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Show far ws, ' lauoi old, with 12 years of reign Charles, king of Koumania, 50 years old, with a reign of ;! 3 years since tne oeginnmg of his government; Nieh-oiaprince of Montenegro, 18 vears 0 d, with a reign of J years; Abdal Hamid, the Sultan, 47 years old, with Id years of reign; Humbert I., king of Italy 4o years old, witli a of nearly' 12 years; Alexander reign III., 1 vtar' ollI with a reign or 8 4 years; George, king of Greece, 41 years old, with a reign of -- b years; Otto, king of Havaiia, 41 years old; NVilliam II., German Emperor, nearly 31 years old, with 11-- 2 yea-- s of reign; Carlos I., of 1 ortugal, 26 years old, two months of reign; Alexander I., of Servia, 13 years old. with nine mouths of reign Alfonso AI1I. of Spain, 3 2 old, with 3 2 years of reiru. THE rni'Rni same, I d hke to have a little encourand Holyoke; from Ann Arbor, DeFoil WOMEN FOLK. agement occasionally in the xvay of She Gives Her Time to Practising and clapping and troit, Lvatiston i.ml Like Forest in the stamping. NYc-- t, the Study of Languages. and from Mur.ihv file Nows and Gossip from Far and and M. Lvuis in Nashville, the South. It comes Salaries of Actors and Singers. If my hndlady won't put mo into iu all the beauty of neatness and all Near for the Fair Sex. a warmer room I cannot pav my board, Jane Hading is credited xvith the the radiance of knowledge ami enthuthats all there is to it. authorship of the following siasm. So complained a review of theatrical salaries: Among the buyers of fine tilings in Over tailor-mad- e frock, delicate young soprano to the writer as thev There is no denying that all classes ton n is the i f the AN bite ruche ard chateluin a kitchen goxvn is met in the neighborhood of a Hou-e, of pcrvins connected xvith the Mr. Cleveland, tslie mrehaed thrown that ties about neck ami xvaist one chilly morning. are getting higher salaries than stage -. ever a natch. Fancy a beautiful miniature witli a This garment is I have had a cold for a week, the before. he race for big salaries be in delicate enamel, oval in hape and a mere I or surplice as the dairy slip grumbler went on, and if 1 am not I?ati ia France under the Lirt Umpire. representing fuir lhxllis and her swain belles ubout the Exchange for AYomens better by Friday evening I cannot atlamberlick, xxlio died in March, sitting beside a brook and the reverie AN ork cull it, made of cra-l- i. seersucker tend rehearsal, and then there will be If'''9. llt Hie age of C2, was offered depicting a rural scene in ancient or ticking. A substitute the mortlie very what to pay. After 28, 2oy annually to Greece. This little bauble xvas one of tarboard is fashioned out for sing at the Oja-rof white paa girl signs a contract with themu-iea- l I tho in aris, but declined. most udmired ornaments in an up- per, and xvhen the committee of a church, they seem to ceived ,50 in London Maiibrun re- town voting xvoniau xvho show-ea-- e until Mrs everv lias jewellers taken the special course in one colthink it awful; her ever Grisi and lersittni xx ould not evening; It wits valued at lege and jiorhaps is a sing there Cleveland took it. in to have a cold or sore throat, and so I under .0otl $1.0 and its t rice xvas fur from ex- another, has drawn on a a night. xvtiito of pair try to earn my j6, no matter xx hat xv A lien its manifold uses are rubber engagement was that orbitant gauntlets which are buttoned to condition my voice is in, though it is of magnificent The enamelled sides explained. Jenny Lind xxith Barmitu. her li for support, sue is ready to stipvery inortifung to have to croak for ulated for lot) over a An Adventurous Young fine xvateli. On one make pie, remarkably performances xvithiu Explorer. xiheu one is expected to mayonnaise, people of the edges ii a spring. NYlien this bread or a fire. Thc-- e yell. Herbert 4 ard, tho friend and commonths, the Swedish Nightgloves are sold Just now I should make a good eighteen is to a touched hell silver receive ingale spriigi a rin; all all tiny rubber firms. They are waterby panion of Stanley, is at pre.-eenjov. basso, though as yon know, I am a travelling and hotell,0ui night and ing the reputation and ducats of an expenses, includ- out the hour and minutes of the day or proof, durable, and so admirably xvo-vAN hat do profes-ioby soprano is those It one of the latest styles in of five persons xvho aeeom-panie- d night. you ing Aftieau experience. The voung man think a sew ing-giaud dresicd that there is not a said to me xester-da- y her. In her tour through the ladies xvatohes, and it has uo exact particle of wear or is indeed an adventurer. Horn of ? any smell to cling That I had an awfully easy L nited States, xxdiirh lasted eighteen duplicate iu Kexv A'ork. to the dish iu process of construction. wealthy Lngli-- h parent-- , he was from time, as I earned on to enough Sunday months, Fanny EUsler cleared iu fane) a rebelious cub ami run 140,-00- 0. away pay my heard, an 1 had nothing to "do to sea, landing in Australia, where ha but eat and sleep! I told her I worked AN hen iatti xvas the first xvho demanded you hear peopD talk about followed the circus as an arti.--t of the as hard us she A oonple of years ago Miss Frances did the Gobelin tapestry through and xveek, getting obtained in a says (. K. AA'illtml hoi izontal bar. Hi- - next move was laris salary nightly as I had to practice my singing began writing a book, I the Clifford, of of 2ih0. Her example was at once phoUjorer, ex'ery tliey the exploration of the interior of Ausof Years, xvhich she Glimpses and study three languages besides. followed Fifty day by several of her rivals; so usually dont know what they are finished early this year. tralia, hut from this he made a quick AY hat do 1 xviint xvith Being a hisT lie Golielin works are about. that to AYhy, languages? talking sustain her return ragged and starved, rescued I shall have to supremacy in the in and an autotory of the NY. G. I'., French and and are Italian France, sing subsidized the operatic market, Adelina gradually by in the nick of time hv a party of pros- and German billiards when biography as well, tho xvork sold as I come out raised her price to .looo, which They turn out goods fast us it could he she Government. pectors. 'I lien lie made liis way to In- as a regular concert-singe- r, Last Noprinted. for State gifts, and the same vember the xvhich I received for each of three concerts in disigned dia and Borneo. Inion celebrated it sixto do as soon as my xoice is one xveek, last are not alin made expect good at Philadelphia, In the latter country his year theLden theatre. teenth birthday at a live-daconvencompanions strong enough to fill a large public as the manufacturer of tajms-trie- s These are not notes, hot bank in the expedition died from tion in New York and to the surprise notes, though exposure, hall. 1 hen 1 shall begin to groxx- - rich, that come from her is the she the world. of her friends Miss NYillard offered and Ward, the sole survivor, occupied as of course I should lips! said a wag. It is not that xvcmetropolis of tho never sing for Quite recently, Tatnagno cannot make tapestries entire sum duo xvas engaged six months in working his her from the salo of hark less 25 than an evening. Xo, 1 dont at Rio Janeiro for as way valuable as tlie xvho but Gobelin, 20o0 a night, at to the coast. In London he met" Stan-lethe lxxk. The offer xvas rejected, but xvottld buy them? No one could make 1.75 a note, as the rate of ten expect ever to be xv ho performances a month them xvithout lresident AYillard refused toxvitlnlraxv secured him an appointment Patti is in Lucia, paid Clie-vrubut is there no reaimmense subsidy. the season. in the new Congo State. and the ladies xvere obliged to accept it, Here he son why niv voice shouldnt in time during the great centenarian chemist. As regards actors there is also an from tlieir leader tlie largest contribuserved liis enlistment of three years, me a comfortable support. Used be to the chemist bring the of Gobelin upward ::;evcim ot in salaries. Quite tion ex or mado to tho NY. J. T. U. and was returning homo when ho met AYhen 1 first began to sing I hadn't recently 1 heard of a young actor xvho xvorks. They spent a year turning Miss NYillard is as poor as a nun. She the l.min Ha-h- a relief expedition with voice to till as out a parlor and my had signed a fresh much of tlie articles as could be lives xvith enough her mother and sister, in engagement xvith made iu a Stanley in command. II j ollerod his listeners had to draxv up close around his manager for 225 a xveek as leadday or two ut our rate of Evanston, the most aristocratic services at once, and Stanley commissuburb the piano, but now it xvill fill an ordin- ing man. At least 200 a xveek lini-talk about of Chicago, iu a tiny house that she t xyorhing. Boopie frequently sioned him lieutenant and placed him sized Gobelin and if it goes on be paid at any respectable houso for a church, tapestry, but they apply the calls Rest in charge of t he lir-- t camp on the line ary Cottage. groxving I may one day make myself leading man, and a good second is xvord to some fancy xvork done by the The place is like a play house, and of march, where he remained heard in the Academy of Music or St. worth 150. women. There is no manufacturer of as full of gifts, flowers, potted plants, trenched for over a year. it here. Patricks Cathedral. Profession croxvd-cd- ? A heavy man in Paris 1hiladclphiu Inquirin'. consinging birds and new books as though liis instructions were to await the I should say sd AYhen I xvas tented with 10 to 50 a may be while a wedding were in progress. Sho lias xveek; return of Stanley, and when in March, chosen for my present place, fifty the low comedian laughs and dances tho heaviest mail that goes to the 1888, there was no appearance and no sopranos were left, The of torture to xxoapons the church to the tune of 50 to 60, Soubrettes, belonging though Evanston e, the North-wester- n news of the latter, whose arrival was I the toilet is xvhile in in as not numerous such an table, sing if bright and pretty, obtain 35 to 50 ; as and everythen some months overdue, and some part University excepted, are of the city that it is they xvere, by uo means extinct. and polished villains, a little more for in her home and about it is a one was required to go down to tlie unknown. Some had comparatixely better x'oices their crimes. Uhl men and old wo- That there is a positive demand for thing ho never carries a pocketbook if t. coast to report the fact home by cable, than mine, but I could beat them all in men are content on 30 to 50, xvhilo them is shown in the groxving industry because she never 1ms none but AN ard could be got to underany money she of a toilet mask the notes. It is no more minor lights shine for 15 to 30 each. factory, in Neil can call her reading own, and her xvardrobo Is take the journey, which was a most trouble for me to sing a hvmn or an is too much competition in Gwynn's time tlie beauties on tlie represented in full by tlie clothes she There eventful one. He brought the first anthem at sight than to read a book at management, say tlie directors, and it boards and in tlie stalls buckled their has on her back. It is a news from Stanley, and it was from sight. regular occurfaces in a plaster mask and xvent to Soino sopranos, too, havent this that raises salaries. But a rence for the hostess at whose entergreat him that the sad details of Bartellotts religious voices. to bed Tlieir voices are singer, as xvell as an actor or perspire axvay tlieir defects as to drop in to actress, assassination and of Jamesons un- sxveet and flexible and have as they could xvithout getting tainment slio con-cn- ts great carry- isxvorth just xvliat he or she xvill bring. long suffocated or axvinkof sleep. Noxv a delegate some one to receive Miss NYitimely end was learned, for it was in ing power, hut they are better fit for If she commands llard xvhen she and fix her up public attention and face NVard's arms that Jameson breathed operatic than for church mu-ic- , and a glovo has been designed xvhich as much as she conies, $7000 or 8000 a night, she is brings will stand from her AN of his is last. now tho leaves a lecturer and singer may trill like a bird in arias and ard head, month, nose mid eyes un- own xvnrdrobe. xvorth 5000 ; xvhile if slio is There is always a .nehers at C arlyles Picture of Frederick the Great. literary worker in America a writer such things, and yet fail in music that always fits but the like face an covered, extra of young xvomen interested in only file side light to a big play, she The man is not of godlike physiunder contract with the New York isnt half so difficult to execute. piece of epulermis and is held in place corps Angeles J the work xvho live xvith her and dmay not be xvorth 50. elastic hands ognomy, any more than of imposing Ledger, and the probable author of an that reach ubout the by On good terms xvith the other mem. bead. Tho lining is treated xvith clerical xvork. On them slio depends jetaturc and costume; close-shu- t lie is picturesque of bers of the choir? AYc 11, yes. Hike mouth, African hook. t for the Press. AYriting gloves, packages a' d tha thin lips, prominent jaws and dress, bronze cf countenance, a youhg the contralto xvell chemicals that draw like an old fashion for enough for all the ' that must be remembered. things To r to descend iculitrs exliereules an no mustard means of pose, of and and hnxC of use receding brow; by pari if given sufficient I ; form, plaster, for her. She is a dear just passed Like all lenders this littlo woman ; lien'1 twenty-si- x friend of a soprano xvlio applied for ternal kind, let me specify that the time is warranted to draw up freckles, lms made enemies and years of age. frui' lP'ymIlia!1 lieiglit head, however. lost friends, but be writer should blotches young , about and careful kindred roots and jpf long form, and lias superlative grav blemishes, didnt my place get it, and the in tho sixteen years that she has led ysaiso. L.es in it vfot Mimt is called Tlte Richest Boston Chinaman. first Sunday I sang after my contract the exterior, the mechanical part, of and all. The wearer is advised to put the great army of white ribbons, not his or her manuscript. Articles for on the glove covered ate beautiful man; nor yet, by all Shoon Fofuig Ark Lee. during the day. More so much These xvas signed (1 had ju-- such a cold that as a postage-stam- p has ever g ago bv appearance, what is called a should benefits are claimed for this torturous happy. were the words that were called after day an I have now), I overheard her papers or books for publication stuck to her lingers. All her salary, xery plainly written xx ith black ink, implement than have been proved. ;d to thfpri, the contrary, tlie face bears evi-an- d tlie Canadian Pacific train as it glided say that my singin reminded her of over and uhovo household expenses, of many sorrows, as they are out of the Lowell railroad station the the wolfs long howl from Ounalas-ka- s on xvliito or tinted paper, of xvhich has been dexoted to the Enion. She one side be must icrfect termed, of much hard labor done in other evening, at Boston. used, says a shore. lloxvexer, I have for only are never wears an ex pens! vo garment. They Last so d is the winter, writer in Harper's Young People. story Ibis world; and seems to anticipate Chinese tree. given her for that, and we hardly r All her clothes are three years or mora words, and they lorm an uround circles the of The reasons arbithis upper for rule not are 6ti11 ut xvords niore a of farewell to those who are have comng. nowadays, though she still fruit treeot!nS a reception was held at the home behind the fashion, an.l her only jexvel Q111'1 stocrein, capable of what trary, but are founded on the convenjoy about to take a voyage at sea. They yaxvns xvhcu I sing my solos. They ience es by mot of one of societys local queens. AYhen is a little ring, xvorn almost to a thread. of sex'Cial people the editor are were, but not expecting anything were intended for the cars of SamNVah sometimes make me sing tlie contralo who decides he has a fine ladys love for fine lace, ut jt cut ? in coats of stee!-pc- n cut and gentlemen the tho value of upon unconscious. and Ivee and his family, and they were ut- solos, mention; great naturally she doesnt like muck orf and her most cherished frills are about ladies clad in fashion's xvere tlie triumphs sets xvho it some conscious iiride, well teni- tered by a little knot of Chinamen, who that. The tenor is a lady-lik- e compositor M 6ort of manuscript, two inches xvide. Miss NYillard mny and the proofreader xvho revises it. courtesying and bowing to the red with a clicery mockery of liu-fr- had assembled to bid to the a man, and I like tho basso, though his up, bo godspeed i measures a working for glory, and she ought to a f quadrille, lo, It is xvell, if your hand is not a clear are written on that old face; richest representative of their race in manner is as gruff as hii xvas seen lying upon the floor liax-it, too, since there lms been no garter or is a one, if trifle Rockland, carries its chin well forward, in Boston, and liis wife and two your spelling origI am good friends xvith the pastor d daughters tho feet tho of pecuniary profit for herself or friends. among or is i that xveak, thfrite of the slight stoop about the neck; who had just started for a visit to the of my present church, but where I last inal, your punctuation dancers. jd ond some Of Chevalier course, thefe in tally nose, rather flung into the air, Flotvery Kingdom, sang the pastor couldnt bear me and your atircle, poem or story should be Bayard of the ballroom stooped and iut of tlie leader its old cocked hat like an old Sam AYah Kee is probably the most let me knoxv if. lie admits that as plainly copied in typewriting. Ias ti Ion Note. tho dainty circlet, to keep picked up The cost of this I the ducktituily lion on tho if copying, you until claimed and such a influential Chinaman in Boston. He far as tune goes, he cannot distinguish watca; necked reits fair oxvner, Long girls will be sorry to have by not a is machine of your own, not worse for J air of eyes as no man, or lion, or has been in this lioxv a king bent down to hear that collars on waists and jackets country 15 years, dur- between Old Hundred and King the excessive. membering not Do tie sheets of of that your Bells bore of Heaven, but all tlie same, lie pynx elsewhere, ing which time he has amassed a forcentury tho Countess of Salisburys gar- aro to be reduced in height. to all the testimony we liave tune, at his store at 36 llai risen ave- look offence because I xvas selected as paper together xvith bows of ribb ns, regain t orchaii? cording made it the badge of Englands and ter, as are accustomed to fasten tlieir There is a Most excellent girls fans or amid soprano, without liis being consulted. school potent brilliant eyes, nue, variously estimated at from $ order. But no; they politely for fans of solidfancy for white decorathighest xvhen compositions as entering to Do black, merely 10 love I steadfast as to 150,000. This alone would sfars, sing? Yes, except at them in xvhilo ladies f. There until the stared, blushed, ed xvith gold or silver spangles. sun : RraJTi wc said, of tho azure competition for a prize. give him influence, but, beside this, ho funerals. On such occasions, no matit few ar?'1'3 Number your pages xvith care. Never hostess, discovering the cause, sent a xvho in is ter glar-lnlenot tho of thelIaT.c!or; is comes it the head Boston coffin, large of in the enough, uat is AYalking jackets are not as heavily powerful roll your manuscript, but, if possible, domestic, xvho removed the shocking the1 sze: .t, e habitual expression ol Mov family, to which more Chinamen natural to me to cry my eyes out, and article upon a dutpau. A'e gods, such embroidered as they xvere, and cau bo send to it flat and unfolded editor the ttiem, vigilance and penetrating sense in this city belong than to any other, that interferes with my business, es- in an is tho nineteenth century, that the almost called severely plain. envelope largo enough to hold it pi illy resting on depth. Which is an liis family name, by tlie way, is Ah pecially if I have to sing a solo. young men would hold themselves polBonnets are small and made of much be this should If folded, Dear me! xvhy doesnt the lunch-be- ll securely. ally combination; and gives us Moy, Sam AYah Kee being only his done once through tl.e in ddle, in pre- luted by tho touch of a silken circlet. richer and more expensix-materials 3ss snow; (the notion of a lambent outer radiance Tho other day a gentleman, business name, just as some American ring? ference to any other xvay, and never Once men xvent forth to battle, trust- than have heretofore been used. his moml Springing from some to be who wished sea inner said business his call Boston tho complimentary, in great the talisman of a little ribbon or might ing aces in pf light and fire in the man. to mo that ho supposed wo angelic send a rough draught, disfigured xvith a Any kind of xvliito ruehing at tho Clothing House. fragment of a maidens samite dress. and erasures, after, corrections, o get oii!? The voice, if he on lived neck is now obsolete, on tho authority There is this difference, however, singers angel cake. I told St. luul lioneer-lresspeaks to you, is of whcnewtiiuilar physiognomy clear melodious, that a Chinaman is xvas tho most mistaken man thoughts. of the most fashionable modistes. usually known him he The size of your paper is unimporffiances hr id sonorous; all tones are in alixe. for one, couldn't sing at all I, from his business associates by tho it, among In many cases the evening bodice use size you may any you please, n. Just how tho women pat of ingenuous inquiry, graceful name of his store. Sam has been pin- if I didnt eat meat three times a tant; for from note to commercial girls is merely pointed and foolscap, xvlio Sociality, banter (rather ing for some time for a glimpse of his day, and it must be butchers meat at appear night after night in the filledyoung xvith in size is tho smaller lace, while the sice Ye is though regarded rnchlv for most part), up to definite native land but the Chinese restric- that. In my last boarding house they $it. Opera House in New omitted or is an elbow sleeve. with perhaps the greater favor in edi- Metropolitan entirely nrt f command, to in York clad a me tulle kid on glox-cturchicken or dress, sing up to desolating tion law stared him in the face and ad- expected to thedif torial offices. Of one thing bo assured, and Black hats are worn with any dress, rehuke and reprobation. . . . monished him to be cautious. slippers and a pearl necklace manAfter key every Sunday, but I told them that good work is rd in ti"01 xvith r always regarded a colored hat trimmed with black to and must wouldnt alout me must age a do; escape threescore ten and pneumonia they priwith custom give the years long negotiations is oration respect, and remarkable work, if from remain a problem to and bother is xvorn xvi.h dresses of other colors, Poakings catne to finis in this house authorities, it was decided that, vate dish of cold beef. Y'es, as I said mal new a xvriter, meets Xery cordial the doctor and philosopher. These provided black is used for tho dress f Time; and he vanished from as he was a merchant and not a labor- just now, I love to sing, hut I have he Prei--' fc ,,or welcome. Hundreds of people, how- lovely creatures are l eyes into endowed love. for one At trimming. certainly given up singing other he be could allowed return. to worlds, leaving er, 'd by tfrj eh ever, aro writing, and the exceptionwith great endurance, whatever may s inquiry about him in the minds But he had to comply with endless time some of our rich church-membeLittle are of velvet tbj must have one successful persistho 6aid of their sense. used to inxite me X'crv regularly to ally as xvith soft silk blouse vests and wide men, which as my, readers and I formalities and have Perhaps, ga:1 of photographs tre. and determinaa ence, patience grim is warmer than collar and culls of Irish crochet Mlld f well, is not by any means himself and his wife and children their receptions, but when I found I tion to conquer a position , minding no Carlyle said, A'nnity or any 13 A.iliStied. doxvn, and pride rivals the robe of er- rich taken so that the custom house officers was wanted only to sing for the other rebuffs, but effective luco in A'audyke or tcurs-Fiffi- -l mother-- ; alieal the teeth in forging mine. But to at I facts I to the decline get put could be sure that the parties who re- guests, began respectfully mo excep-hipoints. of repeated disappointments. r question to a pretty little creature who s of European turned from China were really the their invitations. One of them I'll Sovereigns. The long low toque is the popular a read I dont never line the of Mrs. call her for what thats sage. Shoddy, ilie now entitled who to ones were bind' Dsue of the Almanach do feel cold at all, she said, in evening bat xvith young ladies, and xvhen ner name ought to be said to me xvhen i Stanleys Congo Book. The Jn .,Jla lves interesting table, Just before dressing I bathe strings arc added at the end of tho I am told that Henry M. Stanley's dress. I excused myself to her: He Promised to Obey. the ages of the reigning sovereigns crown it becomes tlie favorite bonnet xvill first receive my neck, arms and shoulders in glyon work the Congo care to I don't come to officer a One time wanted suppose yon navy .uroPc and the duration of their same w; xvith those xvho are older. cerine and rose and after serial in form. water, A drydre-publication large s because cannot like the you 'Omitting the small German know if I used the word obey in dtaries,' xvith a coarse xx ill he I have ing iu the material of towel, my portion given The e is a decided objection among oldest reigning prince is my service, says a minister. I told young ladies you would meet. la That doesnt trouble me in the a syndicate of American newspapers, maid rub me down xvi'li alcohol. I mothers to t io adoption of the extreme who is 79 8 years old, him I did not. 'But, he said, with io need this at all, but I do it to decolette xvhile some of the chapters are ar- dont n' ias I answered; I want least, Madam, styles, xvorn by the older they reigned nearly 12 years; next a lfiililary air and emphasis, to tbet" ranged to appear in the pages of one please papa. I think, hoxvevcr, it is a outdress can I of can but no I me, liave I society, by girls iu their first in. said, theNetlier-7AYell, outsing 2 it 'Jl'am III., kingof is uprfe".',ni,es of our magazines. Thus does Mr. good idea, for my flesh nexef gets or second season. 4 years old, having reigned strict and unyielding ritual, and if you them. and is this goosey, my second season, e I pay my board and and Stanley still further add to tlie tar8 next Christian IX., king of greatly desire it, 1 will put it in. The use of a collar and cuds, or ami I haven't had a cold yet. i disapD Thun I out such earn- fortune which he will receive for the of 71 the and tilings my for came an;ark. Sunday The time 26 ceremony, with re vers of line knife pirating in tinted own grf,w years old, a wear warm in book the always very wrap rights. then Queen Victoria, the church was full. Asking the ques- ings, but I dress on xxdiat I make by co or of the frock, or of xvliito the silk, 1 and xvhen I home oking P0 take carriage, get concerts. I have severthe groom. AYilt drawing-roowool in contrast to it, is a feature of a warm hath and go to bed. It sec y !; Jears old, with 52 years of reign ; tions, I said, first toand in Care for Food. Cattle who lend me al their friends Slaughtering drawingthou love, honor obey this wochildren's dresses this season. dVui'tcmbtirg, 66 3 vea-1 tlieir The safeguards w ith which Hebrews He colored to his ears, but rooms and help me sell my tickets, and years of reign; Frederick, man? But itc 4a i,h Bonnots are very small and xelvet rllke of Laden, 63 years old, said I will. Then tlie same to the in this way, after an ordinarily success-- f rurround the selection and slaughter of Those dear old housewives of half a rosettes t'! ericans I il bo to can a cattle be food used for dress and nice placed directly in front are a bu.v concert, might f reign; Albert, king woman. At the reception later he century ago xvho wore their shoulders sonits1 Jfc made up. Bather sing in a profitably imitated by people not of round, tlieir hands red and their tem- favoi ire trimming. Flat Alsatian bows have it know' to and wanted me Cl 2 to came c axo,y with n'tmaC-,up years old, are seen, but oftener a littlo height is than in a church? Of tlieir faith. There is little danger of pers sour r of drawing-rooemulating the kitchen queens reign; Oscar II., kingof why, in the name of al! that was good, course ers. to the low crown. 1 diseased or should! tainted in its meat One given Go to I finding gets applause 4 of Plymouth lloi-xvouhl be Tuen, replied obey. years old, with 17 years 1 made him promise is awfully de- xvay into an orthodox Jcxvish family. amazed at the ease xvithdays a It draxving-rooin have the to culwanted which the he for morning and plain wear Francis that reign; obey Toques f f ; Joseph of Austria, Mo.-e- s may, according to Bob Ingcr-sol- l, tured as I felt that it was pressing after an offertory solo to sit and of America are solving aro made of the material of the dress, the 41 old, ceremony, having reigned years; ar.ds '..I have made mistr.ke but he knew problems in domestic economy, "he xvith velvet folds along tho edge and down in the midst of a solemn silenee. king of Hie Belgians, 54 a mutual obligation, I thought it was to Yes, I know I am singing for Gods considerable about the laws of health best material in llic field is college some box pleats and loops to heighten Tears old, havi ng reigned 24 in the to it question put necessary years; -A d bred. It comes from Smith, NNVdesiey the front slightly. Grand Duke of Hesse, 52 years each one. fcory and not my own, but, all the and sanitation. Some Reflections of Interest to Ardent Collectors. A collector of autographs, as of 'Trtant t it other things, ami ahno-- t beyond other takej S bef.jn collectors, enjoys a second pleasure, le pro-- beside that of contemplating and exCollectors Lave no atclifu hibiting. pride in tlieir own durabili.y Thev 'client ai or In that of tlieir collections. Enow they and theirs are mortal, and privies, will come to Wellington street in time. seudihg Meanwhile, they have the charming equemlr occupation of watching the turn of 3 their market, and speculating on the lightly Mo .eventful value tf tlieir investments. As thev experience x henever they bid on st ill' and buy, the oldest established amo.g 1 be the their favorite wares were continually going up and down. It might be expected that autographs, work at the rest of the world's trea-urelike dPa., g should or declinvary with the vork, re. allowed ing prosperity of the day. That is it is more surprising tv find h rather natural. Hess felt that relative values are never steady have hii and fixed. Ilume, and Johnson, and Voltaire, it is manifest, are no longer names to eonure by. , autograph er much Queen Elizabeth, George keep a "Washington and Carlylo attract no on ardent worshippers as Lamb, of isuch was pay. Shelley, Keats, Dickens and Thackeray. When theie are such vicissitudes in tie reor-y- , worth of the names of personages the and ig is a safe whose rank might be presumed to have been long ago determined, it is clear the autograph collector is left .that the with more or less to guess work in apprais'ing and in shillings and pounds the handplo xveie ing Yet, if writing of living celebrities. martent "he javc tlie trenuue collector's passion, t0 rovel in t!l necessity. e n iirh ted tlie oukr,lt , ,, " .Anybody with a long purse can buy up betters by Hielly, Lamb, Scott and s ftit ru'; sagacity and insight are elonedia 1'edulf'ite 1 invest successfully upon t 4h autographic prospects of the exist Collectors w ho plunge !l generation. 1 VtGh a rising state-ma- n may lind he is an Mat Mipon er a than Mr. Toots, 110 het political' onus in- 'pjley may liave amassed manuscript rl by the bard of tlie future to d!s-: of milk yverses that the future pronounces the trover :cn, earlr a poetaster, ver nFi ; phenomenon jo turn ever the pages of nn album of or all but living nore than .grg,h js to walkliving Banies through a neglected nV churchyard. Hut, outlie other test3. A there are occasional consolations.hand, In 01 r nlie he darkest corner of a birthday book y ot 1161 anay lurk a name, requested out of "reluctant politeness, which hereafter will fetch guineas in the auction-rooshould nerve the genius of the it ter were obscurities of tlio gereiation to feel County, xHat by a bound into fame they will iy Samuel loafer the sincercst gratification, at any rate, upon all possessors of tlieir ut 'graphs. London Times, queen of I over-weani- -- I : -- con-ee- d s. 1- -2 SOPRANO. s, 1- -2 ev-mi- st hall-regist- er -2 3-- draw-string- I- -2 a te ri-i- soup-stock- s, nf eu n. rl d . i. -- y, liv'd auto-neiorni- er lost-Ollie- 7 cur-fur- e, xvliis-pere- ex-o- ten-dot- n, , xvell-tnark- or light-hearte- s 0,-0- ss e s. light-flowi- s cx-e- Gov-v- - hoys'-costume- bod-de- a-- '.' 3-- xvo-m- 3-- car-far- rn.-de- 1- m 2-- m 3-- Ev.-ryh- xvo-jie- r. |