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Show , Ths Homs Ssntinel A )evoieU WEEKLY !a Itviiu FWfAP.T3 and tu tut- - ji-- . 1 rtfUBduittf lie L Tin; m;v kstray of l.ltre-- iI , i oiuniPiilk ft ii h - i ,, -- ' t' i'- -'- ,i -- ; n a..- - . -- : : . fr i rr. i: j . A i t J. P I u u n ''!r .1- i A : il" . r: , : i,. l' .e .. . . K t a .nt ! : k unit v mi .t - r; ,, b ? . - ' .all i :tf 111 . li e ' ' 'I the . y h.i i i, a the i! ir m. ii" li.iui u s - S ., r ! j " .i . VV h tl ii lu c. S 'll V, recent nt Yui v itiiiim w I, ft, tv, N.v iispr lo tr I .eg is- -' i Is iH p it per j.om David giodiis Pare and -- theni-s-elv- o - - I s. dispenses with poundkeep-er- s entirely, and nutimri.e a man who has suffered from predatory, cstrays to distrain, or hold in his until the d. images are pase-sio- n of turning them over instead paid, to a pound keeper, lie must however, take care of the animals and if he knows the owner, who lives within five miles of the place where the animals are distrained he must he notified amljr lull of damages presented, t which if not paid within hours after the animals aie taken the injured party must begin a sivil action in the justices court of that precinct, by filing ft sw rti com plaint, as directed in section five. With the exceptions ns noted we think it an excellent measure and hope it will prove effective and just. forty-eigh- Post Master Nelson, moved into his new building Friday evening list, and the business of the otli a is moving ns smoothly as The new office is cettainiy an improvement on the old one, hut it is al. too small Lr the purj ose, an we think it will rot le a long time un-- il the office will have te be en-- a d in otd r to arcommo Lite the public. 1 S. ' itstitS.'ii-v- i Brunei i. ..mi i i.o.-- .V'liiriiu as a Suite sow, Sun 1 5:k:lLY L EItT GOOD 3- HOUSE' liOCS'.tlES, CLOTHrso. - Furniture, d iIiImo "1 u: - tl Uc an Irb-u.l- s 1 I'rr'tT.ti piyricH 1? jbUhHVfmr tvlD.ni'h I 11 i, Dial .Mnui HiH iit ll !! Kitf.'V VrW Inu J.latv m t ii'"! it Hii'lftliDiil I tw rain.-tormiVl firoAt l.uiiff .i Caffiages, Baby 1 titio a:il Uve tnnf, u'mi I"Al K'Xll" UvvI all. h a.i il. I. 10 . GENkP-- j t enketis, bum .salt Lake also iriends and te'ative- - Hum t.a-tl- e Vahey, was ui !y li.e llj.S", J The cerem u v was peif. rmed by Alex. ! 1.eie i is s; lit pi".! c: at abu, ti p. ill. wr.i tv ri.na: t. was a geneicus array cd presents wnali --A- ND;v c au.iig lx it. in to inii 0 betoken the high appreciat'd!! 111 wn.rh '.it, .,sep!i ..iisLiii is civet n; a large tie couple sr.tt t out m the happy hazy liaili e.i -ot m.itnmotiv. It was in Hie "wee mia- nouis liiat a liouiimient was made, me ilcoiie Ini.nl, og a ln.e ies all having enjoyed themselves to the deiu.e a, i Union street. fullest extent m every detail and wishing Manufacturers. g Kb am and horse-powe- r fiem a happy juainey. iX Cos, nov i t is Kelt. ( buildings t.e.l i. earner LoUipielimi. machinery. I lea ting stoves. S NPE I E PROGRESS. .Mis. I. H. bum ! will tie in tier new Manufacturers of steam engines-hoicommodious .ga.nteis m a tew das. It will pel Imps be .1 mailer of surprise iron ol Sanptuiips. brass at.d O li n,teg is tiuilitmg a substantial to some to learn that the people for store front s , are castinga along castings, really marching pete county icsaleuce jo t noitii of Ins shoe simp. for jails, oil the highway of progtessat a lively null vvoik, iron work ul and (let your p.cmre laken at the remplc late. It is probable tnat lliiee fourths wrought buildings, bridges, the residents d w there are of Scandi-vatall.iar. Iloiler reiron cavt and fencing. citithe ol Many leading origin Ttie Alexanira niuuiig Co. is no zens while not peaking or umieistand-m- pairing a specialty. eioplm nig tliif.e miners steady. as the English Language Ail Kinds of pluming, ga. and fluently or , a native American are as well as Mai than and steam anyRugs cheaper Carpets feting attended to. well educated and masteis of steam body. fs. K. Marks and Co. in dealers and then native Longue. Their ch.ldreu and f. and .r beprivate public Have an mlt! .s', in the Hank if only the rising gel. ei.Uioii generally .ire beaters, Good school buildings. Devevs patent tubular one share. ing carelully educated. and good i' structors are provided and iion wheelbarrows for miners and We are better prepared to take your progiess is marked. Agents lor Leffol Steam picture than ever before. G. Anderson. M.mli, .Mi. r lensnnt and Ephra'm aie farmers. fine llounshmg cues wall lertile fields Engine- - and water wheels. I nun all appeaiances we shall haven ar Half block west of West Coop. mud, which produce abundantly. large crop ul fruit ul all k nds tins year. With the advent of a new through 0. I', ox ITS. I. the entile length line railway liaver-m- g Fine bmyrria Rugs 1.25 at S. R vv.ll a & SUNDUEEG. of become PKVBT the valley, Sanpete iV Co. very important factor in the commercial The fields are already looking fresh and financial impol tame of Utah. We believe tuu, that w hen the impetus of and gieeu. progress, development and new entei-prts- e We understand that Jasper Larsen of strikes into Sanpete the people .Sterling, is very sick. 1i1crew1llbefoundf.il belter ptepaitd to hold their own and lead the; onward I have a Fine Lot. of Youi: He uiu'iju.ird Kenner is gening mamatch than is supposed. As a Shade Trees. Malm of Gilead and terial outlie giound, for a com. actions mutter of tact generally the people aie now lip dwelling. which I will deaud doing. They realize lie: impol tame Bengal ICipi-.rot All vast natural which the at lesomces liver prices. 'lln: pnutngi apin' skill ul G L. AnderVast coal dtspostts; iron, orders received Charles Musig. son is well known m the people ot ban-peby gold, silver, niaihle and mineral wax at Residence Mile South of Funk's e. heir doors, and their tields m the valley Me Joseph II Wlntbeck will com- are among the most productive in I tab. Lake, Sterling, Sanpete Co., Utah. -ment e tils laliois 011 Wednesday next, Sanpete is an inviting locality Cnzete. as general agent for to iKN iim-.lKaron liidberstein IlkKiUN, Maich 27 AN ADDRESS a minister of linden, has been nominated Delivered by Apostle Lund at the to succeed Count lleibeit Ilismaick. general Couleieiice on Friday, April 51b. HAS OPENED A "1 have enjoyed hearing the oietbien WALNUT 1 KKES. and the ms'tuctions their in testimony Iv. I.. Pal ry has a fine lot of walnut given to ti.e samts. The Lord had said Pees which he is selling cheap. that tins MiuuIU be a marvellous work, Two Doors North Of Co-oStore with Pallor suits 6 pieces. Sofa, Rocker, and e can see that lie ,1ms been wGrk. At this Ims lie that Give him call. Mimti. us, ;t prospered small Parlor hairs and Kay chair, two tile fust cunfeicnce ot the samts, ther Safa, $ . at S R. Marks aud Co. were but lew people present, but all ol Dis. Olsten and Siacev aie li.ting up them bad received a testimony that this the store, lately occup.e l by Jos. K. was the wink ol God. When we notice Main Street, Sfuiitl. what God has biuught to this people, tonus at Epbiaun, lor an i.ifice. we can see how the promises have been First Class Accommodations. 11der-s- , 1'lie well known Anist G K lullilled. The prophecies ol Joseph have in w ill open Ins I lioiogiapn Gallen been paiOaliy lullilled, and the otheis .hose visiting the Temple the 15th of April, will lie Velmve been gathered lioin the d'Heient nalums of t lie earth, and ahouM inquire for this House. Mis. F R. Kenner ln,s 5.10 or 600 ilns was all hue! old T lie eiiur:h is one Free conveyance to the 'tied Apples h Ives, tmimonious whole, them is no discoid. pounds of No. . even- duv iu tiers and eighths f,.i s.ie at her Temple some have men have apostatized, Flue, Also Ilav, Grain and Stabling di.twn away bum the clmicli, bill tins Kbue .IksskX, Iroprietor What we wan! to see 11. the ne.n no argument lii it Hie work is imliue. fut re, is the well driving machine, the Jesus imd His Iscariot among Ins apostles, ami it s not stiunge that theie city is going to buy, at woi k m dUleienl should at t inn be found weak members u 'sirisu. r. j. .Dn:s3, p.ois ul the cu v. he thtee witnesses among the church. The at laogenu nt of die boxes and to the l.mk olAlornioii all left the chinch general delivery ot uiir ip-- 0, st olfice bui not one , I them recanted ot den ed .1 metropoliis much better and m that he led seen toe plates lmm winch work was traiislateu. tan fashion than before. tins wuiidetlul Aiv tesiim mv to the Latiei-dab.onts is Surgeon and AccoucheursTlie Semite pas-e- d the lull authorizitnat :u-- is die woi k ul God, th it he will f ol r 1,1 tents the the 2.5 ng puicliase lus piomist-tons, a..d steer ihe Office at Residnce, Two Blocks use ut the ll iod sulleieis in Aikansas, keep Zion into a sale harbor. slop I. and oil's:, mi. Mississippi North of City ITall . Letters and Hons. James and i 'loi Sh.np have WHO CAN IT HE? hoiignt .111 undivided half mieiest m tiie Telegrams Prom ply AcknowlRow ley property owned bv Alma Hague 'I hete is an alleged joutimlisi m town, Phis property is and Clias. Aiulicws edged. His "piufes-sionaidie designed location lur die woolen lulling Hum Sanpete. ims c.ueer characterized been TTTJUIT. mills. Ensign. bv repeated Dilutes, and vet well sire ll a tMessis. J 1I1 Low iv k S m aie now in record he has the gall to go around livleciept of their sp.mg gooils and invite ing to induce people to put then money like an inspection of their immense slock ol tn a du.ly newspaper that he .SI V lashnm.ibie iliess goods. Call on diem. to urn lieie. lbs talents must tie m A lii x urgent demand, mas much as according I see be Mr. ConraO'- - c.ud m die last to los own statement the g..lt Lake CAUD. SssriNFi. ill, it he. nke ail owneis ol Herald people want him "aw tally bad," jpj? Trains leave daily (Sunday ex lde sp.uk ot and Some Itovo pe, pie H:e quite as guided lnoses lias a r full eager to .secure his ser vices. jealousy d) going north prejudice against, .quire r. bloom 9 :0() n, m Chester, A C. Olson. Moreni. 9 :dO " A TTEMPTED SUICIDE. 4A " 9 Editor Sf.ntiuel. Drajier, Your is! of .April skit in reOn Tnuisdav evening, at Ogden, a gill For.ntain Green, 10 : 1 0 " gard to mv finding a quantity ot gold m about 17 years ol age, know n only bv lO.-dDivide, the lulls east of Maul 1, is giving to both the name of Giuce, attempted suicide " 1 .20 on re lodeand MainSt,Nephj, he cause of her act Eido, noturity by taking poison. myself Arrive Nephi, 11 :2 than w deseive 01 des ie. Please state was the brutal treatment given her by a m yoiti next issue that the atticle retorman with whom sue has been living. nd ( 1H t tj ! f,l t'i ted t was n idling more than a 1st ol who was mi ihe w ages of hei mg 1 2 : d m Nephi, dect-ptm. ami olhige simuie. Sfa iiiai d. April Main St !'. R. Kt NNFK. Nephi, 1 2.40 , Divide, 1.30 Signed. riitsovti.ii Fid i. I ountainGieen.l :G5 p. m. We called in yesterday to see Dr. 2.1-Draper, C. Andrews Ac Co. keep const intiv tn Unmet to Ins new quarters, and loimd " Moroni. 2:30 self-saa hand t uf lock islied a him nil smiles, while an complete galvan zed Arrive Chester. 3:00 " spiead over his broad countenance. His lence wire, wool sacks, tletce twine, pre- sheep shears, cooper dip etc. which they dng dep..' 'men', as now lilted up, Stag s connect at Moroni for 11 and m are selling at Salt Lake prices. sent- ' neat, tm. uppeatanee, They part of Sanpete and Sevier. also carry the Cooper, Ham ami Mitchel p. tut of neatness and convenience is Tiieo. HiuTi.u ir, .Manager. wagons. second to none iu southern Utah. II. S. Kekk, General Sunt. tiepannient, when complete A. W. Felt representing M. D. Wells will be one of the finest inllluieiv estab lishments in the county and (tom the A Co. was In town Friday and Satutday. amount of goods she is recieving, which Mr. R. F. Conrad was in to see uk the consists ot the latest styles in every oilier day. He tells us he will be here her business, we judge that or.ee each week she has an agreeable surprise m store his fine stallionsduring the season with Fieih Bread, Cakes, Pies, Nuts and young Appolo at d for her many patrons and friends- We hey are indeed tine horses. es. of il.inti, and Nyauza. would advise the lnd-eGroceries, Canned Goods, Etc. cities to bold their cusurrounding tlers. until Alts. It throws open her pai-- I CLEAR SPRING WATER M. C. Krdl , Prop., l , will be in about a wtek. us. Her tut wiil appeal in a few days. Mry Commencing MEALS AT ALL HIIRS. 1st. 1S90. I w.ll deliver clear T K FIRST STFP. spring water, irorn the at the temple sprtr.g billowing rates IVrUaps rim an run tlown, isn't eat, isn't Mam St., M t . Pleasant. run l ttmtk, ean't U uu ttilng t your per month. Three gallons per dav at 75c sleep, Min.-l- a and ai ivundi r wlmt uds'yyu Six gallons per day at Jr tin, Cive u a c'l. .00, Payable at .nJiii.t J 5' yj u: H '' ry fteV V. -v t - ls&j !' ' 5 BEJ3 BOOt ! - f T .. f-- I I J i . Foundry SUITS. . . Machine Shop, PROVO CITY. -- ' t V tint ft Cl ;umlDV j . "I.r 1TC ml ; U.c 1. 1 , one passing on the la I day. measIt is a very cimini'-ndahiure and e suggest thai our read' i it and p -t carefully peru-on its provisions and new points. Its aim is celt drily in tho line of justice, hut in some points, we it is somequestion, fu instaie-.what doubtful if sections two and will stand the judicial three, You will teats of tin- court observe that they are almost too sweeping in their provisions. are, They define: what estnys and make it the duty of the constable to collect up, advertise and sell, unless sooner ci, limed, all e,strays in his precinct. Ifau animal bus been running on the range for one year, and its owner, after reasonable search, cannot he found, it is an estrav. How is it to he d terniined whether a given animal lias run on the range one year? How is it to he ascertained that the owner cannot he found? Who is On required t search for him? whose, or on wh.it showing is the Conclusion to hei'Mnhed th.it the tacts exist w liieu make an cstray of If these facts any given animal? exist, the constable is, under section three, derelict in his duty if he fails to take, charge of ami a Iveitise the animal. If those fat ts do not exist he is guilty of a violation of law should ho take charge ot and sell an animal, supposing it to he an cstray, and is liable lor damages. These questions of fact can be determined only by a judicial officer A conand a judicial proceeding. stable is not a judicial oll'icer, has no right to exercise judicial fund ions, nor pass upon questions of law and fact in a manner or proceeding involving the ownership of His doings in such a property. case would all be undone as soon as they were laid before a court of competent jurisdiction. The provisions of the Poland law are explicit us to what otliaers may ex Constables ercise judicial powers. are not included in those there namad, an In nee must be held to be excluded. The thorough execution of sections two mid t'.iieu, will result, we fear, disastrously as in some precincts thousands of head of stud: will ! cold that an lv own by their owners to he estravn if taken Iront the literal standpoint of this seetion(2)sti!l thevare not etrays in any reasonable sense of the term, lienee these aectiooa will he almost, or should be a dead letter in tue law and the constables ha I better exeivise caution in executing them. The rep,, It of its practical oja'ra-tionthe future alone will decide. We believe, however, with these exceptions it will work saiistactorialy, and will meet every constitutional objection made to the old law The c an w. i ttnuHi'O'iii: P u,r :h : t r tr.Ji q, tif tile se.-hio- ti a hill w. i' iiitrnd if d in the , it ur hut Coune.il, and passed by tie-nithe House it, und rsuinding that a better one wieild ie intro duced, which resulted in tin; present new law .e'..s 1. 1 ,.t- - - rij jil passing In Hit; eaily G t'- v ' 1 i w t . tlrt MW A..D T"ii'i'!iVc ii.At r Si- n ? ll m ul It. i.ti kiH'ft irt'ii. a!- nu: ui Ju-i- T. C. h"-- .1. t nece-sar- atu e tia-- tit.st ir ii. t u! ' ':r ii. ! T law. y th it mint: proviso very he made tur the va iv detective law- which lmil ill the past h. ended tied' invalid, in many of its most import-nu- t his left, (In T provisions without any j rote-- tin- le.:.--ition in t- gat'd t .y, an i t cMl.ll 1.1 criiJ !., ri c nn J the newe-triat the mv w h i !i late Jefsil.u ofuurL' gisla uiv. It was ; & ; 4,.,-ui- In nv t; mouth, ;i-- . ,WYv. UA'CN, 'WVS't'i : well-drivin- il-- REIDS r, 11 Establishment, Tailoring -- ; MAIN ST. rtlAWTI- - nevei-tireless- lonthly Orders 0 to tha Best IIoue in St. Louis for ge U and Furnishings. on the shortest Latest Styles. and in the and ,set O ordering Suits send hci' vn Honty Jen a ud Buy's CI !hs made to order 'SSlarties J. II. WODSKOW, Sterttm 31-4-- REID, lrahUnt. TreesITreesH ti!! i tiOK: isnjiu. W.T. r.of I i 11 ret-otiah- le . Tonscriai Artist W. H. SPERRY BarDer Bliop p in dbalbrs Goods, Goceries, Hard Dry ware, Glassware, Drugs, Notions, Stoves, Wagon Timber, Plows, Etc. DRESS GO.'DS.Caahruer, Cassimers. Ladies Newmarkets, II and Caps, Blankets, Etc. 1 TEMPLE HOTEL, i & OODS, CENTS SUIT WINTER M-A.I3- ST, MANTI. M 11 1 E I. Terry. - 11 1 Drs.Mosford, in " E. W. Hot- HOWELL & CO., I : Wholesale and Retail Deale in Furniture, Carpets, Wall paper, Etc, c.irry a complete iine of furniture, carpets, window blind; ! fliers, wall paper, Wagons Iron Etc, Parties dealing with U' 1 getris good prices as any house soufh of .Salt Lake. We are j pared at our Planing mills to custom workon the shortest not i FAIRY IE W. H Ye , 40-52 IF YOU YJAUT ,A GOOD ORCA. OR PIANO CO TO I. 11 0, GAIBESS fiT-TI- 45 WEST 1st SOUTH STREET, Salt Lake City. E si-1 ASCII ORGANS from if. 's BAKERY. 1 to BALL i wit-el- Ji75, ' ' 11 ) 1 HAMLIN & Cd From Hot,e-- t $115 to tuices and ea;v terinR ot payment. John Henry Smith, A. 1rtndtnt . MANTI 10UIS :;NSr- 2-'- il. Cannon, t. O.H.PeUet, Nrr(. ii Trt"j ROLLER MILL F. BEGKEB, Lese. Mamifaoturoo Of The Best Grades of fYOrder and Correspondence Flo solicited.. 2? Custom Work a Specialty ( |