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Show .V, V v r.u p H & fa i A Q $ at. 8v rf - & j ii'!-- H rN b N J $!!& W 4 E3 K X.-- P L :. Ow "" ' t V J s v. it. - " Lr ;w r? Wwi ran ra u if13 n o W '.rTr' ffiVuhr J. effi vk k Lx.; V 2 1 n m4 iO p M ii ?? i i-- i- - V X fir 0c iJ fT !yy 5 ?: -- J U nn n nq Mil iu i( & SHti LJj ta 1 MANTI CITY, SANPETE COUNTY, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 18SS. VOL. 111. NO. Oi . MEWS SUMMARY LOST. CIIH TERRI rOUYEarwecn Richfield 2nd Itermg Green Cloth Cover of a Large Pool F. Young, while painting on the elevaTable Any one who, finds and returns conlately elected here had the scafii tor, information will or the same, give from under him by a iall-iknocked or clit.eM K of cerning it to Mr. Clark the planks alighting on his for log, tiie undersigned v ill be revvauled lower extreniities.brins.ng them sev erelv; tbuir trouble. i nothing dangerous. Met aid's w.d. rt-TItems, Co. Sibling, San the RAILROADS. - nj A Rie-fle- Tt-t- e A 711 BEES BEfS BFES vV- - d VMc , V vs - VO RI('i. W A last mad train to nuk- - New Yeik FOR SALE. will in IJ2 hours Irom oaa We are prepared thi spring to sell shortly be put on. fifty stands of Bees. Warranted to be in Rfno Nev. has nineteen grocery ood condition. The mysUry of Bee Skeeping explained to pttrchasi rs. Call stoies aird titty saloons, the former alOt write for terms. Wm. Bkaithvv it and Co., 4 blocks west of Tabernacle, Manti. Utah. 47 a SHADE TREES. J Bengal Poplar and Balm of Shade Trees for sale at funks Gil-3a- Bake, San Pete. Vill deliver the trees to any point in San Tete on Reasonable terms. I will furnish parties having taken land up under the Timber Act, with trees or cuttings at a very low figure. Send all orders to Charles Mtir, Sterling 51 S AN HONEST OPINION. Temple Office, Manti Utah. in sa Pele Valley 1 fner it Bird A yr; . -- - .ffiV' REV. PR. MORGAN DIX (see 4th page.) W Darko I. A- - Salt Lake City Co, Land Agents, Salt Lake City Wm T, Reid, Land Agens, Manti. substant ol structuie. The hoine of Mr Crinckshank, where he lived with his wife and three chJdicn, was crushed l.ke hu eggashell, the family having a nairow escape. 'Die hot.se m which r Mrs Anderson lived with her live children was swept fiom the found uion and UTAH. MANTI, lluated against some trees, wl eie it h tlged, tne woman and children escap-Tpmbstones, :i g ice, where t!u- - nm ned, Monuments, Parian IttcFailan STOPJE-- GUTTER. m 1 i.- 1 -t r 6,000,000 LL FEOPiE Johnsons Essence of Life is sold smfa YM'gm .... p annual For 1883 V jour-ney'dow- witi t)8 maitefl REE TO AL.L appliCMjtt, and to !& Aeanou'a oustomn Best Terms ii . to-da- y, J Alrna Marker. & -- . putt-kam- N: Mir;Vr C. SMYTH, I.,-- er sr'sa m d A Garden FialdFlower EED l dried-lizar- C m i- -'a q CruJ HI CD C"C 1 Six-Mil- Mon-ticell- CD . XL o, r8- is Qef-mahy'- 3 FT child-dre- n 3Pdt033.tS CL c B K n r & 02 gJ D 1 l' c , K I Lfi I w 111 Claosto EKS73DBI n TUlO R. Co. S.P.V.R. mu. situ A 4 clir j i C3 - H t-- mJt CD ACTOR MOWERS STAGE SiA u Hr es anti Itk. vuf izjsst. 3 Drs.WvH.&E.H.StJohn, e 1 with- out ordering it. Invaluable to alt. Every person using mt. rERRY ACO., Detroit, Mlctu Efei-pi'en- n use Maibex. of Joseph Herret, w here they w ere on Very Reasonable Terms. works, and vdll keep them idle for at fnm borne by the llood two miles lelow the least one year. OOLITE dam ; and the tubing, considered the Store, price oO A number of Germans at Portland best 111 the State, flt the Manti Co-oMdes offences isgji.e. For Sale ts. per tiottle. Oregon, have subscribed $ 1,000 to im- were torn from land vvheie the water was known never reach to some liefoie. Beautiful This nightingales, skylarks, finches, port Building Lme wiii hen the water receded it left immense thrushes and chaffinches from the I lartz be furnished in shape or size to NOTICE. Mountains. piles ot ice 011 tile streets. Huge cakes, order, and will be delivered three feet thick piled up on one an other TO rHE FUBLIC OK MAST. IV. Ya. , April 6. to any pgint in the Capfifteen feet to and will ten be Jarkersbtirg, lugh, they I will keep a Supply of Beef at all tain Paul Boyanton enl red the river therefor weeks before they melt, and Tenitory on the ibove Wheeling, at 3 oclock tins after make the stieels impassible. It looks Jimes at thp Snow Stand, Mapti. e thousand-milok his like an immense Arctic scene with the began J The highest price paid for rj.ll nocJn, and t)ie Ohio. roots of the house protrud.ng through. 1st N. St.' block W. of Main, kinds of Hide?. t. April 6. Many houses on An aeronaut, naraet Hogan dropped flats atPaul, Mankato are' flooded tip to the Call on Mr. Geo. Spovv, Main with a parachute from a' balloon from a middle of the windows, and the river is ptrept, Mar-ti-., height of over a mile at Jackson, Michi- still lising. West Mankn0 is subiyeij, A. Lowry, Jk. He readied the ground ed I hree feet more of water wdl covgan )o( safely, through badly ofi for breath. er the Milwaukee road tracks, and all JUu&ic Dealer, on Chinese from Alaska trams have been abandoned The bring down Eagle Rock, )daho. J.G.Coltrin. Esq. account of water in the vicinity of Qood t big boxes full of dried bears paws, which Send for my New Catalogues of MusicAfter using your Electric 'I bunder. al Goocjs. Prices the Lowest, goods the probably make mto a medicine in our family for 10 years, ve they favorite similar their to topbest that can be Mde. Agent fur the it FOREi;sr. ;ake pleasure it recommending ic. Bears gall brings the regular price best Brass Band Instruments. Send fur The Abyssinian retreat continues. laige Baud Instrument Catalogue, also Jo the public, as the best remedy of 10 per pound, and is in great deMany fugitives are flocking to the Itaftan ol line Guitars. for Rheunriatisin, Cplic, Crampp, mand by the Chinese druggist. a etc., At Tuscaroia, on the morning of the lines in fatpishecl conditon. Sprain, Bruises, Burns, Cuts, jiml for children with Summer 21st, the cabin of Herman Fieund, a Burl.n, April 6. Doubts are expressbe beat. minei, was consumed by tire the occu- ed hi well informed circles as to whether Complaintit cannot Jos-.T- . pant penshing in the flames. He had the differences between Emperor FredMcEvan, on a drunken spree for several erick and Prince Bismarck, which are Iridda N. IkfiwAn Been days, and it is supposed fell asleep care- believed to, extend also to matters of lessly leaving a candle burning. internal policy, can be arranged. fpovo, March 26, 1886. DEALS in all kinds of Musical A the to 5. Chicago, April, dispatch St. Petersburg April 5. Advices from Merchandise, stationery, Cattle brand- Associated Ptess from New Hampton, Bokhaia say that the grand viier of that was throw n from a been murdered by ed lik e cut Iowra, sas : a The train native., toys, Ladies milline the track by block of ice which the wind Statpfias The Aipeer ordered the murderer and Left ear cut and , ry, Etc., Etc. (Etc, water had placed theie. The and accomplice to be executed and lops down list ofhigh killed given in tins dispatch is the thev were hurled from a t jwer 1S0 feet City. The follow Right ear cut s ime asoffrom Charles also high. given Jacob swallow fork. ing list wounded is C. J. Tails, hj.oux Scharl, Beilip, April 5. Minister Von Dakota; Hprses brand- Weiland,Jr., lias returned to Berlin trorn the Wisconsion; J.M. Christianson, on left shoulder. ed Denmark ; Mr. and Mis feidecker and flooded districts. He confirms the ree Creek five children, J.he baby being killed as ports of terrible distress and says the most Range Between mentioned in the other dispatch ; James generous private and public assistance and Ephraim, San Pete County. Murphy, Ossian, Iowa; Arthur White, can heal but a small number of the : Name an4 Address wounds which fate has dealt. Liberal Blackstone. Mas. ; John Glausenor, J. W. Hogoan. Wis. ; Henry ijtudebaker, Boag, help from abroad as well as from Manti, Utah Wis. ; Henry Schmarr, Nora Springs, earnestly requested. Iowa; Adam Konch and wife, Prussia! London, ApiU 5. A dispatefi tq Jnde Gus. btrhhau, Prussia ; Ell wood Ewers, from Madrid says : I he Marshal, Wis,; and Philip Gross, Fort yestdet.ee. Beige, Du iled States Government refuses to fatalof None Iowa. are these Atkinson, mediation of Gerthe ly injured, and they are being cared for acct ptin the proposed w ith Morocco, and dispute many enat Newr Hampton. Hopes are now and tertained that no more bodies are im- demands q suitable indemnity SURGEON & 4 CCO UCHL UR. It is feared the United States in wreck. the prisoned steamer I netpttsc will bombard danSurrgean in the British lioyal A BULL RING, glers. FIRE IN Navy. Cincinnati, Abiil 4. A special from the Office at residence Two blocks west Tito Republics City ot Mexico says: of City Hall, Manti. Co-o- p. advice from the following published Telegrams promptly responded to. Cclaya On Saturday afternoon, about X3I jEjj forty-fivminuets past 4 oclock, the bullring of Celaya was crowded with spectators of the geneial national sport. A company of bull fighters from Leon was still playing with the first bull when Have a line stuck of Home Made and Fairtitw fire suddenly broke out on the sunny Station a PettceenThnUc Boots and Shoes. side of the plaza. A panic seized upon are also prepared to do all the vast assemblage and a frightful They Sc each vrek of kinds of repairing. Friday Tuesday catastrophe was the result. The plaza Stages leave was constructed of wooden maste reeds, Store u doors South of I. 0Paw-viefor Thistle at 5 a. m. etc, and it was due to tins fact that the majority escaped without injury, being Arrive at Thistle at 1 :U0 p. m. able to force an opening for an exit and Saturday at differnt Every Wednesday points, many women and Obt lined, and all Iatents Businm-Leaved Thistle for Fairview 0 a. in. from the top, a distance of jumped to Promptly and for ModArriving at 5 p. m. and connects 200 teet, and over 100 persons were attended office is opposite seriously wounded. Eighteen fives were erate Fees. Our with the Mt. Pleasant Stage. and we can obOffice, Patent U, 8. Connection is made with the D.& J L lost, time than those less in Patents tain G, Ry. at Thistle. THE OKEAT FKESHET. remoto from Washington. Send Still on Eaith. Chicago, April 6. A special from Model or draw ine. We advise as Mason City, Iowa, savs the greatest and ; of free charge Mr F.II h, a St L'uis travi 1lij? mwa frishetever known in this country was to patentability ntiuk! the Or tbiiui Ibino, lonlnlmtes unless rpre no patents make we bHve chargot exierienced last night. The town of liie iollowinsMt ma be of vain to),Ju the Rock Falls, cn Shell Rock River, ex- is secured. We refer, here, to the boen troubleu with und tiud k ru in brvust th pHiit yetr it The of most disasterously. Money Ghamberlaud s cnnph perienced I ilrfuMy rr H Postmaffier, the supt. m .run on the brid ;e 155 feet long and the Orue1 hd uithc)Ur,U or cominund it to tny cm tr ' Div., an i Officials of the U. oldf. f dam are both got,, and damase to pro ptve it a trial L uarr, ila nurrthuit t f i s ) ars uoiue Mu has also uh1 t theie w U r.i t fall short ol 25,000. 8. Patent Office. Fer Circulars, and knows lx puTty uph its i1up Id aaia Cham 1 H,e Village ofRuih I alls, soiuii of the advice teims, referencesto actual LetiK ily De r f i!w to v t cjtii k In and h a) iiL nut t ith an liuiHt tit m i it dated or was ways state kt'pH completely inui, county ot.t itini clients in your own inrlunv- - Jt Hu.ises arid barns were crushed and fc Co.. Snow A. 0. Ct) 9, write to 1 wo u swept away, and in some instances no Office, Washington Patent of a wa what before Opposite vestige rtma,s Jno. Lake City T C Bailey, Land Agent, - ,S p Lake city Lowe, Land Agents, sn.lt . remedy. Smmoas, Land Agents v o; 111 d &. Luke iValt E. Join-son- . I take pleasure in attesting to the merits of Johnson's Eshscl o ..etoo'cd .id iii thur n Jn- - 'thes Tablets, til d h in. used t, whin the ' atc-- needed it personally, having . r.r.t Kti. w d a an rescue m. their Indo t ihe.irge nd also in my family, widi t. e ice out wl.v.i biiele wei.l -T-Aore with trouble their worn to miners, consider I Owing most, gratifying Jesuits. owners of the South Praine coal gave way, and portions of the tiusstS and Pjomptly Executed and it a safe, prompt and efficacious the mines at Seattle, V. T. have closed their and stmigers are now to he seen on the Nettly JSro. C. ' am we. Land Agents, iC- - 2a.lt gin and cer. '1 he bridge across the Willamette at Oiegon City will be 916 feet long, and is to be completed by August 1st. The output of precious metals in Idaho will most likely amount to 10,000,000 for iSSb. against 7,500 000 ibSy. It i said that Jacob Sharp is in a serious condition, and that lus1 physicians expect him to live but a short time. I11 the Bald Mountain extension of 143 ounces, (Dovvmeville) clean-ulast Sunday, were two nuggets weighing Sl and 9I ounces. Valpariso, Indiana. April 6. Four men were killed by a dynamite mill explosion this morning, at Millers Station The shock shook buildings in Valpariso. storia claims to be the second city In Oregon, yet the first thing that greets a stranger is the gentle tinkle of cow hells. 7 ne silt cis are lull of wandering kine. The citizens of Nevada City, Cal , ha.e staiii-- a fund for the proserutio of the perpertrators of the attempt to H jiv up the Providence mill with so all deal ilke3 hr3 c (o) |