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Show BtTBacmiBa rux ! Id Ilf fi it . Bjt V ;sTr V4 -- 1? TOL T. rr ' H . O r m m. piMBtaa, ' Wrn tMl the SENTINEL. M.B pHYIClAX3 ami SURGEONS Dr. W. If. Olaten SurVi of tha H. P. V. Rr., and County Quar Il.tieian, will praci.'e in vneeology and fiurgeonrv. Dr. N. her-b.- Union mountain division. The Best Road to all Principal Point', Fust, Wet, North and South. SlKIPIXO lT) Diking Cans From Salt Lakk City, To akb Chigago St. Louis. Effect Not, TRAINS PL1 uK I A5ANT life. 17th, Io Xliii ltK.U IS90. nt At the closa of another term of the Sem inary s existence, I am pleased to present the lollow.ng report tor your kind consideiation. MAIIS1ICAL this term, there have been (04 students, males, 69, females 34. Ol these 1 came trom Eden, eber Co.,i hum Chester, x fiom Wales 3 lrv.ni ijanpneh, 2 hum Pleasant View, and 95 ( 10m Alt. Pieaasiit. lhc sclufol has consisted of one Department Pi eparataryj witn twu sec Hons: Section A with 59 students enrolled, and Section B with au enrollment of 44. This Department has been conducted according to the follow ing statistics: V 1 HKLV 189. CnmiioMtiou B Grammar A A omii'nii,u) Arithmetic 11 AittljincticA t nurth tieaUcr A. 91 FittU Kcailcr I.- 45 3 2 3 2 5 5 3 5 5 5.15 IVUliLV CL.a-.h- General hv B Khcir.no.Ns 01 Umgi mj.Iiv A Orth, erapliyTl t . s. liistorv ' liyaicuH, luavvin, It nmim-,lt!- wii ass.i.l 1 k 7, 1SS0. SO. rtt , CuILe I liuve l.tboieJ jr fees to re-- 1 Juce the surviia of the Full tution lias !ecii tne assitance the Dlooiled Stallion so as to give sll ail Holy Spirit. Ami for all His bssmi m equal chance to get the service of tile past, wesnneielv thank G id, and frist cia-- s hm sen, the poor man invoke His blessings upon our lab r in as well as the rich, and I have sucthe future. ceed in doing so. Glorge Christens! x, 1 he Famous Stallion Roustan, Jrincipal, , will stand atsflo.fK) for this season ii GUNNISON NOTES, lor any number exceeding three Manti City, April 3rd I?Au. mares. Ed'tor Home bt.M in p l: I now invite all expecting to Daar Sit I returned from Guinns,, n yesterday lieie, during my two uteks breed to this Famous Horse to join Slav, besides do.ng some land siiivejing, in with their neighbors and bring I located and leveled two cana's, one their mares in groups of four or five for the lVket Brothers on the wevt side under one head. of Sevier Kner and one on the east s,de J will begin tbs seaon in Manti, of said river lor Messrs Roberts, Ltun March 20th, and will then go north and others, each of these canals v, to 1000 acres ol land. to Ljihraitu and Mt. water Irom I'leasant, where ha people of Gunnison are awake au I wi have pastures to accomodate the waier question and deserve ciedlt tho-e from freeof chaige. f r their enieipnse. 'ihe dam at their magnificent leseivoir on Sanpitch is weight at the Ter-- t itonal Fair last fall was 1S75. He nearing completion and is in my opinion a good and sale job The w. ate gate will walk one mile in twelve mis-utwhich is both ample and substantial is a ml Lis trot.ing i also in position and the people aie unsurpassed raioicmg at the prospects for plenty o' by the drait Stallion. water and a consequent large harvest A. C. OLSEN. ; 1 p Ilouk kci mug Lmlics V. ork 3 b 5,. i 2 Making an aggregation of 72 weekly 5 48 recitations conducted by two teachers; 6 35 Mrs. Tina Ericksen, 14 weekly rec. ssi weekly rec 3.35 6.47 George Christensen, S.57 THEOLOGICAL ORGANIZATIONS. 7.05 4.25 7.45 In addition to the regular classes 4.55 8.15 above named, special tneology classes alternate WednesAmerican Fork at 5.05 8.52 have been held whera the ladies and the day morning, Lehi at 5.15 8.35 gentlemen retiave been instructed 6 50 10.10 gard to then special duties and spheres Train Imt Salt Lk at 7.10 am and I SO p of life. Every alternate Wednesday aa arriYiB at Provo at 40 a in and io has been devoted to VratnrlaaTa Salt Laka tor Otfdeii at? SO pand morning where the students Testimony weie given meetings, IWt aadtOO and 6 pm. an opportunity to expiess their feelings J. V. PARKER, and aspirations and bear their testimou Asst. Gen. Frt. ics. Nearly every student has taken A Pass. Agf part 111 the speaking; as many as 36 C. F. RESSEGU1E, speaking during one session. Gen Manager. On Monday afternoon theological re petition has been held, and the work of the theological class tor the previous week has been reviewed by the students GRAND. DRAWING in quotums or classes of winch there TiaVe been teh during tlfe teirn, with a OF THE repetitdr over each, who keeps a careful record ot the woik done the class Lotsria de la Beneficeijeia Public! and reports the same in tne inPnesihood meeting Held eveiy '1 uesday. There are registered 49 students holdQF TK Elder, 14 Priests, ing the Priesthood; STATE OF ZACATECAS, XExfCC. II Teacher and 23 Deacons. These A syndicate of capitalist have se- students have been mstiucted in regard cured the concession for operating this to the duties, responsibilities, and blessings attendant upon the holding of tlie Priesthood, A general theology meeting has conwill iVfld it bnainaa throughout tht vened every Wednesday alteinoo.i. conUetftad Utatas and Ifrritleli CViinmbia ducted by a chairman and a secretaiv r w Hi ba found a lia! of the price which will selected Irom among tne s.udents to act ba drawn od lor one session each. Programmes consisting of Devotional s exercises, discourses upon the hrst of Ihe Gospel, addiesses, select At SlMitOU Vixiot, readings, recitations, asking and answering of questions have been carried out. and cwitlnaaj m&Lly thereafter. 2. 25 2.21 111 t Mnio) a uk JOBBERS OF SOV)rC.S, WccWwW tWvW MAY 27,1890. Caoital Prize ten-se- n .11 7,-- 0 $150,000.00 Tiakata at fia.aai Halves Taailia gl.eo; Anaariaaa Curreaay. LIST OF PRIZES. mil thousand dollars 500,000). with the State Government, and approved bv Jesus Arechiga, Governor. Drawings under the personal supervision of Lie. Herminio Arteaga, wno is r. appointed by the Government aa Intar-vento- that with the State Treas- "I Certify urer all necessary guarantees are posited, assuring full prizes of this drawing. de- payment of all Herminio Arteaga, Interventor. IxrOBTANT. Remittances must be either by New York Draft, Express or Registered Letter, American money. Collections can be made bv Express Companies or Ticket sent direct to manageHanks. ment will be paid bv drafts on New York. Montreal, St. Paul, Chicago, San For furFrancisco or City ofMexico. ther information address JUAN PIEDAD. Manager, Z UATEtAS, MEXICO. FAIR VIEW ofHOUSE Corner west FIRST CLASS Co-o- ACCOMMODATIONS rnniroa! simple rooms furnishad. L S. call. C!V ii a Sanderson, Proprietor. c, E.C. COFFIN HARDWARE CO. Pro gross ce 23u.llca.lrLs. l'lloU-tmi- Margetts Bros. es the coming season Real estate has an upward tendency and ou is the time to buv land in IIESTAUEANT Gunmsou before the boom winch seems tor the tune being to have passed on OlrOtJITB COCET HOUSE, to Salma reacts and strike Gunnison 1 must tairlv. ihe that say Gunnison Co-ustore under the able managemen ol b"pt. Fred Ludvigsen MunL 25 cts. ami fit at cln&s assisted by Miss Metcalf the gernel clerk for Lodging. is doing a booming business. ' IL H II.UVKINS PROP. Yours Truly. J. H. Houganrd. County Surveyor. nephi. p TEACHkRS INSTITUTE. accom-odatioL- Office, School and Architectural Supplies, BasoHall Goodoi Blank Boak5,Toys and Fancy Goods, s STATIONERY and BOOKS, Note Books, Tablets, and Ink Stands, Papetries Aliams, is, Ss ArcadeBestauranl Sanpete county Teachers Institute, held in Ephraim, March 29th, 1890. AND Opened by singing Ihe Lord will b'rovide. First Door South of Reed & Bryot.s Prayer by J. F. Allred. Singing,'1 1 he Opening buds of Spring Stoie Mam Terms Street, Sephi. time Reasonable. Gus Henriod I'ro 'I he roll was then called and mmntes ol former Session ware read jid ap proved. lT5th Edition Now R, N. Livingston presented his method Heady. A book of over of teaching reading in the 3rd reader 2Mire' giving (non glade! A .discussion oljowevqf'after ADVERTISING which a recess was taken, publication ever Ifitueii. AFlEIiMOON. It gie the umno of egry newf)mjHr I.hmujj h ctreulfliion mine iu the bv Miss Olevta Peteison. Amtru-rfiSong Ncwispiiper )mttory of more that Mrs. Dalton presented her method of eopicH each iMie, with Ihe coK per hue lot A hi tin m of bent paper of Bdvernsiiie teaching pumai) grammar; a discussion local emulation, in evenliftcitv the end town of more followed. thfln MOO popuiuhon wiih price- by ihe Ineh for Ins method one mnih daiiv connrry viIImuc JpeciuMiFt-o- f W'ardStevensen Hud claM pnpen. ntier of value to of teaching primary geography. Hind A'lerii-,ror thone wnliui' to experiment J. S, Hl.tn e piesenteu ms method of judo unit with a email amount of money, Miout r lv how to 0t the inot nerv Ice for ihe teaching physiology to tlie3id leader conchi-ivmone nddre etc., etc bent post pmd to grade; discussion followed. for CftHK. Addresa Wjo Howbll A(o., an Rid read Gieave g Adwrti-u.PtibhMiers original K'Mienil paper Supt. Agent, lU Sprue e htreci, NeV Yorktilv. on school government. On motion ol A Haidy this document was oideied sent to me Home sentinel for publication. Supt Gteaves then read an invitation from the Utah Co. '1 cachets Institute, to attend a joint mstitiue in tha mouth ol August, die insliuiie to be held at Ileasant Valley considerative of the Office at Bench House. Manti question was postponed until next sesMISCELLANEOUS. sion of the institute. FIRST-CLAWORK Adjourned for one month. Laches Wotk Class; This class, undei And Gentle Treatment Guaranteed the management of Mrs, Tina Ericksen, i9 ol ail embraced students the has lady FOR SALE the Seminary. It has been understood that each member finish one piece of A lot, containing 2 J Acres, house, work during each teirn, but in credit to barn and stables etc. f 1 sale on reasonthe young ladies be it said that many ol able terms, Dealer m them have done much more than tins, 6J x 13 r ds a 3 room bouse, stable and manifested much interest and dili- etc lor sale Drugs. Medicine-- , I .tuts Oils, Etc. cheap for cash. gence. Some ol the results of their main lor a full line of x street corner rods 13 13 labor are on exhibition before you from '1 mtle A Cos, store, with Chemicals. Proprietary Articles, Choir; Much is due to the chuir for block House etc. the sweet influence w hich it has shed house 8 rooms, stable, including a hotel. for be For arranged over the school by tire singing ol the could Teilet goods. Perfumeries, Soaps, Thanks are due to particulars apply at Sentinel office. Songs of Zion. Combs, Brushes, Flavoring ExSister Ericksen for her labors in tins Groceries, Cigars and Tobactracts, Miss for Hasler and to direction, Lydia PATRONIZE HOME ENTF.PRIZE. her faithfulness as organist, to tne memco, Etc., Etc., constantly on lianh bers of the choir for tneir readiness and 14 13 Eph raim City, Ltad Having diligently labored with mysel diligence in this department. I have succeeded in reducing the price Monitors and seniors: The.departYoung ment has been conducted by a monitor of my Heavy Draft Horse Each class and each quorum has had its Apollo within the reach of all. Bring mares in groups of ene ormoreand senior, who has kept a careful record of Iyour will breed them for $8.00 a leap, and attendance and preparation. To these the season. Farmers patrostudents, the sincere thanks of the 12.00 for horses can have the .privilege teachers are tendiied for the material nizing my aid they have ruidered in lightening the of trying their m.tres after the season my farm burden of the teachers and furthering closes, by bringing them 10 over horses an at Chester, advantage institution. our of cause the EAGLE ROCK, IDAHO. The follow. ng records have brought from other counties, fair1 hankRecords; and by been kept. I. An Annual Recoid, a, ful for past patronage, DEALER IN ALL DESCRIPTIONS OF School Plan, 3, Register of studies, 4, square dealing I hope for a continuance Musical Instrument, Strings & TrimRecord of Standing. 5, Records of Min- of :he same. B. Conkad. mings. P.est Brass Band Instruments. utes. 6. Historical Record, and 7. TheoAll kinds, Orchestra & Band Music, : logical Sheet Music and Music Books. Some difficulty has been MOTHER. ADVICE TO Send for my new Catalogue Just out experienced owmg to ihe lack of pioper it has, a sketch of Ole Bull's Violin Mrs, Winslows Soothing Syrup, for As facilities, furniture, and apparatus. of. Playing in it and much good informait were, the institution has beeu break- children teething, is the prescription one of the best female nurses and physis tion in for musicians ing a pathway, aid as such has had to the United States, and has been Send me your orders for what you encounter the obv les incident to pio- cians in g used for forty years with want in the Music line. neer trie. of mothers or their ALSO Students. While a few of the students success by millions the children. process of teethDuring some to have given rise fine Gold and Rolled Flate apprehension Watches K relieves is incalculable. and caused much care and anxiety to ing its value Etc., Etc. Motto. dysentery and ewchy, Cultery,Fair their teachers, it is most pleasm dnj the child from pain,incures term Standard Square Dealing bowels, and the v rnaior-ugriping diarnra, low. Prices. gratifying to state that the great good, wind-colithe child to health By giving been ot the young people wiio have Pri ce 25 cts. bottle. rests tne mother. gathered to the Semmatv front their various vocations in hie, many being BarXitna Arnica Salve have almost foreign to a srhool-rootsalve in the world for cuts, The t-MEALS 25 CENTS shown themselves obedient to the rules, ol full and ulcers, salt rheutn, fever the bruises, to aid soies, teachers, willing Parties traveling to and from earnestness 111 their labors, kindness and sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblain, can Thistle get a square meal for s, so that the tune corns, and all skin eruptions, and posrove to ry required. 25 eents any hou". or no p cues vi- will a time be it, piles, m the beminaiy spent satisfacever to be remembered with ioy and It is guaranteed to give perfect Hay, Grain, and Stabling. 25 cents tion, or money refunded. Price satisfaction. It. V. Prop I. B. Brunei Manti 44-May the Lord bless these young people per box. For sale by b8 P. Laraen H. and battle Ephraim. bravely and enable them to - 3 WliOLBSAI.E AND RETAIL DEALERS IN A:j l:: Fublishsd can h hi tbrcuEli Hi, 76 MAIN ST., CliOp HOuso SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, IB. tz'v:; - i pobljr-hed- i Wi?oots pre-ente- d v Dr. snoEsar irar bottom prices.o? 1 ' & at W. J. B.Stacsy, Dentist. TUTTLE & o(DEALERS JMusiic CO., IN)o General Merchandise- - H.P. LAR30Fi,P.fti CLUB BATES: 6 Tlekata Tar SVOIOO PHIAL KATES ARRARRED WITH AIENTI town and ait7 In WASTED tha United State and Kritigli America. The payment of Prizes is guaranteed by a special deposit ol five hundred Ta-WMvr- t. "W ot f 1 adi-tan- rYooU, V.Ye, 1 pnu-ciple- 0,(M0 AWvWtwe oyuV AWuA 1 LOTTERY, 51. - Kirill 2 3 3 2 j E. C. COFFIN .i ; ol to!U, we led to u know .ede u iih Kiae v (til Leans, j o d w liu'li U li jn Leeii our endeavor to mo, it. Ihe ol the tabors in every class of t:i s iiimi- - NDW :ouuTYirEWs?AP2,r.-rSVBCll:ltnr Hertt) v registered Rten iriosa 4 ,h APRIL TO THE PEOPLE uJt con jatro.s OF SAN-nr;i.v. God PETE AND 'iURROUNDING Allltora the ktniaiKS i'ie eiy lit is have nui.i tie. OT7H, j i, tiie Piesident, Hoard, Patrons and ( the ill. Plea-aL. D. S. e.raunuarJl LEAVE, 14, . L. D. S. Friend. Semmaty. Tliealnyy H. H. Juab at laphi at 9 antaguin at Pay son at Spanish Foik at Provo a' Pleasant Grove at Mt. U TIME CARD In Manager. tiring THE OVERLAND ROUTS. Pt'LLMt.V upretor and JIAkitt Pacific System, TkbOLGH I xx. -- u Pril.NUIP VLS REPOR r OF TIIL atid 1:1 .V mfii and month, and fi idhois month rnadvanca. r 3 ten, , 50 for 6 r I will only t.e by paru, year; -- f. warad when mada or eodoried sponsible a N. H. Woodring Ltriu lanaai City and graduate of Ohio Collar, will, as follow genet al practice. .iq.Giist the e .is u h Suhscnrtioa Pj:ea 3 W. . "'OlliiL MANTI CITY, SAY PETE COUNTY, UTAH, TUESDAY. ir , , PE p 1 6 tt-a-h T Are Still at Their Old stand, Main Street, Manti, Utah. Best Stock of Ol o tiling In Manti. Store. Marker, Record-Facilities- CO-O- P. FURNITURE C0 never-failin- st Thistle Hous lelluw-studem- Ws.-.Twoo- 1 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Dealers and Manufacturers, We Carry a Complete Line of Furniture, Carpets, Lac Iron tains. Window Blinds. Wagons. Feathers, Etc., Etc. If you dsal with us you will get Rsliabl Goods and When in our City, kindly call and see us. Treatment. Co-oFurniture Co., 41 Main St., Salt Lake Cur- Fair p. n. VV. WILLIAMS Supt City M3 |