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Show THE RICH COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH . The Rich County News -- r-y g-'- THE RICH COUNTY NRWS PUBLISHING COMPANY f'eoiuJ elau matter Mat . rrutIedia! ..I. at the Poet Office at Randolph onder the act of Maren ,AL J GILLETTE 3. 187 vsvr" BLADES t.1 WITH at Randolph - 1 Randolph Utah June 25, 19?l. ? $1 PREPAID KSLASSCCIAIE? la Attractive Dr,, -- Satisfaction Guaranteed - S.Reav. PHS1C I A N or Moticy Refunded AND s Upr, E Ubtfetnci a tpa c laity a"' Office ON This offer for a limited - Utah Randolph 1 time ouly Residence. i Remit by mono,: order cr cash-..(n- - '? I stamps - Frad Razor Co R- - BttTT & SON 00 with-relativ- Newyork City Marble & Granite - Randolph this Monday afiernooi'Miss Elina week. Norris entertained a natnbrx erf lrs. Charles X). Whitlock of her friends at a bii thday party Tremontcn.Ut-iis here vieiting were on the lawk. played games S with Mrs, Arthur Norris. , , after which ref real) merits-fferC. Nelson motored from served. ',X h' with Al Larson WednesLayton Mrs. John Weston has been day, where she was called to be sick cn the list this week. with her father John .Snowball reported if Painter Utah Weekly''IndustriarReview EVANSTON , " WYOMING 'Victrolas and Records Edison and Records Eastman Kodaks and Films Musical Merchandise ' Drugs and Patent Medicine. ; Send us your mail orders t 4 '' - State cuts salaries of engineers helpers from $215 to $175 per month. Eureka - Juab County votes $225,000 road bond issues, work will start immediately. building campaign. ' I Kaysyille plans $18,148 paving program. Total tax valuation of Utah decreases . in year. Business Club Mens to support Ogden Utah and Idaho sugar industry. $22,269,205 smelting points to Atlantic seaboard from , $22 to $16.15 per ton. . Kaysville library to be opened at early dale. Salt Lake to have new Masonic temple. sight purchased. Building will cost from DR. OTBO L. STONE DENTIST . BLG. EVANSTON $500,000 to $1,000,000.. 1 postoffice Number of new lights installed in business ' ' oection of Layton. sur River Green Lake Salt project being veyed for purposed reclamation. WK START YOU in the candy busin j Trenton Mutual Fueand', Grain Company ess $t home, small room, or anywhere erects office and other buildings. everything furnished; earn $30.00 wkly, Delta building activities extensive. unnecess- ary; advertise candy, send self addresse stamped envelope for free particulars. BON-BO1 Candymakers Co., Desk A Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tremonton paving of business jr - . moving rapidly. to fish have hatchery. Water appliLogan ed for. f ' Proposed Morgan cut off road to be surv- siok.v Saturday June 18th the Sandol- whoisvery it, , , ! high school with large auditorm and up to date Sewertontract let at Ogden Hides, Furs, JPelts, Wool, Junk, Scrap Iron, Iletal, Bttbberg, Bones and Baca . REFERENCE STcCKGRWERS BANK EVANSTON .WypMINO K'ooe 83W ;ffioe Wy0- BWencr Phone 38 " Evanston GIVE We Tan, Make Furs , Rugs , US A TAAVf ABOUT G5tKftTOOe. KAARCOS GX5DP SANS PAVER'-VT'- S WE TU' ' ft and .Repair all kinds of Robes , Gloves Coats, and etc. TRIAL WORK ( 4 GUARANTEED r v i A tough, durable, and elaftic finish for Floors,.Wbodwark, Furniture, Oik" Cloth, Etc. It will not crack,-51- ' mar white, or .chip; dries -' 7 hard over night Stcmfloor tt-ik- e gowig OTUEtL OWE'. MO to bpl - D BY Rich County Furniture Store Als Plate . X- - A good line of home made an occasional wind storm. 4 u. John Kennedy is visiting relati If ives in Ogden this week. , Can Jies, IceCream and LuReva Neville the little daugli. V ter of Mr. and Mrs. DolberF Nevi Mrs. Ed. Huttin and son Rex of ille is suffering .a severe cae 'of r Paris Idaho areyisitingMrs? John spotted fever caused 'by a' wood V Sodawaler , ideunedy Keie thiSVveek. Mrs. Philip Mislay returned home Wednesday from a two weeks visit in Kemmer and Diamond, ville, Miss Hazel Scofield of her. 1 FOR SALE A BARGAIN One Columbia Grafonola in excellcn condition call at this office adv Wrttrni wE game. tw svostu wrvte-oafter WWEV4 GOT KAAttWED TH' HAVA p UE , tbOSS SEX tVVAT SPRWWEO KM PEPUTLCtVOU FlBU' tick bight. At this writing condition is very critical. UF.lT-O- J-- - MOWtV, V WECAU vx , H"ine Sew nz Machines, nw from the factory, Price .very reasonable ami terms to the right party. Inouire at the News Office. . at that contemplated party No More Gentlemanly Lies to Protect Marcus Newspaper Union TW TlVAE HE GOT FlttSWEO FEF. VUE PFEVJ TVV MEiV-O- F CHARiTN O'JE&'TUAX'. NVdD We E5JEV4 VJHBU tBOSTEO WVA FER TU' PA AV4: BOOrtEGGiklG'. 1 t,A your wants in this line to fill the needs I V 1 VA6 VOOX WAS2D vse rwe vis New Sewing Machine, we ave for ale one of the famous New - P' her For Sale WOT-M- FCC. VES.AS.VTN, VOO GA.MV . f Ezra Pate are the returning to Rexgburg Idaho whe. & homcing buby lie she will make her horn 6, The New and her many friends wish giil bora at Hage Wyo. June 6. her much happiness thronght her Al Larson made a business trip inarrieS life. to Ogden this week, The weather in Randolqh the pa6t Mr. Vern Gallentine was a bnsin-esweek has been very warm .with visitor in Randolph this week. r hn(j Jr3i By Charles Sughroc AWERTiSE1 IP W f can be applied by anyone. - $351,010.58 PODSL FMISII STAIllFLOOR 'T SilCKIE, THE PRINTERS DEVIL - Wholesale & Retail Dealer In . car-esl- planned to irrigate 45,000 acres in valley from Utah Lake. Cost will be $4,000,000. US Harry Yolk Two big, lota in good location Wednesday. with log house aqd outbuildings Mrs. Lawrence Corless left Fri. on Canyon Street for day morning for Fish Haven to located $650-0terms reasonable inquire visit with her mother Mrs. Conley. at news office Mrs. A. W. Nebekeris visiting What did Columbus pove relatives In Laketowu for a few " end? on an egg standing days this week. That eggs in ibis days were It is easy li,be cheerful when cheap enough to be handled ' those around you are 'cheerful- - so from a ' selfish , standpoint, it is of tbei sons and fathers worth while1 to try to Twenty happy left ward associate Thursday you with, Randolph tljose 11 morning for'Evanston, where they Notice of hearing before the will join theiathprs and sons but. of the Utility Commission will public which Stake of Woodruff ing at Laketown Tuesday 28, Utnh be held in the beautiful camping Wyoming Telephone Co, for ingrounds on the Bear River fifteen crease of . rates, miles above Evanston. " Mrs, Jess Nelson formerly Mies Beauty is only skin deep-a- rid Algi3 Pearce returned home Monpretty girls havent )st and day to visit with relatives ' ' upth, ' before ' friends for a short tiiqe Lake-Tooel- Good- - hes . - team went to St. ph base Monday evening Mrs. Eliz ibeth Charles to play ball the score be- Bart Eister of John Snowball came ing S' to 15 in favor of St. Charles. to visit, with him, ar.d other relatr ives for a lew days, returning home EOR SALF." , equipment Survey to be made of power possibilities of Southern end of Great Salt Lake basin. Diamondvilie accompanied e Valley water project Salt STOP - - ' bushels in wheat-Work starts on new Pleasant Grove : absolutly reliable. Office and Warehousemen County Rond s section eyed. Utah crop prospects for year continue to increase. Will eclipse last year by 394,000 irj'- , - ; M-rs,,- ' ? Manti new building will house M YO. Up; metf - women; - experience , a Milford paving works being" pushed rapid, Iy. Will also have improved water system. BECKWITH , ' Salt Lake - Mining men optimistic as ' t result of reduction in freight rates from '' V Salem - to have water system. Manti - Soap deposit located near here. Railroad into Uintah Basin planned. Road 'to be logged and signed through Sampete County, Logan - Cash County plans $600,000 road EVANSTON DRUG CO car lots a specialty- ' Price Randolph Utah .Cashier. e Salt Lake - Utah fruit producers consider - Sidney Findl ly Automobile ) , The real life andprosperity of the State is in its industries and payrolls. There is Idaho no better advertisment than this record of development and enterprise in all parts of our beloved commonwealth. & Montpelier, . X x Monuments and Headstones, Brigham, Utah - 1475 BROADWAY Manufacturers of i C, W. Walton - ! JOHN ' vi-iti- ng Case Lew-n-to.- lys Randolj-ti,Utnl- ., returned home after spending a Sir, and Mrs.' Win. Fackiell acc. with ompauiedby Mr.1 and Mrs. Roy very enjoyable wueit their daughter Mrs. Gns lRailelia Snowball motored to. t Paris Sunday to visit with their sister , Mrs. Utahf in i ' George Hodge. Thursday evening a number of NOTICE , . . the H. H. Club moiored to . the JBids are open now for any one wishRauch of Mr. John Peart above ing to put up the hay crop on my .ranch Evanston, where they spent the or bUy the crop as it stands in the dield. Mrs. O. J. Spencer. ; night returning home the following day, they report never before Mies Ioja Brooker is visiting enjoying themselves quite so much. in- -- Bank of Randolph family are visiting .with relatives Date Grant rf Sdlt Lae Cifv is and friends here for a few weeks. visiting with Mfi Joseph Hatch and family ior th-- summer, Mr and Mrs. Walter Norris Sr. HOLDER Off TIBI CWB STATE Patrons of a Bank are I ha oflfc era for witiiout depositors bank could not exist, we have vtxy convenience nd protection for our dvpoeit ore sad we solicit your aucount on the baaU of the service we can render yon May we add that a commercial accdsrtt gives dignity to a man.' - Publisher Published every Saturday Tli Ope Daln hay Stacker, one Dain mower, "one push rake, one hay rake, one set of harness nearly, new one cream separator, one grinding Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spencer motorf ed from their home in Knight stone. Wye. Sunday, Mr. Spencer retur- Peter McKinnon j "Ogden Utah. ning Monday while his wife ai.d LARSON . FOR SALE . Local News SIX SPublished by lUh, ; g V? .O- T- EOH-LEE- M EXT dE GlWS NlVLE THAT UVG OOB.f "tWlS PAPER GOIUG TO SAN TVAAT HE 'RESIGtViED HVS , POSVfVOVJJ PttOVA |