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Show 2 Xf, TK:f rich county nw$ jr piffls'jW! (0 .$$ $ J. A utai. (liBEIcFS Order Your Letter Heads Teaching First Aid A,. And Butter City Meat Market The place vre t to do your SALT LAKE MAN REFUSES FIRST ASSISTANT SECRETARYSHIP OF U. S. TREASURY Trading handje only the best quity of fresh & cured Meats we. also have a fresh line of canned go&ds .bread and cakes-- , Utah Delegates Increased. Former Governor Wells Tendered Position In Treasury Department; Will Accept, crackers, fruits and vegetables .Come in and see .v The goodsand reasonble prices f speak for themselves g r 'J Every person fnentally ana pcystca,-t- y uble to do so should take the American Red Cross Instruction In First Aid r and a Treatment. Its a r on the farm, In the factory, on the street, ut the ottire. In the home, wherever accidents may occur, (lereg a young wife who Inexpertly wielded n cun opener and received au ugly gash across tier wrist from the Mother was there, Jagged can ltd. however, with the First Aid left and 'Red Cross Instruction, and prohnhly prevented a case of blood poison by giving prompt and proper treatineut before the doctor arrived. - Wrappers at RICH COUNTY NEWS 'life-save- pain-save- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ June The Month Of Weddings rwv- - Dr. Harrison K We hare the ring both plain, band and the diamond 3THE AMERICAN After the wedding Silverware RED CROSS PEACE TIME 50 Tear Gnarantie Euy It At Wright With the Soldlere WRIGHT JEWELER Evanston ff Wash ug.cm, D. C., June 18. Wyoming iHHaNMtort Kodaks, Films, Stationary, Flash Lights, Prescriptions, Household Remedies, Rexal Preparations, Fishing - Tack'e, Dyes, Brunswick Phonographs; Records Pipes, Spalding Lporting Goods, Baseball Tennis, Etc., Paipt and Varnish Tnere remain In army hospihiK throughout the country more than soldiers still hemg treated for Red Cross wounds received overseas. workers give them the same sort of friendly aid only more of It that was Furthermore, given during the, war the Red Cross Is teaching Ihese lads eecup-.itionrt which they (an hirer make a living nml Is l.eep'ng In touch with their home folks In order that no depe ideals may .uller for lueji ot t, fundi, s Woodruff Note, Mi. and Mrs. Thad Walton and Mrs Lister Walton motored to Salt Lake on Monday to be gone about ' Candy, ke two weeks. Mrs. RowehaTingey is visiting her pare- Ernesi Bamberger, Republican Nat'onal Com initteemun from Utah, was teudera the First Assistant Secretary of the Treasury by the Secretary of tk' Treasury Mellon today. Mr. Daiubei; or refused the post on the groun lli.it Ills bus ness Interest in Utai w mid not permit lum lo remove fron Sitt Lake at this time. Former Governor, Ileher M. Wells v.as tendered the post offered to Mr Bamberger and it Is understood tliui be wll accept it. The Fiist Ass' s' ant Secretaryship of the Treasury v.as tendered to Mr. r Bamberger Ihriugh the efforts of lleell Smoot of Utah, and the members of the Republican National 'Committee, which lias been in session bore diming the week. Senator Smoot rocomm ended Mr. Bamberger for the place bemuse of'ir'.s knowledge of National financial .matters. ,i At the meet'ug of the Repuld'aan National committee held at the Wi- led' the llard Hotel I Hr. 'Bamberger flght to increase ihe number of delegates from Utah fim eight to ten. At 'the same time the' representation from the Southern jgtates was cut Yearns; Ha Nets, Pocket Books, Hand Bags, .BIackieoids, Krqso Dip, Sponges Crepe Paper, Chamois, Toilet Soap, Razors, Knives Wall Paper! Wallpaper! - , of wall have 3, conpleterstocfe A ' paper toseiect frothy Call $nd see us ' We carry iGoodyear and Racial Tires and Tubes. . We have everything necesjearyto equipe your home or ranch. Just leceived car of wire and ijails We - V f ! f v v - - ' f a f Send us your order A crowd of the young people spent Sunday at the Stuart Ranch on yellow 1 creek. TheY. L. M. I. A. held a work meeting In the Stake house on Wednesday. The glorious fourth will be celebrated here in fine style this year, there will be a parade and program in the forenoon and Fresh Heats & A New Line the usual sports in the afternoon, night a dance. Mrs. Luther Bryson took and at her little dau- ghter to Evanston Wednesday to have her tonsils and adenois taken out, .she wil. Of Voil BOND we use it when1 PRINTING GOOD JOBS Rich County Furniture Co. Give Us Yours V TTT -.- S remain in Evanston several days. Dress Doods EvVvBODY COOLO SEE VlON AMV.NN PAVERS I FEED INTO THIS BIO FRCSS.M THEN REALIZE THAT Ev'RN PAPER. OOES INTO A DIFFERENT home NNHERE IT'S READ BN ALL THE MEMBERS OF THE PANHLN , NHN SAN . GUESS THE ADVERTISERS WOULD ALL BE STAND in' IN LINE VNITH THEIR CORN VIVIEN c ANEW LINE OF MEN pHE NIORNIN' I w '''' FvlICKIE SAYS Loose Lard 1 . ' Brushes, French Ivory, Tablets. Perfume. Thermos Bottles June.l8th to July 2nd "m Seu-no- down 27 votes. ? nts at their home in Idaho. It was rumored that Post Ulster Chairman of Misses Louie andWyoia Tingey have General Hays, former the Republican National Committee, gone to Centerville to spend the summer. offered lo Mr. Bamberger the position the Postmaster General Mrs. Clarice Robinson of Cokeville is created by last week to head the postal savings, visiting here with Mrs. Will Reese. division of the Post office department. Is not expected that Mr. Bamberger It Mr. and Mrs. Ray Reese motored over will accept the place tendered him by from the "D ranch on Tuesday returning Postmastere-Genera- l Hayes . He wtH lease for Salt Lake this week. the same day. Cream, Face Powder, Cold Until June he I8th Randolph Woodruff ury. Schedule week Three Ernest Bamberger of Salt Lake, who has refused the First Assistant Secretaryship of the United 6tates Treas- Jewelers The Dentist yA IN5)C (. OPEN UP IN , I BETCHER. W AND LADIES HATS I Spencer Bros. Kennedy Bi'-os- , Props ' |