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Show ar' Pullithfd at Uanti, San Pete County, Utah. A'D , ft : . - CONSIDER. The following comment which recently appeaiel in the Salt Lake Trihunt on the courp pur; lued bv S. Y Sears will doubt- tlesscau-him 4 to think that, after' all, even the votaries of e CONSOLIDATED FOR PUBLICATION . t American citizens. The persons, then, who seem 0 be so inouiinately anxious that the clamorous dcsir-of certain so cal ed journalists should supers la and displace justice and right, should think, seriously and wisely Lucre they strike the blow that will di recti tend to demolish' the foundation and ruirthe superstructure o: this grt it govtrnmei't. 'And such mea.ai 0. J. .II. whoie gLt against Mormonism .has cover d a period of twenty ears w ml cert duly find it to th ir hr it co Tltnii. No. The jury in the Orrick cas, renderedia. verdict of murder in the first degree. Counsel moved s STOP NOTES. SOUTHERN nothing of the right- - of v THE HOME SEHOTEL, for new trial J, ,s SUCCESSORS TO Reduction The Campbell Works at Milford, got up steam just long plough to burst its boiler. New onewill have to be put m. s II. Vx B.CLAWSON y. .Dealers in Hides, Wool,Furs, Skins, ' Felts, Etc, llinhtit yrice paid in Cath.- 17 & 10 V. South Tem Salt Lab-j pie street, 'Ctty.Branch House - at Nephi. j forcttle , i 4 Satr PE Hou-entr- -- eteahng, An; arrest was made at Milford this week. One by one, The Stuck Pioteci-i- e t SANDERS & CO W. 2U76 U. S. Land Office at City, U. T., Sept. 17th h Notice is hereby c;j. Uie following have filed no ice n.,iuj make final proof in their claims, and thereof and that eai.j wjll be nade befoe the p. r Judge (or ifi his tab Cour.ty Cierk)of tio Count Couh ip istle Dale; U. T' on October 3Jst, 1635, viz Tj Bmiih Tho.nton. II E I f 0 ' ulg, Ehnn-- r V-- ! The s- Association is getting the 01 inch on tlie range rjders . and cciV-R.- ; s t(f fonheb; loath v t h nor t.ue man who their pals t 7iE.J 1GU acres, j ?h! baaket an em, h itic unqualified the tohowin riames 34,4,12 Theie is not an available ultimate intere-- t insead f vm denial-i- f tin.? principles of h his. continuous t house or cabin unoccu laelling unidictiveiy and wantonly nia and cultivation , faith t i s upon If ed in the Reef at present. i , tlie suppo-e- d evils of the p : J. S, King. A fying viz tract, r t to him Sers QnatinUes l' .Wo gte'' improve, r ' The Saint-n El , ljattei-dato dispu.-.-ioHomer, an F. fa -- Credit or a such hi h in tives 0aw and ax will be fam liar mu We or i Eml ei ron$ ry Co.j U.T Cla.v atelv open their eyes to the vi tue ic here tnis Fall. ts inffauced id h p Thr Viz Barah- - - Ann F of the sjstem which they have Bun vt Bishop Soar t ; we beli-cl ssed dowi mill The 6i act u..der May Christy 9U. that hiri ict 'yesterday was gov bten wont to . mil see o i the 1st. inst and will remain t, E. No. GSUUfur the W.4 brued'.iri,hl- -' ac'l always are b i.' even the 'much maligned idle u itil the loth. While th re riE. i N Wrings , busmntw Tprirc pies.' However, Q 9t Califor.ua the in ore Celesutlieiont of r E. or is re, : 14, T. 1 s. R - his polygamy neiple ( and Wholesale impres-- i v solely Retail to keep the iGU acres; .aiid,rilia jiua. . Dil ah lut- - veF ' o use observaton laj.Matriige of the L.uteJ-- d iv and M.ig'iO stupes Groceries; Boots and Shoes: Hardware; Gnm Goods; Dry o tne mill mmugers fC running, - unl mv briwrong s following witnersu toph has not intrinsic feature-and Pistols; Etc. , n ad is me - lesideuce upi nuotiemit thought, Company wine i re designed to benefit utf If tt . . A side. I iw w t i un cO m pi i me n o a a y IlnvreinUtah to retrain from cr .8hinr u itil o .Itiv.uMi of said tract, C Hainan and Sturt-tlovaie Mr. e t n c e family hois tiie lury'pluw 'fganhhg iog engi donkey jo&epli B.iu.de.t, jbli astus A. Ande sun, ,nd J. K. Bn it hidlr Ui r,febOj q to ed fl issrige ra e. la t them c irefuily sea . fit put in pla e in t iC New S b wh Lea mines both oa.i 'll m uf ral tu condition of the world O.arievdle, 'Emery Co "ontH:n8t ooqfiniH tlie opini ; ' t e her. " Mi II. Master, Rr k j themselves whuethe iJJhiLST VRI 7i iAlD. ... thhli ,ua h ore ong held, that and Dir A bim.i.on8,-Attyntr kiul Mail Hay Attention out-idPaid . . . . elf will Orders to , to yf real find, 'ti,uekith.vn Rpecial the proper ,the jjtrhejf it S Ami kafih Rand Piadef, Atlas High Explosivi auiice fuk publIcIi; SUNDRY BIT. nits in tbt ca-- c and when hon-- 1 ace- p anee and practice of tin IA fl TIFT Pitt .. No. 203 wter Co um ia Bfcyile-- , Demorest Papei I Ari SO1 jtiment is IT 1 e exprese and principle of celestial marriage o girl's idea of a magui-tiAandOffiie at B.ntLakeCit; We y r S lima, an antid ite die g uze of hvpoeracy is ilis-- . thCLat ho i ui is the acted sa1 ciiap , . Dgd Sipteinbej: 23td,! ' No' ii fe is tio.i irilt 1, ev n tlloSe who affect to or a panace i that will uvV.tht jv t e sight of ..n given Main Street, Hieiety . Sal Lake City 31,4,14 he Fas 11)011. wotld and society from the bin fvj iuipervsouS to the divine e lolldvring named sett a rled notice of, his fcftemio h. hmv do you vri o t i of he religion oftheLat er- - f the social.evil and the perni nake final proof in Fiijjpo aI did Smith.'' 'Same clous effects of lascivious cohab t eir day Saint and who are prone to iis c.a.m and that 'said f ii-- at the po S. An they belie the sanctity of $mie f a ion vi.l he made befoie Pit. die tenets of their faith hive a It is time that the men of p.i cd.On. his ia Udge ,absente U Arr s h fore pleasure, much higher regard for the man Utah as well as the men of this Jmfn.y Clerk of Emery Cot ,Frc man s.u,l who uarried a who stand i true to hs conviction - g eat nation :.s erted themselves T., at thc County t. v.r-o- n rousc at Cttstle Drill, di T, thj nosil bid gi l Lake pity, is st 11 headquart Salt t ie leal merils of my ' dian for him who, Arnold like. to tinder-ta- n or her money. 'JiUfday, NJ)vember7, 1885, i nd which m mace the yitdds to temptation and barters thi ' E. No. I II. d.nes H the iB Lrs her When 11 II a fiver to ID !h 3 Q girl n principle, manhood, and honor peace of th s Tenitory, and or tiie Lot 3, it S 4 N W her pa he eels th it it is harder for pernicious gain arid worldly when this is do ie rind an anil 8 E f N E f Sec 4, Tp impart- to The very lowest rate3 given to echo d officers thrqughnu ques j. n the p p than it is to ial verdict ha- R 8 E. lie ndhies the foil, e prestige. S, rendcreJ, southern Utah on Mips,' Applgrons Primary Reading the ques l n. It is P wise dispensation of the thie fiienls df Lbe ty amt pop witnesses to prove his ' ng sizes all and ices, B.ackOoird Cloth, Slating, be-- t am Editors Is it nuous th it residence upon, and e no' Providence that man is so con- right well gladly 1 in sold use, by the jnrd, Call an Cl iss Bells, Np'mera accep' thi iss- who are so fimillar w th the cheapest aiion o ,said land, viz : Jdm stituted that lib instinctively ue, for they a're $ ir thm their Iframes, School Rneor Is, 'Map Poin'iers, Independent Readers an paste-po- t sho Id o ofen get etiiron, Aiels iYielson, L spel ers, Rays Arithmle ics, Ap detonp Geographies, Schoo places invincibility and honest, carise will lose no' bin by Comtuck on pa-t- e diamonds1!' be-son, and ifon C, Seely, al! D pks, the and cheape-- t in the country. Send for net whole purpose among the cardinal, prc parison,' and the nmat acute erit Dnle, Emery CouiuyA astie In Kvnseliatka thi average sale price list. Also keeps on han a full stock of B ank Book Eminent virtues of his race. Long icism .or II.' McM ster, Regisi . in and Fam searching Stationery, "spgition annual me i ue is onlv$l. The ly Bibles. Webster's Dictionaries, etc., et fe Simmons Attys. 'ago, in thof infant republic of win neVer affect the priueiple-o- f beaux then ' ynr however, do not DWYERS BOOK PIONEER STORE; r recto -- the sonfi of Sprirta wen truth. is chriper. a. h cjufi, complain, i. E B v he, ' 7C Main Street, taught at the mother's knee and .Frrst. ake ah 0ity, j Because i young dude Is b gait it the family hearthstone that a ranovo (T fiUNDE dudele , ihd .s no rea-o- n of the S.U Recently for repoitbis ROVONP 0 UN DRV hi main ennnee of that which they i believe Hamlet was a Herald visited the principal pheople 'S knwe to be right and an ysicians of that city for the young picked hind quarter of MACHINE, COMPANY, condnuity werh the hog. c of views their of Stea?' 4 Manufacturers, uirpo-obtaining pihiie upon which their niirii-hoo- d on t .ri inuch mooted Tlie discovery that ice-cgini8, fumps. Boilersj feefe am questlbn as and their future gliJry wine firass and, Iron,., Castings, Car would have b en to whether diptheria is or is not is ' , to rest. more ings for $tore Fronts, Mill Win highly appreciated if had vis-teIron decn m ide known earlief ih the The chivilary and the grand cont:tgiou8. The physiciaifs oi k , for Jails, Bridge rTlmv-crRichards, Hamilton, and season. Buildings, Fencing and Sas principles ot knighthood of tlie i Latl Young. Dart,. Stah'lard. Weights, Machinery for Middle Ages taught and imEamilarity doesnt alway Saw, irist, Mining a id Mote Andersori, and - White,,, were breed contempt. For instance, ti pelled the same principle ; and unanimous n tKc dills put up to order' and if 0-- 0 that dpiniori there if! the girl and rilan-Tullbe who lacked courage, td p ired. ; i is both contagious and It may have that effect oil the " vindicate and niaintain the dipthetia 'B aa Works Coiner opa; infectious and that it be young tnan. a ltiay )th knbwn streets. of his order soon sank ,'iurnierly. arriedfrom one place to another firinciples 'iovig 'Iron fiufftg The old editor ought td make a lost all caste in 0, Box 23, P(royp(r- 'a society; and the countctiance of in the etothirg of persons who good sailor, for lie can managa a L. Si WnmritAf have lud but he sligtest contact boon, L.8ucce3-fu- l t with" a clipper, his fellow men. , knd is an adapt at ater ng over with the disease. f lS46. Eve constantly on hand a full stock of Geneial Merchan-- ) .Thus it is that the highest a One of the physicians gave bar. i dtse, consisting of of human nature the it as his opinion that the disease nncorrupte and besr sentiments jy ur series NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. It Cashmeres, of the mind ind helrt ha e in maybe generated' by fifth, and . V No. 2075 . that Geneva, New York, all ages and will till the end of etc. deep privy vaults pig pens Land Office a 8 It Labe Mohairs, i City, Utah, were a prolific source from, W. it T. Smith, Proprietors.i time causo men to love the truth, , September 12, 1S8. which the gems of this dread v. a 9: ,J Notice is hereby given that the to qheri h honesty of conviction Alpaca Lustres, of Fruit fft Humlrti diseas emanates. following named settler has filed, p q Hod, If need' te, like the great not ue of his intention to InaVe final uiuameii al Trees, Lose?, Ginghams, j of the hr(it8 liUltitc proof in aupppor of his claim, ami Master, and prototype sad that t roof will t.e made Oeioie A Michigan ctitor Goodhue LA. tsGcn. Western Af got yp mad Christian faith, to suffer persecuChiviots, Register and lieceiver at .Salt that he nearly chewed his tongue tiie SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. Lake Citv, oil Stiminy, OcioUer tion and finally death for their off because an ' scissor-grind-oil viz: Tiiomaa Ch'cks, Phnina-- ,' 24, 1SS5, if. 19,2,8 vindication. ; would stop, h front cf his Homestead Entry No 848) fnrihe S W N VV 4N 2 S W ri view of la wc wou d office every dav tirest. and Tickings, 8 V I 4.S.IV I 4,sec5, Fpias, 117E Say to thoso pr;)Ss yrboae ten lie I'ames the 1. llowii,g wiinHa-e- s Denims, to iia lOntli uoda reanienoe Buroaftd deinihcilitioi of evei t Never, play with luatehVs. ut prove CultivaliOQ Has Constantly Even' yf,-i.Lami, ,nd and sihecre . writer.-Bristling 4ew Arrivals of therpoat jd;vbut Bays a Young nieir in vk: B. , Bobert-- , E.' Wallin, F. Ducks, Selesia?8, Towlinga G Latter d Faints have been so lovfe will do well h cut tdiis out Kimball, and J Barnett all of 8alt Goode!--with Bargain) j , r md it somewheio wfiere Lake County, Utan. owPrioes crop-n- g NotSpasrr-odrable jias.e , wanton. and tmfeetr.uned to Shawls, Covers, Gloves It. MoMaStef, Kegister. the will strike it. light from every but Perpetual "m thtirwild caieer and ; --c Bird A Lowe Attys for --MShelf.--27 Appl. coidyiean the lives and i Ladies' .Dusters, Lawna Kd Neyea make a lash promise, uie.iomluv'' f. uuay of the st Cotton NOTICE and l6 CREDITORS, Carpet Yarns, Gloves, Chambray GinghamOr men worn their avarice and especially it you are young i Cart Wheel and Catch Estate of Jens P. Marker de. Breach, of promise mi ts are not tveuss ve, 7i ai would coi sign to only ce ised, Notice is hereby gtven Straw Hats. ; T by annoying lntff they ark the I prison and. in one sense, dis sometimes administrator New Arrival' at 1 undcrigned ot r" ? very cosh'. the estate of Jeus P. Marker dH. Hinder i Surdv the Kraye. ciyiii ceased, to the creditors f, nj a persons tanon of tlie nineteenth centivy lmiiig ilniiu tbe l A M.issachusftri iditor hR "aid deceased, to exhibitagaumt . tfieih win, 'and within the confines of thi just fallen hair to iienes-v- y the Within .vouchers, NotionlEtc., Etc. I(0,000, and four niooths after FELT BUOTHERP. tit first publics gre;.t '.American republic men now hopes to ke-i J paper tion of this to U.e ,r notice, said alive News DEPbi. Provo ?h"ouldxnot 'bo rcud the victims duhng the next Pres- administrator at his residence in Ahoifull Stott of GfasWare, Cutlery, 0i7aa a.W Dthk idential i Mantt CltySanjiete County.of a4, t iitempered( , erroneous Books, 8 atiohery, Magazines, impaign. patent Medicines P eter J i Marker 'riodicals and NewspapPJ3 0 pubiic.pjMuion; and tp.be dend Administrator of the estate of , i. , i kinds. Five per iwnt. Discount on all CasA the heap-pol- o of f IM) and on is more Jens P. Marker decesed. Jlth the ,uti.;o9t immunity .the AfUrall, souL puchas House The Best Supply Dated at Mauti city U ah i useful, to .this country than the 'mniorie8t man of a rights, f t Salt Lake City. ' North Pole. ' I8th, 1933, ri. . , i , W T 5 Wn. T, S!4 Frmieut Orders by mail solicited, v. AVk tot estate, j J. K. WODSKOW, Stsrclarn, "CENTRE STFR0V0, reeantatonand compromise ure .i r 1 witL-pro- ve "0 bus-,ne-- ('-Ir-. y rRi-ho- BARNES & DAYIS a.-s- ail -- 1 I -- , , v f rSfll . -- s i t, a-- i. PRODUCE of all Kinds Taken and, the C i e , - 1 llli c k er-da- ii BAYm, . ice-i'rea- 1 1 ( -- "Bu-iues- a.-t-n D hi iff . 1 qde-tio- ns 0 1 i rietei-feon- , 1 of-- i Cnart-Globe- s, m str.-ng- -- t .t 1 , fbe-crea- ni I-- 1 ana t- r- poi'-oi'oi- d, s, A- 1 PER ATIVsE C ice-crea- y IiIERCAIiTILE ;; IKSTITtSIOIl UP t i '' im-puls- - , i es Y.a-iur8eri- tjenevft 1 , ? , . . J . Ai-re- s . B ( f 0 er v- , -, 1- 4' 1 1 4 -- if Depari-fnen- , ai J -- . 1 u f - - J -- ft w e aid e nPtr-tyl.LivteCit- 1 1 - r - 1 s |