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Show CONQUEROR CONQUERED. In Hd blood v fkinneil archipelagoes cannibal. Le'd foujrtot th and Tanned the rrodjle and found him very runnable, Not a ord ot fer hed uttered, not a word and not a RlInblc. "When he killed the lUngtd tiger, andh found him very kiiiuble He claimed his e'rength was very great, for hears and hone suitable: lie used to boot the grizzly bear and found him very Loot able; He claimed m killing monstrous snakes that he was very capable. No boa const tor could escape, for he was ur. escapable. In fight. ng hippopotami, he said he wae mt iiuuble. No jaguar could make him wince, because he of her the bolt could be slipped back again in a moment. Once in h. room.it occurred to her that thedo leading from her room into the g ret was the one to make fast. But on examination it proved to have no fastenings. Sl.e heard Mary come to the room the head of the she occupied come from anywhere, and done anything. Once, going out suddenly into the kitchen, she discovered the cook mounted on a table singing a variety theater ditty, with to two other neighboring cooks and an enlisted nmti or two. There was a racy abandon tt about this performance which sugpresently, hesitate, then gested to Mrs. Marshall that the stairs go into her room, but without clossinger was at home behind the uppro-priate'gestur- fuot-light- ing the door. That is nice of Mary, reflected the little mistess. Klie thinks I am And she smiled to herself afraid, at the notion. Still, for all she conld not 6loep. She tossed restlessly for aw hile, half lost herself in troubled dreams, sat and longed for in bed broad-awak- Betty told It makes me creep, Tom, s. to thinkliowshehasprohably been knocked about tne world. Her father was a miner, nnd she was brought up in that kind of atmosphere excitement, false hopes, and disappointment. wasnt wineeuble Married, I dare say, supplethe rampnigelepbaotno longer recAnd put a bullet mented Tom. ognizable; tnd puivenred the roariug bull, and found through the fellow's Lead, and then him puirerizable. lias taken up wit h one ortwo others. " Yes, ves. Betty dropped her voice Just then his wife came in and said,1 "Id e, le made thn.k it quite commendable, come and tend the baby, and youll find hun very tendable.' The way she took him by the ear will make this poem readable; She pulled him out and lead him home, and found hun very loadable Yankee blade. If youd A PRAIRIE ROSE. to an whists-r- awe-struc- . Klin act- ually showed me the photograph of a friend of la rs who she said was in for five years in (such a dreadful word!) for bigamy. In prison at Leavenworth. Why dont you get rid of her? cried Tom, briskly. Shes a beastly cook; I know that. But in spite of her questionable an- tecedents the mistress heart went out to tho maid with the same inLieut. Marshall clankm! into his stinct which had prompted her attho diminutive quarters holineted and east to visit dingy tenement-houseand pauper wards in hospitals. There worded. , Ilail, gunrdinn of the fort! cried was a responsiveness, unaffecsionate-Iiessattracthe the cook to about Mrs. Marshall, looking up from the tion of which Betty suecumlied. Beperusal of a letter from home. Did sides, the girl was pretty, with a slender rounded figure, anil brilliantly .you have a very horrible night? bright hazel eyes, a fair, pure skin So, so. These nights on guard were always and soft golden brown hair. These charms increased after she had lived horrible in Mrs. Marshalls mind, and a decent quiet life with tho .Marshalls 8o unnecessary, she grumbled, in pipor two or three months, and a cering times of peace. No Indians tain haggard look disappeared. To he sure, she had been a little off within five hundred miles; no labor head for her last week or so. She riots. She did not believe in works had looked inthe the morning as though of supererogation. she had not closed her eyes the night Marshall was saying, In time of before; she had returned to a former pence prepare for war, sleepily, when habit, which hud yielded to Mrs. Marshall's expostulations, of going on orderly rapped. Hullo! heres about until high noon her head tied active service for you reading tho up. So fearfully uncheerful, compaper handed in by tho orderly. He- plained Betty. Moreover, she was tty came and read over her husbands peevish nnd fretful. There was altoboulder. I am not suro that Iliko gether an air, unmistakable to tho housekeeper, of uncertain tenure of this kind of police duty, however, office about her, which struck a chill August twentieth. Thats to- to Betty's heart. This young lady An escort of ten was ns wedded to present ways as a morrow, Tom. men. To j.ursuennd arrestand bring cat. All chnngo had a vague element hack to jail in Green River Jas. of terror for her. Hence it was with n sense of relief OLeary. What does it all mean? she remarked that her Mary that OLeary is tho fellow who broke was aroused from her ajmthy and ininto Jones jewelry storo in Green difference by the fact of Lieut. MarRiver the other day. He is a dosper shalls unexpected orders. She was ns possible, pleastto character, I hear; escaped from ns communicative at having hit upon a subject of iexas a few months ago, where he ed interest. Still she kept recurring to was awaiting trial for manslaughter. the strong impression that Mary was I wish tho Green River people would an odd creature. She had forgotten took after their own rascals. And something, nnd went back to the kitchen unexpectedly. There stood why should tho colonel pitch on me in the middle of the her Mary to go? Just off tho guard, too, and clenched slender fist pressedroom, against as seedy os you please. her temples, her bright dark eyes out before her with fixed inhim with gazing fully, l.etty sympathized of concentration; poised on of course; you might he sure of that. tensity her small arched feet as though about eased off Tom's grievances In that to spring; she suggested an alert, sunshine. Ho picked himself up prescreature at hay. AYhut an trapped ently, and went hack to tho guard- untamed, problematical girl, and what a mixed civilization had prohouse to turn over his responsibilities to his immediate successor; then duced her! Meantiino all will ngree that to see tho colonel, nnd glean partic- Mrs. Marshall was most unfortunate ulars in regard to the morrows ex- in having such an unsuitable cook, pedition. It was borno in upon him were she ever so devoted to the re-- j of humanity, that the colonel had proposed to generation Dusk was gathering about the pot I If him this detail. by compliment when Mrs. Marshall betook herself to can only keep my eyes open, ho said the front door and looked up nnd to himself, strolling down the line down the lino of quarters nnd across nml wished for from tho colonels olllce, gazing at a the parade-grounA man came rapidly down Tom. photograph of tho escaped burglar, tne plank walk, paused, and address-Two ed her. which had been handed him. or threo officers were standing on tho Does Airs. Esendero live here? It was a second before Betty reporch talking to Betty when ho came membered that that was tho elegant up. He showed the photograph. name of her cook. Yes, the docs. O'Leary, his countenance, said Can I see her? Im a brother of Old call of one these. Jim, they hers. him, because he was christened John, Botty looked up with pleased interand becauso he looks like a babe. If est. A lamp was lighted near by at we were in San Antonia now, and the moment, and brought out the slender features and fair hair of her you caught him and brought him coinplections striking face, nnd which back to the jail there, the chances are was also strikingly like Alarys. He he would be linched. lie has a very seemed quite a boy; younger than unenviable reputation down that Mary; or perhaps it was the expression. He had a ouiek, boyish way. He's been wanted in Texas a sinilo that flashed uponbright, before Betty king time wanted badly. he moved into the shadows of the Who is it he looks like? Botty porch. I will call your sister, or yon can wondered. One of Raphael's cherubs? No; look her up yourself if you choose. Through that gate; the kitchen is at theyre too fat nnd jolly. A mediaeval tho end of thojyard. You will find saint. her there. Thank you, ma'am, said the I dont believe ho has dono all those dreadful things, cried Betty young fellow,anddisappearedthrough the gate. still gazing. Afterward some friends came in, Tom took tho photograph from nnd there was a game of whist, a frutho gal, impromptu supper followed. A her and turned to go friend offered to stay all night if Betother young men moving on. I have to be off before dark, Betty was nervous at being left alone; she rejected and scorned the ty I take my men into Green river, but this and start from there with the con- notion of fear. Nor was she in the stable and one or two of his myr- least afraid; it was part of her creed that a soldier's wife should have a midons. stout heart. She made a pretense of him into the house. Betty followed closing door-- , nnd windows for the 'Do get a good sleep, dearest, she night, saying all tho while in her mid, and by the tine you are about heart that it was a waste af strength bo will readv. diuner agnin Tom got off duly, cheered ami speed- to tak.i these precautions in a place ed by bis wife anil liereook. Thelat-te- r so carefully parolled. Finally she displayed unusual energy, asking went out into the kitchen to say a more questions than Mrs. Marshall last word to Alary. She found the deserted. A lamp was could answer as to tho burglar at kitchen the flame blown about made burning to high, nnd efforts the being large in a draught from the open door. a was cook This him. young capture or so, of a She closed the door nnd looked about woman of twenty-fou- r Another door led upstairs to a type that one walking in the beaten her. is more ant to find in Bret loft adjoining her own room; it oecur-reimth novels than in real life. But to her to shoot the bolt, which on the outside. Koine one might was the is life ns a frontier post hardly Lenten path. Betty had remarked slip in nnd up while Alary isout. On that she might her wav upstairs she laughed at herof her self for having done thir. How silly l ecu Lave brought up anyhow, und s house-keeper- s d 1 d hand-maide- n Goodness me its a mouse. she thought. henringsubdued, annoy- I ing noises in the adjoining attic. wish it were the cat. The gray dawn reassured her. Tho night's mysteries were vanished; familiar objects in her room assumed distinctness; speculation no longer lurked in corners. She closed her eves and slept. She awoke suddenly. Her bed was drawn close to the door of the attic aforesaid. That door had been opened very softly, but it had jarred the bed. A figure stood holding the door, closing it very gently a man's figure, slight, fair hair. She saw so much, then closed her eyes in an inbut not stinct of before slie had recognized the man who had asked lor Mrs. Escadero tho night before. He wore a soft felt hat, as he had done then, and he carried his boots in one hand. He had evidently spent the night in the lott, after being stowed away there hv his sister. Betty, in fart, had locked him in, and Mary had come up to her room without noticing the shot holt. All this flashed across Mrs. Marshall in a second, as also day. to his extraordinary likeness cook, which to he sure, she her had re- marked the night before. It was one of those likenesses, attitude, action, expression unmistakable. Betty did nob stir. The mans hope was to slip through the room without rousing her; and if she was feigning, ns his sharpened senses may have guessed, it suited his purpose to accept this situation, lie lmd weighed his chances, and this was the best his only one. His sister had given him the geography of the house the night before, nnd he had rapidly decided to come this way on discovering awhile ago that egress below was harried. He stealthily crossed the room, found his sister (she was his sister) sitting up in bed, as alert as lie, as quick to comprehend what had happened; ready, in pursuance of a precious plan, to help him put on a suit of her clothes, including an ulster, and to dress herself in the gray clothes he wore. Not a word was uttered meanwhile. Itmigbt lmvebeenMary only, rising betimes and stiring about ns she made ready to begin her days work. In fact, as Mrs. Marshall lay all-ov- wide-eye- d there, she wondered in the whirl of her excited, startled brain, weary too with nights sleeplessness, whether she had not dreamed that a slight, fair man had stood a second at her bedside on his way through her room. No, it had been nodream. Thepnir went down-stair- s presently, nnd out of the front door. Then Betty rushed to the window in time to see them a man nnd a woman cross the parade-grounmaking for the little railroad station, which lay just out- side the post. She is taking him to the cars; he is in some trouble, Betty decided. Just what might be expected from that wild west creature. AVliat an extraordinary resemblance be- tween them! Door soul! I hope she d, will get him off. Khe was all for defeating the ends of justice in her sympathy for her attractive cook. She had a distinct that the latter numbered of all kinds among her,; friends; this was probably one of impression jnii-bird- s them. off. Still, she hoped he would get They just made the train. Betty stood bv the window shivering in her and heard the whistle shrill, and saw the cars sweep up and linger an instant, and then sweep on again. Khe watched next to see Alary come bark across the Khe would come in quietly nnd go about her work ns though nothing had occurred. Her mistress would make no sign; in truth, her strongest feeling was sympathy and pity. She did wish that Alary had given her her confidence; she need not have smuggled her brother in nnd out in that way. But, again, it would never have done to tell if the man was a fugitive from justice, loor soul! poor soul! This accounted for her despairing looks yesterday. But how long she was getting hark! Airs. Marshal went back to bed again presently, nnd, tired out, dozed off to sleep, nnd slept an hour in spite of herself. Khe nwoke 6ud-denly, recalled the events of the past night, and pulled herself together. Nine o'clock. Khe would get rp and night-dres- parade-groun- d. i i The attack oil the civil service begun and chiefly maintained ILitton. that doughty Republic,! al established. Mrs. Marshall made the WHAT IS TIIE PCX Jail M EXT TO ' is s ill ager of ttie best of it; made herself somemid-da-coffee, good deal of acerbity and spir.t I) ' 1UE CRJ3JE y went into Green river in the last week Postmaster Paul, of J v ambulance, secured another servant, Taulbee and Kincaid of Kentucky News- has been before the Congressi. na; U.' with back her, whom she brought Urought Cp to tee, and he has made rattier a hul q Correspondents paper for himself. He admits that the and congratulatrd herself that Tom the Rack Shull They lie Imprisoned? had been out of the way during this The Civil Service What Says raul ? puintment and promotion whs r.jj j enforced in fact, th.it in ids hand, J,' during domestic tiury. F.sp-iallSpecial Washington Letter.1 regulations were very Hex,blt t 8 ocrupat ion. It aid not The shooting of last Tjullee of eligihles were added ami tamper " occur to her that if Tom had not by Kincaid, ot the Louiswile Tmu-s- continand men who had been ceitilini toh- gone, Alary's brother would not have ues a prominent topic of conversation men thrown out. and men who had noT-- ' both tlmt felt comment. It is generally come. weie appointed ; the last became wounded the hether That day went by. At the middle were very wrong, and, a will serve as an- the first last, according to se ipurE nm;i d.es or nut, the evtmt of the next one Tom returned. according to statute; but 1u.it decUcC can eaioii3. deadly lesson other ving his against the Did you catch all the mischief was done by burglar? Whether he lives or dies, too, Kincaid is a wife asked, after a joyful w elcome. oneShidy, whoinijosed upuu lmut' ; fur the act of del berateiy guuig man ruined ceived him, so manipulating the q. No; he got away from us. I see friends git the plum vouve replaced vour Irairie Rose, k and the jiersons to the Irish nodding in the direction oflunch-tablwhom he was not e girl who was laying the under obligation, got I brought her in the next room. lift." Shidv comes as as far same all the back with me to the front ami conGreen river, that is. fesses that he did t.UH- and What do you mean? er with the That the governor of this terriconstantly violate the law, but that he did it tory has retained Mary Escadero as tier. ill all Paul d. reeled iL a witness in the case of the state him so to do, and tliut., cf. AV versus James O'Leary. They turn Vi with threatened he was , out to be brother and sister. lo-- s of It's place if he ' Airs. Marshall stared at her husrefused or hesitated. band in a dazed way. Then the "s Shidy was provided whole thing began to dawn uponher. for by the Postmaster editor hatmj sketched She rapidly General because he hud turned States Oh, Tom! deuce and told the truth, hut the ter.u- her adventures during his absence. which he holds his place is belieied' Byjingo! you are a plucky little So pit Ke-- n lit, proi-eed.- T! T! T: Fi T , B T , V li.-- ts ' , pk Suu cak. no soul! No screaming? fainting? Windom has d'iie another? Secretary no hysterics? But, you poor little and popular thing: lie has leased thef- - lit TArnnrE. chicken, it was pretty rough on you. a I istol and following up a inun for the luff (seal) islands of Behrings after Betty scorned these compliments. will net to the government of shouting him, however g'os the I was not afraid in the lpast. I purpose insult that had been received, cannot but be that which has been paid l.y tlie an a burden on t lie reputation of such an offen- Commercial Company during the last we was excited and absorbed in the situation. It ditf der. Taulbee is over six feet tall, bony and years. Nearly a million dollars a van not dawn upon me who the man was. muscular, and Kincaid is little more than be received fur the privilege of catchii; I should have turned to stone if 1 five, and always looks as if lie came recently seals, and the government lias alrese thi an back the money ($7,000,000) which See, had dreamed it was OLeary stand out of a bandbox. He is a bright writer, thi industrious news gatherer, popular with the Seward paid to Russia for the frosty k . shuddered. And she me. over ing but weak, siila. Under the new contract it is a member, When I watched Alary walk across cnifi of winchthehetime sickly. Taulbee lmd most inevitable that the market price of, in! much of the parade ground with him, my idea and skins will iise next winter. the loudest voice in the Fiftieth Congress, Towssaf was that he had done something, of clear and resonant, and on more than one or a course stolen forget horse, occasion, during the noisy and vociteruus SCIEXTl FIC WASH I.VCTOJ, an or ho periods, he took the place of tiiecleikand Some trifle of that sorb. But read so that his words were distinctly audi- Something about Men of Origins no ble above the roar. now for my story. search. sh He had tramped over the prairies Special Washington Letter. with his escort for hours before comAVhat with the political clatter and tb Su in AVashington, not ev rial ing upon a trace of tho man he was seeking and office losing, thesum: th looking for. These wanderings had mg world is apt to bear little of the jcic brought him to a part of the counmen who live at the capital and workfr. wt railroad the that crossed by try government. Tlieir number is legion w skirted the post and near a river. It are engaged in all kinds of investip.s was a rolling country, so that the yc from watching the stars and view was broken between short given weather, to examining the stomaclia o.U 81 points. The scouting party separaand the fungi which cause disease th ted in order to command the whole ruins and vegetables. It is true them, solfield. All at once one of the of these studies are issued, from time ton VI diers saw a boat put off from the in lie form of books and pamphlet, with a few ;he best only a small per cent, of thesr, shore and gain re id ever see these works. ; rapid strokes; a woman held the oars. Your real scientific investigator ia a e At the same time a man clamored man and shuns society. lie haunts tie:, back up the steep river bank, having house, where tie can meet his kind, lie; the bank first pushed the boat off; Ins share of the innumerable lectures o.. was very steep, and had probably sorts of topics, which are constantlyK concealed the party of soldiers from given during the season in his view. Having gained the top, he lie w rites for the magazines. But if in then full conies along the man of scien CORRESPONDENT KINCAID. paused to recover breath, view of Lieutenant Alarshall, who inThe ullet which Kincaid fired at him is just as affable as anybody, and hack of tho throat in the neck or newspaper fellow " full of his specialty stantly identified him with theobject lodged One of these scientific men not uub t of his search, lie signaled to his men lower head. It has been approximately loto fame is Professor AV. O. Atwuter, whe' and they had surrounded and cap- cated. hut lias not been removed. written considerably on food and healt The United States Senate is jut now havtured OLeary, or so they thought, ing a buttle with the newspapers of the ics for the big magazines. He is at the in a twinkling. of a division in the Department of State at any rate, with those havTheir prisoner made little or no United lepresenatives in the special gallery. ure, which has for its object the rent f ing resistance. He started torunatfirst The secrets of executive condensing and editing fur the publics- a leak out to he sure, but after giving one rabid a somewhat free spiggot, and the correspond-by is published of value by the Departnid anxious glance across t lie river, where ents arc charged with eavesdropping or with Agriculture and the various agricultitt his companion had landed, and where bribing a doorkeeper or clerk. The corre- pertinent stations in the several Suite lias a number of men and women in: 6he was speedily lost to sight behind spondents allege that they get their informavision to assist in this work. But this .f the high bank and rolling hillocks on tion fr, m Senators, but refuse to disclose all Professor Atwater accomplishes. It; one. So a committee of investigation which inevithe that side, submitted to the for the government and liri is having troublous was it and working appointed, able and to be enptured. times. Senator Dolpli is the leading inquisWashington, lie is professor of chemc. ; It was not until they were all back itor, and, having determined to find out the the AVeslcyan university' at AIidi!li again in Green River that it was soiree, he returned to the Senate lor author- Conn., and he is also in charge of fhti discovered that they were not bring- ity to lock up correspondents till they were cultural experiment station for tbeS.; ing back OLeary at all, but his sister, willing to testify. Others thought the ar- Connecticut. It is said he is able toil Alary Escadero, the Afarslmlls cook. resting business should lie run on a whole- triple duty and occupy three impute! sale scale and insisted that the number of sitions at once, with a good salary lti ncl by that time 0 Leary himself prisoners should be increased until ihe press to each, by a liberal Use of the telegrep:; was in safety, far enough away. was practically disabled. graphopbone ephonc, phonograph, Not I. said gallery Recognize her? Senator AYilson, of Iowa, Senator Harris typewriter! So, besides being awonj Tom. I recognized him from the man in propria persmue, lie rivals EJai and Senator Blackburn, all members of photograph I had with me. I believe Committee, insisted that the Senate the his use of the scientific appliances of tlq L seafori-,,-whic- five1 over-wroug- r seen, I J hub-bu- b tone-offic- infr-- t g bs mid-strea- . fills A;-.- s nl-mind that my priso- v tTOfjs, nor resembled your 1 rnirie Rose; but I merely regarded it as a confidence. She says they are twins. Its an odd thing now that a precious rascal like that should he able to inspire such devotion. I declare to you, Betty, I dont believe that woman had a thought of herself in the matter. And Betty, having the lukewarm attachments and feeble friendships and changing loves of respectable people, felt a stir at the heart as she remembered that from the beginning outcasts have passed into the kingdom of heaven, whose name is also Love. The sins of these wild OLearys or Escaderos, or whatever their name might be, were many, nodoubt. Please God! there was a balance in their favor, kept by a merciful recording angel. Harpers Bazar. Indisposed and Exposed, ' A well known public man has two sons, one of whom is nearly twenty-on- e years of nge and the other about thirteen. The elder took a turn at society last w inter, but subsided when Lent began. Not many days ago, while the family was at dinner, the youth said; I expect to be married one of these days, but I have learned enough in thismonthnot to select a society girl 4or a "'ift- Most of them do not get up until 11 or 12 oclock in the day. They are indisposed half the time. les, and exposed the other half, dress. said the little fellow, who had been a Khe hurried through her toilette, keenlistenerto the experience related somewhat spurred by a vague mis- by his big brother, Sunday Alercury. s giving. AY lien she went she found the house quite deserted, Thats Why. save for thesoldier who worked about Air. Nesbitt, the dramatic critic of the house, and was known ns their the London Times, made a curious striker, nnd who onthisoccasionhad statement AYe were disrecenlly. kindled the kitchen fire, and was now cussing American humor and he around that standing apartment said: American humor has a sort awaiting farther developments. of stoical grimness, which can be Cook deserted? lie inquired, eas- traced directly, I think to the interily. Such desertions were common of the w hites with the abmarriage enough in that region. her git original Indians. aboard the train this mornin'. Said Now wlmt sort of an answer is one she was tired ot working. Ilad her to make to an argument of this brother along. Her twin, ska bajj. kind. Eugene Field in Chicago Like as two peas ia a pod. News. down-stair- -- LETTER the fact of Marys departure was OUR VASIIIXGTOX - must now speak forth or forever hereafter hold its peace. They produced a prodigious amount of newspaper comment, which they regarded as villifying in character, and they sounded the Senatorial war bugle very loudly. Senator Wilson, of Iowa, thought a dungeon too pleasant a residence for those r men who insisted on printing the happenings in what custom had denominated " secret sessions of the Senate. The guilty ones should be "run in and kept in until they divulged the sources of their information. Senator Black-bns support of the Dolpli resolution was unyielding. He very gravely repeated a suggestion which lie made publicly a day or two ago. He wants to wipe the press gallery out of, existence. Senate- - y rial wrath find a vent in this proposition and the n ew spaper men would ho inconvenienced not a little. SENATOR DOT.PH. Senator Teller allowed XI r. Dolpli and his assistants to cariy on for a while, and then he offered a substitute for the committees resolution. The substitute provides for the consideration of nominations in open scsmuii. In presenting it Senator Teller told the Senate much wholesome truth. He said that the entire country was laughing at the ludicrous conduct of the Senate in endeavoring to find out who gave away executive matters, when it was well known that Senators themselves were the culpable oi es. Suppose they did imprison a iew newspaper men, what would he gained? There would only be an increase in the volume of popular laughter and the laugh would not be on the newspaper men. Senator rintt supposed Senator Tellers resolution, but Senator Harris did not; he was with Dolpli. Then came the new Northwest breezy, clear and cold. Senators Moody and Pettigrew were in the lead and they told the Senate, in unmistakable language, that the present movement was nothing less than a blunder. Senator Hawley took the ground that the correspondents were blameless in the matter. Their papers demanded the information and it was sent them. He thought Senator Dolphs idea that the newspaper mens conduct was seditions was absurd. So five hours ota secret sess.on were consuned, and r.ewaptter men were bandied very freely aud somewhat roughly. new-pape- ui couldi is a tall, broad-- j man, who looks as j well-feuponahigb standard. lie has the student sioopi j shoulders when seen outside of the.i room. He is in the full vigor of IiM forty odd years of age, and is polite ble in manners. He lias a broad, open;? tenance, dark liuir and eyes, and, win salaries, which aggregate not farfruni UUO a year, is evidently contented unfit life well worth living. He has long be expert in chemistry, and some twenty;! t ago was a s'udent in Germany. In a recent lecture given at the Nat ; Aluseum lie displayed a series of char!'! science is nothing nowadays unlK graphically illustrated for the eye nitt and maps in all the colois of them:' These charts showed the amount ot' taken per head, or stomach, of all nab ties, and of many classes of people, ftv poor serving girls of London and theffi1j of Germany, to the factory operatives England and the students at Middle'Conn. It was shown that the Amelia: more food, of a greater variety, that other people. And one who has trarto England or on the continent knowstbib P:l people of Europe do not have it. Atwater says the Americans eat than they need. But the amount aw j w ity we do eat accounts largely for our We accomplish more than any o,htrr, t ality because we are well fed. wonder at the tramn who has work 8 petite. AYalkiug, a well as waste of animal tLsue, and food mui! j to the rescue. A man with three professorships on hand in threeto I should judge, would need square meals a day and six times so meals. But overeating is a fruitful ill health, and unless immense it is best to be frugal and tern Professor Atwater ilered, deep-cheste- d was remarkably d ; . m-- AfhC-no- enerjt-quiie- FiutsudU, Haworth Church, where the fir0D lie buried, has been so much lmr that, as L. B. AValford writes, nea." has vestige of interest or romance ou? ; proved off the face of it. J left is a window bearing tlicinscrtp ; of Churlutte Bn pleasant memory An Auiericiin, up by who? is wihat J Persian lamb, which worth just now, is A $10 a skin, unmanufactured. ano-hare which skins, quite much more wavy, are worth jr01 to $125. Both have a white skin black wool, when genuine-whicis gray, is a natural s Ukrainer, from the Ierjian, iut is nut glossy .. J ble in England - - |