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Show I .Ar THE HOME SENTINEL. PUBLISHED AT The Pages of Congress. Fifty of the brightest boys of the United States are employed at the National Capitol as pages to the Forty-jiintCongress. Little fellows of from twelve to sixteen years of age, each with a round, shining silver badge on the lapel of his coat labeled with his number, they run in and out of the halls, now darting through the aisles under the very nose of a member who is making a great speech, now carrying great armfuls of books to one Congressman, and now taking a letter to post for another, or bringing a glass of water to the man who is speaking. Here one is moving about with a great album in which he asks each of the members to write his name; and there, others are bu-- y taking the cards of ladies in the reception rooms to some Congressman whom they wish to li UTAH. MANTI, Large numbers of salmon have been caught in tlio 1enoLscot river this sea- son. PLEASANT PICTURE OF INDIA. AMERICAN FABLE3. A THE i:.vr AND THE PEASANT. Rat who found himself caught in a Trap Appealed to the Peasant to be Released on the grounds that he had never Stolen any of the Cheese. As to that, replied the Peasant, while you have failed to get at my Cheese, it was only because your Presence forced me to put it Bevond your Reach. Moral The Tramp who hasnt Stolen a Horse Deserves no Special Credit A stead of se 'Hi'1 l!. we saw the ( liolce Lot of stories About Snakes, snake called l,nlit i Scorpions, and Centipedes Diss a pivttv ri n agreeable Surprises. oo or One of the American magazines bv crescent bandson the' of v is a beautify which came to Panhala not long ago , contained a harrowing account of a not seem deling the natives, who Sar " row which took place in the close nht, lienee the neighborhood of alligators and mocca- the next day that the seal-brow- e i' d v 3 IS ,,n o tion el : cult 2 to . n..'.'T - Alarming as such an in- was found amusim, A white buzzard is a recent acquisicident must have been, it was really no jack fruit back and W r" dine tion made by an Albany, Ga., ornitholmore than a mere trifle compared to which was clo-- e to its ! V ogist. of possessed who which live the experiences people THE FLY AND THE OX. Gold is often picked up from the not harmless. fan, r;!! have in India of to this AfeW tropical part as I was about While the Ox was Grazing in his Passtreets of Shasta, Cal., after a hard (V:.0 to Ktn almost daily. ture a Ely came Along and Abused and undergo told me not to c!" tilCI thing Inin one district In governmental Insulted him in an Outrageous Manner, so carefullv foot, A special police force will be required J. are about dia i'J.Ob't) v persons reaching5 f . reported and lookin and finally Challenged him to Combat. et to enforce the new' prohibition law in . the Ox. as dying yearly from the bite of pois- heKiam." under I cannot Accept replied Rhode Island. the of or onous Vh attack bv scorpion, savage reptiles While your Abuse does me no Harm, measured About 810 cars of oranges have been Considering the perils with or stand atlive indies L 0aa .i'V h a Victory over you would bring me no beasts. ease if aiive is beset here in Panhula, the one which east the to ime Sacramento from shipped Credit One after smr this season. c v Moral The President vs. the Bung-tow- n wonder is that the number of deaths is removednight a childs tnv e not very much larger. Leopards and A ro'i closed alligator was killed re- call out. Bugle. to view a wicked it? tigers are shot iu the country around underneath The pages of Congress are gathered THE GOAT AND THE FAWN. yoali cently at Mobile, Ala. The saurian was which at times they prowl a A Goat which had Fallen oft a Ledge here, and from the four quarters of the United out of its element. if.1 a painful wound tL!: of had the peoaround tho dwellings States. They are chosen by the serge- was loudly Complaining of his ild bi A Portland, Oregon, pajcr-nfi- ll under M gets ants-at-arms lingers the and in the sometimes c,w ple obof each House, and repnight try when the Fawn came along and pinnk to effect an entrance. Poisonous rep- evening as the family W paper stock jute butts from Calcutta resent nearly every State. The pay of served: have evemns worship for the manufacture of muniila paper. numerous so so tiles are and to is yin t quick for the a a a Fall has met with it session, day, page Although you a twin probably am A Newr York caterer has just rebrother to the enter is no saved you from the Wolf lying in wait improve every opportunity including Sundavs, though there toward a pair d reived a set of molds for producing all work for them that day. They y beside the Path you would have Trav- houses that no one can relax his watch- rapidly fulness for a moment without being bare feet. Whether the "Mikado characters in 0 all save some of their money, but eled. there is daii p. with Arable railroad at Las Angeles, Cal., they "must spend enough of it to keep If we didn't have corns we might placed in danger of his life. For in- praying, creatures. In the cool, stance, no one would think of getting in- of mo has laid out a park with a lake in it as themselves well dressed. They do not break our legs. Detroit Free Press. baby s sponge the bed first without to for what have a on hard and looking time, very ordinary an inducement to people to travel on scorl,lon hnds a coo;,; may be, and consequently is, eo.ily days their hours are from 9 o'clock unre th When Men Flee. .ts line. tho ensconced cool between sheets. No 4 5. About at House or til the adjourns A A monstrosity in the way of a medium-few Magda Had a hungry lion been turned loose, one would spring out of bed in the months ago I f,ui(i half of their Saturdays are holidays, as troi sized dog, with the head of a hog, the Congress often adjourns from Fri- had a mad tiger been released from its night without first striking a match, scorpion, and put it into off 3 is the property of a Shoshone in Eureday over to Monday. cage, had a terrible serpent made its even though lie be so brave that he i ,sss s remembered the idea at and of ka, Nev. a The daily sessions begin at noon, appearance among men, there would exn. keeping where there ouiT-had inot been A Victoria, British Columbia, wobut the boys must be present earlier, have been a niglitlanip burning. Flvefi the bath is wore frightened rush and a sink- not twenty-eigha But j eas' entirely devoid of danger man soundly thrashed a Chinaman last and lile each Congressmans bills for of hearts, but no such feeling of from luxury ing increase is offset bv V one or more of these poisonous have him. meets After Congress they week for improper conduct before her terror as fell men when the shout creatures. a snake oild found in enmity toward all 0thb plenty to do in running errands. was sudnenly upon two children. heard: own kind. They ones in the a bath shoe; session are they' very grow night During Look out for the mad dog! In Pennsylvania, this year, there is be sponge there is a scorpion, 'lhe next the devoid of natural slccpv. and as a general tiling they are day a There was rush for wiid, not a single recognized democratic can- not asked to remain. desperate offspring destroyin' tC When a memday a centipede is found under the wif The centiped Lao didate for the state otlices or for congr- ber wants a page he claps his hands, places of safety. There were women flower-stanis a mother. and the next there i w at the doors children in the street in the novel one has been quent visitor. About Hie sized, and tlio pages, who, when not busy, but essman-at-large. wl men tied away and left them to take scorpion or tt a snake on tli shelf or fingei, it is composed of about the care of themselves. Athens, Ga., authorities have refused are generally' standing That cry had reading, brown and white, a snake hidden away in ones napkin at an offer of $ 1,000 a year from a brewer clerks desk in front of the House, or struck the heart with such a chill as the dinner. a by or twenty links, on to the stairs the sitting leading for the exclusive privilege of selling of tire or Hood or the battlefield peril incfcC of is to seven Not to a for length their since run him friend from the coast long Speakers chair, Jbe.or in that city. can never bring. It was God's mercy link is furnished with apiirjfv i! u orders. while exa related, recent here, visiting A Los Angeles strot-ca- r company adIs the position a good one for the that the brute paused for a moment at perience which is really not uncom- and the round head and fd mill vertises that it has lost two cars some- hoys? Well, on the whole, and for, the head of the street not in fear not mon in this of the world. One are of tho same bright color. I part for observation but to turn ami writhe pent is usually fatal unless remedy where between New York and ilieir perhaps, one session, yes. Their asrt'din and tivist and savagely bite his panting evening, leaving the lamp in his dressat once. sociations are not bad. and if bad boys the lie plied into an room, point of destination. Surely ing t:.: stepped it ex; adjoining the Slat Psalm and tired legs. are discovered among those chosen, sides in the dark. Noticing the peeu A tish of unknown species that is fifare fulfilled teT A mastiff which would almost rival a room th this xvho land have made the Lj liar odor, so like, that of raw potatoes, teen feet long, and weighs two thou- they are quickly dismissed for fear they lion in size and his jaws which strength a" habitation. the others. of Panhala The duties often indicates may the corrupt (IiiM) sand pounds w as recently captured at presence of a a page compel him to be polite and dropping a yellowish foam his black snake, he called his wife to bring a York Tribune. breast flecked Long Point, Canada. and his spotted eyes that and ho learns a great cane and lamp. Knowing well xxTiat Mrs. Grundy intimates that New gentlemanly, Nipped in the Had. deal. During the recesses of tlio House blazing the lires of a thousand agonies such a call means, she lost no time in his drawn to back show his terribl York people think it is the proper they often discuss lips It looks now as if the anarch 4 on' among themselves and men and women and child- providing the needed stick and light. Lie which had been tiling now to have a friend who has bills and questions which would bo teeth, There on the over lie 2tl' which slowly k had step ren knew. that his bite meant in been presented at court. thought beyond their comprehension, its most awful form. That one death just entered the room lay an immense unnatural gas for several rii a precious cobra, enjoying the coolness of the been pricked so effectively tiff The various cheap stores throughout and they delight in aping their conmoment dozen a saved I lives. As i the the country are now selling goods gressional masters. brute ceased tearing himself and con- place after a hot day on the scorching entirely collapsed. The link c haw There are in thirty-si- x the Mr. I had stepped directly lattely iu Chicago and II. pages tinued his slightly damaged from the steamer Ore- House of the street was clear of plains. gel over his majesty; and hail it not been which were sat down on sue: Representatives, and four- human life. wav, The cargo appears to have been teen in gon. There wers horses hitched t sin the Senate. Two of the House A for the beunmistakable odor which ically, together with the 3rr; here and there. The poor beast's seemed multiplied. ued pages are mounted, and it is their duty to realize that some trayed the snake he might not have the prominent patriots (?) irs James Hill, of Warren county, Geor- to awful mendanger letters and messages on horse- aced. carry lived mt to tell i)ti tale. the tlist eered is shows those a It fortunate affairs, With ears pointed forward with gia, says that he has been struck by back for Congressman from the Capifact that the cobra is sure; can be Sam, killed toys' slow, dilated readily and full of though fear with with a cane lightning three times, drowned twice, tol building to all parts of the city. eyes or club. tceo versal spirit of condemnation and shot once, and still lives, a very They ride to the Capitol, put the letters flanks heaving as if they had but ended One Sunday afternoon while last been towards thse! Jot t aroused a waited walking fate. their gallopp, The they in a leather pouch, which they carry by robust fellow. as m of living objects seemed to arouse in his plantain garden, deeply engaged A farmer in Washington countv, a strap across their shoulders, and then asight in thought, a gentleman here wasm7ide they have any sense at all, iu i the new fury in the dog, and he ride off for answers to them.. sprang not a little astonished instead d to and to work be a Pennsylvania, built a fence along a lino have heed, the breast the go of nearest large horse and snake to left a where a number of holes had been dug theSometimes these boys carry"thenotes spring from between his feet and ing off' their mouths at crowds of blood ire and great to froth patch Secrn-arsometimes to President, y into one of the small buildings at- days, when they ought to 'oc at for telephone poles, lie appropriate!! e be of War, sometimes to the Attor- mark the spot his fangs had ent- glide tached to tlie place. It had been en- or at home minding the holes and now a suit is talked of. the baby. ered. A second a third a fourth wen General, and in tact, to ail tho ney It is curious to note how the. gaged in swallowing a toad and seemed and then lie doaisted. la the wildest part of the Catskills a mil departments of the Government. to have been seized withHe seemed as startled as tho Sahib himself. The courage of these blatant cod: blind man carries the mail over a rough preat sudden .Ve They enjoy tlieir work, and they are n fear. He wi crouched under a wagon and latter calling for help instituted a chase. oozes out at their linger ends road twenty-on- e miles in length, lie little envied by the boys who stay unout whined and as if expecting It took some courage to enter this danger threatitens them in tin tl1 cover. der '5 travels the circuit three times a week, Speaker Carlisle, tho tall, punishment. trembled small room as I: Law. it was not known to what of the strong arm of The horses nervous, v i ed man who presides lifted and has never missed a day or met with grave, smooth-face- d their feet, and he shrank a wav species the reptile belonged. Armed instance, Herr Most, not the over tho House, has a pago for himself, lmd an accident. a with new American A ax anil a bamboo cendiary one of the gang by aj ear came around the as have also the Scrgeant-at-Arra- s d c! of cot wandering A novel summer tour along the Erie the House and its clerk. net, barked loudly at the stranger cane the hunt progressed for a few mo- He has been wanted by the ritei canal is advertised as possessing some New York for some time, i Often before tlio House and Senato in the village, and the brute so terrible ments, (luring which the snake lVn-- (h times a moment before groveled in the dust i th of the characteristics and none of t he meet, its of facing the music and ' full stead seemingly hold a miniature Congress into the air, making futile ber ca'eofha and howled risks of an ocean voyage, free from the of theirthey in test a to dismay. tarily making own. One of the bovs got into attempt 'I lie ax came oft- conqueror is so with paroxysms of madness. escape. It cinders of a train, 'and less arduous the 'od if needs be he huntclt and martyr and bolds tlio speakers chair, ivory Ho soon rose up, slunk off down the it was found to be a Dhaman, measurtime tr than a balloon trip. some id o and for promptly, gavel, another stands as clerk below A ) hite-Cmt club is an organization behind the clerk's desk, while others street, and, when finding himself fol ing seven feet seven inches in length. so very effectively that tte This kind of snake has. no fano-saiti couldn't find him. They final? that Tunis existence in Atlanta, Ga. scattered about the room make speeches lowed, ho turned aside into an open to housed the to coluber hide bes a liimseif. in cd and gate order, kills The hand however, him, as of the Congressmen will do an is made up of white bins from 7 to just Providence was in it. He entered a with its tail, so the natives say. It hun some search saw ba and after hour later. old. aud its is to cause years object to be destructive to cattle, iu he was crawling under a beJ.b , ac The prince of pages and the father paddock from which there was no much annoyance and inconvenience the nostrils ..he of which it insinuates and a escape, it was a hand concluded that of closed Isaac" is them the trembling all who as now Bassett, respectable people possible. and then draws it forth with violent nd When the gate upon him. It was not a moment PJuict diversions, as skating, amateur has charge of the pages of tho Senate too soon. The ana -- rabbl'd him t! 3 fires of madness blaz d abrasion. the legs as tho assistnut doorkeeper. Fifty-fiv- e It is no strange sight to find in tlio him forth, he by livid wit photography, fishing, and botanizing, vears ago, when he was a and sent up tho turned blood again d will, if is said, be the predominating boy of twelve, Daniel skin of some snake and hoarsely whispered, Gue every vein, and fear was no morning a cast-of- f then a Webster, on tiie lattice which of features life at the slimmer resorts Foi m control. longer lie He had no intention protects ones win erty. about took him on his knee, ami toe enclosure snapping at this season. The racquet ami other Senator, dow, or twisted about over a bit of ter- in asked him if lie would not like to be the quotatation of j stick race of every wall or ones pet rockery, which, death, not he. Death was and enervating pastimes are to be shelved. page. He has been in the employ of boardschi) .and bush tearing at the is a most dangerous form of il c least desired. Anil it A timber raft that will measure 410 the Senato ever Hinging his froth over since, and during his pc a and high up on tlio fence. as it affords shelter for the same way with the others e feet long, f0 feet wide, and !35 feet deep, wliole service he has not been absent grass as Now, 'Si the head and shoulders of a snakes, lizards, centipedes, and scor- ilk who were arrested in and contain 2.,25,00() feet, ami weigh from duty twenty days. Youth's man appeared above the fence to ob pions innumerable. A few. days a- -o I Milwaukee; 9 r had not a about (1,000 tons, is constructed serve his movements, the found one of these slouglis of a cobra the heroism they ce t" and became bravery dog at Halifax, N. S., tobeing be sent to New seven feet in length, but I the incarnation martyr of Second become who Ilis ates ferocity. men eves Wife. it Tylers Nork. It is bound together by chains, presume w as blaze anew; his ui longer for being empty, for while Like a thief caught fangs gleam through A few years ago a friend loaned A statesman who has a mo bloody foam; his liair I it is common to h; hear of thug a chief ins stands lien their cobra, erect; roost, a book containing the reminiscences of tail lashes the ground in subdued fury. one seldom hears of one as Ion- - as six their personal safety. At propensity for sitting, has defined Mr. Wise. Iu it he says that he was He moves toward the fence creeping feet. standing as a combination of the stagwe have not seen the illusm. ar nation of rest with the fatigue of ex- riding out oneevoning with President writhing choking back his agonic's many days have passed since since Most was nabbed, blu ' n and considers it a very had T)lor, who informed him that he was lor the moment while he scores another the following occurred: One stormy say that they will do the ercise, victim. Creep creep the foam b, a door being heard to slam one tice, as no better chancelor thing to stand continuously at anv pur- going to marry Miss Gardner. drip- - evening tho fangs t suit. clashing the muscles ? ",V family went hi the dark to close cartoon was ever presume Why, said Wise, she istoovoun-f- or ping for one mighty effort. Now, it. This time, not from anv odor but one, well worked out fi a11 gathering Luflalo has twelve German musical you. with a terrible growl he from a feeling the instinct springs, seem-mtaught bv exorganizations, which will semi four the President, sure of his vengeance, s i perience, our friend stopped with'one or JacK and Me inpopu'aj.,-,- ' but lie Im still in my prime. hundred singers to the Saongerfest, at strikes the boards and falls back on the foot raised, and called for a ,! That reminds me, continued Wise The storm has rftisea-a,nlight. The Milwaukee, in July, 'I his is the third 01 ground to writhe and twist and tear light was brought (for we do not have much of a shower ether, co P ( of an old darkey down in own flesh who at Virginia, largest contingent" contributed by any was ami revealed a gas), again. ac' green, triangular taking the previa18 generally consulted by his old mas-city in the country. .Chicago and bt es ed viper, just ready t Guns are , 0l!l,cr mcn appear. to strike with anarchists as to vhat they Louis lending.. , I ih0UT.ny ;f;lh'S 0f i,uP ortaneo to out to shoot ai white the brute. which The eonsideation at the fangs, time do into , . Ivry. ( in sound of human voices Great difficulty was experienced bv and when he master was a widower secniod ,easa immensely long. The reptile country can briathe enrages him to c got the consent of a voting .rt the undertaker at the funeral of Cath.was s,yuck down atonee and held ;Vr1Ie Punishing about, snapping. down to business aa1". ady to marry Jiiru he communicated i wh with hng, one vindictive. Wounds erine I)od, a fat woman, stick demonstrate but the until fact to a add the old darkey. second one any further pm-.- t a 1 weighing tim0 and the hands could be brought. 1 f,UI7,for-lhfour hundred pounds, who died recent- said Sambo. She is too youngMy Meanwhile the wards uprooting society a -' for t von " old and revolver tremblo hl, . but still pretty creature was Not a bit of it, answered the ly in New York. Ilcr coffin was hi ing wealth md , ... master as the weapons are 1 about the writhing cane six feet long, and was seven and pointed. By which held it among all V1' in, ny prime. pr n' Wes, rel dv, worn out with his p ponded Sambo, exertions and biting and tearing its own flesh. The and Digger peep?. indies around. Indians. wl , you are in vour prime weakened i, ber 0 ' by loss of blood, he stands strange fact which Dr. Weir Mitchell lhe people of Boston are taxed to now, but wait till she gets in her prime amt faces his squelched. A mm It enemies. In those blazino made known to the world in 1868, that were then where will your in Chicago lost the ei ees prime support is 1 error. In those city hospital, and where- Imeotleclion a Ibio iKUKmous snakeean not poison S devices of tie cowardly fangs is Feroo of WaiUrson in Louisville Ik fore, asks The Journal, should the If. Is no less strange because 01 foam is Death. dripping of course, c'ery Jody true. t In n he trustees establish a privileged cla- finally sinks down and dies a evening, sending a servant to ly regrets and s0T10 . Wfl T town draws tit the bene As hunt a for a of its a t . enjoy mhauta' general thing the viulitr of woman long breath of relief. Not pair of missing scissors, we were snuffd oit bothwhole tl compares favorably with that of man.- 1,0d, nor cyclone, nor wile not much surprised Open the door wide to all who ai the f.nor to ob hare iut him waukee; with a proper motive. There can would have so unerved men and particular we have notice !r,V" rmim breathlessly, of the f 111 re curityandH? cheaply Invanabif survive their husbands that widows ino other wav to do justice. hCartS f women on,e, sahib. A snake, a snake!saying: . 'Dctroi On the worf is over, was rai,aiw we communism found investigation lookin-- m sic that tnlisit a corner for the missin-- in article, in- - Ainerioh Deck's 8un rain-stor- large-size- sin snakes. 111' - -- t, 1 , ! d Ill-luc- k, - earn- - gener-orall- iue-crea- eatin-Sh- . pooh-pooh- t! tb"-o- t To-da- - d; alter.-oen red-ti- re : occa.-Ha- - v- ! I I sa-- : or . k spran-seve- ral - , 'da-lo- ngs il o boilin-throu- black-haire- gh Oi da-die- ja- v- y, flower-garde- -j n, Ch:-'- - p-- ' - well-develop- live-fo- 5' ot . . J 111 r!i:d g 1 . , beino-Drough- , , . , ; 1 ! 111 , it-- Couricr-Johrm- l. ? 1 . r |