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Show it , t i WHAT SCIENCE SAYS. Tlieliogriaue. or comfort that ill stive hope will be . at:ueiitof the ho? cholera Kob-- ' - raisers. swimthe )t ibie to makes of l let eland, Ohio, fui esannouncement in the Ohio Y Cf , oii i.l Tlie E as-iav- been diligently studying hog as- Tliev found that the disease r differ-in different aspects mesiiat the country, but that it ami general characteristics, ,of r k. 4a. T Or Jer. fr, , e, iler , ai: see ,pi it J.sl Ji. cJ 4 irdt ly4 a to. md Intel at, 5 e. ear. usisti 0 pit ittuj sta& Ytr s f eitht, T had they coininced that it was caused by considerable Vhev experienced , in obtaining cases in the first The disease takes 'the disease. large ulcers in the intestines, proceeds the germs change ma But recently the disease broke had an jpds city and the doctor Itv to observe it in all its stages, observation he found that an t germ in the incipiency of the overlooked. had been formerly , near this city were studied with iiuteiiess and a species of inocula-was a ned that protection against se. It will be necessary to demon-- ' t the cholera that rages in other is thesame as this, , of tlie country success is close that is i jt thought j. The inoculation that was perjure was by means of a hyper-syrmgThere is a difficulty in . the virus of full vitality and ii, us the germs are apt to die ,it. ami the experiments are now ducted with the end in view of ,,g a chemical that will answer purpose as the virus. It may be ih.it finally some chemical can be to be mixed with the i , medicine ,t the safest way is by the hyper- tinge, as in that way the proper certain to be given to each ani- - a ffii wer ' ofcatf of the City Brewery, lie 1 'Jnms, of Louisville, Ky.t was in one week of a severe attack ,4tsm by St. Jacobs Oil. an t ure ni tiled V cn-4- ltulj t 0 COSr fisli That Stopped a LeaS. .. ima correspondent writes: The slip Alexander Yeats, Capt. Dun-LabEm for Falmouth, while sos a struck heavily upon a r gm tiommenced to make water. It Arnnli ,s time before the pumps would oniisi.. loot ilhey were got in working order une,a g lining on the leak, when the Of " suddenly stopped. The ber vs' t into Callao, Peru, for exnmi-tm; ; the diver found that a had been knocked in the bot-tli- e it slit i hole and completely filling it tody of a very large fish. It is sup-- i the fish while swimming past d Will was carried in by the water. At Tie the fish saved the vessel and her oa'd h as of guano, which is now being 1. or jv The ship will be docked for v York Evening Post. Sti ji arf J . te secret of success is merit. This af hnr. Red Star Cough Cure, a purely i of If compound, entirely free from m 1 ,isons and narcotics, and which Ved the public endorsement of e I and chemists everywhere. !m lie w leav-Schora- er d (lie-- S) ve cents. fcltTO j Gladstone: Method. ranis oil tills Review (London) ha. good authority that this is tone's method of preparing his lie keeps a box into which he is tbit of throwing cuttings from rs and other memoranda of facts ion tlie subject in hand. On the of the day preceding any great $ goes through his box and picks des on the particular Tacts w hich to use. These he gums in their ft a large sheet of yin per, and uses He posts upon which tlie speech he hung. Then he imagines speaking composes his a fact, in his head. After lie is vith it lie dismisses the subject mind, and occupies himself until Vr speaking comes in reading a is memory is so great that his f composed sentences come back Uiout effort. Intehall J co1 oeriew i icordinj I on iliJ. i) mtog-- cb fh.B las fe; nations, prmee ; inelusis. him-aitual- the K WS"' h, thefj the try the le 1 1 jjalb.; I thee t , OlTllU OF' Pl.UN DeAI.F.K,) iYm eland, 0., May 20, 188(54 g that Mr. Cliauncy J. Stedwell, iter of the Cleveland, Columbus, it Indianapolis railway, held of ticket No. 70,244 in Tlie State Lottery, which had on drawn the capital prize or $7o,-fiii- n Dealer reporter called on 'ell at his residence, 152 Lake uuesday evening. In reply to the question regarding the matter, 2U a pm jiertt views ' i jtedly e, then cror e1 ipeD'it bile1: ling is BO Raid : at the $15,000 it j oral a ,, ni't i i thos. Murphy, conductor, that! street; F. Williams, conductor, street; R, Constant, brake-l-ora- aperifd are merfV id if ? !, ' hint-h- t street. Eh urged me to take end to the collection of defers V"nk -e din it itbses; r ; tllb wi.d1, easy v a trfb onf bonhfs ?; .( jlOt e the the proper division of it Ccket to New Orleans and I'' y paid. Tuesday afternoon t IB met, at house mid I them ?3, 000.niyIt lms all fallen hands and undoubtedly these ir families -jf ... will be greatly bene-- i good fortune. It was never agineH eg?-- The ticket was 4 hold by Johnson, and when wned of their good fortune, they me and offflb7 ique't I drawn by bus ticket was paid to me, but as 'a collector for, others. The 'yero five employes of Ry., in my department, as son, brakeman, 401 Ster-"- j ' ! Of, conductor, 35 Sey-- , t 'oik''. 8f'a happier group than Jnding the table in this room as ns portion of the money. season in news items being on, stones are now in order. ttlir niRl.0f,,y hair hesnits from s j Hair Kenewer. rting tone and ncr and bowels,strength take inti tooth-pick- s Tvp. to the Ayers Omaha. Gra-pblca- miij'.itiy of Omaha, Nebraska. Tins is the nrst company ever organized m the state. Ail insurance companies combined against it to prevent it trom succeeding. The Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company does its business independently of boards ami Compacts, lienee the desire of other companies to injure it. It is to in the the interest of ever property-holde- r state to support and give tlieir business to the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company. It insures growing crops against HAIL. This will givegreat relief to farmers, and every farmer should protect their crop as well as other property. Give credit wlierecredit is due. Support the Nebraska and Iowa Insurance Company and you will avoid being imposed upon by monopolies and Compacts, and build up state e ( Int-ura- lly trustworthy one. Man is the greatest of all chemical laboratories. Magnify tlie smallest cell of tlie body and what a factory is spread before the eyes countless chambers in which are globes ol air, masses of solid matter, glo- bules of dying liquid; a Hash comes and the whole is consumed and needtul heat is carried iuto every part of the system. Electrical forces also generate and are conveyed to the brain, the muscles and the various nerve centers. In another set of a million chambers we see various gasses and vapors. Ry chemical action these are changed and purified in the lungs and the skin. Tlie blood we o'ten say is a great living river. In its current are masses which the air in the lungs did not affect; blocks of chalk; slabs of tartar; pieces ol bone ash, strings of albumen; drops of molasses, and lines of alcohol. How are these waste masses disposed of? Begin where you will in this great stream you must come to the purifying places of the system. Here is all activity and an invisible force reaches out into fhe stream, seizes and carries this mass of waste into vast trenches, thence into a smaller reservoir, and finally into a larger reservoir, which regularly discharges its contents. This separation of lime, uric acid and other waste material from the blood without robbing it of a particle of the fife fluid, passes human comprehension. In health this blood purifying process is carried on The organs in without our knowledge. which it js done are faithful servants whose work is silent as long as health remains. People strangely wait until pain strikes a non e before they will realize that they have any trouble. They do not know that pain concerns chiefly the exterior not the interior of the body. A certain set of nerves connect these blood purJying organs with the brain. They may not or a gnaw and bite as does the tooth-achscratch, but they regularly, silently report. When those opgans are failing these nerves indicate it by drawing the blood from the face and cheek, leaving the lip and eye blanched, by sending uric acid and poison into the smallest veins, the skin then becoming gray, yellow or brown. They also prevent the purification of tlie blood in the lungs and cause pulmonary difficulties, weariness and pain. Who enjoys perfect health, especially in this land where we burn the candle in one mass? The athlete breaks down in the race; the editor falls at his desk; the merchant succumbs in his These events should not counting-room- . have been unexpected for nature long ago When bung out her lanterns of alarm. the accident finally comes, its fatal effect is seen in a hundred forms; either as congestion, chronic weakness, as wrong action, as variable appetite, as head troubles, as palpitation and irregulari- ties of the heart, as premature decay, as dryness and harshness of the skin causing the hair to drop out or turn gray, as apoplexy, as paralysis, as general debility, blood poisoning, etc. Put no faith then in the wiseacre who says there is no danger as long as there is no pain. Put no faith in the physician, whoever he may be, who says it is a mere cold or a slight indisposition. He knows little, if any, more than you do about it. He can neither see nor examine these organs and depends entirely upon experimental tests, that you can make as well accomplish this result speedily and effectually nothing lias proved itself so efficacious as Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical Diswhich lias never failed todothe covery, work claimed for it, and never will. The most fatal form of consumption is the consumption of bad w hisky. What can be more disagreeable, more disgusting, than to sit in a room with a person who is troubled with catarih, and lias to keep coughing and clearing hm or her throat of the mueua which drops into it? Such persons are always to he pitied if they try to cure themselves and fail. But if they get Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy there need be no failure. The man who kept himself in repair, tlie title of a new story. I is Nothing travels so quickly as society scandal. A MOST MltllllAL, OFFER! Tnc toLTiic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich, offer to send their Celebrated Voltaic Belts and Electric Appliances on thirty days trial to any man afflicted withNervous Debility, Loss of Vitality, Manhood, &c. Illustrated pamphlet in sealed envelope with full particulars, mailed free. Write them at once. The Jewish Talmud consists of twelve large folio volumes. PATE AfTS obtained by r.ouiat'aeger&Co., Attorney!, Wttrfhiugt.ua, ll.C. EslJ 1864. Advice free. Pure cold water is the healthiest drink. Stick to it, young man. JLWWM lWWJL JV - jqt&gfn I'IWjiKBUP At fn MTtWrl 2 The best and surest Remedy for Cure of all diseases caused by any derangement of the Liver, Kidneys, Stomach and Bowels. Dyspepsia, Silk Headache, Constipation, Bilious Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent influence of Kuti-m- irfhArrf Be merciful to dumb animals. Heal all open sores and cuts with Stewarts Healing Powder, 15 and 50 cents a box. A loud back. person one with a hollow The Omaha Type foundry can furnish new newspaper outfits on short notice. Prices same as in Chicago and freight eighteen thats can be gramati-callput into one sentence. Thats so. heels'. Men look slovenly with run-ove- r Heel Stlfleners prevent it: 25c a pair. New York has 400 cago comes next. trades-union- y Lyons IiAJiiUimIn lark of' HA AO LQl'Al, and m that In not iii)uriOHv tue lllood, lotigorales I Bo It Knrtclieai UrMtorris vstu Apprtltey Aiua DigosUoii It does not blacken or injure the teeth, cause orproduce constipation e'Afi In n MRS Myra Maxfield, Norfolk, Neb., says-have used browns Iron bitters as a tomo wiiii mn& For WfnltnK, it sic,, ncd,cma the ouly Iron head-fic- happy results. Mr. Chab Waonrh. Sll Eighth St Omstu, ers forGtmeral Neb..sas: I Uied brown Irou now xuoa of mo. 1 Dobiliiy and it made almost cheerluliy recommend it Mr. J. F. MtbUiRR, Wilwn, Neb., savs- - I han used Browns iron bitters for General Debility ad gladly recommend it w like sufierezn. It lias nu.tLa new man of me. Genuine has above Trade Mark and crossed red liue on wrapper. Take? no olber Madeeniy by BROWN CHEMICAL CO., BALTIMORE, MJ. DROPSY TREATED FREE. DR. H. forH.Fleven CREEP!, Years Past. A Specialist Has treated Dropsy and Its conipllciiion. with tbta mo.t wonderful sucrea.; nes vegetable retneuie. entirely harinleas. Heiuovea all symptoms of aro;a.p-Ieight to twenty days Cures patients pronounced hopeless by the best af nbvsiclans. From the first dose the symptoms rapidly and in ten days at least two thirds of the symptoms are removed. Some m cry humbug without knowing snrhlajg does not coat you anylblur about It. my treatment for younstrf torcallietlie merits of cases of long standing, cress i am constantly curing a number of times, snd : been el tain that bate to live s week. Ohefus patient declared unablesex. how long athlete i how history of ea.e Name ts boweis eosilve. hare tc badly swolen and where, hurated and dripped water. Send for free panpUtst, testiiuontals, conta nmg qnesiions, etc. JO (lava trestment furnished free by mail Epilepsy flte positively cured, lx order trial, send 7 cents in stamp fopay postagrta. H. H GIIRIIV, M, D . 65 Jones Avenue, A turns, ua LLUSTRATED 8AMII.E FREK. IfflOYf THYSELF. Whatever name or designation is given to Fever and Ague or other intermittent diseases it is safe to say that Malaria or a disordered state of the Liver is at fault. Eliminate the impurities from the system and a sure and prompt cure is the immediate result. Prickly Ash Bitt'ers is the safest and most effective remedy for r11 biliary troubles, kidney diseases, and like complaints that has ever been brought before the public. A trial is its best recom- Mr. R. Foiter, 520 Main atreet, Terre Haute, Indiana, acf- fered from Neuralna and founS no relief till be fn one day time the pain wai all gone. It will give prompt relief in all case of Neural If you cannot for vour Abk Atliktphoro. druggist git, get it of bim do not try something else, but order at once from ua. We will send It express paid on leoeiptof price, ATHL0PH0R0S.thea bottle. 81 00 CO.. 1X2 Wttll St.. Hew York. AIHLOFHQK.0S cil Work on Manhood, Nervous awl Physical IlehlUty, Premature lieclue in Man, e Vhallty. Ac. &c , mt the untold ini re-- o ting from iallsiretlou or exetsses; ,K pages, substaminlly brand In gilt, muslin Contains tnorw thsn l. tnialualile pieseripnons, emhiaclng J every vegetable icinc.ly In llie pharmaemplafor a abook ..tsr ftw-- pt and chronic clbe.ises. It is en phailcally i rv man. Price only ,1 by mail postpaid, conuealoA tn plain wrapper. ILLUSTRATIVE SAMPLE FREE TO A Lie ninety la, a. young ami mldole aged men S for the m xtnever nv It Scud now, or cu! tins out, you may again Address Dn. V. II. PABKhli. 4 Bulfluub oonaultrs N I) Dr Parker can be cnnflth mlally at! diseases of man, Ills sped Uihs FOUNDRY TYPE OMAHA LIQUID GLUE Tired L&nguid Dull MENDS EVERYTHING Wood, Leather, tl.e conditions of thousands of people at this season. The depressing effects of Ihc warm and that tired feeling e quickly overcome weather by the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It gies strength In place of weakness, gives tone to evry org'in, ere &tes nn appetite, and purifies the blood. UJeita trial now. Two months ago I comnenced taking Hoods Sarsaparilla as an experiment, as I had no appetite or strength and felt tired all the time. 1 amibated my condition to scrofulous humor. I had tried several different kinds of medicine, without recelvlug any benefit. But as soon as I had taken half a bottle of Hoods Sarsaparilla, my appetite was restored, find my stomach felt better. I have taken three bottles, and I never felt better. Mbs. J. F. Dolbeare, Pas cosg. It. I. Hoods Sarsaparilla gave me new life, and restored me to my wonted health and strength. Wit liam H. Clough, Tiltou, K. H. bostm. on mend ation Michael Davitt i3 to be the next lord mavor of London, they say. rawr.Ivory.CIla'S &o. hma, HI imun., Strong as Iron, Solid as a Boat. tta fold diir'ny MTh tout quantity past flve years amounted to ever NEWSPAPER OUTFITS ikWVF Express he. BEST TONIC A Great Med Chi- . THC It Is pleasant to the taste, tones np the system, restores and preserves health. It is purely Vegetable, and cannot fail to provo beneficial, both to old and yonng. As a Blood rnrifler it is superior to all others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle. of Only 3. EiiiiisiiLvifim. already paid to Omaha. The world will never tire of Shakespeare and fried oysters. Bronchitis f cured by frequent small doses Plan's Cure for Consumption. At this reason nay ovw-- y rt f tonic IItONrt itj n.to ain.t.t rw-Go tiviana praenpuca for bmhim? I Rupture radically cured, also ile tumors and fihtulie. Pamphlet of par- ticulars 10 cents in stamps. Worlds Dispensary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. Minnesota land is improving rapidly in value. Consumption. For the cure of this distressing disease there has been no medicine yet discovered that can show more evidence of real merit than Allens Lung Balsam. 25c., 50c., and $1.00 a bottle. s scar, by painless, and invariably cured without the use of Carboliaalve, the great skin remedy. Cole & mail. 25 and 50 cents, at Ilrugziitg or by Co., Black Hiver Falls, Wis. SOTS that pof-tmot- The livery stable business is fairly driving. lam selling considerable of your valuable medicine Athloplioros. My sales are increasing every day. It is curing one case of severe rheumatism of years standing in which all doctors had failed. J. M. Evans, druggist, Evansville, Wis. Tarantula juice is ten cents a gulp way down in Texas. BURNS and Scalds tre Instantly rendered e as is I Kit A ti All dealers rrnnun, cn sell it. Award Iiriiisliel on SliotT Yotiec from. Omaha at Cliicngo IVicew. i bold eriSM.v r drltn9, A IHJvi. r Pronounced Stronet oluo known If the output is discolored or muddy, if bend dealers card rnd 10c. jMhtage can ,or by mail. AH1. (Wths n it contains albumen, lymph, crystals, sweet russlementCo. Lloucetter.ilasj. or morbid matter, is red with escaped eft, w ToonrTwiwafornfcmMof two blood, or roily with gravel, mucus and Iff 4 A MIlIieM I H4MI d 12 rtit.in AT b fiM' ObAAW disease is and and ? ve itaraps to par mftiLrg and wvppirtR, Uurs wrong froth, something iMfws is 'A by I'ttJWlDEMe. t nirrat5;ofaU of tb btasilTu pubtlahisi, deatli are not far away. Rt remitting H for outfit anti LWm and Qnm of Our Prf Jldeftw." hidTf oopMoa T 3H Atf .Chit These organs which we have described with Met thnnftpam Fldim. aiagEsscassgiiisz3ffigg5giagggEgsa thus at length, because rimy are really the PI n HaMt Qnlclsty find F!1ms most important ones in the human sysfei H ly cured at borne Correspondence $ Jin solicited and frtt truil of cure sent tem, the ones in which a large majority of ThHitmak hnesLinve,n,gators. Sq iUHJtor Coaii'AttYi Lafayette, human ailments originate and are susiud Sold by all druggists. 1; sir for 45. Prepared only by have not C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maos. PfiNICK'SnnN FVTRACTOi; cure, CflSIHQ tained, are the kidneys. They JtiuBJiRtR sell it, or liy mail LUitiiO BLMiiNS. been much discussed in public because it is , . Mo. mi IOO Doses One PoSlar. of W. II. i'l-.K.K, bt conceded that the profession has little jtv! Morphine SInbtt Lured in ID to OS kurtoVB. Ktrt ton') curt, known power over them. What is wanted ttllyarta. Dr. Marsh, Gainey, Midi. for such organs is a simple medicine, which in America. The most Wonderful Agricultural for can do no harm to the most deliBurrounded by here anl earn good mining and manufacturing TELEGRAPHY I;; funnelled SltuaUdiu FAKMViirS PAKUIK1 Magnirt cate but must be of the greatest ben- towns. Cent crops raised in 1SJW, 'IHOl SA1)I OF 1 aleniinc Bros. Janesville, Wis. JHAAO. ElS fcOV AXRK OF subject efit to the afflicted. Such a remedy, to Mm pre eniption and homestead. Lands for sale to acCared la l( Morphine Habit tried and proved settlers at $3 J0 per acre. 1OJSO TIME. No ii.,y till Carej. by many thou tual to'ittday Leunuou. omitt Park irrigated by immense canals. Cheap railroad biknutNS. J. lut sands all over the world is Warners safe rates. Every attention shown settlerLANDFor& maps LojLN etc , address, COLORAiX) 315-2- 5, cure. With those in whom disease is deep pamphlets, W. N. U. Omaha DO., Opera House Block, Denver, Colo., Box 2390. seated it is the only specific. For those in whom the seeds are sown and the beginning ofillness started it is an unfailing reliance. It may be recommended to the well to prevent sickness, and the sick to prevent death. With its aid the great filtering engines of the system keep on in ther silent work without interruption; without it they get out of gear, and then disease and death open the door and cross the threshold. 7 J Such writing ought not only to please ,'7- ' I .... II.. but to carry conviction that what Editor Lassing, M. D. so high an authority says is true, and that his counsel is worthy the for attention and heed of all prudent, people. Castoria is so well adapted to children that Cnstoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Lructation, t recommend it as superior to any prescription Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes diFusil oil is now recommended lor pneuIL A. Abcheo, H. D., known to tre. monia visitations. Witbout injurious medication. Ill So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T NEW OP. SICONB-HiN- BOOBS D F-- 1!r-Pi- COrtllESPOSDEXCE SOLICITED. Vt Sow-- id Sto i wwk Hoods Gsrsoporills JoRt-ph- 2Jh-- FOUNDRY TYPE OMAHA W . FREEFMHSasialihl Omaha, Neb., 12th and Howard. v When I pay nrt t uo nut, moan merely tottopui-- m fttlmo aad thon hove thum retm n upani, ki'lLMSi calcine. IJisy-- rnado theIlf.disrate of HIS,I warrant SlCKSLSSa cr lntf studv. remedy t euro tin worn cisee J cause others h ac. failed is no reason Ijr nt now receWii g a enro 2r4i of my infautuU cnco for a treirlue and a Freo ami Lost O'Uce. 1& costs remedy. Give nd I vlfieuie ymi ft trial totUiaurfor 4udictB Lr. 21. G. FvUGV. ItfJf'eiu'lSt., Mew York i OPIUfJ rui - IV- - Infants and Chiidreric right-minde- d Tub CxsTAca Compant, Its Fulton Street, N. Y. gone out of fashion. TlicBest Waterproof has really Victoria is proud in the possession o' eight grandsons. 6 The oMest medlclre l the world BwsrsoflinitsljoDS. jcoverstbeentirsdd. Cataloru fre. IHntrat-inrftnd M A. J- - t 1. Dr. Isaac Thompsons VArtZA'ilZto M1B& This arttclp is a carefully prrparrd Physicians yr& iwTiptlon. find hs Lffti m const ant ur noailv and notwlihiandiuif tbo mony othr prrr" f thflt havn be f.i introduced into. the market. On wA If of tlilfi firt'fhi :a(on8JnUy7iH-roasliipr lions me f Lowed It will novr fail. We partic-iilurtinvito the atr ntlon of jtrivslr'flns to Irsmorita. Tw JOHN L, 1 HOMlbON, bONb & CO., JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS GOLD MEDAL PARIS THE 1 EXPOSITION-187- t Hass, OF MOST PERFECT 2. PENS HMA CURED A ST Gprman Aath.na ur ner raes OU itnmrduAlt Q mw 1 m S Wf.rrt Jlu-xtlsleep, elhu fatnut rvnv fli 1 OO. of bruemts or br mail Coat, German PECAf. Ilemarkable anti Life Experience quick cures. Trial Packages. Consultation and Books hj Mail I EEE. Address Dr. WARD & Co., Louisiana, Mo. i When Baby was sick, wo gave ber CastorU, When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, JTEen she bad Children, she gave thorn Castoria, It is said that the jHMSLSS Add 1 V are actually f;(n,Kll.y can jurnish Mer outfits on short 4 aSrt,n Chicago and ; Tearful ami IVouderiul of llie Huiuau ! stein Portrayed. seven years Dr. Sal-- i f past six or of the Veterinary Surgeon e and his corps of !lt t n In the editorial columns of the New York Analyst, II. Lamg. M. I)., editor, writes the following In auti'ul description of the laboratories of the human sistem. We think we have never read a finer or more S A Kail Case of Foisonitig. of a limit or woman alibi ted with 4 t lie lu t r, resultdisease or aeiumuatiotis ni the ing in suk headblood, scrofulous affeitions aches, nt.d diseases of the kidneys, lungs or heart. These troubles can be cured only by going to the primary cause, and putting To tlie liver in a healthy condition. Energy and honorable deftLug always ronlnl lice .uid always smut bts; .is is tlie cum- - with tin- - Nebraska and Iowa iiiFfhav. Pa . Hlr. Iid. Santpte si. ijaKIgf. h m |