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Show ', 'v'i.vi.Ji ,L7T,;&JL w?v WJ" a!t f THE RICH .COUNTY NEWS, RANDOLPH, UTAH . Estimates Cheerfully Given, Cabinet Work a Specialty Local New s Smith s. r o v; Edgar Pope s B T- S Marion Born to Mr. ami Mrs. Edgar Pope, ihosonof Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pope, returned home Aug. jmith cn August 0, a baby girl. 1, after a ye irs service in the U. Join. South and daughters Olive, I.s Army II3 left Kaudolpi, Alg. Mamie and Jennie of Treuton areL 1918 for Camp Fmjinoi;t Cal.. the guests of Mrs. C. S. Reay. le.iving there in 0coh an I lauded in France Nov. 9 and while '.heGeorge Reay ami family t motor- re was on K. 1 duty at Brest, ed from Los Angelos th s week to France. lie left France Ju'y 7, visit with h's brothe--- Dr. Reay ol arriving in E vanst n J nly 25. M r this City. ' Pope assures us that he is glad to Miss Nellie Smith is visi'ing be home although he enjoyed the with her brotht r Albei t, on his dry exp.riouceho had. lie is the secIdaho this week. ond .son of Mr. and Mrs. Pope to faun near s tvc Uucle Sam. Edgar is vel-- e Miss Ruby McKinnon had the ant'd home by the entire Qity. misfoituneto run a nail in her foot last vveek. SPECIAL COURT TESii School will commence Monday. Sept. 8, and will continue nine A suit was filed in the , We always carry a lull line of Home Th lipid Bread, dlredi from ibe I General Contractors and. Builders. Makers of Smith Ogden Baking Company. Also Ice Cretin Utah Made & Confections, Candies. , Bros. ri am moth Peg-ram- Over Shot Hay Stacker We especially recommend them. , , - F rid S m i ih . Cn'oigfc A. Smith. months. Randolph Garage John. E. We3to:i hxs . The thio wtek. plan' iff are Henry Nichclls, Also gas, oil and assessories of all kinds FULL MARKET PRICES PAID FOR D. D. Made, William T. Rex, G of Wm. and Mrs. Mr. Orin Jackson, Frank Jacks- n, L. Pipe Mr. of were the L. Hellstrom and A. J. At gyle; City guests and Mrs. Ed Pope this week. the defendants are J. B. Ilntch and Richard Jackson. Mr. J. C Farner and son John Judge Call has set August Pith, of Garden City were business vis- to hear the case. itors lie-- Monday. car-d- kinds of caseings, 303 for $13. plus war tax, and others 30 3 inner tubes, $285 hand Ford , We have four second and I Dodge cars, which we will sell at a bargain HARRY VOLK District Court this week to determine the been ill ownershipof the Otter Creek water Hides, Furs, pelts, wool , Junk, Scrap - metal. Rubber s , bones - Mrs. Pearl Brown returned to her home in Bloomington after a visit of several weks here. Max, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McKinnon, is much improved after a very severe illness, Irn Absolutely Reliable. Give us a Trial, Evanston, Wyoming, Conjoint program t be held Sunday evening, Aug. 30, at 7:80 j Life of John Taj ftls JO ill (jny H. E. Enough Ruth Pate Recitation A good line of Ladies an ? Band will also The Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Nelson and nish music. family and Miss Edith Nelson of Bountiful, Utah, spent a few days 0 1 e Gents Toilet Articles. Kodak supplies and finishing. Ice Cream, Guaraut, ed the B st Made in the I W a It 0.1 Pi a Utah Made Summer Ileal P'cpeueo.v, Carbonated Bor mages. Fruit Beverages. Primary Class The Walton Band will give a Veneta & Mnie Me Duet free concert and dance Saturday Ivimion in the Putnam. Hall in Woodruff. A Story ' Yloe Jackson invi bod ed. Every Piano Selectian Our line of Haying machine Extras is complete. For Deering, Moline and McCormack machines. rags. Conjoint Program Lafe Pearce is visiting at Bear Lake this week. Snowball & Spencer, Mgrs and. fur- Cm lies and State. Confections. Randolph Young People Marry in Randalph this week, lisiting relatives arc! old time friends. Mrs. Wm. Kennedy and Georgi Kennedy motored to Lava Hot Mr. Alma Barnes of Evanston f Springs Monday, returning Wed- and Miss Hattie Pope Randolph nesday. Mrs. Giorge Kennedy were married in Ileber City July 26. Mrs. B mies is the t dented returned home with them. daughter c.f Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pope C. W. Walton, County Chair- of this City and Mr. Barnes is man of the Salvation Army drive, the eldest son of air. aad Mrs. A in. repeats that we have raised about Barnes of Evanston. They v i 70 percent of our quota with sever- make their home in ban Von. al distiicts to be reported yet. The ei.ti e community extends con. c also have in sto ck the Deering Moand Hay Rakes, Jenkins Stackers, M- We wers oline Push Rakes , Moline Mowers and Hay Rakes 'Moline and Milwaukee binders&Binding twine ' anything in the machine ery line, see us first Prices right If you need Spencer Bros. &Co VICTORY BOND PAYMENTS Next payment of 20 per - .Bank of Randolph, Ramlolpn, Utah, C. W. Wal tonCiiBhier. Harold Jones accidentally brok gratelations. two of his fingers on the right Benjamin Gunn of this City and hand while working in the hay oF Evanston field. Dr. Rony attended him and Miss Ellen Barnes the fracture is" doing as well as were married in Evanston on July 31. Mrs. Guun is the aceo.npl shpossible. ed daughter of Mr and Mrs. Wm. The Ivozy Management would Burner and was a former res'do u like everyone to see Mickey Aug. of Randolph. Mr. Gunn is the 14 and are making prices accord- eldest son of M r. and Mrs Gw ingly. Afternoon Matinee 10c and Gunn of ih'S city. Their many 20c, even mg show 15c and 25c. friends wish them happiness. They - Word has been received by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gunn that their son Charles, who recently enlisted and went to France, has been wounded and is in the hospital there where he will be confined for 3 months. Just bow he was wounded has not ye been learned. Lye as a Cleanser. Pulverized lye can be bought In cans, with perforated tops. It is so , r,lol(1 tl,at uo Uou86 ? I lew the drain Inis it;':ucTa! iij. The Du with and fleun. umtmg grease sunNOTICE mu ie veil twr-adoes it. It is the a soap. It is invaluable for making the laud, that simple all through light Every Saturday night there will greaso and stains from pots, perpetual greeting on the right hand removing and and the kettles, as pars especially be a picture show, with dance in they or the left between Strangers pail, whkh should by all pass each other, ' never without a garbago connection, at the Snowball Opera smile. This, then, is the fine art of means be kept clean. A be on to should dish hand true mop fine art, kept all abtt Houqe. Admission ,10c and 20c. smiling like when clpauing wjth lye, as it perfection of art, the simplest follow- be used , ia exceedingly Injurious to the hands. Show starts at 9:00 P. M, ing of nature. The 'Fine An of Smiling. .Why do we not always smile wl a .is W we meet a fellow betas true migration which ought to iaso IT U hjnc-t-hailn- fl .? Mr" A Y . Evanston i Materials Lumber Co. Standard Timber j Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hatch this week. j e A full Sine of Building 1 Mr. and Mrs Wm. E. Spencer will make their home in Evanston. returned home from Kemmerer on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatch, Mr. Wednesday where they were called to be with their daughter, Blan- and Mrs. Alvin Hatch, Mr. and che, who was recently operated on Mrs. Rueben Hatch and Mr. and for appendicitis. They repo it that Mrs. Nelson of Bountiful were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. Richard she is improving rapidly. cent is due Aug- 12. Those who did not make the July 15th payment of 10 per cent do so now , - Lumber Mrs. Wm. Moss and daughters Amelia jand Chloe, Miss Lillian1 Argyle and Messrs Guy Davis and' Ezra Moss of Bountiful were the, ests 0f Josoph Hatch and fa m- qT on Thursday. Co , Owners. Haying Is Here machine parts for Deering McCorm ic, J ohn Deere and Milwaukee We have Machine Oil, Grindstones, Cable, Rake-teet- h and Push rake teeth Let us fill your orders m long-handle- d - if " Arch McKinnon.Georgo Peart and Vern Gallentine left Thursday to survey and lay out the route for the new road from Randolph to Ogden. Rich 60. Furniture Co, |