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Show f Swnic f 1 i1k . the gois: ftyrld SSimiTEL, .' DENVER RIO & WESTERN' D Published at CIYN$E Man. San Pete Count, Utah. RAILWAY. Unirfreallj wpqtwi d to F.f.V?r FLIRTATION' th IS uly which was Bwte If tfa Vtxitjr were asked to name the hmg which in he-i- BETWFTN THE BAST NDU'ST, line only between, Salt L&k ami Pender wtqput put ino ' He lttoned s in lliese day flu ' Vie menf Another a ,r. aU ai l 4 ,d y?u thinl tain large boardinUufte rr ft happy families,' Writes a used to as to knU, Boston Globe, the seaeop, dU a little orT reply would he given without the young nmp ofe IS or Id, at tie minds public dimng-tabl' about his There was on ? slightest hesittiy(u and it ypul ."ma-hes. Such an expression n as very The ouly line between Salt LakeL,e an'i "r ah ' a aui Chicago with but rUe modern pgri f ami the bova ?f anger and disgust vould coiye loiig strmle nSi into Ins eye.i sometimes thaf'aa stocking0 hClVn When fhe I greater obstacle, in the way te Change F IV a ' 01 hsoK cqu-tnbutu- r;. cmu no, hoker-o,- , o , L K (fe J.T tlic fhrcmsu Salt b fULUUN BUFFEfvnd w ll4"? p c.m,n.sl4 seeis fa I lke Pity. F vhlch 1 Qo .11 rhnjugh Passenger I'm,,.. . VLFl ex-ithi- U tcoliillft it' and we believe the tirtatiborinsa VM be might speedily redug ' the mumuff ' tq a minimum if young people were i'0TIue 1ThrLm' he toorn J enoutffiK ex- - ir, r-- fp T j ifNCOLJf'AND ERICSSON. I ' facers W W Jt - ' 5 KStaM to?8l none completed and thlS-- R011- en-- u, 0r'ty Hine frmcl8a'T,e'1 1 i r a pprl.aps, 7f put ap end to the flames Mn Cars Frpe (of the use of II hut, alas, the lubit of flirtation is Passengers hoiking Second one not' easily pvercome and f5elass and Kqiigr.nt tickets i married coqneite and beaus are an pfb trA. Tliis last as perhaps an optional case, but tl'first is . ,7,1 I SLEFl'fXG CARS detPer than guy peer before I l ie 1 Dk l W uP0U t0; i Huaveq off Fortress Monroe the very day wheri the'Mer- - Jrnnae had smarted out on its ca- ?.uestrhetion ot tire North-- , 77p Forme rt Q'i(tintEiulor&cmntrfveT rag The ernmlms. played by Monitor.- Mm Lqcsson mpar(, The Atlantic Express. saoly eomippn, ipsqrfng mihap-eave- s pfitfing down I the war of the Ogien daily atM 9:30a. m. piness and homes that belie the Co' J ihn Wiqslpw of Poughkeepsie, to that of the rebelljou is equal 10:50 H tt name SaltLakfC'ity If i.eool,. I this descrij)-am- i great generals of i wes the backer of John Eriosson tnat $)iri et connection is made at Pueiil., I tOM tpne. N. Y World,' ,,ny he paired off to- - in the bpilding penvor forUmMi, Ka. sasLit I tj i of the first Mon-- ' gather there yvould Lje some piietie jnni all peints hm cIT ltor duiing tfie late war. A Baltin their justice Thp IVifip Express torpienting each LRCIIITECT Arivcs ai Salt Iake City from the other an4 ipeting put a mntn i'l imore. gcmtlpman, who recently Cih, visited Mr Winslow, says that West at 5:0o p. m, ami leaves' for II and Well deservefl 3rd,! Dgden at 5:10 p. in. niakimr connecr I nu lju- - seldom P usllment. the latler s rich, prosperous attract each and tioa witli the Central pacific fur the iven altliousrh quite old,ig in verv other, and more pRen we see a School-houseEast. 3tta, good healtfi. This Raltimore Designs for Local lypm.ip giving in ipurn. for the Tiupja. Barns, Stables, Porches, visitor relatps a story elltlQr .heave SgIt Lgke City as follows : I reat 8tlOhr? whqJe-soplegiven by Lornicee, Interior Hecoration, and lyre Mr. his Wipslpw of 'fa Sl"me iqan, For B1pgh3.n1 and ARa at 7 :30 .only a small Remodeliqg of Old Houses, Etc. .id r m Wushinotoq "hen epeyience he sought Rirmshed on pf wliat she is please to to sfort qotice. Esti Pit. 'all a heart. She gives all sl haye Riicsi'ons invention mates aqti accom specifications jnie iias to give, perhaps, buf she recognised by the Gqverqinent, Arrive ftt Salt Lake City ; plans Ranying Mr. atten-tiq- n Coit Special was Wjf)$low finqly cpnvinc-e- d vFroiq Rjnghain and Alta at 4 :50 sl)ould have had more. Toe the givoAto ventilation of the of of b merits Ericssons J Ogden at JO :o0 a. m. jtroqble s that she )us fritjeipd Plans furnished T, was ffe by furto Tickets Cor all points East ayay uer allection, giving a ljftle rpady iqqil. Correspondence eo.icited. nish Ijim tiie capijal 885., r ana West can be purchased at to this one, a bit tp that, &qd 3 required, Io.J the Depot office and Cjty Ticket portion to another, Jill she rcftjly provided the Government would i of' office, White House Corner, Salt n9 heart left, and ,iose in recogqize Ericssoq and adopt the in the service. WinUp Jake City, hotograpiiy consequence, what sbpuld have slowMflnitor and e follu went Jo Wash- please remeipber that all Pic Ericssoq been her lifes happiness. S. W, FCVLFS, u's had interviews tures sent tQ me to be eplarged Until w G. P. & T. Agt. tiffi.'S she has enough sense and ington. They , : Will receive careful with ind f Secretary attention W. II. Bancuokt, Receiver. and StaiRpn nohjlity pf 'inind epoiigh lefj Jq Welles. 1 wilT dejiyer them to any Further Notico we will sell to Neither gf tljpm : Jow appieeiate what is given her and them the gae her own poverty pf slightest 3, I Pt' due tiuie, fa thernSreum response. ment.. They then encouragePCple of 1 And then slip must qqote 0 wept to Mr. h sadly He Lincoln. to to herself ; theiq C5ENTRAL suit, very carefully and then said;. legist s All the This is a matter for my seergr Until pictures are delivered Chairs, sofas, Easy Chairs and Rocker, and anything flWJ Jntk that J havegjven I grudge from im soul to Satisfaction guaranteed. taries to consider. clay, Pic But we tures Aon of all 1 have ever taken W NE TIUE CARD, have to uhs. enlarged sent to I anv aqd beep already woulii them, said ' wipe Ihe thought away. address by mail, without frame, Mr. Winslow. 9th, 1885. July Well, vhat dp How I wish my lips had been her- DE on receipt of ptice, $1.50. you want rqe to do, said Mj. Line at Wholesale Prices where the rqits, DK1 Wm. F. Youpg, We want you to Lincoln, Csh accompanies the ordfr, fesgenger Trains leave Nephi HeM apart from kith and kin, get ( hat from G hPh Fairview Us another hearing bpfore the City. holy service daily as follows Fo fove they might enter in. Secretary of war, and we want SunPete coqnty, Utah. to bp present during the in 191 L Now is Your ehanoe for Rxr South at 2:15 p, m. Or, "muy V it is thp husband you TGoing gains "And Don't. You Forget Feeds terview and to give us if possible, HARNESS AND Twho repays a wifes devotion with .North ; a. 11:45 m. SADDLES Cl' the benefit of your i, Arrive atSaltL.ike af ;40p.m oalt-lovapproval, wno keeps clpss bolt.-all kinds of nv Leave from her gaze many a phamoer Mr, Lincoln promised to come Shoe,linkers and llafness Makers over durjng the afternoon. An Bridge ot h.s hear'. Where Supplies. sornp othm tid Si3 Passenger Trains leave Salt , engagement was made wilhStan-ton- , I wih to cull tin, altention of the SO-O- P. or fancy, living h still dead, ,ds Lane dai y, tor the North, to r Lad Mr. Lincoln and San Petetoun puolif'ot CO; connect with the U. P, Ry. and SAay. For in these days, the p omptly at ihe t me set.appeared olasB 'y generally to the fad Uiat I keep In the of we saying ,whom firt love we the U. A: N, Ry., at S a. m. ; l,,4,,a ful1 ind if Secretarys room at that timeA',,lM',Ll wed? might we have he , J,ja! SaUale-- . uniej arrive in San Lake 7 there 50 spd wa at a nugn pine box ofj , number changed to sixth A m p. m. ti an: 8me kind of army supplies! mill 1(, Give me a call. or seventh. Dealer and tn:inufactiirpri v)ne iWD stand Door on end. ui Mr. lies ng Lincoln of L. iVmplo .t C. When Bih'k.'balt the KJAR trams Lava Nephi reig mellenium comes mounted this box LueCl V ' lWUgh and sat on its1 hMA 11, UTAH, for the north at 7 ;40 a, m. and all this will be changed.Bos for the 3 oil th at 6 jl-and girls will then be Our Patent Folding School D SSh ls fbn ll st, For p. m. brought guff terinf, a in Up sensible together Coi-fashion Fraxcis 6Vi. F, it P. Agt. so ..ESTABLISHED .... i860 wisely taught and gui ,ed by uKeimin. Jojin Sharp, (Jen, Suj)t, theii eld rs that toey will look 20,8,4 22,2,51 ies (Jtaeral r, ecu Main St, upon eacu bther a play in ties, eel Salt ,KaS2JK2iiSaiffiiCT SSlffli i comrads, friends, until the time Lake City. W I o N L ,. it. esj eri upc. v C. 5 I- - . I - taylorbrothers, hanti , . s, - Cot-tate- s, J 4 1 ! I Wavi M1-1- In m 1 IT ; railway ys-- km-e- FURNITURE. " n ii BtiZfttziy, f lif 1 e; 7;-20a.- - FURNITURE 1 1 ilir-ieman- , , , II m - ' ALDER'S D. O, C fT SAN PETE tors. Valley t jit-M- e?. us -- love-mak.n- g arrive.-- "laMasaswafflisffla while flirtation will hn-- become an unknown e.ibtotn of the dark ages,th e, v world marked Great Keduciion in Price!! w to which dagger, : marks Jhe La1 get ami Best Stock of obse et" wo ds m the dittiouaiv of the times. This will i. we fear, like ihe juoilee of the dark- - C nekering, btennv.ii , Decker Bros., Stecu, Bchmng, Hardman, ies, long, long, on de nay but Behr Bros. we can all do something 1 help and after August' 17, 1885 its For i, is the dd. rs coming. L zinr.will leave daily, 'Fandom who areo ten to bl Mason & II unlin, A. B. Chase, and aim u.; UJUC , Kimball Urns:. of asjo the nonsense north Going am he X"zve Chester at 8 '.25 a. m children. So mucii th.it is ini Arrive at Al-general ljineof 1ian poigane, VioHuM, Bi - InsFruments. Co S:W judicious or Cezve wrong L certin&M, Acooniemi, B n ktc.!!! fHK rjHtJut said to 9:00 them or before them, putSheet anti Book Musj Received Daily. J J r 9 :J5 ideas into ting their heads that QUARTERS for jtir kinds of Brass, Reed, HlAt). aud FountaiaGreen1 9:4o should nut be theie for a dozen-yearMartial Baud Iodtrumeiitn.J!J - Iiistru.uent' - Plesaant Hill En-Wjirrranted and perhaps. A little incident; i0?13 BreSatisfactlonGDaranteed. Holloway a mere trifle, O. observed Calaer s Music Palace, 1,5, & 47 W. 1st. S. Street, S. L. recently nve at Nephi "10-.j,will illustrate this City. A point. ORDERS SOLICITED AND PROMPTLY FILLED south. little 5 bright year old boy was atll .55 ik playing on a hotel piazza not Holloway Are celebrated for thei lightness of draught, 12:25 (( long since with a winsom wee strengtir . peasant Hill a lassie a and 12:45 little younger than himA full line of our manufactures can b durability, AND XountaaiJrcea a self. It was a found at the fallowing agencies: pretty dght, f0I JiiiVni.tiaj and Dealers in all kinds of j 1 20 y were as mischievious and . p.m. J. P. MeiLtrup, Ephra m, San Pete county. Morons ,, l 49 innocently unconscious as two L. T. Tuttle, Manti, Utah. r 1:50 young kittens. But presently Ilarmen Thuiber, Richfield; Sevier irr.ie at .Chester one who had been watching them called out : The Studebiker Brothers Manufg Company, builders of fa:i?'0nnfaCfaicrforall 1 J faaa and Sevier. Elsie is your little sweetheart, . .Lreakf and Dinner at Mon - isn t she Char.ie? The Woven Wire Mattresses at $6.00. The poor little fellow looked ; PICTURE FRAMES HADB TO 0RDER. nrst mystified, then ')thin9, but Ca' had lot Farm, Freight and Spring M'agons and Carts, PhaetoM. shy and f'lvedat Chester until ro as others near by CASH and Surreys. Central Branch Repository, Cabriolets PAID FOR out at ion h nf. VOOL, HIDES, X3ELTS, TTiTC-laughed at bis perplexity. ; .R, 'Manager. Yell the lady that Elsie is A I N XjAKE OITY,B XT TAIL S TR E E T Knight Agt. GLASS, Managr jA.dES your dear little playmate. said 1 Piano and Organ Warerooms. e te Musical- RAIL WAY Oompimy. n AjL r Pianofprtes. - i' )epart- Instruments - . - Mo-on- o, O iy r g a n s - Istlin? D'-anc- gamf rr.odit s, petual T , KJ fst o sS Wm. T. JACK, Agent, Manti. ti sow "" U: omr lowry ,.2?l T" fa .. " tines. tip of wJ 9' Jt 2-0- 0 by S3S ca r a es r g l . Carriages cs BUGGIES - d, i MANTI, - - UTAH. |