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Show 7 room, and received the coi- - iv'JVA fcJuflA AND Tii.il DCUINIGN. college, lie xvill recogniz in the aide natiw- ot irr.itii ition- - of her frien D- A m ignili-book in the college, the hynvi-booThe bet cham-- Sorri' C..-n- t ill-- ' i s and Lri cake e nt p.irkl.ng for Tjli-ll!uMrat.vt How tlie 1rpstdent of gening an to one extent the bibles ! the Kittle e IS tV iw? OKI I'uble of January unit May. iiimdlaa Trov-Ini- e were served to tiie brilliant p.m-iin the church.- -, bear the imprima-tnr- e iied n of , an affirm ximLcution (f I luteri-ilIn No jmrtv If all tin! stories Le true, and Mi-- s ihnMitr. unJ tii4 New York, or Philadelof with I anadii. and opinion were for the moment laid n . u tj Come- - to the White lloii-- e a Find recent years, a thrown hold phia grudge was The op A Nova garden otian now at it way when tin protect. ve tariff stimulated will not be the tlr-- t lady who to the bride, and ero Afollpeople, i'orL: as Ucrn'tl writes to lit domestic manufacture', nearlv all arand has enjoyt d that pn-- c ininer.ee. there and cheered the mocker. then xvhi4 . is ow-: Tlmme-i- t amion of the Nova ticles of furniture, including clocks, in t lie on as together Tiler anticipated President Clevethey appearrd .vtl outrage. 2 and the N .ci-- house of U'M'mbly looking to the the houses of the people xvere made in Tt in conferring purlieu. The !nde was land jn-- t forty-tw- o tears Hon tor age woman. withdrawal of that province from the New England. r of 54 manor years age. . hthat honor upon a bride. Tyler was groom Nor xias this all. The young men,, I i. " OInita IvaU'd, depravity But. bright and joyous as it all was, Dominion ot Canada is not a surprise Irish to some extent the young xvomen, own his and what ( cvnie.il comgardener wittily there were a good many It those who were aware of the unwililr-- t looked to the States as their future of wide!) may to to grow io our second called hand him, a t presitair ments it, oil sample H of the people home, where there xvere broader fields if of Joi n tininey lingness of a large part 9 and dent, and his administration was the he seen in the diary of world 7h-k- P confederation and of of employment and bitter opportunithe into the of to enter out o' Under date July 1, l'Gl, on stromiest known in our annals, except, Adams. felt and ties for enterprise among a people been has that the his would and bride position et i gain men he savs: v Captain Tyler perhaps, that of its counterpart, An- are the they xvere united in sympathy tin union was eonsnm-- , of It laughing stock of the c:ty. It some extent in relationdrew' to is and Johnsons. Tyl.-world personally of the seem- - as if he was rating fur prize ?sa ;10 would learn however, easier for The trades and profe'sions in as the heas obscurest k ship. the of nio much forgotten to utterly the to to banner too know nuptials as individuals, to unite New j. England, and to some extent in congressman who poured muled etions roic the sublime anil the ridiculous, than to , in most New York and other cities, show a difficult less A eparate; lie has assumed the war power as a Nova Scotians, who. et squeezed a favor out of upon him with impeachment, and there oot t, the veto power in u ca- cases to enter into the marriage- relation large number noof discredit seprerogative, well arc informed I hat perliae many probably it, g have upon either divorce. he brought a to j and nrocure than dismissing if price, the appointing xvas of who but more him l.ttle know sons American it sever not by can the country. union One party to petting :;w Sdt power as a fraud for bribery, and now, xvrcck- - than that he !n!,, 0 ; t a a oung man is betrayed the party which under circumstances of revolt mg inde- the relation without the consent of the greatly promoted by Donald McKay; honors 'v outs another notch in his elected him: that lie w'as the object of cency. is performing with a young girl other, and if both parties thereto science, especially astronomy,industrial American Simon Newcomb; conhis bow anew. th, some of Henry Clays most tremendous from New York the old fable of Janu- should be willing to separate the tho ability and reour- England must be history recognizes iffi and that lie had something ary and May. It must be admitted sent of the mother .yould endeavor to govern Leander Dr. phillippics, of search J. Bishop, of does the himNor obtained. hive that old John Quincy could express large majority and other people less, mor- - to do with the annexation of Texas. of ,T thousands like who, the assembly favorable to separation Philadelphia, cent. When he succeeded to the presidency self with considerable force when he in serLi best his ,ja be increased forty per liis gave desire the y neces-ariiindicate would to like who general - I. thankful that there is at least on tue 4th of April. 1811, lie was in tried. To a person be vices as a surgeon for three years to Wore He had grown sons and know how the wliigs regarded John Ty- of the people. Their wishes will 51st his the councannot year. world tliis money in ler in those days a few pages of this expressed in the election soon to take the country of his adoption other, hastened and his forefathers of ? and that is the triumph of daughters, some of whom were maror for try' when the sufficient. place, question ried. His wife, whom he had married diary will be quite York a3 New In his death at determined be will thereby. But Tyler and his fair young bride, against repeal If; in 1813 and to whom he had always xvell as in Boston business, and profestliT is now liberal The all farming, preaching, and Mrs. critics. Tynot heeded the polls. party surly been a devoted husband, was in very sional men, manufacturers, publisher.!, Of t ith the same rcquel in pros and t d net long survive ler introduced much of the etiimttc of in power in Novain Scotia, although feeble health, and others hare achieved suoceis bin ;i1878, the election since White, the haduacastle Windsoi into house, September, money there is in the the honors thrust upon her. She died In the recent debate in the house of has a had and conservative the large dinners balls, party 'Vided at the White home September 10, 1812, gave magnificent The city of it xvas stated: assembly Dominion the in parliament. cottar there is just as much and hers wras the second death, Har- and swayed society with the easy grace majority Scotians Nova more Boston contains of The dissatisfaction of the people virtue in the world. risons being the first, which occurred of a queen. of Halifax; than the Dominion tho city with evNova Scotia became ir governAs the summer nutd passed, is, the demand for it in that mansion. increased by the protective-tarif- f more Nova Scotians than Nova Scotia nut In the winters of 1842 and 1843 two ident that Tyler would not be his own ment wras a otr. This is, however, an over act of 1876 a measure, they as- itself. a frt to young ladies from New York were the successor, earnestly as he had striven as the census of 1SS0 gaxO ;l3.s is a pretty hard thing estimate, to Ontario, that of a so nominee it. sert, operates favorably lie was the Mm.: belles of Washington society. for is flesh. It natives of Nova Scotia in but reigning 29,307 lose manunot in is any i engaged July jp were the daughters of David Gar- called national party, but the real con which extensively when there control They to unMassachusetts, and only 51,160 m the t fly ; raged between Polk and Clay. He facturing ns well as in farming, and ad- United States. diner, a descendant in the younger test - jeh of it. in Nova to Scotia, which, his withdrew as a candidate, and threw favorably bJ The trade relations and the ties of Some branch from the famous Lion Gardiner, influence in favor of Polk. The follow- dition to her farming, mining, and fishfherg ,oi Id is full of martyrs. of Gardiners inland. Mr. Garlord that formerly bound tho are working ten and twelve diner was bred to the law', but, having ing winter was one of great gayety in ery industries, has been largely and consanguinity 'e'D, t to New England now of Acadia The in people interested shipping. ral if d for what they can get to married an heiress, never practiced, Washington society', but the end of tho profitably as strongly to the children their attach tho with was near. A few causes of this dissatisfaction th wife and live children. lie held a seat in the New York senate reign of QueentheJulia land of their fathers, and any legislaare confederation of 1845, geographical 4th s not a March, before partly for four years daring the governorship nights r - what we generally get for tion interrupting that freemterccur.se President Tyler gave a farewell hall. and partly ethnological. sVel which ought to mortify us. of He Witt Clinton and was an active is distasteful and irritating. These and it A glance at the map of Canada, inin east room. the There was alters dancing of that great man. After that , Nova Scotians assert that tho other is seldom partisan deed recog-will lir-northeastern the states, (pod Mrs. off the lib cluding quaTyler leading r.j lie never sought nor held official station, union-xva- s consummated by deception, common to Scotia a of Nova the show civility, by contiguity rc ib'; but spent much time abroad with his drille with Judge Wilkins, secretary of Now and that only one county Cumberof remoteness from and talk. its much too entertainment Plenty last This the war. was England indy While at home his wintirs family'. land, for many years represented m nirofr willing to light an were passed in Washington, and His of that kind known at the White house Ontairo and Manitoba; and the obstacle t always is intercourse parliament by Sir Charles Tapper, now commercial augid fai entiles off, but few of them summers at his own residence in East for many years. Polk and his wife to free For Canadian commissioner in London by climatic conditions olor. t Island. He gave great were strong Presbyterians and counto mented The pended on to attack or vanconfederation. Long Hampton, in a five the months year shipment of xoted in favor of niedei r EnNew like attention to the education of his daugh- nanced neither drinking nor dancing. rthing at close range. of Nova Scotians made to he coal can not Nova Scotia he pu or even desire, to rev- - ters, and the eldest, Julia, was a young The sideboard disappeared from the retrade to therewith, it desire and expect nor a return gland led to; ception room and dancing music from ports on Lake Ontairo xvish. the world; but I hope to lady of great beauty and accomplishof Ontairo Hour brought to Nova but are not partial to and do not Mr. Mrs. retired and argo ethe Li Tyler theparlor. senless was the still She ments. are of adto Washington Ontario, They of of dose buy occasional Scotian ports. Any exchange proplain iiJiai w inters, and her hosts of to their plantation at Hampton, rear two of for the sation the to attached province, people it a coating, into mirers w'ere led by the gallant widower Richmond, and Washington sociuty ducts by tlie-- e provinces mut be made of Quebec, xvith most of whom they over the circuitous International that can retain it. That's my knew them no more. president. and at so hitrh a cost as to greatly differ in race and language. Eai Tyler emerged from his obscurity Whatever may be said of Tylers They formerly sold, and still desire this limit 1861 of as anarch interprovincial trade. On the time a in for little the spring 4 only possible that a poor man to sell, to New England gypsum, grindpolitical sins, his domestic and social of Portland the other hand, proximity president of the peace conference at irlj L aggies for bread is often hap-- i virtues were of a high order. His manthe principal ports of stones, building stone, bituminous coal, to Boston the to tried which avert aqd eral y, a rich man w'ith plenty, but ners wrere refined and pleasing and he Washington, hemlock bark, potatoes, fruit, civil war. Before its laborous efforts Nova Scotia from Halifax to Gape firewood, high-breof that much yely tL had in and other farm products, lix c animals, world courtesy this Yari from and Atlantic on the Sable Everything could be concluded the guns that openlittle c so Jackson Andrew which made and purchased of New Engrea't Fun-dand y wealth fish, of drawbacks, including ed on Fort Sumter blew it into space. mouth to Windsor on tho Bay furid is He ladies. soon the with favorite a is highly favorably to the freest gland flour, corn meal, medicines, g chickens. Tyler then became a member of the commercial a Sue: the in his books, all musical distanced instrument0, The competitors volume niture, intercourse.'' without a it sing song through died at Arret i favor and aftection of the New York confederateon congress, ami implements, of trade, like tho current of a river, xvall paper, agricultural axed, yet never feel so happy January 17, 1862. seeds and plants, hardware, plated heiress. .The actual engagement was Richmond (?) it's accustomed its from diverted be came may Mrs. Tyler soon afterward m tlisi ttumming away and trying to kept a profound secret, however, though xvooilenware, brooms, Yankee resided at East channels, but it is liable at any time to ware, and a variety of other manutoyself that I am a masculine lire; snl the marked attention of the president north, ami has since embanknotions, artificial break through its recommend it for the blues, made the gossips talk quite freely, and Hampton, Long Island. She did not ments and liiatioj ? articles. factured efThey' dislike to have spread desolation in its a not sing, try it occasionally it became wmll understood some months receive a pension as widow of an ex of trade turned is these! volume current their For course. its natural to forts regain mu-i- e is the froth of happi-- 3 before the event that the White house president until after the death of Garchannel another into jets by legislation or trade field. Prior to that, however, she was a long period of years intimate the heart all, the would soon have a new mistress. otherwise. the between existed relations people a pension from the govstead In the discussion of the resolutions of A terrible tragedy interrupted the in receipt asof the with the little ones. Sj bear widow of a veteran of living on the fertile lands near the Bay ernment a it crowds", and Massachuas delayed marriage preparations hearts are as tender repeal in the house of assembly it xvas the war of 1812, Tyler having served in of Fundv and the people of since 1867, ) be at ie bodies. There is nothing short time. That was the explosion of that war for a short time when the setts and Maine, and tho restriction of asserted that the province has. consummated, the Princeton. was board on the xvhen the union babj. Dominion the bv gun freedom governgreat attacked Washington. But this than the family cir- -' some as for ow the was one of the first British so been Princeton not The disconprosperous mildness and kindness clasp a pension of $5,000 was confer- ment has caused irritation and nt cos: steam war vessels of our navy, and was when tent. But strong as is this desire to years immediately preceding.thisIn Ve have of Mrs. the Garfield on two diminutive red pensions got ends t prosthe fact xvas stated that the command of Commodore raised continue the trade relations xvith their our house, and Jerusalem! under in xvas partly owing to the civil war carried two immense Mrs. Polk and Mrs. Tyler wereNews. It Stockton. are of tics the perity contiguity the $ neighbors, lait flower pot. They .aw. T: the invention of the commodore, to the same amount. Chicago in the United States and in great notTnearly so strong as those of ed it all to thunder! I only guns, Peacemaker and him measure to the reciprocity treaty that named it their and use a by expros-simTo proverbial had a dozen more little fat, A California Earthquake. On the 28lh of February, w'as in operation from 1851 to 1866. Orator. ; by Blood is thicker than water. d cherubs like them, the The termination of tho xvar and of the intimate with 1844, an excursion party sailed on the I not am that known is fact The sufficiently' generally riters try to be comic, but on- - Princeton down the Potomac for the time, i 1756 the of in treaty, and not confederation, it wa3 the article to give you a correct analysis after the expulsion thousand can do it and not purpose of witnessing the firing of sic andT asserted, produced tho business depresScotia Nova from neutrals French rubbed have of it, although I up sion e of hr,' that has been severely felt in Nova xvere hers first and themselves soon, these guns. It was composed of the vacated thus laud the forcibly n ones since several senabuntelh in recent years. his against Scotia and rod sense is about cabinet, tho from de1760 many president by emigrants occupied in forty Those xvho are in favor of a severance timely of poor humor. There is tors, among whom wras Senator Benton, my residence upon the Coast; but we Nexv England colonies, chiefly from al confidences. belief that if it the i' bat I can think of just now so other officials and their waves, and Mr. have never exchanged Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Con- of the union express their will he able California other like Tho effected finals the who his be and it earthquake, Julia, Gardiner province conditions xvhom favorable y lin public favor as good daughter, necticut, to Some people are nat- - were not the leat conspicuous of. the products, depends for its success upon xvere offered by the governor of that to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity suddenits aw lua humorists and others natural-- v guests, owing to their supposed rela- its size and flavor, although It is not so xvell known that xvith the United States. province. The desire of the liberal or bed, h and I have known of such a tions to the president. Three success- ness may have something to do with it. these became substantially New' Engthe Peace- It will creep up through the earth until land settlements, and have so continmade from were .he two getting mixed ful shots party of Nova Scotia for unregoud't in up the md the fool to eventually get maker and most of the guests, with within three inches of the surface and ued in a great measure unto this day. stricted trade xvith the United States is and saloon to then it bangs the spot you are standing These emigrants belonged to tho best so great that the failure to obtain a 1 the pot and all. Chicago the president, retired to the is said by vid it families, and took with satisfactory treaty would, it partake of refreshments, when it was on, telescopingin your backbone until in a and New England result rest ears Gi be shot their another your opponents, that your the political gred. the church, bible, suggested them not only coat-tadust. their the But in IT annexation. to for witness strong desire remained who (ion drags For Selling Bibles, your but the town and the Among those Mr. Gardiner, with a rocking motion it makes you or r a form of government dear desire is for a commercial not a' politiof ladies were being shown it were Senator Benton, meeting Mr. Upsher, secretary of state, and Mr. sick, and sneaks oil after more strength. to the sons of New England. They cal union with their enterprising and Was '' ue Arkansaw fft penitentiary'. Gilmer, secretary of the navy. For- About the time you lish your cravat out possessed the steady virtues of their prosperous neighbor, the United States. it party, upon noticing a hand- - tunately for Mr. Benton, he took his of your boots and vomit up your jtiiers ancestors and a strong belief in religy which Fashion Item. you a ChiA fellow, thus addressed him: station at the rear of the gun, but the ious as xvell as civil liberty, and their swallowed in your efforts to hit child its side. a a were t a pa'- i others along arranged man in to be very When you see a man wearing a fancy young whil ; The gun was fired and exploded. the earthquake a return blow with tho great y as this. with a plain white collar attached, Gardiner, Upsher. and several others elbow of your pants,love-ta-it comes back. senters from the tyranny and exact- shirt artjrf We not is a do ft shock othThe first compared ions of the Established Church of Engjudge him too hastily. . Al were instantly killed and several r lust your father think? but is an even third ass, like xvith the second, and the bV!,iland. During tho revolutionary war grant that he looks hatifluould get out Id do ers wounded. Benton was notthrown shock throw's first million The in a more serichance one from but remote the down by u tt.r; energetic. concussion, there is always these settlers, although ostrated f you heavenward far enough to grasp a the scenes of eontbet, $3 mpathized that he isnt. lie may be .a very in tel. ously injured. ng are you in for? and you xvith their relatives in Nexv England, The bodies were taken back to the harp, if musically inclined, bit itT ars. citizen, and is merely, deficient subje ? mansion an buried from return in time to alight upon a quantity but, of cour-e- , took no active part in ligent 'as your crime? presidents Then the the strife. During the xvar some loy- in taste. If the effect of a paper collar for a there, and the tragical event cast a of glass from windows. bibles, d and a live alists from New England went to on a real shirt is agreeable to Lira sets in ' the ited. exclaimed in as- - shadow over Washington society for rocking motionleans overagain not lady and drops a other parts of Nova Scotia, and a large there is no reason xvliy he should returned Miss Gardiner all it?; story building many weeks. manner a such in dress to The allowed car. be building number settled on the lands near the tattooc-at once to her home in New York city. biliard table on your ll:ng bibles. The origin of ular t' On the 25th of June following the rights itself and the one opposite St. John river, in New' Brunswick, as produces that effect. Mr. Albert a crime to sell bibles in L. f, xvas this: bed fashion iron and an the was and over his St. and John -dumps i1 after xv Inch the town of private swings president, accompanied by ana some shirts, ordered earthThe fancy Wales J x'ou. ;0nipar; settled. ,ed to b?, mum. secretary, John Tyler, jr., and Commo- a small pox patient on 'off, tmt., liis frugal erticn- t giggling in dore Stockton, quietly left Washington quake then hies itself at a heathenish Since 1760 the New England settlers tho material giving' I of 'his plain colfew a country. utilized for mother return not inter descendants It f again sleeve. may in Nova Scotia and their ey pun dent for the Apostle at and reached New York city' the same its on. Albert it does you their lars and had them stitchedxvas and I shall write day. The next day', Wednesday, June several months, but when firm: the kept tip a correspondenceandwith case, his mother up your but book railroad objected, a a not have will guide to Miss Julia was married New he sier 27, 1844, require relatives in England mg out a this to ftnd please day wo was fashion sit, fact. the of conhd3' to inform you Gardiner by tho Bight Rev. Bishop s regarded it as their home, although irticulars. combination. sweet this see one occasionally at W A friend of mine was present The wedding party left N ew while I was ms loyal to"Great Britain. A visit to of xvant-iDthe selling bibles on of these lively matinees in 8 an Franand dr t the historic Grand Pre, at It gives a man someappearance mau came up and arrested York by boat for Philadelphia and near to go to a money to borrow the presidential salute from the cisco last summer, on which occasion the present time, xvill almost induce a taken before court and sen-h- e rtr 't dontcherkncw, then, but in he man mo-t polite dog fight; Massachusetts man to believe that ngll- guns of the forts and United States ves- he met, he savs, the penitentiary. tell. Life. sels in New York harbor as they sailed the world. A lady was thrown out of is in a New England village. If he in- you cant always : be f, tell me so.' nt n build-iof a of fifth storv u valub by. the late spect the library Among the vessels saluting them a window of the T1)V New' Yo'rl U Sun pronounces " I a violent vibration, and she Acadia college lie. xvill final the products was the war steamer Princeton, whose this for selling the he the by not merely Richardson precious decks had witnessed such an awful struck xvith both French heels upon the Ilobrou ere did you Nexv England publishing houses; it Ilenrv our of ot hiong ) or aire, the our bibles? ot country get hem. head of the polite man. He wiped Die he converse xvith the president;, Ro' e first architect that has lived in many cem. , WSffM tragedy a few months before. but the greatest Ex said: tweptj-livthan and more for. w his ho of blood The book out reached bridal eyes Dr. dosed with a snap. 'orfdf i paty Sawyer, Washington turlt-sI Traveler. years has been connecte with Thursday evening, and on Saturday the cuse, me, madam, for getting in your Yrcka Union. the p bride held her first reception in the fa- - way. A RAGANS LOGIC. WHITE HOUSE BRIDE. nv in e -t - - ediu-itor- I -- I Ma'-aciiusett- s. k' s 1 e s om-mo- Bo.-to-ii. Fiil-oi- publi.-diers- Wa-hlngt- - Pre-i-ile- ut pre-ide- nt t well-bre- d - ft r , thorn-elv- es e -- abu-in- hC'fc ship-buildin- g re jo-i- ni felloxv-Acadian- i can-o- s, f - genu-tiacrJal- Ma'-achusc- tts s gen-ea-ie- -t IE i- - J . , j to-da- y , Ci good-nature- d rail-xva- y, 1 d ' 1 . . of u-- ven-lik- e re-pl- v, the : con-sangui- r: any full-blow- hu-bes- t. 1 OUsC of 1 dr ts oi il school-hous- e, cigar-holde- r, o absent-mindedl- -- - -- le p '05 - (i s 8 - -- if ay note-boo- -- olf-vdl- e, f' ' f , s ; . ( . if'- .aaK1-- - , |