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Show , The I Home Sentinel, ! Newspaper, JVeelcly I Devoted to the general interest of people of San Fete and surrounding counties. One year, SulmrlpUin; - $2.00 1.25 .ID - Six months. Three months, -- o- iiTWtliiisr Rate Appilnliou, Among the most popular business house in Salt Luke City is that of Spen-- ! ces Clawson, the wholesale dealer in dry Roods, whose store in the Hooper & Block is a model ol order and s stem and whose salesmen are Toted fur their courteous treatment of customers and promptness in tilling orders See his advertisement. Dts. Vc its. Elder J, M. Sjodahl, will deliver a lecture to the 1 enth Quorum of Elders, on Monday night April i6th., in the South Ward Assembly room. Subject the Birth and chaiacter of Christ" lecture will commence at 8. P, M. sharp. A full attendance is requestW. B. Lowrv, ed. - , President . Address" communications to tho Home Sentinel Company, P. 0. Box 57, Manti. U. T. Jas. T. Jakeman, Manager. a nrlxTLEUASLY i:m,Y. f NEWS ITEMS.' ESTRAY NOTICE. Notice for Publication So. JUTS R? MY roSSUJMOX: Seilm Atuwt.-- i the LWy,iY Cor-- j Latent item clipped from our Unit States Uud OfiD e One w lute eifer 2 years old, pquaie " ' on left Lake City. Utah, oil left ear, branded . r.ndee,.jslv crop Exchanges. ' Notice i hereby dvm, shoulder." Editor Sentinel: In the last issue of Chicago, April 6. General Manager the Nephi Ensign an article, purporting fettlsr l.ua One white heifer 2 or 3 years old un iollotvir.g-ti.ihieof the Illinois Central roadfin derslope and slit in left tar, undeibit in notice ofKis mention to to be writen at Manti on March 29th, Jellrey, make D Mono-harSSS, criticizing no I will not say it for company with Messrs. Sargent,ot his" da;,,, right ear, a blotch brand on left Tibs. in proof support and called Hodge the at it would not be true, but I presume the Murphy, One sorrel stud horse 3 years that said proof will Le nu & Quincy offices to- - j h!nd foot wl,ite nibble brand on annonymous author lays the flattering Chicago, Burlington rjsht the acted as spokesman CountyUourt of Emery Co: unction to his soul that it i a criticism day, Sdrgent left shoulder. of the Colleen Hawn," but maybe in the behalf of the late engineers and firemen at Castle Dala, on mare Utah, One 4 or 5 years old bay words of that great man He did the of the Burlington road and urged that feet iwhite, branded : T on right thh. May 19, 1SS8, ,1'z'r left matter the be to arbitration. The best he could Mr. Editor what is, or One bJv mare colt one year old, no H. E. 2xTo. 5790, for"lY.lte tk S, y railroad company officials said that such brand should be the object of criticism? Is visible. n; .W. to point out the errors and faults of the a proposition was inadmissible at the brown horse 2 yeais old, hmd E.j.s 4 x. w. Oqe time, and the situation of the feet white, branded jr on right thigh. 4, Sec. 12, Tp. 15 S., It. parties or things critscised? Or is rt to present ip g I men and the terms on which they give the critic an opportunity of airing new iron gfay mare three ydars old, names tha following witnee One his knowledge of words, and pouring were engaged were fully explained. on brand visible. proVe" his continuous resiiienseV. out the viols of his spleen on some" un- General Manager Stone urged Sargent If said animals is not claimed and tak- oi. and have to the strike called cultivation of Htitf u off, promising en lucky wight who may have had the teaway on or before the 16th day-- ' of merity to infringe on what he considers to consider applications from old men April, 1S88, they will be sold to the 'high- vig i Green Allred, John II. Ally j and give as many of them work as he est cash bidder on that his 9wn sacred domain? day at 1 oclock Charles 1'. Jolinsoii and Frsd If the former be the true objsct. would could. m. at the Kstray Bound in Ephraim. Grames all of p. Emery Co , Utah he sendhis effusion to a sheet published F. C. Sorenson, 7 . The government forty-twmiles from the parties sought is London, April WKBB.RegUV Dept. Boundkeeper concerned in regard to the Berlin Bird A Lowe.'Attys, to be benetited, when within his knowl1S88. April 7th, Ephraim, ApliUpin crisis. irritation They fear the glowing edge not one copy of said sheet is subGermany agaist the Empress and her 2S-'.- J . 1 - , d I t n, -- I me & Lir anc i No clue has yet been found to the Post office theives, The registered package were found in the north-wes- t corner of the Tabernacle block by one ot the school boys. The ends had keen cut open and the contents taken out The packages were from the following parties. One from John Bartholomew, Fayette, to Deseret Stu s, Salt Lake, an4 contained $5 00, one from Mr. Read the County Notice ou this page, Zabriskie, Richfieldandto Mt. 1leasent, and scribed for in the neighborhood of the mother, Queen Victoria, will result1 in one from parties sought to be criticized production? contined 20. Notice For Publication tero. S. C. Hansen was called upon in Moroni to 00, the destruction of the cordial relations ' NOTICE. Maysvalc and contained think not. Does it not, Mr. Editor, after now No. "2891. the two empires. " by the Deps, Monday. S20, 00. you have carefully read such slimy stuff It Is existing betwen is hereby given that the shareNotice C7ree has Lord Land stated that at begSalt Salisbury as is contained of April Sister J. G. Blake has been very ijl the the Queen to desist from Interferin- holders of the Twin Creek Reservoir ,Utah, April" 9, 18813. statement in the Nephi Ensign's 6th, seem that theiu the Ensign was The ged is pre- g-in , list week. She meet at the house ol opportunity improving. tront Manti td the sented, thecontioversy over the marriage Association will correspondent Notice is hereby given that t forgetting a fling at the gentle ofTrince A. Za,briskie in Mount Pleasant San Pete Rock' is being hauled to the New Co- effect that the AleXdiiJer and Rrincess usual critic of the man critic? Yea the gentleman' who dar 17 of on following-namethe. ' ddy settler 1,4 County.'Utah'Territory, Sentinel was among the performers in ed to criticise the goods the gods provi- op Store in the South Ward. is as false, as 'the iSs8, at 10 o.clock' A.'M. for the notice of his intention.to make fi April, ded the in of Mr. John Cooper has been to the the Collen Dawn,". of the Manti, people shape rest of the wrighter s statements are re-- 1 John s Lincsay purpose of voting Yes or No upon proof in support of his' GONE TO REST. 2n(, a few of lh(j Nphi claifn, Metropolis the past week on business. diculuus. The the following questions. usual theatrical critic of and players, too, whom Nephi said proof will he made OetC. to pay you" .Do ist. agree matually President Peterson and President the Sentinel never has been on the players. On does imt claim to rank among her best. Thursday morning, April 5th, at $1. 00 pear acre Jarid tax to' construct the Register A Receiver at ,V Maibenare both attending conference, j stage in Manti AncJ about th$ grange Because some geiitlerhan would not bow .36 oclock. Bio. Jas. Larson Jr. bade the Lako City, Utah, on Thursday b fail see we to proposed reservoirs. what down and kiss the dust Gesslers cap, farewell to this world of cin, and fell Mr. Geo. Bench ha a iign hanging j 2nd. Do you approve the action who or laud to the skies a fewat of made the to statement in slumber 17," 1S88, viz : Willard Christa that knows which deep Little Chis asleep across 'the sidewalk advertiseing his saw the ' the Mass Meeting in ' the election phenomenon, so long as such impecuneous ibesnrans, anij they not no paiil. ' ' hotel. sen,, Commutation II. K. No. 595 officers. a phenomenon vs reen. their best either; Down with thersacri-ligiou- s Among his many friends and dear for the N. J of N. W. 4 anil N. a William Averett, I low will I reach The Biennial Report of the Board catifi. It parents, he leaves a most loving and H. Wheelock and W. himj Elder Christian Jensen Cyrus N. (first) E. 4. Sec. S3, Tp. 10 S., R. of affectionate wife Directors Insane.Assylum has been; Carter' were and one child will ' do ' young the columns Trustees lie names the ' afoynd the first part of the of thenothometo try it through his to loss. fo warded. mourh for the great reasoii following witness that paper, week in the interest of the Manti TemJohn Hosier He was born in Fphraim on the 29th ' ' and the.to are his also resident continuous readers thetieighbors is now which prove virtually completed. Secretary The Sanpete delegation to the Con- ple, ' atre goers are acquainted with the facts. of Decembef, tSfi3, ih l Ijicli place he has 'Elder Wheelock delivered a veiy and cultivation lai : said upon, of, " ference is perhaps the largest fofa num' have-it1 will during his entire life. get at him resided and instructive lecture in the Eureka! T viz : Fetar Schwalbe, Rasmus CW ber of years. Bro. was an all to knoVn be James feels the It by hurt the tor Ensign large meeting house, Sanday night his through 'and peaceful young man ; no sor, Martin Jen6en, and Peter 1 Mrs. Selah Atwood has been seriously subject being the Moral Influence of honor b its metripolftans, dnd I will honest one can say but good' of him and1ik will Petersen, all 'of San Pete Co., Uta! ill again. We ate pleased to note that Womankind upon the Destiny of Creat make it pander to me. as such, as long as Now Mr. Editor ler iis look at the effu- ever be remembered Men of the Woijd. The hall was crowdR. WEBB, Register the is improving. lasts. TimeGard. ed to the utmost with a deeply" ap- sion of the gentleman Without' a na'nle', memo;y C. T. Oh Bailey, Attys. at 10 and our Sth, cast Sunday morning, April recoiledtion back to the terDrs. St.John has moved to their new preciative audience which only time and Trins leaye daily (Stmday oclock was the appointed time for the ApllMoj. quarters, next door sduth of the Temple place prevented signifyiug its loud ap- rible offensive and cutting criticism on funeral Beal Brest. services. took Mr. his and cepted) goixig north charge. House. the by" staletites, Liudsay hoarding proval of the able eftort of the learned other Chester, 8:25 a.m. gentleman critic. ML Lindsay was He breifly announced the opening hymn, lecture was under the Why Will You cough when Shiloh. The Beethoven Organ leads the world lecturer," The found fault with because he was late in Mourn not the Dead,. which was rend5? :00 Assoia-tioof the Mens M.oroni, Young will give immediate relief. Cure for variety of tone and beauty. See ad- auspices ered the choir. by ' pnt starting The company which played the Be&ver Etonian, Fountain Green, 9 :40 Bro. Thompsen offered prayer. iocts., socts., and fi. Sold By I. vertisement in another column. Colleen Bawn was late in starting, ergo, Brunei, Manti, and H. P, Larson, Ept Xrrjv Nephi, 11:00 Singihg "Weep not for Him.Having seen the famous Booth Sc Bar- - Mr. Lincjs4y was vindicated. Mr. Lind- James Larsen, Jr., of Ephraim, died of mini. The following were the speakers: Geo. is our opinion say and his company were mildly criticiz-o- f leaves South have asked what rett nlahy Going 'was oh He disease Thursday last. lung A. 1. Lund and Brest. Beak all ed as Taylor, them. is Booth their This to &c. individually easily given. 12:00 m. playing Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy a post? Nephi, highly esteemed1 in the community. was too much prompter at theCol delivered' words of comfort and feeling knocks ye modern Utah elocutionists in There cure for Catarrh, Diptheria and tank :20 p. m. ' FountainGreen,l " wife to and bereaved irents. p Mr, Louis Olson, of Ephraim, San- the head. Were he to bp deprived of Mr. tje Moutn. Sold By I. B. Brunei, Mac, 2 00 Moroni. Nearer my God to Thee. pete County, vas arrested on Thursday, both hi$ arms and legs and thq trunk Lindsay, 'in fact, Mr. Lindsay and his N.Singing, and II. P. Larson, Ephraim C. offered Christiansen Arrive Chester, 2:30 prayer. by Deputy Marshal Clawson, chatged and head placed on a pedestral on' the suite have to be pushed up not by what ' Tins closed the ceremonies, and the with unlawfuj cohabitation. Hackmetack a lasting au,d stage w'here the aunience conic see the they did to merit the pushing, but by Stages connect at Chester fqy al of his features and hear the tones what Manti thespians failed in, Mr. Ed- vast assemblage, being rieaily one thousBrice 25 and 50 cents. Sd play of Sevier. Nan Pete and All these pretty ladies Hats, flowers, of his rich By I. B. Brunei, Manti, and H. P. I.arsc manly voice, with the perfect itor read both articles.and if after mature and people of both young and old. Aff pnr!s and come? wont then lie lias' controaT Thro. Bukback, Manager, Ephraim. you Tips etc:, etc., over e'very ord. Edwin reflection you do not come to the con- were anxious to to see for the last time, Just step 11U0 Mrs. Smythls Mdhnery Booth would be a star and w ould then clusion that the Colleen Bawn was as- that familiar face of their beloved friend II. S. Keer, General Supt. Store, and See for yourstilves. surpass in interest the majority of our sailed for no other reason than that die and brother. s The procession then began to fonn is not necessary assailant came to the thought that the T"THE JOLLEY IIOJJSE;.Wanted. A young mam of ability to for luin1 to stars.his It in order, and 110 less than sixty teams', in who and criticized was amis legs going person Rev. of keep H. Lindsay, Bourbon Thayer, Qeo. TJje ih commercial MORONI, san rim;, busihess, good like the wings or sails 011 a ind null in the pngage then, I cry enough. But buggies and carriages followed the re- Ind , says: Both" myself aod wile owe salary guranteed to right person. Ad- order to attract the attention of the au- werecompany, a class house in first final its the to Keeps the 6ft mentioned cntic and the mains resting place, our lives to lillohs Consumption Curefl dress A. M. W. 316 E 4th S. St. Salt Travelers on tb S. J dience, it is the modulation of a rich prompter tiie only individuals who play- tunib. I. B. H. Sold and By Brunei, Manti, I11 conclusion I would takeCffy. voice and facial expression that attracts. ed principal parts? Pshaw! "these say to the heart Larson, Jzphrainp should give us a call, Ry. is but little behind the great schenjes'aie glass the yery sun shines stricken young wife, Mrs. Anna Larson. Mr- rarey McFarlp has some very Mr. Barratt ' carriages always on hand. star. May God bless you and your child, and stones on through them. and monuments grave pretty as care He alone can is the pra' A few pertinent questions Mr. Editor Shiloh's Cur will immedjatfy relieve lof you exhibition at his yards in Manti. He of your weil wisher, lakes his work good and cheap, give in The winter term of the District School and I have done, ist. How did the Whooping Coigli, and Bron Croup, Manti closed on Friday last, and the rliitis. Sold By I. B. Brunei, Manti and Watch for it! Thafirst sympton uf trite crojf hjl'IKOD. who know hini a Cajl. correspondent Ensign's and if Ghambarlamrs cough rcpit Trustees who visited the schools during wrote the article on "Mr. If. P. Larson, Ephraim. Lindsay and Ephrainj. April io, iSSS. freely gin ator.ee and the doses On account of the 1st, Tuesday in May the week express themselves as being his company? the dread dieeaae may be fuur reptHte.i the Y. L. and Y. M. As- well satisfied with the" progress made 2. How much more did the auttyer prevented and all danger and anxiety voi4r being Sold by tLe MftUti I sociation will hold conjoint session on iu the schools during the last quarter. of the criticism 011 the Colleen Bawn, On the closing day. the school of Mr. make by the Ihe second Tuesday of the 8th. See rC?rt - ' I of Mr. Lindsay performance W. W. Billings met with the school of and his heir programme, than by the Calleen Mr. L. A Wilson ui the school room of Bawn?1' troOpe w ' Conference was yery largely attended the latter in the City Hall, wheie a How much was lie relieved when 3.and the usual amount of good instruc-lion- s large assemblage of the Citizens, parents he emptied his spleen against the gentlej&.'tVsr-eit-lLiZi-- w were given. An Epistle from the of the children had met to witness the man critic? Twelve was read on Saturday, which examination and other excercises of the EL.IM. two schools. The examination showed Jfautf, San PeU Cm., Utifh. $vas full of good things. that neither J'eachers or Pupils had We have received Mr. Office at Court House. Lambs been idle during the term just closed REV. I)R. MORGAN DIX. Health Prize Essays, from the American and the exersises consisting of music ? Rules and Regulations to be observed by those of the jyiblic Health Association. The set of 4 songs resitations drawings and com Rev. Dr Morgan Dix. the Rector of cost 25 cents." Address s N positions, were rendered in a vary of Fan Pete County claiming exemption under an Act of Samphlets N. W. Sv- manner. At the conclusion of Trinity Church of New York, ip his ng, fashLenten recent on and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Utah, lecture' Governor the sins of the exercise the lemaiks weie incouraging A fine selection of apple trees is now ionable in reiterated terms society, made PHYSlCrlNS, Supt.W. K. Read, followed Approved March 10th, 18S5 Entitled Art Act to Encourage the for sale at Joseph Breath wait's, six blocks by I. County R. Kenner, and of the Trustees, more sweeping than he has previpusly west of the Temple, Manti. Also Luin- Fish Lake, Sevier Countl Grqwth of Timber. satisfaction with the progress empIoed, the graxe charges which poplarshude trees, from six to nine expressing made was the vierdiet of all present was former the basis of his almost equally :o: 1ard in 51 3 height. discourse a year ago. She All trees upon any highway in Sat) Pete County fhall be, if highly complimented to both Teachers 9ensat10n.il Diseases of Ladies and Children of the New Voiles corruption the highway ha (6) six rods wi k. ten (1(J) feet from outride line The carpenters have all left the Teni-il- and students. The spring term of the pictures classes the lurid with Speciality, higher exaggeraseveral schools opened on Monday last their work being completed. The tion of 4 Cailyle it might almost be of such highway, and not less than fourteen (14) feet apart, lainters, or least the decorative painters with a lair attendance. with the suggestiveness of a Zola. said, Moris C. have inderW. gone to their To keep to the straight and narrow If upon any irrigation stream, said trees khalj noth lees than lomes in ijajt Lake, their work being of settled clean path principle, living lROGRAME. ve (5) feet apart, and if ipon lands they shall be in regular rows f ompletecl for" the present. and purity of hpart says, Dr. IJjx, is much for harder now less thau five feet apart either way. hsr our not the Young Mens am Young Ladies young people Tuttle St Co. are enlarging their store. than jt was a quarter of a century ago, An addition will be built on Ihe back for Conjoint Session for May Stli, 1NSS. because a false sentiment, widely Provided: That all persons who intend liking advantage of jin office and the partition between the 1 Book of .Moimoji Exercise by Ernest condones their excesses and Munk. office and storp removed and the above Act are required tp provide the necessary rneans for the fircsent This and shelves run back the Song by Missps Olive and Iaa Lowry. even approves of tlieq errors. bore of society, he charges, protecting and keeping in a good healthy condition the trees so Temperance address by Pres. C. P. demoralized entire lepgth of the present building. is due to the puhlicjoumals which feed Lai son. Will give to his customers, K planted. a taste for what is vulger, coarse and Last week our paper came put late ou Recitation by Miss Jemima Scott. low, supplemented by fiction of the account pf Mr. jakeman being absent the 1st of next January a By order of the County Court, July IStb, J8S7. Reading by Miss Matilda Alder. same tone, to that special kind of Historical Sketch, Wallace Billings. from town, apd tne other male members JOHN ItKID, County Clerk, poetry justly named, Fleshly, in which pf the office being called suddenly away, Essay by Miss Ann Maylett. Sioi San Pete County, Utah Ter. vile this was of ladies, do but left its to the Music body ours, vyith there pone stirring by yestenskovv String Bank vork until Mr. J's return 011 Tuesday passions and their manifestation, terms the perpetual theme;" to "the drama, evening. as we have it now; to modern art CALL AT UIS OFX.MSOS. which devotes itself mainly to the deliBaseballs, caps, belts and bats, just Lucent is growing with the rapidity of neation of lascivious and salacious figfeceived at Smith's Music Store ; also a phoice lot of Anchor Accordeans, violin, asparagus. ures; and even to the where vile woodcuts and engravings guitar, and banjoB strings A most exThe District schools with favored was cellent variety of flat Flutes for Marmeet the eye and help on the work of and see his a fiom visit Reid Supt. accompanied by coirupting the public mind." These tial band, just arrived from the East. On Time Cook the trustees, last week. (Tall and see them. tiaimngs of young girls, the "rosebud" Universal Heating The Presbyterian school is closed, the of thu social garden, is characterized by A short time ago a lady of Manti and a Ranges softness and with the deadly luxury found her gold wedding ring in the teacher is at Salt Lake City. one idea of making a figure in society Sheet Iron dooryard which had been lost for 20 A new face is to be seen behind the and a brilliant marriage, of making the years. The old addage is good in this counter in the cause, Conference. most of their physical advantages, and case. The mills of tne god's grind slowalluring the other sex by the acts best Of all kinds kept in Stock a'11 as the ring A young mans programme: last Tn adapted to that ly, but grind exceeding tine, See them at purpose. Made to Order. was considerably worn. day evening saw the Rag lifted, Satin' their lunch parties, with a dozen courses heard leiue and Piof, evening day as and half fam.ly; 7VOUK inTi i,D kinds of the at many wines; Some people are in the habit of placing Sunday of the night) opera, immodestly attired at the ball, (and evening, part Sheet Iron Neatly Executed. their wash tubs on the upperside of the popped com; Monday evening Prof. the whole to giving night dissipation and there water ditches filling them, Heme Roofing and Guttering or Tuesday evening joint etc. etc." The picture is a startling thus the leakage runs into the water and meeting,again, New Buildings a specialtv. Wednesday evening popped one and has not failed to attract a great those living below have the opportunity the? Such is life in Gunnison. Mairi Manti, Uu we and must confess that attention, Street, of drinking the suds as well as ever Gunnison April,3, i8S is much truth in his words. there in filth comes our water. that other For goodness sake keep you tubs out ol For Dyspepsia aud Liver Complaint, the ditch. Buy an Organ or Tiano of the Beet-- 1 W. H. Oloten, M. 1). you have a nrmted guarantee on every lioven Ml. Fl Co., of Washington, EithnUm A look on the inside of Mrs. Bruneis bottle of Shilohs Vitalizer It never N. and will be happy forever. you J, discloses I the fact that fails to cure. Sold Bv B. Brunei, ManMillinery Store Manti has a first class millinery depot. ti, and H. P. Larson, Ephiaim. The several show cases look like veritaAre You Made miserable by Indigesble flower gardens, and the festooning of tion Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of A Nasal Injector free with each bottle ribbons and laces from the ceiling makes Yellow Skin? Shilohs Vita- PHYSICIANS & SUNONOSa Appetite, of Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 liter is a the place look like a beautiful Turkish 1. B. cure. Sold By positive V 1. Bazar. The latest styles of spring goods. cents. Sold By B. Brunei, Manti, and Brunei, Manti, and H, B. LarsoH. Eph- 3urgeon of the S. P. H. P. Larson, Epluaim, Call and see for yourselves. raim. rAEiOB.HEATISC.C&GOOKSTOTES.riASGES Ojjics: Ephraim, Utah mo it a ren J ai t cts. 1 ? o LOCAL ITESVJS. - Br 111 : I tim ! kini C Stn - Vic-tari- a. d fnce1'" A mer take to t for ' " 1 J.G ' Spri And Con f, - 1 Pro , gAN JKTE yALLEY 1 - - n j x pd v Ri and 1 fragra-peifume- . Of! I now-a-duy- "flat - v llor-;-an- Offic Tele, d - r- - er r.B hOTr-unD'- May-cDy- fletw ,' flies C Fa W. K. Reid, n Ar JSyer Leay grriv 'V Conn Tjix-payer- s.ihs-factoi- y t, R: F IU? e, let j They Store A Grand Draw- PT ing. JCeep J. COCFER respe Ry, s and , Watc hoarsen fveely Beautiful Parlor Io .1 shop-window- s, fepeate jrveiit Bold by HARBWAB ESTfllH Spanisti POrlsL; Al Office Tinware , Co-o- p, ICTOB 1 Piano-Orga- n I Is, (Men i & Linlf a Hsh Disea ! 1J t |