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Show Notice For Publication, It is quite time the facts of this vvoiidt rful aru.r weie seen by the No. 2 855. people and given a o mprtheiision. Office at Salt Lake City, Land Uewil'novv give the operation of a Utah. March IStS. 10, I the curious j spun puwiri in destroying A Weekly Netcx2 rja r. Noth c Is end v given that the st.un-polvg .mv. A blast cl it was in order when ti:e bu.dcis of the setth r l.?s tiled folluvviug-nameDevoted to the general interest of country were reached by the com- notice of his intcuti-to make linal the people of San Pet and surround- munities of the d.fierent States. This his in of claim, and support blast came by a person in the chamber proof ing countit s. of the Senate ol the United States, and that said proof will he made before every particle of the plan for destroying the Judge or in his absence the the system of polygamous marriages was Clerk of the Co. Court at Castle A STRANGE THEORY ABOUT given him by the very person who gave Dale, Emery Co. Utah, on Wednesthe people their territory and took them knew day April 18, 1SS8. viz: Charles Under the caption of Cause and across the desert. Brigham Young his and the wouid what destroy pract.ce, Pulsipher. II. E. No. 500? for the Purpose of MorntonisnT the J'roblems N. W N. W. N. E. i N. E. 9 f Nature gives the following as an spirit gave the information to the great brain of the Senator who was born in Bee. 24 j and E 4 S. W. editonal; Sec. 13. i was in. born We wish to startle all the wiseacres the same Satate that Young S E. S. It. 17, Now, dear people of a great supposed Tp. of the country by giving the cam-- and our word? Can He names the following witnesses purpose of tlie astonishing dispatch to republic can you deny m it? Can you to the Rocky Mountain country of a Mor- you dscover an error prove his continuous residence mon community, afier it Wecame large, doubt w hat we state? You will all die and cultivation of, said land, upon, beus a denial and and the men were possessed of a plur- before you con viz : Ai drew J. Allen, Willard E. Bum free will fore beso you piejudue ality of wives of good bodily constitutions, and of the wonderful operation of that you can pay a particle of tribute to Alger, William Marshall. Thomas Mormon of the community, C. Miles, all of Emery Co. Utah. these people in going to the ntorc the author northern countries of Europe for other or give a particle of credit to the supD. WEBB Register. women of strong contitutions and good posed author of its destruction, who was T. C. Bailey for bill Attorney. ambition the a mental capacities and of all the perfor- giving Congress mance of a peison in constructing the of its polpgamy. This great mind was a Marl4Apl3 so called Mormon church, ana the des- mere instrument in the hands of the truction of the church when the purpose spirit of Brigham Young when the bill Notice to Creditors, was passed that crushed the whole Morof it was fultilled. A more interesting chapter of what mon power. (Dn another occasion this Richard (tifeliHin, Notice is may be called spirit operation cannot peison was the savior of this nation hereby ;riveu by he umU'r'itfued aduunifetintor be given than a disclosure of the origin, from destruction by a war of feuds, and of the estate ot Ku hard Oraham, deceased, to the the nation foi Creditors of ami ah persons having purpose and operations of this people was damned by and church, and the destruction of it at it. claims against the said deceased, to We ask every reader of this article to the present time exhibit them, with the neve.-snr- y Since the giving to the Jews a book of obtain a description of the Book of a how vouchers, within 4 months after Mormon rover and see Spanish spirit teaching by a wonderful instrument of the power, there has been sever-H- l and soldier constructed a book by giv- the first publication of this notice similar operations m the world all ol ing a tale ( f a Spanish buccaneer with a to the said administrator at his which were intended to give a people wholly different purpose than that fora dace of husine-- s in the City of an impiovemeiit of their condition and tale for the cause of its construction. Pete Ban of tale the is .airview, See wheie the Spaniard County, Utah an advance oi civilization. One was the constructiou of the coming and where he found a people Teriitory, the same being the place Mohammedan church, another was the to oppose, aud where he was finally able for the ttansaction ot the httsun construction of the Lutheran church, to find a place of peace and prosperity. said estate, in said County of A mere story of a Spanish buccaneer another was the Swedenborg San Pete. church, and there have been some others given a religious aspect for a peoples Sam c el Pouter, of a less extensive character, including deception. Every great Spanish disof Rich Shakers, Advents and Millerites, but ol coverer of the continent is suggested by Administrator of the till the number in this country the Mor- the great fiction. ard Graham, decease-1mons were the greatest in their purpose Dated, March G, InSS. and extent. All the purpose of this RELIGIOUS CUSTOMS IN PALESbody was to place a large populaTINE. tion among the great mountains on the White Xwtlllii- -. West ol the States and produce children An English gentleman who lias lately Mr. M. S. llamlin, me of lire host known there mote rapidly than was possible traveled in Palestine, recently gave a InMiratict men in North Caiolina, writes finder the common system of marriage. description of the curious scenes that are fiom Winston, us follows: Ever sinoo 1 Plurality of wives for a worshipper of enacted in the church of the Holy was seven veins of sue I have lmd vvluvt the doctrine of a prophet of- the suplie said that when you fust en- the dot tors call h'.p disease, and which I posed new dispensation, was barely a tered the church, you would be surprised Call white swelling My hip was drawn device for giving of soldieis, with their out of late There was u swelling at the population to a to see a mountainous cuuntry more rapidly than swords by patty where there is n protuso runtheir sides, and their guns it could have been obtained in any other stacked within reach. It seemed a ning, winch lias there for years Of eomsp this has greatly depleted my sysWay, and all the cause of the Wonderful sacrilege in such a holy place, and stiuck thurcli was a spirit plan to give the one rather tem, together with surgical operation on unpleasantly. But he soon the I tried every known lilood tnountainuus country the People. Every found out the leg fume for it. Accordnecessity part of the operation of Joseph Smith in ing to the law of the country, every sect purifier to h'nhf lip uiy system, blit none getting the idea that he was a prophet is allowed to wotship there; and it is did me good until I took S 8 S 1 use it and had a commission from God to considered eveiy spring. It always builds me up-equally sacred both by Cluis-tian- s giving me appetite uml digestion, nml enadiflerent gospel preach a somewhat and Mohammedans, all wish a lrom that of the Christian church was a tune lor their mode of worship, the law bles me to stand the long, trying, enervating, hot summer days. To me tlieie IS spirit peifoi mance, to give a control to a allows them an hour each. '1 hey coin 'considerable number of people, and to mence at six in the morning. At that no sui b medicine for purifying the blood bm'ding up fin wasted system as place the whole of them in the great hour, those who have the first privilege and R S S On using it I hooti became strong basin of the Rocky Mountains for the enter, bringing With them whatever is of body and easy of mind. My color purpose desenbed. All the people are necessary to conduct their particular reChanged from pale, worn look t to be compelled to observe that in the rites. They go tluough their health v. mlmst complexion advent of Mot monism a wholly spititual ligious and chants, and all is very quiet Mr It N Fmel, of Farmersville, prayers affair was the coming, aud its subsequent till about a quarter to seven, when those Terns, writes " About August. 1st, operations, and for a good purpose only who have the privilege of the next hour an eruption appeared on my arms and Every vvotd of the claim of Smith that to arrive. At first all is decorum; legs, will- h pituied ine mill h and seemed he was inspiied to establish a new faith begin but the new comers begin to to stfe t my physical comlitiou generally. and give an additional book to the New hiss presently On the advice of a physician at this plate, and mock. As their members inTestament was given him by a spirit, linallv commenced using Swllt s Specifio. become stronger, they and crease, they 'and the spit it was that of the person I)e 1 am g'.id to s more and more bold. A few siy that Affpr using IhVe'a get Soto who discot eied the Mississippi before seven, they proceed to more large botth h the sores have all healed livervvhen lie was exploring this country. forcible demonstrations. T reatiso oil I'doob amt 8km Diseases They think, if All his purpose was to plant a can clear out these blasphemers a mailed flip Tub SWlKV EftUU'lC Co, great they colony in the Utah Valley and inciease few minutes before the time, they liaVe Trowel :t, fix 't as fast as possible. The idea of ad- done so much good work for God; while ditional plates containing an additional die worshipers, on the other hand, think, portion of the gospel of God was given if they can heap possession it few minutes N the person in a dream,-- and when he ater time, HI 8 they have done an equally 0 had got the dream it was given to good vvoik. Assume of these sects use sevetal others if a similar organization, wax candles, staves or crooks ;V and these were the petsons who were torches, m their worship, tliev proceed to use ro ready to declare that they had seen these as weapons of offense or defense, the plates of the book of Mormon, and a regular melee ensues. Then come Neplti, the actor of consequence in the in the soldiers, who separate the combook, was only a namesake of a com- batants by filing In between them, turnpanion of De Soto, and one name was ing out those whose hour is lip, And ..V.s noahicd a standard of cxcclfcn"o wtii. us good as another for the use of the , of the H von ,.t no supoiior. leaving the place in tains every improvement that i.iwnlr. i Both cajoled book and last comers. If blood possession people. is shed the church peums, skul and can money produce. td.ites vveie but figutes of the spit it is closed for the day. Such scenes aie nund given the petsons for a good and the ORSuahr'QMi presence oceuringall day long, pm pose. Only a preparation for obtain- of soldiers is therefore ahsuliitely necesing a gieat colony for an occupied coun-tiETChAV was the purpose of the dwelling of sary. ORGAN .the new chinch in the cultivated States for a few years. When the community IIovv many people tetnemher, or ever 7AU- f'li-vS- I was great and polygamy instituted knew, that the (lag of the United States EANlT.. t among the people it was ready to depart under which Andiew Jackson and Winfor the place of its destiny, and the same field Scott fought in the war of iSt2 tv ' - ' 4A' D- or. operation precisely as those perfoimed consisted of fifteen stripes and fifteen STYE by Alnaham and Muses were performed stars? The original idea was to add a by the prophet Young in taking the star and a stripe for every new State; YEAXa. ,Moimons to a place vvheie a splendid but in iStS a New Yotk congressman-nameWendover suggested that at the country was wailing a civilized people. Look at the picture, clear prejudiced rate the United States were growing the rnoital, and see if you can find anything tallest pine tree in Main would not These Organs Rre celebrated for volume, nrtiMie ih siso, tone, quick respon-.more strange in the operations of Moses make a mast tall enough to hoist the quality of beauty in finish, perfect construct sen, maUmsi, or Abraham or Xeixes than in those of Hag upon. them the most desirable organs for home-the leader of the exodus of Mormons schools, churches, lodges, societies, etc. fiom a plain of the Mississippi Valley to ESTABLISHED REPrTATIOV. a wholly unoccupied country in a gieat CXEQCALED FACILITIES, You valley of a territory of the United States Forget SIUI.EED WOHIiMEY, of America. Each operation was but a BEST MATEiU.VE, The only genuine spirit peiformance lor the benefit of a COMBINED, MAKE Tim nation, and eveiy particle of the cursing .and persecuting of the Mormons by anPOPULAR ORSAIi other religious class of people was as Sewing Machine is sold in a sin in the eyes of God as the opjmu-lSan Pete County by Instruction Books and Piano St&o!?. position given to a prophet of the Old or Frederick Christensen of New Testamens and as well prevented Catalogues and Trico Lists, on applicaiicn.,;.r,j, Faiuview. a success by a spun hand. All the CHICAGO COTTAGE ORGAN CO, .world has one day to understand the Drop him a card by mail. facts we are giving and the people will Be rare of counterfeits and inferi- Cor. Randolph and Ann Sts.. CHIC AGS. A2 JpJace th old prophet of the Mormon or imitations now going the rounds. rhurch in the same place as that given be deceived Dont by them ! The J.he prophet of the Old or New Testament, and all will be seen to be but Genuine Domestic still leads, and EXHAUSTED VITALITY mere spirit instruments perfoiniing as a endures all tests. 47 OF LIFE, the rpiIE SCIENCE spirit directed. great Medical Work of the Look at a Brigham Young with a score , age on Mauhood, Nervous and , of thousand people, with all their eflects, Physical Debility, Premature f7"TIiE Decline. Errors of Youth, and .crossing a desert a thousand miles wide, .tilt untold mtserlesconsequent or plate Ins people wheie they could thereon, S00 pages 8vo, 125 find a home and peace and plenty! When prescriptions for all diseases. K N 0 W N , the world to without a prejudice of a full gilt, only $1.00, by idiurch given character, it can find that Manufactured and sold at the Vine , Cloth, mail, seated. Illustrative sample free to all young in this following of a single person by and middle aged men. Send now. The Gold and the Mormons acio-- s a gieat desert and Rltiir Plaster works, Nephi, Utah. Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na1. GroBale') Green tional Medical Association. Address P. O. box (Occupying a mighty basin of wholly pro- Also on sale at This 1595, Poston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, ductive country, was the most consum-j'nat- e cery, Mam Street, Nephi. Harvard Medical College, 25 years practice operation of a spirit power ever plaster is superior to any other by . In Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. performed upon this continent through reason of ito slow noss in setting. givSpecialty, Diseases of :i,m. Office No. 4 Bulfineh St. the instrumentality of one person, and .that it was allforagaod purpose. When ing anyone who err. uso a trowel !the work is properly understood, a time to it aud It makes the Puent Xcin Lto.dcr. t'rs l , re wu put olessing is bestowed to the brave man work. Per cut. (stoked)? 1 ; pt. C e'ageutsu! l.dnr. in a a and could dare nation, r .'M d'. l davs, ..hj give Concrete plaster, 7' cents; Land rile f r terms 5. rlh ?l soma. .v.Uule mountain chain a subjugation to ci. urn's. v Lficti p a means of wealth and pjxrnot'cn of placte, Notice uf IE, .d civilization. N- The Home Sentinel, V. T. Mur-mo- n j. ii. won REID, rrtiidsni. 1 v fKOW, ocfrrft ry 1 Olfice at -- 0 3?X3:iI3 K I", srj, e ' th-i- t . I . 1 s -- uj-o- i Lra-tu- - NOTICE FIEAL OF I'jj No. 2877 I and Office at Salt Lake City, Manti dan, , Notice Is hefeliv kiven that the followinj filed notice of their luteaq, edsti -- s have make tu iu snpjiort of their reo," claims ui.a ure final entry thereof ajj said proof 111,1 be made btlore Ihe Jud.ee County Court of ban Pele County I tan K, iu his absence before the County t lerk ui , Oomityon haturdav the stll day of .May Peter Erandsen. DeseW I.ntry No, 1177 f E-- t 4 of bee 6. Tp 15 r. It 4 E and names tu- lowing witnesses to prov e the Complete and re, tarnation of said land, viz; John R,,G Neils ltolphseiij James Mmpsun and Mad-Mallof Mount Pit asant ball Pete.Comny Et,. HansC. Jonteir, Desert Entry, No laid 5 W M of N & t, mc 2, Tp 17 .S. It If E. and ns'-itc- I one-hal- f the following Witnesses prove the (ompott ion and recLunatmu of said land, viz- Jn. ' deison ,ir., Jens Anderson, Peter C .Iens-LPeter At liwalbe all ot Ephraim Citv, saa County Utah Ter I.ars M. O. Christensen, En'n ' r W q of s, c It, p r, 9sU, for the .s E 1 E, and names the tollowmg witues-,- s tu c his continuous resilience upon and cuitp ati said land, viz: Neils C, Soreusi 11, Williuri lalf, James C. Sorensen and Fredrick Ludi . all of t.unuison San 1ete County i th ler William Litchfield, Homestead EntivXi N E for the E Sec 36, and W , X 25. Tp 1H It I W. and names the loliovuij t nesses to prove las continuous re1 idem slid enlrivation of said land, viz: ilbani b Servme Grundtvig, Plailip Duck nil of h San Iere t oauty I tab Tot, and t harles A, 1,, sou of Dover San Pete County UtiiliTtr. D. W L. Pit, IS.-,-' Bird & Lowe, Attys. JUr.- . , s-- Es-'at. , n S e. Desert Land , Linal Proof, For Publication. - JVi No. 2845. J knee-joint- -- -- ' d MOR-MONTS- Sep-luchr- an Von in-- m -. .. .dt Lake u, ; t1 u p, is reby givcu svttl r haehkd . r : i IiiSaC nual proof in Mipi ,ri v : , claims and tu . ure final , ntry t..r b ud J rot f w ill be mu ' b i j.j of s.u Peie ouutv I tab Teir:t-.ij fieute bel i. re the Count v (b rk k , haturtla) the dlday ol Mar, h ls.s Homestead Entry No. 71fi4 lor the b, t and I.ot 1 and N. K if X. W aud X.u . V ' sac m Tp. 14 S. K. 3 E. aud nam-- the'u ' witnesses to prove bis continuous resi.u i,,7 ' aud cultivatiou of eaid laud viz: Amos j,7 Rees K.Lewe.lyn. Lewis Anderson and i ltobertaon all of Eountain OreenSan p, .t7 ' Ltah. Lewis Johansen Homestead Entrv No ,v, the S. q 8. v, v aud S S. K bet", sj S.R, 4 E. and names the following witno. bi Continuous resideULC prove and ,77 turn of said land viz: Niels M. Ney, g f s Hansen, Joseph Johansen aud ho1 Of Mount Pleasant Ban Pete County I tah blrn b XVinkler Dead t Entry ho l.sai'o, w. , S. E. Sec. 9 Tp. 15 It. 4 E. aud T the following witne-se- s to prove the cun.i,.?' aud reclanuation of said land viz p rigation Rasmussen , Janies Uundcrsoti, Mads Aa."? and Jens C, Jensen all of uouul IHasant Mr" Comity Ll ah William D.ckson v 8. 9s35 for the E v ,, j kec. ,i2 Tp. Is h R 2K- and he n tn.es a h',7V ses lasper Larsen, Joseph lluuce, '1 h.unaj ) teu ud selah Atwood of MerluiJ, County Utah. D. WE Ell. la-- r,. A Lowe sttys, I , United States Land Office, Lake City, Utah, March 7th, 18v Notice is herebj" Z&E-aJIB- MA.WTI. "37., a John. Lowry t giveu Christian John Christiansen Fountain Green, SanPete (!ou Utah, has filed notice of in tentior make proof on his desert land eh No. 1289 for the Ni E. N. II Sec 12, Tp. 14, S. R. 2 E- before County Court of San Pete Corn at Manti Utah, on Saturday the 2; day of April, 1888. He names t. following witnesses to prove', complete irrigation and rev'.1; tion of said land : Peter Oldio Thomas Oldroyd, John L. Jerk and Cornelius Collard all of t IVte Countv, Utah. D. WEBB, Regis Bird & Lowe Attys. - S-Son. 1 niin-ute- MnrlLV Ati-'.it- AK !DeliG3rJ3 1X1 iDRY GOODS, fcSTGRO - CEIUEB, THOUTE STOVES, MINOT, .f TTAGS TR-- : flgnsTOVE FURNITURE,!? Sf Furniture, Etc. D. S. No. DSOTfor the i street, . o r. d Do what isrighii to use is p, It)o o(Dont D O home It right in preference to imported It is right to furnish people employment. It is right to patronize stitutions exclusively. ESTIC THE products articles. our owA home in- THEREFORE i It is right to purchase the Boots and Shoes manufactured by Zion's Mercantile Institution eshecially as they are moderate in pricG, elegant in style and superior in quality. BOLD ii Y ALL'IIOME E. J, See. 9, and N. i 4 S. N. W. d. Sec, 10, Tj. N. i M-- ' 15; E. He names the to prove his cohtinu? residence upon, and cultivation' said land viz: J. B. Hunter, Jai Cambell, C. A. Wheel ock find Lv Thompson all of SanPete Co. Uu Also JameB B. Hunter, D. SA 9808 for the S.. E. $ S. E. i, Se. S. W. i S. W. i, Sec. 10; W. W. i. Sec. 15, Tp. 15S. R..4E.P names ihe following witnesses' prove his continuous residence upv and cultivation of said 'land Chris ClawTson, C. A. Wlieelo James Cambell and Martin M Beall of San Pete County, Utah. And notice is given that S' Frandsen,one of the heirs ofJosf Frandsen, of Mount Pleasant, Pete Co., Utah, has filed notice' intention to 'make final proof) his desert land claim, No. llo the Lot 3, Sec. 'G, Tp. 15 S.f R 4 jefore the Register and Receiver Salt Lake City, Utah, on WedneS" (he 11th day of April. 1858. ; names the following witnessed move the complete irrigation reclaimation of said land ; Peter Madsen, Rasmus Mad;4 George Frandsen, Sr. and HM1 Frandsen all of San Pete SLCc&nx-jL- i I t? S. S. W. R. 4 : v W a d County, at Manti, Utah, on F nesday, April 11, 1888, viz: y - following-namesettlers hav" 7 notice of tl.oir intention to proof in support of their chi and that said proof will be made! P fore tho County Clerk of San , A NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 239. LandOflico jit BaltLukeCi!,!' March o. 1888. Notice is hereby given that DEALERS Plaster of Paris follow-witnesse- Com-Utah- . ! D. WEBB Register OH Loo! L S r-- . - - .m -- 1. t- - in-- V, j Of - J V n -- YK- grad-uate- fin-cst- ii the ONLY ' I'iJlGEON, r - 9 J y , Ct G 0 ,T Vi J r '! . r-- , Sub-cri- ; ' .V Nr.l.Tl'S tT a tlon, di.eo inmuhs, j Toui-- iu Magazine forra,2S jip., lutnujumely illustrated. I '2. cca; !,ca, ?1."0 slns-- a copies, per year; 10 cents. AWrcss: TUo CACK.ll lit, Sun Yrr.ncieCO, CuE r.lA-r.- T. C. Bailey. Man Ai Attv. .JOURNAL published West of Hw ROCKY L'NT AI.Y3. SOULTm n POULTRY Cr ZmTKEnrj r A?SD CnGVs3 SE203 Are acknnwledsed the bezt, being more productive and yield better FINE ILLUSTRATED Coaialulnf oeljr Ik bagt eaUon. CATALOG lir.l.d frw 80 h !(t; -- WAITS POB IT. ' , , |