble for over twenty years and has paid out thou- sands of dollars for medicines and doctors, said G. W. Slayton, a Cobb County farmer, living a short distance out of Atlanta. Ga. We tried nearly everything trying to cure him and he went off to the Springs, .thinking, maybe the water' might ..help him, but it just looked like nothing would reach his trouble. Then he tried dieting and lived on liquid food until he almost starved, but even that failed to do him any good and he just kept going from bad POSTUM MVEItAOC ' pVm nWMI fcetini CtrMl CompMQL tr wtiftsr ptiff pin j Lets Preach It, Teach It and Demand Good Roads, says Orville D. Coppock, sales manager of the Commerce Motor Car company, Detroit Nothing is so vital to the transportation system of our country, and the future of the automotive industry as good roads. 21. |