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Show T The Home va:.x y i. rl,aIU .! 1 v - . . H re n : ij LlG'p. f viivlliwl looih vi i r ! - ;iie;i.:ng le.'trt, ill nulii! ,f v. i Cl t"! 'A i . f II Tt Ml ' t .1 . 10 vn u lv (I 'I A :i i;. I.. .v.uio i '! t,- i ki i - i. - I, Ji'i .iic-- a i tue ri 1! '! i l. . kjj il i. Wit - I ' I vi -- I 11 v 1; 'i'.', l i i . 11 1 iV a. tVul I - ; C.rt SCI As i a Mants to I .1.1 11 1..1 . . die . .0 II. I.- w - 0 .1 o 1. .no si. . tr d- - oi L r i, i . t.ihs I u. Mi.' A . V 'KRIS (. A' HA L" t ; k. 1hii;.'. lil. 'it i" If ' i. k r i i F Line oi Croccr: my Old Stand a Full 1 phraim, Ltah. (i. OI.-L- Fu:. - : N, r v . - .n t 'I- - H u N . a' ! r i a lm ' t s All e . 1. . 'll M Gilt mi hi I u.y .t i I F "l V it I ..1 . f (If ft .i t i J ii L il l.L. tlliklii i ,U t M i j v I M v Ml i Lt i i' ii Oiro Af anti, tahj . r '! r1 Cl - f at I il A , i j r t 'n j M J , . V. LpoTiiA. J - a. - ! 1 ' - " - ill .11 .'s ill itj flit '.C1B! ')' a. t I ' AT. ( .1 'f nift.v itf ,rG til'll tr ..jt a aMt I . i t - nt 1 I , U l,t r r L1 i its.! if . '! Jill -- t ' .11' t s t. . i . -- I f. i, ,1 t ; .! ,t r ' : 1ar;,:r H.l 'V r,t 111 n it ti- ' . ;,l, . t t!i L. i in I ' e .ft I til 1 - .ir ,. r J, j -- 'I, " i : I'l-t- .. elf l.k ,iun ) u ii 1 v g l a. i t A also carry tare, etc. I - I H .l:fiF.ltl J I .t ,, jHiiS lt .1 i V 'i : j.'it t it1- ii) i fn " j ' ' 'I H Mt 'J t t 11 At if t , : - i ... r t. ' 'li l.t U V . i, e ,) s.itic'i Li IjI' n f .1 i j. is i. 'i ii.' r u J i r:i .. I I'- - aN, - i li .ib.i c ,a T sueijnter. iiiv ii.irr tl.iiii u ing.nmug lie i VI. ' ' liu; buildm : up of L, miry. n; ,1 ,.i! .1, S: N M L (U iiiMm ...r mi lb :i ii 'if- - u. i..-j I .th n It 'liifs I e'ei'r.:.il - tii hu ' ' i m !.. ;i 1't, . i.l nv s .i e 'll j' ' V'S v f V v,i. .is. . is is 4., br i, til. tier j fu ihe-i.'limis.i i m a n 1:. ) til'- j r.s. ad 111 Hull Ui lilllV l. ' ),. j M .V. I j i m mil a .i i..u'11'u uni i' lti at a ill. lint il.o j s ,) I a in. ..! Hi. s, V'i pallt c ' I.CI 3 l!l 4 r ' I. i .i .ilU'illi i - "I .a jiru 1.. ' i..'l Ulr ,, S'' .i ,.l Hum 1 Jill Itr.a'gd provid ivtd-Im.t- ' nd c s d me 1.1 .I t. o'li' u "t s Id n a C' m.s d - lb .'H y u: i vu w.ti'r ; r t vv o o.tr 11 1 ii i. u'.1 irri j it pH. pu.'"'. ci. .the 1 !:.t n tli.ui lent nnn'f 'ii ii'iiii.,! I'rlu I. e;s c ais.a.iti.' 01 L C. Ainllt-V- j t is i t .IM 1j i i ml' ul I la i ha. id a .1 jtc to ed to Ii i.t g t v iiiliv.ih u. iii-n ncr ""1 s.e h fir ur sc, it u iic nev - a uel) sfinMi el .I.!) .: i . l.ii, tin r nun i n On Inev ii'' are m .. ; a .wdi 1. 11. know o t I iliut i. ,11'iy all a iia me and Milcuei ,,;, u r - also Haler hi th i'h nut wagons. i' uti i.f r i r ingll. tie. We eal.ed in niil.i.eiy eslah uatiti : l .l'p i.'t ana it vv oil id m m lisb.inent Mis. Jitun.,,3 vv.r.h is mvv , ir la; cun ig.u-iliiut lii'iii. iaii'l c miplele in to iaesl i.K! ! ipoblai Imi, u iuii v.u r i i t th.it tiu s;!e. Mr. T N. Bk-iceiiiidv has m lot but tit u l well the biu-diiivve. Ins-Mill I Jl'llg U g s lli and tin ailisli u 1. ,1 'urn he hits done t iu hi i' nt!iir fight mui. ;; nn-- t of tin P i.mui ;. iv.it. r i' runi mg in vv.i.'t., we can t I )l D fjislei M.uv Jain: Ciane R ihiii- lmnsdiv s in, j a .scd a vv uv ai r.15 iii In Bui tinnl: .hat ns good .i way .1 . IVlu , .. I me-- i llehl o .111 to b mill I till is to t y ami MIVO Ii i.m it 2 .Ah ck P th- 1 in mg .M "ii I 1d.1v. "iii e iit ta water i mill ug t vyusu, tl.iit it cun i. U'fl iu ili ini- .salin.i, .;u,l 17; 1.1 g i ling hi'ii'uii. Ait-jii via- - .uit'.itil nil Satin luuiiis hi ha-- ; takiii an active dav niglit bids' .il a bile lenii 0 ihaiiktmie" by ted til si r part in solving tin prolilt'in i I iie pe.n e ind on .i tt- n 111 I iii dav as held no.: net g a iioivnir near tin; I the lateness of e fijii-i- l d . e uhn lie Tin; whole lint. Monday .Itf. iiioiilitof was lined and lie g'liltv p'ead heai'ng. is a littii; oyer ni't ui tins fOUO iiini ns It js i S iiuateil t i II.Vp V IP st will luu.iti-J,! mires t in; Him.'Iiuii 1.', i. - - - r I ' a v , ii' , ' 'im nan f t dollar lui ll httla mull tiiiiii a per. rio u ol.i. f rlilt1'(1,1lertit lit t), fill' tll.it water roghtat live times lintU!I lci'lllif ami f ; idii Kittlin' ,'t'l I.IVt'l aie, '' t k llf.tn II i.IlKI that pm:;, is c.uisi leu d cheap. ;li.t 'Mlif IIIi hr ,Uiv! 1' t l tif'sii t M.i .! tin c j hi- Kl!ii ia uib jif, m.i nail Li iiut though (iunnisoii lias been time imf t i in w in.Hi, ). W tt.iMfn r, ti.tifl the first to move out in tlijs direc- Man iiktiVtldll', H It, H 8 U.K iiHlI't w all li L!i it;.1, t u im.tn Kit is tion tnev liave not taken the only run a v tlnvui .1111 dunt (Mif i r u im locution in the county lor reservoirs til; In- t llll'l M .itliMjAt1!, Jf Hi i HMH'1!t t w ic.i-h lit a ti i'll .I'f-t (iu rff. i(i Our canyons are lull of pkue-ivln-'n '. iin I. 1.i :a.nt !. It. )rt. m.'I M ant ami i'.n inin li can bn done at a triii H i. t H ei ,i.u i aiici! at eon S uvev.ir J mg cost, to save the water tor tin e trust the time ollice t i iv and si i r that on his le-- l ime of need. il I li liotn Colilelei. .', : is not far distant when oilier settleqp ; ovei a! ll.iai nil, Im ei; ment!! will take this matter in him i Piov'o,lienKlG.i! ot i he R G W. Smve lit er oi an I f..!imv the you I example t aoiign I'baige Sanpe'e ail.t Sev er v dlevs, e linwn hy our sister lily on tie d u g ihe imei v icvv soiled iii.it lmv would be in Smpe'.e r.lmi'ly south. people aboil! he till .(way loi s mu rqid; that work would e .imm-nrand dpi ihe K. (i W. Rv. would Home Affairs. i M ie al tun by d'. ;:iU-il- v ", I tan ... A. i M- -. ill i .! i too Wil, i 1 . Ini-.- i'.il all1. much . h:--- .V r i ii i v i f ,.i t )': ( t. '! t: 'ait! t IS i o' Ut't Day o t" ; In Kti). I l a" at i - , p Ksi:::v M.iAi L.s tkV- - ofthi- Ar.rjKivji-- i ,i i 11 1 ll-i- i I i i O. . . u wt m.hPv,! Ii i -- I v v 11 , ; 1 v I . ' 1" i yi-.t- r 111 y ; ), I 11 i 11 j vv i .1 iTi-i.k- I r 11 I Six-md- lull .. . ) I I ft:, t s ill, H Hi Imi. ml Il't. . I 5 nil- ' timr'. .' lecieU vv.li in. n t, ui.i.i 'll I'll, InH :i s t ti It. im) dip Iipf1',' f1 H! Lll'lt fold. at J..V t.U.GC MB GIF. t! lt f S I ue nin.l'ln e li.ti, (OiifiiV ". ii.Ft, r...hiTi,ii lc lUpcle c '.inly ,.i llav Ui A Flints , Oil M IFth tl!F led ill s i.c.i il. and vailed lli G'i'..Kk Hi M.l'i aifFl a vv i!l lumish o e est led s n. is o, f .IL a1 ui r a in in ri 1.' ijit; ., I'll j .If lU i ay Fl iie oi.e ther trov n m i.t m is i I; c. . ii I. c be 1C."K ..ed ai.'l uti.aili I. a.u. pul. it h g if t t i rtFoVFr from '.ri i oe.iiil.l.il tine .sue as the !M,i'-- . is L nib u f' ) ) r iit a I a I if Bv u uitii In mi,: ala it R in R in e i mill) Allooscail t n .in m N a lot t ' Iiu.ikt ii .i .r s s 'n't, mam! a..u leaU'.llnl niu.l,1.eps, In if l: el r the ms ar ci mi u co mnns. il. oi w c ; t .oi be ..m in and mO'ilr ; gV I umI Umi Hif'.i r )i;nI ( f u ?i iBb 1 i K il u Il u ii I is stun thu u ru t c a F, Ihe s. Ihj it, uoiin.t ala ft t. ;. s ujioe or In,.!, an c in., k oi 'ii nM M TT, m'I ;ir Croji, aa i ..i ndi v. l.spt, !. is tii so v. tit.ti t it a f u l r in tar. i Glut r i "4 i ..l.ii ...... ... .!! .a, u.iial "ii ua..y i.' P'S I'-e ava'.ioii iT pots and i . i th. K1g I: t la r M' ar o '.i ns cehul ol I lii.da'loll, rn.ii.e the ti. 'J he.oi ai il if. j a, iv. 'tl'cuf I c raui ti B..'u e. Ihe jit ol.leions tt h i idone.s i .1 Pie It t and a d i I; Mjdit'' CondilP'liS ol the r h .u S uipeie c univ u" !M i!l-- lell.tO 4 t.u id ktc .ujuuiti and rad iievvilh'iui iluiint iluexCsllcJ m t.. !t CHI Jl' th IjLf'lt F r. it UIl1 ifl'i" in m hie laibo.ul b.ijllwli HHil reeirilory, and as uidiiiii; o on ii lit nm1. 10 .UVU Im" n. 1 mi frit- -. I -- M.l-- line-.vhic- I 51M I', n t i i I a- 111 i Ifi t 1 i ' -- ..P)ph-:iH-n'.- r' c I i 1. t. . i 1 1 vv L - i i i ' l .2 j rl't t -- t Aiid vv im itiiiimiio n in- - n, i at Hit held i idii.i m. nt fi nd m t aim r n,v ng 3 -t niifu , t s i j . f! , ra Hi p n't g ') the tn'l that tK .iU-i- is' and incviool in ,,f Saape'e are ol i.P'Se Vi.m ..s m:,i t - vi s j" t , j a t nr aiai i. r "1 ! m ,.i. I Mf of a nv t. olt (j' nir la 11 ''! ! t H -- gh to oh fa if o p vii Tid an.iji f r iia J. t to.'-i- - .'U t t AND BUILDUP mi. , aM REi.UI. HFALEKS IK npEEipii We carry the large-- t Stck The people of tie south will Hours, Windows, Etc . from Ollice Promptly attended to 0. and b.ifc Ii. U. Depot-i- . , J SALE of I v 1 Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pick-- ! ets, WINDOW, DOORS, MOULDING and BLINDS and all kinds i sj 111 N, li.iii.r,-- ( IVI'.OI i f . makes us advu.i m aid tkiohc'i tin oii.ny llieie vv be su ii pi aw .keiiu.g ui In h in ihe minds nl pic pu' Iu L, CO., j . i UMBER AND BUILDING t , i - 111 PEOVO vv t mean m tin t ir oi - i d I ..iii.t used lu be.n ; I t Nephi wiflctiais-le'llcto .'billtl, .Stp li be. eg lac IllSl aid dm roiMi h r on ! hipping p.um Horn 'i, pete .uni Seviei kr.u:i umxr in v n.ind t li i'.M AUI.ANK .oimiies. tlien own e apryv bnnr.mi,. i'v. IT llki t. U t Ust'A'c oi U.F ot tins imp Han', mt a small ntlusii v Bile lumber intcies.s in tins S' uiiiiei n N'OTICI). :oimliy are t.nlv .'.wakening up Bv ihe VT:i tii i'l l'm iiu-th Court, In I hu'toad t re and mniors niniiilin.g just ie county, I tali ieiiitoTv, Ninpi n.i i.nh a to oiiimuiuc.ui pures at ;ual Joi i,tn I, t Jen, ihi ill .n. , . Demand, to eenth uni a gi a; s. i j ,.:: .. mdastij. ) Joi.u lefendant. w 111 II on id ha idly be oilier lo speak lo, i of ctmr. nr ah for n edin. beej.i pc e w:tl out r leiung to the cotinlv To John Due, i, tii u ie u ii K irn'oi, lirett in.: t ie ami appeti eat lein .val, a q'lest: a, dlat 'S t.iusi.j'g Yiu art In reb .ib oii. e in '!h me, tiu mine agit mono! a local tit $ale, but s. d lienuu I taa leintr fi. Id iu t..',n id " t unkeis do n.l I.u.ih i: at all likelv tnai tt ansvt reel or a eomplaiut ill d iiu.inei o.i h r ilia - !i sach a jep vv iii e ta'heii ad.;jugly ti.e in, ny Haul Piaintut, in natmUv. is bmudiu day ot jvjrr.l A. D.I.v.hi, said not. hson dani.t.-matter is left vv.thtie ..teis n from via (biun tvtTuvtT a an liuimal in n m: lo August, and u, ihe itnii Vole lo iVi e me leuiov ..I and said ylc ul sal mi ma si as iollows, to it ; diu'Iku Ik.' f Ff i o Fii's old, both himl .. Is must des'gu.i.e lls f. nation, s on ny Jii tiit feet w mie, nrand i niinr will 1. il.s lo ir ecu hi. leuni.n livw ht .Joren P. ( a. present .hough u if t tlmt in Von reb y u ful to m) of ost cause the at Maun, hi' ni cation er a- - a i. o eqii re tit Ida h! and vvtii dt-ive on me v, ImV m.iv ifp will uu toe ti.e aeainst nntifeuient take i:km vu:i vp.id i: i i t ; ami ic le.ie.is accr ic to one town oi.ly uni1 mu a'. t stale an i siM ptu;, i. d Mrs. Mil liui'l ' urtnin, !:i.U.:l 1.1. Ill , in a t cho-eu- i e our ol (the oi.e tiip. uaie in being I he st 'He m i nl dial sue mi v. In ro el. It irii set a umi. y my hand t..is Pth ( a of April nun e it is veiy tml ke!v H be u. slip m ii A.i P ikH. lied on her lunvs ; she w to i.,i Inrn iih.ii t i ng b, on. Im . a!ie dy made is m I.pnllv pay-1- , mi., iu ,.riv vvpr-Henry Jenson, a uf told liu siir m ,.i (""i oi mio Justi e (j the Peao in Munt, and .Mt. B asgut. . sbog mill tll.ll lletllelil" roll il earn her. I'Her ilriiMsi'l mie a g i s. me pail es ph.'Cu.ised a ri.-n- t Munirs t Hr. It iim Xoi 1) u s u In mi ii i i, hott It .. p ms I lo. m ,. ,mh and o ty ess nt n up iu u to her il a Ii Ium ini lu s. li in uetlte triun tlrst lois, whkli nn.ned'.tielv CaUsd le il e; . il isi. slie eiint iiiu,1 ts us-- itn.l uier (akin ss .Uet j'imn.u iv.ist 25 pel peni ii S, loiaal ller-ssnuntl all well.linsv irll I" lhl.s her nWIt ll'HlsrVV url. anil I.S us Hell IIS slu man a inoniu. pa; ies liiuimg pur ever was- .- ret tll.ll II ties nt lips l.lt'Ul cuasvis i.,r In, qiisc ness bn ,ut ms to more M mil li.seovii r at I. 11. ill 1111 and It. hi a I h s 0 t.s and $i.OO. tliqu ue o,g i. at c s; m a very s.n.rt lairs, a 1. pi;ra mi, lai Hoe The u'liei d.it.Ci kt nines r f Guilin .viaiitl is nia veiy (ail way to hive a son iu mkll.g up ins sli n. k. f. ., ii cl a cow solid s .v( igs n k est.ih t'hid, compt.s-1- 1 mat should calve m a w ,1 ivs. so p g t viv, Ivg'i Iris. lies men and ,.pi ha II would be lip lss ii; t Iced lll'l tql. The b ..Id.ug sic s eleclcd and k li Ihi so dr Cldc !! ' IM lu de a a , I oil lie got an tile ol lp, av and smirk th an mat in tint head tail. i .i.s iv ine .. 'ii .0 Hih.vv mg audiust.il lli.vt up uueiit 11 needled n .it. mu .nto tne pioiiiinv net di.ti.ldt-seue-- s him dial vveiehe to i, ike t le call limn re vvh.el won d like lo see lue the cow hi Inn 'he d i d he might sav t Ht'ul lolks semi a man to Ma..ti and it. He immediulelv went to vvoik and S m. eie cotiniv ,vv th t' e v.i yesi snccessiullv took the i'll! I; m the civvs tvvii.ug no and oehueu. ng tne)inposc great S ile and it is to dav alive and healthy. an i valid icsoi.rces tii.i; ...,ly e ft : coiuhiuanon ol andeuiel-pnsap.lal V. II. Peacock will btand hi coup'cU with railroad coinniuuica-tion- , BANK MFLTING. vv nh the gi cat east as ell as local, celebrated Cleveland Bay Stallion At ii oVI'ick p. m, on Saturday eve to make it tlie i.ki .vi' centie of this for $10.00 and $15.00 for the ning, the Bank meeting was railed to legion, anti a radient of all 1 B the in.unai rt's im es and c.usi.ai.e die Season at his Stable Two Block ordei by L. mile Hestqtedth.it Uit constructii'n coinmiuee was pit nt tin atti.ichoiis ofUta'n leiiit ry and South of the Temple, AI anti , San Ue think it tlie The committee then die entire west. paied to teport. leported that tjeo. Billings had been Utiahi were to lake the ntauei in hand pete County, Utah, awarded tlie cont' , t to do the mason they would find enough suppoij to jusiify work. The re pint via, accepted and diem, as Sanpete county has a great the conpinpee reque'ted to push the many eiiteipiismg citieus who have not wQik ol constiiicluin on to completion the means ot advettising ihe countless Stock your Ponds and Slough as soon as possible. resotiices ot their prolific country. Gome German Carp. Yearlings at with Meeting adjourned subject to the call ahead. Mr. Jlerahl. Travcling ot Bank comumiee. 1'or sale by $5.00 per hundred. .Maim, Apnl loth . 1390. Mile CHAS. MUSIG, Residence ON WITH THE DANCE! South of Funks Lake, Sterling I I , . south of Salt Bake City. do well by buying their Orders by mail us, and yard opposite the U. jn-v- t re uat, I.1!!1' f:M"1 v t hu ' j . ' 1 f i .J t; i i, urn . . i Nni I k I U U. In H. PAX2IAU, t i t ! fs . i 1 I o-- 11 I oriairti, uiuuti'iiti nui 4 IV. S I I tlv-- S: ! 1 iin-- - . 1.25 qt S. R tr I I i confident of a huge cn p Ba.at, tqsltnaster ipiestcd to lesign. I abiuets only rett, ol Silt Lake, I "i-- v 1 J.y.oo per is re doen at tic will reepive li.s to day. Lace curtains Jt.25 per pair, at S. R. M.uks and bo. Note paper I 10 cts. per quite at the News Depot. CUilJrens' spring heeled shoes oi.ly per pair at Maim Go-oWall paper 10 cis. per Roil at S. R Marks & Go. Salt Lake City. f-- p. A tew loads of wood will be taken subscription. Carpets and Rugs cheaper than at y body. S. R. Alaiks and Co. i e 11 OFFICII OFFFORITH THEATRE. : 11 i Salt Lake City, Utah, t 1 vv German Garp. rht , 11 vS sous 6 puces, Su!a, Rocker I'.n! Easy ch ur, two Bailor ch ms and small .fa, it 1, at S K. Marks and Go. Siturday night and Sun SUMMONS. JuntirMH Cv.urt. Kohraim Frecind In t Sanpete County, Utati Territory. C- 1. l.urson, rtainUti, i Iemand. John I)oh, Deft'U'Unt. ) To .John ioe. whose Dftuio is otherwise drrot iu;l Y''U mo liBreoysmnntn .1 to be ml Appear hniort iiif the unueis Koett, at my ofluo iu t ldvcim te tah Ter- fcphi.um County. oa Friday. April A i) nt in nlryt "VIod.A, Mi. i iuisMit a eoiuphunt hlod Hiatus; 3u in th.stun by taid Phunmton A t.'dh i action is t rousrht to ret over from you tha s4 tutu l 2.m t". pt r head on the tollW i,jf ties rrilK-nnonalsi, tFftetihT with fontiug and CsreFi s ml ammnU, urulcAst of tht ut, viz: 2 teats oki bin aorr li rMMTit nina lrmlii IJ rotnbnu'il With muter on Utt WALNUT TREES. E. L. Parrv n.is a line lot of walnut trees wh.ca he is selling frheap Sanpete County, Utah. DEALERS IN fiENERAL MERCHANDISE, (PaOTKKKlO, 3J33333 Ofi$3 ZB3E3L AI.FO KAMTACTURBRS OF BOOTS AND SHOES, EPHRAIM city,utaB - V . !. ebtaiise I, and alli'ateat favrata. kTd Trails-Mark- s busuwa conducted for loderate Is Oar Orlir Opposite I . S. Futent ON fVr. We have bo mb 0rcUs, tU transact can direct. bcn,'e pmeit bus. nous in ii tint a ii at ieM cost flhjn Uioise rcruoie fiuio I Vr or pboto.. vriih cUrrrip-Con- . f of V aluse if j dertrtf if or i. Chat go Our fee not on tin ratcut i ' 13w 10 ( tain 1 a t tus,' A iHxik. nrs t actual cIt'C? in ycur Slide, county, oi town, scat frvsd. Address, vel.ovt hr-about 12 yours o!d, nsrht hird r i wlnti miMI' and CFilur rnuiks, brand d I.H fr Jut u.uh. , u S riMie star in f'reti;ul, bnmdpd s "U r it: tit 'houi oue b.o luaro, rivi.t hind foot vnuu, white fr m y t a to n"se held at the pnnddi$ of ui .yml ;i!,u Andrew H;in-.vUiliratm AiiU '"iim ib: l v lm! h ad that if oil fail to " pear fold mewi-- as atGe re ,tmed. the r h nt it t i take judeiisei-.u:ul', vtu el-- , i e I lor the iord am iojueT u ltli ft i"liii mai cure cfsuuj'r iBiMiUfuiut '! 'isii'n-jfon- tknd m iol, dmwinjr, thih. snrf a.n C. A. SITOTT & CO. YTxtkinton. Otnio'dU Ptfieut Oce. t. h am . t tt'. .. , a of F'id kt I ;at UMu. u utiieuv tu. re.n. oiven- under mt band tins ITth. (Uv of Avrd A. of ,iu p(. P, Mi VitLVXF, hpuruiiu f'H'im, -- ye uni h 1 Jil-t-- 1). g Pen VL "1111 T r of Combination Fence, Cedar lsfs, Etc. TAUP. con Hur ,S. & ler, Jl. F:JS . Ul XOW ) to-da- n : li- Such will soon te the parole of the Mr. J. R. Wilbeck, the irrepressible day and ui the nitflit too, when Hex II of Camivaldutn suns Ihe hail rolling in agent ol the SiMIM.l, leaves tor Sain a that j;iand pavilion tiiat will encompass within its goigeouslv decorated wall; An endless variety of Picture Frames, and heneath its richly lestoonet ceiing len thousand people uhuse eyes will Mats, etc., at Andeisous Pliotogiaph. tlash with the purple the of pleasure Galleiyi and the scarlet glow oi j.v at all the The corner stone of the S.upue picturesque scenes, artistic displays, County Savings Bank will be laid 111 Snurous, nuis.c, beautiful faces, fragrant flowers of the few days. royal revelry, ( rnion & wall ill Anderson Grand print Cabinet pictures at J3.00 per Doz. for 30 days only. FOR SALE. The Bank committee expect to have lo! A containing : Acres, house, tile build.ng teady lor occupauce in barn and stables etc. f n tfale on rttaon-aol- e ninety days. trims. 6 x i r ds a room hkuse, stable The photographic rkdl of G. L. Anderson is well know oy the people ol etc tor sale UP'.tp for cadi. 13 Li i (ds corner lot nimi street 2 Sanpete. blocks hum J u t!e V Co's, store, with Mrs Brunei has a veiy complete sti ck house Home stable, etc. of hats, h iiiuets, ac , ot the l.iiou styles could he nifiin, viiia. ed tor a hotel RI Call and be convinced. ns S: particu! nti.nkl ollice. p' .'f .is ra iIauldin .Doors, 1 and Bedstead Bureau W.islrst.uul stylish and good $i$ at S, R. iMaiks. We have been inloimod that Mis. Swell Neilsou is much unproved, We are belter prepaied u take your picture than ever beloie G, Anderson 1NI1L ' Lumboi I '1 i Iatlane McFailane SiiNi n OUSEMJJN HEAD ' , i I Temple tiqrar. sentence NCOKlOKATI U. , (tet your picture taken at the Ttmpe k Hal .Unqr. r. 1, is ni'ltTOV, Tl.e Attention of the Farmers and Genera! Public is Directed Particularly to our Combination Pence for its Cheapness, Durability and Guaranteed Satisfaction. Orders by Mad Receive Promot atSend for Price List, tention. st-- i Fine Sinyrna Rugs Co. Fcveryhody th $ reason. W. C. -- , i Lov ely weathet. r. IK I.T, Mr. Frc. I I . 1 JlllSIOX BURTON, GARDNER CO., loth-i'it1-ile- Ivvo-ihid- s e lleiiai uiitlBr-iuiei.i- it I , Sf i. A-- y.' v Lrl G g. I P rcii Str.'niv VAp MARKS ' XV AMYThiNG tiu your n.ime ia rulilitr TCAW k! uUTAS V0 ffiiid frTf 6 CJ9 FJSi.CS ki Buggies, Road Carts and Buckboards. Aspinwall lanters Clarks Cutawcy Harrow. Planet Jr. Cultivatoi Garden Tools. Buckeye and Crown Mowers and Re Buckeye-Ban- ner Cero Binders. Garden City Clipper Kussc.l Chilled Plows. Square Corner Sulkey and Gay team .mgines and Saw MilF. Wagon Stock, Iron, and vire. Scrapers and Railroad Contractors Supplies, i I 1 - .. ; i GR, t. ( v. U )p " il 1). f Salt Lake City, Utah GEO. SNOW, MANTI. Represented by- ' ' ! |