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Show tsn iiSCF t 'C u . Jl A Os U IX. JVW' VOL VI Dr.W tl. Ui.cfh J.IANTI CITY, SAN nt rt. WooTmua THE SENTIL1EL. m.d. 'I. FUmnki, fi.50 a year; li. Ulti AA. 1 V. Ky., Plt.-it-ia- n, Woo-T-n- Six gallons per day at Ji.oo. Livable at the end of each month. On Saturday For Young Mens and Young L.idits w deliver double to last over Sunday Mutual Improvement Association Cot -Leave orders at rutile Co.'s, Low rv joint Session wto be held on Mav' A Non s, the Manti Co op, or drop me 1891 1. a polal car .J Your orders nnot e re, 1. Le 'lure, Hon. V. K. Reid. newed month. 2. Recital. .111, Miss Ida Lowry. P. C. ClIKISiENShN. S. Song, Miss Mary J. Johnson. 11 , 1 Xl- -t d JOBBERS OF S.o5rcs, "WeeWwVxcs' Uu Tbe Best Road to all Principal Points, East, West, North and jjvouth. Through PcLfiyAfir Slebphiq And Djking Cars From .Salt Lak City, To CiffcAoo a fir p St. Iahts. bpcvial LorrvvpvnRQOtt W SN riNki,, the htu com muon of, said land, viz. Francis 11. t ishcr. Joseph stone. Benjamin H.jnlmaon Moroni Monroe, alluISripio y. O, Mtliark conniy 1tah ler. .HUNK ll. HOURS, lie c . ,I-- r las e tv New YorkyApril .14th. 1S90, New York City jsto have another gigantic suspension bridge. u A bill atitlfor-i'in- g its construction across the Hudson River has been passed by Congress, and be completed within ien years. fix Effect Nov. 17th, 1889. itThes toreason why it was necessary for Congress to act in the matter was that TRAINS LEAVE. file bridge is to connect two different States, New Yoifi and New Jersey The exact situation of the proposed biidge has not yet been dvtemnned upon, but it will probably streich from' Hoboken to 14th. Street. When finished it will be the largest bridge in the wot Id. - ft Will be suspended Iron) four large cables similar to ffie East River bjuige. each, four feet in diameter.Tlieie will be but one span across the uyef, 2.850 feet in length, which is jifcaily twice as ipng as that of the East Jvver budge. Ah though the piopoitjons am gigantic, it issa:d that the consiiucuon ail, be Trains lure Salt Lk at 7.10 a la and 8 50 p less ddfieuli than tnat of llie East SB 4U at 9 a Provo at m and aiTiriaj River budge or ihe St Louis bridge, 1 rama lav Salt l.iku for Ugdeu at 7 .JO0pni. and d fie new budge will have fiopi six to 9Uaaa and 4 .00 and 8 p m. ten railroad Hacks, so lhal all passein J. V. PARKER, Asst. Gen. Frt. gets and ircigfit conrmg from' tile West At Pass. will land direceeUy in this city, instead Agp ot first landing m Jersey and crossing C. F. RESSEGU1E, At the New Yoik tile uver by feiiy Get). Manager. end will be a large passenger station acTire ancommodating Unity tracks. GRAND DRAWING chorages on either side of ihe river will be larger than the pyramids, and the OF THE total cost is estimated at 540,000,000. AYanYYa'e W S 11 loilomnu uitueasoe to prove residence upon, and cult iv at ion a locksmith was eventually stnt for VVfien the door was burst open 3 horri--tgt0. :jop, spectac.e presented itself to tbe sight NOTH ); OF JJOJD-.s'KaJ) JltOOF. of the neighbojs. The husband, imbued Lnndotlice at Salt Lukt ( itv,r. T., in blood, witfi loam on Ins lips, was exfdurcti '.ili , ism. Xotii-cjtended on the bed. which was torn and hereliy gam (lint the follomnx-nanirnor srttier led has notice his intention Ins bloodcovered with coagulated By to linn prod siippport ot Ins ilanu, side )is ) tie 4 as sleeping lief last sleep. uni)innke lliat .aid plool l ill lie made Prime tile The nose and- ears of the unfortunate Probate ude, er in Ins tile Clelk ol County 'on, t ol blurry u. F. T, at the woman had been detached by chewing. the a". tli ( 0,111 1,- t'ourt Hoio-I . ut ' pule, 1, on Tire breast wasornblv disfigured. An Suuti'dny; Jensen Api .erh., lstar, i Jlans examination was held immediately and H.E.N no 7040 j,,r in e sy, sEI N i, sKX 11,11 K. established .tfie fact that the murderer )a lie El, names the following wituessea to prove had been bitter) a ht'Je while ago by a Ins con'iiiuous residence upon anil cuffivatmn msd dog and tiiat rabids had dec! ired of said land, viz: Prior ). Furlong, cliri.s Albert Collard and John o, ull itself during die Wight. The man was .lohii'-ou- . df Piuit'ugton, Fiiucry County, lull. bound, not w ifhdui difficulty, soon affer lloliBS Kegistvr. FhaxkP which he died. L.yrV 7 Stay nor & .Simmons, Attya, NEW YORK LETTER. s v YWOYuV' V'CkXWvV , To-- ,V THE 0YEHLAN1) HOUTE. v ec t 1 1, MOUNTAIN DIVISION. Y yW VjuWca . that-plac- e charged by Jaw with the bors were awakened by a great noise payment ot wifnesies and jurors on ytu J prolonged shrieks and groans comthejiart of the 'j'grritujy, out of the married the room of the. fund appropriated lor the pavmenf of ing iron) But fitey went newly Ao sleep again couple. SUch witnesses ai.d jurois, , when tJie noise (leased. The next day , Asjuoved Feb. 5, 1.S9V. the door 0 tRe room remained sfiut.and . E. C.COFFIN iaEE; ' , Pacific f,r NO. 1. e-- 111 BOTTW. APRIL 22, 1S90 TUESDAY. n Surgeon of and County Quar wiM piactice in . Gynecology and Surj:eonrv Dr. W. W. Late of No IM. Kansas City and graduate of an THE CRIME OF A MADMAN. Hotlee tar FiibLeaiion Ohio College, will, as heretofoie, v. Section i lie it enacted by the GovI.iiud oflloe at follow general practice. Lake City New York, April 7. One of the El i i.v.9 .March ernor and Legislative Assembly., of . fcerehv nint Sut s talented reporters alleges N. B. Telegrams will only Be tba following tlalt ' of That. Utah: 191)6, named S.otnjii liaa in riled of a notice actt,r the following story appears hi, intent when made or endorsed by of the ot the Compiled Laws of uiah, that make tin ul proof in anoport of lua claim, bile German newspaper. . j mid that vind proof mil h mad be-- and the parties. l,ero"e Hie same is hereby amended, A terrible occurience hai Just hap- Jtnk', or hi. ahni-c- the cleric of the b adding to said $ectioji, at1 Uie end court, lor Millnnl utility. l T , at Fillnened at Walle, near Solium, in Prussia county more City ou May 17th 1HW. viz: ineieof, me tuljouing: And ajl such ex- Three months ago ananhabitant of lioiima Si II Memmoit (It k ;jCo l. o. Millard penses, wl;en properly ceilifiid, shalt Union married A very pretty young work l lali, lor til I.t. oil mol mo Sec. 7. System, be paid by Utp officer who at- tli linie mg woman. The other night the neigh- S RHe2 W N ' N M, S Tp. IS, S K 3 W. shall lie naiuea the the S. mime PK06KBsS:lmMr V PETE COUNTY, UTAH, 1 JOQTOTYHEWSPAPEP.v j PROGRAMME Subscription Pi tee 51.50 for 6 months, and 1 lor 3 months 111 advance. S. H. Felt, Proprietor and Manager. lo Y . AN ACT. Amending Section 19II6 ,uf the Com piled Laws of Utah, ot ittSS. and SURGEONS piIYSICIAXS l)r. W. , naw OtT4 HIE ruNud ?fcr J POR W ouf c,, E.C. COFFIN HARDYARE CO., Building, Progress aests iiitiiaa nairz, tgs&in. - 111 .I TIMECARD ul,s-(ie- 1 11 A MAN WITH A CJf ARMED MFE. , ut Ilouivaicnd Eluttl Proof Lund mt t- gt Salt Lku (Pity, I lull April llth, is herehj g.yur that the follovvmg Ad-ic- Lawrence Long, a young man "ho resides at JefieisuuVilJe, Jnd ,has had at JeAst thiee escapes from death of a must Nothlien a lad, he tell ntimxl settler has remarkable nature, llji d nollLe of his III Gun. off the Louisville bridge, and despite the to hi uke liDuJ of liiHcJ,u)H,aiH sv.iiU ins ujiide before the I'm Uinlic tumble he did not ttceive ar tlim )mHi bale or hi nbebee thOiuuty sciatch or bunse, his only damage being Of F.meiy Coiinrj, (lrk n.h.al Cast le 1, ale, Juiiciv old Couiilv, I tah on June a thorough wetting. When 17 Jud., lssai, William li bahcock, H, );. No- 8,5X4 tor the N El, of N 1. la Long nigified the daughter ol aueigh-uo- and Xa of s F, 9 of ectiou J Tp 13 s K 9 ; , secretly On hearing the news, the Jte names thu following Wituesses to prove shot-guand his loaded father a continuous res. donee upon ami cult ivation fills N. Perkins, N. started out to kill Ins sou-i- law. They olsaul land James 1. Gay auil Heher J.Nephi Firkins, stom barold tbe man emptied both met and all Fine, Fimery t o ftah. rels at tbe boy, but failed to bit him, HtAXK D, HOlIJiS, llegwter ' Longs latest adventure occurred at l.einge J. Marsh, for Claimant, Attorney Louisville on the night of the recent He was jn Ihe Falls tornado. City ha!, when it was siiuck by the NOTICE. whirlwind and went down with the wieck, He piompilv crawled out of the In Ilia Justices (jourt, MuvtiehJ Precinct rums and foiled mat the only injury be Sanpi ic county, I tah Territory. KEUFK for the FQsrujiN, Lotci'ii de la Beijeficcii Pubiici Plaintiff, ) had sustained was a small spate!) on Peter tl. Jlam-e-nVS. Demsiul, ).). In common with those of other large one ear Ex- OK THE John I)oe, Defendant, ) e To John Doe, Greeting you nro cleiks and letter our sum pities, moiled STATE QF ZACATECAS, MEXICO, aiul appear lieloie hereliy me, the uncarriers are working hard to have TRAGIC SUICIDE OF A DESERTE. dersigned,tola; at my Otiice in Mayfield Precinct, of labor reduced to eight sanpete county, I'tuir '1 emtory , to ttuaHera V svudicato of capitalists have se- their hours and WOMAN. to be granted a fifeoniplnim hied iig.nnst you herein, by saul day, cured th concession for operating this per Plaiiitul, on iiesdny, Ajirrl 22nd A, J , JM.ai, teen days vacation each vear. Postsaid act. oil is brought to recover from you e master V ni Coif has been in Suicide in any form is a humble thing 3.1 cents per. head on 4 animals, in all 1,40, lor with tire Posunasier General, to contemplate, but occasionally it has dtimagi s, expenses ot raring for, anil Keeping iniimals and costs id court The is understood that the uipllook features wmch carry ts gasihnexs almost sum hneine fiud will extend it tion ol said nnimals areas tollows, to uprcrin, throughout le and it it; is tavorahle or me men. I he On gress-lonUnited States and British Culumbu, Ins 'i One of was beliel. hunts the to lu iimly roah yearling heifer, swallow fork beyond ngh ear, eleoibie hiand oil right shoulder. Committee, wlucll was lieie last m the case ol Airs. M irv Giles, who killed Pelow will he fonnd a list of the prices whiel One hrunile tom tliroeiir be drawn ou steer, lull jearohl summer investigating the wliolp subject irerseli receutlym a New York tenement White in forehead and snipe white ou lai'iuun ul postal management, made a number house. The woman had been deserted oiiur places, tork and crop off right ear, Ip'le lu I on lett ribs. winch w no by her husband and was undoubtedly ielt. Inuini ol recommendations light red three or lour your old steer, chip doubt be earned ouf s juii The griev- prated with grief and anxiety, Bhe ullOpe leueio. 110 hrtuid vismie, ances ol the men were among tuc must drove her children from the room, 'ii ce heicby nolilied that if you lull to so M Eawtocas WmJqq, Slid answer u ahoye tl Plain important subjects considered, and ms locked the dour and set about her fright appear and cwuinued monthly thereafter. tut will deiinmd judgementrequired, tor the 1, til mid As a preliminary and to pre t gratifying to know that these grievances f ul work of ciinug tor and keeimigaud costa are very Irkelv fo be lemedied. The vent outraged uature finding vent in of court e under my huiid tips llth day of April, 1,800 employees ot tins city cties, she cm off her tongue. Then she A.Given 1) HU, have ceitamly more work than they can seyeied tile left hand from the aim and )!cn-Jensen, 0,000 Ticket St tM.oo; HahestVoo: properly pertorrn, and Uncle Sam fan Justice pi the Peace, calmly watched the life blood ebb out Tentlm 1.00; ipierieas tiirreiu j. be generous, and at the same upon the floor alfndio she When LIST OF PRIZES: time improve file efficiency of the was nearly dead, and expired almost service immediately after being taken to the hospital. E.) OPEN AIR - V Wholhkalk and Retail Dbai.rus in Office, School and Architectural Supplie BaseBall GoodGi Blank Boaks,Toys and Fancy Goods, !So 317. A Margetts Bros., STATIONERY and BOOKS, Note Books, and Ink Tablets, Papetries Stands, i lela-tivel- y 111 jrs n n 11 1 An; m h hi Book 70 thr:-E- SI. h Ul ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. . , ter boots S post-offic- it at '1 rs-Borro- M iricks.p LOTTERY, v j MAY 27,1890. V $150,000.00 , gSO'.OO PECIAl RATES ARRANGED WITH AGENTS- - AKIN WANTED nod British Amer-ic- K WSiart.k The pavment of Prizes is guaranteed hundred thousand dollars (I500.000), with the State Government, and approved by Jesus Arechiga, Governor. Drawings under the personal supervision of Lie. Herminio Arieaga, who is r. appointed by the Government a 9 by a special deposit of five full posited, assuring prizes of this drawing. payment of all Herminio Arteaga, Literventur. iroTHi. Remittances must be either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Letter, American money. Collections can be made bv Express Companies or Banks. Ticket sent direct to management will be paid bv dralts on New York, Montreal, St- - Paul, Chicago, San For furFrancisco or City of Mexico. ther information address JUAN PIEDAD- - Manager, ZACATECAS. MEXICO FAIISYIEW HOUSE Corner west of Co-o- first clash accommodation fitomniersial sample rooms furnished. CUve n mil L S. S.vNDEksoN, Proprietor. o( DEALERS v The splendid weather which we have been having lately reminds us that summer will soon be here. The different parks whiph have been rather deserted during the cold weather, will soon present a very animated appearance, When the open air conceits begin, the population will pour Q it in hundreds ol thousands. and summer will have begun in The city expends $25,000 earnest. annually for these tree concerts, and they are thoroughly appreciated. This year the concerts will fie held in six parks, Battery Park, East River Park, Tompkins Square. Paradise Park, Mount Morns Park and Central Park. These in all parts of the city parks are situated and the music is on different nights and of the afternoons. The best band-th- at Seventh Regiment, is of course employed in Central Park, where au extra concert js given each week on Sunday afternoon. Ed. ARLINGTON. A One of the Washington, April nrort notable dinners ever given in this in honor of gity was that given President Harrison by the delegates to the Pan American conference. The banqueting hall of the Arlington Hotel was lavishlvand beautifully decorated. iQ. NOTICE. was found The dead body of a Friday nth in a bend in Bear river. Christian Gusberg of Brigham, and a younger brother were iaburmg in the field west of Matson's place and becom mg thirsty they went down to the river for a drink, the bays were startled on discovering a corose, lying on a muddy bar about a rod from shoie, with the carcass of a dead ai. n.il on either side. Coroner Ensign was notified Saturday Identifiand proceeded to the place. A sack of cut cation was impossible. and a plug of chewing tobacco, twojack-knive- s and a dollar and sixty cents the only c Rides found on the body. He ned man, weigh was a ing about- 160 pounds, and near 26 years The verdict was that he came of age . to hTs death bv drowning, and it is the general opinion that this is the corpse of one of the men who fell off the bridge in 'he narrows some time last February. The ice and cold water prevented de- was placed in a composition. Theonbody the river bank- .coffin and buried Lost in Santete col.ntv A small dark bay tnare with star in forehead, and ' Standard. SimtMiN. Nephi.Juab Co, FVniTEPTO THE BEST, All are entitled to the best that their moiuy will buy, so every family should have, at once, a bottle of the best family remedy. Syrup of Figs, to cleanse the For system when costive or bilious. sale in 50c and Jl.oo bottle by all leading druggists. Clotliins In Manti. The Importance of purifying the blood ean-Bbe overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At tills season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich tbe blood, and w-- ask you to tty Ilood Sarsaparilla. It strengthens 1 GCUIIcir and builds pp the system, create an appetite, and tones the digestion, The peculiar irhile it eradicates disease. combination, proportion, and preparation ot tbe vegetable remedies used give to -HoodS Sarsaparilla pecul- - rNo (ar curative powers. other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be Induced to take any other Instead, It is a Peculiar Medicine, and 1 worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drugeists. , Mass. Prepared by C. I. Ilood & Co., Lov.-cll- I CLEAR SPRING WATER Commencing Mav 1st. 1S90 I w.II ik-- 'ver clear spring water- - from the temple spring at the following- rates per month. Three gallons per day at 75c Notice John Henry Smith, A. President, If opf CO-O- R II. Cannon, O.II.Pettet, Sect. &Treu. Vire-Pieside- OTEK1TUEB GO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers and Manufacturers, 100 Doses One Dollar of Furniture, Carpets, Lacs CurIron Wagons. Feathers, Etc., Etc. tains. Vindow Blinds. If you deal with us you will get Reliable Good and Fair When in our City, kindly call and see us. Treatment. Co-oFurniture Co., 41 Main St., Salt Lake Citr We Carry a Complete Line WE SELL CHEAP FOR GASH! SCHOOL St FTAIOERY, IPS, AND ALL KINDS OK FANCY GOOiS. AT JOS. BOOKS. PI j Stock of Bust Dxrtlllar one hind foot white. She is branded on ielt thigh and was hobbled when last seen. I will pay a liberal reward to any one who will lurnish information which will lead to her recovery, W.J. - Are Still at Their Old stand, Vice-Preside- DEAD BODY FOUND lN)o Main Street, Manti, Utah. GRAND DINNER. Besides the President, there were and mem present the brs of the Cacnit, member ol the Supreme Court. There was also a notable gathering of diplomates, atmv and navy officers and copgiess men. ol petu proposed Delegate The President of the United the toast: States." The President responded briefly, saying that he believed that the conference would result ip enduring peace and good will among the American nations He assured the sister republic that the United States are absolutely uuseifish and friendly vYcn r. CO,, General Merchandise CONCERTS. Inter-vento- "I Certify dial with the State Treasurer all necessary guarantees are de- TUTTLE & post-ofiic- FREE CLI B RATES: 6 Tickets For kiioksjoj l p. F. DOKIOt S A CO. PRINTERS AND STATIONERS. EPHBAIM - - - - XT'TAIJ- - Pi. W. WILLIAMS Srjt- - |